#dose of aemond
cambion-companion · 2 years
potential fic idea if you want sweet!! ok so helaena and her bugs im guessing can be pretty menacing. what if some escape and the reader encounters it and is SCARED so calls aemond to help her out and he’s just like: cmon girl 😑😑😑
Haha I love this idea (adding it to my #dose of Aemond tag)! For my blurbs!
You liked to consider yourself brave, often fending for yourself in tense situations. Being faced by large eight-legged creature in the bathroom was too much for even you to stomach. To add insult to injury the spider was sitting directly over the only exit, staring at you with shiny eyes, as if daring you to try leaving.
"Aemond!" You called, trying to sound calm and failing spectacularly. "Aemond help please!"
You heard a distant reply but was unable to decipher what he shouted back. The spider shifted, drawing your wide gaze back to its swollen body. You inched forward, eyes flicking from the formidable arachnid to the exit. Just as you were about to make a run for it the creature dropped from its perch, landing in front of you and scuttling for your feet.
You shrieked, the ear splitting sound echoing off the tile walls of the room as you stumbled back. The thing was fast and you were suddenly very afraid for your life. The sound of running feet heralded the arrival of Aemond with Helaena close behind him.
They took in the scene of you trying to survive the bug's attack.
"He won't hurt you!" Helaena said soothingly, watching with interest as you climbed atop the toilet.
"I have doubt about that!" You cried, looking down as the fat spider sought a way to clamber up to you. "Aemond get it, kill it, please do something!"
"I think you've offended him in some way." Aemond mused, looking from his sister to the spider with an arched brow. "He seems to want retribution."
You shrieked again, leaping off the toilet seat and rushing over to where they stood, grabbing Aemond by the arm and forcing him in front of you. He laughed.
"Don't kill him." Helaena pleaded. "Here let me." She strode quickly forward, capturing the agitated arachnid with a cup and sheet of paper.
"There." Aemond turned to face you, his smirk still in place. "Look at that!" He smoothed your mussed hair. "You're still alive. I was worried for a moment there." He deadpanned.
"Oh shut up." You muttered, heat rising to your cheeks as he chuckled.
Helaena quickly hurried away with her little friend safetly stowed away. You watched her go, your pulse slowly returning to a normal beat.
"I get all the other crawlies she has but spiders...why spiders?"
Aemond shrugged. "She thinks them beautiful." He paused a moment. "She thinks things beautiful where many would heartily disagree." He became pensive, his fingers tapping against one another.
"If you refer to yourself," you looked sidelong at him, "you are beautiful, Aemond. Only fools would disagree."
He smiled briefly at you before changing the subject as quick as he could, taking your hand and leading you out into the balmy summer day.
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saltandfire-blog · 14 days
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Lucerys Velaryon
Ryan Corr x Milly Alcock's baby
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I just wanna say that @magpie-to-the-morning and I are working on a Super Secret Project™️ and, other than Paper Crowns, I haven't been this excited for a fic in so long. Working with Emma is always a blast, but something about this story just feels like the perfect combo of us and ugh, it's so lush and dreamy and kinky and I can't even handle it.
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dontforgetoctober3rd · 11 months
I’m gonna do it
I’m gonna write a quick little fic where Aemond is a canon-compliant crazy bitch burning villages the fuck down
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dulcewrites · 1 year
Do you think Aemond ( from fcc/ modern fcc) has good mental health?
he’s got good at compartmentalizing his feelings. Which in some circumstances is needed. But when much of your life is spent placating your own feelings do you don’t essentially break down, you’re not gonna be in the best space.
I don’t want it to sound like a ‘myrah fixed him!!11!!1’ situation bc getting help or growing starts with wanting it for yourself. That being said, I do think having someone outside his immediate family tell him that what he through (viserys being neglectful, and basically emotionally abuse to his family) was shitty, and he didn’t deserve that (very ‘all I wanted was for someone to say that they were sorry for what happened to me’ of him) is a watershed moment for him. I could see him finally going to therapy maybe after viserys dies or maybe before Baelor is born. I do think a fear of his is fucking his kids like viserys did them
So I would say not great mental health but he has more tools to go on a journey to get there 🫶🏽
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The amount of eldest child syndrome I am giving Jace in this fic right now… you lot don’t know him like I do, okay?
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almondmilktargaryen · 1 month
Duty & Sacrifice (Part Two)
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Summary: Aemond is married with two kids to Floris Baratheon, as it was his duty. But it's when he ventures into Flea Bottom in the night that he faces his sacrifices.
Couple: Aemond Targaryen/Fem!Reader
Category: Flangst
Content: Memories of sexual trauma. Violence, violence, violence. Trying to refrain from spoilers but the degree of violence is referenced in part one, so please take this vague warning seriously and be cautious if you still choose to read. Please be kind as I'm very nervous as to how this will be received. Aemond's hubris will be his downfall and I mean it.
Word count: 7.4k
Also on my Ao3
Part one | Part two | Part three ✍️ | Part four ✍️
A/N: Okay, I caved. I’ve written a part two to Duty & Sacrifice AND have a part three on the way (maybe a part four). Tagged everyone who asked about a part two so you all can find it :))
Also we're going to pretend Chataya and Alayaya were around 200 years before they were for the sake of the story ✨
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“I can’t fucking believe it,” Criston hisses. The heat of his anger billows from him like smoke from Vhagar’s nostrils. Aemond feels it against his back as they walk (Criston almost stomping) across the cobblestone paths. He wears the same old brown wool cloak and hat as he had when they were last here, before the Dance.
“I know,” Aemond responds plainly.
“I expected this from Aegon. As would anyone. But you, Aemond.” Criston staggers as he lectures. After years of reflection and buckets of blood on his hands, his anger still gets the best of him, even in the smallest of ways. “Honestly, what would your mother say about all this?”
“She’s gone, Cole.” That’s all he can say. She was taken by the winter fever shortly after Aegon’s second coronation and Helaena’s suicide. Aemond suffered plenty in all three areas. Criston saw. And he was there when Aemond still needed a parent; helping him through his losses and the choices his brother made as king. It is why Criston volunteered to help with the City Watch while also remaining on the Kingsguard to help him. He became a father to Aemond.
And fathers asking their children what their mothers might think of their wrongdoings is supposed to add an extra dose of shame. Aemond learns, despite assuming otherwise, that he is not an exception to this. He feels the shame, like whenever his nephews knocked him to the ground and snickered or when Alicent slapped him after confessing what happened at Storm’s End. He remembers how he couldn’t sleep for days.
There was no way he could sleep tonight, either. The possibility that something could happen to his family while he remained safe in the Red Keep is a burden he could not bear after seeing Alyssa. The gods sewed in the inevitable, and it’s his turn to unlace it. So he focuses on his route as Criston lingers behind, keeping up with the sharp turns and secret alleyways. Aemond recalls the moment he left. All three of them were safe. They were in tears on the cot, but they were safe. He let the image settle in his mind. They were safe. Spotting the door once again, he’ll guarantee it. He avoids glancing down the alley, hoping to forget that.
But Criston does glance. “Was that one of Aegon’s—”
“We’re here,” Aemond says. His fingers wrap around the handle, jiggling the iron to find it locked. Good. Then he knocks three times, then two, then one.
“You actually have a special knock?”
“Not important.”
The bolt shifted behind the wood, and the open door bloomed with light once more. Aemond squinted at the starkness, but he could see that she was alright. She was standing, hunching slightly, and smiling. She stepped aside to let them both in. Aemond spotted the girls on the cot, quiet.
She shut the door with a thud. “You came back!”
“Like I said I would,” Aemond replies. He was hesitant to hug her, but she took the choice away when she instantly wrapped her arms around his neck. He took the opportunity and held her gently, burying his nose in her thick hair. It smelled of sweat and dirt, and he inhaled deeply before letting go. “This is Criston Cole. He’s going to help us. It’s cold out, so you’ll need this.” He takes the spare cloak Criston has and asks her to hold her hair.
“I know how to put on a cloak, Aemond.”
He hesitates to object. The cloak matches her eyes. He notices when she turns and takes it from him. She handles it well enough, so Aemond squeezes by to reach the cot. He sits close to the babes’ feet. They were sleeping. All he could do was whisper “sorry” repeatedly as he picked up Alisha first. She only cooed, not fully awake. He stood slowly to hand her over. “Here. Put her under the cloak.”
“What did you think I was going to do?” She asked.
“I know, I know. I just... have to say it aloud.”
Then came Alyssa. She only squirmed as he picked her up, and Aemond wondered what she could be dreaming about. He stands straight before covering her. He brushed her ginger hair.
“Do you want to see her?” She holds Alisha closer to Criston. She smiles brightly when she turns Alisha’s face toward him. And despite his objections during the entire walk here, he reaches out to hold her little hand, noting how her fingernails are no bigger than grains of rice. He breaks into a grin when he says hello. His palm brushes her hair, and the grin fades as he looks closer—the transition from brushing the whole of her head to examining individual strands. Aemond does not expect them to be noticed at such a late hour, but Criston’s eyebrows go straight as he stares at him.
Aemond only stared back, bringing the other half of his cloak over Alyssa’s face.
“What’s the plan?”
“To find them safety,” Aemond replies. “A better home.”
“Surely you have a more detailed idea than that.”
“Where are the apartments? The ones where you kept that girl from Lys?”
Criston’s hard expression changed. “What are you talking about?”
Then it was Aemond’s turn to stare in disappointment. The disappointment that Criston thought he would never notice the obvious. Celibacy among the Kingsguard has not been as enforced under Aegon’s reign, and Criston is not the only one to take advantage of this, especially for any woman who looks like Rhaenyra.
“Over by the Old Gate,” he caves. “I arranged the rent and servants with Chataya. Her brothel isn’t far from here.”
“Then we’ll go to Chataya’s. We’ll take the Street of Silk. It should be faster.”
“Darling, we don’t have a choice. Here.” Aemond traces the loops of his belt, pulling out a dagger. “Take this.” The ripple of Valyrian steel sheens in his hand.
“I-I can’t.”
“You can and you will.” His face softens. “Just in case I’m not close enough.”
She’s hesitant, but takes it anyway, shoving it in one of the cloak pockets.
Alyssa fusses, as if she’s protesting herself now that she’s fully awake. He’s familiar with this one, and she does not let up when he tries to shush her, so he sticks his free hand inside and searches for her mouth. He gently puts his finger in, letting her tiny lips and hands wrap around it like a bottle.
“She’s hungry,” Aemond reluctantly admits.
“I can feed her. Quickly.”
“No. The faster we move, the better.”
“But I—”
“He’s right, ma’am,” Criston says.
Aemond can see the uneasiness reveal itself once more. It’s the remnants of fear sticking around before he left, as the possibilities outside that door (good or otherwise) are closer than ever. So Aemond stepped closer while her eyes glowed wet in the dwindling candlelight. A kiss, another hug, perhaps, or some sort of reassurance that it would be alright could help. But as his arms cradle Alyssa (and Criston waits when there’s no time), Aemond instead presses his forehead against hers. He keeps his eye on her, and her smile is small. It was good enough.
“Let’s go.”
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Men in rags stay close to the walls, under torchlights. Some with their selection of whores, others looking to wait their turn. The streets are less congested by stone walls, so pathways are more open, with no carts or livestock blocking the way. They can all step aside and not disturb each other. 
Her cloak shielded her arms as Alisha fussed more. She stuck close to Aemond as Criston took the lead this time, many paces ahead. Aemond could hear the speed of her breathing and see the fog rolling from her lips.
“Walk with purpose,” Aemond tells her. “Eyes forward. Do not look afraid.”
“Easier said than done.”
“I’m here. Lean on me if you have to.”
“No. It’s not the time to look weak.”
That damned cot. Sleeping, the pregnancy, and birthing twins on that cot took its toll. Her body has grown weak. Her stubbornness, though, remains unmoved. It’s why Aemond never bought her a new bed. She would cunningly lead him to the floor, so they would lose the topic (as well as the night) before they slept.
Her stubbornness persists all the same as her body struggles with the walk, one step to the other as Aemond continues to be their eyes, centering on Criston (and the men who stare too long). The path is straight and simple. But Alisha still whimpers. Her arms shift under the cloth, muffling her upset, a finger in her mouth. But her adamancy follows through mother and daughter. “Why does this work for you and not me?”
Aemond smirks. “Magic touch.”
She scoffed, nudging him. Aemond responded similarly, planting a kiss in her hair in the safety of darkness. The frizz tickled his nose, and for a moment, Aemond felt peace. A rare thing he relished with his mother or his sister. It’s something he hasn’t felt since the Dance. But even on this road and in the cold, it ruminates over his whole body.
But as quick as that peace washed over him like a bath of sacred waters, he got pulled out. He’s reminded of his thirteenth name day when her blue eyes lock onto his. Aemond turns his eye to Criston once again. He didn’t turn around, but Aemond focused, blinking out the memories.
“Found a replacement, have you?” She stands at the entrance to that brothel all the same as before, when Aemond and Criston were looking for Aegon. She leans casually against the doorway as they pass, and the smirk makes Aemond’s stomach turn.
She turns around, but Aemond pulls her by the arm. “Focus.”
“Was she speaking to you?”
“Oh… Aemond. Are you alright?”
“I’m fine,” he says with an even breath. He pulls her closer, arm and arm, cloth and cloth. “We’ll get there soon.” Criston is still ahead, and Aemond remembers to breathe.
“Perhaps we should stop.”
“No.” His eye darts at the surrounding men. Most didn’t look at him, and the ones who did offered only a glance. None remember when he was ten and three, despite what his thoughts are saying. The walls are not closing in, and Criston is still well ahead. “We need to catch up.” He pulls her by the arm, and she does her best to keep up.
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If it was not the location of Chataya’s that spoke of their expensive price range, it was the perfumes. He recognized the scents of Day’s Dawn and Ginger Palm, authentic from the Summer Isles, along with the smells of cinnamon and nutmeg. Scarlet lamps gave low lighting, but Aemond still kept his head down. He blocked all bodies he noted in the alcove as the lights bled patterns of their shades on the floors and small tables.
“Welcome, sirs,” a woman says. Aemond still keeps his head down.
“Alayaya, hello,” Criston says. “Is your mother around?”
“Always. But I can help you as well.”
“I have a specific request that requires her… connections.”
“There are plenty of specific requests we can and have fulfilled, Ser Cole. Not just my mother.” With her voice alone, Aemond can see her smile: coy and showing teeth, a light accent honeyed with playfulness. All the signs say she doesn’t know this situation is serious.
“I’m sorry, ma’am, but we specifically need your mother,” Criston says as he gently puts a hand on Aemond’s shoulder. Aemond forces himself to take a breath before looking up. When he does, he doesn’t let his eye linger out of concern that anyone else in this place would recognize him.
Aemond watches the recollection color her face, her dark eyes widening upon the sight of his. There was no fear in sight, but the realization that she was in over her head (Aemond saw that look a lot during the Dance). She picks at the gold rings in one of her braids as her eyes trail over to her persistently rocking Alisha. Alayaya steps back. “I’ll go get my mother.”
Chataya does not take long to arrive. Aemond spotted the book and quill in her hands before he put his head back down. “I’ll speak with her,” Criston tells Aemond.
“Alright,” he mumbles.
Criston squeezes his shoulder. “I’ll be close by.”
Aemond nods.
She was further away than they were on the street, just an arm’s length away. Alisha whimpers under her cloak, and Aemond cannot afford to spare her a glance, let alone help. Criston isn’t the only one who chooses places like Chataya’s. Non-Westerosi women have a higher price range, which means her customers have likely been in the Red Keep, possibly even invited. Which means they just need to meet his eye once.
It kills him. His stress only heightens when she fiddles with her cloak to find Alisha’s mouth. Nothing. She tries rocking her gently, but she only grows more demanding with each sway. Meanwhile, Alyssa remains quiet somehow, Aemond’s finger still in her mouth, but she stopped suckling minutes ago.
“Gods! Quiet the thing!” Aemond hears from the alcove. The man’s voice is deep in his chest.
“Sorry,” she squeaks. She does what she can, but Alisha does not let up. She’s very hungry.
Aemond sees a woman fall to the floor, just in his limited view. Alayaya helps her up. He sees calf-skin boots come and go out of his sight.
“Lord Baratheon.”
Aemond freezes.
Chataya’s voice is smooth as she remains assertive. “You do not throw my girls around as such.”
“This is not an establishment for children. So she should take the child outside so I can enjoy the experience I paid good money for.”
Alisha is hungry. Aemond thinks about that as he remembers Lord Borros’ funeral after the Battle of the Kingsroad. After that, they acknowledged Royce Baratheon as Lord of Storm’s End. Aemond married his sister two days later.
“Or if you just whip out your tit and feed it, it might—oh.” The gruffness dissipates, and Aemond questions his perspective for a moment. No one is in front of him.
“I remember you.”
“No,” she muttered. “Forgive me, sir. I don’t recognize you.”
“Yes, you do.” Royce drags out the last syllable. It sounded like Baelon insisting on a later bedtime or going hunting with Royce after Aemond and Floris agreed he was too young. Except Royce adds a disgusting singsong tone to it. “Redheads stand out on their own already. With big doe eyes like yours. Baratheons know how to spot that.”
“Sir, please.”
“Lord Baratheon,” Chataya calls.
Aemond has to keep still.
“You remember my cousin. I see it in your eyes. Of course you do. He loved redheads.”
Aemond’s heart pounds in his chest so fast that he’s surprised that Alyssa remains undisturbed. Royce’s voice only grew more heated. He’s drunk. And he’s quick to anger when drunk, remembering Lord Lorren Lannister running into him at the reception. Maesters tended to him while guards carried Royce to bed. Not long after, Floris pulled Aemond aside and asked him to fly to King’s Landing out of sheer embarrassment.
“I wasn’t—”
“But you just couldn’t let him have you, could you? Too good for a Baratheon, are ya?” He curdles a spit and hacks it on her shoes.
Aemond has to stay still. He keeps his palms flat, despite the instinct to clench them. Alisha’s crying continues, and it doesn’t help.
“He followed me to my room. I was not working then.”
“Whores are whores no matter the hour of the day. They bend over when a man tells them to.”
“Only when they pay for it. Your cousin was too frugal for me.”
Aemond didn’t know what would burst first: the vein in his forehead or his lips from the pressure of keeping them closed with his teeth. The desperation to keep his family safe stared him down from all angles. In his mind, he pictures Baelon and Daeron sound asleep. While adjusting to her growing front, he thinks of Floris kissing them goodnight as she stands up. He thinks of something happening to his girls and can feel the fabric of Alyssa’s cloth as he grips her tighter. He thinks of how disappointed his mother would be.
Alyssa fusses. Aemond eases his hold and his teeth.
Alisha wails.
“Is that a hungry bastard of someone who paid?”
“Yes,” Aemond says. He spots her sandals and the reflection of spit already seeping between her toes. Royce is not one to take directions the first time, and Aemond’s instincts smack his meaty fingers away before he’s given the chance to realize he was reaching for her cloak.
Alyssa’s cry leans into a bawl. Aemond’s hand is hesitant to slip back in.
Royce laughs, a small one from the belly. “Oh, I see. It explains the hips she’s got on her now. But if this doting father has his hands full with another bastard, then what will he do to stop me?”
“Then I will be the one you deal with instead.” Criston steps in front of Aemond. “Man on man. Sword and sword.”
“Ser Criston.” The joy depleted from his voice. Normally, Aemond would enjoy it, but Criston is the Kingsguard, the City Watch, part of the royal family. “The king requires escorts of many kinds, huh?”
“If the king or any member of the Targaryen family were here right now, you would bow accordingly. As is your place as a lord and as a Green.”
“My father would spit on the Greens if he were alive today. My youngest nephew doesn’t get to see his future land of Storm’s End because his pompous Targaryen father thinks he’s better than us. He’d rather both of them fly their winged beasts than hunt for game in the woods.”
Criston was silent for a long time. And for a moment, it was strange to find Royce was as well. He didn’t even digest Royce’s insult because Aemond couldn’t believe Criston was using one of his parenting tactics: letting the boy sit in silence with his own words so he could feel the weight of them. The longer they are quiet, the more they understand thinking before speaking.
“If you wish to keep your tongue, Lord Royce, you will keep it safe in your mouth by not speaking further insults about your brother-by-law.”
“Ma’am, sir, you can come with me!” Alayaya calls. “You can feed the babes back here.”
No one moves for what feels like hours, but Aemond follows her out, still looking straight at the floor and hoping to the gods there were no stairs. The gods blessed him as he passed through a beaded curtain Alayaya held open for them. They paused in place and let her lead the way. There were only a few paces before they stopped, Aemond nearly clashing Alyssa into her mother.
“You can look up, my prince,” she whispers. “No one will see you here.”
Aemond hesitates to do so, but the aching in his neck was tempting enough to believe her—a narrow hallway lined with crimson doors and elaborately patterned tapestries crowding corners and windows. Aemond looks back to see the beaded curtain Alayaya held for him, still clicking against itself before stilling, finding no one in his line of sight. No Criston either.
Alayaya pulls out a dull brass skeleton key that matches the door handle. She twists it, and a bolt shifts on the other side. She holds the door once again, waiting patiently for them to enter and settle in. Except this time, they don’t move. It is as if, in silence, without a single glance toward each other, they waited for something else to happen, as if Royce (or someone else) was about to stampede in and finally ruin everything.
But no one does; no one enters or leaves the hallway. A body does not enter or exit any of the surrounding doors. There are no people for Aemond to stare down at as they pass; there is no one here to remember when he was ten and three.
They found more tapestries and scarlet lamps in the bedroom. They also noticed a silk bed that looked untouched, with plenty of pillows that matched the sheets resting against the headboard. Neither of them said anything. Aemond looks back at Alayaya.
“I’ll tell Ser Criston where you are,” she says while looking at Aemond. Then she turns to her. Aemond follows. “You are safe here, ma’am.”
All she can do is nod. It’s good enough since Alayaya shuts the door. And it’s at the sound of the lock sliding into place that they deflate, a long-awaited exhale finally escaping their lungs. They release their arms from under their cloaks to place the babes at the foot of the bed, rolling out their shoulders and stretching their backs.
Then, after a moment of rest, they look at each other. They wasted no time closing the gap, wrapping each other in an embrace. Nothing sensual like this place would inspire, nothing romantic or yearning. Only love. The desperation to hold her was overwhelming, as it was proof that she was still here, present, alive, and safe. Aemond puts one hand atop her tangled curls and the other at her back, gripping her tighter and tighter like he expected her to become glued to his skin. He knows she can hear how incessant his heartbeat is, his ribs barely a cage enough to contain it. Aemond inhales the sweat and dirt, eye closed.
“You were scared too?” Her palms were flat around his waist and shoulder.
“Of course I was,” he admits. It was a simple thing to admit to her. “But you handled yourself so well.”
“He recognized me so fast.”
“And you handled yourself so well, darling.” He pushes the curls that cover her forehead back to kiss her on the skin, hot from stress. “You stood up for yourself, and I’m so proud of you.”
Aemond is present enough to let his heart calm. And once he feels the steady decline, he moves his hands but doesn’t let her go. Instead, he holds her face, kissing her forehead again, then her cheeks, then her lips. He brushes the tops of her hair back as he looks into her eyes. “I love you,” he tells her. “Don’t ever forget that.”
Her smile was small, yet such a wash of relief at the sight alone. The smile of contentment. “I love you too,” she tells him, and it’s a warmth that spreads through him like tea. And he looked at her for a long time. The mother of his daughters, a woman he never thought could love him the way he needed.
Her hands soon travel from his back to his wrists as she keeps her gaze on him. “I need to feed the girls.”
Aemond nods. “I’ll help you.”
“You should rest while you can, Aemond.”
“I’ll rest when you do.”
She does not argue further. She settled with Aemond helping her remove her cloak. He saw the way she was still shivering, but reminded himself that they were almost there. He doesn’t mention it. She instead settles on the bed, only wearing the dirty white cotton nightgown she often wore. It was the only one that had a stretchable collar. It was easier than getting undressed just to breastfeed the babes. She shimmies one sleeve down before bringing Alisha back into her arms. Aemond knows her breasts are still swollen with milk, and she has been in pain since the girls made their hunger known. Luckily, it doesn’t take long for her to latch, and she eats away.
Aemond keeps one palm on Alyssa in the swaddle as he watches. He moves her hair away from her chest, avoiding any mess. The copper spirals end at the middle of her back. She never wore it down when he first knew her. She had stringy pieces in her face that were too short to stay in the unkempt braid, which she only unraveled when the money was in her hand.
“What?” She turned to Aemond.
“Your cousin was too frugal for me,” he repeated in her earlier jab.
“Well,” she shrugs, “he was. Whores require payment, simple as that. Even the drunkest fools would toss coins at me when they were done.”
“I didn’t.”
She snorts with a laugh. “You’re a fool, but you’ve never been a drunken one. You paid me just to sit in my room and talk.”
“You intrigued me.” Aemond kissed her cheek. “Is that so bad?”
“It was daunting at first. You killed your cousin two days prior.”
“He was a cousin by marriage, dear.”
“You know what I mean, then.”
“Well, I didn’t know he was a cousin. It’s not like Royce was around.”
She scoffs lightly before changing her position, trying to sit as upright as she can, like Aemond. “Give me Alyssa,” she tells him.
“We have time. Just take the moment and be with your youngest.”
“Leave it to the youngest to be the most vocal.” She laughs at her joke.
Aemond does too, but he can tell she’s still rattled. “Look at me.” He gently puts his palm around her forearm, gesturing towards his chest, and then up as he inhales, guiding her to do the same. They exhale at the same time once more. “Perfect.”
“Gods, I was so scared.”
“I know. Me too.”
“Do you think your wife knows her brother is in the city?”
“We need to be informed in advance about any visitors to the Red Keep. She was probably waiting to tell me when it was closer to his visit. She knows I don’t care for him.”
“Do you think he recognized you?”
“No. He spat out what he did, but they’re the words of a sober man’s thoughts. Nothing more.”
They remained quiet until Alisha was done. Aemond keeps her hair out of the way as she burps their daughter. There was only minimal spit up—nothing a towelette couldn’t solve. He took the same towelette to wipe between her toes. They then switched out the twins quickly. She pulls the other sleeve down, and Alyssa latches while Aemond swaddles Alisha back up. It’s easy to remember: fold under the arms, across the chest, tuck behind the back, take the bottom, and meet the back. It’s effortless after four kids. Aemond holds her close, watching her eyelids grow heavy from the delightful consequences of a full stomach.
After a moment, he scoots closer to her, looking just over her shoulder as Alyssa eats. Her lids are becoming lazy as well, but Aemond can just make out her purple eye. The right one, just like his. It was something he once saw as a sense of pride. He felt the rush when he held Baelon, clean from the afterbirth, and nothing but a squishy being of joy. Daeron too. With his girl, his oldest girl, it was impossible to sit with that same storm in his blood without being reminded of the tragedies to come. The potential tragedies to come. It is why they’re here—to stop all potential tragedies from destroying his family.
She burps Alyssa. Spit up, as expected. It was more than Alisha, but Aemond wiped it up without hesitation. He dabbed her little plush lips for good measure, smiling at his baby. He swore he saw them curl.
Criston knocked at the door. Aemond knew because he copied his knock: three, two, then one. Aemond still gets up carefully as she watches him. Meanwhile, Alisha is out cold—not a peep. Aemond still keeps her out of view, cracking the door to just see half of Criston’s face. He doesn’t find any bruises, cuts, or a spot of blood anywhere on his clothes. Not even a wave of his hair was out of place. But the bulb in his throat bobs, something he remembers from the Dance. The audible dry swallow was never a good sign. “Royce is gone.”
“Gone where?”
“I don’t know. He left just now.”
“We should leave.”
They nod to each other before Aemond shuts the door. He looks over at her, and she’s already trying to bring her nightgown back over her chest and shoulders, frantic as Alyssa falls asleep.
“It’s alright. It’s alright.” Aemond crouches down, pulling gently at the sleeve with one hand and pulling it over her breast.
“We have to go,” she said.
“Yes, but let me help. Breathe. And hold her. Be with your daughter.”
She inhales, pauses, and exhales on her own as Aemond pulls up the other sleeve. She brushes Alyssa’s cheek, cooing and kissing the air softly. Aemond drank in the sight as he brought the neckline closer to her clavicle. Then he took her cloak, leaning on the bed, and wrapped it around her until it met in the middle. She shook out her hair as she clasped the cloak shut. Aemond then hides Alisha again as Criston knocks with the same pattern, politely urging them to hurry.
Criston leads them further down the hallway. “Alayaya is waiting for us in the back.” The three hurried down the hall, nearly hand in hand with how close they were. Aemond’s heart raced in rhythm with their hectic footsteps. The narrow halls felt like an endless stretch as he waited for a single door to burst open and finally catch them. With every corner turned, that similar surge came back in full swing, his grip only tightening on Alisha as they rushed to the exit.
Then he spotted Alayaya over Criston’s shoulder, her hand firmly on the knob. She was ready to free them like frantic animals, but she stopped Criston with a polite palm to the chest first. “This leads to an alleyway. Go right, then left out of it. Follow the street until you reach the Old Gate. Make your way across the path, and the building will be on the corner. The top floor.”
As she opens the door, they all nod, and then they feel their feet touch an evenly paved cobblestone as darkness engulfs them once again. Silhouettes of ivy cling to the stone walls of looming buildings. Not a person in sight, not a (visible) Targaryen child in sight. Almost there. It was all Aemond could think of. Criston is ahead again, but he looks back. “Come here,” he says to Aemond. He recognizes the tone when he’s overtaxed. Aemond then looks back at her before approaching his side.
Criston pulls out a skeleton key, a similar brass shade to Alayaya’s. “Yours now. Chataya said she would send you the bill at the end of the month.”
Aemond takes the key, shoving it in his cloak pocket. His dry throat swallows as he feels the heaviness in the air—the shame. His mother’s shame Aemond could outrun for as long as he still breathed. The gods were kind enough to give them time together after the war and cruel enough to take her so soon after he found Helaena on the spikes. The idea  of Criston’s shame lingering in his eyes during every small council meeting, every year on any of his children’s name days, every glance in his direction was something he couldn’t tolerate. He did not want to lose more family.
“Thank you for this,” he eventually said. “It means a lot. Truly.”
Criston looks at him, but only briefly. “Don’t mention it.”
“I should, though. You went out of your way for me again. I am grateful for that... beyond words.”
Criston turns back to Aemond. His dark eyes, even in the starless night, softened quickly. “It’s my job to go out of my way for you.”
Aemond’s mouth twitches.
“I know you know what I mean.”
He gazes down at the hidden (finally asleep) mass in his arms. He knows.
His instinct takes over again, and he doesn’t remember turning around just as he doesn’t hear Criston draw his sword. His eye rests on the blade against her throat. Royce. Aemond makes out the Baratheon sigil on his chest as she struggles against his hold on her waist, despite not making any difference.
Aemond, however, cannot move. Not because he’s frozen with indecision, but because of the realization that there is no move that isn’t obvious. He is just in need to kill as he needs to protect Alisha. He cannot simply pass her off to Criston. Not even if his hands were free; they are too far away to make any difference. Royce could slice them both before Aemond would even be in reach.
So he is still by force and keeps his eye on her. She’s as fierce as she is terrified.
Royce’s face, however, is puffy from too much ale. And his beard glistens with grease. He chuckles. “So this is what you’re doing when you’re not making heirs with my sister, huh? We went to war—my father died—so you could make your own bastards with a Flea Bottom whore?”
“You will let them go,” Criston orders.
“Targaryen bastards line plenty of alleyways. Give me one good reason I shouldn’t slaughter this one in her arms and bring it to my sister. Have the entire city on the hunt for Prince Aemond Targaryen’s hidden bastard.”
“Royce,” Aemond says through his teeth. “Don’t.”
“Oh. You care about these. The prince I rode with in the Riverlands, he didn’t care for the bastards he slaughtered. He made them dragon dinner.”
“And I will slaughter you before feeding you to Vhagar all the same.”
Royce laughs. “If you cared for your brother’s kingdom at all, you’d drop the babe and hope the stone splits her head open.”
Aemond only holds Alisha tighter. She whimpers as she wakes up.
“I guess we have different priorities.” Then Royce moves the blade from her neck and shoves her into the wall, her back colliding with the stone. She yelped as she landed on the ground. Royce then snatches Alyssa from her hold before she can grip her tighter.
Alyssa whimpers with Alisha as she hangs in the air. Her weight dropped in the swaddle, but she didn’t fall. Her whimpers morphed into panic. His purple tint in her eye gleamed even in the minimal light, and he didn’t know if he could keep his eye open as he watched her kick her little feet in the cocoon, completely helpless.
Then the metal of Royce’s blade came into his sight. “She has your... eye.”
Alyssa was quiet because her mother’s screams pierced Aemond’s ears like blades themselves, digging into the canals. It’s all that forces him to look away from the aftermath, a word that was so easy to use when speaking about a mass of dead soldiers. Dead villagers and dead bastards as well. But seeing Alyssa on the ground, inky liquid pooling around her, it makes everything move slowly. Royce was even slower to stop her from digging Aemond’s dagger into his calf. Royce collapses, and the dagger ascends his body, cutting up his skin and fat like she was climbing a mountain, until Royce gurgles, desperate to keep speaking as his body convulses. When she is on top of him, she digs the blade into his chest. Repeatedly. Until only the hilt is visible
Aemond stays still, watching the twitching in Royce’s ankles. Criston is in his peripheral, his blade sheathed again. It’s her wailing and her rapid breaths in the dark that snap him into motion.
He hands Alisha off to Criston, double-checking that she is secure in his arms as she cries to herself. Aemond scrambles to her, nearly tripping over his own feet as he slides to the ground. His knees are wet as they press into the stone, and he can’t think about who it might be. Aemond finds his blade in the dark and slips it back into one of his belt loops.
Aemond’s throat is tight as he feels around for her, finding her back and the crooks of her knees. But there were small fists pounding against his shoulders and chest as she strained her voice.
“It’s just me,” he says.
“Can you walk?”
“No!” She continues beating on his chest. “No, no! Where’s Alyssa? I want to see Alyssa!”
Aemond doesn’t listen, eventually feeling around (and finding more blood drenching her nightgown) until he finds her legs. He pulls her up as he attempts to stand on his own; the realization taking hold as she writhes against him.
“I want my baby!”
Aemond ignores her, spotting Criston and bolting past him before he says anything. He knows where to go just as well as Aemond. From the alleyway, he remembers to exit left. He keeps the image of the Old Gate in his mind as he charges.
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The lavishness of the apartment was reminiscent of Chataya’s, with multiple rooms, silks, and warm colors throughout on top of the beautiful view of the city. The same scarlet lamps reflect on the stone floor, almost hiding the blood staining the entryway. Servants lined the archway into the first sitting room. That was until Aemond ordered them out, as they both collapsed to the ground upon unlocking the door.
Aemond’s lungs burned, like dry heat in his chest, as he heaved. When he eventually tried to stand (with great pain), he tried picking her up as well. She smacked his hand away. He understood. He deserved it. She did her best to get up on her own. And though Aemond could hear the struggle in (what remained) of her voice, he didn’t interfere. It was not his place. He stood against the nearest wall like the servants did moments ago. Except that his body lost all posture and royal propriety. He could barely feel his legs, let alone any sign of a heartbeat in his chest. As she stands, snotty inhales as she sees the blood across her body, red and shining even in the dim light. It nearly brings her back down.
That was nearly the case until her eyes locked on Aemond. He watched the surge pulse through her body as she brought herself to her feet with ease. Aemond doesn’t resist when she stomps across the floor toward him. The rage is in her eyes—a fire he never thought would burn so instantly inside her.
And it was his fault.
Her fists collide with the bones in his chest, some catching strands of his hair and yanking them out as she only screams in his face. Aemond doesn’t stop her. It doesn’t hurt. He can’t feel anything.
“I’m sorry,” he eventually says. A single tear streaks down his face. It was cooling as it slid down to his chin, following another. “I’m so sorry, darling.”
“I said you couldn’t do it!” She kept beating him as he remained still. “But you wouldn’t listen to me! If you left us in Flea Bottom, where we were fine, if you weren’t so fucking stubborn, I’d still have my babes!” The last word snapped her back as she looked around. “Where’s Alisha?”
“With Cole.”
“Where is he?” Her eyes flare.
“He’s following us.”
“You mean you don’t know!”
“It hasn’t been long.”
She hits him with a blow to the chest that he actually feels, winding him. “It didn’t take long for Alyssa to die either!”
The blood from her hands stains his tunic. Her punches become weaker as she looks back down at her hands. And she turns around before bursting into sobs again. She runs to the nearest back room, away from Aemond. She looks around at each flat surface, like she hoped she simply misplaced the girls. It’s not Royce’s blood that bothers her. She doesn’t have the girls to hold. Not even one of them—something she hasn’t experienced in three months. The whimpers and cracks in her voice are all that carry when Aemond can’t see her anymore.
Aemond returns to the ground, sliding down the granite wall. He was a pathetic guard for a woman who has every reason to hate him. The numbing stage of his heartbreak will surely pass and descend into the next stage, as will the weighing guilt of his actions. These were his actions. One of his girls died from his mistake. Because he, once again, assumed he was an exception to the rules, to the gods and their wrath.
Three knocks, then two, then one. 
Aemond doesn’t have the strength to stand. “Cole,” he says.
Criston opens the door, heavy wood with creaking metal hinges. He looks around the place, spotting the blood on the floor. His arms are cradling Alisha as he crouches to Aemond’s side. He doesn’t see a fleck of disappointment, only wide-eyed concern. “Are you alright?” He feels around his cloak and tunic for a wound.
Aemond shakes his head. “Not mine,” he says. His eye points to the archway on the other side of the room. “She’s over there.”
Criston looks over, her wails trailing out of the room just loud enough to overhear. He’s gentle when showing him Alisha. “She’s safe,” he says. “I only just got her to calm down.”
Aemond’s chest shutters, as though his ribs had finally given in and dissolved inside him. She matched her mother’s big eyes; the whites of them were pink, and her cheeks were red with grief. Aemond is hesitant to touch her, not just because of the blood drying on his fingertips, but also because of the fear of damning his only living daughter with his touch alone. He looked at Alisha as if he were suddenly the Stranger embodied, like one fingertip to her soft ginger hair would eliminate his purpose in doing all of this and destroy any sense of Targaryen exceptionalism he thought he possessed.
He hesitates but forces himself to reach out and touch her, as it may be the last time he’s ever given the chance. There’s a part of him that feels filled (if not partially) when she looks at him, recognizing him as a remedy for his pain and not the cause yet. He brushes the flesh on her cheek before letting his head fall back against the granite. “She needs her more. Go.”
Criston hesitates to leave. “You’re sure?”
“Yes. Go.”
“I’ll be back.”
“I’ll be fine.”
Aemond watches Criston disappear behind the curtains lining the archway, and his eye rests on the ceiling. He looked up like he was looking at the gods in the sept, the grand marble statues that surrounded him when he prayed. Helaena and Jaehaerys’ ashes in the sept came to mind, resting in silence after she screamed and held his headless nephew. The sound was no different from the mother of his children just in the next room, the sound of her heart shattering in front of him—a pain he didn’t have the strength to voice in himself. He didn’t think his heart could break the way it did upon seeing his corpse, wrapped in gilded cloth, like he was only in a deep sleep. He thought about the pieces of Arrax falling from the clouds at Storm’s End, with no sign of Lucerys’ body in the mix. All of them, his fault.
There’s no world where the gods would allow all of Aemond’s children to live when he helped kill two others because of his stupidity. His stupidity bested him again by making him think otherwise.
Criston came back. Alisha wasn’t in his arms, but a bucket and a rag hung off of him. He sets them close to Aemond as he gets comfortable on the floor, inches away. Criston dips the rag into the bucket, wringing out the excess water before taking it to Aemond’s cloak and chest. He doesn’t speak a word as he pushes Aemond’s long hair to his back, preventing any curling.
Aemond’s voice is weak. “Why are you doing this, Cole?”
“We need to clean you up,” he says.
Aemond takes a gentle hold of his arm and pushes him away. “She needs this more than me. Save the water for her.”
“There’s plenty left.”
“Why for me, then?”
Criston sighs. “It’s late in the night, Aemond. The hour? I’m not sure.”
Aemond doesn’t understand.
“Your wife is likely expecting you.”
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Taglist: @paprikaquinn @immyowndefender @teal-anchor @dixie-elocin
302 notes · View notes
1968 [Chapter 7: Apollo, God Of Music]
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Series Summary: Aemond is embroiled in a fierce battle to secure the Democratic Party nomination and defeat his archnemesis, Richard Nixon, in the presidential election. You are his wife of two years and wholeheartedly indoctrinated into the Targaryen political dynasty. But you have an archnemesis of your own: Aemond’s chronically delinquent brother Aegon.
Series Warnings: Language, sexual content (18+ readers only), violence, bodily injury, character deaths, New Jersey, age-gap relationships, drinking, smoking, drugs, pregnancy and childbirth, kids with weird Greek names, historical topics including war and discrimination, math.
Word Count: 8.7k
Let me know if you’d like to be tagged! 🥰
💜 All of my writing can be found HERE! 💜
“My uncle, he is a doctor in Zabrze,” Ludwika says, red Yardley lips, Camel cigarette. No one cares if she smokes; she’s not campaigning to be the next first lady. Fosco is puffing on a cigar. Mimi sips drowsily at her Gimlet; you could use a few shots, but you’re making do with a Pink Squirrel, something sweet and feminine and without any bite. “So I go to him and he gives me a bottle of chlordiazepoxide.”
“Oh, Librium,” Mimi says, perking up.
Ludwika waves her hand dismissively; cigarette smoke wafts through the air. “Whatever. The next day I have my audition. A tiny man who thinks he’s God. And I give it a real shot, I try my best, I’m nice, I’m charming, but he doesn’t like me. He says my teeth are too big, like a mouse’s. This is very rude. I did not comment on his fidgety little rat hands. But okay, no problem, I have a plan. No one will stop me from getting out of Poland.”
“You drugged him?” you ask, incredulous, grinning.
“You are a criminal,” Fosco tells Ludwika. “I will call J. Edgar Hoover, you should not be so close to positions of power.”
“Listen, listen,” Ludwika insists. “Here is what I do. I thank him very much for his consideration, and then as I leave I drop my purse and things go everywhere. I filled it before I left my apartment, of course. Anything I could find, empty lipstick tubes and perfume bottles, old makeup compacts with broken mirrors, coins, hair pins, tissues, pens, gum, Krówki candies, it is an avalanche. And when he bends down to help me pick up the mess—I have to encourage him, ‘oh sir won’t you grab that, I am just a stupid girl in a very short dress,’ you understand—I put the pills in his tea.”
“How many pills?” you ask.
“I don’t know. You think I had time to count? Maybe seven.”
“Seven?!” Mimi exclaims, and you take this to mean it was a generous dose.
“What? He did not die,” Ludwika says. “I wait two days and then I go back to his office. And it is so strange, can you believe it, he does not remember my audition! So I remind him that he thought I would be perfect for the ad he is shooting in Paris. He keeps squinting at me and saying ‘are you sure, are you sure?!’ Of course I’m sure! A week later, I am standing under the Eiffel Tower with a bottle of Coca-Cola. And then I book a job in London, and then another in New York City, and one of my new model friends sets me up on a blind date with Otto. Lunch in Astoria at a horrible Greek restaurant. Who wants to eat pie made out of spinach?! Now I am here with you people, and the journalists love when I smile for them with my big mouse teeth.”
All four of you laugh at your table, an elite club, the ones who married in. It’s Alicent’s 60th birthday, and the ballroom of the Texas State Hotel in downtown Houston is raucous with clinking glasses and chatter and music and the shutter clicks of photographers. The DJ is playing Fun, Fun, Fun by the Beach Boys. Alicent is dancing with Helaena and the children, and it’s the happiest you can ever remember seeing her. Otto, Aemond, and Sargent Shriver are deep in conversation by the bar, furrowed brows and Old Fashioneds, today’s newspapers and tomorrow’s itinerary. Criston is standing with the men but watching Alicent, face wistful, silver streaks in his jet black hair, and it occurs to you that they must have grown up together: Alicent a 19-year-old bride and Criston her husband’s fledgling bodyguard, the person closest to her age in the household, near and trusted and forbidden, orbiting adolescent twins like Artemis and Apollo. You keep looking around for Aegon. No one else seems aware that he’s gone.
“Otto thought he died and went to heaven when he found you,” you tell Ludwika. “His Eastern Bloc defector princess.”
“He is going to bring my mother to the States. I would be anything he wanted me to be. I would be a model, or a housewife, or a nurse. I would be Bigfoot! But this…” Ludwika gestures broadly: to the ballroom, the city, the latest stop on the campaign trail. “It is not so bad. I never expected to serve the Polish people so far from home. You know how you stop communism? You show the world that capitalism can do more for them. There must be a path to a better life, wars must be ended, injustices must be dealt with. Aemond will do that.” She grins at you, exhaling smoke through her nostrils. “You will help him.”
You reply a bit wryly: “It’s an honor.”
“We are like four legs of a table,” Fosco observes. He points at Ludwika with his smoldering cigar. “You are a Slav fleeing the Russians. My family has ancient titles in Italy and yet no castles, no land, we are essentially homeless. Mimi’s father is a third-generation oil tycoon from Pennsylvania. And she was supposed to fix Aegon.”
“I don’t think I succeeded,” Mimi confesses.
“And then when it was time for Aemond to get married…” Fosco turns to Mimi. “Do you remember? What an ordeal. The discussions went on and on and on. She must be smart, she must be sinless, she should be from a self-made family, a real rags-to-riches story of the American Dream.”
“Right.” Mimi nods groggily, reminiscing. “And from the South.”
“Yes! But not the Deep South. No, no. Someplace Aemond could actually win. Texas, Tennessee, North Carolina. Or Florida, of course.” Now Fosco notices how you’re looking at him, because you’ve never heard this before. He quickly pivots. “But the weekend Aemond met you, it was settled. Nobody could compare.”
His tone is odd; it suggests backstories, history, mythology. Ludwika appears to be just as intrigued as you are, taking a drag off her Camel, her eyes narrowing until they are thin and catlike. You ask: “Who else was being considered?”
“No one,” Fosco answers—too quickly—and he and Mimi exchange an uneasy glance.
What did Aemond and I talk about the night we met? you think dizzily. In those first hours, minutes, thirty seconds? Where I’m from. What I was studying.
Fosco, a true Italian, then attempts to deflect by flirting. He makes emphatic, passionate motions with his hands. “You were just so captivating, so clever…”
“And young enough that Aemond could easily beat Aegon’s record of five children,” Mimi adds. Fosco clears his throat and glares at her. Mimi realizes what she’s said and gazes forlornly down into her Gimlet, mortified, groaning softly. You’ve had one c-section already, and no living son to show for it. At most, you might be able to give Aemond two or three more children; and you don’t even want them. You want Ari back. You want to touch him, to hold him, even if only for a moment, even if only once.
“It’s fine,” you try to reassure Mimi, but everyone can tell it’s not.
Ludwika breaks the tension. “You do not want twenty kids anyway. Your uterus will fall out onto the floor.” And you’re so caught off-guard that all you can do is smile at her from across the table, knowing, appreciative. It’s a strange thing to be grateful for.
“She’s right,” Mimi says mournfully. “They had to sew mine back in.”
Fosco pleads: “Stop, stop, I will need a lobotomy.”
Mimi slurps on her Gimlet. “It’s sad. I used to love sex.”
“Mimi, please,” Fosco says, wincing, holding up his palms. “You are like my sister. I prefer to think you are the Virgin Mary.”
Ludwika sighs dramatically and looks to where Otto stands on the other side of the ballroom. “I used to love sex too.”
Now you’re all howling again, rocking back in your chairs. The DJ is playing Go Where You Wanna Go by the Mamas and the Papas. Cass Elliot is the real talent in that group and everybody knows it, but of course any mention of her must be dutifully accompanied by: If only she was more beautiful. If only she could lose weight and find a husband.
“I think you like it, yes?” Ludwika says to you like a dare, puffing on a fresh Camel, red lipstick staining the white paper, blood on sheets. She combs her manicured fingernails though her voluminous blonde hair. “I could tell when I met you. You dress like Jackie Kennedy, but you are not such a statue. She belongs in a museum. I can imagine you at the Summer of Love.”
Fosco and Mimi shift uncomfortably. It’s not the sort of thing they would ever ask you. It’s too personal, too easily a segue into criticizing Aemond. It’s a usurpation of the natural order. Mimi guzzles her Gimlet and flags down a waiter to get another. Fosco takes off his glasses and cleans them with his skinny black necktie.
Sex. You think back to before you began to dread it. This is difficult, like trying to remember Greek words or British manners, which fork to use with each course. Memories from another lifetime come back in flashes: tangled up with your first boyfriend in his tiny dorm room bed, Aemond peeling off your still-dripping swimsuit on the floor of your hotel room during your honeymoon in Hawaii. You shrug and give Ludwika a nod, a brisk, ungenerous answer in the affirmative. “I always feel like I could keep going.”
Paradoxically, this does not end the conversation. Ludwika, Fosco, and Mimi study you with the same bewildered, gear-spinning curiosity. After a moment Ludwika says: “Not after you’ve finished, surely. I am half dead by the end if it’s good.”
“Finished?” you ask, puzzled. All three of them gawk at you, then at each other.
Aegon breezes into the ballroom wearing the Gibson guitar he bought in Manhattan, blue like the Caribbean or the Mediterranean or the crystalline waves off the coast of Hawaii, dotted with fish and sea turtles. Your eyes go to him immediately and stay there; you can feel the swirling warmth of blood in your cheeks. As Aegon passes the table, he squeezes your shoulder—brief, familiar, welcome—and Fosco raises his thick eyebrows. Mimi is too busy gulping down her Gimlet to notice. Ludwika chuckles, low and wicked, then slides a makeup compact out of her Prada purse to check her lipstick. Aegon goes to the DJ and yells something over the music. He’s fucked up already, you can tell, pills or booze or both.
Fosco stops a passing waiter. “Signore, did you hear who won the United Nations Handicap?”
The waiter stares blankly back at him. “What?”
“The turf race at Monmouth Park. I have $200 on Dr. Fager.”
The DJ abruptly cuts off the music. Aegon gives his guitar a few practice strums to make sure it’s in tune. He stumbles when he walks, he lurches and sways. His blonde hair sticks to the sweat on his forehead. He is woefully underdressed. His white shirt is half-unbuttoned, his denim shorts tattered; on his feet he wears black moccasins. There is a small gold hoop in each of his ears. Otto keeps telling Aegon to take them out, and every time Aegon ignores him.
“Happy birthday, Mom,” you hear him say to Alicent, and she presses a palm to her heart, her dark eyes wide and shining. “When I first heard this, it made me think of you.”
Otto and Sargent Shriver—the aspiring vice president—are glowering at Aegon. Aemond smirks as he nips at an Old Fashioned, amused; but he makes sharp, intentional eye contact with each of the three journalists. You will tell the right version of this story, he means. You will not print anything we wouldn’t want written, or my family will be your enemies for life.
As soon as Aegon plucks the first few chords, you recognize the song. “Oh, that’s really funny.”
“What?” Fosco asks.
“It’s Mama Tried.” You stand and begin clapping, then motion for the rest of the table to do the same. They obey without protest, though Mimi can’t seem to keep track of the beat. Aegon is beaming as he sings.
“The first thing I remember knowin’
Was a lonesome whistle blowin’
And a youngin’s dream of growin’ up to ride
On a freight train leavin’ town
Not knowin’ where I'm bound
And no one could change my mind but Mama tried.”
Cosmo sprints over from where he had been dancing with Alicent. He grabs your hand and tugs you towards the center of the floor. “Let’s go, let’s go!” he shouts impatiently.
“Call the FBI, I’m being kidnapped,” you say to Fosco and Ludwika as you let Cosmo drag you away.
“One and only rebel child
From a family meek and mild
My Mama seemed to know what lay in store
Despite all my Sunday learnin’
Towards the bad I kept on turnin’
‘Til Mama couldn’t hold me anymore.”
At the heart of the ballroom, Criston has swooped in to dance with Alicent, slow chaste circling. Helaena has floated off to the bar to chat with Otto, who keeps all his smiles for her. The children—Targaryens and Shrivers alike—are stomping and cheering and alternating between various moves: the Mashed Potato, the Twist, the Swim, the Loco-Motion, the Watusi, the Pony in pairs. Aemond whistles to a photographer and then nods to where you are holding onto one of Cosmo’s tiny hands as he spins around at lawless, breakneck speed. Of course this would make for a good image: you being maternal, you promising the American people that they will one day have not only a first lady but a first family.
“And I turned 21 in prison doin’ life without parole
No one could steer me right but Mama tried, Mama tried
Mama tried to raise me better, but her pleading I denied
That leaves only me to blame ‘cause Mama tried.”
Cameras flash and the crowd keeps clapping. Cosmo giggles wildly each time he almost falls and you pull him back to his feet. There is a hand skimming around your waist, a listless powder blue dress your husband chose for you. Aemond replaces Cosmo as your dance partner. Aegon’s 10-year-old daughter Violeta spirits Cosmo away; Aemond reels you in close, one palm pressed into the small of your back, his left hand gripping your right. When you steal a glimpse of Aegon—still strumming, still singing—he doesn’t look so triumphant anymore. His grin is frozen and artificial. His drunk muddy eyes go steely.
“I need you to do something for me,” Aemond begins.
Of course, you once would have said. Anything. “What is it?”
“I want you to cut your hair like Jackie.”
You’re so stunned your feet stop moving. Aemond coaxes you back into the steps. “No.”
“Think about how much more versatile it would be. Jackie is an icon, she’s sophisticated, she’s mature.”
“If you wanted a wife in her thirties, you could have easily found one.”
“I do everything you ask,” you say, barely more than a whisper. “Everything. I wear what you want me to. I go where you want me to. I spend ten hours a week getting my hair fixed. I keep it up, I keep it presentable. But I’m not chopping it off.”
“You’re never going to be able to wear it down anyway,” Aemond counters, so calm, so rational, like your skull is nothing but incendiary feminine mania. “If I win, you’ll be surrounded by staff and journalists for years. You can’t be photographed with it down, you look about eighteen. And like you live on a park bench in Haight-Ashbury.”
“It’s my hair. I’m keeping it.”
Aemond leans in and says, cold and severe: “You’re my wife, and everything that’s yours belongs to me.” Then he kisses your cheek as cameras click and strobe. “Think about it. Now smile.”
You force yourself to. The crowd applauds as Aegon finishes singing and flees the dancefloor. The DJ puts on Light My Fire by The Doors. You and Aemond leave in opposite directions: he goes to talk to Eunice Kennedy, who is hugging her 3-year-old son Anthony to her chest; you return to your table to drain the last of your Pink Squirrel. You need something stronger. You need to be alone so you can collect yourself.
Now Aegon has shed his guitar and is standing with his back to the wall, smoking a Lucky Strike and talking to some campaign staffer—she looks like a girl, but she’s probably your age—who is gazing up at him worshipfully. She says something that makes him laugh, his head thrown back, his eyes sparkling, and you feel like you’re waking up from your c-section all over again, your belly split open and rearranged, aching, stabbing, nauseous.
“Are you okay?” Ludwika asks, scrutinizing you.
“I’m perfect. I’ll be right back.”
You hurry out of the ballroom, the music fading behind you. You slip into one of the elevators in the lobby and hit the button for the top floor, where Aemond’s entourage has booked every suite. As the door is closing—as only a foot of space remains—Aegon shoves his way into the elevator, startling you. The door shuts behind him and you begin the ascent. Aegon slams the red emergency stop button, and the elevator jolts to a halt.
“What the hell are you doing—?!”
“What pissed you off, huh?” Aegon taunts, stepping closer. You back away from him until you run out of room; not because you want the distance, but because you’re afraid of what you’ll do if it’s gone.
“Nothing. I’m so great, I’ve never been better, can’t you tell?”
He’s so close you can feel the heat rising off his flushed skin, you can see the miles-deep murky blue of his irises, open water, shipwrecks and drowning. “You want all this to be over? You want the women with their big, adoring eyes and their short skirts to disappear? Grow up. Stop acting like a kid. Ask for it.”
“Ask for what?”
“You know.”
If you touch him now, you won’t be able to stop. There’s nowhere for us to go. There’s no way out of this family, this year, this world. “I don’t. I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Aegon barks out a sardonic, cutting laugh. “Yeah, you’re definitely 23.”
“I thought you loved girls young enough to be your daughters. Isn’t that what gets you hard?”
“You’re a fucking coward.”
“You’re sweating on me, you pig.”
“You want it so bad,” Aegon whispers as he presses himself against you, his ribs and thighs and hips, and you clutch for the walls of the elevator so you don’t reach for him instead. His left hand is tearing your hair out of its clips and pins so it falls free like you used to wear it; the right is all over your face, your jaw, your chin, your cheeks, touching you ceaselessly, ravenously, a blind man reading chronicles of braille. You’re trying to turn away from him, but he keeps pulling you back in. You’re breathing his rum and nicotine, you’re gasping in low, starved moans. It might be more intimate than kissing, than sex. He’s already felt your body. What he asks for now is your soul. His words are warm and aching as he murmurs through loosed strands of your hair: “Tell me you want it, please, just tell me, just tell me, tell me and it’s yours.”
Your palms land on his bare, damp chest, and Aegon starts unfastening the last buttons of his shirt. Instead, you push him away. Aegon lets you. He surrenders. “I can’t,” you choke out. You hit the red button, and the elevator resumes its rise to the top floor of the hotel.
“I’m really fucked up right now,” he says with sudden realization, swaying, staring down at his feet like he fears he’ll lose track of them.
“I’m aware.”
“I’m sorry. I think…I think I wanted that to happen differently.”
“I can’t trust you when you’re like this,” you say. I feel like I can’t trust anyone. Aegon looks up at you, his glassy eyes large and wounded. When the elevator door opens, you step out and he stays in, riding it back to the lobby.
In the suite you share with Aemond, you turn on the radio and spin the dial until you find a Loretta Lynn song. You go to the minibar cabinet and down two tiny glass bottles of vodka, something that won’t make you smell like too much of a drunk. You’ll have to fix your hair before you go back to the ballroom; you’ll have to change your dress. You’re painted with Aegon’s sweat and smoke. You can’t risk your husband noticing. You slide open the top drawer of the nightstand on your side of the bed and take out the card you keep there, the one that travels with you to each stop on the campaign trail. Loretta Lynn croons from the radio, wronged and wrathful.
“If you don’t wanna go to Fist City
You’d better detour around my town
‘Cause I’ll grab you by the hair of your head
And I’ll lift you off of the ground
I'm not a-sayin’ my baby is a saint, ‘cause he ain’t
And that he won’t cat around with a kitty
I’m here to tell you, gal, to lay off of my man
If you don’t wanna go to Fist City.”
You lie on the floor and peer up at the card in your hands: jubilant cartoon cow, festive party hat. You know exactly what’s written on the inside; it’s etched into your memory like myths passed down through millennia. Nevertheless, you read it again. The original message is still crossed out, and there’s an addendum below it in hasty black ink: I thought this was blank…congrats on the new calf!
You graze your thumbprint across Aegon’s scrawled signature. It’s smudged now. You do this a lot. One day his name might disappear altogether from the stark white parchment, from memory.
You close the card and hug it to your chest like a mother holds a living child.
“What’s going on between you and Aegon?”
Alarmed, you meet Aemond’s gaze, two reflections in the vanity mirror. It’s the next morning, and you’re finishing up your makeup. Your dress and jacket are striped with black and white, your jewelry is silver, chains on your wrists and small tasteful hoops in your ears. “Nothing.” There is a lull you have to fill before it becomes suspicious. “He’s been helpful, he’s been…you know. Ever since Mount Sinai.”
Aemond adjusts his cerulean blue tie, studying himself in the mirror. He’s still wearing his leather eyepatch. Putting in his glass eye is the last thing he does before leaving the suite each day. “He was a comfort to you.”
“Well, he was there.”
“Because I told him to be,” Aemond says, resting his hands on the back of your chair. “Someone had to stay at Asteria to keep tabs on things, to let me know what you were up to. Aegon was the most expendable. Mimi and the kids make for good photos, but Aegon…he’s not especially endearing to the public. Those few years as the mayor of Trenton just about ruined him. I’d love to make him the attorney general if I win, but I don’t think the people would stomach it. Maybe if he behaves himself he can have the job for my second term.”
Eight years, you think, unable to fathom it. Eight years in a fishbowl. Eight years lying under Aemond as he tries to get me pregnant with children neither of us can love.
Aemond leans down to touch his lips to the side of your throat. “I’m glad you’re finally friends,” he says. “Aegon’s not all bad. But don’t let him get you in trouble.”
“I wouldn’t.” What did you and Aemond talk about before Ari died? What was this marriage built on? The senate, the presidency, civil rights, poverty, the Space Race, Vietnam, Greek mythology. Everything but each other. Dreams and ideals that would dwarf any mortal, would render them invisible.
“And watch out for any reporters from the Wall Street Journal. They’d kill for Nixon. If they can twist your words, they will.” He gets something from inside his own nightstand: the bloodstained komboskini from when he was shot in Palm Beach. He places it in your right hand, all 100 knots. “Give this to someone today. You know how to do it, you’ve always understood this part. Pick the right person, the right moment. Make sure there are plenty of cameras around.”
“Where am I going? Lunch with the mayor’s wife, that’s this afternoon, isn’t it?”
Aemond nods. “And a few other stops. Then we’re going to the Alamo in San Antonio tomorrow.”
He recoils, reaches for the left half of his face, kneads the scar tissue there as nerve pain radiates through his flesh all the way down to the bone. Once you felt such agonizing pity for him; now all you can think about is the matching scar you wear on your belly, hidden and shameful and a badge of your inadequacies: your body too weak to protect Ari, your mind too pliable to resist being ensnared by the crushing gravity of this man, this family, this life.
“How can I help?” you ask Aemond, because it’s the right thing to do. And randomly, you find yourself remembering the statue of Apollo in Helaena’s garden back at Asteria, the god of music, healing, truth, prophesy.
“You can’t.” Aemond goes to the bathroom to force his glass eye into its socket. You depart for the hotel lobby where Ludwika and Mimi, your companions for the day, are already waiting. Ludwika is wearing a rose pink Chanel skirt suit. Mimi—relatively functional, as she hasn’t been awake long enough to ruin herself yet—is dressed in delicate dove grey.
Alicent, Helaena, and the children are scheduled to tour a local high school and library; Criston, unsurprisingly, is going with them. Aemond, accompanied by Otto, has a series of meetings with local business leaders and politicians. Aegon and Fosco are headed to the Michael E. DeBakey Veterans Affairs Medical Center to promise maimed soldiers that Aemond will end the war that carved out bits of them and filled the voids with screaming nightmares. The limousine you share with Ludwika and Mimi ferries you first to the NASA’s Manned Spacecraft Center. Mimi is entranced by the reflective surface of the helmets, coated with gold to divert blinding sunbeams; in turn, the astronauts are entranced by Ludwika, who leaves lipstick smudges on their cheeks when she kisses them. Next is a tea party hosted by Iola Faye Cure Welch, the mayoress of Houston since 1964 and the mother of five children. And as you nibble daintily at triangle-shaped sandwiches and trudge through small talk about flowers and furniture, you can’t stop smiling. You can’t stop thinking about how ridiculous Aegon would think this is if he was here.
The driver mentions one last stop, then coasts through midafternoon traffic towards the city center. You spend the ride touching up your hair and makeup. Ludwika offers to let you borrow her seduction-red lipstick; you politely decline. You step out of the limo and shield your eyes from the glare of the Texas sun. It takes your vision a moment to adjust, and then you realize where you are. The sign above the main entranceway reads: Houston Methodist Hospital. The air snags in your throat, your lungs are empty. Your hands tremble violently. The earth rocks beneath your white high heels. Mount Sinai is the last hospital you walked into, and you left with your son in a casket so small it could have been mistaken for a shoebox.
“Alright, let’s go,” Ludwika says, linking an arm through yours. Mimi, badly in need of a drink, is looking deflated and edgy. “We are almost done. And I have been promised a medium-rare steak for dinner! Mushrooms and onions too! The Statue of Liberty did not lie. This country is a golden door.”
“I can’t.”
Ludwika stares at you. “What?”
“I can’t, I can’t go in there.”
“What is she talking about?” Ludwika asks Mimi, who shakes her head, mystified.
“I can’t,” you whimper.
They’ve never seen you like this. They don’t know what to do. They listen to you, that is the hierarchy; but it’s too late to change course now. Journalists are approaching in a swarm. Nurses and doctors are gathering by the front door to welcome you.
He knew, you think, suddenly furious. Aemond knew, and he didn’t tell me.
“It will be okay,” Ludwika says, patting your back awkwardly. “We are here with you. Nothing bad will happen.”
“Oh,” Mimi breathes, understanding. She looks at you with sympathy that shimmers on the surface of the opaque, polluted lake of her mind. Then she catches Ludwika’s eye and skims a hand down her own slim midsection. Ari, she mouths, and Ludwika’s face falls.
The doctors and nurses are whistling and applauding; the journalists are snapping photos and scrounging for quotes. You feel your conditioning over the past two years taking over: straight posture, gentle smile, hands clasped demurely together. But you are locked away somewhere underneath.
“Do not worry,” Ludwika tells you softly. “We will talk, we will make it easier for you.” Then she and Mimi begin boisterously shaking hands and thanking people for coming as you make your way through the crowd of journalists and towards the main entrance of the hospital.
People are saying things to you, but you don’t really hear them. You reply with words you won’t remember afterwards. You nod frequently and go wherever you are led. Doctors are explaining new research into placenta previa and c-sections. Nurses are showing you a state-of-the-art NICU for premature infants. Someone is placing a baby in your arms, and you can’t do anything but accept it numbly. You can’t look down at it, you can’t allow yourself to feel the weight of some other woman’s child. You wear your smile like armor and let the photographers capture their snapshots, painting a frame around you, deciding where you live.
Then you are introduced to the parents, women in hospital beds and men perched in chairs beside them, just like the one where Aegon slept at Mount Sinai. They take your hands when you offer them and tell you about their small children, sick children, dying children. One patient just delivered twins. The first did not survive beyond a few hours, but the second is in an incubator and gaining strength. You recall the komboskini stained with Aemond’s blood and take it out of your purse, give it to the suffering mother, watch faith rise in her face like dawn over the Atlantic. But you won’t remember her. You cannot allow yourself to.
Outside as you, Ludwika, and Mimi are headed back to the limousine, the journalists make one last attempt to poach a headline-worthy quote. “Mrs. Targaryen! Mrs. Targaryen!” a young man shouts, clambering to the front of the horde and jabbing a microphone in your face. “I’m from the Houston Chronicle. Can you tell me how the senator feels about the failure of the most recent phase of the Tet Offensive?”
You are in a fog; you don’t feel real, this moment and this city don’t feel real, and so you cannot remember what Aemond would want you to say. “The Vietnam War has claimed too many lives already. We should have never sent our men there to die. But since that is done, the best thing we can do now is end the draft immediately and then withdrawal from the region as soon as the South Vietnamese are able to defend their own territory, which is their responsibility.” The journalist already considers this effort fruitful and begins to retreat, but you have one last point to make. Ludwika and Mimi watch you anxiously. “I lost someone in Vietnam. I met him when I was in college. He had a good heart, and he joined because he thought it was wrong for poor men to have to fight while rich kids got exemptions, and he was killed in action in October of 1965.”
“This was a friend?” the journalist asks, eyes glowing hungrily. Then he adds as an afterthought: “I’m terribly sorry for your loss.”
“A boyfriend. Corporal Cameron Marino from Schenectady, New York. People called him Cam.”
A solemn murmur ripples through the crowd. Hats are removed, hands held to chests. “Rest in peace, Cam,” someone says. Maybe they have somebody they care about in Vietnam, a friend or a lover or a brother. You wave goodbye and climb into the limousine. The outpouring swells as you vanish: We love you, Mrs. Targaryen! God bless you, Mrs. Targaryen!
In the lobby of the Texas State Hotel, you tell Ludwika and Mimi not to follow you. They have to listen. After some hesitation, Mimi heads for the bar in the ballroom; Ludwika asks the staff at the front desk if she’ll be able to make a call to Poland with the phone in her room. You take the elevator to the top floor. Fosco is in the hallway, on his way back from one of the vending machines with a Fresca. When he sees your face, his jaw drops.
“Dio mio, what happened?”
“Nothing,” you say, tears biting in your eyes. You pass him, digging your key out of your purse.
“Are you sure—?”
“Fosco, please. I don’t want to talk.”
“Okay,” he says doubtfully. Then he seems to get an idea and strides away with great purpose. You take shelter in your suite, silent and dim; Aemond isn’t back yet. You brace yourself against the locked door and sob into empty, trembling hands, at last hidden away where no one can see you, where no one can be disturbed or disappointed. You know now that none of it was healed—not the loss, not the revelations—but only buried, and now it’s all been unearthed again and the pain shrieks like exposed nerves.
It’s not fair. Ari deserved better, I deserved better.
There’s nothing you can do. Your hands ache to hold someone that no longer exists. You can’t unlearn the truth of what your marriage is.
There are two knocks, quick and rough. “Hey, it’s me.” And there’s such pure intimacy in those words. You know my voice. You know why I’m here. “Open the door.”
“I’m okay, just, just, just leave me alone—”
“Open the door,” Aegon says again. “Or I’ll get security up here to do it for you.”
Swiping the tears from your face, you let him in. He’s dressed in baggy black shorts, nothing on his feet, an unbuttoned stolen green army jacket. You once thought he wore those to play the part of a revolutionary from the comfort of his East Coast seaside mansion. Now you understand it’s because he misses Daeron, because he believes he should have gone to Vietnam instead. There are several dog tags strung around his neck; some of the veterans at the medical center he visited must have gifted them to him.
“What’s wrong?” Aegon’s eyes sweep over you, seeking, horrified. “What did he do?”
You can’t answer, you can’t breathe. You back away from him as more tears spill down your cheeks.
“Hey, hey, hey, let me help you. Please don’t be upset. Did he say something, did he hurt you?” Aegon reaches out, and as soon as he touches you your knees buckle and you’re on the floor, trying not to wail, trying not to scream, and Aegon is pulling you against his chest—bare skin, borrowed metal—and his hands are on your face and in your hair, and his lips are against your forehead as he murmurs: “Shh, shh, don’t cry. It’s okay.”
“No it’s not.”
“Whatever it is, I can help.”
“I had to go to a hospital and hold babies and I, I, I never even got to touch him, not once, not ever, and I can’t now because he’s gone. He’s locked in some fucking vault, he’s just bones, but he was supposed to be a person, and those other babies are going to get to grow up but he isn’t, and it’s not fair.”
“You’re right,” Aegon agrees softly, still holding you.
“No one else knew him.”
“I did. I was there the whole time.”
“Only because Aemond made you stay.”
“No,” Aegon swears. “I was supposed to spy on you. He never told me to do any of the rest of it. I stayed because I wanted to.”
“You did,” you say, very quietly, weakly, conceding.
“And I’m still here now.”
Your lungs aren’t burning quite so much. Your tears are slowing. You unravel yourself from Aegon, averting your eyes. Now you’re ashamed; you aren’t in the habit of revealing to people how much you’re splintering like cracked glass, fresh fractures every time you think to check the damage. “I’m, um, I’m really sorry.”
“Look, I don’t mean to bring up unpleasant memories, but this is definitely not the most embarrassing thing I’ve seen you do.”
You laugh, only for a few seconds, and Aegon smiles as he mops the tears from your face with the sleeve of his army jacket. Then he turns serious again.
“Can I ask you something? It’s very personal. It’s offensive, honestly. But I have to know.”
“You can ask.”
“Do you want more children?”
More children. Because Ari was real. “Not now. Not with Aemond.”
Aegon nods, suspicions confirmed. “Can you do that sponge thing you told me about?”
“No. I think he’d be able to feel it, he’s…” You gesture vaguely. It’s difficult to say. “He’s big.”
Aegon didn’t want to hear that. He didn’t want to have to think about it. He flinches, just enough that you notice. But as much as he’d like to, he doesn’t change the subject. “What about the pill?”
“No doctor is going to write me a prescription without my husband’s permission. Especially considering who my husband is.”
“I hate this fucking country,” Aegon hisses. “Puritanical goddamn hellscape. Old Testament bullshit.” He drags his fingers through his hair a few times, then pats your cheek like he did before: twice, gently, playfully. “Come on. Let’s go smoke.”
“I can’t do it on the balcony. Someone might get a picture.”
“Okay. No big deal. We’ll go to the roof.”
You stare at him. “The roof?”
“You really think I haven’t already been up there?” He stands and offers you his hand. “You’ll love it. The view is fantastic.”
The view is good, but the grass is better. You know that it makes some people useless, others paranoid, but for you it’s always painted the world a color that is softer, kinder, lighter, more bearable. You and Aegon lie next to each other, smoking and watching twilight fall over Houston like a spell. You’ll have to shower and gulp some Listerine before Aemond gets anywhere near you. It’s interesting; each day you seem to acquire new secrets to keep from him.
Aegon asks: “Where would you be right now if you weren’t Mrs. Targaryen?”
“Probably married to someone worse.”
He raises an eyebrow. “Okay, but let’s say you weren’t. Let’s say you can do whatever you want.” He points up at the lavender sky and acts like he’s moving the emerging glimmers of stars around with his fingertip. “There, I’ve changed your fate. Who would you be?”
You ponder this. “I want to teach math to kids and then spend every summer break getting baked on some beach.”
Aegon cackles. “Hell, sign me up.” He lights a third joint for himself with his tiny chrome Zippo. “Those are the people doing the real work. Teachers, nurses, farmers electricians, plumbers, welders, firemen, therapists, janitors, public defenders. The normal, unglamorous types.”
“You don’t think presidents and senators make a difference?”
“Sure they do. But only like 5% of the job is actually helping people. The rest of it is schmoozing and tea parties and making speeches, because looking and sounding good is better than doing good. They’re addicted to vapid pretenses that make them feel important. You live like that and you forget how to be a human. I mean, look at Nixon. The man was raised as a Quaker, one of the most peaceful religions on earth, and now he’s planning to throw ten or twenty thousand more boys into the great Vietnamese meatgrinder and probably napalm the hell out of Cambodia and Laos while he’s at it to get the communists’ supply lines. The man’s got no idea who he is anymore. I’d feel sorry for him if I wasn’t so terrified he’s gonna start World War III.”
I wonder who Aemond was a few decades ago. “What makes you feel important?”
“Nothing,” Aegon says. “I’m not under any delusions that I matter.”
“I think you matter, old man.”
“A little bit. About this much.” You hold your hand up to show him the infinitesimal space between your thumb and index finger, and Aegon chuckles, his eyes glazed and bloodshot.
“Let’s do it,” he says with sudden, forceful conviction. “If Nixon wins in November, we’ll get out of here. I’ll go back to Yuma to teach on the reservation and you can come with me. You get a math class, I take English, or Music, or both, whatever. We’ll buy a bungalow out in the desert and make s’mores every night and look up at the stars. I’ll show you how to play guitar if you give me algebra lessons.”
You peek over at him, intrigued. “Is that all we’re going to do?”
“Well we’ll fuck, obviously.”
“Oh, obviously.” You giggle; it’s ridiculous, it’s paradisical, it’s insane how good it sounds. But surely that’s only because you’re high. “I don’t know how Mimi would feel about that.”
“She won’t care. She doesn’t want me anymore, hasn’t in years. Sometimes she just forgets that when she’s wasted. Mimi can go to Arizona too. We’ll load up the kids in a van and strap her to the roof.”
Now your voice is somber. “She was supposed to fix you.”
“Yeah,” Aegon says: slow, meditative, guilty. “I think Mimi and I have a few too many of the same demons.”
You roll over, push yourself up on your palms, and crawl to the edge of the rooftop. You prop your elbows on the ledge and gaze out into the city lights, the sky turning from violet to indigo to primordial darkness. Aegon joins you, staring down at the distant aquamarine rectangle of the hotel pool.
He asks: “You think I could make that?”
“Should I try?”
“You definitely shouldn’t.”
“A few months ago, you would have pushed me off this roof.”
You shrug. “You’ve proved yourself useful.”
“That’s why you like me now? Because I’m useful?”
“Who said I like you?” you tease, smiling.
“You like me,” Aegon says, grinning and smug, radiant in the silver moonlight and urban incandescence. “You like me so much it scares you. But there’s no need to panic. It’s okay. I know the feeling.”
You want to touch him, you want him to touch you, you want to study every arc and angle of him like he’s a marble statue in a garden: too beautiful to be mortal, too fragile to be divine.
Three nights later in Nebraska, there is a knock on the door of your hotel suite. The nannies have herded the children off to bed; the adults are unwinding downstairs in the courtyard of the Sheraton Omaha, designed to resemble an Italian garden. There’s a brand new Jacuzzi that you’re looking forward to taking a dip in. You finish pulling on your swimsuit, white and patterned with sunflowers, a one-piece with a flared skirt.
“Who is it?”
“It’s Richard Nixon,” Aegon says through the door. “Naked. Horny. Please love me.”
You laugh and let him in. He’s leaning against the doorframe in Hawaiian swim trunks and nothing else, pink sunburn glowing on his soft chest. He holds up a brown paper bag and shakes it.
“For you.”
“What is it, heroin?” Instead, you open the bag to find small, circular packs of pills. “No way. You did not.”
“That’s enough for six months,” Aegon says, smirking, proud of himself. “I’ll be back again in February. Guess that makes me your dealer, babe. I don’t accept cash, checks, or cards, only sexual favors. You want to get down on your knees, or should I?”
“How did you get these?”
“I told a doctor they’re for one of my whores.”
“Maybe they are.”
You’ve surprised him, you’ve got him thinking about it now. His face flushes a splotchy, charming pink. “So, uh, you coming down to the courtyard?”
“Yeah. Right now. Just let me hide these first. Are there instructions in here…?”
“Mm hmm,” Aegon says, still distracted, studying the entirely unremarkable carpet. You stow the paper bag of birth control pills in the bottom of your bras and panties drawer, then walk with Aegon to take the elevator down to the ground floor. You both notice the bright red emergency stop button and share a glance, smirking, taunting.
In the courtyard, Alicent is struggling to pay attention as Helaena identifies each and every species of plant and explains where in the world it is native to. Fosco is simultaneously teaching Criston how to yo-yo and berating him for not believing the Cubs will end up in the World Series. Fosco has apparently bet $500 on them. Ludwika is stretched out on a lounge chair like a cat and reading a copy of Cosmopolitan. Aemond, wearing his eyepatch and a blue pair of swim trunks, appears to be arguing with Otto over the contents of a newspaper article. Mimi is alone in the Jacuzzi, bubbles rumbling all around her as she slumps against the rim, a frosty Gimlet clutched in one hand.
“Mimi, get out of the Jacuzzi,” you order.
“I’m fine!” she slurs, and you groan, knowing you’re going to have to drag her out.
Aemond is approaching; no, not approaching, raging. “What the hell is wrong with you? What the fuck is this?” He hurls the newspaper at you, the Houston Chronicle. The headline reads: To Mrs. Targaryen, ending the Vietnam War is personal. “Why would you tell somebody that? Other papers are going to start reporting this. You gave them his full name. They’ve found his school, his friends, his gravesite in motherfucking Arlington National Cemetery—”
“You set me up,” you say. “You didn’t tell me about the hospital.”
Aegon takes the newspaper from you and frantically skims the article. “Hey, man,” he tells Aemond as he pieces it together, attempting to deescalate. It’s not a skill you knew he possessed. “She was rattled, she wasn’t thinking clearly. And there’s nothing bad in this article. It makes her sound invested and sympathetic, not…um…whatever you’re thinking.”
“You don’t get it,” Aemond seethes. “Journalists are going to start hounding his friends, his classmates, people who lived in his dorm building. Nixon’s newspapers will publish any gossip they can dig up about what she did when she was in school. Things people saw, things people overheard—”
“What, the fact that she had one boyfriend before she met you? That’s worthy of a nuclear meltdown?! Better prepare for Armageddon, a woman got laid, launch the goddamn warheads!”
“She doesn’t get to have a past! She should understand that, she signed up for this, she knew exactly what was expected of her!”
“And what about your past?” Aegon says, low and searing, and Aemond goes quiet. Their eyes are locked on each other: Aegon defiant, Aemond unnerved. You try to remember if you’ve ever seen that expression on his face before. You don’t think you have. Not even when he was shot and half-blinded. Not even when Ari died.
“What does that mean?” you ask your husband. Still staring at Aegon—tangled in a thorny, silent battle of wills—he doesn’t reply.
There are swift, thudding footsteps. Otto grabs Aegon by his hair, hooks a finger through the small gold hoop in his right ear, and tears it straight through the earlobe. Aegon screams as blood streams down his face, feeling the ravaged fringes of his flesh.
“I told you to take those out,” Otto says. “Now remove the other one before I rip it free, and go get yourself stitched up.”
You do something you’ve never done before, never even thought of. You strike out with both hands and shove Otto so hard he goes staggering backwards, his arms wheeling. The others are yelling and rushing over. Aemond is trying to yank you to him, but he can’t get a grip on your swimsuit. “I will kill you!” you roar at Otto. “I will push you down a staircase, I will slit your fucking throat, don’t you ever touch him!”
Alicent is weeping, appalled, trying to get a look at Aegon’s damaged ear. Criston is helping her, moving Aegon’s bloodied hair out of the way. Fosco links his arms around your waist and drags you out of Aemond’s reach just as he’s getting his fingers beneath a strap of your swimsuit. Helaena is covering her face with her hands and wailing. Ludwika is shrieking at Otto: “What did you do? Don’t give me that, what did you do?!”
You are engulfed with rage, red and irresistible. You’re trying to bolt out of Fosco’s grasp. You want to claw Otto’s eyes out; you want to put a bullet in him. As you struggle, you catch a glimpse of the Jacuzzi. You don’t see Mimi anymore.
“Wait,” you plead, but nobody hears you over the noise. You look desperately at Fosco. “Where’s Mimi?!”
Once he figures out what you’re trying to say, he whirls towards the Jacuzzi. “No!” he bellows, releasing you, and careens across the courtyard. You dash after him. Now the others understand, and they come running too. You see it just before Fosco dives in: there is a shadow at the bottom of the Jacuzzi. When he bursts up though the roiling water, he is carrying Mimi, limp and unconscious and blue.
Everyone is shouting at once. Fosco lays Mimi down on the cobblestones of the courtyard. Criston sends Ludwika to call an ambulance, kneels beside Mimi, checks for a pulse. Then he begins CPR. When he breathes air into her flooded lungs, there is no response, no resurrection.
“No, no, no, she has to be alright!” Aemond says, and everyone knows why. If she’s not, this will consume the headlines for days: no victorious campaigning, no speeches or photos, just a drowned alcoholic with a damning autopsy report.
“Oh my god,” Otto moans, pacing. “This can’t be happening, not this year, not now…”
Alicent seizes your hand and squeezes it until you think it will break. She is reciting prayers in Greek. Helaena is curled up under a butterfly bush, sobbing hysterically. When he realizes this, Otto hurries to comfort her.
“Don’t watch, Helaena. Let’s go inside, I’ll walk with you, there’s nothing more we can do here.”
“Mimi?!” Aegon commands, slapping her hard across the face. “Mimi, come on, wake up! Mimi? Mimi!” She’s still motionless, she’s still blue. Aegon turns to you, blood smeared all over the right side of his face. He’s petrified, he’s in shock. “I think she’s…she’s…”
“She’s gone,” Criston says; and he lifts his palms from her hollow body. The silent sky above is a labyrinth of bad stars.
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axelsagewrites · 6 months
Heyyy! Ok so hear me out..can I request a Modern AU! Aegon x Fem! OC fic. The OC is neighbors with Aegon, Helena, Aemond, and Daeron. She’s always had a bit of a crush on Aegon but he’s always too busy drinking, smoking, having sex ( the OC’s and Aegon’s windows are directly across so the OC can see everything going on in Aegons room and even sees him fucking a girl), etc. to notice. So, the OC gravitates towards Helena and becomes Helena’s best friend. There’s also one rule the OC can never date or have sexual relations with any of Helena’s brothers. Years later (cut to Tom Glynn-Carney’s Aegon), the OC and Helena are still best friends but the OC goes to a frat party and sees Aegon, obviously oblivious to her because he sees her as his little sisters weird friend/neighbor but he accidentally OD’s. The OC manages to save him by rushing to him and getting him to a hospital. Aegon wakes up and is majorly thankful. Aegon and the OC start to become friends and then very quickly secretly date. Things get out of hand and the OC gets pregnant, and she has to tell Aegon. Aegon starts freaking out not wanting the responsibility and basically tells her to literally get rid of it. Helena finds out about the pregnancy and starts freaking out and gets super mad at the OC and leaves her. The OC tells Alicent but Alicent is way more forgiving and is shoot to have her first grandchild, and tells the OC that she is always welcome to stay if she wants. The OC feels abandoned and scared, etc. That’s all I have for this idea, it sort of just poured right out of my head lol. If you think of an ending or anything extra for the story please feel free add it, I sort of lost momentum of inspiration behind the idea towards the end ( ass you can see lol).
Aegon Targaryen*Neighbour
Pairing: modern!aegon x f!reader
Word count: 2785
Warnings: sad aegon, drunk aegon, high aegon, substance abuse, addiction, over dose, hospitals, flirty aegon, mentions of sex, mentions of pregnancy, fighting parents (nothing graphic or descriptive), one bed trope, angst
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Masterlist Here
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Your stomach tied itself in knots as your parents’ car stopped behind the moving truck. “Ready to see our new home?” your mum asked but your six-year-old legs were already flinging you out of the car to run up to your new front porch.
“Its huge!” You yelled as you barrelled up to the front door, your dad not far behind with keys in hand so you could run inside to go place dibs on your room.
“I pick the back room!” you called as you ran back down the stairs however your mouth quickly tightened closed when you saw the woman in the doorway. You made your way behind your dad’s leg as he laughed, placing his hand on your head.
“This is our neighbour Alicent sweetheart,”
“Hiya, its nice to meet you,” she smiled before glancing behind her and sighing, “Come inside Aegon. Show our new neighbours what we brought,” You grabbed onto your father tighter however your grip relaxed as the nine-year-old blonde boy walked in with a plate of cookies. “Why don’t you give them to the girl?”
Aegon outstretched the plate to you, and you gladly accepted the wrapped-up treats, “Thank you,” you grinned a toothy smile at the older boy who looked like he was itching to get back to the ball he’d been forced to leave behind to come say hello.
Aegon was your first crush however as you grew up you realised how wrong that was. When you were 12 and he 15 you became a little bit obsessed with him however you also experienced your first heart break. Your window was directly opposite from Aegon’s and one night while doing homework you looked up to see him kissing another girl. Sure, you were 12 and he barely knew you apart from you being his little sister’s best friend however you were heart broken still.
It didn’t help that the older you got the dumber he seemed to get. You were privy to all his dirty little secrets because he never remembered to close his blinds when him and his friends all shared three beers or when they passed around their first joint. It got a bit better when he went to college however the summer, he came back you had to race to close your blinds nearly every night when he’d bring a girl over.
By 18 you were completely over your crush and desperate to go to college and get away from Aegon. However, the summer before your first and Aegon’s last year of college you spent a lot of time with Heleana at her house.
Alicent had finally convinced Viserys to add a pool in during the spring and it was nice and ready the day summer break rolled around. In preparation you and Heleana had went swimsuit shopping and had even picked up pool games to play with Daeron who was now 7.
Aemond, who was 19, returned the day before Aegon and greeted you with a warm hug and an offer to fetch you a shirt, “That thing barely covers you,” he rolled his eyes as all four of you tested out the pool.
“Perv much?” you joked as you relaxed into the water as Heleana cannonballed in for the seventh time.
“Stay back Aem,” Heleana said as she swam to your side, flinging her arm over your shoulder, “She’s mine,”
You laughed at her joke, even playing into it as you always did, but Aemond scoff, “Don’t worry about me. Its Aegon your gonna have to worry about,”
“Yeah right,” you scoffed back, “he barely knows I exist,”
Heleana rolled her eyes at both of you, “Yeah right. Besides I already told her that if she gets with either of you, I will murder you both,”
You laughed at her, but Aemond decided to swim up to your side to annoy her more, “But what if she’s my one true love?” he dramatically swooned back but you decided to take it a step further and push him back into the water. Aemond came floundering back to the surface with a scowl as you both cackled, “I take it back. You can keep her,”
However, what you didn’t realise was Aegon decided to come home a day early and as you and Aemond were sat at the side of the pool, exhausted and wet, watching Daeron to make sure he didn’t drown Aegon was watching you through the kitchen window.
“Holy fuck,” he murmured when he saw you in your bikini, something he didn’t think you even owned. Then again, he also didn’t know that you had a figure apparently cause right now all he could think was oh damn and to make a mental note to burn all your sweatshirts.
However, Heleana had just decided to go to the kitchen for juice when she saw her brothers’ stares. “Oh, hell no,” she snapped, swatting at her brother’s shoulder.
“Hey! The fuck?”
“You are not fucking my friend- “
“I wasn’t going to- “
“Uhuh, keep it that way,” she scowled as she grabbed the jug of juice Alicent had prepared for you all, “I swear to god Aegon if you even try anything I will kill you. kill you dead.”
That summer was a newfound torture for Aegon. Seeing you at his house near every day in a bathing suit was a sick twisted punishment from god. Especially since even when you weren’t there you were lounging in your room in a tank top and shorts with the window cracked open. In a way it was payback it was just a shame you never caught his stares.
When college rolled around, he thought he was saved but that was until he saw you around campus. Yep, just both of your luck. While you did your best to look the other way anytime you saw him the longer, he saw you around campus the harder it was for him not to stare. Glow up didn’t even describe the change you had. He was mesmerised. So, in typical Aegon fashion he decided to dive into a bottle blondes’ bed and close his eyes pretending it was you on their knees in front of him.
One night you decided to kick back and relax. you had just handed in your last assignment before winter break and thought your first frat party would be a great way to celebrate. You and Sansa, your roommate, got all dolled up and headed to her older brother’s frat, Sansa figured it meant at least this way you knew you were both safe since Robb would be there.
The music was already blaring, the drinks flowing like waterfalls, and the dancing was questionable at best. You and Sansa had met up with a couple friends and were half dancing half talking when you felt a strong arm sling its way over your shoulder, “Look who it is!” Aegon slurred in your ear. “My favourite little neighbour,” he said, his drunken hand moving to squish your cheeks.
You pushed him off of you as you turned round while your friends shared a concerned look. Youd never told them you knew the best tight end of the football team after all. “Hey Aegon. You all good?” you asked, eyes squinting when you saw how bloodshot his were.
“Yeah totally,” he said, his eyes searching the room at a million miles an hour, “Hey I was thinking you should- “he started to say, putting his arm around your shoulder again when Robb came over, “Hey man!” he said, leaving your side to bear hug Robb.
“Hey buddy,” Robb said as he pushed Aegon to arms distance, “You are doing, okay?”
“Never better,” Aegon said, his body now swaying. Robb pulled him in, whispering something in his ear with a stern face before helping him to walk towards the stairs.
Sansa looked to you with a disgusted face, “What a riot,” she said, all the girls agreeing with her, “Can’t believe you need to deal with him,”
“Yeah. He’s a good guy though. Deep down I think,” you said, remembering all the time Heleana told you about their parents screaming matches where Aegon would take them into the basement to have a movie night. Or how his father locked him outside after he failed an exam. Hell, you’d seen the sleeping around and drinking get worse ever since Viserys had died five years ago.
Your friends laughing snapped you out of your thoughts. “Ill be back guys,” you said, heading to the stairs to try find him.
As you searched the corridors you knocked on each door and received a “occupied,” called back at you. that was till you got to this door. you knocked but no one replied. Something didn’t feel right though so you knocked again, “Aegon?” you called but there was no response. Something inside you wouldn’t let you leave so you took a deep breath and tried the door handle.
The door slowly crept open, and you felt your skin flush cold, “Aegon!”
You weren’t sure why you got in the back of the ambulance or why you stayed at the hospital while the doctors took him back, but you almost cried in relief when they said you could see him. He looked as white as a ghost, his lips dried and cracked, dark red rings around his eyes, as he laid in the hospital bed.
“Aegon?” you whispered, half wondering if he was dead since he defiantly did not look alive.
“Where am I?” he murmured, his eyes struggling to open, “What happened?”
“Careful,” you said, moving to stop him from sitting up. Aegon’s eyes finally opened, and he stared up at you in shock as you sat on the side of his hospital bed, “You’re in the hospital. You had an overdose,” you told him, figuring it was best to tell him sooner than later.
A million thoughts looked like they were buzzing behind his eyes, but he only asked one thing, “Did they call my mom?”
Aegon begged you not to tell his family. apparently, he’d deliberately changed his emergency contact to his father’s number when he fell into a coma so that no one would ever receive a call. This of course made you press on how many times things like this happened and you never seen him look so ashamed.
“Let me help you,” you begged, “We can get you into therapy and- “
“I don’t need it- “
“Damn it Aegon!” you snapped, “You’re lying in a hospital bed with tubes coming out of you and you don’t think there’s a fucking problem?” his head dropped, his eyes welling with tears, and you felt your heart drop. You sighed, your own tears building, “I’m sorry Aegon I just-I just worry about you. I want you to be happy and healthy and just- I want you to get better,” you said, reaching for his hand.
Aegon took yours, squeezing it gently but you knew it took way more strength than you could imagine, “Thank you,” he whispered, his voice hoarse and threatening to break, “for coming to find me. If I was you, I wouldn’t have,”
“It’s a good thing you’re not me then,” you joked, and you saw a tiny smile crack onto his lips, “but the only way I won’t tell your family is if you do something about it. otherwise, you’re gonna leave me no choice,”
Aegon took your words to heart and with a little push from you and help from the hospital he had a therapist within a couple of weeks. Turns out when he’s not out drinking and whoring, he’s actually a pretty chill guy. You began to hang out and even when you went back home for winter break, he kept texting you nonstop. While Heleana found it weird her brother was suddenly so close with you, she was also just relieved to see him sober.
Still, you tried to take a step back, but you found yourself weirdly missing him. You ended up going back to college together in his car to save your parents the trip and took turns driving. The whole way you were both scream singing Taylor swift or giving dramatic renditions of Lana del ray songs. Then you realised the sun was setting.
“There’s a motel 3 miles up. Do you want to just stop? I hate driving at night,” you said and Aegon agreed before turning cruel summer back up to full blast.
You both grabbed a couple things out the car before heading into the classic movie run down looking hotel. The receptionist was halfway through her cigarette and the whole room screamed the 60s with faded orange polka dot walls. “Hey, can we get two rooms?” Aegon asked as he fished out his credit card.
She tapped her long red nails at the ‘cash only’ sign before turning to the computer as you know both pulled out whatever cash you had. “Sorry Hun we only half one room,”
You felt your cheeks tinge as Aegon awkwardly cleared his throat, “Is it a twin?”
“Nope it’s a double,” she said as she peered over her glasses at you both, “Is that gonna be a problem?”
Aegon glanced at you but the idea of driving any further as your eyes were barely staying open made you grab his cash and slam it on the counter, “We’ll make it work,”
The room was as nice as you could expect. Though you did make Aegon triple check it for murderers as you guarded the door. “All safe. So…” he said, words trailing off as he looked at the bed.
You sighed as you dumped your stuff on the ground, “So,” you said as you plopped on the bed.
“I could sleep in the car- “
“Just get in the bed Aegon,” you sighed as you pulled off your trainers, “I mean we’ve known each other for years,”
He nodded but paused for another moment before asking once more, “Are you sure? Cause I get if you want me to sleep on the floor,”
You laughed a little at his words as you finally kicked off your shoes. “Its fine. Promise. I trust you,” you began to take off your jumper when you realised, he hadn’t said anything, “You okay?”
“Yeah,” he said as if snapping out of a daze, “Just can’t think of a time someone said that” he said it like a joke, but you could see in his eyes it wasn’t.
As tempting as it was to make a joke to try lightening the mood you just gave him the best smile you could before excusing yourself to the bathroom to get ready for bed. Aegon went in after you and as he was sorting himself out you took off your bra and jeans and slipped under the sheets in just your shirt.
Aegon came back a couple minutes later as you scrolled your phone. Silently he took off his shirt and you did your best not to stare or even look but it was near impossible. Him slipping under the covers however snapped you out your daze when you felt his almost bare, bar his boxers, legs brush against yours.
You glanced over at him and saw his cheeks tinged a bright pink as he cleared his throat, “You tired?” he asked, staring at the ceiling.
You smiled a little at him. After all it had been you acting like that for years without him ever noticing. “A bit. You?” he just hummed in response. You sighed before rolling onto your side facing him, “Aegon?”
“Yeah?” he replied as he turned to face you, his nose accidentally brushing yours in the process. You could feel his breath fanning your face as his eyes bore into yours. up close you could really see the lilac in them.
You weren’t sure who leaned in first, but you felt his soft lips press against yours as his hands trailed up your sides. Your hands found his white, blonde hair, admiring how soft it was as your mouths mixed. You knew your best friend would kill you if she ever found out but suddenly that didn’t feel important.
Dating your best friend’s brother in secret at a university across state was wrong. You knew it, Aegon knew it, if Heleana knew about it, she’d scream it, but you couldn’t stop yourself. Suddenly every waking moment was spent with Aegon. Everything was going perfectly bar the little white lie you kept from Heleana.
That was until the two pink lines showed up in the bathroom.
Part two here
General taglist: @strvngestark @headinfantasy @meg-ro @427120lxld @obx-josie18 @ravenmoore14 @tessakate @justtilly @jjkjbhj @clairacassidy @valeskafics
HOTD taglist @jmii722 @hypocritic-trash-baby @starkleila @jacesvelaryons
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dragons-and-handcuffs · 5 months
Psycho doctor Aemond
He isn’t expecting his estranged sister’s daughter (you can decide if blood related or not) to walk into his office. It’s a shock to him. More than a shock. Seeing her completely vulnerable wakes something in him that’s been dormant for a long time
At first he might ignore it
But eventually he wonders…. He could get away with this
He’ll have her strip and examine her body VERY thoroughly. He’ll question her about her sexual activity while pinching her nipples. He says it’s an old way to test for pregnancy. He’ll say he needs to examine her further and have her on her back, her legs spread. The excuse he comes up with is “I need to see that everything is working as it should, now don’t I?”
He will gaslight her. He’ll insist this is necessary to fully understand her physical health. You just can’t know the full picture unless you’re VERY “hands on”
He’ll be fingering her aggressively while her legs are spread. He swears he’s just “throughly examining” her insides. But he’ll be covering her mouth with one hand to keep her quiet and with the other fully tormenting her poor cunt
Perhaps he’ll write her a prescription for “hormone regulation” that’s really just a strong aphrodisiac
If he gets bolder he’ll have her legs in stirrups with a curtain between them, and tell her he’s going to “more closely examine her”
But really behind the curtain he’s close to losing it all. He needs just one go. He’ll take out his cock and thrust himself inside her. If she makes a noise he’ll comfort her and tell her “it’s just the tool I’m using, it’s a stretch at first. Just relax and let me do my work. You trust me, don’t you?”
Behind the curtain he’s fully using her, and occasionally she’ll whimper for him to be gentle and he’ll just tell her not to worry, be a good girl.
He justifies the cum inside her by saying it’s an internal medicine. It’ll help her overall reproductive health. At least that’s what he says
He might even get bolder. Have her come to his office late at night for a “procedure” that supposedly requires her to be asleep. She won’t question why he uses sleeping pills instead of anesthetic. He doesn’t give her reason to question it
And when she’s asleep, THEN he can finally fully have her. Stripping her bare and fucking her until he swears he can hardly feel his own cock. Perhaps he got too carried away. She is sore for a long time after. But it’s nothing more fingering by him can’t fix
Maybe he’ll just continue using her this way, with no one questioning or knowing. Or maybe he wants to take it farther. He does like the idea of her just getting pregnant because of everything he’s done. Or maybe he’ll actually inseminate her to make SURE it happens
He’ll make sure her pregnancy flies under the radar. For months he tells her that the symptoms she’s experiencing are for different things. He makes every excuse he can. And he’s clever with it
Once she starts showing he gradually finds more and more excuses
Perhaps someone will eventually figure it out. Maybe she will. Or maybe he somehow slips it by until he decides it’s time for her to give birth. Once again, alone with only him. He doses her heavily with aphrodisiacs and eats her out until she’s squealing. Such a foolish girl, too far gone to question this.
But then he finally reveals what he’s been doing, when she looks up to see him with a painfully hard cock. And before she can say a word, he’s inside her.
Maybe it all clicks in her mind then, maybe she just can’t think straight. But Aemond takes her harder than he ever has. And he won’t stop until her contractions begin
Once they do he’ll smirk at her. He will keep going until he finishes. But then he’ll pull out and continue to play with her clit. As well as toying with her nipples
The poor confused girl can hardly think straight, as Aemond brings her over the edge as she gives birth to a baby she didn’t know she had.
Aemond of course knows what to do. And he’ll do it, then put the child in her arms. She’s still coming down completely and extremely confused. But slowly it’s coming together
However now it’s far too late. Aemond realized what he can get away with. And there’s no chance of her ever escaping him now
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cambion-companion · 2 years
could you do aemond having a nightmare and wife reader helping him through it but he's lowkey embarrased but she's super sweet to him
I cut my finger so I'm having to type with my thumbs hahaha oh goodness.
You would wake beside Aemond, not sure what it was exactly that woke you from a deep sleep. Your groggy mind clears as you feel Aemond stir and groan in his sleep next to you. You look down to see his face contorted and grimacing.
"Aemond." You say softly, shaking his shoulder. "Aemond!"
Your lover sits up with a loud gasping cry, his hand scrabbling at his side for the knife he always wears there.
"It's alright, I'm here, you're safe!" You touch him lightly, uncertainly, as Aemond's rapid breaths slowly calm.
He looks at you, still disturbed by whatever nightmare he'd been enduring and embarrassed you'd seen him in such a state. "Just a bad dream."
"I'm here." You repeated, encouraging him to lean against your chest as you wrapped your arms around him, relaxing back together against the mattress.
You kissed the top of Aemond's head, stroking his silken hair soothingly. You began humming a lullaby your mother sang to you as a child, feeling Aemond relaxing further against you, his tense muscles loosening as you calmed him.
"You're safe, I've got you." You whispered, kissing his crown once more.
Only when you heard his breathing deepen and little snores escape his slack mouth did you allow yourself to fall back into slumber.
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Amusement II (Aemond Targaryen x Reader)
The people asked for a part 2, and the people shall be satisfied.
Pairing : Aemond x Female!Strong!Reader
Word count : 3k
Warnings : 18+ (MINORS DNI), explicit, choking, slight mentions of blood and violence, Aemond being a sassy little shit (again).
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To say that the day had been tempestuous would be an understatement. The reunion with Aemond alone would have been enough amusement for at least a whole year, but the dinner that had just ended in a quite heated way had provided you with your dose of entertainment for the century to come. It all had started well, though, but while Viserys' words touched the hearts of some, at the other end of the table there was a disturbing mix of tension and indifference that did not bode well. Sitting like the prince he was, straight and elegant, Aemond seemed quite indifferent. But the rare times you felt his gaze on you, it burned you like fire.
Everything had escalated very quickly: a mocking laugh from Luke, a very special toast from Aemond, a few punches and provocations later, the sweet family dinner had come to an end. You hadn't even had time to take sides, and to tell the truth it wouldn't have been of much use. It was like an infinite loop, lulled by strong jokes and resentments too old to be erased so easily.
Your mother's instructions were clear: go back to your quarters. However, it would have been far too frustrating to go to sleep after a dinner like this. All these childish provocations probably affected you less than your brothers, still you could feel the headache they were starting to cause. It's a big breath of fresh air that you needed, so, discreetly, you took the path to the place that felt most familiar to you here.
At such a late hour, the training ground should be deserted. But the familiar sound of metal clattering makes you realize that you're not the first to have had this idea. As you quietly descend the stone stairs, you begin to make out his slender figure in the half-light. The silence is broken only by his growls and furious breathing, punctuated by the sound of his sword striking the armed mannequin in front of him. The moonlight reflects off his blade and his hair, it almost softens his concentrated features. Like you, perhaps, he needed to let off steam after his “final tribute”. His pride must have been piqued by Daemon's interruption in the little game he had been leading so far. Without too much effort, armed only with his charism and his finely chosen acerbic words, Aemond had almost succeeded in provoking a war.
Walking silently along the walls, you end up leaning against the table on which the weapons are laid out during the day, a little further back. There is something quite hypnotizing about Aemond, in the way he stands, moves, speaks or reacts. He has both this very diplomatic, noble and proud look, and this frightening facet, the one that lets you know that everything can flip in a thousandth of a second if he wants it to. 
He lands a final blow before sheathing his sword, his heavy breathing raising his shoulders as he stands still with his back to you. You gulp as you hold your breath, silently admiring his build. His leather outfit is flattering to say the least, perfectly fitted at the shoulders and cinched at the waist. Your secret admiration is interrupted by a confident voice that is more hoarse than usual.
“Come on out,” he commands, his smirk almost audible. “Even a deaf man could have heard you coming.” 
You roll your eyes, an amused smile tugging your lips. “And even a blind one could notice your… discontent,” you answer, taking only a few steps forward. You stay a few feet away from him – as a precaution – with your arms crossed on your chest, as much to make you look confident as to fight the cold.
“The only thing that discontents me is your presence,” he replies, turning around to face you. “You could do us both a favour and retreat to your chambers, as your dear mother requested, if I recall correctly.” He imitates you, crossing is arms, and raising his eyebrow. He really can't help but be an ass, can he ?
“What can I say, I guess not all of us are sweet little mommy’s boys.” You shrug, offering him your best sarcastic smile, although you were not lying : Aemond probbaly was the scariest guy in this castle but the way he looked and spoke with his mother had not escaped you.
“That is not what I am usually depicted as.” He scoffs, looking half amused, half pensive.
“And how are you usually described then ?” The question comes out of your curious mouth before you can even think it over, and the sudden interest you demonstrate doesn’t go unnoticed. A discreet but mischievous smile crosses his face while he once more stares down at you, like he just won a first round by winning your curiosity. 
“Less pleasantly,” he answers, without wanting to offer you more information and without seeming touched. On the contrary, he seems almost amused, satisfied.
It's not hard to guess that he likes verbal jousts as much as sword fights. And it's not hard to notice how much he seems to enjoy having the upper hand in this game either. What would happen if he was, say, destabilized?
“Yeah well, I'll admit you really can be an asshole when you want to,” you shrug, as impassive as possible. “But at least you're a pretty one,” you add, a playful smile on the corner of your lips as you revel in the short look of surprise on his face. 
Aemond stays silent for long seconds, staring right back at you, as if to know if you're really mocking him or if there's a hint of sincerity behind your words. Years of self-depreciation mixed with a certain indifference to other people's opinions must have made him a little impervious to compliments, whether sincere or sarcastic. Nevertheless, you regain control thanks to this confusing reply and that's what seems to annoy him above all: this conversation is not innocent, it's a game and you both want to win it.
“Have you got nothing better to do but to mess with the pretty asshole that I am ?” He quotes as he steps closer, the sudden realization that this time there’s no one but the two of you in this training yard making you gulp. 
You don't let yourself be intimidated—or at least you don't show it—and try to ignore the familiar warmth that creeps into your belly as he approaches. “I find this quite entertaining,” you admit and he chuckles.
“Did our earlier encounter and tonight’s supper not entertain you enough ?” He questions, now clearly amused, easily guessing the real meaning behind your words : you’re enjoying this little game just as much as he is. But you want to go further, sting him so that he really reacts, even if you’ll probably regret it. The temptation is too great, the duel too natural, the feeling too pleasant.
“It was indeed a lot of amusement. I especially enjoyed the part where you left with your tail between your legs,” you innocently call back, immediately noticing the way he tenses up a little. There’s a gloom in his eye that lets you know you’re starting to get what you want, but you also know he won’t let you win without a fight. 
“A bloodbath would have been rather inappropriate. Although Harwin Strong’s blood wouldn’t be a tragic loss,” he smirks, and now it’s your turn to tense. Coming from anyone else, you probably could have ignored it. But this name coming out of his mouth, and this perfectly assumed and insolent violence makes you boil. He really is an asshole. That smug expression he bears is enough to make your jaw clench, though you refuse to break eye contact and admit this one did affect you. Your heart is beating faster and he probably can hear it from where he’s standing, waiting for your reaction. 
You sigh as you pull yourself together, crossing the distance between you to come and plant yourself right in front of him. He doesn't move, stoic, but staggers slightly when your cold hand cups his cheek. You ignore your racing heart and the jolt that runs through your whole body against his skin, and give him a fake sympathetic smile. “How frustrating it must be, hiding behind witty jokes and provocations, when all you really desire is the attention you will never obtain,” you whisper, outlining his defined jaw all the way from under his ear to his chin. “You are and you will always be nothing but the second son,” you pout, and before you can mimic the cheeky expression he was sporting just seconds ago, his hand grips your wrist tightly. He holds it hostage next to his face, his furious glare betraying his rising anger.
“You know nothing about my desires,” he growls, tilting his head until his mouth is just next to your ear. “And dare not speak of them when you are too stubborn to accept your own,” he murmurs and you can feel his content smile against your ear. His thumb wanders over your wrist until he finds that perfect spot where he can feel your pulse, and thus guess how flustered you are just with those little words. The effect he has on you is obvious and it drives you mad. Without allowing him to have control any longer, you opt for the easy and safe answer, turning your head to face him, your noses almost touching.
“I accept them,” you lie, stolid. “But not all desires should be satisfied.” You frown when he snorts at your answer. He doesn't let go of your wrist but he pulls back a little, licking his lips.
“How disappointing,” he chuckles. “What a proud coward you have grown to be,” he says, an insult all the more vexing because you know it to be false. You glare at him and pull your wrist away from his hand, making him groan. Aemond likes control, and you like taking it back.
“At least I've grown. You’re still that weak little boy, too scared to ask for a dance,” you spit, eyes locked in his. The tension between you is more than palpable, it emanates from your two boiling bodies, but he furiously crosses it to come and grab you by the neck, pushing you back until you are wedged between him and the table behind you. All the restraint he has shown so far seems to have disappeared to give way to his ferocious nature. He tilts your head back by lifting your chin, both your hands grip the rough table for balance as he pushes his body against yours. 
“You’re the one who should be scared, my dear.” He pushes his thigh between your legs, the material of your dress far too thin to protect you from this delicious pressure and he notices it, smirking at the sound of your quiet whimpers.“Should I ever wish to really dance with you, I highly doubt you could handle it,” he says, his lips trembling over yours, both in anger and in lust. You squeeze your thighs around his leg, making him groan, your body burning with anticipation as you use your last ounce of willpower to speak clearly, wanting him to know you're the one in control.
 “There’s only one way to find out,” you reply and without giving him time to process your words, you close the distance between your lips in a furious kiss. He growls against your mouth and he grips your hair tightly, making you moan in pain and pleasure. He presses you against the table and one of your hands grips his collar, pulling him even closer. There's nothing romantic about it, it's an exquisite blend of fury and desire, as your tongues fight for dominance while your bodies push, pull, and collide. He pulls your hair back and you gasp, allowing him to attack your mouth again, his tongue marking it as his territory. His moves are feral and you’re a thirsting mess already, and the feeling of his own arousal between your thighs only flusters you more. 
His free hand finds your hip and he holds you tight, grinding languidly against your craving body. This fucker sure knows how to turn you on, and when his fingers move all the way down to lift your dress in a hungry movement, you bite his lip hard enough to make him groan. You smirk as he takes a step back, fuming, his eye shining with sin. You take the opportunity to take a deep breath, panting, but soon he grabs you by the neck, turns you around and has you bent over the table. You whine as your chest and cheek hit the rough wood, cutting your skin. He's pressed firmly against you, holding your wrists in place flat on the table. 
“Still think you can handle it, hm ?” He groans, and you feel him hard against you as he slides his hand under your neck to pull you up quickly against his chest, holding you in place thanks to his grip around your neck, your head pressed against his shoulder. Your back is fully pressed against him and you are unable to move, his arm keeping yours glued to your chest. With his other hand he lifts your dress again, as his mouth brushes your cheek. The heat between your legs grows more and more when he leans in to lick the wound on your cheek.“I’ll have you begging on your knees for more,” he murmurs and your eyes close as you feel his fingers brush against your thigh, slowly sliding up to reach your undergarments. They quickly make their way underneath it, and you gasp when his rough fingertips run through your slit, your legs shaking under his touch.
 “Aemond,” you whine, and the sound of his name coming from your mouth is exquisite. He groans again, louder. Your lips part and a strangled gasp escapes when he starts playing with your wet and sensitive skin, your clit rolling under his fingers. It’s rough and messy but it feels so good, and when he pushes his fingers inside of you, you purr his name out again, only making him harder against your back.. 
“Look at you,” he exhales against your ear and you start shaking as you feel the pleasure grow more and more every time his fingers move in and out of you, but he holds you in place, his hand still firmly gripping your neck. “So vulnerable,” he smirks. “So docile around my hand.” 
He feels you tightening around his fingers and, in a pleased grin, removes his hand from your throbbing cunt. So close to release, you let out a hungry moan you can’t contain, expressing just how much you ache for his touch - and he fucking loves it. He licks his lips and the sound it makes right next to your ear is enough to have you throwing your head back on his shoulder, pleasure and frustration driving you mad. 
“Hm”, he growls, taking a moment to fully savour his dominance to the sound of your tortured whimpers. You are soaking wet, the warmth spreading from between your thighs to your belly where his hand is now resting. Your pleading eyes look up only to be met by his ferocious gaze, the smirk covering his lips widening. “Some desires do need to be satisfied, do they not ?” he murmurs, staring down at you, his hand sliding down oh so slowly. His fingertips brush your skin and leave a trail of shivers on their way to your aching clit, barely caressing it. 
Your eyes roll back as you try so hard not to give in, to resist the urge to scream for him to release you from this torture, and the sight of you biting your lips to cover the exquisite sounds of pleasure coming from it only make him want to push you more - to make you beg, to give you what you deserve. He starts drawing circles around your most sensitive spot, his thumb moving so slow, making you convulse each time it passes over it. It is getting harder and harder for you to breathe, to think, to resist. You moan loudly into his ear when two of his fingers are buried into you again, moving in and out languidly again, and again. It feels so right, you don’t care how wrong it is any more. He stops only for a second, and that is enough for him to make you turn to face him, his hand moving from your neck to grasp your hair. Aemond’s trembling lips brush against your own as his other hand finds its way back under your dress, right to where it was - where you want it to be. 
You can’t take it no more, barely standing on your legs, you grab his vest with trembling hands in a silent plea for him to give you release. He pulls you closer. His gaze doesn’t leave yours and there’s a spark in it that conveys an order : keep fucking looking at him. With whimpering lips you give in, desperate and craving for more. “Aemond,” you whine, almost inaudible, “please.” And that is all he needed to hear. 
His grunt is feral, and now his palm swirls in circles around your clit as he pushes his fingers into you, deep and precise, such perfectly timed thrusts that have you clinging to his chest. Your mouth opens as you almost reach ultimate pleasure and he crashes his lips against yours, swallowing your cries when you cum loudly in his mouth. Your thighs tighten around his hand, your whole legs shaking, but he keeps going, holding you firmly. 
When he decides it's over, that you've had enough, he releases the panting mess that’s left of you and steps back just a little, admiring his work. He smirks, proud and victorious, and you can easily read the “I told you you’d be begging” on his face, even though he doesn’t say it - he doesn’t have to. Instead, he simply readjusts his vest, now back looking like the decent man he claims to be. 
“Enough amusement for today, I think,” he hums after a few seconds. “Let’s save some for tomorrow, shall we ?”
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starogeorgina · 21 days
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𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐛𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐬
Pairing: Harwin Strong × Targ oc
Warning: Childbirth, mentions of violence, swearing, blood, character death
“If he wasn’t my kin, I’d have his head on a fucking spike!”
Harwin gently tilts your chin up so you’re facing him. His fingers are coated in your blood from your nose, but it seems insignificant in comparison to what your son has suffered. “You need to have a maester check you over, Vaella.”
“And take them away from our sons?” Feeling overwhelmed with his hand on you, you brush it off and start pacing again, using the movements as a way to not only cope with the adrenaline of anger bubbling inside you but also the pain slowly seeping across your body. You felt as if a sudden fever was coming on, but you refused to let up. “I don’t understand why he would do such a thing to his own flesh and blood.”
“Some people are just inherently bad.”
“But he’s my brother,” you weep. “That should mean something.”
Tears sting your eyes as you look at your sons through the doorway as they speak with the maesters. Aerion's eyes were red and puffy from crying, and when you excused yourself to go clean up your nose, which had started bleeding again, distressing Aerion further Harwin asked Elinda, your sister's handmaiden, to stay by your side. The young woman was coddling him as if your eldest son were her own. Vaegon was lying flat on his stomach in a deep slumber due to the high volume of milk from the poppy he had consumed, with maesters surrounding him. Each of them is trying to figure out the best way to treat injuries to his lower back.
“Oh, my baby, my baby.”
Harwin chokes back a sob. You had expected him to be full of rage, but instead he looked defeated. Exhausted from the worry and frustrated from not being able to help. The palms of Harwin’s hands had small crescent-shaped cuts on them from him clenching his hand so tight.
When you feel your nosebleed has stopped, you go and sit beside Aerion again, holding him close to you as he sobs, “It’s my fault. I couldn’t stop him; I couldn’t protect my brother.”
“Shh, none of this is your fault.”
“He called us bastards,” Aerion sobs. “And Jace, Luke, and Joff. He said I was the only one who didn’t know.”
You look up at Harwin; his eyes are glimmering with what you suspect is fear. Harwin crouched down to be level with him and spoke softly, “Listen, lad, I will tell you the truth. This isn’t about bastardy, the greens... They don’t want a woman sitting on the throne. They will say anything to discreet princess Rhaenyra and her sons, so the king's firstborn son sits on the throne.”
Aerion looks from Harwin to you, confused. “But if anything happened to Princess Rhaenyra and her sons, the throne would go to my mother before it did to my uncle; she’s the second-born child of the king.”
The sweet innocence in his voice breaks your heart.
“They would just do the same to your mother, lad. The Hightowers want the firstborn of Alicent to rule.”
“Will they kill us so Aegon will be the heir?"
You kiss the crown of his head multiple times and say, “No, SweetPea, it won’t come to that.”
You let out a sharp breath as the maester explained the extent of damage your son was suffering. Vaegon had snuck out to confront his uncle after overhearing Aemond say Aegon would be king one day. When Vaegon told him he was wrong, Aemond called your son’s bastards, then pushed Vaegon down the concrete steps.
Aerion squeezed your hand; your poor boy blamed himself. He saw his brother leaving and chased after him, but Vaegon inherited your stubbornness and refused to go back to their rooms.
“Unfortunately, it’s too early to tell if the price will ever walk again.”
Tears sting your eyes, making your vision slightly blurred. “Is he able to travel, or will it cause him more pain?”
“I’d advise a high dose of milk from the poppy for the boat ride back to avoid any distress... but in truth, Princess Prince has lost feeling below the waist.”
You grip tightly onto Harwin’s arm; none of it seems real. You glance at the door when Elinda enters the room; she reminds you of a frightened mouse with how she trembles as she walks over to you. The handmaiden had been sent to bring your daughter and to inform your sister and father that they needed to come as a matter of urgency.
“Where is Ada?” Harwin is alarmed.
“Ser Harwin, Princess... She is with Princess Rhaenyra in the great hall. There has been another incident involving Prince Aemond.”
All eyes are on you when you burst through the Great Hall’s main door. The handmaiden who informed you of the incident was running not far behind; she had briefly filled you and Harwin in on the conflict that transpired between the children and the adults. The first thing you notice are the drops of blood on the floor and Rhaenyra holding her bleeding arm while your father's dagger lies by Alicent’s feet. There was a clear divide in the room, with your family standing on one side and Greens standing on the other.
“Ada?” You call for your daughter, and panic sets in when you can’t see her among the various bodies in the room. “Ada!”
“I’m sorry!” She comes out from behind Lord Lyonel and runs to you, her cheeks flushed from crying. She clings to your growl and sobs, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
You brush her hair out of her face and say, “It’s alright, my sweet, it’s alright.”
You clap your hand over hers, keeping her firmly by your side; she grabs ahold of Harwin’s hand as well. You look to your father for any kind of indication of what he was planning to do, but he seems lost in his own thoughts, so you turn to Alicent.
“Did he tell you what he did to—”
“The king already knows about the slander hurled towards my sons,” Rhaenyra says.
You feel blood dribble from your nose onto your lip as you stare at Rhaenyra, speechless. You quickly wipe it away with the sleeve of your dress. An insult was the least of your worries. But she didn’t know; none of them did. One son suffers in agony, while the other's heart fills with guilt. All the while, your brother went off and happily claimed a dragon. You glance at your Aemond, feeling void of sympathy that he’d lost an eye. He was smiling beneath his bandage; he was proud of what he’d done.
“Do you have any remorse for what you did to my son?”
Your father finally finds his voice. “Vaella, what happened to my grandson?”
Aemond looks down at his feet, the smugness on his face fading, which only infuriates you further. Your voice cracks as you speak, “I’ll give you one last chance; tell them what you did.”
Alicent looks at you stunned; it’s clear she has no idea what you’re referring to. She waits a beat, then speaks thickly, “My son was attacked by Prince Lucerys. He lost an eye.”
“An eye? Prince Aemond said the Hightowers were planning to usurp my sister's throne, and then he almost killed my son. ” You turn to face your father and say, "Your grace, your grandson has been maimed and may never walk again! And his brother is traumatized from witnessing such a horrendous act.”
Madness and rage were spreading inside you like poison; perhaps you should have listened to your husband and stayed with your sons.
Harwin tries to say something to you, but you storm over to the king, who looks just as defeated as the rest of you. “Father,” you speak in High Valyrian. “This is them; this is the greens. I’ve told you again and again about the agenda that they have been pushing. That a woman isn’t fit to rule and your grandsons are bastards, and now the lies have run so deep that her son thinks it’s okay to physically attack mine and Rhaenyra’s children.”
“Vaella,” he sighs. “I cannot change what has been done; I cannot mend the wounded.”
“Do something.” Tears roll down your cheek. “Aemond is just a boy repeating what his mother and grandsire said. Alicent has just assaulted the heir to the throne and attempted to harm Lucerys. Arrest her, and I’ll feed that traitor who dare calls himself your hand to Varos!”
“Alicent is my wife.”
“Your wife?” You scoff. “The Hightowers are parasites feeding off dragon's blood. My love for her children is the only reason I’m not bringing fire and blood down upon their entire house.”
Harwin places his hand over your chest, urging you to step back. Harwin wasn’t fluent in High Valyrian, but he knew it well enough to recognise the threats you were making. “The king wishes to do nothing.” He picks Ada up with one arm and takes your hand with the other. “The best thing we can do is get our family back to Dragonstone.”
“I’ll have a ship prepared immediately,” Lord Corlys says. “It will be ready within the hour.”
Harwin nods and says, “Thank you.”
You felt your heat tearing itself apart; not only were your sons suffering, but your father had become so weak he was no longer able to defend your house. Shaking your head, you go to leave the great hall with your daughter and husband but stop when you reach the doorway. You thought you could handle the pain in your lower abdomen, but a sudden sharpness causes you to claw at the fabric of your dress. You sway on your feet slightly, and Harwin wraps his arm around you, keeping you up right.
“Send for a maester!” Daemon calls out.
“Fuck,” you grit your teeth and squeeze his arm tightly, feeling blood trickling down your thighs. “The babe is coming.”
“You need to push, princess.”
“I am fucking pushing!” You bark. “This shouldn’t be happening; it’s too soon.”
You grit your teeth and try to focus on the warmth of your sister's hand on your back, grounding you in the present moment. Harwin was waiting in the next room with your children; you were glad. You couldn’t bear to look at him, not when this was your fault. You should have made sure the knights posted outside the room your children were supposed to be sleeping in were capable of stopping them from sneaking out. You shouldn’t have allowed yourself to become so upset. If anything happened to your baby, it was your fault.
Rhaenyra’s eyes were focused on the bloodstained sheets below. You had been pushing for hours with no results. “Don’t let them do it to me,” you sob. “I don’t want to die like our mother.”
Tears roll down her cheeks, but she forces a smile. “You will have a baby in your arms soon, and the pain will be over.”
The contractions come hard and fast now, like waves crashing against rocks. Sweat trickles down your forehead; the pain intensifies, but you know it's nature's way of telling you to start pushing again. You bear down with each passing moment, feeling the muscles in your abdomen tense and release as if they were being pulled apart.
A few more moments of agonizing pain pass, and then the room is filled with a baby’s cries. The midwife cuts the cord and then places the baby on your chest. “It’s a girl.”
“Cassandra, her name is Cassandra.” Tears of happiness streamed from your eyes. Your beautiful girl had thick, dark hair and eyes to match her fathers. “She’s perfect—oh fuck, I think another one is coming.”
One of the midwives pushes your legs open and says, “The princess is crowning.”
The room fills with the sound of people rushing around, and blood starts spilling onto the ground. The bleeding was heavier than before. One of the handmaids gives you an apologetic look as she lifts the baby from your chest and says, “I’ll clean her up, princess.”
“Take her to Harwin.”
Rhaenyra wipes a cloth over your forehead. “Sister, are you sure?”
“I don’t want her in the room when I die.” You let out an agonizing scream. “Just take her and go!”
Your eyes become heavy, and your vision fades as you watch the handmaid wrap your daughter in a blanket. Rhaenyra shakes your shoulder, yelling for you to stay awake, but your sight is locked firmly on your newborn. Before she disappears from sight, your vision goes black.
Feeling his wife’s absence, Harwin opens his eyes and sits up in the bed, squinting. He looks around the room, hoping to see her, but Vaella is nowhere to be seen. He looks down into the crib next to him and sees Cassandra scrunching her face up while sleeping. His little girl was smaller and sickly-looking, but she has fed well from the wet nurse and is now sleeping soundly. Getting to his feet, Harwin goes straight to the door and is about to order the knights on the opposite side to search for her, but hearing a humming noise, he stops.
He follows the noise to the balcony and finds Vaella sitting on the ground, rocking, and Rhea in her arms, as if the dead baby would take comfort in being in her mother's arms. When the handmaid brought Cassandra through to the other room, he knew something was wrong and went to be beside his wife. The maester and midwife tried to force him out of the room, insisting it was no place for a man to be.
“And which one of you is going to make me leave my wife’s side?”
Rhaenyra interjects before anyone else can respond, “Ser Harwin will be staying by my sisters side.”
Harwin had felt so helpless when he first saw her laying on the birthing bed, with him unable to do anything to help his wife, who no longer had the energy to scream. Aerion, Vaegon, and Ada needed their mother's strength and courage, something no amount of love from him could provide them. Vaella was covered in sweat and blood; he was so sure he’d lose her. But his princess was a fighter and pulled through, yet the second girl she gave birth to did not.
Harwin was conflicted; he didn’t want to disturb her, but he didn’t want his wife to feel alone.
His decision is made when Vaella looks up at the sky, watching the dragons flying above, and begins talking out loud. “The golden dragon is Sunfyre; he’s bonded with your uncle Aegon. The blue one flying beside him is Dreamfyre, your auntie Helaena’s dragon. The largest one is your brother Vaegon’s dragon, Nightmare.”
Harwin fights back at Sob when Vaella’s voice breaks when she mentions Vaegon. He backs off slowly. She needed the time with Rhea as their daughter's funeral would be held once they arrived on Dragston. Ser Laenor and Rhaenyra had left on Dragonback, so arrangements would be made for their arrival. The maesters advised waiting until Vaella was fully healed before traveling home due to her blood loss, but she was desperate to return home. So did he. Harwin didn’t doubt the masters of Driftmark’s capabilities since they worked miracles to save his wife, but he also didn’t trust any maesters he didn’t know to care for his children.
Hearing a soft knock at the door, Harwin goes over and answers. His mouth goes dry. “Brother.”
“I hope I haven’t woken the princess.”
Harwin steps into the hallway, closing the door behind him. Without being asked, the knight on duty goes and stands at the bottom of the hallway, giving them privacy. From the way the sun peeked through the clouds, Harwin guessed it was roughly five in the morning. “Is this an urgent matter?”
“Yes.” Larys puts his weight against his stick and whispers, “My bees have been busy. And I’ve heard whispers.”
“I’m not interested in gossip.”
Hints of a smirk appear on the clubfoot’s face. “It involves Princess Vaella and the unfortunate events that took place last night.”
Rage burns inside of him, and Harwin fits a clench at his side. “What do you know?”
“Do you remember what type of tea the princess was drinking?”
The question throws him off. “It was red and had a horrid smell to it. Vaella said it was her first time tasting it.”
“Hmm, that’s what I feared. One of the ladies cleaning the room said the smell reminded her of barberry.”
“A fruit tea?”
Larys nods, as if the answer were obvious. “For you and me, it’s perfectly safe, but not for pregnant women, as it can trigger miscarriages. Tell me, did the princess suffer from any vomiting or nosebleeds prior to going into labor?”
Harwin gulps down. “She spat the tea out.”
“But she may have ingested it in small doses without knowing,” Larys leans in again. “Between us, brother, I find it rather particular that princess Vaella was perfectly fine on Dragonstone, but as soon as she arrived on Driftmark, she’s poisoned.”
“My daughter is dead. We will speak of this another time.”
Harwin enters the room and presses his back against the door. If what Larys said was true, then this was... He couldn’t even begin to process what it all meant. Not now, not when he needed to grieve.
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daemon targaryen masterlist
🍓 = fluff themes
❄️ = angst themes
🚧 = smut themes
🤸‍♀️ = slice of life / bish idek what theme this is
🚀 = crack fic themes
🎩 = dark and/or violent themes
🏩 = genre fic, i.e. mystery, horror, fantasy, etc.
🍳 = slow burn
🦕 = personal favorite
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You Were Meant To Be Mine | 🍓🤸‍♀️ Daemon Targaryen x Reader
Want You Dead | ❄️❄️🚧🚧🚧🎩🎩🎩🎩🍳🍳🍳🍳🍳🦕 Daemon Targaryen x Pirate!Reader [+ eventual Aemond Targaryen x Reader] 1 2 3 
In Your Defense | 🍓🚧🚧🚧🚧🍳 Daemon Targaryen x Reader
Tea Time | 🍓🤸‍♀️ Daemon Targaryen x Reader
Ten & One | 🍓🍓🍓🚧🚧🚧 Daemon Targaryen x Reader
Mine | 🍓❄️❄️🚧🚧🚧 Daemon Targaryen x Reader
Doves, Snakes, Dragons | ❄️❄️🚧🚧🚧🏩 Daemon Targaryen x Shapeshifter!Reader
To The Heart | ❄️❄️🎩🎩🏩 Daemon Targaryen x Reader
I’ll Play The Fool Instead | ❄️🎩🎩🍳 Daemon Targaryen x Reader + Harwin Strong x Reader
It’s The Ale | 🍓🤸‍♀️ Daemon Targaryen x Reader
5 Dose Poison | ❄️🎩🍳 Daemon Targaryen x Lannister!Reader
Lies Are Treason | 🍓🍓❄️🚧🚧🚧🎩 Daemon Targaryen x Reader
Game of Chairs | 🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️ Daemon Targaryen x Reader
Happier Than Ever | ❄️ Daemon Targaryen x Reader
Killing Me Softly | ❄️❄️🚧🚧🚧🚧🚧🍳 Daemon Targaryen x Martell!Reader
Wish I Was Her | 🍓❄️❄️❄️ Daemon Targaryen x Targaryen!Reader
Stone Cold | ❄️❄️❄️🚧🎩 Daemon Targaryen x Reader x Rhaenyra Targaryen
I, Unfortunately, Love You Most | ❄️❄️🎩🎩🚧 Daemon Targaryen x Reader
Served Cold | ❄️🎩🎩🎩 Daemon Targaryen x Royce!Reader
I Want You, I Get You | 🎩🎩🎩🎩 Daemon Targaryen x Royce!Reader
Cold Killer | 🍓❄️🎩🎩 Daemon Targaryen x Reader
It Takes Two | 🍓🍓 Daemon Targaryen x Reader
Since You Asked So Nicely | 🍓❄️❄️🎩 Daemon Targaryen x Reader + Harwin Strong x Reader
Alliance Of Thorns | ❄️ Daemon Targaryen x Reader
Waiting For A Lifetime | 🍓🍓❄️❄️🚧🚧🚧🚧🚧🎩🏩🏩🍳🍳🍳🍳🦕Daemon Targaryen x Reader + Aegon Targaryen x Reader + Aemond Targaryen x Reader (Modern AU) 1 2 3 4 5 ?
Red Lips | 🍓❄️ Daemon Targaryen x Reader
Why Do We Sleep Where We Want To Hide | ❄️❄️🎩🏩 Daemon Targaryen x Reader
Sticky Fingers | 🍓🍓🍓 Daemon Targaryen x Reader
All I Ever Wanted | ❄️❄️🚧🍳 Daemon Targaryen x Targaryen!Reader
Puppy Love | 🍓🍓 Daemon Targaryen x Reader + Cregan Stark x Reader
Kiss It Better | 🍓🍓🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️ Daemon Targaryen x Reader
The First Snow | 🍓🍓🤸‍♀️ Daemon Targaryen x Reader
Made For You | 🚧🚧🚧🎩🎩🎩 Daemon Targaryen x Hightower!Reader
Scale Soother | 🍓🍓🎩🏩🍳🦕 Daemon Targaryen x Reader + Cregan Stark x Reader
I Could Care Less | 🤸‍♀️🚧🚧🚧🚧🚧 Daemon Targaryen x Reader
Truly, Madly, Deeply | 🍓🍓❄️❄️🚧🚧🚧🚧🚧🚧🚧 Daemon, Viserys, Otto (& Aemma) x Targaryen!Reader Teaser Moodboard
Mourn Me | 🤸‍♀️🍳🚧🚧🚧 Daemon Targaryen x Reader
Attenzione Pickpocket! | 🤸‍♀️🎩Daemon Targaryen x Robin Hood!Reader
Maniac | 🍓🚧🤸‍♀️🚀🏩 Ex!Aemond Targaryen x Reader + Rebound!Daemon Targaryen x Reader
Mine For The Night | 🍓🚧🚧🚧 Daemon Targaryen x Reader
Curse Of Womanhood | 🚀🚀 Daemon Targaryen x Reader
You'll Remember You Belong To Me | 🤸‍♀️🏩 Mafia!Daemon Targaryen x Estranged!Reader
The Salt In My Blood | ❄️❄️❄️🚧🚧🎩🎩🎩🍳🦕 Daemon Targaryen x Targaryen!Reader x Dalton Greyjoy
249 notes · View notes
asa-do-your-thing · 8 months
The Shadows of The Lost Court
Dark!Aemond x F!OC - 18+ MINORS DNI Word Count: 8.6k TW: dubcon, Canon-Typical Violence, Canon-Typical Behavior, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Shameless Smut, Angst, Fellatio, Misogyny, Internalized Misogyny, Non-Consensual Drug use, Religious Imagery, Symbolism and guilt
Art made by the lovely @nyctophilic0vitnir - thank you so much sweetheart! <3 And thank you so so much @ewanmitchellcrumbs for organizing this @hotd-bigbang , you are amazing!
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Tap. Tap. Tap.
Elisabeth shuddered and stopped, turning around, coughing to try and relieve her dry mouth. 
She knew. She knew… She knew something. Something was following her. 
Leaning against a grubby, crumbling wall, Elisabeth tried catching her breath. There was nothing there, neither on the left, nor on the right. Only cobwebs; cobwebs, moss and the smell of decay.
 ‘Is The Stranger a something or a someone?’
Tonight was different. The milk came sooner than usual.
Elisabeth struggled - where some people love the rush and the calmness afterward, she hated it. Hated the way it made her sick. Hated the way it lamed her tongue; hated the way it hid her. She knew better than anyone that her doses were calculated. Maester Rithyr must have gotten the order for her to be silenced, not addicted. That wouldn’t look good. 
Elisabeth peered out of a window, only to see thick tendrils of fog curling up from the ground like ghostly fingers. The dim light filtering through the mist gave everything a spectral, otherworldly hue. She took notice of how broken everything looked: shattered windows, splintered doors and debris scattered across the dusty floor. She sighed heavily as she rearranged her long, dark brown hair under its veil, trying to keep it in place amidst all the chaos. And then, she heard him again - his footsteps echoing through the ruins.
The sound made her feel uneasy; it was too quiet, too lonely. For a moment she wondered if she was in trouble or hurt. But then a chill ran down her spine and she realized that perhaps it wasn't just the desolate ruin around her making her feel so cold and scared.
“You swore to obey me. You swore before the gods, you brutish whore. After all I’ve done for you…”, the voice echoed around her.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
He was closing in on her. The staircase seemed to be miles away, yet still, she pushed herself away from the moss-covered stones and cautiously started walking. Elisabeth grunted, her legs burning. It was as if she was walking against a current of water, one that swept her slowly closer to him. She stepped over a rotting tapestry and tightly clung onto the handrail of the staircase. 
‘Why would The Stranger think of me like that? Is it time for me to… die?’
Carefully descending down, she peered up the stairs. The window let in cold, humid gusts of air and Elisabeth was sure that she could see his dark robe in the shadow. Knowing that the Queen’s Ballroom had no other exit, she trudged past it, stopping to catch her breath along the way.
Out. Out of Maegor’s Holdfast, her mind urged her. But where would she go? As soon as the Kingsguardmen saw her, they would gently escort her back into her chamber. That’s the way it has been for a long time. Biting her lamed tongue, she quietly walked down to the entrance and glanced out. No one was there. No one, except for the occasional rat that scurried through the lower bailey. 
“I saw the way that the Strong bastard looked at you. You were with him, weren’t you? Was it not enough to tell him about our political strategies, but to also give him your useless cunny? Do you even know the shame you bring onto this realm?”
Her breath hitched as she saw him closing in on her, his dark cape billowing in the light wind. Glancing up at the serpentine steps, she felt a thick raindrop splashing down onto her. That was just what she needed - collapsing on the slick stairs, The Stranger close behind her. No, risking embarrassment by climbing over the ledge into the Godswood was far more appealing to her. 
“Leave me be! I beg of you!”, she whined, her lungs on fire.
'I cannot do this anymore, not long, anyhow, my feet... my lungs... The Stranger... Death...', she thought, unable to focus on anything else than him.
The Godswood was an ancient and sinister place, a twisted forest lurking within the heart of Maegor's Holdfast. Towering weirwood trees with their deathly white trunks and faint streaks of crimson formed a menacing roof above, and the loamy earth seemed to swallow her every step. Elisabeth took a raspy breath, feeling the icy, dank air fill her lungs. The stench of decay surrounded her, the smell of putrefaction and rot. Rain drops pelted down onto her skin, the soil beneath her feet sodden.
Elisabeth moved with a sense of urgency, her feet burning as she weaved through the dense trees. The pattering of rain on the leaves above offered her some concealment as she made her way between the shelter of one tree to another, hoping to avoid detection by her pursuer. Suddenly, a twig snapped behind her and she whirled around, only to hear the sound of footsteps growing louder and louder.
Her heart in her throat, she ducked behind a gnarled oak tree, taking cover from the ominous presence that was closing in on her. She could feel every drop of cold rain as it streamed down her face and hair, running down her back and soaking through to her skin. Each breath was ragged and tumultuous as beads of perspiration bubbled up on her forehead. Elisabeth shuddered uncontrollably in the frigid air before finally forcing herself to keep moving forward through the relentless downpour.
Elisabeth could hear the sound of her own heart pounding in her chest as she tried to make her way through the Godswood. She was shaking with fear, her breaths coming in short, shallow gasps. She knew that The Stranger was close behind her; she could feel his presence like a dark cloud looming over her.
She stumbled over a tree root, nearly falling to the ground, before weakly righting herself and continuing on. Her hair was plastered to her face and neck,  her clothes were soaked through. However, insignificant concerns like the dampness penetrating her to the core were overshadowed by her urgent need to elude her relentless pursuer.
Abruptly, a chilling sound pierced the silence, causing her blood to freeze in her veins. It was the eerie scrape of something sharp grating against the gnarled bark of a tree, almost like the sound of a blade being sharpened before an execution. Her heart raced as she whirled around, and there, amidst the gusty winds, stood The Stranger, his ominous dark robe unfurling like a spectre from the shadows.
"You can't escape me."
Elisabeth recoiled in terror, her wide-eyed gaze darting around frantically, searching for a possible escape route. However, the Godswood resembled an inescapable labyrinth of winding trees and dense underbrush, leaving her utterly trapped.
The Stranger took a step forward, his eyes fixed on her. Elisabeth saw the hunger in his gaze, the hunger for her soul. She knew that she was doomed. With a cry of despair, she turned and ran, darting between the trees as fast as she could. The Stranger was right behind her, his footsteps pounding on the wet ground.
She could feel his breath on the back of her neck, cold and ...familiar? Shaking her head quickly and looking up into the sky, she saw the towers again. She probably ran around in circles, her dazed mind tricking her into thinking she had been trapped in a forest.
Frantically sprinting out of the oppressive Godswood, she sucked in a deep breath of fresh air as her gaze fell upon the dilapidated Outer Bailey. The once-glorious stone walls loomed ominously over her, crumbling inward from age and neglect. Threadbare tapestries hung limply in the breeze, swaying like ghosts in an abandoned graveyard. Gaping holes in the walls revealed chipped statues that had been carved centuries ago, still standing guard despite their years of neglect. In the far distance, the towers soared into the sky, dark voids against a backdrop of gray clouds.
Elisabeth inhaled deeply as a thick, unsettling aroma engulfed her. The scent of lavender and jasmine combined with the decaying smell of rotting fruit and mildew. In the distance, Elisabeth could hear the faint sound of buzzing from unseen insects lurking beyond the shadows. She stumbled forward, mesmerized by the air that was heavy with an ominous foreboding.
At last she reached the entrance to The Sept - an imposing structure made entirely out of pale stone blocks that glowed in the fading light. Stone steps rose up to meet two large wooden doors while several small windows peeked out like watchful eyes looking down on her every move.
Elisabeth, feeling the stinging of her lungs, ran into the Sept and fell down on her knees. She laid atop the golden seven-pointed star on the floor and looked up at the statue of the Mother, trying her hardest not to look at the Stranger. To calm her head, she closed her eyes and took deep breaths, running her dry, cracked hands over her burning calves. The tears continued flowing over her pallid face, running down into her dirty gown. 
‘What is happening to me? Why on earth would the Seven punish me so?’
She remembered her wedding. It was magnificent, aye. But then again, it had to be. After Joffrey’s death at Princess Rhaenyra’s wedding tourney, she was quietly whisked away from the Stormlands and settled into the Red Keep as a way of keeping the Lonmouth’s - and to a greater extent the Baratheon’s - good graces, so as not to let them favour Princess Rhaenyra’s claim in the case of King Viserys’ death.
The time until the courtship was quiet, that much Elisabeth still remembered. She grew up alongside Princess Helaena - Helaena being three years older than her. Endless hours of handiwork, study and prayer had shrouded her in relative solitude, so when she turned four and ten, she was shocked to be invited to the Royal Table more often and to be invited for strolls with Prince Aemond. Back then she had still been Lady Elisabeth, not 'Princess Bess'.
Later she understood why the engagement happened. Prince Aemond had to marry to secure the crown’s security and to show the green faction that they had gotten the Stormlands support.
She often asked herself why they had chosen her over the Baratheon girls. They were more comely - Elisabeth's stature was short and plump, giving her the appearance of a child much younger than her age. Her brow was rounded, her cheeks plump and her eyes large with dark, scared pupils. Her Monmouth blood - the one that made her relation Joffrey so beautiful - must have passed her by. Her long, dark hair was thick but formless, hanging in her face without curls or ringlets. It was clear to her that Aemond was not interested in her, not in the romantic sense at least. 
As days turned into weeks, Elisabeth discovered that Prince Aemond was the first man with whom she could engage in conversations almost as equals. His cold, yet encouraging words had ignited a spark within her, urging her to delve deeper into her thoughts and ideas. Over time, an unexpected fondness began to blossom in Elisabeth's heart for him. In his unique manner, he exuded a charming gloomy aura that drew her in. Many hours passed in their quiet companionship, their noses buried in books, immersed in shared moments of silent contemplation. Their intellectual pursuits were often overseen by the watchful presence of Princess Helaena, serving as a discreet but ever-vigilant chaperone.
But now, as she lay on the floor of the Sept, she wondered if she had made a grave mistake somewhere along the line in her life. Should she have taken her vows? Life as a septa would’ve suited her far more than whatever tragedy her current situation had turned into.
Aemond had changed since they were wed. Princess Helaena said that that was the case for most men, yet somehow, a small glimmer of hope still arose that it might have been different. He had become more... mean. It was as though he was a different person entirely.
Although... he had always been the quiet sort. The kind of man that you could hear exhaling slowly whenever he heard a foolish remark, the kind of man that judged everyone for everything, the kind of man that doesn't even think himself superior - he believes it.
Elisabeth couldn't help but think of the Stranger. It was a foolish thought, she knew. But in some ways, Aemond reminded her of the mysterious figure. Both were dark, brooding, and unpredictable. 
Elisabeth had always been on edge when Queen Alicent was around; her hawk-like gaze followed her every move and her scornful words cut deeper than any blade. Every time Elisabeth tried to be independent or think for herself, the Queen would chastise her that those were qualities meant just for Husbands.
After months of having to constantly please the Queen and ignore her own wants and needs, Elisabeth felt like a teetering ball ready to burst with the slightest push. She was too afraid to say anything, though, in fear of making things worse.
Then arrived the fateful day of her wedding, a lavish spectacle replete with tournaments, sumptuous feasts, and exhilarating hunts—a grand display of House Targaryen's power and influence. The exuberance of the festivities infected all who attended, making it effortless for others to revel in the celebrations.
However, beneath the surface of the revelry, Elisabeth harboured a mixture of anxiety and excitement, uncertain of what her future held in store. In the midst of it all, Prince Aemond had become a steadfast presence in her life, forging a deep connection with her. He seemed to grasp the essence of her being, affording her the precious gift of solitude for introspection, or so she believed. He made sure to squash her hopes.
For most, that had been a grande and joyous event. For Elisabeth, it was the start of her misery, though she did not yet know the full extent. As the Queen had instructed her, she treated everyone courteously, demurely.
That she did, or at least she thought that she did. Her husband disagreed, though. As soon as they were escorted into his chamber (he had wished for the doors to be closed), he spun around and pushed her against a wall. Aemond asked with a steely voice, towering over her, if she had been cavorting with the Velaryons, the way she had smiled at them, the way Jacaerys’ lips lingered on her hand as he greeted her.
Aemond questioned if she thought him to be blind. Elisabeth whimpered and gulped, trying her hardest not to hold Aemond's hard gaze, when she explained that she was told to be courteous to everyone, only to be cut off, when Aemond had pushed her even harder, making her yelp in pain, her shoulders burning from his strong grip. He ordered her to hush and questioned her why she would associate herself with usurpers, bastards and sodomites. 
What followed was of no particular interest to her, not anymore, anyways. Someone outside of the chamber, presumably Maester Myntheon, cleared their throat and told them to settle any disputes after the ceremony. Aemond had quickly slipped off his breeches - the fact that he didn’t even care enough to fully undress stung her after it had happened - and made sure to get her naked as soon as possible. 
She laid there, freezing, looking up at the tapestries next to their bed as he quickly stroked himself. ‘Do not do anything, lest he should think you a whore’ ran through her mind so often, that she almost thought that a small version of Alicent sat in her brain, spewing her nonsensical rules over and over so she could drive herself insane. 
“Open up.”
When Aemond saw her puzzled expression, he sighed, shook his head and gently pried her legs open, pulling her down the bed so that she was close to the ledge, closer to him and his half-hard member.
“I need to get to your cunt. Don’t make this more difficult for us than it has to be.”
Elisabeth felt her face heat up, and even though the room was dark, she could feel a heavy blush take over her neck and cheeks. She opened her legs wider and tried to steel herself for what was to come, but all too soon Aemond was pushing himself inside of her. She gasped as he entered her roughly, not giving her time to adjust. He kept thrusting into her with more force than necessary, making it hurt even more than it should have. Did he know it hurt? Did it hurt him?
She tried to cry out but he put a hand on her mouth and told her he was almost done. Tears started streaming down Elisabeth's face as Aemond kept going for what seemed like an eternity until finally his body went limp on top of hers. He rolled off of the bed without saying a word and left the room without so much as glancing at Elisabeth again.
Elisabeth lay there in shock, touching herself gingerly where Aemond had just been. For the first time ever she felt ashamed of herself; despite all that had just happened she still felt pleasure deep within herself that made her feel worse than before - something no one had prepared her for or warned about prior to this momentous night.
Was she a wanton whore? Was.. was Alicent right?
That was that. After that, he visited her fortnightly, stated his needs and left again. Although, Elisabeth noted quickly to herself, he had gotten gentler after seeing her bruised cunny. Proving she was a virgin had been no great feat. Her fear had made her so stiff and dry that there were multiple splotches of blood on the bed sheet, so many that even Alicent deemed to congratulate her. That was also the time where Alicent had started giving her milk of the poppy and after that, Elisabeth could not remember anything reliably. 
Even if she could, she noticed it was not the time to reminisce anymore. His eyes were dark and bright at the same time, void of feeling even while raging with anger. The candles flickered nervously on the altars as he stalked into the room and slammed the door shut behind him. Slowly turning around, she tried looking up at him despite her shaky vision. He was tall, wearing a cape with a large hood that covered his face.
If he wouldn’t … glide and give off a sense of dread, one could almost think it was Aemond himself. Yet, the way she knew him, he would not have spent such a long time chasing her and taunting her. He made it clear enough to her, she didn’t matter. 
“Have you come to confess? To repent?”
The Stranger offered her a hand, which she eyed cautiously. 
“Have you come to take me? Or are.. You taunting me?”
He laughed ominously. “You know me, I could never taunt you in a sept. But… taking you? That is a very bold request, Lady Wife.” 
Lady Wife? Elisabeth shivered and groaned, taking his cold hand. She was not instantly taken away to the realm of the dead, which made her glad and worried at the same time. 
“Wh… why..? And… why Lady Wife? I’m Elisabeth, don’t you know?” 
The Stranger helped her up and held her for a while until she gained complete function over her legs again. Letting her go, he stepped away again and looked around the Sept. 
“You're quite perplexing. You've yet to respond to my allegations, and instead, you've led me on a convoluted journey through the Red Keep, Bess.”
Calmly folding his arms behind his back, he strolled through the small hall, making sure his eyes were firmly on her shaking form.
“You even took me here, just to ask me to be with you, despite your previous reluctance. Has something changed, perhaps due to a newfound perspective from The Maiden?”
Elisabeth cocked her head to the side, trying her hardest to identify the figure in front of her. Why would… why would The Stranger care for her relations with Princess Rhaenyra and her sons? 
Why would… why would he want to engage in an amorous congress with her? Was that a cruel way the gods were testing her? 
“Well… You chased me… I thought you meant harm to me…” 
The figure hummed and it almost looked like his face turned into a doleful expression. 
“I could mean you harm depending on the answers you shall give me. We are in a sept - if you lie, you are damned. Do you know that?”
Elisabeth took a few steps back and lowered her eyes again. So it was the Stranger. He was asking about her sins so that she might repent before he took her away. That realisation hit her gut like a punch. Tears started welling up in her eyes. 
“I… yes, I do, but believe me, I-”
“I shall decide for myself if you are innocent, Lady Wife. Spare me your tales of woe.”
Closing the distance to her again, the figure gently took her chin into his hand and forced her to look up into his eyes. He quickly smoothed her hair and wiped the tears from her face.
“Before I ask you though, I need to take you. I need to take what is mine; you have ignored me long enough and now that you’ve asked me, I would be a fool not to take you up on your offer.” 
Elisabeth whimpered and stood rooted on the spot. If it weren’t for the weird pull in her stomach, she would have pleaded, would have fled. But something… Something about the way the figure touched her so gently, so caringly, made her heart leap in ways that have seldom happened. Nothing made sense anymore. 
On one hand, she wondered why on earth the Stranger wanted to take her, yet on the other, she knew that what the Gods willed was destined to happen. And if that wasn’t the Stranger? Well, but who would it be? A dream figure? But why would she dream of such things? Was she so depraved and craven? Maybe she was. In that moment, delirious and flush with adrenaline, she threw all concern out of the tiny window of propriety that she still had in her foggy mind. 
Placing a trembling hand around the Stranger’s waist, Elisabeth nodded lightly. 
“Take me then, if you must,” she whispered. The Stranger smiled in response and embraced her tightly, pulling her close to his chest as he kissed the top of her head.
They stayed like that for what felt like eternity and Elisabeth swam in a sea of emotions like never before. She could feel his heart beating against her own, slowly but surely drawing them closer together. 
He smelled familiar. Something in her mind told her she knew him; the smell of leather, dragons and sweat. Could it be...?
At long last, the figure pressed his cold lips onto hers, almost possessively. Even though it had been one of her first kisses, he guided her strongly, making sure that she couldn’t doubt him or his intentions.
Bess tried her hardest to banish the thought of Aemond in her head. No, it couldn’t be - Aemond never kissed her. It had to be the Stranger. Was that the metaphorical kiss of death? 
Answering her doubts, the Stranger slowly started to undress her, as if he was uncovering a precious gem. His hands moved with a slow and patient rhythm, almost like a ritual or dance as they explored every inch of her body. He caressed her curves and memorised every quirk on her figure until Bess had no more will left in her to resist.
For a moment it felt like time had stopped. As if the entire world was focused on them and their lovemaking; their own little bubble of pleasure and passion that nothing could penetrate. Aemond let out a low moan of pleasure as he drew his lips down Bess’s neck, relishing in the taste of her skin against his tongue. She shuddered beneath him as his fingers slowly moved ever lower, exploring each inch of her body without an ounce of inhibition or shame. She gasped when she felt his tongue swirl around one sensitive spot near the base of her spine before finally coming to rest between her legs, ready for exploration…
Elisabeth found herself melting beneath Aemond’s touch as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through her body in response to his ministrations. His fingers seemed to know exactly where to go and what buttons to press – it was almost like he was born again.
It was almost like Elisabeth had been born again. The grogginess in her mind had subsided almost as soon as she had felt the pleasure; so had the illusion of the Stranger. But then again, her Aemond had never been kind, gently, loving in bed. He had always been rough with her, pulling her hair if he got too excited. And this man…Her Aemond had never touched her the way he did right now. Was she still dreaming?
Aemond stepped back, the space between them electric with passion and anticipation. His smouldering gaze locked with hers, and she felt a rush of heat that paralyzed her body and mind. Even though he had desired her since the day they were married, he thought she despised him, yet now in a sept the intensity of his longing was palpable. The air around them was thick with desire.
"I need you to taste me. I need to see you naked, on your knees, here, in front of the gods. Elisabeth, I finally want to claim you as my own, as my wife, and not as a piece of meat I spill my seed into every fortnight."
Despite all of her hesitance and apprehension, Elisabeth obeyed without any objection; he was still her lord husband and adhering to her spouse was the utmost important action she could take as a dutiful wife.
With trembling, cold hands she took his long, hard member and guided it towards her mouth. Was that her punishment? But for what? She had done nothing to warrant this perverse humiliation, but as he placed a hot, determined hand on the back of her head, she knew that she hadn't had much of a choice.
Gently, Elisabeth opened her mouth and engulfed Aemond’s cock. She could feel him shudder at her touch, and the heat that emanated from his body caused her pulse to race. His breathing was ragged as he gasped her name again and again, urging her on.
With a gentle hand, she guided Aemond’s hips closer to hers before taking him deeper into her mouth. The sensation of his velvety smooth skin against hers was electrifying. Her tongue gently danced around him, exploring every inch of his manhood until he could no longer hold back the intensity of his pleasure.
Elisabeth felt embarrassed and exposed; this seemed like something she should never be allowed to do in front of the gods. But the sheer pleasure that it evoked in both herself and Aemond kept her going. Gods, it felt so wrong yet so right at the same time.
"Fuck. Yes, Bess... You belong to me... Not to The Strong bastards, not to Aegon, not to anyone else... You're... fuck... mine..."
Aemond's hands tightened around her head, making sure she was as deep as her mouth allowed her to be as he released a long moan before spilling himself inside her mouth. It was hot, salty and Elisabeth tried her hardest swallowing it without looking up at him.
With a throbbing head, she released him and covered her face in shame. She knew the milk was dangerous - yet making her dream of death and running through the Red Keep? Taking Aemond's cock like a... a dirty Harlot?
That was more than she could take. Now he knew that she was a weak person, that there was only a weak will buzzing around inside her. The last thing she needed now was the usual gloating expression on his face - his unbearable questioning. 
“I’ve done all you wanted. Ask me your questions, so that you might finally understand that none of this was ever my will,” she said as she wiped her mouth, her voice brittle.
Aemond gave her a cold look of confusion and cocked his head to the side, closing his breeches and slipping his doublet on again, after he had caught his breath. 
“What wasn’t your will? Giving yourself to me here?” 
Elisabeth sighed. "You're my husband. Your wish is my command."
Aemond, in his usual fashion, looked away from her in shame, flaring his nostrils.
"Alright then. If it is your wish again to make me feel like the worst human being in the world, then I shall do so too. I thought I could take you to your chambers again, get you a hot bath... Alas, my Lady Wife, you asked for the interrogation yourself."
He walked over to the Statue of the Mother and gave her a cold look, his tousled white hair gently floating down his back. His eyepatch made him look even scarier than it usually did.
"I've heard rumours that you've taken moon tea. Do you want to avoid giving me an heir? Swear on the Mother."
Elisabeth shivered and slowly dressed herself again, making sure not to break eye contact with Aemond. The milk made it's presence - or rather, abscence known again - it made her desperately queasy. The aftertaste of Aemond's spunk in her mouth certainly did not help.
"I swear on the Mother I haven't been taking Moon... Tea."
Aemond raised his eyebrow in a quizzical manner.
"Then what is that concoction that Maester Rithyr brings you? I can't imagine it being a skin cream."
If looks could kill, Aemond would've joined the Stranger's embrace right then and there.
"Do not mock me, Lord Husband. You and your filthy snake of a mother know exactly what it is he brings me," she seethed, her voice thick with venom. "It is exactly the thing that made me think you were the Stranger chasing me through..."
Anger was not the only thing that bubbled up inside her. Retching, she emptied her stomach onto the marble floor, the large marble hall making the splattering sound of her vomit uncomfortably loud.
Aemond's eyes blazed with fury, one hand pulled back in a fist ready to strike. But before he had the chance, Aemond's gaze fell on her frail, sweaty body next to a pool of her own bloody vomit and his arm fell limp. He was held in place by the sight, unable to move or even blink as his anger turned into fear.
"Bess, gods, tell me what it is he gives you! Come clean to me, you foolish girl!"
Elisabeth flinched and wiped her lips, groaning weakly. Aemond had not seemed like someone who would lead her into danger or punish her for being honest - if he wanted to be so cruel, he could've hit her when she cursed his mother. She took in a deep breath and tried to rid herself of the sour taste in her mouth, then nervously patted her clammy palms on the stained fabric of her dress. Leaning against the statue of the Father, she felt a little bit safer.
"From the moment we were wed, your mother has given me milk of the poppy. Told me you'd stop trying to give me an heir if I continued to act the way I did."
Coughing, she shook her head and gave Aemond a cold look. His face was unreadable - no reaction was a reaction, Elisabeth noted and took a deep breath before continuing.
"The people in front of our door at our bedding ceremony told her of your indignant attitude to me and my inability to give you an heir after that. She... She thought I was denying you and that you were too courteous to take what was yours."
Elisabeth heaved once more, so Aemond propped her up and held her hair back. As she vomited, a worrying amount of blood appeared - it was nearly just that. Frowning, Aemond used a piece of fabric from her dress to clean up her lips afterwards.
"Please continue," he whispered into her ear, his breath hot on her skin. She felt a tear roll down her cheek and wished she were in bed with a warm blanket instead of being forced to confess. But the more she said, the better chance she had of avoiding drinking that awful milk again.
"She was always displeased with me and she did not hesitate to tell me so. She told me the Daeron's future wife - a certain Clara Lannister," she gave him a sharp look putting a finger to her lips, signaling to him that it was a secret and that he didn't hear it from her, "would have made a much better wife to you than I have. She's even more pious, meeker, prettier..."
Aemond huffed. "Clara's a feeble twelve year old hussy and she has wrapped the court around her pretty little fingers. I still cannot quite comprehend why my mother would try... try to drug and shut you up."
Elisabeth raised her eyebrow and gave her husband a sorrowful look. “You remember why, don’t you my Lord Husband? You were displeased that I was fraternizing with the Strong bastards. You said to her that I wasn't serious about state affairs. You told her you couldn't go through with our marriage vows and that I was too...” A tear slid down her cheek as she shook her head. She wanted to avoid any more tears rolling down, so she looked up in an effort to stop them. "You called me Bess just as the others did to show how much of a simpleton I was and you continue doing so! You would've beat me senseless if I'd have called you Monny!"
Aemond let out an exasperated sigh before taking a seat next to Elisabeth on the cold marble floor, gently wrapping an arm around her shoulders in comfort and pulling out a handkerchief from underneath his cloak which he tenderly offered for for her to clean herself off with.
“It’s fine,” he said gruffly. “We all make mistakes.” He put a finger under her chin and lifted it towards him so she had to look him in the eye. “I thought you hated me after our marriage ceremony, and I foolishly told my mother about it in a fit of anger.” Despite his words, there was something uncomfortable in the way his gaze held hers.
Elisabeth erupted into desperate sobs, pounding her fists against his chest with each cry. The dried blood that stained her hands flaked off like dust as she grabbed him in despair. "How could you do this to me? We should have talked it through, together! Instead of understanding why I had changed after our marriage, all you ever did was lash out at me and let your mother drive me to the brink of madness - treating me like a stranger and I can barely recognise myself anymore! If I didn't love you so much, I would hate you right now. But even then, my heart still aches for you... Oh gods, Aemond..."
The strain of her confession was too much for her. Elisabeth tipped forward, still gripping onto Aemond’s tunic with her bloody hands, as she lost consciousness in his arms.
Aemond caught her, gently placing her down onto the floor, then stood up and looked around the sept. He felt torn; part of him wanted to believe what his mother said but the other part of him knew it couldn’t be true. He had made a horrible mistake by allowing his pride and anger to drive him to such lengths, and he now he had to face the consequences alone. With a heavy heart, he summoned some guards who helped move Elisabeth’s lifeless body to his chambers where she could rest peacefully and recover from her ordeal.
Aemond was left with an overwhelming feeling that something fundamental in his life had shifted during that conversation in the Sept — not just between himself and Elisabeth but also between himself and his mother — an unspoken understanding that things would never be the same between them ever again. As he walked off in a daze towards his chamber, thoughts of revenge raced through his mind as he planned how best to confront her about it all — but for now, all he could do was hope that Elisabeth would recover quickly enough so they could make sense of everything together.
He was determined to take care of Elisabeth and as he watched her sleeping in his chambers, the rage that had been building up inside him slowly melted away. He brushed a strand of hair off her forehead and sighed resignedly — he had no control over what happened next, all he could do now was to care for her. As best as he could, Aemond pulled the blankets over her body to keep her warm and placed a pillow underneath her head for extra comfort. He sat by her side all night, silently willing for herto open her eyes so they could talk this out together, but it seemed like she wouldn’t wake up anytime soon.
The hours dragged on and his frustration only heightened with every minute that passed until finally Aemond couldn’t take it anymore. He ordered one of the guards to stay with Elisabeth before storming off in an attempt to clear his head. As he walked through the corridors of the castle, images of their conversation in the Sept replayed in his mind but try as he might, Aemond still couldn’t make sense of it all – what did this all mean? Could they ever go back to the way things were before?
Aemond was prepared to take matters into his own hands, he always was. He thought that this evening would end in him seeking a divorce or a mistress at court, arguing with his senseless simpleton of a wife, yet nothing could have prepared him for the confrontation he would have with her. 
Storming up the steps up to her apartments, he quickly shooed away Ser Criston Cole and opened the doors. He followed the light through the Entrance Hall up to her solar, where Alicent sat quietly on a settee, getting her feet rubbed by a lady in waiting. She raised a questioning eyebrow. 
"Whatever's the matter, Aemond? Is Helaena all right? Did Aegon do something?" 
Aemond's nostrils flared with fury as he fought himself to remain silent. How dare no one tell him - Elisabeth's husband - that his own wife had become a shadow of her former self, her mind so clouded with drugs she was practically a ghost? He could feel the rage building in his chest, threatening to escape and take over.
"Milk of the Poppy. Have you lost your damned senses?"
Alicent flinched a bit at his dangerously low, cool tone and sent her lady out. He could not make out her facial expression - it could have been anything from boredom to indifference - which angered him even more. Trying not to act too rashly, he tightened his grip on the hilt of his sword. 
"Say something! And don't you dare deny it, I know it was you! Maester Rithyr told me everything", he lied effortlessly. He knew he had to - everything else would put Elisabeth in great danger.
Alicent lowered her eyebrow again, donned her slippers and stood up. Her face changed into a caring and hurt one, leaving Aemond a bitter taste in his mouth. 
"Wasn't it you who told me she was cavorting with Jacaerys? Didn't you complain of her disobedience, my dear?"
'So it is my fault now', he thought and took a deep breath, stepping closer to her and grabbing her tightly by the shoulders.
"What I wanted was for you to give her spiritual guidance and help in transitioning into her role as a princess. Why-"
"You cannot turn Mice into dragons, Son. Everyone knows that Bess doesn't fulfil your needs and our doubt will only be confirmed if she continues to be barren."
Alicent interrupted him icily and tore herself from his grip, sitting back down. 
"I have received a raven from Boros Baratheon, he said his daughters had only just flowered. What do you think? Or would you rather prefer Clara Lannister? I could..."
Aemond was taken aback, this conversation had gone way beyond his expectations. How could his own mother suggest such a thing? He knew he had to put an end to it before it was too late.
"Stop right there, Mother", he said sharply interrupting her mid-sentence. "Contrary to popular belief I like Elisabeth a lot and do not wish to take another wife."
He glanced coolly around the chamber and smiled unsettlingly.
"You must forget yourself, dear Mother. Helaena is Queen Consort now so it should be in her responsibility to judge on these issues and you know how much she likes Elisabeth. And besides, if the court would know of your... hysterics, who would continue to take you seriously? You know how your dear father, the Hand, dislikes your moody tendencies."
His words must have struck a chord - Alicent paled significantly and shrunk in her seat, clasping her hands on her lap.
Aemond continued with a calm, yet terrifying tone:"I don't wish for you to continue giving her the drug. I think the milk of poppy may be causing her infertility and I won't let that happen. You barred me from having heirs - who knows what you did with Helaena or you will do with that Lannister girl? It's almost treasonous, you know."
Alicent was desperate and scared, she picked at the skin around her nails to distract herself from what she knew would be a losing battle.
"My son-", her voice was small and trembling. She wanted to argue with him but his implacable gaze made it difficult for her to even look him in the eye. He had always been so strong willed, just like her own father. She had never been able to get through his hard shell of pride and arrogance, no matter how hard she tried.
"I only wish the best for you and our kingdom," she said softly trying to reason with him but he merely scoffed in response.
"Then how can you suggest me taking another wife? It would do more damage than good." His words were cold and final - this conversation was over before it began. Aemond stepped away from her and towards the door, pausing momentarily as he grabbed the handle."Remember our discussion mother", he said sternly before leaving the room without another word.
Aemond stepped out of the chamber, feeling a mix of anger and disappointment. He had hoped that his mother would be able to understand his point of view, but it seemed she was too entrenched in her own ideas about Elisabeth's faults to do so.
He walked down the corridor that led to the castle courtyard, trying to clear his mind of all thoughts. But as he walked, he couldn't help but think about how much he had changed since he had been married with Elisabeth. He had never imagined himself being such a cold and vengeful man, no.
The thought brought a sharp pang of guilt - what if word got out that the heir presumptive to the Iron Throne was considering taking another wife? It could cause widespread scandal and potentially put him at odds with some powerful houses. He shook his head in dismay, knowing that this wasn't an option for him - not now, not ever.
Aemond made his way to the training yard to clear his mind. He picked up a sword and began to practice with it, swinging it in powerful arcs and thrusts as if he were fighting some invisible enemy. His body moved in sync with the blade, becoming increasingly faster until sweat was dripping down his face from the exertion. The familiar movements soothed him - they allowed him to forget about the pressures of court life for a time, giving him respite from all of its trifling problems.
Once he felt sufficiently calm, Aemond returned back to his chambers and changed into some clothes more suited for the upcoming feast. As he finished dressing, he noticed something odd - there was a faint light coming from his bedroom. He rushed over to see what she was doing, hoping that she had woken up again, which she had, indeed.
Elisabeth looked up at Aemond with an anxious expression on her face before hastily turning away from him. "I don't wish to cause trouble," she muttered quietly before standing up and making her way toward the door without another word. "I shall just... retire to my chambers, Lord Husband."
Aemond watched as she stood up, feeling confused and slightly hurt by her actions - why was she so distant? What had happened happened to her?
He said her name softly, stepping closer to her and taking a gentler tone. He had meant to apologize for his earlier words, but something else came out instead.
"I wanted to thank you, for telling me the truth yesterday. I know it must have been difficult for you. I spoke with my mother and she will never give you milk of the poppy again if she values her life and social standing."
Elisabeth's dark eyes widened as she stared at him in shock. She had completely forgotten the events of the previous day and that Aemond had cared for her after her hallucination - another one of the side effects of the milk. His kind words made the feelings of guilt and confusion wash over her anew, and it was hard not to be taken aback by his unexpected familiarity with her. If she wouldn't have felt that painful yearning in her soul for more of the drug, she would've believed that she was still dreaming.
"L-lord Husband? How...? Why...?"
He smiled, realizing that she must'nt have remembered what had happened yesterday.
"It doesn't matter now," he said kindly. "What matters is that I would like for you to join me at the feast this evening, so people can see how beautiful and intelligent my wife truly is."
Elisabeth gave him a weary look before returning his small smile. She quickly glanced at her reflection in the mirror, before blushing self consciously.
"I give thanks to the Father for leading you to discover the truth... Before we go, can I take a moment to change my clothes?", she questioned quietly, gazing up into his eyes. Once they had filled her with unease but now caused her heart to flutter with a hint of love.
Gently laying a kiss on her forehead, Aemond motioned for one of his loyal servants to come forth. He commanded them to fill the grand bath with steaming hot water and to bring a most exquisite dress for her. "Let me be the one to tend to you my darling. I must have you look as though you are mine," he uttered in a commanding yet affectionate voice.
The servants quickly scurried to do his bidding, bringing forth everything Aemond would need to make Elisabeth beautiful. They filled the bath with fragrant herbs and oils, as well as a variety of soaps and lotions for her to use. They also brought forth an exquisite gown of rich green silk and delicate lace, complete with matching slippers.
Elisabeth silently slipped into the soothing hot bath while Aemond knelt down beside her and began to lovingly bathe her body. He took great care not to scrub too harshly on her bruises and scrapes, something that she had not expected from him. The heat and his gentle touch made her trust him more with every second. "Lord Hus- um, I mean, Aemond, might I ask you soething?"
Aemond squeezed out the sponge in his hand and gently caressed her body. He truly missed out on all of this due to his anger against the Blackss, he noted grimly in his mind and gently started brushing her long, dark hair.
"You may speak freely, Elisabeth."
Elisabeth flushed and hastily sought to conceal the exposed parts of her body, aghast at being presented thus before her husband. "I had been given milk of Poppy yesterday, which has stripped my memory," she ventured nervously, attempting to tread carefully knowing full well his notorious temper. She hoped that whatever grievances between them had subsided in his mind and uttered in an almost meek voice, "Could you tell me what happened? I..."
"Elisabeth, you do not need to be so shy and meek around me," Aemond said soothingly. "I know that is not your true temperament. I will try to reign in my anger more if it makes you feel better." Reaching for a cloth, he dried her body before helping her out of the tub and into the dress they had brought for her. As he arranged it around her frame, Aemond thought about what he should tell herknowing that avoiding certain topics would not help them move forward any better. He gathered his thoughts before finally speaking gently yet firmly.
"I do think it's best for us both if I... do not recapitulate everything, my darling." He tied the ribbons at the back of her dress and gently guided her to a seat, giving her a few pins and such so that she could arrange her hair. His member twitched slightly as he thought back to her, naked on the marble floor, her lips flush against his skin. "You hallucinated something about The Stranger, ran around the Red Keep and then you confessed to being drugged by my mother. We then reached an understanding and I carried you here," he said matter-of-factly, trying his hardest to banish the thought of her full, naked figure from his mind.
Feeling a little flustered, Elisabeth swiftly pulled her hair into a loose bun on her head, letting one or two strands flutter down onto her chest. “Oh, I'm sorry to hear I subjected you through this, I thank you for listening to me and for forgiving me," she said softly. After finishing her hairdo, she stood up and bowed towards Aemond. “Thank you, my Prince, for everything. Shall we go and have dinner?”
When the doors to the Hall opened, a hush fell over the crowd and all that remained was an eerie stillness. With an air of grandeur, Prince Aemond Targaryen strode in, his purple eye sweeping the room like a hawk, the other hidden behind his leather eyepatch. But what shocked the court even more was who he had with him. Princess Elisabeth Lonmouth walked tall and proud beside her husband, having not been seen much since their marriage six months ago. She appeared almost otherworldly with her petite stature and unusual looks, her dark hair waving languidly as a gentle breeze wafted into the Hall. Her chin was raised high and there was no hint of submission or fear in her presence.
The star of Aemond Targaryen had risen again - ready to face the Dance of the Dragons with Elisabeth by his side.
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kckt88 · 3 months
The Lost Dragon VII - Eliminate.
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Aemond and Vaelys mourn their loss and loyalties change.
Warning(s): Angst, Fear, Threats, Language, Blood, Murder, Death.
Word Count: - 4462
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the House of The Dragon or Fire & Blood characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used.
Comments, likes, and reblogs are very much appreciated.
T.W - Miscarriage, Attempted Rape.
Vaelys lay still, the room cloaked in gentle darkness. Her breaths were shallow, as if she feared disturbing the fragile balance of her body. The scent of medicinal herbs hung in the air, a reminder of her frailty. She was recovering, they said, but the road ahead seemed endless.
The poison had ravaged her, a silent assassin that had crept into her veins with deadly intent. It had stolen her strength, leaving her limbs heavy and unresponsive. Each movement sent a sharp stab of pain coursing through her, a cruel reminder of her vulnerability.
But it wasn't just the poison that had left her broken. It was the loss, the empty ache that consumed her from within. The child she had carried, a flicker of hope in a world shrouded in darkness, had been torn away from her. A miscarriage, they called it, as if the word could ever encompass the depth of her grief.
She traced a trembling hand over her stomach, a silent lament for the life that had been taken too soon. Tears welled in her eyes, blurring the room into a haze of shadows and light. She had barely had time to embrace the joy of welcoming another babe before it was cruelly snatched away.
Aemond stood vigil by Vaelys' side, his presence a steady anchor in the storm of her pain. Day and night blurred together as he watched over her, his heart heavy with worry.
He ignored the murmurs of concern from his advisors, the reminders of his duty as prince regent.
Otto, ever the voice of reason, approached him one evening, his expression grave. "Aemond," he began, his tone laced with urgency, "You cannot neglect your responsibilities to the realm. The council needs your guidance, your leadership."
But Aemond's gaze remained fixed on Vaelys, his features etched with determination. "Fuck the realm," he declared, his voice tinged with defiance. "Let it go to the seven hells for all I care. All that matters is Vaelys."
Otto sighed; his frustration evident "You are the prince regent," he reminded him, his words heavy with solemnity. "You have a duty to your people, to your family."
But Aemond shook his head, his resolve unyielding. "My duty is here," he insisted, his eyes never leaving Vaelys' pale face. "To her, and to our child. I will not leave her side, not for anything."
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As the days stretched into weeks, and the weeks into months, Vaelys' recovery was a slow and arduous journey. Aemond remained a constant presence at her side, his unwavering devotion a source of strength during her darkest moments.
Their daughter, Sovia, brought light and laughter into the room, her innocent presence a balm to Vaelys' wounded soul.
With each passing day, Vaelys grew stronger, her spirit gradually thawing the icy grip of despair. She found solace in the warmth of Aemond's embrace, in the gentle touch of Sovia's hand.
Together, they forged a path through the shadows, bound by love and the promise of a brighter tomorrow.
But even as Vaelys' strength returned, so too did the spectre of the poison that had nearly claimed her life.
The maesters revealed the truth, their words heavy with solemnity: she had been poisoned with a very high dose of pennyroyal, an ingredient commonly found in moontea.
Aemond's fury knew no bounds. His hands clenched into fists; his jaw set in a steely resolve.
The thought of someone deliberately harming Vaelys, of stealing away their unborn child, ignited a firestorm of rage within him. He vowed, then and there, to uncover the truth and mete out justice to those responsible.
His eyes blazed with righteous fury as he stood before the council, his voice ringing out like thunder. "Whoever dared to poison my wife and kill our unborn child will pay for their crimes," he declared, his words a solemn oath etched in stone. "I will hunt them down, no matter where they hide, and they will face the dragons wrath”.
And so, Aemond embarked on a quest for vengeance, his heart consumed by a burning desire for justice. He would leave no stone unturned, no shadow unexplored, until he had uncovered the truth behind the poison that had nearly torn his family apart.
For Vaelys, for Sovia, for the child they had lost, he would stop at nothing to ensure that those responsible faced the consequences of their actions.
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Aemond's determination to uncover the truth behind Vaelys' poisoning led him down a path fraught with tension and secrecy. Discreet inquiries were made among the kitchen staff and maids, their voices hushed and their gazes wary. Each question was met with evasive answers and nervous glances, but Aemond pressed on, his resolve unshakable.
It was Vaelys' maid, Ceci, who finally offered a glimmer of hope. With a solemn expression, she pulled Aemond aside, her voice barely above a whisper.
"There is one among the servants," she confessed, her eyes darting nervously around the room, "a mute boy who tends to go unnoticed. He may know something."
Aemond wasted no time in seeking out the mute servant boy, his heart pounding with anticipation. Alone in a secluded corner of the castle, he confronted the boy, his eyes flashing with intensity. "Tell me," he demanded, his voice edged with urgency, "what do you know about the poison that was used against my wife?"
The boy hesitated, his gaze flickering with fear. But under the weight of Aemond's unwavering stare, he relented, his hands trembling as he reached into the folds of his tunic. With a shaky breath, he produced a small pin, its delicate design shimmering in the dim light.
Aemond's heart skipped a beat as he recognized the pin, its shape unmistakable. It was a firefly, the emblem of Lord Strong. Anger surged through him like a tidal wave, his grip tightening around the pin until his knuckles turned white.
"Larys Strong," he breathed, his voice barely more than a growl. "It was him."
Ceci's eyes widened in shock as she watched Aemond's reaction, the pieces of the puzzle falling into place with chilling clarity. The betrayal cut deep, a wound that festered with each passing moment.
Aemond's fury burned bright and fierce, his determination unyielding. Larys Strong would pay for his treachery, of that he was certain. And with every fibre of his being, Aemond vowed to ensure that justice was served, no matter the cost.
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Aemond's footsteps echoed down the dimly lit corridor as he made his way to confront Larys Strong. His demeanour was composed, his expression unreadable, masking the storm of emotions raging within him. As he approached Larys' chambers, he smoothed out his attire, steeling himself for the confrontation ahead.
With a calm facade, Aemond entered the room, greeting Larys with a casual nod. The air hung heavy with tension, though outwardly their conversation remained mundane, filled with pleasantries and trivialities.
As the conversation shifted to Vaelys, Aemond's facade wavered slightly, a flicker of intensity flashing in his eyes. "It's been a trying time for us all," he remarked, his voice tinged with sorrow. "To see her suffer so-"
Larys feigned sympathy, his words dripping with false concern. "Indeed," he replied, his tone smooth as silk. "It's a tragedy that such misfortune should befall the Princess. My heart truly goes out to her, poison is truly awful".
Aemond's jaw clenched, his patience wearing thin. He could sense the deceit in Larys' words, the calculated manipulation hidden behind his facade of innocence. "The thing is Lord Strong-" Aemond said, his voice cold and measured. "-I never said that she was poisoned."
Larys' eyes widened in surprise, a flash of panic flickering across his features before he quickly regained his composure. "I-I don't understand," he stammered, his facade crumbling in the face of Aemond's accusation. "What are you implying?"
But Aemond remained resolute, his gaze unwavering. "You know exactly what I'm implying," he declared, his voice low and dangerous as he slowly rose from his seat.
Before Larys could react, Aemond was upon him, his hands closing around his throat in a vice-like grip. The world narrowed to a tunnel of rage; his vision clouded by a red haze.
Larys struggled beneath Aemond's grasp, his face contorted in a silent scream. But Aemond's fury knew no bounds. He tightened his grip, his fingers digging into Larys' flesh with savage intensity.
The sound of Larys' choked gasps filled the air, a grim symphony to Aemond's rage. Each breath was a struggle, a desperate plea for mercy that fell upon deaf ears.
And then, with a final, guttural roar, Aemond unleashed the full force of his fury. He squeezed with all his might, his hands trembling with primal intensity. And as the life drained from Larys' eyes, Aemond felt a perverse sense of satisfaction wash over him.
As Larys Strong's life slipped away beneath Aemond's relentless grip, the air thick with the stench of death, a final whisper escaped his lips. It was barely audible, a mere echo in the tumult of the moment, but Aemond heard it, nonetheless.
"Alicent asked me too” Larys breathed, his voice barely more than a hoarse rasp.
Aemond froze, his hands still wrapped around Larys' throat, his heart pounding in his chest. The words hung in the air like a dagger, slicing through the haze of rage that clouded his mind. His own mother-how could she?
In that moment, Aemond's fury gave way to a cold, gnawing dread. Betrayal gnawed at his soul like a ravenous beast, tearing apart the fragile bonds of trust that had once bound their family together.
But there was no time for mourning, no room for doubt. With a heavy heart, Aemond released his grip on Larys' lifeless body, the weight of his actions settling upon him like a shroud.
As he stood amidst the wreckage of his fury, Aemond vowed to uncover the truth behind Alicent's betrayal. For Vaelys, for Sovia, for the family that had been torn asunder by treachery, he would stop at nothing to ensure that justice was served.
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The air crackled with tension as Aemond faced his mother, Alicent, her eyes betraying the guilt that lurked behind her facade of composure. Anguish twisted Aemond's features, his heart heavy with the weight of betrayal.
"You did this," he accused, his voice a raw, trembling whisper. "You orchestrated the poisoning of Vaelys. You risked her life, all for what?"
Alicent recoiled at the accusation, her mask slipping for a fleeting moment. "Aemond, I—"
But before she could utter another word, Aemond's rage erupted like a tempest. He lunged forward, his hands closing around her arms with a vice-like grip. "How could you?" he roared, his voice echoing off the walls of the chamber. "You cost me my unborn child. You could have killed Vaelys, left Sovia without her mother!"
Tears welled in Alicent's eyes as she begged for forgiveness, her voice choked with remorse. "Please, Aemond," she pleaded, her words a desperate plea for mercy. "I never meant for anyone to get hurt. I was desperate-"
But Aemond's fury knew no bounds. His hand trembled as it hovered over the dagger at his belt, the urge to lash out nearly overwhelming. And yet, even in the midst of his rage, a flicker of hesitation stayed his hand.
She was his mother, after all.
With a heavy heart, Aemond released his grip on Alicent's arms, the fury in his eyes giving way to a steely resolve. "You will be confined to your chambers. Guards will accompany you at all times, and a septa will see to your needs."
Alicent's protests fell on deaf ears as Aemond turned to leave, her pleas echoing in the empty chamber. "You can't do that," she cried, her voice filled with desperation.
But Aemond's steps never faltered as he strode from the room, his voice echoing back to her with chilling finality. "I'm the Prince Regent," he reminded her, his words cutting through the silence like a knife. "And you will do as commanded, Alicent."
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Aemond's loyalty to the Greens wavered like a flickering flame in a gusty wind, its glow dimming with each passing moment. He stood before his grandsire, Otto, the weight of recent events heavy upon his shoulders.
"It was no accident," Aemond asserted, his voice laced with bitterness. "My own mother was responsible for the loss of my unborn child, for putting Vaelys' life in jeopardy."
Otto's expression softened with regret, his gaze heavy with sorrow. "Aemond, I understand your pain, but Alicent was desperate. She thought she was doing what was best for our family."
But Aemond's resolve remained unyielding. "Desperate or not, her actions have cost us dearly," he countered, his voice tinged with frustration. "She gambled with innocent lives.”
The words hung in the air like a challenge, a silent plea for understanding. But Otto's response was measured, his tone filled with caution. "We cannot undo what has been done," he cautioned, his voice tinged with weariness. "But we can strive to make amends, to rebuild what has been broken."
Aemond shook his head, his faith in the Greens faltering with each passing moment. "You claimed crowning Aegon would prevent war," he reminded Otto, his voice tinged with frustration. "But it only served to start one. When is enough going to be enough?"
The question hung in the air, a bitter echo of uncertainty. For Aemond, the answer remained elusive, obscured by the shadows of doubt and disillusionment. But one thing was certain: his loyalty to the Greens was no longer absolute, its foundations shaken by the weight of betrayal.
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After months of arduous recovery, Vaelys had finally regained her strength. She spent her days doting on Sovia, their daughter, and relishing in the company of Helaena. Laughter once again echoed through the halls of the Red Keep, a welcome respite from the shadows that had plagued them.
But with Vaelys' healing came a newfound sense of dread. Aemond had taken every precaution to ensure her safety, employing tasters for her food and drink, a constant reminder of the danger that lurked in the shadows.
Yet, despite Aemond's vigilance, there was another threat looming on the horizon. Aegon had almost recovered from the injuries he had sustained in the Battle of Rook's Rest. His return meant that Aemond's time as Prince Regent would soon come to an end, a prospect that filled Vaelys with unease.
The thought of relinquishing Aemond's protection, of returning to the uncertainties of court life, sent a shiver down Vaelys' spine. She had grown accustomed to the safety and security that Aemond provided, his unwavering devotion a shield against the dangers that lurked within the walls of the Red Keep.
But now, as Aegon's recovery neared its completion, Vaelys couldn't help but feel a sense of apprehension. What would become of them once Aemond stepped down as Prince Regent? Would they be left vulnerable once more, at the mercy of those who sought to do them harm?
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In the throne room amidst the flickering light of torches and the solemn silence of gathered lords and ladies, Aegon Targaryen stood tall, his regal presence commanding the attention of all.
His once-injured body now stood strong, testament to his resilience and determination. The whispers of anticipation filled the air as Aegon prepared to be recrowned as king.
With a swift motion, the gleaming crown of the Seven Kingdoms was placed upon Aegon's head, its weight a symbol of his responsibility and authority. His eyes, fierce and unwavering, scanned the room, meeting the gaze of each noble present.
"My lords and ladies," Aegon's voice resonated with authority, echoing throughout the hall. "I stand before you once more, not as a wounded king, but as a ruler reborn from the ashes of adversity. My recovery has not weakened me but strengthened my resolve."
He paused, letting the weight of his words settle upon the assembled courtiers. Then, with a steely determination, he continued, "There will be no mercy for those who seek to undermine the peace and prosperity of the realm. Those who dare to challenge the authority of the Iron Throne will face the full might of my forces."
A murmur of agreement rippled through the crowd, the nobles nodding in acknowledgment of their king's proclamation.
"To war then," Aegon declared, his voice ringing with conviction. "Let our enemies tremble at the sound of our approach. Let them know that the one true King has returned, and woe betide any who stand in our way."
In a shadowed corners of the throne room, Vaelys stood beside Aemond, her fingers laced tightly around his, seeking solace in his touch. Her gaze darted nervously around the room, her heart heavy with apprehension at the weight of Aegon's words.
Vaelys felt a shiver run down her spine. The fire in his eyes, burned with an intensity that sent a chill through her soul, his determination bordering on something darker, something she couldn't quite name.
Her grip on Aemond's hand tightened further, seeking reassurance in his presence. Yet, even as she clung to him, she couldn't shake the fear that gripped her heart. The prospect of reigniting the war loomed large, casting a larger shadow over their future.
Aemond, sensing her unease, squeezed her hand gently, offering a silent gesture of support. His steady presence was a balm to her frayed nerves, grounding her amidst the turmoil of emotions that threatened to overwhelm her.
But still, as she stole a glance at her good brother, Vaelys couldn't shake the feeling of foreboding that hung heavy in the air. The look in Aegon's eyes frightened her, a glimpse of something primal and untamed lurking beneath the surface of his regal facade.
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The corridors of the Red Keep echoed with the soft shuffle of Vaelys’ footsteps as she made her way from the nursery, where she had just left her daughter, Sovia, in the care of the nurses. Her mind was still clouded with thoughts of her child, her heart heavy with the weight of a mother's love.
Lost in her own thoughts, she didn't hear the approaching footsteps until it was too late. Suddenly, a shadow loomed before her, and she turned with a start to find herself face to face with her brother, Aegon.
"What are you doing out here—and so alone?" Aegon's voice cut through the silence like a blade, his tone dark and foreboding.
Vaelys' heart skipped a beat at the hint of the darkness that lurked within him.
"I-I was just-" Vaelys stuttered.
But Aegon's gaze bore into her, piercing and unrelenting.
"You were just what?" Aegon's voice was low, dangerous, his eyes narrowing as he studied her.
“Returning to my chambers-Sovia is with her maids for the night” replied Vaelys, her eyes glancing nervously up and down the corridor.
"No need looking for my brother. I made sure he was busy."
Vaelys turned on her heel and hurried through the dimly lit corridors toward her chambers. Her heart pounded in her chest, a sense of unease gnawing at her as she quickened her pace, the echo of her footsteps ringing in her ears.
As she reached the entrance to her chambers and pushed open the heavy wooden door, she let out a sigh of relief, thinking she had finally found sanctuary. But her relief was short-lived, for as she stepped inside and closed the door behind her, she heard the unmistakable sound of footsteps approaching from behind.
Before she could react, the door creaked open once more, and to her dismay, she saw her brother, Aegon, standing in the doorway, his figure silhouetted against the dim light of the corridor.
"You seem troubled, good sister," he said, his voice soft but insistent. "Tell me, what weighs so heavily on your mind?"
Vaelys backed away, her breath catching in her throat. "I-I'm just tired, Aegon," she stammered, her mind racing for an excuse. "I need some rest, that's all."
But Aegon didn't move. Instead, he continued to advance, his expression unreadable. "Rest won't chase away your troubles, Vaelys," he said, his voice taking on a dangerous edge. "But perhaps I can."
Vaelys felt a surge of panic rise within her as Aegon reached out to touch her arm. "Please, Aegon," she pleaded, her voice barely above a whisper. "Leave me be."
“No-I don’t think I will”.
Vaelys felt a shiver crawl down her spine as Aegon cornered her, his intentions unmistakable in the predatory glint in his eyes. Panic gripped her heart as she realized the danger she was in, her breath catching in her throat.
"I've waited long enough," Aegon growled, his voice dripping with malice as he advanced towards her. "It's most unfortunate that you lost the babe. Perhaps I can assist in the creation of another—with any luck, this one will be a boy."
Vaelys recoiled in horror, her instincts screaming at her to flee, to escape the clutches of the man who threatened to defile her. But before she could react, Aegon was upon her, his hands reaching out to push her onto the bed.
She struggled against him, her movements frantic and desperate, but his strength in that moment was overpowering. Her heart pounded in her chest as she fought against the suffocating grip of fear that threatened to consume her.
His hand reached down and began lifting the material of her skirts.
“No-Aegon, stop. Please don’t do this”.
“I like hearing you beg” muttered Aegon his fingers caressing the smooth skin of her thighs.
“A-Aemond” sobbed Vaelys.
“My brother isn’t here to save you now-“ exclaimed Aegon gleefully.
“Aemond” whispered Vaelys, the tears rolling down her cheeks.
“I should never have let him have you-“ muttered Aegon, reaching down to unlace his breeches.
And then, in a sudden moment of stillness, Aegon froze, his eyes widening in shock.
As Vaelys turned her head, her gaze met the chilling sight of Aemond standing behind Aegon, his hand wrapped around the hilt of his sword, that was buried through Aegon’s neck.
Vaelys let out a shriek of horror, her hands flying to cover her mouth as she recoiled from the gruesome sight before her. Aemond's eyes were cold and unforgiving as he stared down at Aegon, his expression devoid of mercy.
As he pulled his sword free from flesh, the warm crimson blood cascaded over Vaelys in an endless wave.
Aegon’s body slumped forward, his hand going to his throat to try and stem the flow of blood.
Aemond released his grip on his sword, the sound of the metal hitting the stone floor echoed around the room, he slowly reached forward and pulled his brother’s body away from Vaelys.
"Vaelys, are you alright?" Aemond's voice quivered with concern as he reached forward and gently cradled her in his arms.
Vaelys managed a weak smile "I-I'm fine," she whispered, her voice barely audible amidst the chaos around them.
Relief flooded Aemond's features, but his eyes still held a flicker of dread. "Did Aegon manage to-“
Vaelys shook her head faintly, her gaze meeting his with a reassuring gaze. "No-” she murmured, her fingers trembling as they reached up to touch his face.
Aemond let out a shaky breath, his shoulders slumping with a mixture of relief and anguish.
"Aemond, are you-are you okay?" whispered Vaelys, her voice barely above a breath, her heart heavy with the weight of what had just transpired.
"H-He could've-He almost-" exclaimed Aemond.
"You saved me" whispered Vaelys.
Aemond's gaze met hers, haunted and weary. He swallowed hard, struggling to find the words to reassure her, to reassure himself. "I-I had to protect you," he finally managed, his voice strained with emotion.
Tears welled up in Vaelys' eyes as she wrapped her arms around him, drawing him close in a desperate embrace "He was your brother".
Aemond closed his eye, his jaw clenched "He left me no choice," he murmured, his voice heavy with sorrow. "I couldn't let him-do that to you”.
Vaelys turned her gaze towards Aegon, her heart heavy with sorrow and disbelief as she watched him twitching in his final moments of life. The air seemed to crackle with tension, his loud gurgling breaths had slowed to a quiet struggle as he pitifully clung to the last ebbs of life.
Vaelys reached out for Aemond, her fingers trembling as they brushed against his arm, seeking solace in his presence amidst the turmoil that surrounded them. Her voice was a desperate plea, filled with a raw vulnerability born of the fear and uncertainty that gripped her heart.
"Aemond," she implored, her voice quivering with emotion, "Please-erase what he tried to do to me. I beg you, don't let him be the last man to touch me."
Vaelys’ voice was barely more than a breath, as she reached out to Aemond, laden with a mixture of longing and desperation. She leaned in closer, her words a delicate plea amidst the chaos that surrounded them.
"Aemond," she whispered, her lips barely moving as she spoke, "Make love to me-slowly. Please, I need you."
Aemond's gaze softened at Vaelys' plea, his heart aching with tenderness and love for her. With a gentle nod, he leaned in, his lips finding hers in a tender kiss, filled with an unspoken promise of comfort and devotion.
With a shared gaze filled with tenderness and longing, Aemond and Vaelys began to slowly undress each other, their movements deliberate and unhurried, as if savouring every moment of intimacy.
Aemond's fingers traced the lines of Vaelys' blood soaked dress, his touch feather-light against her skin as he gently peeled away the fabric, revealing the beauty that lay beneath. Each inch uncovered seemed to deepen the connection between them, igniting a flame of desire that burned with an intensity all its own.
Vaelys mirrored his actions, her hands trembling slightly as she worked to rid Aemond of his garments, her touch lingering over the hard planes of his chest and the curve of his shoulders. With each article of clothing cast aside, the space between them seemed to shrink, until they were enveloped in the warmth of each other's embrace.
Their bodies entwined in a slow, dance of intimacy, each movement a testament to their deep connection and affection for one another. Aemond's touch was gentle, his hands tracing the curves of Vaelys' body with reverence and care, as if seeking to etch every moment into his memory.
As they moved together in the quiet sanctuary of their love, the world outside faded away, leaving only the warmth of their embrace and the whispered murmurs of their shared desire. Aemond pressed his face into Vaelys' neck, breathing in the scent of her skin, his heart overflowing with love and devotion.
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