doodoodloo · 6 years
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Cosmic Couture II, 2018 // Freya Flavell at doodoodloo
Now there’s a canvas of cosmic colour carnage if ever you asked for one! Called down from the crescent of a waxing moon, it is a multitude of shamanic shapes signifying the spectral experience, with all expectations lost to an amalgam of enigmatic pattern pieces. 
It’s all the universe in one dress, it’s cosmic couture!
This special lady is available on my recently re opened online shop!
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the voyager - doodoodloo: Cleaning out my room today and finding... ❤ liked on Polyvore
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willywhacker · 10 years
Smell my ass tumblr-ites, this guy’s on his way to get his life back together
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eddiemag · 11 years
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Hey guys! So we interviewed Freya Flavell! If you don't know who she is, she is an artist (an amazing one at that!) and she has a shop on etsy if you'd want to pick up something for yourself, for someone else, or just to keep in your room as they are amazing! 
Find her tumblr here: doodoodloo and freyaloveschamomile
her store is here: etsy shop!
What kind of materials do you use for your art? 
I use a black, waterproof fineliner pen, watercolour paints, coloured pencils and coloured markers.
Do you keep a journal?
I keep a written journal which I use for nights when I can't sleep and I need to get thoughts on to paper, and a dream diary. Currently I don't keep an art journal, but I used to love having one!
What are your favourite books and movies?
I have a bit of a weird varied mix of 'favourites' but a couple of my favourite books have been To Kill A Mockingbird, The Amber Spyglass, Brave New World and The Slap. Some favourite movies are Galaxy Quest, Boy, Ten Things I Hate About You and The Breakfast Club.
Do you have any art inspirations?
My inspirations still come from my childhood when my mind was most spongy. Quentin Blake and Alison Lester, both children's book illustrators, are two great inspirations for me.
Where would you see yourself in 5 or 10 years time?
Five years time hopefully I will be successfully graduated and working as a graphic designer/illustrator in Melbourne or overseas, in ten years time I'd like to be thinking about babies and nice houses and veggie gardens, but still drawing of course!
Is there anything about you that most people don't know?
I get intimidated by girls who wear bowler hats.
If you were given a chance to work with any artist dead/alive, who would it be and why?
Can I include fashion designers? If I can I would choose Hussein Chalayan. He looks a bit scary but I think it would be so cool be part of one of his very amazing collections because of the futuristic and sculptural nature of the clothes!
When did you start doing art and how did you find the inspiration to do such amazing art?
I have been drawing since I was a kid and it was always one of my favourite hobbies. There was never a point where I started doing it more than I had done previously, and so my style just kind of develops slowly as I keep working. I've always found inspiration through new experiences and through nature. Even though at the moment I basically just draw clothes, my inspiration to express myself comes from places outside of fashion and I keep my eyes open wherever I go.
Do you have any tips for the people who also want to start doing art? 
Buy an art journal with paper that isn't too precious and use a variety of materials to start out. That way you can experiment freely without worrying about wasting paper or feeling restricted. When you draw I find it best not to think of other people's work, otherwise you start to judge your own, so just let the first thing that comes to mind come out onto paper. Even if it's not perfect just keep working at it until you've reached a level or found a style that you're comfortable with. To me there is never a time when you 'get there' and arrive at your style. It's ever evolving, and that's what is exciting about it and why I continue to draw.
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freyaloveschamomile · 11 years
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My hair looks brown but it ain't brown and also I betcha didn't know I have a monobrow!
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saturnise · 11 years
today i had school and then when i got home i did some homework and dawdled and made a banana smoothie and drew and purchased a magnificent drawing from freya, which i just cannot wait to arrive. I already have a beautiful custom made picture from her for my mums birthday and I just adored it so much I wanted more. 
I've had an excellent few days. 
One thing I'm not happy about though is my exercise routine, which was kind of delayed since Music camp over the weekend, and now my running buddy is sick so im too scared to go in the mornings, instead i've been walking as much as possible and tying to keep up. I should be runnign again next week. All in training for the colour run, which my mum has signed me up for! yippee!
Anyway thats just a quick update on my life, but yeah, have a nice day <3 
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doodoodloo · 6 years
sometimes in the evenings i like to read back on my blog and observe the changing nature of my personality since beginning here. my ways of expressing seem to have become more heavy and measured but not necessarily more serious, perhaps just slightly less energetic? like an old tired goat that has sat down for a nap and mumbles goat noises under its breath before resting its wizened beard on a bed of grass. from visiting my archives, i am most struck by how far i carried my feelings and memories from childhood and my teenage years with me into my early adulthood. it was such a comfortable and smooth transition that i never felt the need to reject or let go of those times, and i seemed to reference them so often in past writings. highschool, boyfriends, hometown, kid times. at some point in the last couple years i crossed a threshold into a new way of being and it now all feels hazy and swooshy, and the emotions i have carried through from my young years are still loaded and ripe and whole, but dusky, and experienced from a distance, a new kind of vantage point. as per usual, i find these discoveries and changes to be so delicious and fun! i love the way life stories evolve so erratically, and linearity dissolves amongst the multitude of dimensions that are occurring at all times, our lives growing unevenly in different areas like a groovy organic carrot. uh bite that crunch! what a delight. i think because i lived overseas and also moved interstate after returning, i had to break off a leg of my comfort carrot and dip it in the spicy hommus of newness. that way, i stepped away from a lot of the potent memories of my hometown and melbourne, and return to them now with a comfortable and matured nostalgia. i’m so thankful that i had such a strong foundation in my early youth, and carried it so far with me. the tendrils of those years will never really be broken, and in that way i know i will always carry my happy youthfulness with me, and it will ring like a gentle brass bell around my neck, even when i feel like an ancient goat clambering up the exposed cliffs of adulthood and old age. gratitude also to myself for this written self observation upon which i can often visit and reflect in this space, and to my friends that read it ~ thanks
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mutabalis · 11 years
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Watermelon Plate by Kimi Legler
Freya Flavell should totally do her illustrations on plates and crockery and stuff! 
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Inspired by Freya Flavell | Ben Wells
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subsum · 11 years
Does anyone else obsess over Freya Flavell!?
She is definitely my favorite tumblr artist, her drawings are so beautiful. I would give anything to draw like her! I've decided when Christmas comes around I'm going to ask for a print because I don't think my parents will buy me one unless it was a special occasion. I literally will just scroll through her blog and look at her drawings! They are so wonderful. I seriously think I'm going to just start a fan club for her!!
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travelbinge · 11 years
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Pineapples! by Freya Flavell
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fabqab · 11 years
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miiine(: xx
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doodoodloo · 7 years
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VI. Tapestry of Pizzaz 2017
Pen, pencil, watercolour paint, texta
Perennial Princesses by Freya Flavell at The Corner Store Merchants
In her life she’s had a patchwork of experiences, stitched together as one colourful story. From her crowning to her crossing, she will stitch an elegant tapestry held together by the threads of work and play! She likes her tapestry so much that she now wears it proudly as a dress, with added ruffles and sleeves, because what’s life without some extra pizzaz?
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doodoodloo · 7 years
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I. Bilum Baggage 2017
Pen, pencil, watercolour paint, texta
Perennial Princesses by Freya Flavell at The Corner Store Merchants
She doesn’t carry around much baggage. But the baggage she is yet to process is kept in her favourite bilum bag. In it she has a small purse of guilt, a waterbottle of worries, one trauma tampon and some fearmint chewing gum. Soon the coins will be spent, the worries drunk, the tampon disposed of and the chewy stuck under a chair, so she’s not too bothered!
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doodoodloo · 7 years
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hi tumblr ~ i miss you!
lately i have been passing on through many activities and moods, surfing more waves of salty life choices and sitting in modes of deep reflection and then detached periods of casual life-living. these last couple months i have pushed my boundaries of adaptability and confronted my anxiety over spontaneous change, and also let go of expectations or daydreams about the future. i feel extremely free, but also completely lost, but oddly complacent about being lost, like I’m hanging out on a blow up dingy in the middle of the pacific ocean and kind of enjoying it! no desire to purposely direct myself anywhere. when i fully let myself dissect this weird, current state of being i realise there is much guilt that comes with it, mostly from my assumptions of other peoples expectations of me. i often get the impression that people think i am wasting my time, or talent, or potential for an outcome that is a manifestation of what they perceive an ultimate end goal to be. i dunno. then there is another layer of guilt that has more merit since it’s a disappointment i find in myself for not having enough motivation or energy to harness what potential i know i do have. it feels more like a duty / like i am not fulfilling my duty, or the job description of my life until death. it’s a quiet knowledge that i inherited a responsibility to do something useful and selfless for the world. but i don’t really know what that is. sometimes i believe that just the fact that i am happy means that i have fulfilled my duty of being born. i really just look around me and love everything, and remember that all my anger, sadness and hate arises from a place of love. i am angry about the  destruction of our natural world because i love it, i’m sad about the oppressive structures of societies because i love people etc. i suppose i can hang out in my dingy for a while knowing that at least i’ve come this far, but i guess sometime soon i’ll have to dive in and swim my best breaststroke towards a more tactile expression of my love. til then!
xoxo freya girl
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