#dr genome
caveisalie · 3 months
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Hanoi Fortress 2 (or the unusual trollers)
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baddyzarc · 1 year
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✨ These barbies are cyber terrorists  ✨
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kcuf-ad · 1 year
I have questions for Bring The Heat, Soulburner.
Faust, Baira and Genome play decks that all have like 6 cards, and I was wondering.
Should I give Faust the Worm Deck? Should I give Baira the Card Virus cards? Should I give Genome the Knightmare cards, since I don't think I can make work with the Helixx cards?
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kapr1sun · 2 years
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[image description: a drawing of the knights of hanoi lieutenants. their designs are from the artist’s visual kei band alternate universe.
dr. genome stands smirking and tugging a surgical glove over his right hand. he has wrinkled light skin, except for half of his face, which is a sickly green with visible forehead stitches. his hair is half brown and half green and yellow. he wears a red monocle over his right eye, teal surgical scrubs, and an eggshell white coat with the sleeves rolled up; the left side of the coat is thrown over his shoulder. his right arm, shirt, and pants are covered in lots of blood.
aso stands with his legs crossed, left arm on his hip and right arm hanging, and a serious expression on his face. he has wrinkled brown skin and dramatic eyeliner. his spiky hair is deep blue and covers his right eye. he wears a black button-down, ripped black dress pants, faded belt, navy blue tie, and a white knee-length lab coat. the right arm, chest, and bottom of his coat are drenched in blood.
taki stands grinning, right arm hanging down and left arm raised, holding a hypodermic needle. she has wrinkled olive skin, stitches across her neck, and spikier dark red hair. she wears a gray-white doctor’s coat, buttoned up to hide an orange prisoner’s jumpsuit, complete with a name tag and medical cross. she also wears white arm-length gloves and black dress pants. the left leg of her pants is tied up by loose bandages. her coat, hands, and bandages are covered in blood. 
end description]
my friends are talking about a VRAINS vkei AU
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areeis · 3 months
Asking silly questions in a house full of nerds
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merryfortune · 3 months
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based off of a funny proposal meme I saw ages ago and no longer have the reference for
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polyamships · 8 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Asou | Faust/Dr. Genome/Revolver | Kougami Ryouken/Spectre/Taki Kyoko Characters: Taki Kyoko, Revolver | Kougami Ryouken, Spectre (Yu-Gi-Oh), Asou | Faust, Dr. Genome (Yu-Gi-Oh) Additional Tags: Kinktober 2023, Group Sex, Gangbang, Mid-Canon, Blow Jobs, Hand Jobs, Vaginal Sex, Breast Fucking Series: Part 14 of There's Something Inside Your Head [Kinktober 2023] Summary:
The Knights celebrate their successful jailbreak of Baira.
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fixomnia-scribble · 1 year
Scientists are very serious.
This is a post about science. And soup.
Dr. Elinne Becket, a microbiologist from Cal State University, is in the middle of one of those Fridge Experiments that happens to us all - except in this case, she is uniquely placed to unravel the science down to the microbial level.
While cleaning out her fridge, Dr. Becket found that a tub of family-recipe beef vegetable soup had turned bright blue. “Ok I'm outing myself here,” she tweeted, “but there was forgotten beef soup in our fridge we just cleaned it out and it was BLUE?!?!? Wtf contam would make it blue??? Like BRIGHT blue!!  Even w/ all my years in micro I'm not handling this well.“
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Read on for a breathless and ongoing saga of Soup and Science, and the wonderful international community that is Academic Twitter.
Academic Twitter quickly reminded her of her Responsibilities to Scientific Inquiry. (Cue the chanting from around the world of “CLONE THE SOUP! CLONE THE SOUP!”)
“I can’t believe y’all talked me into going back into the trash.” she tweeted in response, over a photo of a puddle of beautiful Mediterranean-sea blue soup in the trash bin, with bits of veg and noodles arising from the depths.
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Scientists being scientists, Dr. Becket agreed to take a sample and send it to colleagues for cloning and microbial analysis.This involved getting arms-deep into the trash bin of Old Soup. “I’m never forviging @ATinyGreenCell (genomic biologist Sebastian Cocioba) for this.” Dr. Becket tweeted, with a photo of a properly dipped and snipped and VERY blue q-tip in a small clear plastic tub.
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Diving into decomposing soup was not the only hazard. She writes: “My mom (who made the soup for my birthday) came across this thread and now 1) I have to answer for letting her soup spoil and 2) she's worried @ATinyGreenCell will figure out her secret recipe.“
Dr. Becket and Sebastian were able to culture the Blue Goo!
Becket posted a photo of three petri plates of streaked beef bouillon agar at 72 hours incubation, at 37C, room temp and 4C. She writes: “Left the plates where they were for another 2 days, except the 37°C one was brought to RT, which then grew white stuff over the yellow stuff and stinks to high heaven. RT looked the same. 4°C had impressive growth. Restreaked them all onto TECH agar, awaiting results!”
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Sebastian, from his lab, tweeted a photo of three more covered petri dishes, with early results: “Great progress on isolating the glowy microbe from our #BlueSoup! It's so fluorescent the streak is GREEN. Still needs another restreak as it seems there is a straggler but should clear up in the next plate. Exciting!”
Then yesterday, Sebastian tweeted out an updated photo of his plates under daylight and blacklight. “Whatever grew on the #BlueSoup colony plates overnight glows under UV, but only on King's Agar B! That particular media is used to tease out fluorescein expression in pseudomonads. What are the chances that the same cell line expresses fluorescent AND blue pigments?“
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“Looking closer, there definitely is a handful of different microbes showing distinct phenotypes. Could be that the blue producer and the fluorescent microbes are totally different microbes!”
At which point, Professor Cynthia Whitchurch of Norwich, England, responded: “Consistent with P. fluorescens being at least part of the #BlueSoup community. The fluorescence is due to production of the siderophore pyoverdine which is up-regulated when iron availability is limited. P. aeruginosa produced this too but my guess is you have blue Pf.”
And Australian agricultural researcher @WAJWebster helpfully tweeted a petri dish of ALL KINDS of colourful bacterial colonies from white to yellow to orange to stark black, with a cheerful: “You need bact-o--colours? I got you, fam.”
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The best part is that as of today, March 9, 2023, THE BLUE SOUP MYSTERY CONTINUES. WE ARE WATCHING SCIENCE HAPPENING!
A paper is being written. And Dr. Becket’s mum is getting an author credit as the proprietary owner of the #BlueSoup recipe.
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Dr. Becket’s Twitter is here: https://twitter.com/bielleogy
Sebastian Cocioba’s Twitter is here: https://twitter.com/ATinyGreenCell
Fun IFLS story is here: https://www.iflscience.com/microbiologist-investigates-after-her-beef-soup-turned-blue-in-the-freezer-67894?fbclid=IwAR0H27KqVZhzzrosnjzzKkxuKASZ-0L0Lt6hGwCRDJK8xvFbbSlyS4JvwlM
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greenfue · 1 year
Dr.Tarek Kapiel: Role of the Egyptian Genome Project in Environmental Disease Prevention
Precision Environmental Health is a research area that helps scientists learn how interactions between the environment and genetics can affect a person’s health. The goals are to prevent disease and help individuals reduce their unique health risks from environmental exposures. Many environmental factors can influence human health and some factors, such as healthy diet and access to neighborhood…
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its-to-the-death · 1 year
Yu-gi-oh Master Duel Showdown Round 1
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Dr. Genome (Vrains) vs Haru (Vrains)
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proxima-writes · 1 year
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i can see you (miguel o'hara's version)
pairing: professor/mentor!miguel o’hara x graduate assistant!female reader
rating: explicit (18+ MDNI)
word count: 4.5k
As Dr. Miguel O’Hara’s graduate teaching and research assistant, you’ve spent years pushing down the inappropriate thoughts you’ve had about the brilliant, gorgeous man.
But what happens when a late night at the lab and a scientific breakthrough leads to a breakthrough of a different kind?
author's note:
my first (but probably not my last) miguel o'hara fic based on taylor swift's song "i can see you" from speak now tv. if you enjoyed this, please consider reblogging or commenting and letting me know your thoughts!
content warnings/tags:
explicit sexual content (18+ MDNI), explicit language, no use of y/n, alternate universe - no powers, age gap (undefined), presence of power dynamics (teacher/student), author took scientific liberties (forgive her, its been 10 years since bio II lab), pineapple on pizza, potentially bad spanish translations, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, vaginal fingering, oral (f receiving), miguel picking reader up, unprotected p in v, size kink, choking, pet names, praise kink, competency kink, dirty talk. let me know if i've missed anything!
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Translations you may need:
Universidad Estatal de Nueva York - State University of New York
Sí - Yes
Dios mío - My god
El Origen de la Genética Mutante - The Origen of Mutant Genetics
Mierda - Shit
Te lo prometo - I promise you
Lo juro por Dios - I swear to god
Arañita - little spider
Cállate - be quiet
Mirame - look at me
te sientes tan bien - you feel so good
Perfecto - perfect
You’re sitting in the front row, in the seat you’ve claimed as your spot, watching Dr. O’Hara pace in front of the projector screen that displays today’s lesson notes. 
“And what is the hallmark of this mutant gene that demonstrates its incompatibility for transmutation?” He asks the silent room of undergraduates that have found themselves on the roster for his Mutation Genomics III course at Universidad Estatal de Nueva York. 
A few hands go up around the room and Dr. O’Hara points to a student in the back who says, “Uh, it’s got a spiked protein arrangement that can’t be modified?”
“Is that a question or an answer?” Dr. O’Hara asks. There’s a sprinkle of laughter in the room and a smirk tilts his lips briefly. 
“An answer,” the student says more confidently. Dr. O’Hara nods.
“Correct, but that’s not the whole picture,” he says. His eyes catch yours and he gestures for you to join him. Your eyes go wide as you stand and walk to his side at the front of the class. “I’m sure some of you that actually use your available resources to pass my class recognize my teaching assistant. And if you don’t, I recommend visiting her office hours during this section because this is her area of research.”
Your cheeks feel warm as everyone’s attention falls to you. Dr. O’Hara hands you the data pad and steps back, giving you an encouraging nod. You tap the screen, bringing the diagram up on the holo projector and making it larger.
“You’re correct that the spiked protein arrangement can’t be modified, but there’s something more limiting in this particular model. If you look at it from this angle—,” you spin the DNA diagram, “you’ll see something else hindering the modification process. What do you see?”
Hands go up. Dr. O’Hara points to another student who says, “There’s a gap jump. The spike protein would continue to travel across the gap jump and avoid any inserts.”
“Exactly. So, what’s the potential alternative?” 
“Fill the gap. Target the spike protein in your modification cycle,” Dr. O’Hara finishes. “That’s all for today. Your exam next Wednesday will include this presentation, so don’t act surprised when you see the questions.”
A few students stop to speak with Dr. O’Hara as you gather your bag from your desk. His low voice calls your name, the timbre of it sending a shiver down your spine as you step up to his desk.
“You’re running a sequence right now, sí?” He asks, shuffling a stack of papers into order. 
“Yes, it should finish around seven tonight. Sorry, I know that it's late for a Friday,” you reply. He waves a hand dismissively.
“I’ll see you in the lab.” His brown eyes flick to yours and your stomach swoops, heart skipping a beat, same as it always does when he looks at you. 
Dr. Miguel O’Hara makes you nervous. Not only because he’s one of the most notable researchers in the field of mutant genomics, but also because he’s so handsome he leaves you breathless. He’s tall, towering over most men you’ve met, with broad shoulders and a tapered waist that are always covered by a suit and tie in the classroom or a lab coat in the research lab. His tan skin is complemented by dark hair and brown eyes that make you lose your train of thought when you stare into them for too long.
Which…is exactly what you’re doing now.
You clear your throat, stepping back from his desk. Had you been leaning closer? Christ, you hope not. You give him a brief smile before responding, “Yeah, see you tonight. Thank you, Dr. O’Hara!”
“How many times do I have to tell you to call me Miguel?” He calls after you. 
“Maybe when I’ve cracked the sequence!”
Miguel watches your hips sway in the jeans you wore to class today, the denim hugging your curves so well he has to bite back a groan. The door to the lecture hall slams shut behind you and he sighs, rubbing a hand over his jaw in frustration.
You drive him crazy. Every class period you’re sitting in the front row, watching him as you tap your pen to your lips or leaning over your desk just enough to give him a glimpse down your blouse or dress. Or you’re in the lab, delicately handling samples and extractions with a level of competency beyond your years, your lip caught between your teeth as you analyze a sequencing output. 
He looks forward to and dreads your impending graduation in equal measure, being free from the constant temptation but losing the greatest researcher he’s met in years. 
Miguel finishes gathering his belongings as the door opens and the next lecturer comes in, nodding at him in greeting. As he steps out into the warm Nueva York air, he has a weird sense that something big is coming. 
He just doesn’t know what.
Miguel is waiting for you outside of his double locked research lab that evening, suit jacket hung over his arm and the sleeves of his dress shirt rolled up to reveal tan forearms dusted with dark hair. Your brain nearly short circuits at the sight, conjuring up images of those arms wrapped around your—
No, you think. He’s your mentor. Your handsome, intelligent, and very serious mentor. 
He looks up as you approach, corners of his lips tilting the slightest bit. Or maybe it’s a trick of the light, you can’t be sure, but he presses his palm to the biometric lock and the heavy metal doors slide open. He steps inside ahead of you, putting his face in the frame of the security camera. A red laser scans his face and a light above the second locked door goes from red to green, the click of the lock disengaging echoing in the anteroom. 
You follow him through the door and into his research lab. The fluorescent lights glimmer off the chrome equipment and pristine bench surfaces. A machine whirs, running the sequence analysis you’ve been waiting on. 
“LYLA, what’s the status?” Dr. O’Hara says as he sets his belongings on the desk in the corner.
“Sequence will complete on schedule. Also, your specimen delivery is available in the ultra low freezer,” Dr. O’Hara’s AI assistant, LYLA, announces, feminine voice carrying through the room. 
“I have a surprise for you,” Dr. O’Hara says, tugging on his lab coat as he walks towards the ultra low freezer. 
“A surprise?” You ask, setting your stuff down at the assistant’s work space. 
There’s the beep of a passcode being entered and the heavy freezer door being opened and shut. He’s holding a tray of cryovials, the contents varying in color. He sets the tray on a bench top near your desk and pulls one out, holding it up to the light.
“Isolated arachnoid mutagen,” he says. Your mouth drops open in shock. You rush forward, pressing in close to stare up at the vial with him. 
“You’re kidding,” you whisper. He hands the vial to you, fingers brushing yours. You hold it between your thumb and index finger to inspect the suspension, red in color with tiny flecks of black. “Dr. O’Hara, this is insane. How did you even get this?”
“A guy owed me a favor,” he says. You glance up at his face and you’re suddenly very aware of how close your bodies are. One deep breath and your chest would probably graze his, and did you just imagine his eyes dropping to your lips? 
“That’s one hell of a favor,” you murmur, stepping back. “You want me to work on the extraction?”
“If you don’t mind.”
“You say that like I’m not your research assistant. You can tell me to do anything.” Dr. O’Hara’s eyes go wide and you cough. “I mean, you know, lab related. Research stuff. Yeah. I’ll get started on this. LYLA? Power up the centrifuge and thermocycler, please.”
“Centrifuge is online. Thermocycler will reach optimal processing temperature in t-minus five minutes,” LYLA replies.
You set up all the necessary supplies and prepare the sample for the thermocycler, going through the motions that are now part of your muscle memory - extract, vortex, centrifuge, extract, wash, set in ice. You set your tray of samples into the thermocycler and remove your gloves to hit the start button.
Miguel watches you run the PCR test, fixated on the confidence with which you complete each step and your words from earlier continue to echo in his head.
“You can tell me to do anything.”
Dios mío, he thinks. He pinches the bridge of his nose, squeezing his eyes shut as he tries to will away the possibilities that anything could entail. 
“Sequence results are available. Would you like to review now?” LYLA asks. 
“Display,” Miguel says. You spin on your stool to view the hologram of the spliced DNA you prepared. He notices an issue immediately.
“Fuck,” you hiss, stepping up to the control screen and spinning the model. “There’s a deletion.”
“You knew there was a risk of that.” 
You zoom in on the model DNA strand, a broken gap shown in the mutation. “I know there was a risk, but it should have worked.”
Miguel crosses his arms and watches as you bring up the transillumination image of the DNA you had attempted to merge with a human sample. “You wanted it to work. Science is finite. There is no room for should.”
You glance at him. You look like you’re about to say something when the thermocycler beeps and he’s left to wonder what you would have said as you busy yourself with removing your tray of DNA samples. He leans against the bench as you assemble the agarose gel for electrophoresis. 
“Tell me, why do you think there was a deletion?” He asks. 
“The mutagen was incompatible with the human strand,” you murmur, adding dye to your vials. “Just the same as it has been the last dozen times.”
You’ve loaded the wells of the gel with your sample and set it in the tank, closing the lid and turning on the power supply. Miguel takes the remaining tray of arachnid samples to the freezer while your procedure runs. He understands your frustration, he’s run his fair share of failed experiments after all.
After about an hour, the hum of the electrical current from the electrophoresis tank shuts off. Miguel, who had been reviewing a journal submission for El Origen de la Genética Mutante, joins you at the bench as you remove your gel and set it on the UV transilluminator.
“LYLA, scan and project,” you ask the AI assistant. Miguel stands behind you, looking at the DNA bands you’ve generated. He’s momentarily distracted by the fact that he’s so close he can smell the sweet scent of your perfume, something citrusy that reminds him of summer.
You jump suddenly, back colliding with his chest. His hands come up to grip your waist, steadying you as you turn to face him, face lit up in the brightest grin.
“Miguel, look. This arachnid mutagen. It’s a potential match for insertion!” You say excitedly. “It has the same length as the deletion seen with the scorpion mutagen.”
“LYLA, show the current projection against the scorpion scan,” he says. The two images appear side by side and it’s clear that the band of arachnid mutagen fits definitively in a space that appears void in the scorpion samples. “Mierda.”
“You see it, right?” You ask. It’s then that Miguel realizes he’s still got his hands on your waist. He flexes his fingers experimentally, watching as your eyes go the slightest bit darker at the pressure.
“I can see it,” he murmurs. He wants so desperately to lean in closer, to back your body up until you’re pressed between the wall and his body, nowhere to go as his lips explore yours.
But he doesn’t. He drops his hands and puts much needed space between your bodies. He clears his throat.
“Prepare a combined sample,” Miguel says. You blink, checking your watch.
“It’s almost nine. Running a new combined sample would mean we’re here until close to midnight.”
“I’m familiar with how time passes, sí.”
“Are you sure you want—“
Miguel sighs, placing his hands on his hips. “You’re on the verge of one of the greatest scientific discoveries in the last decade. Do you think I give a shit about having to stay late? What kind of mentor would I be if I told you, ‘Oh just wait until Monday to change the scientific world’?”
“One with a work-life balance, probably,” you reply with a giggle. Miguel raises his eyebrows at you. “Okay, okay, combined sample. I’m on it.”
As you rush around the lab, it hits him that you called him Miguel. Not Dr. O’Hara. He’s not sure what that means but he’s certain he wants to hear his name from your lips again.
Dr. O’Hara orders food while your new combined sequence runs, begrudgingly agreeing to a half pineapple and half sausage pizza to split. You’re sitting outside of the lab in the empty hallway, pizza box between you as you eat the slices over grease stained napkins. 
“What are your plans for after graduation?” Dr. O’Hara asks. You shrug.
“Probably get my doctorate. No one takes you seriously in this field without one.”
He frowns. “You’re on the cusp of a major breakthrough, one that could change our understanding of genetic modifications and mutants as we know it.”
“Yeah, and it’s coming from your lab. You’ll get listed as the first author, that’s how this goes.” You pick at your pizza crust, tearing the bread into tiny pieces that you sweep back into the box. 
“I won’t let that happen. If this works, you’ll be the first name on that paper,” Dr. O’Hara says vehemently. “Te lo prometo.”
You smile, caught in his gaze for a brief moment before an alarm rings from his watch. LYLA announces, “Sequencing complete.”
Dr. O’Hara stands, holding a hand out to you. You grasp his broad palm and he pulls you up with ease, the force of it making you stumble slightly. You press a hand to his chest to steady yourself, marveling at how solid he feels beneath your palm. 
“Sorry. Slipped,” you murmur.
He doesn’t say anything, just stares at you with a crease between his brow and storms in his eyes. His watch beeps again and he releases your hand to silence it, the spell broken between you. 
He unlocks the lab doors and you join him at the holoprojector, taking a deep breath. Dr. O’Hara brings up the sequence analysis, the hologram coming to life in the space between you. Your eyes scan the model, checking for gaps, deletions, frayed nucleotides, anything that could mean your procedure didn’t work.
You turn the projection this way and that, looking at it from every angle. You scan the result output reading, eyes jumping to the green SEQUENCING SUCCESSFUL text at the bottom. 
You turn to face Dr. O’Hara, eyes wide with surprise. “It worked.”
“It did,” he replies. 
“It worked,” you say again. You’re bouncing on the balls of your feet, your grin so wide it hurts your cheeks as you rush forward shouting, “It worked!”
Dr. O’Hara’s arms open to catch you, wrapping around your waist as he lifts you from the ground and spins you. He’s smiling, a rare sight for such a serious man, and it makes your heart pound in your chest as you stare up into his face.
“Dr. O’Hara?” You ask as he sets you down, his arms still wrapped tight around your back. “What—“
His lips collide with yours, stealing your breath from your lungs and your words from your brain as you melt against his broad body. The kiss is anything but gentle, with Miguel acting like a man starved as his tongue sweeps into your mouth.
“Dr. O’Hara—“
“Lo juro por Dios, if you call me that one more time,” he growls, lips trailing down your neck with wet kisses, “Miguel. Say it.”
“M-Miguel,” you whimper. He smiles against your neck before sinking his teeth against your pulse point, making you gasp. 
“That’s right,” he says, lifting his head. His brown eyes have gone dark and he’s smirking as his hands find the hem of your blouse, fingertips ghosting across the skin of your abdomen and dipping beneath the waist of your jeans. “Tell me what you want, arañita.”
Rather than trust your voice, you bring your own hands to his shirt collar, working at the buttons of his dress shirt as he opens the fly of your pants. He slips his hand lower just as you reach the last button of his shirt, revealing the tight white t-shirt that outlines his impressive chest.
His fingers rub you over your panties and you feel your knees buckle at the delicious friction. Miguel chuckles, removing his hand to grip the backs of your thighs and lift you against him, your legs wrapping around his trim waist and your hands holding onto his shoulders. He sets you down by his desk, reaching around you to sweep the surface clean, pens and paper falling to the floor.
“In a rush are we?” You say with a laugh. Miguel raises an eyebrow at you.
“Cállate.” He kneels before you, lifting each foot to remove your shoes before turning you to face the desk with his hands on your hips. He grasps the waist of your jeans and shimmies the material down over your hips. When they’re pooled around your ankles, his warm palms grip each ass cheek roughly, spreading you open. “This pussy is even prettier than I imagined,” he groans.
“You think about my pussy a lot, Dr. O’Hara?” You ask innocently. A palm lands a smack to your ass cheek, heat blooming across your skin as you gasp.
“Don’t play dumb, baby, I know you’ve thought about this just as much. You think I can’t see it. Trust me, I can see you watching me in class with those pretty little lips wrapped around your pen, wishing it was something else. Isn’t that right?”
You gasp as he runs his thick fingers through your soaked folds, reaching forward only enough to graze your clit without giving it the attention you desperately want. He leans himself over you, his chest pressed to your back and his lips grazing your ear as he says, “Answer me.”
“Yes, yes,” you pant, the confession earning you that delicious friction, his fingers drawing messy circles around the sensitive nub. He withdraws too soon for your liking, a whine falling from your lips that he shushes, his warm breath on your pussy. You turn your head to look over your shoulder, surprised to find him on his knees.
As you watch, he spreads your cheeks once more before leaning in, licking from your clit to your entrance with a rough groan. Your head drops down, hitting the surface of the desk with a thump as he eats you out like a man who’s found water in a desert. The sounds echoing in the lab are downright indecent, deep groans of appreciation against your cunt and desperate whines from your lips.
“Miguel,” you moan, unable to keep your hips still as his tongue drives you closer to the cliff’s edge of release. “Miguel, I’m gonna cum!”
The man only grips your hips harder, fingers digging deep as he holds you still and doubles his efforts. The thread you’re hanging on by snaps, sending you falling into ecstasy as your muscles go tight and your breath leaves you in a shout of his name as you unravel. 
He pulls away only long enough to stand and turn you to face him, lifting you so that you’re sitting on the edge of the desk, legs spread by his body. He wastes no time slipping two thick fingers inside of your still fluttering cunt, his grin sharp as he sets a pace that has you trying to wiggle away to escape the overstimulation.
“Ah, Miguel!” You yelp, trying to shut your legs. His free hand shoves one thigh wide, pressing it to the desk. “What–”
“Cum for me again, I need to see your face this time,” he demands. He curls his fingers, pressing against your front wall with each drag of his hand from your body. 
“I can’t!”
“What was it you said to me earlier? I can tell you to do anything?” He curls his fingers harder, focusing his efforts on a spot that has you squirming, desperate to get away and to cum in equal measure. “I’m telling you to cum again, arañita, so be a good girl and do as I say.”
Your orgasm crashes over you in a wave, the tightness in your abdomen unraveling as you clench around his fingers. His movements slow as you try to catch your breath until he’s withdrawing, leaving you feeling disparagingly empty.
“Mirame,” Miguel says. You lift your head, pushing yourself up on your elbows and watching as he unbuckles his belt. “You made a mess, baby.”
You feel your cheeks heat with embarrassment as you notice the wet stains on the front of his gray slacks. The feeling is short lived, however, as Miguel unbuttons his pants and pushes them down his thighs along with his boxers, kicking them to the side as he reaches behind his head and pulls his t-shirt off. You’re blown away by how stunning he is, broad shoulders and chest that lead to sculpted abs and a defined adonis belt that draws your eyes to his thick and intimidatingly long cock.
“There’s no way that’s going to fit,” you tell him nervously.
“Why don’t we test that hypothesis?” He asks, taking himself in hand. You blink at him.
“Did…did you just make a joke?” Laughter bubbles up your chest until it’s spilling into the room, your shoulders shaking with the force of it. Miguel takes himself in hand, notching the broad head of his length to your dripping entrance and sliding inside the barest amount, just the tip, but it has your laughter morphing into gasps.
“Mierda,” he murmurs, gaze fixed where your bodies connect. “So fucking tight, arañita.”
You feel like he’s splitting you apart, the stretch deep and all consuming as he fits himself inside of you, drawing back after each inch and slowly thrusting back in and giving you more of his cock in the process.
“You’re so close,” he tells you. “You’re doing so good for me. Tell me how it feels.”
“It feels so fucking good, Miguel,” you answer honestly. “I’m so full.”
“Fucking right you are,” he growls. His hands shove your blouse up, bunching the fabric under your armpits to expose your breasts. He tugs the cups of your bra down before leaning forward, the last bit of his length slipping inside of you as his lips wrap around a pert nipple and his hand gropes the opposite breast. 
Your back arches at all the sensation - the fullness and stretch of him inside of you, the warmth of his mouth and the pinch of his fingers. He moves his mouth to your other breast and looks up at you through dark lashes with darker eyes as he licks the taut peak while holding your gaze.
His hips draw back, the drag of each inch from your body exquisite torture until he slams into you, the force of it sliding you up the desk. You cry out, your hands gripping his shoulders and your fingernails leaving crescent shaped indents as you cling to him.
Miguel stands, his arms looping beneath your thighs so that the backs of your knees rest across his forearms, spreading you open as he picks up his pace. He looks down at your body like it’s his greatest discovery.
“Fuck, fuck, te sientes tan bien,” he growls. 
“Miguel,” you moan, “please, please, please!”
“What are you begging for, arañita? Tell me.” 
“Wanna cum, please, Miguel,” you beg. He drops your legs, reaching up to wrap a hand around the back of your neck, urging you to sit up. You keep one hand planted on the desk behind you, the other diving into his thick, dark hair, pulling at the strands.
He drags his strong nose along your jaw as he murmurs, “Greedy girl, but I’ll give you what you need. Won’t I?”
“Uh huh,” you moan in response. His other hand settles at the base of your throat and his eyes hold a question that has your pussy clenching around him in anticipation.
His palm creeps up, strong fingers wrapping around your delicate throat, squeezing the sides the slightest bit. Your eyes roll back at the pressure.
“Look at me,” Miguel demands, “look at me while I make you cum again with my hand around your pretty throat.”
You gasp for air as he pounds into you, your release sparkling at the edges of your vision. It explodes like a supernova across your nerves, your muscles tightening around him and making him moan, a deep rumble that you echo as his movements grow erratic.
He slams deep inside of you, cock pulsing and filling you with warmth as he groans your name, head dropped to your shoulder. You’re both panting, trying to catch your breath as the sweat on your skin cools and you run your fingers through his hair.
“That was—“
“Perfecto,” he finishes, lifting his head and pressing a sweet kiss to your lips, one that has your heart pounding even harder than the lust filled ones from earlier. “It’s late. Let’s get this cleaned up and get you home. I’ll drive you.”
“You don’t have to do that,” you argue. He scowls at you as you continue to say, “No, seriously, you don’t need to go out of your way—“
“Will you shut up for a minute?” Miguel asks. He holds your face in his hands as he says, “Get dressed. I’m driving you home.”
He steps back, the absence of him making you feel empty as you carefully stand from the desk on shaky legs. He hands you your jeans and you look around in confusion.
“Have you seen my underwear?” You ask.
“Hm? No, I don’t see them,” he hums, buttoning his slacks. The stain from earlier has blessedly faded. 
You shrug, pulling your jeans on and fixing your blouse. Miguel cleans up the stuff he’d knocked from the desk, putting it all back in haphazard piles and grabbing his bag. He holds his hand out to you.
“Let’s get out of here,” he says. He must sense the hesitation you’re feeling when you don’t immediately grab his hand because he steps close, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you close. “No one will see us. It’ll be our secret.”
You nod, digging your teeth into your bottom lip. “Just this once?”
“Not if I have anything to say about it, arañita.”
The most fantastic fanart by narutoss.ramen on insta that fits the vibe of professor! miguel:
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odekiisu · 1 year
Vulcan Eyebrow Pointiness is governed by gene(s) in an imprinted region of the genome.
Imprinted genes are expressed differently depending on which parent they're inherited from; either the maternal or paternal copy of the gene is suppressed. On Earth, this can be seen in some human genetic disorders such as Prader-Willi/Angelmann syndrome (both caused by a large deletion on chromosome 15; which one presents is dependent on which parent the mutation is inherited from).
Another case where genomic imprinting causes noticeable differences in phenotype are lion/tiger hybrids. They have the same complement of genes, being 50% lion and 50% tiger, but ligers (male lion/female tiger) are absolutely heckin massive, being larger than both parent species and the largest feline in the world, and are lighter in base colour (more the colour of a lion than a tiger).
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Fig. 1: Liger
Tigons (male tiger/female lion) on the other hand are about the size of a tiger and more tigery orange in colouration. This is because of growth-suppressing genes that are active when inherited from a female lion, but not when inherited from a male one, and corresponding growth-promoting genes that are only active when inherited from a male. Female tigers do not have the required growth-suppressing genes to counteract the latter, so ligers get huge, but tigons don't.
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Fig. 2: Tigon. Note that both are stripey.
In the case of Vulcans, the maternal copy of at least one gene that governs eyebrow pointiness is suppressed, whereas the paternal one is active. Behold:
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Fig. 3: Spock, half-Vulcan with a Vulcan father, has pointy ears and pointy eyebrows (obvious usage of eyebrow liner notwithstanding).
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Fig. 4: Lorian, half-Vulcan with a Vulcan mother, still has pointy ears but round eyebrows.
As you can see, the eyebrow pointiness phenotype differs depending on which parent it is inherited from, whereas the ear pointiness phenotype appears to be dominant, much like stripeyness.
tl;dr: Spock is a liger and Lorian is a tigon.
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multiverserift · 2 months
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There should have been an episode where someone tries to harm Dr. Bashir, and Garak secretly goes out of his way to protect him.
Of course it has to be something like a murder mystery, where in the end Garak says "My dear doctor, you sadly suffer from extraordinary imagination.
Let me assure you, while I enjoy our weekly meals, my capabilities of plotting, as I believe you called it, secret murders, just to protect a loose acquaintance such as yourself, are highly exaggerated.
I really hate to dissapoint, but there never was a real threat. No secret supremacy cult longing for your enhanced genome, no assassins endangering your friends, and no dubious plot to lure away the good constable from the station.
Would you really believe that I go out of my way and endanger my reputation and occupation as a humble tailor on this station, mind you, just to play cloak and dagger like you do in your playful little holosuite programs?
Frankly, and I dislike to be this honest, I don't like you THAT much.
Until next week. Julian 😉"
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areeis · 4 months
Safety first [nsfw talk]
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For the thing Pandor wants to talk about see here
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merryfortune · 1 year
Spit In Our Cup and Call It Marriage
Written for Multiamory March 2023
Day 11: Wedding
Title: Spit In Our Cup and Call It Marriage
Ship: Lieutenantshipping | Aso/Kyoko/Genome
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! Vrains
Rating: T
Word Count: 1,293
Tags: Pre-Canon, Fluff and Angst, Humour, Bittersweet Ending, Dialogue Heavy, Alcohol
   Kyoko was a little girl once.
   She tried not to think about in her grand old age of what? Twenty-something? Early twenty-something, even.
   But she had been a little girl once and watching the two little boys who were in her charge, more or less, she shared them with two men, she did recall things from her own childhood. She remembered playing with dolls. She remembered playing house. She remembered singing, here comes the bride, to herself and playing wedding all the same as she played with her dolls or played house. She even remembered mixing them all up into the same game because she didn’t have very many friends.
   To watch Ryoken and his… friend reenact the same sort of things as she had, it was bittersweet to say the least.
   It made her heart ache in her chest. Kyoko had once had a dream of the married with two point five kids and a dog and a nice little place to call her own with her husband kind of lifestyle. Now, considering her deeds, she felt as though her right to that dream - or any dream, for that matter - was forfeit.
   After all, it was a dream of scientific evolution that had landed her in this mess. One more wrong move and she would be locked up with the key thrown away. 
   Two point five kids and a dog. Pfft. After what she and her fellow scientists had done, she shouldn’t be allowed within five yards of a child and yet, she was beloved Kyoko-nee-san to two boys. One of which was even the child who should have disqualified her right to being human. Instead he worshipped it.
   She sat back with her two fellow… scientists. She didn’t want to use the p-word or co-p-word with either of them but she did sit back with them. On the lounge, drinking wine from the cask because all three of them were that depressed.
   They could all feel something bubble away under the surface. Things had been quiet. Too quiet. The proceedings of getting Dr. Kogami were coming along smoothly, too. So, there was definitely going to be the precipice of something on the horizon but no one knew what just yet. It was soon to be revealed, perhaps. 
    “Did any of you think life would turn out this way?” Kyoko asked.
   “Of course not.” Aso said.
   “A little.” Genome replied.
   He replied with that just to be contrarian and both Kyoko and Aso could tell he was specifically being contrarian right now. It was in the scrunch of both his nose and his voice. No one in their right mind would think life would ever turn out this way for a fictional character, let alone for actual people and yet. Here they were.
   Three disgraced scientists, contending with the imminent revival of their head scientist. All of them involved in a project which had involved torturing children to create little, tiny beings of artificial intelligence with free will. They were also the current guardian to one boy, the son of their dead but soon to be resurrected boss, and the who knows what to the other boy, one of the children they had experimented upon and was thanking them heartily for it.
   “How did you think life would turn out?” Aso asked. 
   “Not with a bunch of brats, I’ll tell you what. We better be stopping at two.” Genome grumbled.
   “I wanted kids.” Kyoko said. “Not this young, of course, I wanted to establish my career first, be at least thirty before the first tiny tot but…”
   “But yeah.” Aso agreed.
   “So did you want the whole package?” Genome asked. “Picket fence and a puppy? A marriage?”
   “Well… yeah… Kind of comes with the work-life balance modern woman package, one would hope anyway.” Kyoko replied.
   “That’s sweet.” Aso replied.
   “Gag me with a spoon, personally.” Genome blew a raspberry.
   “Hey, don’t make fun of me.” Kyoko glared and she took a hard chug of her wine after that.
   “Exactly.” Aso said. “I… I was married once, actually.”
   “You were?” Genome exclaimed.
   Kyoko was quiet. She had known Aso a little bit longer than Genome, prior to the Incident, whereas Genome had been brought on specifically for the Incident and so, she already knew this story. It always made her feel a little funny given that, well, they were all sleeping together and with each other and in all sorts of combinations to cope. Be it with natural bodily urges and otherwise…
   “Yes, I was married to a woman, once, but she passed away from cancer. We were twenty-one when we tied the knot. Young but she was already on the clock, we both knew. She was gone before either of us turned twenty-five.” Aso explained.
   “Very sad. My condolences.” Genome hollowly replied.
   “Yes, my heart always breaks when you bring it up.” Kyoko added, more genuine and sympathetic in emotion than Genome before her.
   “Enough time has passed, I think.” Aso said. “She will always be important to me but I have my own life to live, I can’t live as though I am dead, too.”
   “You may as well be though… Given our circumstances.” Kyoko murmured.
   “She has a point.” Genome shrugged.
   “We still have lives to live, I promise.” Aso said with wisdom befitting of his years, given he was older than both Kyoko and Genome but in their comparative youth, they were cynics.
   And so, they stared. With dead fish eyes. Aso huffed.
   “Why don’t we all get married?” he huffed. “I think we could do with a little joy. It makes sense given our shared commitments in child raising.”
   “Hey, I said we’re stopping at two, I know for a fact you should be shooting blanks, old man, and I’ll get a vasectomy if need be.” Genome threatened.
   Kyoko laughed, “We don’t need to get married. I’m fine day drinking like this.” 
   “Let’s compromise then.” Aso said but his merry voice then turned grumpy, “No vasectomies needed, and stop calling me old man, your like two years younger than me.”
   Genome laughed hysterically. So long as he was under someone’s skin, he was more than happy.
   “Here, like this, to us.” Aso said.
   He corralled both Kyoko and Genome as he was sitting in the middle cushion of the lounge. He roped his arms around their own and forced them to criss-cross, so they could all drink from each other’s wine glasses. Without even saying so, Kyoko and Genome got the picture.
   They were all drinking the same cheap sangria but for some reason, it tasted sweeter and more meaningful all looped up like this.
   “Now, we’re married.” Aso declared.
   “No take-backsies, I imagine?” Kyoko teased.
   “Too late, I want a divorce.” Genome complained.
   He leaned over hard to spit in Aso’s glass. Aso drank it greedily.
   “Now we’re double married, my friend.” Aso laughed from the bottom of his belly.
   Kyoko giggled, too. She wasn’t sure where this was entirely coming from. Maybe that simpering emotion she had felt before, not just in herself but amongst her adult cohort, too, had finally popped and this was the madness that was ensuing from it. Maybe it was just a result of day drinking and nothing more. 
   Either way, she appreciated the gesture because deep down, she knew her life was over. All their lives were over, despite what Aso claimed. Even his, even he knew it. There was no more life to live considering their crime. They would, forever and always, be the inner sanctum and upper echelon of disgraced scientists under the command and surveillance of Dr. Kogami. They all knew it, they all felt it in precognition, almost, of what was to come with his resurrection.
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notedchampagne · 7 months
Bro the 6th familial relationships fuck me up so much like the weird Juno and Pal more of a mentor than a mother vibes? And it seems like from Dr Sex that her and Pal's dad are either divorced or just straight up had nothing to do with each other until the genomics department decided they should have a child together?? Like imagine you're a ruthless academic career-woman and one day you get an email from the government like 'congrats! You're a mother!' And they hand you a fresh vat baby that is half you and half your co-worker that you talked to one time at the Christmas party like??? I don't think I would have the most healthy relationship with that child either tbh
And Cam! Earlier in Nona when Pal and Pyrrha are talking about going to the park it is only Kiki that he mentions she might want to save, no mention that apparently both her parents are there too? Her entire family is on the line here. Then she doesn't want her dads to see the Paul transformation because they "wouldn't understand"? You just know there's some long running disagreement there with how far she's yoking herself in with Pal. Do you think they secretly resent him? Did this cause a rift in their family? And what did the conversation look like before or after the transformation? Did Cam tell them she was about to die? Or did they turn away for five seconds and she finally killed herself for her obsessions behind their back? Who broke the news to them? (Who is going to break the news to Pal's dad?) The whole thing just makes me insane!!!!
Also apparently there is some incredible nepotism going on in the 6th oversight body here (or maybe everything is nepotism on the 6th lol)
YOU GET ME i love the 6th house so so much the way the house functions both as a united family w their genetics & a university with the academic quibbling is so fun to me- the sixths weakness was described as "A sprawling organization of erratic loners, the Sixth are chaotic by nature and terrible at collective action." which is 1) hilarious. palamedes is the peoples marxist princess 2) just generally fascinating as a whole. if we take that at face value and consider the 6th house as populated by genius loner nerds, it actually makes sense that they prioritize sending out attractive people to diversify the gene pool - with reference to your statement: dr sex provided a nice handful of evidence that while palamedes and juno have a formal dynamic, theyre affectionate enough that they seem close (at most, to the extent of some gay kid and their favorite english teacher) but seeing juno like a distant mentor is most likely right
taking on more quotes from dr sex, i think its most likely that the Sixth house encourages child bearing / raising through subsidies and an extended work leave of sorts:
Palamedes said, “Enjoying parenting. Enjoying the parenting buyout, I should say. He’s only doing dissertation supervision—and half a year of Immediate History, of course—but he’s got his own projects on the go.”
alexandrites and nireids might be required to go offworld to flirt and have children (i think i came across another post floating somewhere noticing kiki and cam were half-sisters, implying their parent was one of the mentioned) but for residents staying in the sixth house, they probably have about 3-7 other people they could possibly produce children with outside of consanguinity. although forcing them to have children by way of vat birth etc etc is entirely possible in Hell Empire a lot of them probably gave in just for a few years of parental & academic benefits.
one last point - sixth house children canonically live in a dormitory! so if you consider a professor going on paid leave to raise children while doing their own projects for about 7-9 years, then going back to work while their children are sent to a dorm to do nothing but study and train with other peers their age, it falls together so perfectly bro. it makes so much sense. of course pal and cam are nice to their parents but rarely ever close - they were most likely raised and taught communally! god i love worldbuilding
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