chiimi-png 8 months
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100 Days of Productivity [51/100]
Decided to start by checking the set of notes they gave us on a poem we read weeks ago and underlining the thing I didn鈥檛 notice or didn鈥檛 note when I did my original read through, it helps me get a better understanding of the piece I read as well as giving me a new point of view. Then I looked for some info on Peruvian cuisine for my thesis but proceeded to get so hungry and ended up just doing my marketing course
馃帶 song of the day: Unknown / Nth - Hozier
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chiimi-png 8 months
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100 Days of Productivity [65/100]
Happy All Hallows Eve! Decided to change my Critical Reading final assignment topic, luckily I hadn't done much of it so it's not that tragic. Gonna read a Katherine Mansfield short story and analyse a passage so I'm very excited. Then decided to do some of the additional reading for the week. All of this was done while watching some horror movies to keep me company.
馃帶 song of the day: Hunter's Moon - Ghost
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chiimi-png 7 months
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100 Days of Productivity [75-77/100]
Friday was a bit of a weird day, I had to do a lot of house chores and had very little time to do work. Went grocery shopping in the morning for my parents and then had to go look for some things to the mall for the house. Then at night I continued reading Dracula. Yesterday I decided to finally finish my assignment and then I helped my best friend with some drawing for her thesis and went to eat dinner with my brother. Today I tried to finish with my friend鈥檚 drawing and watched some movies, later I tried to put a dent on my book to wind down a bit
馃帶 song of the day: Karma - Taylor Swift
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chiimi-png 10 months
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100 Days of Productivity [8/100]
Decided to work on some drafting on AutoCAD today, as well as catching up with some note taking for one of my courses.
馃帶 song of the day: Smooth Operator - Sade
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chiimi-png 8 months
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100 Days of Productivity [57/100]
Had an amazing time at the concert and woke up really late so I decided to take it easy for the day since I was feeling a bit under the weather today. Tried to do some note taking while in bed for my courses and managed to still tick off most things on my to-do list.
馃帶 song of the day: Instant Crush (feat. Julian Casablancas) - Daft Punk
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chiimi-png 10 months
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100 Days of Productivity [7/100]
Stayed home but tried to work a little bit on some note taking for my course and started planning my day for tomorrow. Been thinking about picking up french again since I haven't studied it since junior year of high school but I'm not 100% sure if I will or not
馃帶 song of the day: (didn't listen to music all day so let's pretend it's podcast of the day today) Chilluminati Podcast - Eps. 216 & 217: H.H Holmes
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chiimi-png 9 months
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100 Days of Productivity [23/100]
Ended up having a horrible migraine last night so I ended up going to a cafe to work in the morning to work a bit on some reading and note taking for my Critical Reading class. In the afternoon I decided that I wanted to work on my Intro to Literary Theory lectures since that's what I couldn't work on last night.
馃帶 podcast of the day: The Unexplained Tragedy of Dyatlov Pass - The Lore Lodge (on youtube)
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chiimi-png 10 months
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100 Days of Productivity [12/100]
Started some preparatory reading for my Critical Reading class at Oxford that starts next week and also time blocked my planner for next week. I have been debating on buying a 6-ring binder with some daily diary refills and dotted paper as next year's planner but I'm having some trouble deciding since the regular one I use doesn't have a timeline on the daily spreads and I'm getting tired of drawing it every day
馃帶 song of the day: Wildest Dreams - Taylor Swift
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chiimi-png 7 months
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100 Days of Productivity [82/100]
My InDesign crashed and deleted my portfolio text so off to rewrite it again I go 馃檭. After that I decided to finish my week 1 lectures for the first module of the Creative Writing course I started this week. Lastly decided to continue reading ACOTAR until I felt sleepy
馃帶 song of the day: Ritual - Ghost
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chiimi-png 7 months
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100 Days of Productivity [79/100]
Slow day for academics but decided to plan my week. This is my last week of my critical reading course and it鈥檚 really bittersweet, on one hand I really enjoyed the contents of the course and it rekindled my love for literature (making me consider dropping out and getting into an english literature and language program abroad) but on the other I will have a lot of spare time on my hands now that I'm done with most of my courses.
On that note, I might start a new Creative Writing course on coursera to fill my day a little so stay tuned for that. Then I decided to do some reading.
馃帶 song of the day: Northern Attitude (with Hozier) - Noah Kahan
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chiimi-png 10 months
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100 Days of Productivity [11/100]
Went to get some bubble tea with a friend after she was done with uni classes. Decided to work on some note taking for my Intro to Theory of Literature and some reading for my thesis.
馃帶 song of the day: WHERE SHE GOES - Bad Bunny
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chiimi-png 8 months
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100 Days of Productivity [72/100]
Good news is I鈥檓 already over 600 words into the essay (holy shit I forgot how hard it was to start an essay I legit spent 30 minutes staring at the empty word) bad news is I don鈥檛 want this course to end 馃槱 I legit haven鈥檛 had this much fun and interest in academic work since I took IB English like damn I might cry after I hand it in
Later I decided to tackle some Marketing lectures since I did get a bit behind.
馃帶 pod of the day: Ep. 224 The Bridgewater Triangle - Chilluminati Podcast
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chiimi-png 8 months
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100 Days of Productivity [64/100]
And thus spooky season is almost over :( I can't lie October went by too fast for my liking but it was fine.
Today I mostly focused on coursework for my marketing course and on making the weekly spread I forgot to do. Also every time I write "In the beginning..." my mind starts playing the "In the beningin" audio on loop.
馃帶 song of the day: Te Mata - Kali Uchis
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chiimi-png 8 months
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100 Days of Productivity [48/100]
Did some more of the additional reading and some prep for next week for one of my courses. Also decided to start putting the main tasks I want to tackle next week on my planner. St night I decided to watch 1408 while I finished some notes on the poems we鈥檙e analysing next week
馃帶 song of the day: Skinny Love - Bon Iver
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chiimi-png 7 months
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95 Days of Productivity [95/95]
Well I made it! (if you don't count the 5 days I decided to not do because I would've failed the challenge) Today I helped my mum with her christmas village and then decided to do the last lecture for this week of my creative writing course, and lastly I decided to continue reading Kingdom of the Wicked. I will probably continue posting here but not as often and also keep reblogging posts I like but I won't be as active for a while
Lets do a proper wrap up of this past 95 days:
What I learned:
I WILL burnout faster if I time block/it only works when I need to get something done in a time crunch
I need to do more detailed to-do lists in order to get everything done throughout the day
I really missed doing literary analysis and studies
I don't really miss doing architecture-related work
I find it easier to start working at 9:30am and finish by 10pm than starting later and pull all nighters
Sharing a bit of my days with you lot helped me keep track and commit to this even when I felt slightly blue
My mood throughout this whole thing:
I was proud to actually go through with it and even prouder when I reached the halfway point (I usually gave up by day 10 back in the day)
There were days were I felt under the weather mentally but doing this kind of helped me not spiral
Helped me get to know myself a bit better, considering I don't miss my major much even though it's my profession made me realise I don't really like it anymore or as much as I once did
馃帶 song of the day: Thnks fr th Mmrs - Fall Out Boy
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chiimi-png 7 months
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95 Days of Productivity [93/95]
I might do 95 dop instead of 100 lol, Im kind of tired but in a good way (?) also its my birthday on Saturday so I probably won鈥檛 be doing anything.
Anyways, today I spent the morning doing laundry and getting new bedsheets since mine decided to rip in half out of nowhere. Then I went to have bubble tea with my best friend and then decided to work on my online portfolio since it feels outdated. Lastly I spent most of the night reading and drinking tea
馃帶 song of the day: All My Love - Noah Kahan
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