#dr okun
dexterlittle · 20 days
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Couldnt post it yesterday buuut this is Day 1 of Sketchtember which I’m mostly calling Shiptember! I’ll focus on ships I love! Starting with these two which is a canon ship! No matter if Queer Platonic or Gay, these two are life partners and I wish I had more content of these two :( Canon content mostly.
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I havent drawn actual actors in a while so heres some quick sketches cuz im having a brainrot 
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twitchywoman · 9 months
Was it the Pesticides?
From 1990 to 2015, the number of people with Parkinson’s more than doubled from 2.6 million to 6.3 million. Ending Parkinson’s Disease I grew up in the Midwest, where mosquitoes were plentiful in the hot summer months. I remember riding my bicycle with my sister and friends behind the fumigation trucks as they sprayed their toxic chemicals to eradicate those annoying pests. No one knew at that…
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desultory-suggestions · 7 months
Is it necessary to induce guilt and shame for people to care about this war? Is it necessary to make people feel guilty for being alive in a situation that we have no control over? I understand the emotional response to motivate people and call to action. But on a holiday that we can't control either, to induce guilt and shame for enjoying freedom is something we also cannot control. Is it really necessary to remind us every single waking second of every single waking moment that we are free while others are dying? Is there no acknowledgement for the fact that we as bystandards are equally as traumatized by these things and that people have legitimate reasons to not be involved or to step away because we are already facing our own wars of guilt and shame? To the point that our mental health suffers from posts like that? Is there not a better way to promote freedom for Palestine without inducing shame for what we can't control?
Yes, we must have a constant and meaningful awareness of the state of the world and our relationship to it. This is not a world-bending concept. Every moment we can have a coexistening awareness of our world and our current place in it. This doesn't have to be constant suffering, in fact, we must take those feelings of powerlessness and grief and channel them into becoming stronger and more loving people who are willing to take action.
No one is making you aware of this every second. In fact, if you really wanted to you have the privilege of turning off your phone, of blocking the tags of people trying to raise awareness. I think that would be wrong. I think that would be a cheap excuse to place your comfort over others. Do you?
We are not "as bystanders equally as traumatized by these things" and you should be ashamed of yourself for believing that. In no way is seeing a horrible image of what is being done the same as living it. In no way is seeing photos of dead children the same as seeing your dead child, as pulling emaciated bodies from the rubble, as hearing the constant deafening drones, as trying not to fall asleep because at any moment you could be bombed or shot or bulldozed. Don't ever try to compare what we as bystanders see to the reality of the Palestinian people.
Your post reeks of shame and guilt, and that is for you to deal with. What are you ashamed of? If you are doing everything in your power, to the best of your abilities, then you truly have nothing to be ashamed of. We will all struggle with these feelings as we ask ourselves how we can help, and if it is ever enough. It is our job to deal with those questions.
If you have a legitimate reason to be unable to help right now you know this post isn't about you, don't you? That isn't why you sent this.
The Characteristics of White Supremacy outlined by Dr. Tema Okun is a useful guide for times like these, where we must examine how our culture and society have taught us to think. I would encourage you to go read the section on Right to Comfort.
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By: Tabia Lee
Published: Mar 26, 2023
DR TABIA LEE: Accused of 'whitesplaining'. Told students are either 'victims' or 'oppressors'. And then fired as diversity chief... my grim story of how woke extremists are taking over America's colleges
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion programs on college campuses are being turned on their heads.
Instead of promoting creative new ideas, fairness and welcoming spaces, DEI departments have been hijacked by ideological extremists to enforce ideological compliance.
Believe me, I should know.
In August 2021, I was hired to lead an institution wide transformation as a faculty director for the Office of Equity, Social Justice, and Multicultural Education at De Anza Community College in Cupertino, California. As a life-long teacher, dedicated to pursuing diversity, inclusion, anti-racism, and equity and equality in education this was a dream come true.
Unfortunately, my dream job quickly became a nightmare. And ultimately, I was fired.
I have now come to recognize that adherents of 'critical social justice theory' at De Anza College, who view all social dynamics through a lens of power and privilege, also use it as a cudgel to beat down and silence anyone with whom they may disagree.
Even I, someone who some may assume would be on the side of so-called 'social justice warriors,' was too heterodox in my thinking. And I was bullied out.
To be clear, I am not a liberal or a conservative, nor a Republican or a Democrat. I don't identify as a radical, progressive, or feminist. I have spent my life avoiding labels. I am an educator, scholar, humanist and critical thinker. And it is people like me who are – sadly – being chased out of education.
During the hiring process at De Anza, I was told that the previous leadership running the Office of Equity was 'too woke' and alienating people. Their approach was apparently very aggressive. They would 'call people out,' and accuse them of racism.
It was a sentiment echoed by multiple individuals in over 60 hours of conversations that I conducted to assess the needs of the campus. Many expressed discomfort with the college's intellectually oppressive culture and rigid ideologies.
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So, I assured the hiring committee that my approach would be different. As I have all my career, I pledged to create spaces of inquiry where diverse and even divergent viewpoints could be heard would be welcomed and accepted. It is my belief that through this process, people can find areas of commonality and work together in the best interest of students.
Little did I know that this approach would be considered a threat by De Anza College ideologues. And conflict erupted almost immediately after I was hired.
I discovered that fellow faculty and administrators were using definitions for White Supremacy that I was not familiar with. To me, White Supremacy is associated with White Nationalism, the KKK, and Neo-Nazi organizations.
Instead, at De Anza College, White Supremacy was often associated with qualities, such as being on time, objective thinking, using written communications, setting an agenda, and demonstrating a sense of urgency.
These beliefs were aligned with the work of a scholar named Tema Okun and these re-definitions of White Supremacy were not only perpetuated at De Anza College but throughout the California Community College system.
I set out to engage with the De Anza community to develop a better understanding of various words and practices.
I questioned why De Anza's official communications capitalized some student racial categories and not others. For example, the word 'black' was capitalized, while the word 'white' was not. I questioned the use of terms like 'Latinx' and 'Filipinx' to refer to people of Latino and Filipino descent. In my years of experience working with Spanish-speaking and working-class communities, not once did the community ever use those terms to describe themselves.
I believe that terms like 'Latinx' are manipulations of language that originated in the Ivory Tower of academia.
But when I raised these topics for exploration, there was never constructive engagement. Instead, I was put under the spotlight and accused of being aligned with right-wing extremists.
For attempting to set an agenda for meetings, I was accused of Whitespeaking and Whitesplaining and supporting White Supremacy.
As a faculty director, not an administrator, I assumed that I would be permitted all of the academic freedoms of speech and expression that a tenure track position is usually afforded. I was wrong.
In fact, my tenure review process was subverted by ideological extremists, who used it to harass, bully and eventually fire me.
I now have a better understanding of the dominating ideology at work at De Anza College and throughout many of our California Community Colleges.
Unfortunately, a few bad actors working under a banner of 'Critical Social Justice' are subverting the tenure review processes and creating an ideological litmus test for career advancement.
A tenure review process, or any teacher evaluation process should be an objective, evidence-based process. In my case, it was used as an authoritarian enforcement mechanism.
It is my great fear that if folks pushing Critical Social Justice ideology have their way, faculty in California Community Colleges will be required to profess allegiance to certain rigid ideas.
Faculty will be forced to commit to embedding these ideas into their course curriculum. They will be compelled to state their pronouns and demand that all members of their classroom do the same. They will have to view every student as a victim or an oppressor.
There is a reason why these faux-academics insist on chasing free-thinkers out of their midst – it is because they cannot defend their own ideas.
I hope that by sharing my story, I can shine a light on this issue. And since coming forward, I have been contacted by many people, who say they've experienced the same treatment.
Too many faculty members in California Community Colleges are afraid to question this emerging Critical Social Justice ideology. Too many are afraid to question or resist lest they be labeled a racist or worse. 
History has shown us that authoritarianism advances through a reliance on intimidation and the compliance of a majority that cowers in fear.
To the educators out there, I encourage you to keep asking questions and promoting critical thinking. There are resources out there to protect your civil liberties. And I want you to know that you are not alone.
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thefakesnqke · 1 year
i was thinking...
...Silent zone Independence Day Welcome home AU. just another to add to the list.
if you aren't sure what silent Zone is, here; Silent Zone Independence Day is a novel by Stephen Molstad in 1997 - 1998 (i think?) as a prequel to the 1996 film "Independence Day". its set in the late 1960s and early 1970s and details the early career of Dr. Brackish Okun. it has Aliens, Some horror-ish elements, of sorts.
Anyhow. I was reading it and thought of a mix of welcome home with it too. I got a rough idea of which characters I'd put where, so I'll start with that introduction to the cast.
Wally Darling As Dr. Sam Dworkin.
Julie Joyful as [Undetermined].
Sally Starlet as [undetermined].
Barnaby b. beagle As Chibatutto.
Frank Frankly as Dr. Freiling.
Poppy partridge as [undetermined]
Eddie Dear as [undetermined.]
Howdy Caterpillar as Dr. Lenel.
Y/N as Brackish Okun.
Home as Radecker.
there are some blanks in characters being I'm only on... Chapter four page 106? so, do forgive me. I'm trying to make connections everywhere. here's a page or two with the cast as the characters, edited to fit... somewhat. Dialogues might be mixed to fit cast members and who they are connected to.
Life seemed to get sweeter and sweeter for Y/N. when Home - a strange name for a guy, - told you where they were headed, you had prepared for a long, uninteresting car ride in the musky jeep they were in, which would've been a living nightmare. but instead, you and home - still a strange name, - went to Welcomes' Airport and signed in at the small cargo transport company, SwiftAir. You'd only flown twice in your lifetime, once when you had won the Westinghouse competition, and once to New York, for a whirlwind of a vacation in the big apple.
Today, they lifted off in a small - cramped - twin-engine Cessna. Once they were out, over the Sea of dry, hot desert, the captain invited you into the cockpit of the aircraft. it was a warmer spring day, and, as soon as you left LA's smog behind - in your dust, literally - the view was superb. you couldn't help yourself but to give into your childish urge and shove you face against the glass and imagine seeing a crashed UFO, your breath and palms smudging the clear glass. you felt lucky. Mr. Home had told you that they were heading for "A very important laboratory near Las Vegas." based on what the short, tanned guy with blue hair curled - somehow - into a spiral had told you three weeks earlier in your college dorm room, you assumed it was one of the National Labs in Mexico.
Visions of sparkling equipment and gleaming multi-story buildings danced at the forefront of your mind.
it was a Thursday, and Y/N wondered what the Set Offs - your group of misfit geniuses named after the band Set It Off - sitting in Professor Rain's Class, were thinking of your sudden disappearance. You would see if there was a way to sneak a postcard to them when you got settled. You were snapped out of your Daze as the Pilot announced,
"There She is, Lost Wages, Nevada." Y/N only had a moment to study the narrow build up alongside both sides of highway before the plane suddenly banked north. A few minutes later, the pilot turned and called back to Home over the noise of the roaring engines, "We're coming up to the Nellis Range perimeter, Sir."
Y/N looked down and saw they were flying over a double fence, one inside the other. I hope this isn't where we're headed.
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amanda394 · 2 years
Anyway I know I haven't been on this page a lot because I'm on Twitter a lot but you know I still come over here from time to time anyway have you guys know I have two birds and yes they're still alive Dr brackish okun and Sidney anyway this is about my dogs at the end of September the last Friday September which was the 30th we had to euthanize my Shih Tzu at the age of 17 apparently sometime during the night his back legs went out on him and he couldn't stand anymore like the day before that he was able to walk not great but he was walking so I'm wondering what could cause his legs to decide not to work overnight cuz most of the day he was walking the day before but rest in peace to my Shih Tzu davie who was 17 years old
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orange-coloredsky · 1 year
dr tema okun et al and their 13 traits of white supremacy; one of which being "worship if the written word" HMMMMM
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data2364 · 2 years
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via brent.euweb
Brent Spiner (Data) as Dr. Brakish Okun and Bill Pullman (President Thomas J. Whitmore) 1996 in "Independence Day“
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newsnigeria · 3 months
Photos from Ojude Oba festival 2024
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The Ojude Oba festival is a social and exuberant spectacle of sound, colour, and joie de vivre. The festival, held in the forecourt (the eponymous Ojude Oba) of the monarch, is an annual event celebrating the culture and traditions of the Ijebu people while paying homage to the King, Alaiyeluwa Oba (Dr.) Sikiru Adetona, Ogbagba II, Awujale, and paramount ruler of Ijebuland. The festival is celebrated annually in Ijebu Ode on the next day of the Muslim Eid-el-Kabir. A colourful and spectacular carnival, the festival brings the town to a halt with every concentration on the pavilion where in actuality the festival proper takes place. Listed here are photos using this year's event:
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Ojude Oba is a true festival of colours. The audience consists of a major set of attendees grouped into age grade sets called Regberegbe. These are children of the Oba who have been named by the Awujale and grouped respectively based on their year of birth. Currently, there are about fifty-seven (57) regberegbes in Ijebu Ode among which are; Egbe Obafuwaji, Egbe Bobagunwa, Egbe Bobagunte Obinrin, etc with each group having its own banners, flags, styles and standards which they hoist and parade proudly at the events.
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All Yoruboid groups came together to promote Ojude Oba festival. The Oyos, Ibadans, Aworis, Ibolos, Itsekiris, Remos, Ekitis, Ifes, Ijeshas, Igbominas, Okuns, Oworos, Ogoris, Akokos, Owos, Ondos, Ilajes, Ikales, Egbas, Eguns, Onkos, Olukumis, Ilorins, Usens etc are all united across different States in Nigeria to celebrate with our IJEBU brothers and sisters to celebrate Ojude Oba festiva
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In this year's edition on Tuesday, different cultural age ranges — referred to as regberegbe and consisting of indigenes, their friends, and associates — parade in the front courtyard of the king's palace. The parade was also an opportunity in order for them to showcase the rich cultural fashion and heritage of the Ijebu people. The festival is overseen by Sikiru Adetona, the Awujale of Ijebuland. Speaking at the ceremony, Dapo Abiodun, the Ogun governor, said he plans to really make the Ojude Oba festival “global, attracting national and international audiences. Abiodun described Ojude Oba as “a symbol of unity and rallying point for the Ijebu people.
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ulkaralakbarova · 7 months
From Wichita to Dodge City, to the O.K. Corral in Tombstone, Wyatt Earp is taught that nothing matters more than family and the law. Joined by his brothers and Doc Holliday, Earp wages war on the dreaded Clanton and McLaury gangs.  Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Wyatt Earp: Kevin Costner Doc Holliday: Dennis Quaid Nicholas Earp: Gene Hackman James Earp: David Andrews Morgan Earp: Linden Ashby Ike Clanton: Jeff Fahey Josie Marcus: Joanna Going Sheriff Johnny Behan: Mark Harmon Virgil Earp: Michael Madsen Allie Earp: Catherine O’Hara Ed Masterson: Bill Pullman Big Nose Kate: Isabella Rossellini Bat Masterson: Tom Sizemore Bessie Earp: JoBeth Williams Mattie Blaylock: Mare Winningham Mr. Sutherland: James Gammon Frank McLaury: Rex Linn John Clum: Randle Mell Tom McLaury: Adam Baldwin Urilla Sutherland: Annabeth Gish Curly Bill Brocius: Lewis Smith Young Wyatt: Ian Bohen Virginia Earp: Betty Buckley Lou Earp: Alison Elliott Sherm McMasters: Todd Allen Francis O’Rourke: Mackenzie Astin Warren Earp: Jim Caviezel Mrs. Sutherland: Karen Grassle Frank Stillwell: John Dennis Johnston Sally: Téa Leoni Ed Ross: Martin Kove Bob Hatch: Jack Kehler Pete Spence: Kirk Fox Johnny Ringo: Norman Howell Marshal Fred White: Boots Southerland Indian Charlie: James ‘Scotty’ Augare Billy Clanton: Gabriel Folse Billy Claiborne: Kris Kamm Judge Spicer: John Lawlor John Shanssey: Michael McGrady Dr. Seger: Ben Zeller Stable Hand: Rockne Tarkington Mayor Wilson: David Doty Gyp Clements: Matt O’Toole Saddle Tramp: Brett Cullen Danny: Owen Roizman Gambler: Lawrence Kasdan McGee: Matt Beck Film Crew: Costume Design: Colleen Atwood Original Music Composer: James Newton Howard Producer: Kevin Costner Set Decoration: Cheryl Carasik Production Design: Ida Random Producer: Lawrence Kasdan Executive Producer: Charles Okun Director of Photography: Owen Roizman Producer: Jim Wilson Casting: Jennifer Shull Editor: Carol Littleton Art Direction: Gary Wissner Set Designer: Charlie Daboub Key Costumer: Barry Francis Delaney Set Designer: Barry Chusid Music Editor: Jim Weidman Supervising Sound Editor: Stu Bernstein Camera Operator: Ian Fox Executive Producer: Michael Grillo Hair Supervisor: Marlene D. Williams Assistant Art Director: Gershon Ginsburg Executive Producer: Dan Gordon Camera Operator: Bill Roe Foley: John Murray Script Supervisor: Anne Rapp Second Unit Director of Photography: Richard Bowen Set Designer: Tom Reta Dialogue Editor: Lewis Goldstein Executive Producer: Jon Slan Makeup Artist: Francisco X. Pérez Stunts: Gary McLarty Visual Effects Producer: Robert Stadd Chief Lighting Technician: Ian Kincaid Still Photographer: Ben Glass Dialogue Editor: James Matheny Costume Supervisor: Cha Blevins Foley: Dan O’Connell Property Master: William A. Petrotta Supervising Sound Editor: Robert Grieve Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Rick Kline Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Kevin O’Connell Construction Coordinator: Greg John Callas Boom Operator: Joel Shryack ADR Supervisor: Jessica Gallavan Hairstylist: Elle Elliott Dialogue Editor: Alison Fisher Key Makeup Artist: Gerald Quist Makeup Supervisor: Michael Mills ADR Editor: Joe Dorn Supervising Dialogue Editor: Bobby Mackston Key Costumer: Ruby K. Manis Key Grip: Tim Ryan Location Manager: Paul Hargrave Key Hair Stylist: Dorothy D. Fox Steadicam Operator: Rusty Geller ADR Editor: Stephen Janisz Rigging Gaffer: Kim Kono Dolly Grip: David L. Merrill Costume Supervisor: Le Dawson Key Costumer: James M. George Casting Associate: Phil Poulos Casting Associate: Elizabeth Shull Movie Reviews: GenerationofSwine: Tombstone was a different beast, and that sort of overshadows this, given that one tries to be more accurate and the other goes for entertainment. Take Wyatt Earp as a biopic and it is a superb and fair film. Compare it to Tombstone which was more of a Western and it’s lacking the flair. However, it ends abruptly, and it is miscast. Cosner (and i am a fan) doesn’t really make a good Earp. Dennis Quaid who I am also a fan of, doesn’t make a good Doc. This was 1994, in the 80s I might have a dif...
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Dr Brackish Okun in the ID4: Independence Day (1996) Comic 
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ebbysuperb-blog · 1 year
The National President, Grand Patron, Elders, Excos and Members of OMO OKUN LIBERTY ASSOCIATION sincerely commiserate with the Paramount Ruler of Isanlu Kingdom, His Royal Majesty Oba (Dr) Moses Babatunde Etombi, the Agbana of Isanlu Kingdom and Chairman Yagba East Traditional Council all who have lost their beloved ones, as we look forward to total healing and peace in our beloved Isanlu…
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hardynwa · 1 year
Kogi killings: Igala/Bassa nationalities storm DHQ, protest alleged ethnic cleansing
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Ethnic nationalities in Kogi State took to the streets in Abuja on Tuesday to protest the serial killings allegedly orchestrated by agents of politicians. By 10 a.m., the ethnic nationalities under the aegis of the Coalition of Igala/Bassa Socio-Cultural Associations stormed the Garrison Command of Defence Headquarters in Abuja, chanting anti-government songs. They carried placards with inscriptions such as ‘Stop illegal arrest and detention of Kogites’, ‘Stop the killing of Igala/Bassa people in Kogi State’, ‘Let peace reign in Kogi State’, ‘Igala, Bassa, Okun and Egbira are all brothers’, ‘Protect our lives, it’s not rocket science, save Kogi youths’ and ‘Enough of the bloodbath.’ In a petition addressed to the Service Chiefs during the protest, the coalition accused the government of orchestrating violence, arson, and ethnic cleansing against the people of Igala/Bassa Kingdom in Kogi East Senatorial District. The petition was co-signed by representatives of various Igala/Bassa associations, including Dr. Ojoachele Akor Felix (Igala Youths Leaders Assembly), Comrade Jackson Omonu James (Okakachi Igala), Benjamin Sekpe, (Bassa Grand Alliance), Salifu Oguche Usman, (Ane Igala Restoration Network), Onogu Collins (Igala Youths Council), Chris Ukwenya (Ujuju Agbadufu Igala), Mabe Adaji (Iko Ukola Mabe), Abubakar Danmusa (Makoji Ata Foundation), and Peters Onuma (Kogi Conscience). The coalition alleged that since 2016, there had been a campaign of harassment, intimidation, and violence against political opponents and persons with divergent political views, particularly those from the Eastern Senatorial District of the state. The leader of the protesters and human rights activists, Jacob Okpanachi, cited incidents during the 2019 general elections and the Kogi State governorship elections where the properties of political leaders were destroyed and lives were lost. He alleged that the violence has continued in the lead-up to the 2023 general election, with numerous incidents involving attacks on political opponents and their properties. One such incident mentioned in the letter was the attack on Alhaji Yakubu Muritala Ajaka, a governorship candidate of the Social Democratic Party, on May 28. He also said that Radio Kogi, Ochaja Broadcasting Station, was vandalised and looted on June 2, 2023, for allegedly airing news about the attack on Alhaji Ajaka. The coalition also said thugs and even military officers had been used to perpetrate violence against the people of the Igala/Bassa Kingdom. The attack, according to the coalition, resulted in several casualties and the destruction of properties, including the murder of Bala Kabiru. They urged the Nigerian Navy and other relevant authorities to intervene and protect the people of the Igala/Bassa Kingdom from the violence and ethnic cleansing in Kogi State. The letter reads in part, “On account of the foregoing facts, we most respectfully pray to your very exalted office as follows. “We respectfully request that you thoroughly investigate our petition, in order to ascertain its veracity, and if found to be true, bring all persons and agencies who have participated in these horrific acts against our people to justice. “We also request that you take all necessary constitutional steps to protect our people and secure their right to political participation.” The group further sought intervention and protection for the people of the Igala/Bassa Kingdom from the Nigerian Navy and other relevant authorities. They stressed that the people of Igala/Bassa have suffered greatly primarily due to their larger population size and political influence within the state. “Our people have suffered greatly under Alhaji Yahaya Bello’s governance, which has been characterised by sheer brutality and high-handedness. The protesters called for immediate action from the Federal Government and relevant agencies, seeking thorough investigation and justice for those involved in the alleged acts of violence. They also asked for constitutional measures to protect their people and guarantee their right to political participation. Read the full article
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justinpamelausa · 1 year
Best Diversity Trainings in USA
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In the case of D.E.I., Dr. Dobbin and Dr. Kalev warn that diversity trainings that are mandatory, or that threaten dominant groups’ sense of belonging or make them feel blamed, may elicit negative backlash or exacerbate pre-existing biases.
Many popular contemporary D.E.I. approaches meet these criteria. They often seem geared more toward sparking a revolutionary re-understanding of race relations than solving organizations’ specific problems. And they often blame white people — or their culture — for harming people of color. For example, the activist Tema Okun’s work cites concepts like “objectivity” and “worship of the written word” as characteristics of “white supremacy culture.”
Robin DiAngelo’s “white fragility” trainings are intentionally designed to make white participants uncomfortable. And microaggression trainings are based on an area of academic literature that claims, without quality evidence, that common utterances like “America is a melting pot” harm the mental health of people of color. Many of these trainings run counter to the views of most Americans — of any color — on race and equality. And they’re generating exactly the sort of backlash that research predicts.
So what does work? Robert Livingston, a lecturer at the Harvard Kennedy School who works as both a bias researcher and a diversity consultant, has a simple proposal: “Focus on actions and behaviors rather than hearts and minds.”
Dr. Livingston suggests that it’s more important to accurately diagnose an organization’s specific problems with D.E.I. and to come up with concrete strategies for solving them than it is to attempt to change the attitudes of individual employees. And D.E.I. challenges vary widely from organization to organization:
Sometimes the problem has to do with the relationship between white and nonwhite employees, sometimes it has to do with the recruitment or retention of new employees and sometimes it has to do with disparate treatment of customers, think of Black patients prescribed less pain medication than white ones.
Buy Intruders book online at cheap price. Intruders book combines Hopkins' work with a young woman who had a UFO experience and compares her experience to others. A large part is a transcript of a hypnosis session conducted by Hopkins. Criminal was written in the 1980s and sometimes scientific and cultural references appear.
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Parkinson's disease afflicts thousands more Americans than previous estimates: new study
Parkinson’s disease afflicts thousands more Americans than previous estimates: new study
Some 90,000 people are diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease (PD) in the United States each year — which is roughly a 50% increase from previous estimated incidence rates, according to a recent 2022 Parkinson’s Foundation-backed study.  “The soaring numbers of Parkinson’s disease cases will lead to more falls, more hip fractures and more people requiring assisted living,” Dr. Michael S. Okun,…
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