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tinypawsllc · 1 year
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sludgeguzzler · 11 months
learned how to make onigiri and ong its so fucking good MAN its so delicious
#im making noodle & tuna ones rn ((ive eaten some on friday yesterday and today too ot was like 1kg of sticky rice in 3 days))#((but granted i shared some with friends too so idk!))#as proximas tags sao dedicadas aos de verdade#se vcs quiserem fazer onigiri eu tenho tipo. algumas dicas e conselhos aq pra comprar as paradas#(levamdo em consideração que eu moro em capital ent tem loja especifica pra essas coisas e os preços são mais caros)#o arroz oriental da qualita que eu comprei em um supermercado normal naql pedaço que tem algumas coisinhas diferentes foi beeeem mais barato#doq o que eu comprei num mercado oriental mais especifico (a diferença foi de tipo. 13 reais pra um kg de arroz)#(o da qualita tava uns R$10.32 pra um kg q não é mto insano pra um arroz diferente!!)#o nori eu so achei no mercado especifico mas eu comi um sem a alga e ainda é bem gostoso#(faz uma diferença um pouco grande ent se isso te incomoda se pa é melhor vc procurar uma receita que nao precise necessariamente do nori#(tipo o bibimbap coreano que é bem parecido cm um poke. vale a pena pesquisar e vc ainda pode usar o atum enlatado nele !!)#pro recheio eu fiz alguns de kimchi que a minha irma comprou ((e nao comeu.....)) mas comparados aos de atum cm maionese eu n achei mto bom#o recheio eu fiz cm atum enlatado ao natural cm maionese helmans#nao importa muito qual maionese vc usa eu acho e o atum pode ser oq vc gosta ou tem em casa msm#eu tive q comprar pq a minha mãe n come carne sbdbajsb#ent onigiri é realmente um bolinho de arroz asiatico com um recheio de atum cm maionese#eu nao sei como seria a situação wm uma cidade menor ou mais pro inteiror (lembrando eu moro em capital e sou meio burguês) mas#se vc quiser mto fazer ir atras do arroz nos mercados e tal vale a pena#lembrando tb que eu nao sou nem asiatico nem descendente de asiatico eu so fiz a minha pesquisa e adaptei um pouco a#receita pra nao gastar 100 reais em bolinhos#é isso gente 😁 desculpa se eu fui meio cego a situação fora de capital eu genuinamente tentei nao ser babaca (se eu fui pode me falar)#bjos bjos adeus#talk
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charetchi · 10 months
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marie the babysitter woo woo
quincy, daughter of quincy belongs to u/Disoriented-250 :)
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blakyoo · 11 months
No need to confess, I fucking hate the taste of beer LMAO
YOURE SO REAL like why the fuck would i wanna drink pure grain when i can either get drunk faster w other drinks or just have smth tasty
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specevo-remade · 1 year
hello im halcyon & i draw furries ^ᴥ^
toyhouse 𓃦 artfight 𓃥 flight rising
dont use my art for anything & dont tag my oc art as other characters/people
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suprrstaar · 6 months
eu pedi permissão pra falar de invasor zim pra uma garota da escola. nao calei mais a boca, fui embora falando desse bixo escroto verde e nerd fudido maluco MDS EU ESQUECI DE FALAR DO GIR PRA ELA TO MT MAL
Sabe, fico preocupado que eu possa ser chato com as coisas que eu gosto pq eu sempre quero falar da mesma coisa sempre que me dá na telha. E também pq eu era INSUPORTÁVEL com meus vícios quando eu era mais novo. Literalmente não calava a boca e ficava empurrando a pessoa pra acompanhar o que eu gostava no momento só pra gostarem junto cmg e eu poder conversar sobre isso- acontece q nessa época meus amgs se afastaram de mim pq eu ficava obcecado com isso KKSJJDKDJDJSJ e aí eu calei a boca. Me dei conta que chegava a ser intolerável e parei, fico constrangido de acabar falando demais sobre o que eu gosto e aí me limito. Mas sério, qualquer oportunidade de falar sobre Invasor Zim pras pessoas q n conhecem, não vou perder nenhuma.
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youkidding-me · 2 years
Povo brasileiro!
Em verdadeiro espirito de boca de urna, trago para vocês meus cartõezinhos vote Abaporu
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Quem é mais sexy? Quem é mais atraente? Nosso herói nacional é e sempre foi sensação por um motivo; um homem como esse, sem medo de ser quem é, sem medo de ficar nú por quase um século, sem medo de incel que não sabe nada de arte e quer dar sua opinião mesmo assim.
Vote consciente! Vote Abaporu!
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adaptingwatchmaker · 1 year
me DÓI como a maioria das pessoas entende gênero pq eu queria (em certos momentos) ser chamado de "ela" mas não queria que isso mudasse a validez da minha identidade para outras pessoas. eu sou ela da mesma forma que um homem gay cis é ela, da mesma forma que se conversa com uma amiga, da mesma forma que se trata mulheres que vo gostaria que fossem amigas. é complexo, muitas nuances, nem eu entendo direito, o terreno é árduo demais: o inverno russo do meu próprio homem individual. de forma infernal enfrentando inimigos amaldiçoados. homem de segunda classe. pseudohomem. sem o principau? quasihomem. neverhomem. homem無. não, só homem mesmo. sim, eu vou querer minha via.
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aurora-light-blog · 1 year
The Private Life of Emperor Lo Doq and Empress Bathi Ma Lo
by Shella Longclaw
“They fell in love at first sight,” according to the scribes. The scholars believe that Lady Bathi Ma saw him as puppet to rule the empire with. The priests asserted the other princes rejected her as consort, while Prince Lo Doq kindly accepted her. Regardless of how it started out, the emperor and empress had a loving relationship as shown by the records.
Lo Doq was one of eight princes and not highly esteemed by his father the emperor. He wasn’t intelligent, gifted in music or art, nor could he wield a weapon. The Master of the Household mentioned that prince couldn’t bear to see anyone cry or in pain. It upset him greatly. The rumor at the time was that the emperor looked down upon his son, openly called him a lackwit, and ill-treated him with the intent of killing him. At age fourteen, Prince Lo Doq was confined to a pavilion with no servants attending to him and barely any food.
Despite this, Lady Bathi Ma chose to marry him and remained by his side during harsh conditions. His life wouldn’t improve until five royal princes died. At this time, he would marry his second wife, Lady Guri Le, the general of Jinqi’s daughter. He would marry a concubine from Tiqui. This was a highly controversial marriage. It would be like a Targaryen prince marrying landed knight’s daughter or a very rich merchant’s daughter. Like Westeros, heirs didn���t marry anyone without noble blood. His last bride from Carcosa would come after his ascension to the throne. He had four wives and nine children. It would be Empress Bathi Ma Lo who he would favor the most. They had five children together.
I should explain that he had nine official children. He and his empress adopted a daughter, Adopted Princess Shani, and Royal Consort Guri Le adopted a daughter too after giving birth to two sons. Though the adopted daughter of Consort Guri Le wasn’t legally the emperor, it’s said that he showed her love too. Emperor Lo Doq was considered a good father to all his children and adored them.
He especially loved his eldest daughter Kendi and wanted her to remain in the palace. Empress Bathi often argued with her husband about arranging his daughter’s marriage. Her younger brother had already married, yet at age nineteen Princess Kendi hadn’t been betrothal. The emperor refused all noble matches for her hand. Her marriage would be unique. She married a peasant soldier with the emperor’s blessing. The young man would be given a position of captain of the north palace guards. They would live in the palace.
Empress Bathi fretted that this would cause dissent among the nobility. However, the whole affair was viewed as a great romance and a wonderful story. The tale of Princess Kendi and her peasant lover became the story for well loved crane dances. The empress wished for her children to have politic supportive marriages, though the emperor only desired happy marriages. She endeavored hard to work within this restriction imposed by the emperor.
The empress often sought to serve in harmony and in support of her husband. Understanding her husband’s kind heart, she protected him from crafty men who would use this to their advantage. The emperor would give a mild reprimand as she would issue harsh sentences. The most ruthless sentence was given to her youngest son. He had insulted his father, so she ordered him to be beat a hundred times. Once the emperor heard of this, he promptly put a stop to it. This incident made the royal court fearful of the empress. If she could do this to her own son, they didn’t wish to imagine what she would do a stranger who vexed her.
They may have argued and disagreed. Still, according to the captain of the royal guards at the time, Emperor Lo Doq’s bed was the empress’ bed. He may have had relations with a wife or consort one night, yet he would go to his empress’ bed an hour or two later. The emperor and empress had pet junglefowls hen and rooster.
I disagree that the empress viewed the emperor as a tool for power. Records stated that she recommended not her own son, but Royal Consort Guri Le’s son as heir to the throne. After the emperor’s death, she never remarried and departed from the palace to a quiet life near the Five Forts. Emperor Lo Yas praised both the emperor and the empress.
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keeholover · 11 months
eu dando a louca essas horas e apagando todos os meus posts
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cagethemunson · 2 years
860 na redação eu vou me matar
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notthishere · 1 year
Eu não achei que eu ia ver o dia que Felps, Cellbit e Tazer craft fossem jogar minecraft juntos de novo
Mas cá estamos nós
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nyxsch · 7 days
meu trabalho liberou os funcionários hj por causa das "condições climáticas adversas", gostei de nn ter q trabalhar, vou poder ver o mundo acabando no conforto da minha casa
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sahsahhh · 7 days
vsf eu odeio a minha turma como q esses pau no cu fazem um paredão a tarde e não avisam porra nenhuma no grupo???
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susie-dreemurr · 7 months
Eu tava tendo vida social esse dia todo então tava fora do tumblr. Honestamente eu quase nunca posto mais minecraft será que eu devia mudar meu título de blog
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