Okay I listened to one (1) of doq’s covers (it was Lost Kitten by Metric) and then got recommended another and… holy shit I love these
I am now the 602nd subscriber to the channel
If doq ever does Close Your Eyes I think I might die of happiness because it’s an amazing song and it sounds like it would be a good fit
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pencil-amateur · 11 months
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doqmeet for @doqmeet-draws!
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spookysnepreal · 2 years
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^^^ LOOK!!!
Art done by doqmeet on twitter!!! https://twitter.com/Doqmeet
Icon by https://twitter.com/KourouRenard
I stream sometimes at https://www.twitch.tv/spookysnep
My Mastodon (clicking this one makes the twitter man upset, and has furry men without clothes, behind proper content warnings or I don't boost them): https://meow.social/@SpookySnep
my pronouns are they/them!!
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I totally didn't forget to link my stream! vvv
Also please look at this post that makes me giggle
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spookysnepstreamcat · 2 years
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^^^ LOOK!!!
Art done by doqmeet on twitter!!! https://twitter.com/Doqmeet
Icon by https://twitter.com/KourouRenard
I stream sometimes at https://www.twitch.tv/spookysnep
my pronouns are they/them!!
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Also please look at this post that makes me giggle
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redwishy · 2 years
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Lets kick things off with the latest masterpiece I commissioned of Yvette. A cute little sketch page by doqmeet over on twitter!
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wingedarrows · 6 years
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Another counter attack for @doqmeet-draws! The red one is Rat and the blue one is Babs.
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osseincactus · 6 years
whats some stuff that lynn and boone have in common? if they have anything at all??
Hmm.. well most things about them are different, but they do have a couple similarities. They’re both sorta ncr, they at least have ties to it. (They “met” before Lynn got shot, but never really interacted much beyond saying hi when they walked past each other) I have a feeling they both like kids… I mean they have one so I’d hope they’d like kids pfftThey’re also both 26, and very angry so there’s that..
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slorppy · 6 years
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for a trade with @doqmeet
wanted to do something spring-y since its that season yo
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galgorithm2 · 6 years
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carmen meets @doqmeet !
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goatpaste · 7 years
#4-14 for goat 1 !!!
oough here i goooo
4) Give us a summary of their backstory.
 (ooughhh im gonna actually go long on this because yeaaah)
they grew up just outside of Arizona in a large desert ranch with his parents and relatives. he loved to roam around the wild wasteland and catch baby geckos and help tend to the bighorners. 
when he got older he took up a job with a mail company who was lookin for couriers and he did the job fairly well. he got work done and blended into the business until the one job that changed his day to day life
during his delivery was chased down and shot by benny. the process of the chase he fell off a cliff into the town of goodsprings tearing the right side of his face on the way down. then he was dragged out to the grave sight where he was shot and buried.
he was brought back by the doctor of goodsprings, and with the memory of what had happened he fell into a depressive state and left town. he traveled for a month with no goal until he ended up into the powder gangers campsite. living there as a member of the gang. he died his hair and rehabilitated himself with weapons as his vision and hearing had been ruined on the right side of his face. he was a changed man, very quiet and stoic.
when the NCR attacked the campsite leaving Goat without a home he finally lifted himself out of his self deprecating hole long enough to deiced to hunt down benny and get revenge. 
he found benny and had him crucified with the legion (Goat had no connect with the legion let alone knew their deal beyond the fact that they offered a terrible fate for benny) 
after this he found himself wandering the waste without a goal once again. the vegas strip asked for his help, he spent time with the kings and tried talking to other factions but found the weight of the responsibilities he had been handed far too much for himself to handle and ran away.
he found himself on big mountain with the think tank and.. made a home there? he found himself to like the life there and wanted not to go back and have to take responsibility for potentially ruining people’s lives.
he constantly thinks about when he left behind and doesnt how their fairing without him and terribly fears that his decision to do nothing hurt more than it did to do anything.
5) What’s their full name and does it have a meaning? Do they have any nicknames and how did they get em?
they had a normal name before getting a job in the courier business before changing it to Goat officially for both privacy and fitting to their job in the wasteland. also its a trans thing lol
he wont tell anyone his original name but if you dig into it you can find papers he signed when joining the mail corp with the name Gindel Hunther. but he claims its just a name he used to sign papers before changing his name
6) What’s their sexual, romantic, and gender orientation? Do they feel comfortable telling other people?
Goat is bi.. ish. they prefer men but like women to sometimes. he is trans and identifies as a man. and their plenty comfortable with their identity and will get in your face if you make a fuss about it. 
he is interested in people but also like comes off as angry and intimidating a lot so most people dont either like him or are very nervous around him. so the closest to a relationship he has is flings with people and his stealth suit mk ii who hes close and like to talk to 
7) Do they have any mental illnesses? How do they cope?
oh absolutely, big time he has ptsd (along with other things) and usually ends up just tinkering with weapons and electronics to fix them. if that doesnt work then he’ll go outside and take a walk around big mt or just lay down in the dirt
8) Do they have any medical conditions? Is medicine/ treatment available for them?
not really, beyond their mental illness they dont have any physical illness. the most they have is scars and bad hearing in the right side. oh also has spine troubles (at least until they arrive to big mountain and no longer had to worry about his spine lol)
9) How much do they care about their outer appearance? What’s their “beauty routine”? How often do they shower/ bathe?
they used to be pretty into it, they would want to look good as a mailman as he was the face of the deliveries and was very friendly and looked sharp. they keep a very tidy appearance. 
then the incident with Benny half his face was left disfigured and he kinda just gave up? he wandered into the waste and joined the powder gangers for a few months before coming out of a depressive state. he made it his quest to get revenge on benny by any means possible. his got covered in scars and blemishes from both gang life and finding benny.
he showers and brushes his hair but as for how his body looks he just doesnt care
10) What do they fear the most?
being a failure. letting people down. he knew the people of the strip wanted his help but he ran away from it all and hides away in big mountain. but he doesnt want to go back, he scared of messing up and ruining new vegas and  doesnt know who should be in control. 
11) They’re biggest flaw? Do they recognize it as a flaw?
their biggest flaw is their kinda selfish. they do most things for themselfs. their not out to put others down just to get better in life. but if he is given big responsibilities he cant fix with a fight then he runs away.
12) What are they most insecure about?
their lazy eye and bad hearing, they dont care about the scars or the boobs or the lackof eyebrows. but their off putting eye and the fact that they have a hard time hearing people when they try to ask him stuff or talk to him tends to make people think he doesnt like them or doesn't care enough to listen and is generally just rude. but he’s just havin a hard time and feels self caution about how these things make people perseve things about him.
he still has the part of him who wants to get along with others.
13) What Wasteland threat do they fear the most? (ex. Deathclaws, super mutants, raiders)
he really likes animals so as tough as deathclaws are he respects the creature and stays his distances and watches from afar. but he does have a fear for mantis. he gets the jitters around big the incests all together.
also heights, cliffs and mountains tend to freak him out
14) What’s their zodiac sign or which one do you think they relate to the most? What are their placements (if you know them)? (ex. Aries sun, Taurus moon, Aquarius Venus)
goat’s birthday is January 21st so he’s an aquarius 
and i dont know a damn thing about the zodiacs beyond this lol
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An amazing cover of Lost Kitten I found on the tube. Also has cute artwork of the cover artist’s OCs to go with! I don’t like the original song that much but this? This is an entire MOOD for me, holy shit.
I’m just sad it’s not on iTunes, I can’t add it to my playlists.
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jsup · 7 years
Heirophant and hermit!!!
The Heirophant: Do you believe in ghosts? 
1000000000% absofuckinglutely
the Hermit: Whats your favorite soda pop?
COKe or dr. pepper
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doq-meet · 8 years
y r u gay 4 mi
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wingedarrows · 6 years
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Attack and revenge on @doqmeet-draws (won’t let me mention your normal blog for some reason?) for the raven Radical Hollowroost and crow Nana!
. . . Omg like that it looks like they could be the same picture split up.
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jsup · 7 years
Hi im crying bc i love how u draw butch its very good and u deserve a trophy
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jsup · 7 years
holy SHIT yall. also i like eggs
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