#dr ross you can choke on tooth dust.
swagging-back-to · 2 years
dentist update
tldr; im transferring out of that fucking clownhouse quicker than you can say go.
so yeah it went as shittily as i knew it was going to. they scraped off my actual tooth enamel, shoved a sharp stick in it and wiggled and then were like "see!? you were lying! you fucking liar! your teeth are ROTTEN. give me your money NOW." not an exaggeration
and then they tried to say my wisdom teeth were coming in wrong... when theyre already out and perfectly straight. in fact, my teeth have only gotten BETTER since my wisdom teeth came in. they arent spaced out or crooked, theyre even spaced and have straighted out. but yeah no lets have this 60yo senile white guy YELL AT ME (he mightve used polite words but he was SHOUTING in my ear) and say i NEED to get them removed and then get actually petty and huffy when i said no. yeah no, im good with lining your fucking paychecks any more than i already have, it depresses me that i was forced to pay for this guys Cadillac for the past seven years as a child. because yes, he even has the gall to drive his cadillac to work every day and park it right iut front. thats how much of an asshole he is.
and then, because i didnt have any plaque, they got pissy and demanded i choke on flouride paste. literally would not let me leave until i choked on the flouride paste and then sat with a smile as i gagged and started crying. the woman at the desk, after hearing (and hearing about, while i ran to the bathroom and puked) the whole ordeal, looked at me with a smirk and brought up how i need the referal for the orthodontic surgion and the next appountment to be made and i looked her dead in her smug ass eyes and said "im forgoing both" and then walked out the damn door. i didnt even have the patience to put my mask back on for those three words, i just wanted to get tf out of there. as soon as i got in my car i grabbed my toothbrush from my pocket (because i KNEW they were going to do this.) i took it and started aggressively getting that nasty chemical shit from my mouth in full view of the reception desk window. i was still gagging and holding back vomit the entire drive home. (im still feeling sick and disgusting, which is exactly why i said NO.)
by the end of it i wasnt pretending to be nice, let's just say that. lucky i didnt claw their goddamn eyes out. yeah so im literally ~never~ going back to any dentist unless my tooth is breaking tf apart.
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