alicequinnart · 3 years
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Talking Business. Song by @Dessa Sometime I decide to spend my weekend making a movie poster for a murder ballad with no verbs. I'm a big fan of Dessa and recently saw her live again. I liked the song "Talking Business'' before but seeing it live was honestly amazing. If you haven’t heard it, go listen to it! It triggered a great desire to make a movie poster for it inspired by 1940s noir movies. Is it 100% 1940s? No, but I think it is a good midpoint between that and my normal style. Also it was just fun to do a poster design, I haven't done this sort of composition in years. I just wish I could have fit the flying French press in there somewhere. I tried, I really tried. If you like this, could you give me a follow on Instagram as well? https://www.instagram.com/alicequinn.art/
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