#dorthy harper
ale-draws-stuff · 2 years
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"I’m not dead. That’s not true."
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lovecanyon · 2 years
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“Cherry is a strawberry?”
Jeff looks down at Cherry who was wearing a strawberry costume. Peaking out her head from the fabric, the one year old grins up at the man.
“For now she is.” Y/N says dropping her tote bag onto the couch. “She wanted to wear a costume because she saw one of the neighbors' kids all dressed up.” The mother explains making Jeffrey nod.
The family of three had just arrived at The Forum for rehearsals. It was sort of difficult touring with a baby but they worked together to make it run smoothly.
“Where’s Harry?”
“He’s getting my guitar and Cherry’s diaper bag.” Y/N tells him as she picks up her daughter and places her onto the couch that travels everywhere with Harry—even the pillows.
Just as she responded to Harry's manager, Harry himself walked into his dressing room holding Y/N’s guitar case and his daughter’s diaper bag. The father of one quickly greets Jeff and sets everything down onto the coffee table.
Once Jeffrey tells the couple their schedule for today he leaves their dressing room to greet the other band members that just had arrived. The plans for today were very different from all the other days and it made Y/N jittery just by looking at the paper taped onto the vanity mirror.
12 PM - Band’s arrival.
1:30 PM - Lunch provided by Sarah the tour catering.
2:00 PM - Stage starts getting set up.
2:40 PM - Rehearsels.
3:20 PM - Break from rehearsals
3:50 PM - Rehearsals continue.
4:40 PM - Free time.
5:30 PM - Last minute costume changes provided by Harry Lambert.
6:10 PM - Venue doors open.
6:50 PM - Free time.
7:30 PM - Dinner provided by Sarah the tour catering.
8:00 PM - Ben Harper goes on stage.
8:20 PM - Band gets makeup and hair done.
8:40 PM - Band changes into costumes.
9:10 PM - Band on stage performing.
“I’m not going to lie but this year I’m more excited to dress up.” Y/N speaks up, catching Harry’s attention. He smiles and walks over to her, wrapping his arms around her waist. Looking in the mirror, Y/N finds Harry staring right at her.
“I can tell. Last year during Halloween you were pregnant and uncomfortable.” Harry mumbles against her shoulder, slightly kissing the skin.
Y/N laughed at the memory of her being a pregnant Dorthy last year. She loved and hated it at the same time.
“Why are you grumpy sweetheart?” Harry bends down in front of his pregnant wife.
“I’m not grumpy.” Y/N grumbles crossing her arms against her chest. Harry knew that Y/N felt taken aback once she found out she was going to be replaced by another guitarist for the rest of the U.S leg.
But she was getting too pregnant to play guitar nonetheless even hold a one because her belly was too big.
Still dressed in his dorothy costume Harry stands up from his crouched position and brings Y/N up with him. Moving to sit on the couch, Harry drops down onto the sofa and plops his wife onto his lap. Letting her lean into his chest, he kisses her cheek and lays a hand on her belly.
“I know you hate seeing someone in your place but it’s not permanent, it’s temporary darling. I just want to see you and our baby healthy.” Harry softly explains to Y/N as he rubs her baby bump.
“I’m sorry Ha-”
“Hey don’t apologize. You’re used to touring and always being on your feet so you feeling like this is completely normal.” He reassures Y/N. “You have a break now so take the time to do whatever you want to do darling.”
Feeling better than ever, Y/N’s pigtails bounce as she laughs.
“Can we go eat please?”
After the family of three ate lunch, they started to get ready for rehearsals. Sitting in the free space of the pit right next to the stage, Y/N and Harry were taking photos of Cherry in her strawberry costume. With his camera, Harry snaps at least 100 pictures of his daughter before she starts fussing around.
Now wearing her pink noise canceling headphones protecting her tiny ears, Cherry stares up at her parent’s getting situated on stage. Harry Lambert was on babysitting duty today which he did not mind at all, he really adored Cherry.
Y/N swiftly plugs in her instrument and grabs a guitar pick from Mitch after she couldn’t find hers. The electric guitar she used frequently was a special one made for her that Harry gifted her when they first started dating.
It meant everything to her.
Wearing her husband’s sweats and Rolling Stones tee, Y/N grabs her guitar strap and slips it onto her shoulder. She never liked to dress nice during rehearsals so did Harry and the rest of the band members.
As the rehearsals begin, the band starts off with Daydreaming. During the performance Harry kept turning around and staring at Y/N in all her glory. He always felt drawn to her especially when she was playing guitar.
He felt so happy having her on stage with him.
Little Freak was one of Y/N’s favorites even though it was about her and Harry’s breakup—the song was originally written for Fine Line but Harry never had the chance to use it until now. She always regretted running off to someone once they had broken off their relationship.
But she was glad they found their way back to each other.
After performing the majority of the songs off the set list, a special song started to play. You're The One That I Want by John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John blasted through the venue speakers as Y/N let’s Mitch grab her guitar.
The couple memorized the dance months before even deciding that their costumes were going to be Grease related.
I got chills, they're multiplying
And I'm losing control
'Cause the power you're supplying
It's electrifying
The words leaving Harry’s mouth makes Y/N giggle into the microphone. Her laughs were intoxicating as Harry started to laugh with her.
The next verse belonged to Y/N and she couldn’t have been more thrilled.
You better shape up
'Cause I need a man
And my heart is set on you
You better shape up
You better understand
To my heart I must be true
Nothin' left, nothin' left for me to do
Cherry sat on the venue floor with Lambert watching her parents smile and giggle at each other. A gummy grin formed on her face as she watched the two. She loved observing her parents being in love even though she didn't know what the word love meant yet.
The following part to the song belonged to both Harry and Y/N. One of their favorite parts of the song.
You're the one that I want
Ooh, ooh, ooh, honey
The one that I want
Ooh, ooh, ooh, honey
The one that I want
Ooh, ooh, ooh
The one I need
Oh, yes, indeed
Harry even drops down onto his knees like Danny Zuko did in the movie. He eyes her up and down as a smirk crawls onto his face.
He fucking loved her so much.
Lloyd the tour’s photographer caught the moment between the two and snapped a few photos of the musician on his knees, looking at his wife like she was the only person in the world.
“Are you ready to change bunny?” Y/N smothered a kiss against Cherry’s cheek making her giggle. She was now out of her strawberry costume and in her diaper.
Harry had just finished getting his wig done and already was changed. He was in his leather jacket when Y/N walked into their dressing room with Cherry. She smiled once she saw her husband staring at her with an all too knowing smile.
“I missed my darlings” Harry coos, grabbing ahold of Cherry. Quite quickly the one year old leans her head against her father’s chest.
“We were gone for 10 minutes.” Y/N breathes out a laugh as she starts to get undressed. She had went with Sarah to hair and makeup—whom she was twinning with.
“That’s too long for daddy.” Harry says making faces at Cherry which makes her burst out laughing. He seriously loved his girls.
As Y/N begins to put her leather pants on she observes Harry interacting with their daughter. He had unconditional love for her and seeing that with her own eyes made her feel happy and fulfilled.
She had always known he would be a perfect dad even before Cherry was born, she just had a feeling that Harry was a perfect person to start a family with.
As Harry sets Cherry down in her crib that travels everywhere with them, he moves to help his wife put on her black top. Without ruining her curled updo hair, Harry fixes and adjusts the fabric on her.
Y/N murmurs out a thank you as she leans in to kiss Harry’s cheek. Still in her sweats, Y/N turns around and grabs her leather pants off the clothing rack.
Quickly she changes out of her baggy sweats and into the tight pants. As Y/N buttons up her leather pants she begins to hear Harry sing to their daughter.
Leather and Lace.
Of course it was a Stevie Nicks song. The woman that got them together. Without her, Y/N didn't know what her life would be now.
Y/N slips her red vans on when she hears a knock. The dressing room door opens revealing Jeff.
“We need you in the box in five Harry.”
Once Jeffrey gets a nod from Harry, he sends Y/N a smile before shutting the door. Turning around to her husband she grins at him.
“You wanna help me change your daughter into a pink lady before you go?”
Walking out from backstage was the Love On Tour band.
Y/N stayed next to Sarah as both girls had their arms hooked around each other. The two of them had the same costume and it was Sandy from Grease—they couldn’t be happier to match.
Sarah grins at Y/N as they make their way onto the stage. Screams of each band member's names just made the six individuals smile and wave at the fans.
Though that was nothing compared to when Harry appeared on stage.
Just before the first song starts to play, the musician sends his wife a wink which makes her blow him a kiss for good luck.
And of course that moment was caught by fans.
This was going to be a long night and Y/N didn't mind it, at all.
Seven songs into the show and nothing could have gone smoother. Mitch and Y/N were synced and playing amazing, Harry was singing beautifully, Elin was showing her talent, Nyoh was doing great and Pauli was keeping the energy up as always.
Y/N watching fans dance and sing along truly made her so happy. The smiles on their faces just encouraged her to keep on playing and playing her guitar.
Until water came soaking Y/N.
It wasn’t just a small amount of water, it was a huge amount that soaked her.
Even Mitch got some droplets on him.
The water made it difficult for Y/N to play the guitar and her fingers kept on slipping off the strings. The loss of his second guitarist made Harry turn around to find his wife soaked.
Her once curled updo was flat. Her leather outfit had water dripping from it. Her shoes were standing in a puddle. And even worse, her mascara was starting to smear down her cheeks.
The sight of his lover made him mad.
Almost instantly Harry stops singing making the band slowly halt to a stop. He quickly signals the lighting technician to shut off the lights.
Right as the musician waves his hand signaling to stop, the lights swiftly turn off.
Not giving anything anymore thought, Harry rushes to Y/N and grabs her hand pulling her off the stage. He decides to take her under the stage where he normally takes his five minute breaks.
Y/N lets Harry sit her down on a seat and take off her wet leather jacket. She felt so embarrassed and defeated. Out of all nights this could’ve happened, it happened on one of Harry’s important nights.
She ruined tonight for him.
“I-I’m sorry.” Y/N stares down at her cold hands wanting to be anywhere but here.
Harry lets out a scoff as he drops down to his knees wanting to be face to face with his wife. He didn't know why she was apologizing. This wasn’t her fault at all.
“Darling I don’t know why you’re apologizing.” Harry murmurs moving his hand to cup her cheek. “This is not your fault. Okay?”
Y/N nods as she leans into Harry’s hand. She always loved feeling reassured by him, it was a feeling she would never get tired of.
“I just feel like I embarrassed you-“
“No. Don’t say that. You did not embarrass me. You can never embarrass me.” Harry cuts her off with a shake of his head. Nothing she does could ever embarrass him.
“A-are you sure Harry?”
“I couldn’t be more sure, baby.” Harry tells Y/N making a soft smile form on her lips.
“I love you so much.” She whispers gleaming up into her husband’s green eyes. Y/N loved being this close to him. She saw his freckles that she adored, she saw his long eyelashes, she saw everything and loved everything she saw.
A throat clearing interrupted the couple’s tender moment.
Looking up, Harry and Y/N find Mitch and Sarah standing next to the stage’s entrance. The two couples stared at each other before bursting out laughing.
“Mr and Mrs. Styles, we were looking for you!”
The rest of the show went great.
Before Y/N went back on stage, Sarah offered her jacket to the Styles woman claiming she was too hot to wear the leather piece. The drummer also let her curled hair down to reflect Y/N’s sort of flat hair.
Sarah and Y/N were true best friends.
Harry had even found out which fans threw water on Y/N after Elin pointed the three girls out after the concert. He had a whole plan to get those girls banned from ever attending his shows and he succeeded with that plan.
Seeing his wife in distress made his stomach turn. He hopes he never sees her that upset ever again.
Though seeing her now giggling with Cherry over their performance of You're The One That I Want made him happier than ever. Their daughter kept on smiling as she stared at her mother’s phone.
Harry circles Y/N as he dances around her. She keeps on singing though letting out a few laughs. But once Harry falls down onto his knees and begins to sing with her, she couldn’t keep her cool.
Harry and Y/N’s laughs echoed around the arena making fans scream like crazy. Everyone loved the duo especially when they were dressed up as Danny and Sandy while performing such an iconic song.
“Daddy!” Cherry lisps pointing down at the lit phone screen. Harry plops down onto his and Y/N’s bed, leaning into his girls.
Now sandwiching Cherry, her parents continue to watch videos of the show tonight that Jeff had sent them. Harry loved watching videos of his concerts, especially of Y/N.
She looked so beautiful in the hue lights while she played guitar.
Harry was glad he ended up with Y/N.
tag list: @harrysmatcha @harryspinkpillow @helen-with-an-a @florencepughily @peterparkerbae @toji-dabi-wife @fallonx @drphilssoulmate @cherriesrae @alienorknight @valluvsu @ivegotparticulartaste @ayeshathestyles @hazgoldenstyles @eiffelmezarry @tsukishimawhore @renatavieira @michellekstyles @eleanordaisy @shawnsblue @academiaghosts @japanchrry @agustdpeach @hannahnikohl @whoscamila @ch3rryrry @msolbesg @seguin-styles1996 @futuristicpalacegardenpsychic @youusunshineyoutemptress @eunoiamaa @kaitieskidmore1 @cherryfragrancx @ssuziess @milkiane @golden-hoax @flwrmuse @sunshinemendes8 @your--sweetest--downfall @melllinaa @iluvjj @tenaciousperfectionunknown @cashtons-wife @stellarossii @scenesofobx @manifestrry @teawithcyb0rgs @lomlolivia
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cozyaliensuperstar7 · 9 months
Hollywood 1960s-1970s
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Donyale Luna photographed by Richard Avedon for Harpers Bizarre, 1965. "If I had seen something like me in a magazine as a child, I would have died laughing, or been scared ... I find my own photographs weird, terribly sophisticated and different".
Beverly Johnson photographed by Kourken Pakchanian in Brazil, for Vouge Magazine, 1973.
Diana Ross photographed by Paul Fusco for LOOK magazine, 1969.
Pat Cleveland photographed Anthony Barboza in New York, 1969
Diahann Carroll photographed at the 40th Annual Academy Awards ceremony in Los Angeles, 1967.
Diahann Carroll photographed by Anthony Barboza in New York, 1975.
Dorthy Dandridge photographed in a promotional session for the film “Carmen Jones”, 1954.
Naomi Sims photographed by Yale Joel for LIFE magazine, 1969. “because I (Naomi Sims) was darker and taller, people noticed me and began to call my agency." Now, after two years as a model, she is an undisputed su-perstar, admired for her high-fashion look. (Excerpt from Life Magazine, 1969)
- The World’s First Naomi\nNaomi Sims photographed by Harry Morrison in New York, 1970.
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
Going trick or treating with Spencer and the kids dressed as the wizard of Oz! Spencer is the Tinman! You're dorthy, the kids are the lion and scarecrow !
the hardest part of being a good dad for spencer was the costumes. the itchy sparkling tulle that made his skin crawl, tinfoil that rubbed together in the wrong way, the swish of princess dresses and the dragging of hard plastic swords. It was a lot, but seeing the look on his wife and kids' faces when he came out in whatever costume they picked for him every Halloween, was possibly also the best part of being a good dad.
this year, Spencer's wrapped head to toe in a homemade tinman costume, it's just a bunch of tinfoil hot glued to a black morphe suit... he wasn't the biggest fan but his kids thought it was cute. his wife managed to win the role of Dorothy from the girls, with rhinestoned red pumps and the cutest curly brown hair, she looked perfect.
Harper was dressed as Glinda, the good witch, in a repurposed princess costume and a wand, she's never felt prettier. their middle daughter, Juliet settling for the scarecrow so she didn't have to paint her whole body green. and the baby, 1-year-old Noah was an adorable little cowardly lion, roaring at everyone he passed as they walked towards the houses his sisters were trick or treating at.
every year since Harper was born they joined the LaMontagne's for trick or treating, seeing as there weren't that many houses in their own neighbourhood. and it was just safer, Spencer didn't like the idea of them walking through the dark Virginia back roads when they could be on a well-lit, city sidewalk. he didn't want them to get hurt, lost, taken or worse... he's seen too much to let anything happen to his whole world.
"dad?" Juliet looks up at him with curious eyes.
"yes, pumpkin?"
"can you carry me? I'm tired..."
"Harper are you tired?" Y/N asked as Spencer picked Juliet up.
The oldest girl nodded, "but the house up here always had big bars," she whines, "please, just one more?"
"Okay," she smiles back as Harper skips off in front of them.
"I've got these two if you want to take Noah to the car and come get us?" Spencer offered.
"Sounds like a plan," she leaned in and kissed him, "be safe, I'll be back shortly."
"you too, please, I love you," Spencer called to her as she walked.
"love you more," she replied.
Maybe the tin man didn't have a heart, but Spencer's heart belonged to these 4 people who changed his life forever.
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peppermintmonster · 5 years
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Unusual families of blood and choice.
I’ve been on a horror podcast binge and some of them have a criminally small amount of fan content. If the phrase “midwestern gothic” appeals to you, or if you just like stories of strange towns with terrifying secrets, you’ll love Unwell. 
The characters are well-developed, charming, and have some amazing dynamics with one another. These three are Lillian Harper, (the protagonist,) her mother Dorthy (”Dot” if you don’t want to piss her off) and Wes, the teen who runs the ghost tour at Dot’s boarding house and does general odd jobs for her.
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2019 Pop Sugar Reading Challenge
A book becoming a movie in 2019: The Knife of Never Letting Go - Patrick Ness
A book that makes you nostalgic: Dragonspell - Donita K. Paul
A book written by a musician (fiction or nonfiction): Bicycle Diaries - David Byrne
A book you think should be turned into a movie: The Lost -  Sarah Beth Durst
A book with at least one million ratings on Goodreads: Catching FIre - Suzanne Collins
A book with a plant in the title or on the cover: Orchid Beach - Stuart Woods
A reread of a favorite book: DragonQuest - Donita K. Paul
A book about a hobby: The Joys of Geocaching - Dana Gillin and Paul Gillin
A book you meant to read in 2018:Caved in Bone - Jeff Smith
A book with “pop”, “sugar”, or “challenge” in the title: Sugar Rush - Donna Kauffman
A book with an item of clothing or accessory on the cover: The Secret Life of Dresses - Erin McKean
A book inspired by mythology, legend, or folklore: The Goddess Test - Aimee Carter
A book published posthumously: When Breath Becomes Air - Paul Kalanithi
A book you see someone reading on TV or in a movie:Death on the Clouds - Agatha Christie
A retelling of a classic: Dorthy Must Die - Danielle Paige
A  book with a question in the title: Which Witch? - Eva Ibbotson
A book set on a college or university campus: Fan Girl - Rainbow Rowell
A book about someone with a superpower:The Umbrella Academy Vol. 1 - Gerard Way
A book told from multiple character POVs: Baby Cakes - Donna Kauffman
A book set in space: An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth - Chris Hadfield
A book my two female authors: The Guernsey Literary ad Potato Peal Pie Society - Mary Anne Shafer
A book with at title that contains “salty”, “sweet”, “Bitter,” or “spicy”:Sweet Stuff - Donna Kauffman
A book set in Scandinavia: The Redbreast - Jo Nesbo
A book that takes place in a single day:Forever Odd - Dean Koontz
A debut novel:The Wolves of Winter - Tyrell Johnson
A book that’s published in 2019:The Silent Patient - Alex Michaelide
A book featuring an extinct or imaginary creatures:Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find them - Newt Scamander 
A book recommended by a celebrity you admire:Between Meals - A.J. Leibling
A book with “love” in the title:P.S I Love You - Cecelia Ahern
A book featuring an amateur detective: Diners, Dives, and Dead Ends - Terri L. Austin
A book about a family:Love Letters to the Dead - Ava Dellaira
A book written by an author from Asia, Africa, or South America: Everything I Never Told You - Celeste Ng
A book with a zodiac sign or astrology term in the title: Zodiac Station - Tom Harper
A book that includes a wedding: Mockingjay - Suzanne Collins
A book by an author whose first and lasts names start with the same letters: Gathering Blue - Lois Lowery
A ghost story: Project 17 - Laurie Faria Stolarz
A book with a two-word title:Grave Memory - Kaylana Price
A novel based on a true story: Wild - Cheryl Strayed
A book revolving around a puzzle or game: Assassin's Creed - Oliver Bowden
Your favorite prompt from a past POPSUGAR Reading Challenge: Find Her - Lisa Gardner
A “cli-fi” (climate fiction) book: Gold Fame Citrus -Clair Vaye Watkins
A “choose-your-own-adventure” book: Ghost Hunter - Edward Packer
An “Own voices” book:They Both Die at the End - Adam Silvera
Read a book during the season it is set in:The Language of Flowers - Vanessa Diffenbaugh
A LitRPG book:Split the Party - Drew Hayes
A book with no chapters/unusual chapter headings/unconventionally numbered chapters:The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime - Mark Haddon
Two books that share the same title:
#1 Life after Life - Jill McCorkle
#2 Life after Life - Kate Atkinson
A book that has inspired a common phrase or idiom: A Wrinkle in Time - Madeleine L'Engle
A book set in an abbey, cloister, monastery, vicarage, or convent:Brother Odd - Dean Koontz
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