#dorian most definetly
crabs-with-sticks · 30 days
For the DADWC, from the "It's all about the YEARNING" prompt list: "Just let me look at you for a little bit."
Tumblr is being a bastard about me posting this rip. But have a whole bunch of solavellan fluff where Solas is definetly NOT pouting. @dadrunkwriting
Respite Ghilara Lavellan x Solas
1375 words, brief suggestive flirting
No matter what Dorian said, Solas wasn’t pouting. And he certainly wasn’t sulking. He wasn’t pouting over studying alone. He wasn’t pouting about the music that was swirling through the gaps in the door to the rotunda. And he most certainly, and most ardently, was not pouting about the fact that Ghilara was busy tonight.
Because that was something that teenagers did the first time they were in an actual relationship. Pouting was for men far less mature than he was, boys with a couple thousand years less experience than he. So he absolutely, very definitely was NOT pouting. Or sulking. Or brooding. Or moping.
He knew that she was a very busy woman. He knew that she was very important and had so much on her plate. He knew that nearly every person in Thedas was watching her to see if she would bring ruin of salvation. He knew that, in the grand scheme of things, the fact that she had to attend a political ball held in her honour, was a very small deal.
But he still found his mind unable to focus on the book in front of him, his thoughts turning to the knowledge of how she felt curled up in his lap. The way her hair smelled like honey and thyme and brushed soft against his nose. The way her hair curled up, tickling him under the chin. The press of her back against him.
And then it was just a simple jump across to thoughts of what she must be doing now. How she would be asked to dance by the swarms of noblemen and women that had wormed into Skyhold for the event. The thought of their hands brushing against her back as they danced, their hands entwined as they tried to rationalise her power with their hatred of her people.
He wasn’t jealous. He wasn’t! He was near certain that tomorrow he would have a full cuss filled rundown from her of the event. Complaining about the stuffy nobles, their tedious dances, their boring small talk and their stupid food. But that knowledge did very little to soften the ache in her chest that longed for her.
Okay so maybe he was pouting. But only a little!
He sighed and snapped the tome in front of him closed. He strode over to the wall of the rotunda, eyeing the latest piece of the mural he had been working on. He was still in the early stages of planning it, only having sketched out a few ideas on paper.
He was so focused that he never had a chance to hear the soft slide of the door opening. Or a person slipping through until he felt the brush of a body against his back, and a face slinking up to press a kiss to his cheek. He turned around and nearly took the other person out with him as he moved wildly.
A woman’s chuckle echoed through the rotunda. “I surrender! I surrender!”
Something seemed to settle within Solas’ chest and his entire body relaxed around it, a smile popping up on his face. “Ilara!” He said, catching her in her arms even though she had long since steadied herself.
He pulled her close to him. He pressed his lips to her grinning lips and stepped back until he felt the edge of the couch against the back of his legs. His hands were on her back, feeling the even bumps of vertebrae under the pads of his fingers. Whatever she was wearing it was open backed and his hands slipped down her spine, sliding a fingers length under the fabric, pulling her even closer.
His mouth was still on hers, inhaling her as if she was the oxygen necessary for life. Not breaking their kiss, he pulled her down with him to the couch. He came back up for air, but Ghilara only had time to let out the first melodic notes of a giggle before his mouth was on hers again swallowing the sound.
“So did you miss me?” She asked, her face so close to his own that he could feel her lips moving around the words.
He chuckle, “was it that obvious? But what are you doing here? Don’t you have a ball to attend?”
She pulled back from him, her teeth biting at her lower lip and a blush climbing onto her cheeks. “I may…have gotten bored and snuck away…? I’m hoping nobody will notice.”
His hands were still on her back, and he slipped them further down until he could feel the bony vertebrae give way to softer, fuller flesh. “I doubt they will miss you. There are always so many dark corners for two people to vanish into at events such as these.”
“Solas, are you proposing to ravish me right here and now?” She whispered, waggling her eyebrows with frankly impressive alacrity.
“I do find myself hungry for dessert.”
She grinned, “now, I would normally consider your offer, but unfortunately I think Josie and Leliana might kill me if I ruin any part of this outfit.”
He smiled, the playful lust pulling back from his eyes to be replaced with utter fondness. Pulling her up to sit on his lap he said, “well we couldn’t have that. For I am sure you are most beautiful.”
“You’re sure are you?” She retored, acting haughty and offended, though he could see the playful spark in her eyes.
He could feel the blush spreading across his face and up to the tips of his ears. “I must admit, I have not actually had that much opportunity to admire your appearance this evening. I was missing you and now here you are.”
“Oh yes, Dorian said you were pouting.”
“I was not- anyway, that is besides the point.” He stood the two of them up and took a few steps back so that he could take in her form fully. She started towards him but he reached out, holding his hand out to slow her movement. “Just let me admire you for this moment ma vhenan. I should not ever want to forget this.”
And he did. Her bone white hair had been braided half up from her face, the rest curling in running waves to brush against her shoulders. The braids were woven between antlers- halla he thought- which had been carved with swirling leaves. It was a subtle look, the way the white of her blended with the white of the antler. Similar in colour enough that it did not draw away from her with gaudy colours or metals, but instead allowed her natural beauty to stand on its own.
The curls drew the eye down to her dress, which was a light leaf green, embroided with flowers and leaves of the same colour- giving it texture without it being gaudy. White beads brought out the colour of her hair; settled across the hem like morning dew on grass. The neckline plunged to just below her sternum, showing of the muscles of her body, and the soft hang of her breasts. The dress was loose, with a full skirt made of layer upon layer upon layer of near sheer green fabric. It was freeflowing, rather than the usual fashion for skirts stiffened with layers of petticoats or crinolines, and the sleeves were wide and draped down to her elbows. It reacted with every graceful move she made, the fabric swirling as if caught up in an invisible wind.
Ghilara was blushing, he knew, picking at her fingernails. But she gave him a twirl, and the dress fanned out around her, reminiscent of a swell at sea. The back was open as he had felt earlier, showing off the archer’s muscles she had developed from decades of practice.
Matching her timing her stepped forwards and slowed her spin, stepping behind her and entwining their fingers together. “You like it then?” Ghilara sighed as he pressed his lips to the nape of her neck.
“I would love you in anything,” he said against her skin, lips brushing against her as he spoke the words. He tucked his chin up onto her shoulder, leaning his head against her own. “But yes…since you asked.”
AN: For those interested, I based the dress Ghilara is wearing off of this one by Teuta Matoshi (I adore basically every single thing they do and would 100% get one if they weren't a few grand each T-T)
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mickeysalamander · 3 years
inquisitor ask 15?
15. Our of the followers/companions, who are they most comfortable around?
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Aerwynn definetly is closest with Dorian and Solas. Aerwynn is a big nerd and loves to hear their magic garble despite being a warrior. They also are comfotable with Sera, Bull, Cassandra and Josephine. Aerwynn is really friendly to most people and is great with finding common ground.
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idylliceden · 5 years
Ryuk could’ve fucking saved minoru and was like “ but you said don’t show up again so bye bitch”
Ryuk toys with humans for his own entertainment and apples??? He brings out whats hidden in people, for light, it was his idealistic thoughts, he chose “becoming god of the new world” over everything else including his own family but definetly not himself. On another note, i’d like to point out that at the very beginning light probably was serious about world peace, which ngl to you , i respect that, i can totally understand his views , but with great power comes great responsibilities and at the end of the day he may have been a genius but he was just a narcissistic highschooler who was given a weapon of anonymous mass murder, and the more he killed the more he realized he could really do it and sadly he went too far. I’d like to compare light yagami with dorian grey. The painting and the book both hid the ugly reality of their holders and pushed them to be their most brutal self . Because humans show their true colors when they are certain noone is watching and are given absolute freedom. Both dived too far , and thought the painting/ book made them invinsable. Their ego got the best of them and with their company( ryuk for light and sir harry) being their worst influence and indirectly encouraging them they just could not go back . Both had positive influences ( chief yagami for light and basil hallward for dorian) but do we really to people who defy us? Even when they are logical ? Especially if they make sense... no we follow the ones who are on our side.
While on the other hand minoru.. was so fucking good!! He was smart, he took his time to plan it out , he wasn’t greedy and chose the absolute best solution. Even near respected him, the same near who thought light was foolish. He did absolutely everything right and.. and he was fucked over by the shinigami king but especially ryuk. I’m very sure that if ryuk came back and told minoru about the rule , he would not have taken the money (taking the money means he accepted payement, aka sold the notebook, just like how trump refused the notebook and that means HE didn’t buy it as now he doesn’t own it ). Minoru seemed like the better light, and i’m so sad to see him go so soon.
The one shot was absolutely brilliant, it left me fucking heartbroken for sure, but i’m definetly not disappointed, i’m just really fucking sad. This hurts more than watching L die.
So now my question is .. will minoru be allowed to go to heaven/hell or straight to the shinigami world, he didn’t write in the death note but he did manipulate it in one way or another .
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rezziejoth · 4 years
is there a difference in how byron and lyle approach/use magic, in and out of battle? like, if or when they met, how would they feel about each other?
(this is gonna be a long one-)
Byron and Lyle are like on oppsite ends of the magic debate entriely. Their approaches to magic as it exists itself is different.
Byron considers his magic a gift as if it was no different from talking or reading he doesn’t think theres any higher meaning beyond that, completely against any mage control responding to suggestion of it with “would you take away all an alchemests potions or every warrior’s sword?” He turned what the circle attempted to teach him on its head embracing that shame and weaponising it when he draws from magic often meaning his magic is highly dangerous but easily dispelled even by the time inqusition happens he’d still not be as capable of sustaining a spell like hawke or lyle can. Byron’s usually casting some sort of spell even using his magic to split apart flames at the party camp, he sees no reason to hide it and wants people to be aware of what hes capable so they don’t attempt to intimidate him. In battle Byron uses a lot of hexs and control based magic before atticking his foes with either ice magic a shape shifted attack or blood magic. He does use ice magic much more than blood magic but will not hesitate to go that far and when he does do blood magic he will go deep enough to the point of passing out just to take out a foe. In terms of shape shifting wolves and bears are his fav forms to shift to, even doing so to escape camp for some time alone in the night. Finally he does take joy in using his magic for pranks as he never really emotionally matured to see it as childish or dangerous.
Lyle sees magic as a curse and blessing, he completely follows chantry mindsets the only difference being thats which he thinks mages should govern themselves. He doesn’t conscously magic regularly he uses it “when its needed” and when he does it is in a very controlled and careful manner. He cannot remember  his childhood due to the conclave yet until his harrowing he was very anticontrol till the horrors he witnessed in the fade as a teenager ever since that point the circle viewed him as the perfect example of a mage planning to use him as evidence at the conclave as to why the chantry should still control the circle. A key difference between Lyle and Byron is when lyle performs magic its almost as if its a dance moving in a rhythmic pleasing manner while Byron’s is messy clearly emotion driven and unpredicatible. Pyromancy and The ways of a knight enchanter are Lyle’s area of expertise he will often practice on the fireplace in his room and has mastered heat from fire to such a degree that theres a small layer of magic surrounding him at all time that is slightly higher than body temprature shielding him from the cold and acting as small barrier to magic attacks. Unlike Byron Lyle also uses magic in cooperative efforts with the rest of the party lighting seras arrows, making a fire shield around blackwall and even combinding necromatic and lighting attacks with Dorian most noteably a firework style attack where Lyle shoots up a fireball and Dorian hits it with an eletric charge shooting the attack all across the surrounding area. Unfortunatly the sustained use of fire magic has left Lyle with multiple burn markings on his body that he keeps covered at all costs. Finally Lyle still looks up to Vivinne where byron would brush off any mage who claims to be an authority figure.
If the 2 met it wouldn’t be peaceful to say the least: Byron would definetly throw the first shot  and wouldn’t be interested in any conversation.
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medusasresfriadas · 6 years
6, 13, 17, 36, 42, 50!! (Excuse the long list :P)
 6: Which book was the last one you really, really loved?
i think it was the gentleman’s guide to vice and virtue? honestly i forget the books i’ve read and when ive read them really easily. 
if we’re getting picky and only counting the sort of books than you wouldn’t mind reading instead of being alive (not in a suicidal idealization kind of way. just being so absorbed in a story that it might as well swallow you whole. the kind of book that, if you read it, you spend most of the day almost in a haze, going through the motions with your thoughts about the book as constant background noise you slip into when you can
so. that doesn’t sound entirely healthy. i promise i didn’t mean to make it sound like that), probably all for the game? i think it was after those that i started pretty mediocre books and just didn’t read for a while, but again,time… is hard
13: Name a book with a really bad movie/tv adaption
naming another one, just because i can! and because i’m still pissed at the precy jackson adaptation, so yeah. the lightning thief, don’t think i have to explain this one
17: If you owned a bookshop what would you call it? 
i don’t even know. i do know that it would be an either terrible or surprisingly clever pun that @aoi-herondale came up with and had me at least three minutes laughing. we’ve joked about a library before and we agree that it would have a cafe/some sor tof cofee shop area or whatever the word is (no, im not copying your answer) so, some sor of cofee/hot chocolate pun i imagine.
sorry this one’s not really an answer
36: Name a book you consider to be terribly overrated
i already answered this one, but i just remembered la celestina is considered a spanish classic. so fuck la celestina and fuck every character in that book, except melibea probably, because she was under a spell or some shit. 
(i know i feel very strongly about old books no one cares about anymore, but thats life)
42: Which was the best book you had to read in school?
the first i can think of is En el Corazón del Bosque, one of those books with activities that you had to read en cuartoi de primaria o por ahi, which is the first instance of a school book being genuinely good. some actual bests are The Picture of Dorian Gray and La Vida es Sueño (look, more old books instead of sticking to my century), both of which i technically chose to read, and i’d read both before i had to for school, but they still count
50: Why do you love to read?
i’m sorry, this one’s definetly getting a long answer and the post is alreaady long enough as is
okay, so. when asked out of the blue why i read, my instinctive answer is because i love stories. and i do, i love stories, and i love the characters that inhabit them and care about them dearly. but there’s always something else in that question isn’t there. always an implied instead. why do you read so much, istead of watching a movie, or tv. why do you spend your free time consuming a medium that is at least partially responsible for ruining your eyesight instead of going out and playing football when you get home - why did you ruin your eyes reading under the covers instead of going to sleep - why are you making an effort - it’s an effort, for many people - instead of doing things i enjoy more.
and i don’t mean to dismiss the importance of sports, or how fun they can be. and i hate to see audiovisual media put down to praise the wonders of reading. i have watched movies that feel like the’re going to change your life, movies that take your breath away with their cinematography, or with soundtracks so iconic they keep being referenced and played in arrangements years and years after, or soundtracks that simply have really good music. i have watched shows that made me care about the characters more thamn most book protagonists i can name, more than some of my extended family.
this was just a very roundabout way of saying, because it’s important to me that it is understood, that there’s nothing inherently supperior or holier in books. and yet. and yet i consider them one of the key factors of my life, of shaping me as a person.
part of it is, obviously and giving due credit to my mother, that i’ve been listening to stories for longer than my memory stretches, and that my memory does stretch to stories i heard before i could talk with more than one consonant in a way it doesn’t for most things.
part of it is that a book can be carried around everywhere, while a movie can only be downloaded - since pretty recently - and you can’t really start watching rear window in the middle of class. for a person who both doesn’t like and doesn’t know how to properly socialize, you can understand the benefit
the last reason, the one i’ve been building up to, and a consequence of the other two is that… i’m just shaped for them, if that makes sense. movies, shows, podcasts, comics, whatever, do make me feel really strongly, but afterwards it’s just… over. maybe i’m still scared, because i get scared easily, but none of those have made me cry endless minutes after i finish them, or grin stupidly in the middle of class because i remembered a line i particularly liked. i mentioned aftg earlier. well there’s something incredibly fucked up that happens in the second book, if i remember correctly. this event is - thankfully - never described in excruciating detail, and it would’ve been a thousand times more shocking if it were a movie. but, the book centers on the person that went through that, and the reaction of the protagonist, the emotions he feels, and how other people react to feeling similarly.  i’m not exagerating when i say i was so horrified after reading it that i didn’t feel capable of talking - not even to someone, just the thought of making sounds was too much - for hours, and i didn’t feel okay until after more than a day. 
maybe i’m just very empathetic, but that’s it. the action is important but what i truly seek out is the description of emotion, be it a straightforward description of anger or devotion full of imagery and metaphors.
i read because i’m greedy and want the character’s feelings in addition to my own
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gaydemogorgon · 8 years
10, 26 and 46 for Cadeel, 11, 28, 36 for Velhera. :3
Cadeel Cousland 
10-What deadly sin best represents your OC?
Probably pride. Though that stems from her really wanting to be someone other than the noble she was born to be and thinking shes much better at being someone else, and that shes still relatively young to be given the status she is in the space of a year
26-Who is the most Important person in their life? Why?  Who is the least important person to them(that still has an impact and why?)
Most important would be a Leliana(in hard canon, but definetly in my canon it’d be a tie between Leliana and Alex), because shes her best friend and her wife and she helps her to be a much better person. She’s also her main source of emotional support, because lord knows Cadeel needs emotional support after what she’s seen.                                                                                                     As for least important(I’m not sure if they need to still be alive but) that would be Duncan. She never really got to know him but she blames him for everything that happened to her, partly because she needed to blame someone to help cope. In the darker days closer to when she became a grey warden she blamed him for saving her, because she would’ve prefered stay and die with her family rather than be alone. Later she blamed him for the fact that she’d de young from the taint. She never really forgave him.
46-Your character is given a voodoo doll of themself. What do they do with it? Do they see if it actually works?
No she definetly would not. If she sees a doll of herself the chances are that Morrigan or Kieren made it, and if one of them made it theres a stupidly high chance it’d work. So shes taking that thing, locking it in a box and hiding it far away from from anyone.
Velhera Adaar
11-What are your OC’s hobbies?
She’s partial to singing, working out infront of people(obviously) and reading. She doesn’t know much about the qunari on Par Vollen, or the magisters in Tevinter or the nobles and merchant princes of Antiva, but now she’s got vast libraies at her disposal and one of her best friends, Dorian, nearby by to chat with whenever she likes. 
28-What kind of nervous habits do they have? Do they stim? Do they have any kinds of addictions?
She always has a strip of cotton with her that she rubs or wraps around her hand and squeezes when shes espacially nervous. She got that from her mother, whenever templars or guardsmen would walk by the house she was always afraid and stood beside her mother and held onto her for fear of them taking her, so now this is something she does whenever she’s afraid of a coming fight or mission. As for addictions she never really had any. She had to talk some remedies to numb the pain and calm her after she lost her arm, but other than that nothing
36-What does your character want most? What do they need really badly, compulsively? What are they willing to do, to sacrifice, to obtain?
Honestly she just wants peace. She just wants to stop fighting and for her family and friends to be safe. Of course theres more she’d want, but that’s the big one. As for what she’s williing to sacrifice, herself and any and all resources at her disposal.
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sapphopiano · 6 years
tagged by: @svnflwrs​ thank u for tagging me!!! :)
rules: tag 10 people you would like to get to know more. I can’t figure out how to tag yall bc im dumb so if ur my mutual consider urself tagged
name: rebecca
star sign: scorp
gender: girl
sexuality: lesbian
what image do you have as a wallpaper: my lockscreen is this cool 80s rainbow pattern and my homescreen is one of my cats tucked into bed (I have five cats lmao)
ever had a crush on a teacher: not yet at least dfjlkajkxljc
where do you see yourself in ten years: hopefully working as some sort of piano professor but probably not totally at the top position at all yet. also with very little student loan debt (i can dream!), happily married, and still regularly seeing my friends (they haven’t even moved away yet and i already miss them!) and i want to live somewhere in the country so im not litterally right by my neighbors lmao
if you could be anywhere else right now, where? i would be hanging out with my friends in someplace cold like maine. missouri weather is too muggy and maine weather is like Heaven
coolest halloween costume: ive had many but the most iconic one is definetly the chupacabra one i made in 4th grade
last kiss: never had one lmao ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
have you ever been stood up? yeahhh
ever been to las vegas? no i hate cities dkfjhcjjkdf
favorite pair of shoes? i like these strappy walking sandals my mom gave me bc apparently they gave her “waffle feet”. i think they’re very cute and comfortable tho!
favorite fruit: pineapple, orange, strawberry. depends what mood im in
favorite book: ummm idk lol i like the picture of dorian gray
stupidest thing ever done: there are too many stupid things ive done but the dumbest i can think of right now is when i accidentally texted my mom “ugh straight ppl” when i meant to send it to someone else And i was closeted :/
favorite gif: i like this cute little dancing ghost but i cant find him rn :/
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musingmycelium · 6 years
Ooo tell me about your ocs
oh man i have so many, but since this is my da blog i’ll gush about my da ocs! also there’s a cut bc i uhhhhh went way longer than i probably should have lmao 
i only have two wardens -killian mahariel and ellanis tabris. killian is a big softie; she loves the little things and stopping to smell the roses. the blight was rough as fuck for her, but she fell in love with leliana so it wasn’t All bad. 
  ellanis on the other hand has had it rough since he first displayed magic. his uncle -shianni’s father- came up with a p nasty solution to keep him out of the circle without raising the suspicious of the templars. they staged an ‘accident’ which crushed his left leg, forcing him to walk with the aide of a cane -his focus- for the rest of his life when ellanis was around 7. but it kept him out of the circle sooo they never told ellanis about the truth of his ‘accident’ either, so he’s always been slightly grateful it happened so he could stay with his family. he romances zev in every game i’ve played with him bc he sure is a Sucker for romance. i’ve got Several hawkes,,, but i think my favorites are wren and galahad. they’re my hawke twins bc Yea. Wren is the oldest and she’s a Hot Fucking Mess in absolutely every way you can read that phrase. i love her though, and she romances merrill and isabela bc poly ships give my poly ass life. 
galahad is the biggest fuckin nerd you’ve ever met; constantly reading and building ideas and being a nusiance with unwanted but generally funny information. he ALSO always has a pun ready bc he finds those to be Peak Humor. he’s an absolute bear of a guy too which always throughs people, and he, like me and p much everyone else, fell head over heels for fenris. starting wiTH HIM RIPPING A GUYS HEART OUT OF HIS CHEST LIKE  D A M N. both wren and galahad are mages too, wren’s a spirit healer/blood mage/elementalist and galahad is force/primal/entropy 
my inquisition kids i also have a bunch bc i’ve fleshed out most of clan lavellan and the valo-kas i’ll just stick with my most fleshed out tho so its da’ean and idrilla
da’ean is.. a Mess who doesn’t want to admit it. he left for the conclave thinking he’d be gone a month at most and its turned into him never being able to go back home. he’s upset and confused at first but after the attack on haven he squares the fuck up and gets down to serious business bc maybe these people aren’t clan but they’re friends and definetly people he wants to keep alive. eventually he comes to terms with his own feelings of failure -with no small amount of help from dorian and bull- and shit goes to hell in tresspasser BUT his story is all in my wip fly little bird soo i won’t go into All of his story here bc spoilers 
okay last one best one, Idrilla Lavellan. i love her so much, her ‘canon’ story is her coming to skyhold to help da’ean after wicked eyes wicked hearts since she’s the First she knows stories about eluvians and all that jazz -plus she’s been kinda worried about da’ean since thats her little brother. when she gets there she Immediately gets to work but she butts heads with morrigan and solas fairly often, she treats them with respect bc she Does respect the fact they’re intelligent well trained mages but she isn’t treated with the same respect and it grates on her Quickly. she does finally earn their respect though, and even finds solas to not be so bad when he’s not shitting on her heritage which she corrected him about the first time he did it in front of her. when solas leaves at the end of the main game she figures something is up [they never really broke up since she wasn’t the inquisitor solas could lie to himself more thoroughly] and tries looking for him in the fade seeing as she’s a dreamer too. buut thats probably enough on her lmao i’ve gone on for far to long. 
thanks for listening to me ramble! i do love talking about these nerds 
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