#quote unquote doctor ross
swagging-back-to · 2 years
dentist update
tldr; im transferring out of that fucking clownhouse quicker than you can say go.
so yeah it went as shittily as i knew it was going to. they scraped off my actual tooth enamel, shoved a sharp stick in it and wiggled and then were like "see!? you were lying! you fucking liar! your teeth are ROTTEN. give me your money NOW." not an exaggeration
and then they tried to say my wisdom teeth were coming in wrong... when theyre already out and perfectly straight. in fact, my teeth have only gotten BETTER since my wisdom teeth came in. they arent spaced out or crooked, theyre even spaced and have straighted out. but yeah no lets have this 60yo senile white guy YELL AT ME (he mightve used polite words but he was SHOUTING in my ear) and say i NEED to get them removed and then get actually petty and huffy when i said no. yeah no, im good with lining your fucking paychecks any more than i already have, it depresses me that i was forced to pay for this guys Cadillac for the past seven years as a child. because yes, he even has the gall to drive his cadillac to work every day and park it right iut front. thats how much of an asshole he is.
and then, because i didnt have any plaque, they got pissy and demanded i choke on flouride paste. literally would not let me leave until i choked on the flouride paste and then sat with a smile as i gagged and started crying. the woman at the desk, after hearing (and hearing about, while i ran to the bathroom and puked) the whole ordeal, looked at me with a smirk and brought up how i need the referal for the orthodontic surgion and the next appountment to be made and i looked her dead in her smug ass eyes and said "im forgoing both" and then walked out the damn door. i didnt even have the patience to put my mask back on for those three words, i just wanted to get tf out of there. as soon as i got in my car i grabbed my toothbrush from my pocket (because i KNEW they were going to do this.) i took it and started aggressively getting that nasty chemical shit from my mouth in full view of the reception desk window. i was still gagging and holding back vomit the entire drive home. (im still feeling sick and disgusting, which is exactly why i said NO.)
by the end of it i wasnt pretending to be nice, let's just say that. lucky i didnt claw their goddamn eyes out. yeah so im literally ~never~ going back to any dentist unless my tooth is breaking tf apart.
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comicwaren · 3 months
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“Aside from your promise of extorting tiny Irishmen on my behalf, working for quote-unquote heroes is a gas.” -- Taskmaster
Cover art for Doctor Strange Vol. 6 #013, “Cobolorum Pt. 1”
Art by Alex Ross
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duketheman · 5 years
Generation 4 Part 2
We both break out in laughter. That George is a character. Sense of humor, a heart & knowledge. He's a good man & a good friend. I hit the jackpot when I hired him. No regrets! I get my friend George home by 4:00pm. I pull out an envelope & say: ~Oh George, Payday!!!! I hand him the envelope with the check in it & thank him for a great job well done. He looks at the check and says: ~Harry, der be too much, Ders $550.00 hear~ I reply: ~George, You're not paid by the hour, nor the day, you're paid a salary! Today's payday. Your Salary is $550.00 per week. A week consist of whatever falls between Monday through Friday. You may work a few hours or a bunch of hours. You may be charged with running things. I sometimes have to be away. In that case you will receive an extra $250.00 per week & I will bring a second mate in to assist you. As you will act as Captain.~ He replies: ~aye Harry, ya da Captain. Me be thankin ya Harry. Drive safe Harry, ya like me Brother Harry.~ George is a Hell of a great guy! He doesn't want a dime that doesn't belong to him. I want to help him. He deserves whatever I can do for him! This job takes talent. You need to know what you're doing out here in the Devil's Triangle! It's like George said ~ Quote- Dem Der storms can come up on ya like Da Spirits of Hell & swallow ya up in Da swells like da Whale. -Unquote~ He's got the knowledge, I trust him, I like him! It's not charity! So he can be happy to know that. I'm home by 4:30pm & Mary asks: ~How'd your day go my Harry? I answer: ~It was a good day Darling! God is Good! You know Darling, I'm really happy we got to Know George & Lucy! Really good people! She replies: ~I know Harry, I like them. Harry, Can we go out to eat tonight? I reply: ~Now Darling, have you been taking lessons from George?~ She replies: ~Harry, whatever do you mean?~ I reply: ~'O Darling, mind reading! I was going you ask if you'd like to go to Sundowners for Dinner. Maybe the Caribbean after for a little dancing?~ She replies rather excitedly: ~Now Harry, are you feeling Frisky, she, smiles, winks (Her winks drive me insane) & says: I'll be ready by 6:00pm! She wraps those arms around me, & plants those always delicious lips against mine. No man can ever wish for more than what I have in my life! She's ready By 6:00 pm & is as Beautiful as always. She's wearing a Trumpet/Mermaid Scoop Neck Floor-Length Satin Evening Dress that fits her perfectly. Shows off her figure but yet doesn't flaunt it! She has on Pointed toe Blue Suede Stiletto Heel Pumps. Her hair as usual is worn combed naturally down her back the way I like it. She's wearing Diamond earrings to match her Wedding rings & a 2ct Diamond "V" Necklace. She's Stunning, absolutely stunning! I take her hand & kiss it, & say: ~Your carriage awaits~ I put her arm in mine & escort her to my Beamer & walk her to the passenger side, open the door & help her in. I feel so giddish. It's like my first date again! Man I love this Woman!........
We get to Sundowners at 6:45pm. I tip the Valet & we go inside. We have reservations so there's no wait. Being a Friday night, the place is packed. We're seated & order drinks. Mary orders just a Soda water. I ask if she's feeling well & she says she's fine. She's just in the mood for Soda water! I reach over, take her hands in mine & say: ~Mary Newport, You're the best thing that ever happened to me! I love you!~ She looks at me and smiles, winks (Ohhhh that wink!) & says: ~Harold Newport, You're the best thing that ever happened to me too, I love you. You know what Harry? I've got a bit of a secret to tell you!~ I ask: ~You do? She replies: ~I do! There's one in the oven Harry!~ I reply: ~What? Let me call JR, I'll have him check the oven.~ She says: ~No silly..... I mean we're going to have a Baby Harry!~ She's smiling really large. I'm not sure if she's pulling a fast on me or not. I ask: ~ Darling, really, we're going to have a Baby.~ She replies: ~Yes Harry! The Doctor confirmed it today! I ask a stupid question: ~But when, how, I mean aaah oh Darling I love you so much! We have to build a Nursery. I got to get George to help me. Oh & JR is Going to love it. He always wanted a little Brother. Ohhhh. We don't know yet do we? How far along are we Darling? I can't even tell!~ She replies: ~six weeks my love. Next week's my Ultrasound. You're coming with me, aren't you? That's when we'll learn the gender of the baby!~I reply: Darling, of course I am! I wouldn't miss it for the world. George can handle the "Willow"! I will get Nicholas from the Agency for a Second Mate. I want George as Captain to make the decisions. Yet still drive the boat! George is gentle & treats her like a Lady! She looks at me & remarks: I'm glad you finally have a good friend Harry that you can trust! Let's eat. I want to go dancing!~ She looks so very happy! Her face is glowing! Now I understand the reason behind the Soda water. Mary's always told me she's never thought pregnant woman should be drinking alcohol! We finish eating & go outside the Restaurant. I give the Valet my ticket & he retrieves my Beamer. I tip him & he opens the passenger door for my wife, I help her in & close the door. I tip him & walk around to the Driver's side, get in & we head for the Caribbean. It's 10:00pm & from the looks of the parking lot, it's packed! I tip the Valet & he parks the car. We walk inside & the Waiter has our table ready. He takes our order. Mary's drinking Ginger Ale & I'm drinking Coke, as I will be driving & want to make sure she has a wonderful time but not have any problems, that alcohol may render me less able to take care of! We dance & dance to every favorite beat she hears. I'm getting tired, you'd think I'm the pregnant one! Where does my Wonder Woman get all her energy? I ask: ~Darling, don't overdo yourself?~ She replies: ~Harry relax, chalk this up to exercise! What I'm going to be doing is nothing compared to this!~ I reply: ~Yes Darling, I'll try to remember that!~ She smiles & motions to me; now let's dance! This is really a night to celebrate. I can't wait to let my parents know. Or for that, I'm sure my Mother in-law will be quite excited. This will be their first Grandchild, although they consider JR as much their's as if blood. Tomorrow we'll get together with JR & let him know! It's 2:00am & the last song is playing. It's our favorite: "Stand By Me" by Otis Redding! I pull my wife in real close to me & dance old school with her! I love this Woman & I love these moments! The song has ended, the lights come on & it's time to leave. I take my beautiful wife by the hand & tell her: ~Darling, I love you more today than yesterday & now more than I did before my last breath. Thank you for making my life so wonderful Darling!~ She says to me: ~'O Harry, My Harry, you're the most romantic Man on Earth. The only man I've ever loved. The only man I will ever love. Harry take me home my love?~ I reply: ~Your Wish is My Command!~ I place her arm in mine & I escort her out the door. I hand my ticket to the Valet & he retrieves my Beamer. He opens the passenger door, I help my wife in & close the door. I tip the Valet, walk around to the Driver's side & get in. We head home. On the way home I ask my wife: Mary: ~You'd think we could ask George & Lucy to be The Godparents!~ She replies: Harry, I think that's a wonderful idea!~ We're home by 3:15am. I open the door & help my wife out. I escort her arm in arm to the house, open the door & say: ~Mary; ( I smile, pick her up & carry her over the thrush hold) I love you I say!~ She replies: ~I love you more my Harry!~ I always loved how she calls me her Harry! We go to bed & have a wonderful night of love in every way possible!
Saturday, April 20 John Ross Learns The News We wake about 8:30am. We decided to sleep in. I've got it on my mind to hire some help for Mary, at least until the baby comes; & even after. I hear JR moving around downstairs. I know he's hungry. Mary's in the bathroom. I'm going down to the kitchen & surprise her & cook them both breakfast! I haven't forgotten how! Besides she deserves a break! I get to the kitchen & JR is patiently sitting at the table waiting for us & says: ~Good morning Dad! You two kids had a late night of it!~ He bends his head to the side & smiles like he knows what his mother & I did! I replied: Good morning: ~Young Man! Your Mother will be down directly. I want to surprise her! Want to help?~ He replies: ~Yeah sure Dad, anything for Mom!~ We're fixing her Blueberry Pancakes, (Her recipe) Hot Syrup, Pork Sausage links, Poached Eggs, Hot Mocha Coffee & Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice. Mary comes down the stairs just as we are finishing up the Poached Eggs. She says: ~What's this?~ Those big Beautiful Green eyes of hers are wide open in surprise! She adds: ~I can't believe you two did this for me, 'O I love you both so very much.~ I reply: ~Ok Darling, It's hot, & we want you to sit down & enjoy it. We are at your service. After you're finished eating, myself & JR will do the dishes. Then we can all sit down & have a nice talk about the surprise.~ She replies: ~Okay my Harry, that sounds like a good idea. It's time my John Ross knows what's going on!~ JR says: ~What? haaaa, what's going on?~ She says: ~Now there John Ross, just you don't worry about it for now, it's a surprise!~ He shrugs his shoulders in wonder & replies: ~Okay Mom!~ She eats her food, all the time with mmmmh & aaahh & oohhhh this is good! She really enjoyed her food. & we enjoyed making it for her. She finishes her breakfast & we pick up the dishes from the table. I wash & JR dries. Everything is done. We all sit down. I ask Mary: ~More coffee Darling!~ She replies: ~No thank you Harry, too much coffee is not good for me!~ JR asks:~Since when Mom? Are you ok, sick?~ She replies: ~Im fine, my Dear Dear John Ross. My Baby that I've loved since the very moment you've come into my life. John Ross, we have a Surprise for you! You're going to be a Big Brother soon!~ He replies: ~Mom, you mean, you're going to have a Baby?~ She replies: ~I do John Ross, what do you think about it?~ He replies: ~Mom, I'm happy, really happy. But when? I'm going to have to get leave from school, I want to be here when the baby comes. I say: Oh yes when is the due date, I forgot to ask in all my excitement. She replies to both of us: December 06, 2019, Twenty five days before your Birthday John Ross. You will already be home on Christmas Leave. I figured Maybe we could spend the Holidays in Madison County. I figured I could have the baby in Madison County Hospital. It's the Best one in the County & near the Mansion. None Of your Grandparents, I mean all five of them are not getting any younger. The Mansion is the perfect place for all of us to meet & spend the Holidays together & they'll be there when the baby is born. I've already talked to your Mother my Harry, she has agreed that if it's a go with you & John Ross, then it's a go with the rest of us!~ I reply: ~Of course Darling, that's a wonderful idea! Darling, would it be ok to invite George & his family?~ She replies: ~You read my mind My Harry!~ She asks JR: ~How about you John Ross, the plann sound ok with you?~ He replies: ~Yes Mam, Mom, I like it. One question Boy or Girl?~ She replies: ~'O My John Ross, does it matter?~ He replies: ~No, not really Mom, just curious!~ She says: We'll find out my next Dr's appt on April 25. I will be sure to call you & let you know my John Ross! She smiles & gives him that special wink. He smiles back in approval! I ask Mary: ~Is there anything I can do for you Darling?~ She replies: ~Yes My Harry, Stop treating me like there's something wrong with me! I'm pregnant, not crippled, & only 6 1/2 weeks my love. I loved the surprise but now, you two boys go play! I have things to do!~ She kisses me, kisses JR on the cheek & says: ~I love you, now let me do my work!~ We look at each other & go about our business! I call George & ask: ~Hey, want to go have a beer?~ He replies: ~aye Harry, me whistle needin a wetten!~ I say~ Be there in fifteen minutes!~ I ask JR: Need a Ride to Kellyanne's?~ He replies: ~Sure Dad, thanks!~ We hop in the Beamer & head to George's house. We get to George's house at 11:15am. George comes out of his house as JR passes him going in. I say: ~Hey George, ~Mary & I are having a Baby!~ He replies: ~Aaaah! Ohhh Captain Harry, me Brudder. Ya been a busy man have ya~ & laughs under his breath. He adds: ~God He be lookin on ya with da favor. I knowed it. Ya be a lucky man Harry, a lucky man.~ I ask: ~George. We've decided to have the Baby in Madison County. It's on the border of North Carolina. That way all of JR's Grandparents can be there. It's during Christmas Holidays George. Would you be interested in joining us. My parents live in a Mansion & it's plenty big. George, We would be honored if you & Lucy were to be the Godparents?~ He's looking at me, teary eyed, hardly able to utter the words & replies: ~aye Harry, it be our Honors to be fer sure. Me give ya me word Harry, ya never regret it Sir!~ I reply: ~I have no doubt George, Oh George, one more thing, before I forget! I'm going to need you to Captain the "Willow" on Thursday, the 25th.~ He replies: ~aye Harry! Ya go be with ya wife! Me be takin care of ya boat, don't ya be worry bout dat Captain Harry! We reach Sharkey's Pub on the Wharf at 12:30pm I park & we go in & have a seat. I ask George: ~Want a bite to eat with that Beer George?~ He replies: ~aye Harry, Much obliged, Me belly be achin, Me lips be parched! I order two Buds & we look the menu over. I ask ~George: What are you going to have George?~ He replies: ~Dos der Fish -n- Chips sure be lookin tasty!~ I reply: ~Agreed, I'll have the same!~ I call for the waiter & say: ~We'll have two Fish & Chips, go heavy on the chips. Oh , & bring us a couple more Buds please? Thanks?~ Ahh, our order's here! One thing about Sharkey's, when they serve you a Basket of Fish & Chips, you can't complain. You're going to get a stomach full! I ask George: ~What do you think George?~ He replies: ~Mighty good Harry! Me be owen Ya Harry!~ I reply: ~George my Brother, You don't owe me anything! You give me everything I need just by being the friend you are! You see George, Good friends are hard to come by, & I hit the Jackpot when I came by you!~ He's looking at me with a kind of Brotherly love in his eyes & says: ~Harry, ya like me Brudder & Me love ya like me Blood, If ya ever be needen somthin, ya be lettin me know! I reply: ~You got it George! Eat up my Brother!~ We toast to friendship & enjoy our meal together! We finish up, have one more beer & go home to the wives. I have to say, I enjoyed my day with George! I haven't been out for a Beer with a friend in a long time! I'm home about 6:00pm & I walk in the door, Mary kisses me & says: ~Hello Dear, enjoy your day out with George?~ I reply: ~I did Darling! I really like George. He's really a great guy! She replies: ~That's Good my Harry, it's about time you had a friend! We're having Pot roast for dinner, green beans. Mashed Potatoes & brown gravy.~ I reply: ~My Darling, how did I ever get so lucky to have you come into life?~ She replies: ~I don't know Harry, you might ask John Ross that!~ Turns around & starts to walk away, stops, turns, smiles & winks at me, then goes into the kitchen. She had me going for a moment! I love her so much! I'm going upstairs & clean up for dinner! That's better, I'm starved! I go to the Dining room & sit down at the end of the table. JR is already sitting & Kellyanne has joined us for dinner. She's trying to spend as much time time with him as possible as he will be leaving for School Monday morning. Tomorrow is Easter Sunday. We will be attending Church. I ask Kellyanne: ~Will you & your family be attending Church for Easter Sunday Kellyanne?~ She replies: ~Yes Sir Mr Newport! We attend at the First Baptist Church of Key Largo. I say: ~If it's alright with your parents, I don't mind picking you up in the morning & you & JR can attend together since we all go to the same Church.~ She replies: ~'O Mr Newport, thank you so much. I'm sure it'll be fine. I'll have my daddy call you.~ I say: ~That's okay Kellyanne, I'll call him after dinner!~ She replies: ~Thank you Mr Newport! I say Mary: ~Darling, everything looks so wonderful. Smells absolutely delicious!~ She replies: ~Well thank you my Harry, I hope you enjoy it. I know Pot roast is yours & John Ross's favorite.~ Mary is always thinking the best for us. I really have to do something special for her! After dinner I tell Mary: ~Darling, take the night off my love, I'm going to do the dishes & clean the kitchen up! You two kids go spend time together!~ My wife looks at me, smiles & says: ~Thank you My Harry, & that was nice of you, what you said to the kids! & Harry, I love you!~ I finish up the kitchen & join my wife in the other room. We sit down & just listen to music. We turn on the radio & listen to Oldies but Goodies & talk about when we first met & fell in love. We cuddle & like Teenagers (Make out) on the sofa! It feels good to just spend time with my wife. Before we know it, 10:00pm comes about & I need to get Kellyanne home! I kiss my wife & holler: ~Lets go! The kids come right away & we load up in the Beamer & take Kellyanne home! JR escorts her to the door & assures she's inside. He gets back in the car & we head home! We get home & I go upstairs, open the bedroom door & my Beautiful wife is already in bed. She says:~Hello Big Boy!~ She pulls back the sheets & there she is, more beautiful than any woman on this Earth & as naked as the day God created her. All I can do is to disrobe & join her in this rendezvous of love. Goodnight all! 
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Easter Sunday April 21 We're all up & ready bright & early! It's Easter Sunday! Church isn't until 9:00am but my Wife still has to have an Easter Basket for her John Ross! & he's just as excited as he was when he received his first one! She calls:~ John Ross!~ He replies: ~Yes Mother? Coming Mom! He enters the Library & sees the Basket & as usual becomes excited at the prospect of what's in it! He doesn't believe in the Easter Bunny any longer but he knows the Easter Mommy got it for him. He opens his arms & gives her a Bear hug & then says: ~Oh no, Mom! You alright! I'm so sorry. Did I hurt you.~ She stops him & says: ~John Ross, it's okay my Baby, you didn't hurt me. You can show me love. It's fine!~ A world of relief came over his face & he was happy again! That boy would go through Hell for his Mother! There is chocolate bunnies, licorice, jelly beans, chewing gum, peanuts, corn nuts, homemade chocolate chip cookies, waiting tablets & pencils, socks & underwear, & everything a boy coul need at school as well as other favorite things of his! He says: ~Mom, you thought of everything!~ She replies: ~I tried My John Ross! There's an envelope in there too. Open it when you get to School, not before!~ He replies: ~Yes Mam! I love you Mom. She kisses him on the cheek & he hugs & kisses her back. That boy loves his Mother & she loves him! It's 8:15am & we've got to get going if we're going to pick Kellyanne up & get to Church on time! We arrive at George's at 8:30am & Kellyann is waiting on the Doorsteps. JR rushes up & escorts her to the car & helps her in the backseat. He's quite the Gentleman, (Takes after his old Dad if I say so myself) We're on our way! We arrive at the First Baptist Church of Key Largo at 8:55am with George & Lucy close behind! We walk the doors & are greeted by Bishop Gilbert who will be conducting the Easter Services, & Pastor James, the Sitting Pastor of the Church. We shake hands & are ushered in & seated, Followed directly by George & Lucy! Service is beginning. "Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty........ "The hymn plays as the Bishop leads the Pastor, the Bible bearer, Candle lighters, Visiting Pastors & special Guest. Finally the Choir comes in from the rear of the Altar.................. 12:00pm Church ends & I'm taking everyone out to lunch: ~George, you coming?~ He replies: ~Where to Mate~ I say: ~Easter Dinner George, you coming?~ He replies: ~aye, Me belly achin, talkin to me it be!
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We head to Gus's Grille in the Marriott. Great dining. It's 1240pm & we arrive. We tip the Valet, go inside. I've already called ahead so no waiting. We have Prime rib cooked to perfection & a beautiful Honey Baked Ham w/ all the fixings. It's a wonderful meal. It's 5:00pm & we're finished eating. I pay the tab & tip out. We need to get home! I promise George to have Kellyanne home by 9:30pm. JR will be leaving on a 5:00am flight to Brownsville Texas. There's no tours scheduled for tomorrow so I tell him he can take the day off! We're home, it's 6:15pm & we go inside. Easter Dinner was big so Mary decides she's just going to prepare sandwiches & chips for tonight. Kids can spend what time they have together & we'll just kick back & enjoy each other's company! It's 8:30pm : I have to take Kellyann home. I can hear her crying and telling JR: ~'O John Ross, I'm going to miss you terribly. What am I going to do? I love you so much John Ross. Please come back to me soon?~ He replies: ~I love you too Kellyanne with all my heart. I'll be back in December! I promise. We're all going up to my Grandma's Mansion for Christmas Vacation together. You're just going to love it!~ I get to the corner as he embraces her & stop! They kiss & only after do I enter. I say: ~Let's go kids, I promised your Father Kellyann that you'd be home by 9:30pm.~She replies: ~Yes Sir Mr Newport!~ JR escorts her to the Beamer, we load up & head for her house. We arrive at 9:25pm & JR escorts her to the door & kisses her one final time just before Lucy opens the door. He comes back to the car & we head home. We get home & He's silent. I say: ~JR, won't be long & you'll be home!~ He replies: ~I know Dad, I'm just going to miss her! I love her Dad, I mean I really love her! I don't even look at another girl Dad. She's the only girl I've ever wanted!~ I reply: ~You know son, that's the way it is with us Newport Men! Your Great Grandfather, Your Grandfather, yes & me too! I never looked at or wanted another woman until I lost your Mother Julia! She was my everything. You were the only reason I stayed together after her death! Then came Mary. She taught me that I could love again. & You loved her too, even better she loved you! I really in my heart think Julia guided us to Mary!~ He replies: ~You know Dad, I never told anyone, but, I use to dream about her, you know my Mother! In my dream she would tell me it's okay to love her. She told me: ~She loves you very much! She'll take care of you John Ross! You & your Daddy need her! I've never forgot my birth Mom & never will, but I love Mom too with all my heart & soul!~ I reply: ~I know son, & she knows too! & Julia's looking down on you from Heaven with pride! She came to me in a dream once too! You're the only one I've ever told!~ He turns to me & smiles. We're home & we go inside & go upstairs. We've got to get up early in the morning. My Beautiful wife is tired out & in bed already. I tip toe into the bedroom, disrobe, climb into bed, kiss her gently, wrap my arms around her & fall asleep knowing I have the best woman man could ever have in life, in my arms! Monday, April 22nd Alarm going off, it's 2:30am! I reach over & gently tap my wife on her shoulder & say: ~Mary, time to wake Darling, we've got to take JR to the Airport. We want to make sure he eats a good breakfast!~ She rolls over & says: ~Okay my Harry!~ I go in the Bathroom, wash up & shave. I go down stairs & put on the coffee. I go back upstairs & make sure JR is awake & getting ready! I go back down stairs, Cook some bacon up, scramble some eggs and cheddar cheese, throw some frozen biscuits I keep on hand just for these occasions in the oven. I put butter & jelly on the table. I'm pouring the coffee as my Beautiful wife is coming down the stairs! She's quite happy to just sit down to a cup of coffee & wake up! I kiss her Good morning, tell her how beautiful she is & how much I love her! By that time here come our young Marine! I say: ~Hungry son?~ He replies Yes Dad, thanks. I'm starving!~ We eat, I pick up the table & leave the dishes until I get home. I take JR's Bags out to the Beamer & load them up in the trunk. I come back in & escort my wife to the car & we're off to the Airport! His flight leaves at 5:00am & we want to get him checked in so we can sit with him a little bit before he has to go through Security! We reach the Miami International by 3:45am. It's early & I drop Mary & JR of at the Curb. I park in the Garage & walk across to the terminal! I meet the at the self Check-in. We have fifteen minutes to sit & say goodbye. I see the tears already forming in Mary's eyes! JR says: ~Mom, please don't cry, I'll be back soon! You're making me feel bad, I can't stand to see you cry Mom, please? I love you!~ I say to JR: ~ She'll be fine son. She loves you & just doesn't want to see you go. She understands though but she still going to she tears. That's her heart!~ He replies: ~I know Dad, but I don't like to see my Mom cry! It breaks my heart!~ She interrupts: ~I'm sorry John Ross, I'm just going to miss having you around! I just love you so much!~ He replies: ~ No Mom, you don't mind have anything to be sorry about! Don't worry about it! Oh Man, Their beginning to run us through Security. I've got to go. Mom, give me Love, Dad you too!~ He hugs us & we say Goodbye. He runs to the gate just in time to get through the line. We wait to hear that his flight takes off on time before we leave! I tell my wife: ~Darling, you sit here while I go get the car!~ I walk across to the Garage & pick up the Beamer, drive around the circle & stop at the terminal. I escort my wife to the car help her in. We head home. We get about home at 6:45am giving the traffic! I help my wife out of the car & escort her to the house. We go into the kitchen & I tell my Mary: ~Darling, why don't you go ahead & get a little more sleep. I'm going to clean up these dishes! I might come up & join you afterwards!~ She replies: ~Okay my Harry, I'm going to do that. I'm still quite tired! Please come upstairs after your done? I want you to hold me!~ I reply: ~I promise Darling, directly!~ She goes upstairs & lays down. I do the dishes up, doesn't take long & I follow her upstairs! I climb in bed & wrap my arms around her & thank God she's mine. I fall asleep. We both wake together. The alarm is ringing, Mary has it set for 10:00am! We smile, kiss each other & get up. We go in the bathroom & take a shower together! I love taking a shower with my wife. But no Hanky Panky this time! She's a bit sad about our son having to go back to school today. I'm going to let her have some time! We get dressed & go downstairs & I put some coffee on while Mary prepared us some lunch! I ask her: ~Darling, is there anything special you'd like to do today?~ She replies~ 'O yes my sweet Harry! I want to go shopping. I'm going to need Maternity clothes. We need to start thinking about Baby furniture. We'll worry about clothing after we learn if we're having a boy or a girl!~ I reply: ~Very well my Darling, I think that's a great idea! Let's go shopping! We drink our coffee & eat our Brunch, load up in the Beamer & head for Refined Legacy Maternity Wear. My wife has very good but conservative taste in clothes. 3 hours at Legacy & next stop is Mark's & Spencer's. I've never been Maternity shopping before. Kind of fun watching my wife pick things out, allowing for her stomach to grow for the Baby. Her face has such a gleem to it. She's so happy. That makes me happy. We're truly Blessed! It's 6:50pm & I tell Mary: ~Darling, I love you, I know you're invincible, but you still have to eat if you want to remain so! Let's go get a bite?~ She replies: ~You're right my Harry, & I am quite hungry! Where do you suggest?~ I say: ~I'm thinking "The Pelican" You feeling like some Spaghetti & Meatballs Darling! My Parents fell in love over Spaghetti & Meatballs!~ She replies: ~'O my Harry, that sounds absolutely delicious. I've actually been craving that! How'd you know?~ I reply: ~Oh just a wild guess my Darling, I've kind of been craving it myself!~ We both break out in laughter..... I carry the bags to the car and load them up in the trunk. Help my lovely wife into the car & drive the couple blocks to The Restaurant. We park in the parking lot & I take my wife arm in arm & escort her inside the restaurant. We're seated almost immediately as the Owner knows my Father. I thank him & he asks that I give him my regards. I tell him that I would be pleased to do so! The waiter takes our order almost immediately & brings us complimentary drinks. I a Red wine & Mary a Sweet Tea. We both order you guessed it: Spaghetti & Meatballs! We had a fantastic meal. It's about 9:00pm & we need to get going. It's been a long day. I ask my wife: ~Darling, I promise, I will take you shopping for Baby furniture on Saturday! Is that okay with you? If not, I'll take tomorrow off!~ She replies: ~My Harry, my sweet sweet Harry! Always trying to make me Happy! Only thing is about that Harry. I'm already Happy just being with you! Of course it's alright!~ Let's go home, I'm tired Harry!~ I call the waiter, pay the tab & tip 30%. I escort my wife to the car & we head home, go inside & go to bed. I love this Woman. Goodnight! Tuesday It's 5:30am & I pick George up for work & we stop at Cafe Mocha for Coffee & Doughnuts. We're on our way & reach the Marina by 6:00am.Tours not scheduled until 8:00am so we can relax & drink our coffee & eat our doughnuts.Talk about our kids awhile! Awe, it's 7:30pm, I say: ~Time we get on it George! The Clients will be here soon! Scuba Diving Pennekamp State Park near the Christ of The Abyss. Diving around the old wrecks. Be back around 6:00pm. We get done with the precheck just as the clients arrive! I greet them & welcome them aboard. A Father Ron Vincent Sr, & Son Ron Jr.! I give the order: ~Take her out George!~ He replies ~aye aye Captain! Takes the helm & steady as she goes at 2 knots gradually increasing to 5 knots. I explain: ~We're only a few miles from the park so no need to rush. Just sit back & enjoy the ride! Can I get you to gentleman a cold drink or water?~ They both decline for now & enjoy the trip out. We make the trip in an hour. They break out their gear, do their safety checks, walk down the ladder to the platform & dive! They come up periodically throughout the day. It's 12:30:pm & I ask George if he's got lunch & he replies: ~aye Harry, Me Lucy maked me a Hardy meal fer me takin! Ah dat Lucy, she be lovin me she be! Me be a lucky man Captain, aye a lucky man!~ I've got a bag lunch Mary put one together here for me. Couple Roast beef & Cheese Sandwiches. Chips. Couple Oranges. Apple pie. Two hard boiled eggs. Woman knows what I like. We have plenty of iced down Sodas & water. About two more hours & we'll be ready to head into shore! 4:00pm both men are out of the water & we're on our way back in. We're about an hour out so we'll take it slow & easy, no rush! I offer the men some water & they are quite thirsty as I thought they might be! They dry off & change into street clothes on the way back to shore! We're pulling into Pier 17 right at 5:23pm. Mr Vincent Pays me 500.00 for the day & thanks us for a great time. He salutes George as if he recognizes him & George salutes back! We tie the "Willow" up, wash her. Check the tanks, oil & put her to bed for the night! We load up in the Beamer & head towards George's house! I ask George: ~What exactly did you do in the Navy old Buddy? Seems like you have a lot of respect around here!~ He replies: ~ Ahh Harry, dat be somethin Me not be talkin about me brother! Dat be given me pain terribly!~ I drop George off at 6:45pm & head home. I'm starved. I'm thinking that after dinner I'm going to do a little research on George's Naval Service. Just because I think he deserves allot more respect than he gets. I get home at 7:00pm & my wife is waiting dinner for me. I kiss her & say: ~Darling, I love you. Sorry I'm late. But it's been a long day!~ She replies: ~I understand my Harry, Ribeye steak & Baked Potatoes w/fixings. Cold beer.~ Perfect dinner after a long day on the water! My wife is the perfect wife! Man, that was delicious & I'm full. I'm going to go in the Library & research on the computer!
US Naval Archives George Christopher Richards MCPO United States Navy #6713211417 Classified 980301-011012 The President of The United States of America takes pride in presenting the Navy Cross to Master Chief Petty Officer George Christopher Richards of The Naval Special Warfare Development Group For the service forth in the following; While acting in support of the Third Battalion, Fifth Marines Regimental Combat Team Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan on 11 October 2001 For distinguished devotion to duty, extraordinary courage and disregard for his own personal safety, and under heavy fire from an Enemy Taliban Machine gun position, rushed and eliminated the target, killing all 4 enemy combatants, thereby saving the lives of his team. MCPO Richards reflected great credit upon himself and upheld the highest tradition of The United States Naval Service!
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George W Bush
Now I understand! He's a hero. George is a bonafide hero a S.E.A.L.! I'm not even going to mention I was nosy. He's probably got PTSD. Not something to play with! I'll leave well enough alone! My wife walks into the Library & says: ~My Harry, what are you doing in here all by yourself, why don't you come keep a lonely girl company? I've missed you so much today!~ I reply: ~Oh nothing important my Darling! Lonely? I've missed you too! I can barely stand being away from you.~ She looks at me, smiles, takes me by the hand, guides me up the stairs with that sexy look in her eyes & well let's just say: We make up for lost time! Goodnight!
4:30am & I pick George up & we stop at the Mocha Cafe for our Daily shot of Coffee & doughnuts. I've decided to fill a thermos this morning. Just some days I need that extra boost of caffeine! We're on the move. I ask George: ~Long night?~ He replies: ~aye Harry, me couldn't sleep las night fer me life me Brudder! Dat der coffee, she be magic ya know, fix me right up!~ He laughs under his breath. I reply: ~I know exactly what you mean George, I have the same problem sometimes! I have an extra thermos full if you need some this morning my Brother!~ He looks at me, smiles & replies: ~Me be thankin ya fer it Harry, ya be a Good man ya be!~ We get to the Marina by 5:15am, plenty of time to drink our coffee, eat our doughnuts & wake up all the way. I really enjoy George's company. We have time to sit & talk a while. The clients won't be here until 7:00am It's 6:30am & we do our once over the boat & ready her for the trip. Today's tour is to Key West, about 3 hours each way. Clients are here, John & Michelle Roberts! Daphne St James & her Boyfriend Rick Crimshaw. They want to go out to & see the Whales & Dolphins. I welcome them aboard. I give the order: Take her out!~ George He replies: ~aye aye Captain~ He takes the helm & steady as she goes at 2 knots, gradually increasing to 5 knots cruising speed. This will assure we arrive approximately by 9:30am. We don't want to be on the water after dark! We've arrived & it's 9:38am. We drop anchor & kick back. Before anyone can say a word, a Northern Right Whale is sighted off the Bow, it's a female, pregnant probably! Look, there's another, & a couple Bottlenose Dolphins to the port. These animals never seize to amaze me. Their Beautiful. Julia loved watching them! She always said they were the true Mermaids of the Sea! Their everywhere out here. It's been about three hours & it's time to head for shore. I give the order: ~Take her home George!~ He replies: aye aye Captain!~ He takes the helm increasing a steady as she goes cruising speed of 5 knots. We'll make it to shore about 5:15pm give or take! We're pulling into the Marina. George says: ~slowing to 2 knots Captain.~ I reply: ~Steady as she goes?!~ It's 5:23pm & were pulling aside Pier 17. George is good at what he does! The clients disembark & Mr Roberts pays me $350.00 & I give him my card & thank him. We give the "Willow" the once over, clean & put her to bed for the night. I give George instructions for tomorrow: ~George, here's the keys to the boat, I've got a kid by the name of Nicholas going to meet you here at 6:30am for safety checks. You're the Captain, he knows that! But George, you handle the Boat, make any decisions that has to be made & collect the money. You're the only one I trust. The kid is to do all the work, Okay?~ He replies: ~aye Harry, Me understand Ya, Me won't let ya down me Brother!~ I reply: ~I have no doubt George, that's why you're in charge, I wouldn't want anyone else! Thanks George!~ We get in my Beamer & head home. I drop George off it's 6:30pm. Now to my house. Ahh, home sweet home. There's my Mary. I see her through the kitchen window, as beautiful as ever. It's 6:50pm & I'm walking into my house. I kiss my wife & say: ~ Darling, you're absolutely ravishing tonight.~ I embrace her, kiss her & say: ~I love you with my life, you know, don't you?~ She replies: ~'O my Harry, what's gotten into you? Of course I know that. You show me every day we're together. You're my everything Harry. I love you Harry, you're the only man I've ever loved Harry! From that first Christmas Morning I met you, I was in love with you Harry. I was drawn to you Harry! It was like an Angel telling me that we were meant for each other. I trusted you right away Harry, I seen how good of a man & Father you were. I can't explain it Harry, but I was in love with you! Now sit down Harry. I have your dinner ready! I've made you Chicken Fried Steak, Mashed Potatoes, Country gravy, Southern style cream peas, Green salad & Sweet tea. For dessert Hot Apple pie with vanilla Ice cream. Eat up my Harry..~ I reply: ~Wow, you've really outdone yourself Darling, it all looks so delicious. Thank you my love! I want you to know this! That first Christmas morning we met......I had the same feeling come over me. It was like an Angel touched me! I love you Darling, & I have never had second thoughts!~ She smiles & kisses me & says: ~I'll always be grateful to that Angel. Now eat, before it gets cold. That's my Mama's recipe!~ It's delicious, I mean delicious. If you've ever eaten Chicken Fried Steak in a restaurant, this is 100% more delicious. The gravy is creamy & peppery, the potatoes have a garlic taste to them & the peas, I've never had this way before, delicious, absolutely delicious. I say: ~My Darling, you ever thought of opening a restaurant?~ She replies: ~No my Harry, I'm perfectly happy as a Mother & wife. All I want to do is take care of you!~ She serves me dessert. This Apple pie is bubbling hot. She scoops a hardy serving of ice cream on top & says: ~There you go Big boy!~ winks at me, driving me crazy, & smiles sexy like & says: ~The real dessert is coming after dinner hahaha!~ I look at her & react: ~Mmmmh, Wowww! Thank you Darling!~ This is the best Apple pie I've ever eaten. She's really gone all out tonight. Man I love this Woman. I'm done & I've eaten every bite. I get up & clear the table. I'm not one to leave everything for my wife to do. I just don't think that way, nor did we raise our son that way! I help her with the dishes, we sit in the living room, listen to some Old School & cuddle a while. It's 9:45pm & we go upstairs take a shower together, mess around a bit, go to bed & need I say more? Goodnight!
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Thursday morning, April 25th Today is the big day. We're going to find out the gender of the Baby. Mary's Doctor's appointment is at 9:30am & were up & ready. She can't eat or drink anything nor has she had anything since after midnight, per order of the Doctor. She has other tests besides the ultrasound! Oooh I'm so excited! I'm drinking coffee right now to calm my nerves. I know my wife would love to have some but she can't, & she's trying to cut back on it anyways! There she is, coming down the stairs, looking radiant as ever: ~How are you feeling my Darling?~ She replies: ~Oh Harry, excuse me my love, I'm feeling a little queasy. Morning sickness my Harry. Quite normal! Oooh, that's better, comes & goes. I'm getting use to it!~ I reply: ~Is there anything I can do for you to help you get through it Darling?~ She says: ~No Harry, this is something we women just have to go through! It's quite okay, really it is Harry!~ I kiss my lovely wife, it's 8:30am & escort her to the car. We head to Doctor Kleinpeter’s office on the Overseas Hwy. He comes highly recommended. We need to be there for check in by 9:15am. Aah, there it is, I pull into the Driveway, park the car & escort my wife proudly into the Dr's office. It's really quite crowded in here. Must be a great Doctor. Sure allot of pregnant women in here, wow. Oh well, at least our appointment is in fifteen minutes. Oh I see, there's four more Doctors in here, thank God, what a relief! I say: ~Come on Darling, you sit down & I'll check you in. She sits down, I take her paperwork & identification up to the window & they check her in. They call her name, hand her a cup & show her the women's room. She comes out & they take her back to the Doctor directly!.......... Sure seems like she's been in there a while. The nurse comes out & asks me: ~Me Newport, would you like to come back to the room with your wife?~ I excitentely replied: ~Yes, of course I would, thank you!~ I followed her back & Mary was laying on a table with her belly exposed. I said: ~How are you doing Darling?~ She replies~ Just fine my Harry. Ohh, that's cold!~ As the nurse spreads a cold gel on her belly before taking the Ultrasound. This is repeated several times. Mary's face gleems brighter each time as she watches the monitor. We can even hear a Heartbeat. This early in the pregnancy. God truly does perform miracles, doesn't He? It's confirmed, a Boy, my Mary is having a Baby Boy! She has the biggest smile on her face, but I have to admit, I'm overcome with joy myself. I kiss my wife & again tell her I love her. The Doctor tells Marry she can get dressed & says: ~Congratulations, I'll see you two in my office after you're dressed Mary!~ She replies: ~Yes Doctor!~ She gets dressed & we sit & wait for the nurse to take us to the Doctor's office. The Nurse knocks & opens the door. She takes us across the hall to the Doctor's office, knocks & he says: ~ Come~ Nurse opens the door, we enter & sit down. The door closes & the Doctor say: ~How you to doing, get you some to drink Mrs Newport, some Apple juice, maybe some some crackers to go with it? I know you have to be hungry!~ She replies: ~Yes, thank you Doctor, I am!~ He calls the nurse in & has her bring Mary some Juice & Crackers! Water for me! He explains to us that everything looks good & he give her some vitamins & explains that she needs to take them. They're going to constipate her at first but it's normal. He told her to eat, that she's going to gain weight, that it's normal, but to exercise. He suggested a Maternity workout program for her & that she should walk. Cut back on the coffee. A little wine won't hurt once in a while but alcohol in general should be avoided! If she she's feels like something wrong, play it safe. He gave her his card & told her to not hesitate to call him look at any hour day or night! He also gave me his card and said: ~That goes for you too young man, you're in on this too!~ I reply: ~Thank Doctor!~ We walk out the Door, I go to the Window, I pay for the visit & I proudly escort my wife out to the car arm in arm! I take her to Lunch at Mrs Mac's Kitchen. She said: ~My Harry, I'm hungry, but just something light please?~This place has great food, but healthy & light. We park & go inside. The Waitress takes our order: Mary orders Conch Chowder, Baked fish. Key lime pie & Sweet tea. I ordered a Cheeseburger, Fries & Sweet tea. I enjoy spending time out with my wife. I ask my wife: ~Darling, what do you say, after we eat we go hunting for Baby furniture, maybe some clothes too now that we know it's a Boy?~ She replies: ~Thank you my Harry, that is a lovely idea.~ We eat our meals & let it settle a bit. It's 2:00pm. I pay the tab, leave a tip & escort my wife to the car. We head to Miami International Mall to Rooms to go. They have a wonderful selection of Baby furniture I'm told! It's 3:15pm & we're here. The Mall is packed. I got lucky, they have Maternity parking spaces near the entrance. What a wonderful idea. I didn't know they did that! We park & I help my wife out of the car. We walk through the Mall looking for Rooms to go! All the time Window Shopping as we go. She see some Baby rattles & little things that catches her eyes. Oh there's the store! Wow, look at all those little Cribs, Bassinets, curtains & other baby stuff! She is looking carefully for the perfect set! Ahh she's got it! Baby Cache Overland Point Blue in color. 4 piece nursery set. $1200.00. She bought blue curtains, blue Baby towels & washcloths. & Newborn Pampers, enough to last three months. She bought nursing pads. She said: ~Harry, Our son is going to want for nothing! Now let's go home & call my John Ross & give him the news he's been waiting for!~ I replied: Yes my Darling, let me first make arrangements to have these things delivered?~ I give my address to the clerk & assure her of the time & date to have it delivered. I picked up the bags my wife purchased on the way into this store & escort her out to the car. I say: ~Darling, did you enjoy yourself?~ She replies: ~ 'O yes my Harry, I did, I really did. Do you like it Harry? The Nursery set Harry?~ I reply: ~I do Darling, very much! I've always thought you have exquisite taste! Darling, I'll get with George & we'll get started on that nursery this weekend if you'd like?~ She replies: ~Really Harry, that would be marvelous. Thank you Harry, I love you ever so much!~ We're just getting home at 8:00pm. Been a long day. I help my wife out of the car & escort her into the house. I sit her down at the table & say: ~Darling, I know you're hungry, what can I get you?~ She replies: ~'O Harry, I want Pancakes & eggs!~ I look at her, raise my eyebrow & say: ~Okay my Darling, you're every wish is my Command!~ I am now making her Pancakes. Pregnant women crave things, & we men must satisfy those cravings. I am only happy to satisfy my wife's every craving! I place a plate with a stack of Aunt Jemima's Pancakes. I warm her some blackberry syrup up & she's in Heaven. I ask her: ~Darling, can I get you anything else? ~She replies: ~My eggs~ I forgot her eggs! I cook two eggs Sunny side up, place them on a saucer & : ~Your eggs Madam!~ I serve her a glass of juice & she has a good meal. I fix me a ham sandwich, that's all I want for tonight. I bring her the phone. She's got to call JR before lights out. I say: ~The phone my Darling, Getting late & you have to call JR.~ She replies: Thank you Harry, Oh I'm so full, those pancakes were so good. Who taught you to make pancakes?~ I reply: ~My Aunt, Aunt Jemima!~ She looks at me & says: ~You're so silly!~ She calls JR & gives him the news. He's ecstatic about it. He's always wanted a little Brother, now his wish is coming true. I'm finished cleaning up in the kitchen. My wife has already gone upstairs. I lock up & follow her lead. I open the door & she's waiting for me. She says: ~Harry, you haven't fed me dessert yet!~ Well, excuse me while I take care of dessert! Goodnight!
TGIF It's been a long week, can't wait for this day to be over. I want to get started on that Nursery for the Baby. Got to get with George, I'm sure he'll have a ball helping me with it. It's 5:30am & I've arrived at George's, I give him a call & let him know I'm here. He comes right out. He gets in the car & hands me a check for yesterday's Tour's tally. I say: ~Thanks George, but I could have waited a while. I wasn't in no kind of hurry. I trust you. Come on, Let's go get our Caffeine boost!~ He replies:~aye, Me can use it Captain. Ya find out what ya be havin did ya George?~ I reply: ~Sure did George, a Boy, we're going to have a Baby Boy. George, I want to get started on remodeling a room to be used as a nursery. Can you help me old boy?~ He replies: ~aye, me be a might honored me would Mate.~ I say: ~Ok George, first thing in the morning I'll pick you up & we'll go get the materials we need & get started right away. Should be finished by the end of the day. We'll eat at my place tomorrow, is that alright!~ He replies: ~Be sonundin might good Harry!~ There's the Cafe, I stop get our coffee & doughnuts & we head for the Marina! It's 6:15am & we're sitting in front of the "Willow" drinking our coffee & eating our doughnuts. I tell George: ~Clients are just a couple Newly Weds that want to experience what it's like to go out on the water. Paying us $375.00 to find out. We're taking them out for two hours & back. They'll be here here at 8:00am. 7:40am we do our precheck. The clients, Jerry & Angela Williams are here. I welcome them aboard, we congratulate them & have them don life jackets. I give the order: ~Take her out George~ He replies: ~aye aye Captain!~ He takes the helm steady as she goes at 2 knots. We'll not take it over this speed as they've never been on a boat before & we want it to be pleasurable for them. I ask them: ~How are you two doing, can I get you something to drink. I have soft drinks & water!~ Mr Williams just stood & stared & replies: ~Water!~ Mrs Williams looked as if she was actually enjoying herself & replies: ~Please, Sprite, Thank you!~ They seem to be getting along well now. Even Mr Williams. He's drinking Coke now & smiling. It's 12:30pm & time to head back. I give the order: ~Take her home George, & take your time!~ He replies aye aye Captain. Steady as she goes at 1 knot. We get back to the Marina at 2:45pm. Mr & Mrs Williams Thanks us for a most wonderful experience. They tell George that he sure knows how to drive a boat! I thank them & give them my card. He pays me & give us each a $100.00 tip. I look at George and say: ~How about that?~ He just shakes his head, looks at the bill & smiles! We tie the"Willow" up, clean & put her to bed for the weekend. We head for home. I remind George I'll be picking him up about 8:00am. I head home! I always feel good when I get home, it's 4:00pm. I walk in & my beautiful Mary is fixing me dinner. Chicken & Dumplings. I like Chicken & Dumplings. I kiss her & tell her I love her. say: ~Darling, I'm going upstairs & clean up! I'll be back down in a jiffy. She replies: ~Okay Harry, Dinner will be ready in a few minutes.~ I go upstairs & wash up. Man I needed that! I come back down & Mary's got dinner on the table. I tell her: ~Darling, you never seize to amaze me! You always seem to put a delicious meal on the table every night! I find myself the luckiest man on Earth~ We eat & I help clear the table. I volunteer to do the dishes & my wife rejects it's but says: ~'O my Harry, I do appreciate it, but you worked hard today! But here, I'll wash & you can dry!~ I reply: ~I accept my Darling with pleasure!~ We do the dishes, go upstairs & make an early night of it. Maybe not that early. Goodnight!
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Saturday, April 27 Delivery day Remodeling for the Nursery 6:00am & I'm drinking coffee & waking up. Got to go pick up George & go by Home Depot for some supplies. Minor remodeling will accomplish what we need. We have the room, just want to make it into a Nursery. I'm going to put a Baby washing area in the room next to the Nursery so not to have to go to far. The Nursery of course will be next to our room with a double door opening. Ok, I'm on my way to get George. I'm excited about working on this project. A Baby, we're going to have a baby. Oh, almost passed George's. Let me call him, oh, there he comes: ~Hey George, how you feeling this morning?~ He replies: ~Gran, Me be feelin jus gran Harry! How ya be me Brother?~ I reply: ~Im feeling real good George! Can't wait to get started, really quite excited about it to tell the truth!~ He replies: ~Me knows Harry, haha, ya face be shown it like da sun!~ I reply: ~I'm happy George, really happy~ Here we are, Home Depot! We go inside. We pick up the supplies we need & head home. We figure it's going to take us a good seven hours between us to get the job done. We head home with Home Depot delivery following behind. We're home. It's 10:30am. Rooms to go has already delivered the Baby furniture. We get started right off. If we work only taking thirty minutes for lunch, we can finish this job by 7:30pm. Mary & Lucy has promise us a Dinner of Delights. Kellyanne is making Dessert. She has requested to be an alternative God Mother & we have agreed! We've been working now more than two hours & we're more thirsty than hungry but the ladies insist we stop & eat. They bring us Sweet tea & Ham & Cheese Sandwiches, Chips & some whole Dill Pickles. This is Florida & we do love our pickles! We stay on schedule & get back to work right away. Been a good six hours now & it's looking really good in here. All we have left is to put up the Double doors & paint the room. Haha, 7:15pm & we're ahead of schedule. The Nursery is finished.
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"Mary's Inspection" I say: ~Come on George, Let's go get Mary & Lucy! I want my Mary to see this so I can see her face. She'll be so happy!~ He replies: ~aye Harry, dat she be! Dis be pretty nice Harry, I be thankin ya fer lettin me be part of it!~ I say: ~No George, I couldn't have done it without you! You are my very best friend & I'll always be there for you! He's got tears in his eyes again. This is a strong man, but a man with a heart! He replies: ~Me be thankin ya me Brudder with all me heart!! We went downstairs & I take Mary by the hand & tell her: ~Darling, come upstairs, I want you to see something!~ Lucy & Kellyanne followed. We get upstairs & I say: ~Now close your eyes my love! (I open the door, guide her in) now open your eyes!~ She reacts: ~Ohhhh Ohhhhhh 'O my Harry, Oh & you too George! It's sohhh beautiful! Look Lucy, have you ever? Oh Harry, you've made me so happy! Now, you two boys have got to be starving! Your dinner is hot & waiting for you. Oh Harry, I just love you so much, thank you! George; Thank you too, you're a real friend!~ We all go downstairs & we sit down at the table for dinner. We have Pork Roast, Baked Potatoes, Green Bean Salad, Corn on the Cob, Peach Cobbler, Sweet Tea, or Beer. The Ladies really went out. Kellyann made the Peach Cobbler! I say: ~Everything Looks so delicious! You all went way out! I can't wait to dig in!~ George says: ~aye, me too, Let's be eatin!~ He smiles, winks at Lucy! Lucy says: ~George, prayers!~ He replies: ~Oh, ya, Me be fergetin!~ I say prayers & we eat some really fantastic, fit for Royalty food! I say: Kellyanne: This your Mom's Peach Cobbler recipe? It's the best I've ever tasted. I can say that because Mary's never made me any. She's famous for Blueberry pie.~ She replies: ~No sir, My Granny taught me to make that! She use to say: -dat ders Texas peach Cobbler Kellyanne- & Don't ya be fergetin! & I haven't. I'm glad you liked it Sir!~ I replied: ~I did, very much! Thank you!~ We eat up. We offer to help with the dishes but the women folk won't hear of it! They insist that we did such a fine job on the Nursery that we deserve to sit this one out! 
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We go to the Library. I ask George: ~Want a Warm Brandy & a Havana? ~He looks at me with such surprise & replies in a Whisper: ~Ya be havin Cubans?~ He shakes his head yes & smiles like a child! I go to the safe & pull out a box of Havana hand wrapped Cuban Cigars. I take two out & put the box back in the safe! I pour us a Brandy Glass each & warm it to room temperature in the palm of my hand as heat tends to destroy the flavor of good Brandy! I handed George a Cigar & cutter, then the Brandy. Next I cut the end off my Havana & put it in my mouth. I lit George's Cigar then mine & toasted our friendship & our wives, children & the new baby to come! George says: ~Dis be really good Harry! Really good!~ I reply: ~I know George, I save this just for my special friends & guess what?~ He reacts with a huh & a raised eyebrow!~ I say: ~You're the only one I've ever offered one to!~ He raises both eyebrows, smiles, says: ~Really!~ We both hug like brothers & give it a hardy laugh! George is really like a Brother to me. I have two, I love dearly, wouldn't trade for the world, but God has Blessed me with another! The ladies finish up in the kitchen, they're tired & Lucy says: ~George, I've been on my feet all day, do you mind if we go home. It's 10:30pm? I want to go to Church in the Morning!~ He replies: ~No Me little Honeybun! He looks at me & says: -Excuse me Harry why me be taken me little wife home- He says to Lucy: Der der me love, let's go!~ I look at my cigar & wonder if it may have had an effect on him. I never seen George act like that. I would almost say he was acting frisky. Oh well as the French say c'est la vie. My wife looks tired too. I kiss her, just pick her up & carry her upstairs. We shower, go to bed & just fall asleep in each other's arms. Thank you God for everything. Amen
Sunday morning
7:00am & we're sitting at the table eating breakfast & drinking coffee. We've got to finish getting ready for Church. We're meeting George & Lucy there at 8:45 am so we can congregate a little before services begin. Awh my wife's look beautiful this morning. She's wearing all white. She looks like an Angel.
It's 8:05am, I escort my wife to the car & help her in, close the door. I get in & we head to the Church. Takes about twenty minutes to get there so I have plenty of time. We're here, it's 8:40am. George is just pulling up behind me. It's funny how the two of us seen to time things so closely. I park & open the door for Mary & we walk up to the door & shake the Pastor's hand. He says: ~Good morning Harry, Mary! This is the Day that our Lord has made! God Bless you. Good morning George, Lucy, Kellyann! This is the Day that our Lord has made! God Bless you!~We all go inside & meet up in the foyer & congregate. This is the time we see people that sometimes we don't see for months at a time. There the bell, Church is about to begin. Music is playing,.............! It's 12:30pm & Church is over. I'm taking my beautiful wife to lunch. I ask Mary: ~Would you like George & Lucy to join us or just the two of this time?~ She replies: ~Oh no Harry, that's fine! I enjoy their company! Invite them.~ I say: ~Hey George, Coming to lunch with us?~ Nay Harry, Me be thankin ya though! Its me Lucy & me's Anniversary Harry!~ I think to myself, that's why he was acting so funny last night. I reply: ~George, I didn't know, why didn't you tell me? I would have done something for you!~ He replies: Me don't want no fuss Harry. Me be owen ya Harry. Ya me Brother, Me Love ya Harry! Thank ya Harry.~take my wife to lunch at the Buzzard's Roost Steak House. I tip the Valet & we go inside. We're seated right away as I've called ahead Mary's drinking Lemonade & I'm having Sweet tea. She's decided on a seafood platter, I'm going to settle on the Cowboys Steak, Fries & Salad. I say: ~We've got to get them an Anniversary gift at least. I know George's a proud man. He doesn't want anything that he didn't earn. But I got to figure out what we can give them that he wouldn't think is Charity!~ She replies: ~You leave that to me Harry! I'll talk to Lucy tomorrow! We'll figure something out!~ I reply: ~I don't even know why I worry about things Darling? You always have a solution! Thank you Darling.~
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