#and then kept me there for 45 minutes.
swagging-back-to · 2 years
dentist update
tldr; im transferring out of that fucking clownhouse quicker than you can say go.
so yeah it went as shittily as i knew it was going to. they scraped off my actual tooth enamel, shoved a sharp stick in it and wiggled and then were like "see!? you were lying! you fucking liar! your teeth are ROTTEN. give me your money NOW." not an exaggeration
and then they tried to say my wisdom teeth were coming in wrong... when theyre already out and perfectly straight. in fact, my teeth have only gotten BETTER since my wisdom teeth came in. they arent spaced out or crooked, theyre even spaced and have straighted out. but yeah no lets have this 60yo senile white guy YELL AT ME (he mightve used polite words but he was SHOUTING in my ear) and say i NEED to get them removed and then get actually petty and huffy when i said no. yeah no, im good with lining your fucking paychecks any more than i already have, it depresses me that i was forced to pay for this guys Cadillac for the past seven years as a child. because yes, he even has the gall to drive his cadillac to work every day and park it right iut front. thats how much of an asshole he is.
and then, because i didnt have any plaque, they got pissy and demanded i choke on flouride paste. literally would not let me leave until i choked on the flouride paste and then sat with a smile as i gagged and started crying. the woman at the desk, after hearing (and hearing about, while i ran to the bathroom and puked) the whole ordeal, looked at me with a smirk and brought up how i need the referal for the orthodontic surgion and the next appountment to be made and i looked her dead in her smug ass eyes and said "im forgoing both" and then walked out the damn door. i didnt even have the patience to put my mask back on for those three words, i just wanted to get tf out of there. as soon as i got in my car i grabbed my toothbrush from my pocket (because i KNEW they were going to do this.) i took it and started aggressively getting that nasty chemical shit from my mouth in full view of the reception desk window. i was still gagging and holding back vomit the entire drive home. (im still feeling sick and disgusting, which is exactly why i said NO.)
by the end of it i wasnt pretending to be nice, let's just say that. lucky i didnt claw their goddamn eyes out. yeah so im literally ~never~ going back to any dentist unless my tooth is breaking tf apart.
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tumblezwei · 9 months
Bear with me I'm about to go insane for a few paragraphs.
Actually scratch that I meant a lot of paragraphs, because this became so much longer than I intended.
A thing that Honkai Star Rail is utterly obsessed with doing is masking the involvement of Aeons in certain events or encounters with their own personal symbolic language. If you read a piece of text and it mentions amber or constructing walls, for example, you can be pretty confident that it's referencing Qilpoth. Similarly, mentions of flapping wings, multicolored material, or things smelling of fruit is likely in reference to Tayzzyronth.
The Swarm Disaster in particular is rife with this shit. You can drive yourself insane reading through Trailblaze Secrets trying to parse through whether this line is meant to refer to something, or if you've been staring for way too long and need to slow down. In particular you can drive yourself insane looking for references to Terminus the Finality.
Terminus in kind of annoying because they don't have an entry in the Data Bank, but they are referenced well enough that we know a decent cursory amount about them. The main facts being that they somehow exist and move backwards in time, they are currently asleep and murmur prophecies, and they have two factions: the Omen Vanguard and the Creed Exequy.
The symbols we can generally look out for when it comes to Finality are concepts of time moving backward, prophecies, and, of course, references to "finality."
And to add more context to what I'm about to say, I have to mention that the Finality is all over the Swarm Disaster (so is HooH the Equilibrium but I don't care about them right now). In one of the Trailblaze Secrets we learn than an Omen Vanguard managed to hear and decode part of the prophecy murmured by Terminus and tried to spread that prophecy to members of the genius Society, but all who learned of it were killed by Polka Kakamond along with the Omen Vanguard. And like, the same part has Finality prophesying Tayzzyronth's death, which maybe implies that this prophecy is what caused the whole Swarm Disaster in the first place. But I'm also not a great theorycrafter so take that with a massive grain of salt.
The point for this post being, Terminus is connected to Tazzyronth in terms of their possible role in the Swarm Disaster.
Why bring all of this up? Because I watched "the "Fables About the Stars" again.
This trailer is unique among the many Hoyo have put out because it's one of the best jumping off points we have to sorting out the different symbols and motifs used by the Aeons featured in it. One of whom is mentioned three separate times without being explicitly shown. And I bet you can guess who.
The final minute of the trailer, after the Harmony, we get a rush of lines and images about the unplayable Aeons that are likely important to HSR's story. The images and titles that flash by are, in order, Aha the Elation, Ouroboros the Voracity, Idrila the Beauty, Tayzzronth the Propagation, Mythus the Enigmata, HooH the Equilibrium, Fuli the Remembrance, and finally, Akivili the Trailblaze.
"But that's weird," you think. "Where are those mentions of the Finality you talked about?" And that, my fellow mentally ill friends, is where this gets fun for me. Because when you turn on closed captions for that video, almost each reference to an Aeon that Black Swan says is accompanied by another phrase in parenthesis. No other Aeon earlier in the video gets this, it's just the Aeons in that last minute.
Now, some of these are in reference to the Aeon that the line in Black Swan's poem is referring to. But others, in my opinion, are referring to one Aeon in particular.
Aha -
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Ouroboros -
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Tazzyronth -
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Mythus -
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The first reference to Finality I think appears is right after "the mariner's intemperance" with this line:
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"End of All Things" seems pretty Finality-coded to me. Why they are referred to as "the infant" I can't tell you. maybe something to do with how they exist backwards in time. Much like the prophecy given on Tayzzronth, perhaps Finality's existence predates their birth. Another strange aspect of this line is it's transition into Idrila, who doesn't seem to get a reference at all. The glass shattering into their title might imply that they are "the mirror," something suported by the fact that one of The Beauty's factions is called the Mirror Holders, but I don't really know enough to be confident about that. Considering Idrila is one of the missing Aeons, we can maybe take this line as a hint that Finality also had a role in Idrila's disappearance.
The next reference I've already shown. Just after Idrila we have the line introducing the Propagation, and the phrase (as they enter the dream (Consciousness)." If my ramblings about the Swarm Disaster previously were coherent enough, you might have already connected the dots on this one. If Terminus was indeed responsible for Tayzzronth's ascent to Aeonhood, then this line can be ready fairly literally. To put it in less flowery words: "Listen to the Propagation as it spawns into existence."
The third reference is thus:
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Now, "the shapeless prince" is a reference to HooH, of that I'm....mostly certain. And what makes me the most certain is the next phrase "Against the Current." The concept of "currents" being another fun little symbolic reference to Terminus.
Reading more into the Swarm Disaster, you can also begin to see that HooH, alongside Ena the Order, is greatly involved in the Propagation's demise. Tayzzronth's appearance disrupted the equilibrium of the universe, and obviously that's HooH's whole shtick. So Terminus (who flows backwards in time) murmurs a prophecy that spawns Tayzzronth into existence, and HooH (Against the Current) participates in Tayzzronth's destruction. You see what I mean?
And that's. Really it. As a closing note, you know what else is fun? Outside of Idrila (maybe, neither I nor the other lore enthusiasts I follow have quite parsed that out), each Aeon mentioned in that last minute of the Fables About the Stars trailer has a role in the Swarm Disaster. Aha, of course, was one of the key players who was brought on by Ena and further recruited Akivili for help. Ouroboros was created because of the Swarm Disaster. Followers of the Enigmata are mentioned creating false histories of the disaster (this one is my personal theory). HooH as previously explained. And Fuli because of this one particular Trailblaze Secret which might have been about Akivili falling into IX and Fuli grabbing their memories before they were consumed, but honestly this post is long enough and I'll explain that one later if people are interested.
But uh, yeah. The Swarm Disaster has made me go a little nuts and so has the Finality.
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sodafrog13 · 7 months
*comes out of the door labeled "google docs" visibly harrowed and covered in blood* hi
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zelle-png · 10 months
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Some assorted pen doodles from the past month that I ended up digitizing :)
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willowfey · 11 days
a small joy of mine is when i’m somewhere and i see a gorgeous boy i’ll never see again and he definitely notices me looking & gets shy about it or smiles to himself. like i will never talk to u we will never meet again but i’m glad u felt good about urself for a minute
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fumrell · 7 months
Mental health in such a bad spot that not even fursona art can help
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legzeppelin · 10 months
so anyway. i told jackson i was making chili for us but i might have put too much tomato sauce in it and he sounded really disappointed and was like ah man. I hate it when chili has too much tomato sauce. and i was like.......okay you dont have to eat it. And he said "im just really picky because my mom makes really bomb ass chili and she and her friend really perfected it. They worked really hard on their recipe. i just hate it when theres too much tomato sauce". and i was like okay...i also have a really great chili recipe....i just fucked up this time. and i was like trying not to cry because i was so excited about making chili today and i was looking forward to seeing him and he just had no idea that it was hurtful to basically just go on about how good his moms chili is after i fucked mine up and i didnt want to explain that to him because i knew it would be pointless so i just didnt say anything for a while and long story short he hung up on me while i was crying and trying to gather my thoughts and then i confronted him about that and to make another long story short he worked himself up into yelling and literally screaming at me about how everyone is always giving him shit about everything (everyone gets sick of him because he cant regulate his emotions like at all and is really insecure) and i was like wow this is fucking embarrassing (i didnt say that). but i was like dude you are a child. and to make another long story short i decided to break up with him obviously but was too burned out to think and i was starting to have an immune response to exhaustion and stress so i was just like "i need to go. we need to get together and talk in person soon." and he was like so you dont want me to come over tonight? and i said no. i need to go. and he said ok. and i was like "okay bye" and hung up.
and then he texted me "you didnt say you love me when you said goodbye 😟" and i just ignored it because i was just dumbfounded and then he called me and i didn't answer and he called meAGAIN and i felt bad so i picked up and he was literally in tears sobbing "why didnt you say you loved me" and i could tell he was also driving so i told him i loved him to calm him down and then got off the phone as quickly as possible
like hoooooooooooooly shit dude. this guy is like 14 emotionally (hes turning 31 next month)
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yumiluna · 2 years
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and i said idol au based off this song specifically because i love merging my interests  😤 😤 😤 😤 😤 😤
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heyitslapis · 10 months
Walked out of work today bc long story short a guest decided that she was gonna lecture me/use me & my "abhorrent, disrespectful attitude" as an example of a lesson for one of her student & I decided that standing there & being belittled wasn't worth it
#i only gave her back the disrespect she was giving me. not even as bad as she was dishing either#granted i couldve kept my composure but also she was up at the desk for 45 minutes making a mountain out of a molehill#& among other things in her ''lecture'' she told me that if any of her students or employees acted the way i did they'd be dismissed & fire#she said ''post covid there are PLENTY of people who would be lucky & LOVE to have any work right now'' & i thought#yknow. i love my job. but i dont deserve this. this isnt worth it#so i turned to the food & beverage manager who was the only MOD & said ''actually i think i will go home''#i called my AGM after i left & let her know the whole situation. even told her i understand if im fired or written up bc of this but its no#worth standing there & being lectured & having this lady lie to my face about things i said/did. i dont deserve to be treated like that#the woman really told me ''this couldve been a teachable moment for you'' LMAO lady i will let a LOT of shit slide#but i refuse to be the subject of your lesson & i certainly dont get paid enough to have anyone who isnt management lecture me#it just feels weird though. ive never walked out before. never spotainiously taken the night off. never had a situation like this before#it feels weird having left & it feels weird sitting in my bed trying to enjoy my night when my brain knows im supposed to be at work rn#oh well#my AMG said im definetly not fired & she'll talk to the lady in the morning. i couldnt care less if i was though. theres always other jobs#and to preface i even apologized to the woman both for my behavior & the disrespect. yet she still felt like making an example of me#what a week its been#emma rambles#emma vents#2023 tag
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hira492 · 1 year
Okay, just 4 hours till I get to watch the episodes...
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libartz · 11 months
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Waiting for LOD to finish generating
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origamiyoda · 2 years
Did u learn any cool bug facts from worm lady?
UH I found out that one of the only reasons most common wasps are "aggressive" is because, like EVERY OTHER ANIMAL, youve probably gotten too close to their babies !! (that being said she also said that, like EVERY OTHER ANIMAL, there r some bugs that r just. Mean on purpose)
AND when they swarm its bcos theyve released a pheromone that tells the other wasps that youre a potential danger to their babies to protect them, WHICH IS ACTUALLY WHATS HAPPENING WHEN U CUT INTO AN ONION AND CRY!!!! Thats the onion trying to protect itself !!!!
IDK I thought that was p cool :]
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bibleofficial · 1 year
my brother is being so weird like leave me out of it !!!! i mean he’s having an emotional breakdown or smthg idk but why’s he bringing it to ME !!!! take it to SOMEONE ELSE mr. MONEYBAGS !!!! what do u want from ME !!!! take ur own advice & ‘get over it’ !!!
#diary#like ‘it’s all in ur head !!!’ like yea buddy now u don’t like that it’s in URS huh#wish i cared !#go DRINK ALONE like an ADULT#or do other DRUGS#like sorry i’m spending all my money on drugs & i love it#not him going ‘i love u’ ‘i’m happy that we’re siblings’ girl STOPPPP the DRAMAAA#shut the fuck up !!!!!!!!!!!!!! i’m not payed enough for this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!#he’s like ‘wow work is so tough’ bro u play video games for 6 of the 8 hours u are on the clock#what do u WANT FROM ME !!!!!!!!#i’ve been live typing this since he’s come to bother me#‘do u ever overthink’ what are we 12 i swear to god if he doesn’t threaten to kill himself im going to put my head through a wall ur a grown#he keeps talking abt ‘when u used to go to therapy’ like yea when i went to therapy after telling our father that he was the reason i kept#wanting to kill myself#like nearly 10 years ago & haven’t been back since like 2018 😭😭😭#like if u want to go to therapy do it on ur OWN TIME#bro it’s been like 20 minutes i’m so fucking mad i was going to rest by eyes for 45 minutes before showering but he’s eating up like half of#it & i still have to fucking shower#i’m fumin#the way i’m just laying on the couch silently minding my own business full resting bitch face staring at my phone while he sits on the stool#w his head in his hands like girl get a GRIP#go do this BY URSELF ALONE IN UR ROOM#LIKE EVERYONE FUCKING ELSE IN THIS WORLD#like oh my GOD#if i can do this ??? if i can unhealthily stuff my emotions in myself while relying solely on nicotine caffeine & thc constantly so i can’t#focus on anything in my head :3c#SO CAN U !!!!!#develop REAL addictions douche bag !!!!!#the way he’s saved this shit to pull for MY spring break like ok#so i just can’t fucking enjoy anytbing
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shatterstar · 2 years
the xforce youngblood crossovers might literally be the worst comics I've ever read in my life and, to quote sara lovebugglow, I've read xforce:shatterstar. ricochet rita was there but GOD at WHAT fucking cost. only the very vaguest allusion to her connection with longshot. she was basically just there to be sexy and do exposition. I think annie nocenti should get to hunt everyone involved in these 2 issues for sport. speaking of which there was also some of the worst longshot characterization I personally have ever read in my life and I've read peter davids x factor investigations. they made my girl into a stoic actionman I will never forgive that. the literal ONLY redeeming quality to these 2 issues was that in one of them rita was wearing this purple robe thing that was the same exact color as shatterstar's xforce uniform. ourple: it runs in the family. finally, THIS is where it is established that there's only one mojoverse and no alternate versions exist. Was starting to worry I made that one up
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vitamin-zeeth · 1 year
I've regained some of my sanity back and for some reason one of the few things I remember clearly about last night is getting utterly fucking transfixed by a little yellow thing with circles in it that you press and it goes p p p p p and everyone said they were really common but I've never seen one before what the fuck
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pktv · 2 years
pro tip maybe dont cater to your child's every whim (like driving an hour away to rent him the exact same kind of used saxophone he's got now just because he's tired of playing his current, unbroken rental) so he doesnt grow up into an insufferable alpha-sigma male mindset manchild who will probably abuse his spouse
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