victheclown · 4 months
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Art posts aren't quite here rn cuz I'm in the process of ✨ moving ✨ so I'm a bit busy at times
For now have some very messy doodles of two OCs of mine
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heyitsharbor · 2 months
sometimes i just want to write and then i write a one or two page snippet from a novel idea i have no plans to actually piece together in a final. piece. but it is very fun i love my ocs that i dont talk about 😭😭😭
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regen-ueber-nepal · 1 month
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Trekking Tag 8
Dovan - Pokhara (800m)
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ganzell · 1 year
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dovan '21 vs. dovan '15
a (kinda) redraw i did for a youtube video i made, the link is [HERE] in case you missed it
i forgot about this piece but @doddleoddle just announced exciting news (being part of the new band fizz) today so i figured i'd share :-)
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444names · 1 year
male jewish and gaelic forenames
Aakilari Abarmeron Achean Adendron Adion Admielin Adriall Adronan Ahellack Alaskeenn Alelam Alendar Alenzie Allachiv Allindan Altam Altoden Amick Amidruce Amill Amochar Amunce Anagan Aolton Araded Aramran Arazron Arbesmon Arclan Arclas Argesair Ariahudan Arieley Armant Armin Arnac Arnan Arnath Arous Arreath Arren Arrenhob Arryahu Athan Atron Aullindan Aulluf Avinbhan Avindece Aviss Azier Azioth Azroshad Bailaodan Balavi Ballellus Banah Bardous Barharan Barnir Baronac Baros Belevi Benchov Benjavihu Beron Beslial Blaibhay Blash Borquan Braedan Brair Bramik Brampben Brantgom Bredevy Brelan Brelinsin Breua Brichel Briel Bronlen Bruchawn Burdon Buriel Burph Caddya Cadochi Cadruce Cainley Calley Camal Caravry Carlaodh Carnin Carragnus Carre Catan Caulekziv Caull Channey Chovey Chran Cillai Cillan Cilley Cillig Clinchous Clydem Cobartan Colai Colasdan Collastan Conagh Conal Conandon Conang Conannir Connagald Connagan Conngan Contgom Cordiom Coren Cragal Craminhak Crawn Craya Creny Culey Dagan Dalpin Danady Danin Darber Darliah Darquig Dechariak Dechir Deman Denath Denne Deoim Deonne Derness Dochly Donce Dosaar Doseon Doseph Doswennan Dovan Dovaney Doveed Drellig Dreuvy Duain Durrad Eachran Eadran Eartamie Eashaig Efrai Efran Elenhoby Eliffe Elinhary Elistod Ellevedan Ellus Elvevi Eordon Euveen Euvev Evellum Evononord Ewalyder Ezarlael Ezekziva Ezelham Ezell Ezier Ezioram Ezrantim Fagar Farie Farlan Farquin Farre Fayaront Fealig Ferear Ferran Fiardonn Finnel Finstan Fiofel Fiomor Fisah Fischam Fishlus Foreenn Frodian Galan Galli Gedan Geliom Gider Giolas Giyahatan Glanne Glean Gomaedem Goradovan Gozan Grenn Gretai Grethovan Grett Hamelva Hanin Hekin Helan Hudin Hulan Hymagan Innie Ishalart Ishean Isroishul Itzal Itzhadott Itzurrael Jadan Jamid Jamus Jarmik Jarne Jesaiv Jeshemath Jessi Jichlus Jocam Johaya Johnagdan Joshar Joshum Josweney Joydery Kadocall Kamitan Karahuel Kearam Kedovan Keego Keerscoss Keevocaid Keevra Keidran Keitam Keleg Kelvel Kenanuel Keogavi Kerrie Kiellavin Kierean Kierrai Killanath Killion Kimonoaz Kinnandri Kohallan Kohay Kohnus Konoa Kovan Lacal Lachayan Lachi Lachlavih Ladan Ladream Lammy Lavinn Ledon Lessim Levihu Liasdan Lischean Lishan Lomonan Machel Machy Malliah Managh Maron Marren Marth Matavon Meirk Melan Meliak Melvey Merry Mesher Michoah Minchanus Monah Monahezel Monox Munce Munron Muran Murdi Murian Murivan Nahmurie Naind Nalel Naley Nallordir Nally Nathor Neenoahan Neshum Niane Ninem Nirsch Nisch Nivan Nonwan Nuelen Nushi Ofagan Orcamick Ordagh Oshan Padid Padongure Padonrob Padren Pesmon Pinbary Pinseand Prord Quhounce Rampben Redaitron Reshann Riahua Rinha Ristan Rodron Rogaliai Sainhas Samnoll Schastaca Scheir Scholm Scull Seagnus Seald Seanah Seand Seastewan Seonce Sephes Serrelagh Seshe Sesher Shalm Shamichi Shart Sheben Shekinn Sheliahes Sheredall Shezeeden Shmann Shomela Shuan Skeir Skenon Solan Soltanton Soltoda Soltom Stair Stodan Suladova Sulan Sulanan Sulie Tachalan Taintavid Tearquaiv Tenel Tevoch Tiallan Tinham Tionngus Todaya Todyairvi Tonan Tonoan Tovan Tyrob Tyroderor Tzcharn Tzchashur Tzhan Uiltan Uinan Uriltaliv Veven Walihu Yadocam Yahud Yairo Yanurd Yasked Yehuald Yessim Yishera Yissoddy Yissoltan Yitan Yitron Yitzur Yoabreeg Yoach Yonaichos Yoraz Yoreagan Yotaidem Yotan Zaran Zeectan Zeitan Zevishu Ziahulay Ziaren Zielly
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karagin22 · 1 year
I have a PhD in Internet Psychology. So, if you need me, I will be there for you, day or night, but let's be honest, shall we? Do you really need me to tell you that you are fucked up? Dovan Green
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wyverian-lady525 · 2 years
Alrighty! Thank you for the unbelievably fast answer<3
How abouuut. Hyoro fatally injuring the reader (who's been crushing on him and is overall still extremely kind to the antagonist trio when they went against the other characters.) by accident when they try convincing him to come back home, but end up trying to use force because he kept resisting.
Kind of along the time when he teamed up with Mille and Cheval to try and stop the Black Dread themselves? You know, when Cheval was in his long-lost sibling of Sasuke phase💀 Considering all he truly wanted was to impress and be accepted by his brother, it seems like a rather interesting idea of him harming somebody who he wasn't holding any grudges against, would he feel guilty or would his already overwhelming emotions just continue taking control over him?
Hope this request isn't too difficult!! Otherwise absolutely don't feel pressured into doing so, perhaps you making the decision whenever it would be a oneshot or headcanons could make it less challenging =)
Thank you so much! I will try my best with this! Hope you enjoy! and gosh, I am so glad they brought them back to being good❤️and I am curious with this idea with Sasuke Cheval as well XD
A Truly Dreadful Experience
Hyoro didn’t mean for it to happen. He truly didn’t mean to.
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“Genie! Let me handle this!” You shouted at the older rider from your place on the back of your monstie.
Right now, Cheval, Hyoro, and Millie were at Dovan Volcano in an attempt to kill Ratha, who was infected with the Black Blight. It was a fight between sides. Genie and Stone went after Hyoro and Mille as Lute dealt with Cheval. You and Avinia were staying back.
That was until you saw that Hyoro and his brother were about to charge one another on their monoblos. It made your heart twist.
You see, you’ve had a crush on the timid rider for a while now. When you all were training as riders back in Hakum, you couldn’t help but find him adorable. Even now, your crushing hasn’t stopped. So, you intervened, Genie allowing you to take the reins (truthfully, he had faith in you to get his brother’s senses back).
And you felt like you could.
“Y-Y/N? Please, don’t get involved here.” Hyoro practically begged you. His white monoblos growled at your monstie, who hissed back.
“You need to come home Hyoro. Surely you know this is wrong.” You tried to convince him. The timid boy looked over at his teammates who were currently beating the crap out of their opponents.
Hyoro just gripped the saddle horns.
“I...I made my choice...I’m asking you to respect that...” He said as kindly as possible. Despite the rift that’s grown between everyone, Hyoro couldn’t bring himself to be rude to you.
However, you just couldn’t accept that as an answer.
“I can’t! I’m sorry Hyoro, but I want-No, I need you to come back!” You shouted at him, urging your monstie to sprint forward. If he wasn’t convinced by your words, you felt that force was the only other option.
Hyoro couldn’t truly want to kill monsters with Cheval, could he?
But as your monstie rushed at him, ready for you to grab at his arm, his monstie reacted. The white monoblos threw its massive head, the horn scratching at your monstie. However, you were also pierced in the process, right below the lung.
Your whole life and future flashed before your eyes as you witnessed blood drenching the white scales. Your monstie was thrown back, and you were thrown even further. Whimpers came from your monstie, but you were just struggling to breathe yourself.
Everyone, even Cheval, seemed stunned from what just happened.
“Y/N! I never meant-!” Hyoro already hopped off his monoblos variant, even scolding the beast before trying to get over to you. However, his brother and his monstie stopped him. Avinia went to tend to you instead.
“You’ve done enough here, Hyoro. Go. Just run off like you did before.” Genie said before moving to see you. Hyoro, hearing his brother’s subtle threat, just stayed where he was. The entire battle was forgotten as Stone and Lute came over as well.
Navirou, who author-chan wanted to forget, fainted.
Avinia lifted you slightly, a bit of blood dribbling out of your mouth as Stone applied bandages to your wound. Hyoro could hear mutterings of “you’re gonna be fine” over and over again from Lute, and Genie just look horrified when he finally took in the situation at hand.
Meanwhile, Cheval and Mille moved away, both feeling semi-responsible (not so much guilty) for the fatal incident that just occurred. 
“Let’s go, Hyoro, while they are distracted.” Cheval told him in an emotionless tone before hopping on Rathi. 
“B-But-” Hyoro tried to say, but Mille rudely interrupted him.
“No buts. Y/N will be fine. Things like this aren’t a priority.” She told him before getting on her brute tigrex. This was the first time in his life that he wanted to scream and shout at his companions. 
How dare they tell him that you aren’t a priority. Do his feelings mean anything to them?
Hyoro was torn. On one side he knew that he should flee with his companions when they had the chance. They had a job to do that shouldn’t be ignored because of an incident. On the other hand, this was you. His friend, his...anyway, he was responsible. He wanted to make sure that you were okay.
If you died here...the guilt would tear him apart.
As he was fumbling with his decision, his companions irritably waiting for him, he locked eyes with you. They were weak and barely opened, but there. And perhaps it was his imagination, but Hyoro thought he saw a slight smile.
Like you forgave him and understood that he needed to leave right now.
He knew that you wanted him home, and he knew that if he complied then this never would’ve happened. However, he was afraid, this he knew well, and it kills him inside. Curse his cowardness. 
But even so, he mounted his monstie and left with the others, the sight of your e/c eyes forever haunting his mind. One day he will come back to you because he will have seen the errors of his choice. That this wasn’t the righteous path.
However, at that time, it may already be too late.
Time will tell.
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kiruliom · 1 year
okay as the most distinct facet in the system heres a small info
hi, Im Dovan or Velvet, Im a red velvet cookie introject
I use he/him, it/it's and red or cake-based neopronouns (dont go all cutesy on them though that makes me feel misgendered)
Im a chimera between a cookie and cake, both are equally important parts of me. in human terms it'd be like being an animalfolk (like a kemonomimi or... a furry?).
I have a passion for activism, moreso than the rest of the system. especially animal activism. please dont use the core's name when referring to me (except Vivian). also Im a lot less feminine or cutesy than the rest of the system as I have no connection to womanhood. though I am also not male I am solarian.
Ive considered making a seperate blog for myself but I dont know how often I'll be fronting so for now my stuff will be tagged #velvets thoughts. if I become a regular fronter Ill just make myself my own blog.
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qnewsau · 6 days
ACON Honour Award Winners Announced
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/acon-honour-award-winners-announced/
ACON Honour Award Winners Announced
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The receipients of ACON’s Honour Awards for 2024 have been announced at last night’s Honour Awards Gala at Sydney’s Doltone House Hyde Park.
The Honour Awards are the premier LGBTQ community awards celebration in New South Wales, recognising outstanding service, achievements and excellence within rainbow communities since 2007.
The 2024 recipients were recognised in a range of categories including health, HIV, youth, community, business, entertainment, visual arts and media.
“What a night – it was wonderful to hear from local heroes and organisations doing such tremendous work to improve the lives of people in LGBTQ communities,” ACON’s CEO Michael Woodhouse said.
“We are inspired and so grateful to all of them. Their vibrancy, strength and resilience give us so much joy.
“And of course, we thank all guests who joined this year’s Honour celebrations and helped raise funds for ACON. We are grateful for your support.
“Congratulations once again to all this year’s finalists and award recipients, and thank you to everyone who supported Honour 2024. See you at next year’s Honour Awards.”
Presented by ACON
Ghassan Kassisieh: In recognition of Ghassan Kassisieh’s tenacious work as the former Legal Director of Equality Australia, being at the coalface of key legislative reforms affecting rainbow communities in Australia.
Presented by people2people
Abbie Jane: In recognition of Abbie Jane’s outstanding achievements in campaigning for rainbow inclusion and equality through the Rainbow Shoelace Project.
Presented by Universal Hotels
The Aurora Group: In recognition of The Aurora Group’s philanthropic mission and endeavours, supporting impactful projects and initiatives that empower rainbow communities for over 25 years.
Presented by ACON
Dr Melissa Kelly and Mags Smith: In recognition of Dr Melissa Kelly’s and Mag Smith’s contribution towards the provision of gender affirming healthcare in NSW.
Presented by Friends of Cayte
C Moore Hardy: In recognition of C Moore Hardy’s long-standing passion and commitment to documenting Sydney’s vibrant rainbow communities
Presented by Positive Life NSW
The Bobby Goldsmith Foundation: In recognition of the Bobby Goldsmith Foundation’s 40 years of care and support for people living with HIV.
Presented by OUT@NBCUniversal
Dan Bourchier: In recognition of Dan Bourchier’s contributions to media, and to our national understanding of the perspectives and views of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, as well as LGBTQIA+ communities.
Presented by Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras
Joint Recipients:
Stan Munro: In recognition of Stan Munro’s work in showbusiness, Australian drag entertainment and community support spanning 70 years.
DJ Gemma: In recognition of DJ Gemma’s work in creating and holding space for LGBTIQA+ community to gather and celebrate identity, sexuality and community for almost four decades.
Presented by Sydney Gay and Lesbian Business Association
Ty Dovans and Luke Frappell for 357: In recognition of Ty and Luke’s unwavering support for the health and wellbeing of rainbow communities through their business, 357.
Presented by ACON
Les McDonald: In recognition of Les McDonald’s 42 years of service to rainbow communities in Australia through the running of The Bookshop Darlinghurst.
For the latest LGBTIQA+ Sister Girl and Brother Boy news, entertainment, community stories in Australia, visit qnews.com.au. Check out our latest magazines or find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
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trekkingroutes · 6 days
Day 1: Arrival in Kathmandu
Activities: Arrive in Kathmandu, transfer to your hotel, and attend a trek briefing.
Overnight: Hotel in Kathmandu.
Day 2: Drive/Fly to Pokhara
Activities: Drive from Kathmandu to Pokhara (820m). Enjoy the scenic drive/Fly and explore Pokhara in the evening.
Duration: 6-7 hours by Road
Overnight: Hotel in Pokhara.
Day 3: Drive to Nayapul and Trek to Tikhedhunga
Activities: Drive to Nayapul (1,070m), then start the trek to Tikhedhunga (1,540m).
Duration: 1-2 hours’ drive, 3-4 hours trek
Overnight: Teahouse in Tikhedhunga.
Day 4: Trek to Ghorepani
Activities: Trek from Tikhedhunga to Ghorepani (2,860m), passing through beautiful rhododendron forests and traditional villages.
Duration: 6-7 hours
Overnight: Teahouse in Ghorepani.
Day 5: Hike to Poon Hill and Trek to Tadapani
Activities: Early morning hike to Poon Hill (3,210m) for sunrise views of the Annapurna and Dhaulagiri ranges. Trek to Tadapani (2,630m).
Duration: 4-5 hours
Overnight: Teahouse in Tadapani.
Day 6: Trek to Chomrong
Activities: Trek from Tadapani to Chomrong (2,210m), passing through lush forests and charming villages.
Duration: 5-6 hours
Overnight: Teahouse in Chomrong.
Day 7: Trek to Dovan
Activities: Trek from Chomrong to Dovan (2,600m), moving through diverse terrain, including dense forests and bamboo groves.
Duration: 5-6 hours
Overnight: Teahouse in Dovan.
Day 8: Trek to Deurali
Activities: Trek from Dovan to Deurali (3,230m), gaining altitude and enjoying stunning mountain views along the way.
Duration: 4-5 hours
Overnight: Teahouse in Deurali.
Day 9: Trek to Annapurna Base Camp
Activities: Trek from Deurali to Annapurna Base Camp (4,130m), passing through picturesque alpine meadows and glaciers.
Duration: 6-7 hours
Overnight: Teahouse in Annapurna Base Camp.
Day 10: Trek to Bamboo
Activities: Trek back from Annapurna Base Camp to Bamboo (2,310m), retracing your steps and enjoying the descent.
Duration: 6-7 hours
Overnight: Teahouse in Bamboo.
Day 11: Trek to zhino Dhada  
Activities: Relax in Hot springs
Overnight: Teahouse in Zhino Dhada
Day 12: Drive to Pokhara
Activities: Drive to Pokhara.
Duration: 3 to 4 hours
Overnight: Hotel in Pokhara.
Day 13: Departure to Kathmandu
Activities: Transfer to the airport for your departure flight or continue exploring Kathmandu if time allows. #AnnapurnaBaseCamp
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lyricsssdotin · 2 months
Pyaar Lyrics
Singer:Barbie Maan, Tarnvir Singh JagpalAlbum:Yes I Am Student Main pehlan sochda siPar ajj thonu pehli hi baarMilke yaqeen ho gayaKi mere change karam jaag gayeJo parmatma ne mainu thonu milaya Bullan teriyan te naaJadon mera aunda aeOhdon dass kyun ve meraChira sharmaunda ae Bullan teriyan te naaJadon mera aunda aeOhdon dass kyon ve meraChira sharmaunda ae Hoya sadde dovan vich ikraar…
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supekiiler · 2 months
Dovante Shaw // Biography
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Full name: Dovante Maggie Shaw Universe: Comic Book based Aliases: Dovan, Shaw, Dovante Maeve, Maeve 2.0, Prince Maeve Gender: Male Species: Supe Sexuality: Heterosexual Age: 19 Nationality: American Powers: Super strength and stamina Abilities: Martial arts Race: Mixed (Half white, half black) Skin color: Black Hair color: Black Eye color: Green Father: Xander Colblack (deceased) Adoptive father: Carlos Garcia Mother: Maggie Shaw / Queen Maeve Siblings: Over five unknown brothers and sisters Location: Manhattan, New York City Affiliation: The Boys Information: Before joining The Boys in the fight against Homelander, Queen Maeve had a sexual relationship with the hidden Nazi Supe known as Stormfront. During this time, Maeve had cheated on the Supe with a professional bodybuilder named Xander Colblack. The result of this fling was a pregnancy, and a child named Dovante. Upon Stormfront discovering that Maeve had a child with a black man, he attempted to kill both Maeve, her lover, and her son. Succeeding in killing Dovante's father, Stormfront was stopped and brutally murdered by Maeve and The Boys before he could successfully kill Maeve's son. Not wanting her son to fall into the same traps as she once did, Maeve decided to give her son up for adoption. Dovante bounced from home to home, parents to parents for most of his life childhood until age twelve. He was adopted by Carlos Garcia, the owner of a large scale construction company in Kansas. After being adopted and moving out to the country, Dovante began to find himself finally. But he also began to discover his new abilities. A year after being adopted, Dovante discovered he was able to lift a tractor over his head without even breaking a sweat. Under command of his father, Dovante did the best he could to keep his abilities concealed from the outside world, especially away from the eyes of Vought. However, by the time Dovante turned eighteen, he was ready to find answers about his true parents, and why he was given up for adoption in the first place. After sniffing around in places he definitely shouldn't have been in, Dovante came into contact with The Boys, who out of sympathy, explained who his true mother and father were. Dovante, wanting to put his abilities to good use, decided to join The Boys and assist them in taking down Vought. Personality: Dovante has a negative outlook on superheroes and the American government/police in general. He does not consider himself a superhero and has no desire to become one. Dovante has a deep rooted hatred for Nazis and bigots. After discovering his biological father was killed by a Nazi Supe, he has grown a particular disdain for white antisemitic assholes.
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regen-ueber-nepal · 1 month
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Trekking Tag 7
Annapurna Basecamp - Dovan (2600m)
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alhimalayantreks · 3 months
Ultimate Guide to the Annapurna Base Camp Trek and Annapurna Circuit Trek
Introduction to Annapurna Treks
The Annapurna region in Nepal offers two of the most iconic treks: the Annapurna Base Camp (ABC) Trek and the Annapurna Circuit Trek. Both routes provide breathtaking scenery, rich cultural experiences, and challenging yet rewarding hiking adventures.
Why Choose Annapurna Base Camp Trek?
The Annapurna Base Camp Trek is ideal for trekkers seeking a combination of high mountain views and a deep dive into local culture. This trek takes you through diverse landscapes, including lush forests, terraced fields, and quaint villages.
Highlights of the Annapurna Base Camp Trek
• Panoramic Mountain Views: Witness stunning vistas of Annapurna South, Machapuchare, and Hiunchuli.
• Cultural Immersion: Experience the unique traditions of the Gurung and Magar communities.
• Varied Terrain: Traverse through rhododendron forests, bamboo groves, and alpine meadows.
Trekking Route and Duration
The trek usually starts from Nayapul and takes about 7-12 days, depending on your pace and itinerary. The route includes stops at Tikhedhunga, Ghorepani, Tadapani, Chhomrong, Dovan, and finally, Annapurna Base Camp.
Exploring the Annapurna Circuit Trek
The Annapurna Circuit Trek offers a longer and more diverse trekking experience. It circumnavigates the Annapurna Massif, providing an ever-changing backdrop of majestic peaks and varied landscapes.
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Key Attractions of the Annapurna Circuit Trek
• Thorong La Pass: At 5,416 meters, it's one of the highest trekking passes in the world.
• Diverse Scenery: From subtropical forests to arid deserts, this trek showcases Nepal's incredible geographical diversity.
• Cultural Richness: Visit ancient monasteries, traditional villages, and holy sites like Muktinath.
Trekking Route and Duration
This trek typically takes 15-20 days to complete. Starting from Besisahar, the trail passes through Chame, Pisang, Manang, Thorong Phedi, Muktinath, and ends in Jomsom or Nayapul.
Best Time to Trek in Annapurna Region
The optimal time for trekking in the Annapurna region is during the pre-monsoon (March to May) and post-monsoon (September to November) seasons. These periods offer stable weather, clear skies, and moderate temperatures.
Pre-Monsoon (March to May)
Spring is a vibrant time with blooming rhododendrons and lush landscapes. The weather is generally mild, making it a pleasant time for trekking.
Post-Monsoon (September to November)
Autumn is the most popular trekking season. The skies are clear, providing perfect views of the mountains. The temperatures are also comfortable, ensuring an enjoyable trekking experience.
Essential Tips for Trekking
• Physical Preparation: Engage in regular cardio and strength training exercises to build stamina.
• Proper Gear: Invest in good quality trekking boots, warm clothing, and a reliable backpack.
• Acclimatization: Take necessary rest days to adjust to high altitudes and prevent altitude sickness.
• Hydration and Nutrition: Drink plenty of water and consume balanced meals to maintain energy levels.
Both the Annapurna Base Camp Trek and the Annapurna Circuit Trek offer unique and unforgettable experiences. Whether you seek a shorter trek with cultural highlights or a longer adventure with diverse landscapes, the Annapurna region has something for every trekker. Plan your journey, prepare well, and immerse yourself in the majestic beauty of the Himalayas.
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444names · 4 months
Names generated from Maltese surnames and Turkish names, excluding the letter "C"
Abaja Abillin Adiaroglu Adilif Adova Adreni Ahapite Ahirbi Akahra Akmesayfer Aksolalen Alansaman Alliman Alparamon Alpellun Altın Alçuksemin Alçín Amboz Amiforekif Antmellu Aquez Aquiner Aratabin Arayhan Ardilal Arkut Arman Arsero Arzulle Asquatole Astandreda Atafen Atarabra Athir Ayaloglu Aydem Aydırım Ayriye Ayseda Ayshan Aythina Aythık Ayyazi Ayılmaza Ayılmir Azaru...
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teamhimalaya · 5 months
Tent Peak Climbing
Tent Peak Climbing Highlights
Visit the famous places in Kathmandu that are listed as UNESCO World Heritage sites.
Scenic ride from Kathmandu to Pokhara with beautiful views.
Look closely at the tall mountains like Machhapuchhre and Annapurna I.
Enjoy the pretty scenes of the Annapurna range and a big icy area with waterfalls.
Watch a fantastic sunrise over the Himalayas and see magical landscapes.
Relax in the warm water at Jhinu Danda.
Walk through pretty villages and colorful forests.
Be amazed at the incredible 360-degree view from Annapurna Base Camp.
Enjoy the warm hospitality of the local people
Climb the Tent Peak (5,669m) or Tharpu Chuli.
Learn about the culture and lifestyle of the Magar and Gurung people.
Tent Peak Climbing Overview
Tharpu Chuli commonly known as Tent Peak is a magnificent mountain located in the Annapurna Range of the Himalayas. In 1956, Sir Jimmy Robert called it the Tent Peak because of the shape of its summit flat like the tent. Being 5,663 meters above sea level, it is less difficult than other peak climbing making it perfect for beginners as well.
This trek takes you to the idyllic towns of Nayapul, Tikhedhunga, Ulleri, Ghorepani, Tadapani, Chhomrung, Sinuwa Danda, Bamboo, Dovan, Himalaya, Deurali, Machhapuchhre Base Camp, and Annapurna Base Camp. If you are fortunate, you may also encounter endangered species such as snow leopards, musk deer, and Himalayan black bears during the trip.
The most prominent feature of the Tent Peak climbing expedition is the 360-degree view from the top of Annapurna massif. It is an amazing experience full of excitement of climbing and an opportunity to be acquainted with beautiful nature all around.
Tent Peak is pretty popular amongst the trekkers and climbers of the Annapurna region, and its considerably lower altitude makes it an excellent solution for those who are looking for an adventure that is both difficult and satisfying, but not too extreme like the Mera, Lobuche, or Island peaks. 
In the end, Tent Peak presents you with a memorable trip with the combination of thrill, adventure, cultural discovery, and the magnificence of the Himalayas.  
Itinerary Detail Close All
Day 1 : Arrival In Kathmandu -1400 .
Welcome to the land of the beautiful Himalayas. After you exit from the immigration office at TIA, our representative will be there to pick you up. Then, you will be transferred to the hotel of your choice and location. Then you can refresh yourself and take a rest for tomorrow's day trip inside the valley.  
Day 2 : Sightseeing and Preparation For The Trek -1400 M .
Early in the morning, after you finish your breakfast, our staff will be there to pick you up from the hotel. There are a total of 7 UNESCO World Heritage sites in Kathmandu. From the list, you can choose the few that you would like to go to because visiting all of them is not possible in one day. 
Here is the list:
Kathmandu Durbar Square
Bhaktapur Durbar Square
Patan Durbar Square
Also, don't forget to bring the important document as we will do some paperwork for the Tent Peak Climbing and a short briefing related to this trek at our office.    
Day 3 : Drive From Kathmandu To Pokhara 6-8 hours -820 M .
We will start our journey early in the morning on a tourist bus from Kathmandu to Pokhara. It'll be a 6-8 hour ride, but don't worry about food – we'll take a break for lunch along the way. The road is in good condition, and you'll get to enjoy scenic views of rivers, forests, and farmland. Eventually, we'll arrive in the beautiful city of Pokhara. Get ready for a relaxing and picturesque ride.  
Day 4 : Drive From Pokhara To Nayapul And Trek To TikheDhunga (1,577m), 3 Hours
After spending the beautiful night in Pokhara today, we will head toward Nayapul. It will take us about an hour to reach Nayapul. Our first day of trekking begins here, in Nayapul. Your porters will help you to carry your language. Then, with the help of your Guide, we will start our trek. Today's trek will be short and very easy. 
After we pass a string of shops and tea houses, we will take a left turn at a trail junction and reach the charming village of Birethanti, nestled at 1,040 meters. It's where the Modi Khola and Bhurungdi Khola rivers meet. Birethanti offers plenty of lodges and shops. Further crossing a suspension bridge over the Modi Khola, we will reach the ACAP checkpoint. 
Moving on, we pass through  Sudame, both with places to grab refreshments. Continuing our journey, we arrive at Hille (1,430m), where more lodges and teahouses await. A short uphill climb from Hille, on the east bank of the Bhurungdi Khola, you will reach Tikhe Dhunga. Then, you will spend your night in a tea/guest house.  
Breakfast /lunch/dinner
Day 5 : Trek To Ghorepani (2,840 M), 5 Hours
After a delicious local breakfast, we are ready for our trek to Ghorepani. Today's journey takes us from Tikhedhunga to the uphill climb of Ulleri, passing through the vibrant Magar settlements. As we ascend from Ulleri, the path becomes gentler, leading us through beautiful forests of rhododendrons and oaks. After a couple of hours from Banthanti, we finally arrive at Ghorepani, where we will spend the night in a cozy tea/guest house.  
Breakfast /lunch/dinner
Day 6 : Trek To Tadapani (2,610 M) And Explore Poon Hill (3,210 M), 6 Hours
After leaving the tea house at Ghorepani, we will start your day with a climb to Poonhill before the sun wakes up. It takes about an hour to reach this beautiful hill. From the top, you will see an amazing sunrise over the Annapurna mountains. After enjoying hot coffee or tea with a beautiful view, you will then go back for breakfast at your lodge.
After breakfast, start walking through a beautiful forest to Tadapani. The trail has some ups and downs, but it's fun. We will stop for lunch in a sunny place called Banthanti. Then, keep going up and down until you reach Tadapani, where you'll spend the night.  
Breakfast /lunch/dinner
Day 7 : Trek To Chhomrong (2,140 M) From Tadapani (2,610 M), 5 Hours
Today is another beautiful day for trekking, where you will be walking down through the pretty rhododendron forest. You can hear the lovely melody of birds singing as you walk along the trail. After about 45 minutes of walking, the path gets steep downhill through terraced fields, leading to a suspension bridge over the Kimrong Khola.
Then, the trail goes up, and you walk straight to Chhomrong, which is at 2140 meters above sea level. It will take about five hours from Tadapani to reach Chhomrong.In Chhomrong, you can see beautiful Mt. Annapurna south, Himchuli, the Virgin Peak, and Mt. Machhapuchhre up close. The village is filled with Gurung people, and you will have a great chance to experience their warm hospitality.  
Breakfast /lunch/dinner
Day 8 : Trek Dovan (2,500 M) From Chhomrung (2,140 M), 6 Hours
Today, we will be trekking from Chhomrung to Dovan. Dovan is situated about 2,500m/8,202ft high, and it will take around 5-6 hours to reach on average. The trail starts with steep stairs down to the Chhomrung Khola River. Then, we will cross a hanging bridge at 1,900m/6,233 feet and climb back up to Sinewa, at 2,340m/7,677 feet, where we take a tea break.
After that, we climb more to Khuldighar and then follow a mix of trails with some ups and downs, reaching Bamboo at 2,300m/7,546 feet. After leaving the forest and walking steeply downhill to Dovan village at 2,505m/8,218 feet. Then, reaching the Davan village, we spent the night at a lodge.   
Breakfast /lunch/dinner
Day 9 : Trek To Deurali (3,230 M) From Dovan (2,500 M), 4 Hours
In the morning at Dovan, breathe in the fresh mountain air and have a hearty breakfast at your teahouse. After getting ready, we will start our trek towards Deurali with the prominent Annapurna peaks in the background. The path goes through thick forests and greenery, creating a peaceful atmosphere.
During our trek, we'll stop at a teahouse for a tasty lunch, giving us energy for the journey. As we walk, we'll pass by the scenic Modi Khola valley, with the river beside us. The trail includes rocky parts, rhododendron forests, and open areas offering glimpses of the surrounding mountains.
Heading towards Deurali, at 3,230 meters (10,595 feet), the landscape changes as we go higher. It's rewarding to see the elevation rise and feel a sense of achievement. Upon reaching Deurali, we will check into a teahouse or lodge for a well-deserved rest. In the afternoon, we will explore around Deurali, maybe meeting other trekkers and sharing our trail stories. As the day winds down, enjoy a warm dinner at the teahouse, taking in the peaceful mountain atmosphere.   
Breakfast /lunch/dinner
Day 10 : Trek To The Annapurna Base Camp (4,131 M) From Deurali (3,230 M), 5-6 Hours .
We've been trekking through beautiful green forests for the past few days, surrounded by the lushness of nature. But today marks a change in scenery. As we ascend, the familiar tree lines start to fade away, giving way to alpine bushes and shrubs.
Our trail takes us through Bagar, nestled at 3300 meters, and then to Machhapuchhre Base Camp at 3700 meters. Finally, we'll reach the breathtaking Mount Annapurna Base Camp at 4130 meters.
At the Annapurna Base Camp (ABC), there are a few cozy lodges that provide a delightful stay. From here, you're treated to mesmerizing views of snow-capped peaks all around the base camp. It truly feels like a magical place where you can immerse yourself in the wonders of nature.  
Breakfast /lunch/dinner
Day 11 : Acclimatization Day At The Annapurna Base Camp (4,131m) .
After reaching the Annapurna Base Camp at a height of 4,130 meters (13,547 feet), it's time to focus on getting used to the altitude. Your day starts with a briefing from the climbing leader. They will update you on the glacial trail conditions. Your expert Guide will give you basic mountaineering training on this day.
During this training, you will practice going up and down using ropes and learn essential skills like using an ice axe, snow bar, ice screw, harness, jumar, crampons, and more. Knot tying with main and fixed ropes will also be a part of your skill set by the end of the day.
This training not only gives you crucial knowledge on how to use the climbing gears but also boosts your confidence for the summit attempt the following day. As part of the acclimatization process, you will take short hikes around the base camp in the afternoon. Afterward, it's time to rest and gear up for the exciting adventure ahead of scaling the summit. With your new skills and acclimatization to the high altitude, you will be ready for the upcoming challenge.  
Breakfast /lunch/dinner
Day 12 : Trek To Tent Peak Base Camp (4,400 M) From The Annapurna Base Camp (4,131 M), 5 Hours
Now, we are planning a shorter walking day to steer clear of any issues with the thinning air and to acclimate ourselves better for the Tent Peak climb. Your Guide will share crucial information about the upcoming climb and outline the activities for the next day.
Starting today, we will be staying in tented camps for the next two days, and our meals will be prepared by a skilled professional cook right at the campsite. It's a change in scenery and accommodation, adding a touch of adventure as we prepare for the exciting climb ahead.  
Breakfast /lunch/dinner
Tented camp
Day 13 : Climb To The High Camp (5,000 M) .
Before tackling the peak climb, we must make another trek to a high camp for preparation. The climb involves technical sections, so getting ready is key to a successful ascent.
We will head northwest following a deep-cut gully. After that, the trail takes us to the top of the gully, passing through hills until we reach a ridge. Then, the final stretch involves a climb to a spot at 4877 meters. Once you are at the high camp, we will set up our tents. From the high camp, we can see all around us, and it is amazing. 
We can see the panoramic views of giant mountains like Hiunchuli (6441m), Annapurna South (7229m), Annapurna I (8091m), Machapuchhre, and many others. It's like being surrounded by a breathtaking picture of towering peaks. As night falls, we're treated to a spectacular view of the starry sky, making it a memorable night in the mountains.  
Breakfast /lunch/dinner
Tented camp
Day 14 : Attempt To The Summit (5,850 M) .
In the early morning, we begin our climb to the summit, which sits at an altitude of 5850 meters. Then, we stroll on flat snow for around 1 hour. After that, we climb a steep part that's at a 70-degree angle. To reach the very top, we use special ropes for about 30 minutes. Finally, we walk on a flat path for a bit and reach the summit of Tent Peak. 
Once you reach the top, take a moment to feel happy and enjoy the fantastic view. You can see the panoramic view of Annapurna I, Annapurna III, Annapurna V, Gangapurna, Hiunchuli, Annapurna South, Machhapuchhre (Fish-Tail) and Singu Chuli or Fluted Peak. You can also snap some pictures to remember this special time. It's a time to celebrate and appreciate the incredible scenery around you.  
Breakfast /lunch/dinner
Tented camp
Day 15 : Trek Back To Deurali From Tent Peak Base Camp, 6 Hours
Today, after leaving Tent Peak Base Camp, the path goes down through thick forests and greenery next to the Modi Khola River. Stay vigilant at every step of the way, and be especially careful when tackling steep areas and crossing streams. When you get to Deurali, a calm place surrounded by big mountains, you will find a nice guesthouse to sleep in. Relax and enjoy the peacefulness of the mountains for the night.   
Breakfast /lunch/dinner
Day 16 : Trek Back To Sinuwa From Deurali, 6 Hours
Today, you will start descending through the same path that took you to Annapurna Base Camp. Your trek starts from Deurali enjoying the peaceful ambiance of the village and the surrounding mountains. You will start descending through the Modi Khola valley. After a while, you will reach Hinku Cave. You can take a short break at Hinku Cave, perhaps enjoying a snack and admiring the scenery before continuing your trek.
Then you will resume your trek from Hinku Cave continuing along the trail towards the Himalaya Hotel. Before reaching the hotel you will pass through lush forests and rocky terrain. Then after reaching the hotel you can rest and refuel your body by having an appetizing lunch. Also don't forget to keep your body hydrated. Then leaving the hotel and continuing your journey you will reach Dovan. Further walking from Dovan you will reach Bamboo. Then from Bamboo, you will ascend gradually towards Sinuwa. After reaching the Sinuwa you will enjoy the night in the tea house with the warm hospitality of local people.  
Breakfast /lunch/dinner
Day 17 : Trek Back To Jhinu (1,500 M) From Sinuwa, 4 Hours
You will walk downhill from Sinuwa to Jhinu Danda for about 4-5 hours. When you get to Jhinu Danda, take a nice bath in the hot spring. It will make you feel better and ready for more walking. Enjoy the hot bath, and then it's time to rest for the day.  
Breakfast /lunch/dinner
Day 18 : Trek To Nayapul And Drive Back To Pokhara, 4 Hours
As we head to Nayapul from Jhinu Danda, you will love the beautiful hills and landscapes in the ACAP region. You will walk for 4-5 hours along Modi Khola and enjoy the stunning views. This part of the trek is easy and flat, making it one of the most pleasant days. After reaching Birethanti, it's just an hour more of walking to Nayapul.
From Nayapul, we'll take a nice and short scenic drive to Pokhara. It's a great spot to chill and enjoy the end of your trek while taking in the beauty of the journey.  
Breakfast /lunch/dinner
Day 19 : Drive Back To Kathmandu From Pokhara, 7 Hours
Leaving the beautiful city of Pokhara, you will have a ride to reach Kathmandu. It takes about six to eight hours to drive from Pokhara to Kathmandu. We will travel on the Prithivi Highway, where the roads wind through the hills, giving us scenic views along the Trishuli River. It's a journey with twists and turns, surrounded by beautiful landscapes.  
Breakfast /lunch/dinner
Day 20 : Spare Day In Kathmandu/Sightseeing As An Option
Today, you have a choice: you can chill at the hotel or explore the nearby area. If there are any UNESCO World Heritage sites left to see, you can check them out. Later in the evening, we'll have a little goodbye get-together at a nice restaurant. It will be a simple and pleasant way to end our time together.  
Day 21 : Final Departure
As we wrap up the trip, filled with memories and the friends you've made, it's time to leave this beautiful country. Our staff will be there to pick you up and take you to your departure.  
Not Satisfied with this itinerary?
This represents our standard and highly recommended itinerary. Should this itinerary or date not align with your preferences, we are more than willing to tailor your vacation to meet your specific requirements. The following are our established departure dates. These dates and prices are applicable for joining a group. Allow our travel experts to assist you in personalizing this journey according to your individual interests.
Altitude Graph
What Is Included ?
 All Transportation to and from the airport.
Regular hotel stays, twin sharing, bed and breakfast in Kathmandu and Pokhara.
The itinerary's group welcome dinner is scheduled.
full-day guided city tour includes entrance expenses to World Heritage Sites.
If required, private transportation will be provided to and from the trek's beginning and end places.
Full board includes breakfast, lunch, and dinner while on a trekking program.
freshly prepared Our kitchen prepares full board meals for the duration of the Tent Peak climb.
Trekking and climbing responsibly in a two-to-one trekker-to-porter ratio.
Boiled tea, coffee, and drinking water properly when on a tent peak climbing period.
lodging while walking to Annapurna Base Camp in a teahouse or lodge.
During the Tent peak climbing season, accommodations will be at a tent camp with boiled water for drinking, tea, and coffee.
Permit for Tent Peak Climbing, Royalty, and additional government taxes.
Climbing instruction course at base camp for Tent Peak.
All necessary equipment for both solo and group climbing, including a plastic boot, crampons, ice axes, climbing rope, Jumar, harness, figure of eight, carabiners, and more.
There is all the necessary camping gear available, including a two-person member tent.
The equipment that Team Himalaya will require for the expedition includes a down jacket, sleeping bag, and inner fleece liner.
Professional, seasoned trek leader/guide with wilderness training and first aid from the area.
Skilled climbing guide and his assistance team, complete with insurance, necessary equipment, and provision for all costs.
Trek map, Team Himalaya t-shirts, and complimentary Trip Duffle bag.
A peak climbing certificate is granted by the appropriate Nepali government body.
TIMS Trek permit and fees for entry to Annapurna Conservation.  
What Is Excluded?
Nepal entry Visa fee; travel insurance of any kind
International Airfare and Airport Tax.
All drinks and main meals in cities.
Tips and Items of personal expenses like the hot water shower, battery charge, telephone call, beverage drinks, and drinking water.
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