#money hungry sicko fucks
swagging-back-to · 2 years
dentist update
tldr; im transferring out of that fucking clownhouse quicker than you can say go.
so yeah it went as shittily as i knew it was going to. they scraped off my actual tooth enamel, shoved a sharp stick in it and wiggled and then were like "see!? you were lying! you fucking liar! your teeth are ROTTEN. give me your money NOW." not an exaggeration
and then they tried to say my wisdom teeth were coming in wrong... when theyre already out and perfectly straight. in fact, my teeth have only gotten BETTER since my wisdom teeth came in. they arent spaced out or crooked, theyre even spaced and have straighted out. but yeah no lets have this 60yo senile white guy YELL AT ME (he mightve used polite words but he was SHOUTING in my ear) and say i NEED to get them removed and then get actually petty and huffy when i said no. yeah no, im good with lining your fucking paychecks any more than i already have, it depresses me that i was forced to pay for this guys Cadillac for the past seven years as a child. because yes, he even has the gall to drive his cadillac to work every day and park it right iut front. thats how much of an asshole he is.
and then, because i didnt have any plaque, they got pissy and demanded i choke on flouride paste. literally would not let me leave until i choked on the flouride paste and then sat with a smile as i gagged and started crying. the woman at the desk, after hearing (and hearing about, while i ran to the bathroom and puked) the whole ordeal, looked at me with a smirk and brought up how i need the referal for the orthodontic surgion and the next appountment to be made and i looked her dead in her smug ass eyes and said "im forgoing both" and then walked out the damn door. i didnt even have the patience to put my mask back on for those three words, i just wanted to get tf out of there. as soon as i got in my car i grabbed my toothbrush from my pocket (because i KNEW they were going to do this.) i took it and started aggressively getting that nasty chemical shit from my mouth in full view of the reception desk window. i was still gagging and holding back vomit the entire drive home. (im still feeling sick and disgusting, which is exactly why i said NO.)
by the end of it i wasnt pretending to be nice, let's just say that. lucky i didnt claw their goddamn eyes out. yeah so im literally ~never~ going back to any dentist unless my tooth is breaking tf apart.
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xeiniex · 3 years
🥺🥺🥺 a prompt(?)
Okay so idk if this counts as fluff but how about Whitty had a really bad day or stressfull day that he could deal with until one small other thing goes wrong and he cant anymore and Ruv is there to comfort him and have a sweet time until they fall asleep together? Idk im a sucker for soft kisses where once tears were forming🥺🥺🥺🥺
Sugar and spice and everything painful. Gotcha covered.
Ruv had let himself into Whitty's apartment about an hour ago. He knew he had the late shift that night, he thought as he stared out the window at the black-yellow sky over the city. Why was a shoe store even open this late?
The door opened and slammed closed quickly, and Ruv realized he was about to get his answer as he turned towards it. Whitty treked over and tore the cupboard open.
"Hey." Ruv called over, and he heard a loud bang.
Whitty quickly stood up, then bent back down to glare at him through the gap between the counter and the cupboard. "What the fuck are you doing here?"
"Thought you wanted to hang out." Ruv said.
"I thought you meant at the church!" Whitty yelled, leaning on the counter and glaring at Ruv.
Ruv shook his head. "Sarv's got a bible meeting. Thought I texted you that."
Whitty blinked at him. Then, he squeezed his eyes shut, bringing his fist down on the counter. "SERIOUSLY? I left work early because I thought you were waiting at the church!" he pressed his hands into his forehead and stared up at the ceiling. "Then I didn't have any money for the bus, and I skipped lunch so I'm hungry as hell, and a bunch of twelve year olds trashed the store so I had to clean it up, my boss is going to kill me when he realizes I left early tomorrow..." words spilled out of his mouth like a waterfall.
Ruv just sat back, letting him rant. Finally, he came to a stop with a hefty sigh, eyes closed as he leaned his entire body forward on the counter.
"And I also think I'm out of texts for this month..." he muttered.
Ruv gazed out the window. "If... I've got some chips." he pulled out the cheese-flavored snacks and held them up for Whitty to see. "I stole them from food pantry. Want to split them?"
He heard Whitty's voice huff. He did that a lot. "Sure." he said, and Ruv felt him sit down on the cushion beside him. He turned, handing the chip bag over (he always crushed them to powder when he tried to open it), and letting Whitty open and place them between them.
They were the fat-free kind, which is why Ruv assumed they ended up in the food pantry. Nobody ever wanted to eat the fat-free ones, so whatever sicko decided to load them off onto the poor, Ruv held a silent vengeance towards. However, he wasn't really thinking about that now as his and Whitty's hands occasionally brushed together when reaching for chips.
"I hate fat free chips." He muttered. Whitty nodded.
Neither of them wanted to turn on the TV or anything. Instead, Ruv just sat, letting Whitty eat most of the bag, and trying to keep his eyes open as the heat poured off Whitty's body. Always, it was the warmth that radiated off of Whitty that made him ready to pass out at the drop of a hat.
"You want to rant anymore?" Ruv asked as Whitty drank the dust out of the bottom of the bag. He shook his head, licking the orange powder off of his fingers.
"I'm done. It was just... a bad day." he told him.
Ruv leaned over, brushing the top of his head up Whitty's arm before laying it on his shoulder. He made a noise like "Hm" to prove he was listening still.
"Why are you so tired?" Whitty asked him, his own head falling to rest back on Ruv's.
Ruv shrugged. "Didn't sleep well." he said, his eyes blinking slowly.
Whitty shifted around, putting his feet up on the couch under Ruv and scooting down so his head rested on the arm like a pillow. He gently pulled Ruv so he was laying on top and a little to the side of him.
"If you're going to fall asleep on me again, let me at least lay down this time." Whitty told him, moving around under him to get more comfortable.
Ruv felt his face flush when he realized the position Whitty had pulled him into. His head was even with his neck. Whitty's body was under him like a bed, a bumpy, metal bed that gave off an addictive warmth he just wanted to fall into.
He looked up at Whitty's face for any sign of embarrassment or snark for laying him on top like this, but Whitty was just staring up at the ceiling like this was the most normal thing in the world, and there was nothing awkward about how they were situated.
Ruv yawned. Just cuddles, he told himself, his head falling on Whitty's chest.
"Did your day get any better?" he asked, trying to grab on to whatever thread of wakeness he had left.
"Ha!" Whitty responded, the sleepiness seeping into his voice as well. "Yeah, it did." he said, as Ruv felt his arm run up his back and play with the tuft of hair coming out from under his hat.
The world started to get blurry, when Whitty interrupted loudly, saying, "Sarv told me to tell you to take off your ribbon when you fall asleep, or you get headaches."
Ruv grumbled into his jacket, quickly reaching up and prying off his hat, tossing it to the floor, and undoing the knot for his ribbon, sliding it off his face and wrapping it around his hand.
Whitty's hand rubbed through his hair. "Can I see?" he asked, very quietly.
"No." Ruv said, ducking his face more into his coat to make sure Whitty couldn't catch sight of him. "...Not yet."
Whitty sighed. "That's okay..." he called, as his voice began to fall away.
Ruv curled up against the warm bed, slipping off into a dark dreamland.
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poipoi1912 · 7 years
Carisi-centric thoughts on Ep 19x06
I’m here! So sorry for posting this late, this week got away from me!
(also, I’ve spent quite a bit of time writing my 19x06 episode tag, because I gotta strike while the iron’s hot! :D)
(also also, I’ll reply to your comments and asks tomorrow because I’m wiped out and I need to sleep! I’m so so sorry, I remain the worst when it comes to time management)
Overall Thoughts
This episode was very promising, with a relatively fresh case, but the execution was somewhat choppy. It started off well, with that tour of the rehab facility that was clearly too good to be true, but in a wonderfully unsettling way, as opposed to an obvious SVU way (if that makes sense), and all the solid guest stars really gave life to the stilted lines.
I was also very pleasantly surprised by the insurance angle, because it was an interesting twist on the usual motive. Instead of a perverted sicko who exploits young girls, we had a money-hungry monster who both exploited young girls and knew how to game the system. Plus, we also got a different kind of abuse of special victims which wasn’t exclusively physical/sexual.
But then the case was resolved via murder. Poetic justice, one might say, but I would call it “a cop-out, the one time Barba would have something fun to do in court”. Mentioning the RICO charges and the Romeo & Juliet laws vis-à-vis coersion was almost annoying. Why bring up multiple interesting legal topics and then do nothing with any of them?
That said, I liked the episode overall. I wish the case had been better explored, and it did get a little too convoluted by the end, but it was different enough that it kept my interest.
The Rolivia Corner
I love their new dynamic. I don’t love how Amanda’s new job is to constantly trail after Liv and ask “are you okay?” (at least not without Liv reciprocating, once in a while), but I love this new trust between them. In the previous seasons, if Amanda pulled a stunt like this, Liv would be like “next time I’ll have your badge”. This time, Liv was more appropriately mad as a superior, but she didn’t hold it against Amanda. But I did laugh when they made it seem like Liv just invented the concept of “inevitable discovery” to legitimize evidence which was illegally gathered. Like we haven’t seen this on every other procedural ever (including SVU itself).
But seriously, I do love seeing Liv confiding in a friend. That said, “addicted pregnant woman” is a subject which could have also resonated with Amanda. She was a gambling addict and she got pregnant and she turned her life around. Is Amanda even still a mother? I mean, as Liv and Amanda bond, maybe they could also talk about Jesse (or Queen Kim!), not just Noah and Liv’s issues with the new grandmother.
Sonny and Continuity
Sonny’s still Catholic! Jesus yay! And he still looks amazing in blue!
The Barisi Corner
I will never not love watching Barba tease Sonny. There’s a hilarious resignation there, almost like Barba feels compelled to do it, because it's their thing. And we also got Classic Carisi, looking up to Barba and idolizing him and thinking Barba can pull a rabbit out of his hat.
That said, and as funny as “what are you, a bat?” was (AN INSTANT CLASSIC, AND A WORTHY ADDITION TO THE BARISI HALL OF FAME, RIGHT NEXT TO ‘BOOYAH, FORDHAM LAW’ AND OMG I LOVe them ok I’ll stop), I don’t know if that moment was a nod to continuity, or if it was just the writers not knowing how to advance the Barisi relationship and going back to the basics.
Then again, the basics are pretty fun :D
Either way, I'm glad were getting the classic "Barba and Carisi have a special relationship" dynamic again. Barba doesn't tease anybody else, and Sonny doesn't kiss anybody else's ass. That’s something they share, something that’s unique to their relationship. Barba has moved on from being the snarky sidekick, maturing to a more mellow individual, except when it comes to teasing Sonny like he’s doing a standup routine, looking for the next joke. And Sonny has moved on from being the green rookie, maturing to a more confident individual, except when it comes to kissing Barba’s ass like he’s still an eager law student, bringing his professor an apple. That’s the one thing that hasn’t changed about them, even as everything else has.
Also, on a meta level, I always felt the Barba/Carisi (platonic) interactions have significantly stood out from all the other dynamics on SVU, just because of the broader humor and their natural rapport. Sonny is more developed, so he has relatively well-drawn individual relationships with pretty much all the other characters, but Barba doesn’t have that with any other character except Liv. The Barba/Carisi dynamic allows us to see a different side to Barba, and Sonny specifically is the reason. That's the only time Barba is allowed to be fun, when he's with Sonny or talking about Sonny. I think we need to see that, as viewers, as opposed to just watching a sweet, sad, supportive Barba in BFF mode, weeping as Liv talks about her problems.
Sonny is the only character who brings out Barba’s sass well-naturedly (well he and Rita who’s Rita?). Usually Barba directs his sass at the perps or the defense attorneys, and there’s a bite there. But when Barba teases Sonny, there’s a fondness there, and that’s sweet to watch.
Also, as always, Peter and Raul are hilarious, individually and together, and every single of their interactions is gold. Sonny’s “what?” face was the highlight of the entire episode.*
Stray Thoughts
Lux? Are the SVU writers watching Lucifer, like I am? Can they look for some pointers on how to write a good show? :D
Must Liv be physically present at every crime scene? Even when it’s not even the primary crime scene, and it’s just a dead body somebody ditched randomly? Why use that contrivance to have her leave Noah in the middle of the night? Liv, girl, you’re a Lieutenant! That’s exactly the sort of stuff you’re supposed to leave behind when you get promoted!
I liked the Narcotics guy. He had flair. And I also liked his rapport with Fin. I kinda wished we were watching that show. Fin working Narcotics with this dude who had an actual personality, busting perps on the street. That scene, and the scene where they caught the first dealer, they sparked (because of Fin). The rest… not so much.
Brooke Shields and Mariska Hargitay are both so gorgeous and compelling. I wish their scenes were less tedious, because they’re actually doing some nice acting.
Sonny’s face after Liv’s “I’m the bitch” speech? Same.
I was that girl asking Sonny “where do you live, in a hole?” Like, for all we know, that’s exactly where Sonny lives.
Did that social worker say “the software’s a little glitchy” and then go on to smack the mouse against the desk? I love SVU.
Liv: “Was someone else raped?
Amanda: “Do the insurance companies count?”
me: fuck no
*wait I lied. Best part of the entire episode was Ice-T hearing the rehab guy’s bullshit and saying “That’s beautiful!”
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tessatechaitea · 7 years
Midnighter and Apollo #2
White covers like this make me realize I really need to clean the glass on my scanner. Gross.
For a nerdy Lobot motherfucker, Bendix isn't as smart as I would have thought he was programmed to be.
The gauntlet that Midnighter must run to escape from the Bendix's Samoan Bunker (that sounds like a dessert I might one day invent) consists of a swarm of eagles with lasers on their heads, a screaming holograph of Thomas Jefferson that shoots eyeball lasers, GI Robot, a hail of throwing stars and arrows, vanilla pudding dropped from the ceiling like boiling oil, and a pit full of hungry babies. Midnighter manages to get through it all in time to stop Mawzir from shooting Apollo in the head. But I still think he's too late because the cover of the third issue shows Midnighter at the gates of Hell. The Mawzir flees from Midnighter for some reason. Maybe because Midnighter reminds him too much of Tommy Monaghan. Or maybe The Mawzir is just smarter than me and knows when it's gone too far. Not that I've ever gone too far! Pshaw! Oh! I've got an aside. Don't worry, it isn't about how truly stupid Donald Trump is. It's about the other Republicans in our government! Hey, Republican voters? I'm a big time liberal pinktard (is that what you call us?) and I don't totally disagree with some of Republican policies. I mean, I disagree with all of them currently (and probably have sense they decided governing should be closely related to elementary school recess interactions without an adult supervising (as I perceive it, that was sometime in the 90s after Clinton was elected and they were all butthurt that they weren't in control of filling their pockets with corporate and lobbyist money)). What I'm suggesting, Republican voters, is fucking do something about the people you want representing you. They're all selfish assholes who only care about maintaining their position of power and easy income. They don't fucking care about anybody and Trump is the best example of these monsters you've decided are somehow representative of the white working class (they're not. I'm fucking white working class and I would never agree with anything any of these current load of smegma-smelling idiots ever). Oh, I guess this was a little bit about Trump. Shit. I just realized that off-topic paragraph was probably a waste of time. This is a comic book about two gay dudes! Why would a Republican be reading it?!
Stop fucking the bullet wound and get him to a hospital, you sicko perv!
Midnighter decides to put Apollo in a room pumping in solar energy to try to bring him back to life. I really hope that we don't have to put up with an Apollo Boy and a Cyborg Apollo and Apollo Steel followed by Red and Blue Electric Powered Apollo! I don't know if I could go through that again and I didn't even really pay attention to it the first time. When the infusion of solar radiation doesn't seem to be working, Midnighter visits some guy named Extraño to find out where Apollo's soul went. It's so fucking obvious he went to Hell. You know why I think that. You know. I mentioned earlier how I've already seen the cover to Issue #3. Midnighter discovers Apollo is in Hell being tortured by Neron. Uh oh. Apollo is in for a terrible time. Not because he's in Hell! But because shit rolls downhill and Neron has just recently been shat all over by Constantine. He's definitely looking to make somebody else's life crazy miserable. And by life, I guess I mean death? Midnighter decides he's going to go save Apollo. Do you think he already knows how this ends? I do and he'd better not fucking look back on the way out! The Ranking! +1 Ranking! Reading well-written Midnighter stories makes me happy. It's like reading Batman stories but where Batman doesn't have a huge stick up his ass. Instead he has a huge dick up his ass! Har har! That joke was entirely too immature even for this blog because I really meant the thing about Midnighter being like Batman minus the stick up his ass. Comparing it to another thing that happened to me today — finding a used sanitary napkin on top of my work clothes — I'd say this is the best comic book I've ever read in my entire life! Also enjoyable today: using the term "sanitary napkin"! Now I'm picturing a vagina dabbing daintily at its ketchup-stained lips after removing the hot dog from its orifice. At a picnic, of course!
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