#drabbles from discord prompts
l2bbocsstuff · 8 months
I thought dealing with Raiko was a pain, but this guy is something else. 
“Mr. Mayor, this discussion is getting us nowhere.  I’ve dealt with your assistants, your council members and now with you.  I have said the same thing to all of them and now I will say it to you – you can either have the upgrading of the monorail system in Ba Sing Se done correctly or done cheaply – you can’t have both.”  Asami plastered on her fake smile and stood up from the meeting table.
“Mrs. Sato, I still believe we can come to an equitable agreement.”  Mayor Won-Yee glared at Asami.  He placed both his hands on the table and leaned over it as he stood.
Asami was not intimidated in the least.  “Unfortunately, I do not.  Future Industries will not put its name on anything that is not 100% the best it can be.  The corners you wish to cut during this improvement do not fall in line with the way my company does business.  Therefore, I shall take my leave.  Good day, Sir,” with that the CEO stacked and ordered all the paper in front of her, put them into her leather briefcase, turned and left the meeting room.  Her assistant, Rei followed a respectful two steps behind her.  Rei glanced back over her shoulder to see Mayor Won-Yee looking apoplectic.
Once the two women were clear of Ba Sing Se city hall, Rei asked, “Do you wish to return to our branch office?”
Asami responded in the affirmative and they walked the three blocks back to their office.  This gave Asami time to calm down.  She knew she had been away from her wife and their daughter for too long.  The two weeks she had been in Ba Sing Se seemed like an eternity.  She was sure no three-year-old should be without their parents for that amount of time.  Asami felt defeated, a fortnight away and she had nothing to show for it.  Once she and Rei stepped back into their temporary workplace, all the employees turned to look. 
Asami spoke with as gentle a tone as she could muster, “I’m sorry everyone.  There was just no way to make the Mayor’s demands work.  I wish Future Industries could have helped your city but as you know, we only manufacture the best products.  This would not have been one of them, so I left the meeting.  I’m sorry that you may be bearing the brunt of some bad press for the next few days.  I want to say that I appreciate all the work that everyone in this office put into creating the plans, blueprints, and agreements for this project.  It just wasn’t going to work for the price and demands that the Mayor made.  Rei and I will be staying one more night and we will be returning to Republic City.  If there is anything anyone wants to show me before we leave just knock on my office door after lunch.”
The employees began to clap and Asami blushed.  The middle-aged branch manager known as San said, “We know you tried hard ma’am, but no one here would disagree with you pulling out of the meeting.  Future Industries is the most forward-looking company in the world and if you don’t think the project was right, it wasn’t right.”  He walked over and shook Asami’s hand.
She and Rei entered the temporary office they had been working in.  Asami slumped into the chair.  “Rei, please make all the arrangements for our airship flight back home.  I want to get there as soon as possible.  We can leave at first light.  I’m sure the flight crew wants to get home too.”
Rei dialed the phone and within ten minutes everything was planned.
Just one more night.  Thank the spirits!!  Then home to Korra and Akari.  This trip was a monumental waste of time.
Lunchtime had come and gone and suddenly there was a knock on the office door.
Asami’s assistant called out, “Come in.”
San walked in and behind him stood a bespectacled young woman.  She couldn’t have been more than 25 years old, and her smile lit up the room.  San introduced his co-worker, “Mrs. Sato, this is Kira Blanchard and she has been working on, what I think, is a million yuan idea.”
Kira stepped forward and shook Asami’s hand.  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, ma’am.”
“I guess I need to say it again.  It’s Asami.  That goes for both of you,” she said with a wink.  “So, what’s the idea?”
“I’ve been designing and experimenting with electronics ever since I graduated with a degree in Electrical Engineering from university and this, I think, may revolutionize the industry.  We can miniaturize radios!!  With the work the company has already done on circuit boards and transistors, Future Industries can make radios portable.”  She handed the blueprints to Asami.
Asami was astonished.  She stared at the papers in disbelief.  “That’s amazing!! And astounding!!  And awesome!!”
Kira continued, “There are still a few bugs to work out, but I think I can complete this project and have a working prototype within 6 weeks.”
“It certainly is more than a million-yuan idea.  Make sure nothing about this gets out to the public.  We’ll make this portable radio the next big thing, after all, we’re called Future Industries, not present industries.  Well done to both of you.  When the prototype is complete and working get yourselves to head office.  I will inform the Board of Directors about this.  I am so glad that the two weeks I spent in Ba Sing Se wasn’t a complete bust.”
The day ended on a high note and Asami could barely sleep that night.  Not only because of the new radio design but also because she was going home to see her wife and daughter.  The only thing that upset her the next morning was when she saw the newest edition of the Ba Sing Se Bulletin, the largest newspaper in the city.  The headline screamed, Cabbage Corps to Upgrade Our Monorail.  Asami just shook her head.  Whatever!! She thought.
With the flight time and the time changes, the CEO knew she would get home in the middle of the afternoon.  She pulled her Satomobile into the garage and stepped into the mansion.  It was quiet, almost too quiet.  Asami went looking for Korra and Akira, whose nickname was Lights.  They weren’t on the first floor, so she headed upstairs.  She walked past Light’s room, and it was empty.  Then she peaked into the master bedroom.  She couldn’t help but smile as both Korra and Light’s were partaking in an afternoon nap.  They were covered under a duvet.   Asami toed off her shoes and removed her jacket.  She calmly crawled in beside her daughter and reached over to touch her wife.  Korra awoke and seeing the love of her life just smiled.
“Lights wouldn’t go down alone and who am I to refuse a nap,” Korra’s eyes twinkled.
“I won’t refuse this nap either so …sssshhhh.  Let’s not wake her up.”
“How’d it go in Ba Sing Se?”
“I’ll tell you later.”
“Love you. I’m glad you’re home.”
“Love you too and I’m glad too.”  Asami’s frustration forgotten.  The warmth in her chest and her gratitude for her life was overwhelming.  Some tears leaked out before she fell asleep.
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Treasure Planet Shorts: Sparring
Jim hit the deck hard on his back, all of the air knocked out of his lungs as a series of laughs and ‘ooo’s’ rose up around him. With a grunt, he rolled back to his feet, snatching up his saber to face down his opponent for a second time in full.
“That all you got?” he teased.
Onyx rolled his eyes as he flexed his three digit fingers.
“You’ll never overpower me by charging me like a wild osrot,” Onyx said. “Sir,” he added as an afterthought.
Jim laughed under his breath as he regained his bearings. He and Onyx were dressed down in their simple undershirts, their normally formal jackets removed and cast aside while the crew watched their senior officers circle each other. Brawling aboard any vessel was a violation of regulation, but sometimes, on more mundane missions, tension between the crew could rise. Therefore, Jim had opted for occasional duels so long as he and Onyx could directly supervise and no guns were equipped. 
Today, however, after some goading from his crew and boatswain for a demonstration, it was Jim and Onyx in the hot seat. Friend to friend. Officer to officer.
Cragorian to human.
As Jim circled Onyx, his eyes searched for a weak point. His combat classes at the Academy had trained him on how to manage against larger or stronger opponents, and, for the most part, Jim had held out pretty well, often using his tactical wits to his advantage. That being said, Onyx was, perhaps, the largest adversary he’d ever faced (seeing as he was taller than even some of his own species), and he knew Jim like the back of his hand. Which meant he knew that Jim was about to—
Jim lunged, sword point forward as Onyx parried. Jim had been expecting this. He dropped as soon as his blade was knocked away, foot planted well within Onyx’s comfort zone while he came up, both chest-to-chest, when—
Onyx’s free hand suddenly squeezed Jim’s bicep (albeit with some care as he didn’t need to crush a bone). Within seconds, the cragorian had pivoted and tossed Jim backside over teakettle to the deck. 
Morph, who was acting as a ‘judge’ ding-ding-dinged as he shifted into a large sign that displayed the number zero. 
Onyx’s massive frame suddenly loomed over Jim once more as the commander propped himself up on his elbows.
“What exactly were you attempting to accomplish there?” Onyx asked. Jim released a frustrated breath, but accepted Onyx’s hand as he was pulled to his feet once more, retrieving his sword.
“Thought I could catch you off guard.”
“As soon as I parried your initial attack, you had no additional weapon to brandish against me. No offense, Commander, but that was foolish.”
Some further laughter from the crew.
“C’mon, Commander! Letting our good Mister Onyx kick your—”
“Oye, watch your tongue, Sailor!”
Jim laughed as he ran shaky fingers through his hair to push his bangs back. Maybe it couldn’t be done. Maybe Onyx really was unbeatable unless one was lucky enough to get the jump on him.
“That’s alright, Pickerrews. They’re right. I think it’s safe to say, Mister Onyx, that there is no way in seven abysses that I can beat you.”
“You’re forfeiting, Sir?” Onyx lifted an eyebrow. There were a series of indignant cries from the crew, no doubt some members were enjoying watching their first officer get his skin handed to him. Jim, however, didn��t respond as he stuck out his free hand to shake. Onyx appeared a little disappointed himself at first before straightening and accepting the gesture.
And that’s when Jim made his move.
With all of his strength, Jim heaved against Onyx’s grip. The mountainous first officer’s eyebrows rose in surprise as he took a step forward to rebalance. Jim had hardly managed to bring Onyx to the ground, but the readjustment was critical. Rather than raise his sword against Onyx’s neck, Jim spun himself out from under Onyx’s hand, his small stature in comparison finally an asset. Still tugging to keep his first mate off balance for half a second longer, Jim, at last, released Onyx’s hand, ducked out from under his arm, and held the tip of his sword to Onyx’s back. 
It was not even remotely graceful, and in a real fight, his cheeky ballet would get him cut down in a heartbeat. But it was worth it if only to see the momentary surprise on Onyx’s face. Then the cragorian’s brow dropped low as he turned to face Jim with a critical stare.
“I did not know you’d be shaking hands with your opponent in a duel,” the man said, unimpressed. Jim laughed again, along with many of his crewmates as Morph teased them all with another ‘ding’ and the number ten.
“Probably not, but as they say, Mister Onyx, know your enemy.”
“If you’ll permit me a moment of vanity, Sir, it is fortunate for you that I am beside you in combat.”
Jim smiled, showing all of his teeth as he passed off his sword to his boatswain. His blue eyes were bright, sweat clinging to his arms and neck, hair a ruffled mess. While Onyx might have had the size and strength, Jim was a web of both clever and reckless ideas. When fighting the Procyons but a year ago, their dynamic under fire had been cemented. 
“That’s far from vain, Mister Onyx,” Jim said as the two stepped off to the side while Pickerrews coordinated the next duel. 
Onyx looked at his commander curiously. 
“That’s simple fact,” Jim concluded.
Onyx released a rumbling chuckle, dropping a hand to Jim’s shoulder, grateful for his friend.
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shares-a-vest · 2 months
Prompt: Freak (Discord Drabble) Getting a smidge spicy for Coffee Break Monday aka, choose a past prompt.
Steve has been doing this with Eddie Munson for a few months now.
Well, not this. But making out on his bed. Or on the couch downstairs, or even out in Eddie's van before the guy could even get inside the house.
Always like clockwork on the Thursday afternoon, straight after Steve got home from Family Video and when Eddie would skip last period. Every. Single. Week.
Save for that unbearable two weeks his parents were home last Christmas.
This time they did more – that.
And it was different. A lot.
Maybe even everything, Steve thinks as he looks up at his bedroom ceiling, catching his breath.
He feels sticky – tacky now in a way that briefly makes him think he should do something about it as he wipes his hand over the mess on his stomach. He is hot all over too, flushed but nonetheless sated. Like his whole body is pulsating and melting into the mattress all at once.
Steve blinks slowly as the beginnings of sleep start to overcome him when Eddie giggles besides him.
He looks over to find Eddie's shoulders shaking. His eyes a wide and glistening – hysterical. Eddie's bangs are sticking to his forehead and a blush creeps all the way up his neck to his cheeks.
He lolls his head to the side and grins, delirious. It makes Steve's heart pound in his ears.
"You're a total freak, y'know that?" Eddie breathes out.
Yeah, this is everything, Steve thinks as he rolls over and surges forward for more.
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aahorrorfest · 25 days
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Welcome to Ace Attorney Horror Fest 2024!
Welcome, and thank you for participating in this special Halloween mini-event for Ace Attorney Fandom! We’re inviting fans to create all things spooky, scary and judiciary featuring characters from the mainline Ace Attorney Games and/or the Great Ace Attorney Chronicles.
Whether you are an artist, writer or other fan creator, you are invited to submit to our AO3 collection. Works will be highlighted and promoted on the last week of October, but you can submit anytime from September 1 to November 15. There will be a suggested prompt list for each day (in the last week of october) based on different subgenres of horror.
Submit to the collection here: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/AAHorrorFest24.
Frequently Asked Questions
What types of work are allowed for this event?
Written works (ficlet, fic, drabble) and visual art are accepted for this event.
Is there a required length for written works in this collection?
This is a low-stakes (insert vampire joke) event, and we want people to be able to participate even if they are feeling low-energy or don’t have a ton of time to write! Any work will be accepted. Very short, bite-sized drabbles will be just as welcome as sweeping epics! Poems are also welcome.
What topics and themes can I write about?
You can write about any themes, topics, or characters you like, as long as there are some horror themes involved. Genres like horror romance and horror comedy are totally fine, but there should be some evil force/monster/existential threat/killer. An example of a work that’s allowed: Two characters have witty banter while they fight zombies. An example of a work that’s not allowed: Two characters have a normal conversation in a coffee shop. No zombies are present. In general, please make sure you are tagging your works appropriately. However, if there is some reason you want to keep an element of a fic a secret (e.g. not wanting to tag “bad ending” because you want that to be a surprise), you can use the "Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings" tag.
Can my work contain ships?
Yes, content featuring ships is allowed.
Can I submit works anonymously?
We have a Discord server for event participants to chat, get to know each other, and share ideas and inspiration. This server is 18+ due to the mature themes inherent to horror. Please reach out if you'd like to join.
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mosaickiwi · 1 year
Hide and Seek
950ish word Ren(dacted) drabble off a spicy hide and seek prompt from da discord except I didn’t do the NSFW ending because I’m cringe, my bad. GN reader.
14 Days With You is an 18+ Yandere Visual Novel. MINORS DNI
Prompt: Playing “Hide and Seek" with Ren in his spacious apartment, except no room is off limits, and he has to wear a Ghostface mask while seeking you out. And if Ren manages to find you, he gets to fuck you. I'M SORRY
Ren had given you fourteen minutes to hide. Fourteen much needed minutes to take stock of his pitch black apartment while he waited outside. 
You'd been overly thorough, going room to room, crossing off some spots and keeping note of others, both silly and serious—you were momentarily tempted to hang ass-out of the washing machine for a cheap laugh. At the moment, hiding in the shrine-turned-storage room was your top choice. It was piled high enough with stuff that you were sure you'd sneak by him to some other hiding spot if he tried to corner you. But just in case, you made your way into his bedroom to find another option or two.
You hurried across the room to open his closet door and turn on its light. The rows of hanging and neatly folded black clothes on either side of the spacious walk-in didn't give you much to work with; even if you crouched down, he'd find you in an instant. Maybe you would hide in the storage room.
As you flipped the light switch and turned around to do just that, the front door loudly slammed shut. Your heart sank. You were out of time. There was no way you'd make it to your hiding place now. Halfway panicked, you fell to your knees and slid as quickly and quietly as possible under the bed. An obvious cliche—but it was already too risky to leave the room. You thanked your lucky stars you’d closed all the doors on your way here. It’d at least buy some time.
With bated breath, you waited in the dark, heart practically beating in your ears. The noisy sounds of them opening and closing doors echoed through the apartment. You could clearly hear his footsteps as well. He wasn’t normally anywhere close to loud, so he was definitely making all that commotion for your benefit. You weren’t sure whether to appreciate it or not, thanks to your steadily growing fear mixed with anticipation.
The noises got closer much faster than you expected them to. You only pressed yourself tighter against the floor. It was impossible to see much in the dark, but not even a brief flicker of light showed through the gap at the bottom of the bedroom door. He wasn’t bothering to turn the lights on. You were a bit miffed that he knew the layout of his apartment this well.
A few more loud footsteps, and you knew he was just outside the room. The doorknob faintly clicked as he turned it. The door opened, but thankfully you didn’t hear it shut. You could feel his footsteps, heavier than usual, thumping against the floor. Barely visible, the toes of his boots came into view right in front of you.
“I know you’re in here, Angel,” sang his voice from above you, the taunting muffled by the mask. The bed slightly dipped from his weight as he began to kneel down. Your heart only beat faster against your rib cage as you tried to stay calm. Did they really find you that quickly? You silently cursed yourself for being so picky.
All of a sudden he seemed to change his mind. The bed shifted and he moved back into complete darkness, out of your limited field of view. You squinted, trying your best to keep track of him. But it didn’t do any good. His footsteps reverberated once again as he walked around the room. There was a faint creaking noise from what must’ve been the closet door, then the footsteps got the tiniest bit quieter and quieter until they stopped once more.
You had to take the chance while he was occupied searching the closet. Otherwise, they’d just come back to look under the bed. With your heart in your hands, you trembled as you inched out on the side furthest from the closet, getting ready to bolt. If you were lucky, you’d make it to the storage room. One deep breath, and you started to run like your life depended on it.
Except you didn’t get far at all. You reached blindly in the direction of the door as an arm wrapped firmly around your waist, then a hand clasped over your mouth to mute the absolutely terrified shriek you let out.
“Y’really thought I’d gone in the closet, huh?” they laughed from behind while you struggled for a moment. “Of course you’d try to run.” 
The rather violent thrumming of your pulse seemed to settle in his embrace. He moved his hand away from your mouth once you stopped flailing, and you heard fabric and rubber rustling as he took off the mask. You forced yourself to speak—in spite of the adrenaline still coursing through you, “I thought… I thought a chase would be more fun.”
His arm still around you skimmed low on your stomach before his other hand came to toy with the hem of your shirt, making you tense in excitement. “It would be fun, but we’re not in a movie. Can't make things that easy f'you,” he teased, along with placing a soft kiss to your temple.
You were thankful not to see whatever smug face he had. "You could've humored me a little bit." Your prep time felt like a waste, so you really wanted to put up a better fight.
He pulled you closer in response. The press of his body against you served as a crystal clear reminder for how your little game was meant to end. Eerily confident, his words took a moment to sink in when he began to push up your shirt, lips lingering at your ear to whisper, “Sorry, Angel. You aren’t ever getting away from me.”
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wanderingblindly · 4 months
On Intimacy (Lando Norris/Oscar Piastri, 600 words, Drabble)
Written in a 20-minute sprint with some very supportive besties on Discord, who are single handedly prying me from my writing slump. For the prompt: "There isn't anything that I wouldn't do for you"
God, it's embarrassing. He's only 24 years old, he's a professional athlete. Allegedly, he's in his prime – he should be, at least. And yet, staring down at his trainers beside the door, he's not.
He leans forward a fraction of a centimeter, hardly visible.
His back twinges.
It shows on his face.
It's been like this for days; the double headers and endless hours on the plane are taking their toll, the rough tracks are the icing on the cake. Jon's doing his best to work on him, he's doing his best to take care of it, and yet. And yet.
He can't bend down to get his shoes on, back extra stiff first thing in the morning.
He could do it, really, if he just admitted that he had to do it differently. Bending at the knee, keeping his back mostly stiff – he could do it. But he shouldn't have to; he's Lando Norris, he eats his stupid trainer-approved food and sleeps early when his schedule necessitates it.
His cheeks start to grow hot, vision going blurry with a destabilizing wash of budding tears.
"You ready to go?" Oscar calls from the kitchen, closing the fridge and probably tossing a water bottle between his hands. He raises a brow at Lando when he approaches the entryway, noticing Lando's fixated stare at his feet – at his trainers just a step away. "Lando?"
"Yeah," He says, wincing at the wobble in his voice.
But he can do it, of course he can do it. So he leans forward before jerking still – unable to keep the wince off his face. The tears – hot and frustrated and pricking at him from the inside – lose their battle with gravity, sliding down his cheeks.
"You're meeting with Jon first thing, right?" Oscar asks calmly, closing the distance between them with a quick stride. Lando nods, rubbing harshly at his eyes like he can will the tears away.
He doesn't see Oscar slide down to one knee, but he hears his water bottle thud against the floor.
With his palms still pressed to his eyes: "Get up." Lando's voice cracks, awash with a new wave of mortification.
"It's fine," He says, and Lando looks; Oscar's looking up at him, he tilted slightly to the side, fingers making quick work of loosening Lando's laces.
"I don't need you to put on my fucking shoes," The words are harsh, but his voice is pathetic; he's not angry, but rather hurt – self-flagellating.
Oscar shrugs, putting the shoe back on the ground and grabbing Lando's ankle. "I know you don't," His voice is calm, gaze fixed on guiding Lando's foot into the trainer, tying it up.
Lando's breath catches at the delicacy of his touch, something about it burrowing deep in his chest.
One shoe on and the other in hand, Oscar looks back up at him – the thin skin under his eyes flushed pink, lips quirked into the soft half-smile he saves just for when they're alone.
"But I want to." He finishes, driving the point home by reaching for Lando's other ankle.
"It's –" Lando starts to protest instinctively. Degrading. Unnecessary. Awkward.
Oscar cuts him off. "You know I'd do anything for you." He ties the second shoe with a sense of finality, not leaving any room for Lando's poor attempt at pride.
"Yeah," Lando says softly, pulling Oscar's gaze back up to him. He stands slowly, not breaking eye contact – nearly nose to nose. "Thanks."
"Of course," He smiles, leaning forward for a chaste kiss. "We're gonna be late to the track."
It's dizzying. Lando feels like he's floating on air, images of Oscar looking up at him running behind his reddened eyes.
He fights the butterflies in his stomach to get it out: "Right."
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cranberrymoons · 1 year
howdy sailor
prompt: closet (discord drabble)
Steve’s laying on the couch, half-heartedly watching some episode of some show he’s seen something like a hundred times at this point, which he’s only really half paying attention to, when his phone chimes. He glances down, tabs over to the app.
howdy sailor
He smiles. The photo of him in his Halloween costume from a couple years ago, which Robin had all but forced him to include on his profile.
I think it’s actually supposed to be “ahoy” 
The bubble of the guy's reply appears, then disappears, then reappears, then:
hi ahoy, i’m eddie
Steve laughs in spite of himself, sitting up straighter on the couch.
I'm Steve
He rakes his teeth over his bottom lip as he stares at the screen, waiting for the response. It doesn't come right away, and he flips over to the guy's profile, swiping through his photos. He's good looking and tall, with dark hair and dark clothes and dark painted nails and a dark pair of boots that he's wearing in every photo except one, in which he's standing on a beach in a tiny... tiny pair of bright red shorts.
Steve stares, opens the photo, zooms in... He gets another message and flips back over to the conversation, and –
sailor steve, please lie and tell me you're wearing that costume right now
Steve raises his eyebrows. He probably still has it somewhere, but –
Only if you lie and tell me you're wearing the swim shorts
There's a brief pause, then,
deal. want to meet on the high seas for a drink, i'll bring the life preservers?
Steve smiles to himself, chewing on the inside of his cheek as he considers. He glances back up at the TV, then at the time on his phone. It's only 6 o clock. It's not like he's got anything better going on tonight. Maybe just one?
Yes to a drink... but let's start off on land first before we set sail?
It's – is it too cheesy? It's definitely too cheesy.
He almost deletes it, then he glances back up at the start of their conversation, which literally began with a dad joke, and – he hits send.
An hour later, he's in a bar listening to the hottest man he's ever seen talk passionately about... dragons? Elves?
Something, something, he has no idea, but – he might have to dig that costume out of the back of his closet after all.
[also on ao3]
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klausinamarink · 1 year
Prompt: “star” (discord drabble from STWG)
It’s always ticklish at first when Eddie starts gently tracing Steve’s back with a finger, but the sensation always fades away to a comforting rhythm, never failing to lull Steve to a light sleep.
This time, however, Eddie keeps alternating from tracing the skin of his back to not touching him to touching him again. More than once, Steve hears the familiar scratching of pencil on paper.
When Eddie’s fingers move to his arm, Steve asks without opening his eyes or moving his head up, “What are you doing?”
“Nothing.” Eddie answers.
Steve snorts, “You’re doing something.”
“I’m touching you as always, sweetheart.”
“You’re doing something else.”
The pencil scratching sounds stop. There’s a longer pause than Steve can count. He finally lifts his head up from the pillow and opens his eyes to see Eddie sitting next to him, the ends of his hair covering his mouth. A notebook is open on his lap but it’s hard to read the contents from this angle.
“Oh.” Steve smiles up cheekily. “Am I your muse for another song?”
The blush on Eddie’s face goes redder, even when he covers his face in his hands. He mumbles something Steve can’t hear.
Steve blinks. Before he can ask, Eddie lifts the notebook up so Steve can see it better. Instead of song lyrics, it’s a rough sketch of his back with stars and lines in between.
“Your moles. They, uh, look like stars. Like they can make their own constellations.” Eddie is twisting the locks of his hair tightly around his finger. “Couldn’t get the idea out, so I thought..”
Steve stares at him for a moment before sitting up, ignoring the small pins and needles in his legs for laying down too long. He cups Eddie’s face in between his hands, looks right into his boyfriend’s eyes, and says firmly but quietly, “I love you so goddamn much and I can be your North Star.”
It’s probably not as romantic when Steve says it aloud but Eddie’s smiling ear to ear as they kiss.
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cambion-companion · 11 months
The Devil's Bard
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Thank you again for this prompt @superfunething :) Raphael is all-too-eager to have his ego stroked.
Raphael x reader (gn) | drabble
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You strummed your lute, having sequestered yourself into a private corner of the Last Light Inn. You began tentatively tuning the old instrument, an heirloom of your family. The ashen wood glistened from the flickering firelight, the warmth of the hearth seeping cozily into the wool of your clothes.
It'd been too long since you'd had time and solitude enough to compose a new song. Since you had collaborated with Alfira, in fact. The itch was there, yet your creative mind had been held captive by none other than a fiend. A cambion. Raphael.
The image of his transformation inside that "House of Hope" where he'd whisked you. His promises spoken in a decadent low voice, rough yet soft. Those eyes, both human brown and devil yellow, staring right through all your outward bluster and bravado.
Wood creaked as you shifted your weight in the mahogany armchair, a discordant noise rose up while you strummed your lute in mild frustration.
Anything else. You would rather create your art around anything else. Flowers, the night sky, the Underdark even. Yet the only thoughts pervading your restless inspiration were those of cherry skin, musky fragrance and a sharp knowing smile.
You whispered the words at first, haltingly and quiet, not wanting to draw attention.
"False hope arrived on hidden wing.
To manor cold and haunted bring,
the weary, wandering and spent.
Those carrying a writhing tenant."
You sighed heavily. Now to create music for your lyrics. You began slow, building the base chords and singing the first verse more confidently after a few rounds. For a moment the world and your troubles melted into the background, your focus a blissfully familiar spotlight upon your work.
You felt sudden pressure as a firm hand gripped your shoulder.
"Hello, my lark." Raphael spoke from behind where you sat, the weight of his gaze upon your head. "As irresistible as the harpy's song, so I too had to investigate what music you were weaving."
He moved around you. Careful measured steps, till he looked down upon you and you up at him. His warm brown eyes caught the glow of firelight as he measured your blushing cheeks and the way you gripped your instrument.
Raphael tilted his head, in an amused air. "Those lyrics rang so familiar." He smiled, that knowing smile you remembered so well. "Almost as though I am the muse behind your making, but that would be presumptuous."
You grimaced. "Speak of the devil."
"Ah, so your little song is about me." Raphael seemed genuinely tickled by this and he chuckled and clapped his hands together once. He took the seat opposite you and slung one of his legs over his other thigh. "Do, please, go on! I so enjoy the extolling arts, especially when revolving around myself."
"What are you doing here, Raphael?" You raised a brow and glanced over your shoulder just in time to see little Mol look away.
"Business, as usual." Raphael leaned forward slightly, his own gaze never deviating from your firelit face. "The richest bounties can be found in the most desperate little havens. But you've learned that already." He smiled, a little sharply. "My most illustrious client. You've sent many souls skittering directly to my door."
"Maybe I should compose a song of warning to stay away from strange men wearing frilly collars." You bit out, your eyes narrowing as you tried again to see where Mol had disappeared to.
"That's the spirit!" Raphael chortled again and gestured graciously to your lute. "Spirit you have in such brilliant abundance, little lark. I find you ever more delightfully ebullient."
"A compliment, were it not for your nature." You said, a little terse of tongue now, growing uncomfortable with how attracted to this fiend you were becoming.
"Does it keep you up at night?" Raphael frowned, a hint of mockery in his cadence. "Tossing and turning upon that cold, hard ground. Desperate to dwell upon anything but the devil in your corner. Oh, come now." His hand found your knee and pressed you back down as you shifted to stand up. "Indulge me! We are friends. After all, what else are little birds for? Sing me your sweet song while I devise for you a safe, gilded cage."
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wordsofhoneydew · 6 months
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fic rec time!! lfg
here i compiled a list of 11 amazing fics under 500 kudos!! you have angst, smut, fluff, pinging, grief, hurt/comfort. you fucking name it, it’s here.
happy reading!
Invisible by @nocoastposts [100, G]
For the Brownstone Discord Server's weekly drabble prompt "invisible".
Total Eclipse by @myheartalivewrites [1k, T]
Alex is not sure what the fuck is happening here.
“And if you only hold me tight…”
A man—probably the most beautiful man he has ever seen—is up on stage in this karaoke bar, absolutely murdering Bonnie Tyler’s Total Eclipse of the Heart and he’s pretty sure the guy is crying and it’s one of the most horrifying things he’s ever seen and Alex cannot. Look. Away.
Be Mine (And Be Yourself) by @itsmaybitheway [9k, E]
It starts with a misunderstanding, the way it always does with them.
Early on in their relationship, when there wasn’t even a relationship to speak of, the misunderstandings used to feed the animosity.
Then they’ve turned into something softer when their relationship turned into something softer. Purposefully misunderstanding each other just to take a jab, messing around for the fun of it or turning an innocent comment into a filthy innuendo and watching the other squirm.
But this? Oh a misunderstanding has never been this delicious, this appetizing. This one feels like the door to fucking sexy Narnia and Alex can not wait to eat those delicious Turkish delights
OR Henry just wants to be Alex's pretty little princess and Alex will make sure he gets his wish! AKA my Valentine's Day fic with housewife!Henry
it's so hard to get to heaven with my head in my hands by @anincompletelist [6k, M]
His mother would have a fit if she could see him now, taking comfort he isn’t owed from men he shouldn’t want it from. But Henry wipes his tears with the back of his hand and Alex begins singing the dulcet tune of a Spanish lullaby and George feels, perhaps for the first time in his life, like he belongs.
the tragic flaw is that they hide the truth (that you’re enough, you’re enough) by srrafoxjournals [6k, NR]
Alex has been staring.
For weeks now, actually.
Henry had originally chalked it up to Alex being, well, Alex. But lately, Henry can’t help but take it in as more than just his boyfriend's usual oddness.
Or: After gaining some weight, Henry feels self conscious. Alex however, loves his tummy.
blurred lines. by seafloor [5k, E]
Henry is a lovesick writer; Alexander a charismatic bartender. They’re still fated to fall into bed at some point.
I will/I will/We will by @tintagel-or-cockleshells [6k, T]
Alex's wedding planning business is going from strength to strength, but if he never has another wedding at Mountchristen Manor it will be too soon. He just can't get along with Henry, the venue coordinator, and the feeling is mutual. But when push comes to shove, the couple's big day has to come first.
I’ll be with him again soon by mymistakesweremade4u [3k, T]
It's sometime in mid-January, just a couple of months shy of his 95th birthday, when Henry finds himself surrounded by family in his and Alex's bedroom.
Or, Alex and Henry grew old together.
beg you on my knees (to stay) by @littlemisskittentoes [13k, E]
“Up.” Henry keeps the tone low. Controlled.
Alex is often frantic to follow commands, his limbs falling over themselves in his haste to obey. There’s no sign of that rushed need now. He takes his time, unfolding himself leisurely.
“You’re bold,” Henry monotones. He takes calculated steps forward, punctuating each slow stride with the unbutton and roll of his shirt sleeves. “I’ll give you that.”
“You’re only now realizing? Thought you were brighter than that, baby.”
keep me up all night / i wanna scratch your surface by @firenati0n [1k, M]
They step inside, greeted by moonlight streaming through the windows, illuminating their living room in a dreamy light; it’s enough to see outlines and shapes, enough to keep everything just a little bit secretive, a little softer around the edges.
Henry moves his hand to flick on the kitchen light, and Alex’s hand shoots out to grab his wrist. Henry looks down at him questioningly, blue eyes sparkling even with the absence of light. Alex always feels a little off-kilter around him, Henry both his center of gravity and his reason for vertigo. He’s stabilizing, and dizzying, and everything.
Alex’s thumb and index finger circle Henry’s slender wrist, exerting the slightest pressure. He feels Henry's pulse jump under his thumb.
“Get on the couch.”
don’t let me get drunk again by @getmehighonmagic [3k, E]
Alex had never wanted to cancel plans as much as he had while watching Henry pull a pair of light wash, tight jeans over his stockinged legs and bare ass.
Christ, he’s getting hard thinking about it now.
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l2bbocsstuff · 1 month
It’s All Fun and Games
A small drabble about Korrasami and their daughter Akira whose nickname is Lights.
Lin and Kya tried the front door and since it opened they knew they were allowed to enter the Sato mansion.  They could hear giggling and boisterous voices down the hallway and it seemed that Akira’s birthday party was in full swing.  Both women headed towards the noise.  
Upon entering the dining room, Lin’s eyes scanned the area.  She looked at Asami while raising her eyebrow, “Nice decorations”, she said with a hint of sarcasm.  Kya smacked her wife on the arm, “Be nice!!” 
“What can I say,” Asami responded, “She’s into dinosaurs right now and we told her she could pick the theme for the party.” They handed their carefully wrapped gift to Asami.  “I thought I told you – no gifts.  She doesn’t need anything.”
At that moment Akira got out of her chair and flew across the room to the women who entered, giving each of them a hug around their legs.  “Auntie Kya, Auntie Lin, come see the bouncy castle.  It’s outside.”  Akira grabbed both women by the hands and began to drag them out to the back of the house.
Kya turned to the newly-minted-seven-year-old, “I’ll join you and Auntie Lin in a minute their Miss Flash.  I need to talk to your mom.” 
“Okay, but don’t be long.”  Lights resumed ushering Lin out of the room toward the backyard.  Lin gave Kya the stink eye and let out an exasperated huff.
“She may seem like a grouchy old lady but she loves your daughter.  Sometimes, I think, more than she loves her own nieces and nephews.  So, I couldn’t convince her not to buy a birthday gift.  Besides it’s books and you can never have too many of those.  Now, is there anything I can do to help you with this party?” 
“No, I don’t think so.  Korra is outside with some of Lights’ friends and of course, Bolin and Opal’s twins are there too.  The games could get a bit messy so the backyard is the best place for all that to happen.”
Kya nodded in agreement.  “Smart to keep the mayhem in the back.  Less to clean up.” “That’s exactly what I thought too.  Shall we go see?”  Asami gave Kya a side hug and they headed to the back door.
As they stepped out into the lovely weather they saw Naga asleep in her polar bear doghouse and Korra wrangling the children to begin a game of turtle duck, turtle duck, owl goose.  Lin was watching Korra try to get the children’s attention as she smiled to herself thinking “It’s like herding cheetah cats.”
Korra finally got the kids to sit in a circle and the game began.  Because it was Lights’ birthday she got to be the first person to tap the others.  The game progressed well for about ten minutes until San, one of Opal’s twins, tripped and fell.  He began to cry immediately because he scraped his knee.  His mother went over and picked him up trying to soothe the child.  Kya healed the scrape but told San’s parents that there would probably be a bruise for a couple of days.
Asami decided it was time for the kids to play a different game.  A piñata, in the shape of a triceratops, was hung from a rope across the yard.  Each child was blindfolded and then given the opportunity to smack the dinosaur with a stick.  After every child had a turn the piñata was still in one piece.  Akira decided that the adults should have a turn too.  Korra, Asami, Opal, Kya and even Bolin each gave the thing a hit and a small hole had opened.  Some confetti, treats and small games had begun to fall out.
“Auntie Lin, it’s your turn,” Lights said as she handed the stick to the police chief.
“Stand back kid, this could get messy,” Lin responded as she took the stick.  With one more direct chop, the colourful papier-mâché figure burst apart and the contents flew all over the backyard.  The partygoers were yelling and dashing around to pick up everything on the ground.
Once that was completed, the adults got all the children to sit at the picnic tables.  It was time to eat the birthday cake.  Asami and Kya brought the cake out from the kitchen with seven candles all lit.  Everyone sang the Happy Birthday song; Lights blew out the candles with her eyes closed while making a wish.  The delicious chocolate masterpiece was enjoyed by all the children and the adults.  The kids played in the bouncy castle for about another half an hour and then their parents took them all home.
Korra made sure that Akira thanked everyone for coming and she especially thanked Kya and Lin with a kiss on the cheek for each of her aunts. 
It was two days later when the phone rang at the Sato household.  Akira answered, “Hello.  Sato residence.  Akira speaking.” “Hello Lights, it’s Auntie Kya.  Can I please speak to one of your moms?”
“Sure.  Mom, it’s Auntie Kya.”  Akira handed the phone to Asami. “Is everything okay, Kya?”
“Yeah, everything’s fine.  Remember when Lin broke open that dinosaur thing at the birthday party?”
“Sure do.  Why?”
“She is too afraid to tell you but she wants to let you know that she’s sure the Devil created red sparkly glitter.  She keeps finding it all over the apartment.”
Asami giggled, “She can blame that on Korra.  It was her idea.” If you like this quick story, you can find more of my works on AO3 L2_BBOC
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deancas-stabfest · 7 months
Are you going through Stab withdrawal? Are you brimming with Stab ideas? Does Stabtember September seem much too far away?
Fear not! The Ides of March are fast approaching. In honor of THE HIGH HOLIDAY OF STAB, we want to bring a little stabby joy into your life.
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Over the next two weeks, we want y'all to send in prompts, recs, shower thoughts, doodles, drabbles, snippets from WIPs, snippets from published fic you want more attention on, anything to do with STAB and STABFEST!
Generally we're expecting this to be SPN, focused on Dean/Cas or a femslash pairing, but that's not a requirement! Maybe Cain and Crowley have some unresolved Stab emotions. Maybe you have a great idea for an implement but aren't sure who should use it on who. We want it all!
Please send us your STABBY STUFF by Tumblr ask [https://deancas-stabfest.tumblr.com/ask], by email [deancasstabfest at gmail], or in the Ides of March channel on The Stabfest discord [https://discord.gg/W8cjCQBQYs].
Some notes:
Be advised that we might have to re-jigger stuff to go under a readmore or add certain warning tags so people can curate their experiences. So please, whenever possible, include warning tags, image descriptions, and notes on formatting. We can also post a link if you're hosting the material on your own blog or on AO3.
If sending stuff by Tumblr ask, please please PLEASE save a copy of it. We don't want anyone's work to get lost because Tumblr ate it or the mods fat-fingered a touchscreen.
The Stabfest Tumblr currently has third-party sharing toggled OFF.
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stellaronhvnters · 2 days
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following elio’s letter, the hunters prepare themselves for the challenges ahead - on the journey of saviors. what awaits them at this festival of terrors? sign up here!
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✦ I N F O R M A T I O N L O G : being in the discord server is required for the entire course of the event.
PUMPKIN PATCH 🎃 ( SEP. 28 - OCT. 6 )
a step closer to the haunted house lies in the pumpkin patch - deserted and abandoned. players are to choose a pumpkin species in order to receive a separate list of one-worded prompts. you will choose a prompt from your list only, which will only be revealed once everyone has chosen their pumpkin. read the instructions.
there are two pumpkin species you can choose from, each with their own lists of one-worded prompts.
the minimum word limit is 600, but if you’d like to write above the limit - feel free to do so!
use the tag [ stwf : pumpkin patch! ] for your submission ^_^ the due date is october 6th.
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SCAVENGER HUNT 🕸️ ( OCT. 8 - OCT. 14 )
out of the pumpkin patch, you find a note in red ink - demanding you play their games to prevent the worst outcome from occurring. you will be tasked to submit a number at the end of the period, the number being the total number of pumpkins, ghosts, and webs you find in both the stellaronhvnters blog & the discord server.
you can search anywhere in both places for these hidden items, you are not restricted by any means. this could include: stellaronhvnters tags (blog), channel names (server), previous channel messages from admin yona & mod mhie (server), etc.
There are due dates for the number of individual items.
# of Pumpkins (due october 10th)
# of Ghosts (due october 12th)
# of Webs (due october 14th) + total of all three.
make sure your discord dms are opened in order for me to occasionally check for your number.
be sure to keep a number for each item (example. 🎃 - 3, 👻 - 6, 🕸️ - 9)
you are NOT allowed to share your numbers with anyone else.
the first 3 people to submit the correct number of pumpkins, ghosts, and webs will be able to choose new colors to add to the color list in the server.
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HAUNTED HOUSE 👻 ( OCT. 16 - OCT. 23 )
it appears you’ve been separated from your peers the second you enter the house of the wicked, green hands breaking through the wooden tiles - reaching for your ankles as a form of sabotage. you will be placed into groups in order to collaborate on content that represents your organization’s (ex. house of the hearth, stellaron hunters, ten stonehearts, etc.) experience inside of a haunted house.
do not spoil any part of your writing/art with any other groups.
if by chance there is an artist in an all writers group - the artist is tasked to create a non-colored sketch based on the 400 wc (or more) drabble.
if the group is all writers, the wc limit of your fic will be extended to 800. you can exceed this limit if you wish to.
if your group is all artists, you’re all required to collaborate on a colored art piece (does not require complicated detailing / background due to the timeframe + does not have to include every member of the organization your group is assigned, just 1!) as long as it sticks with the theme. you are not required to post these.
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MURDER MYSTERY 🐺 ( OCT. 25 - 31 )
the finish stretch … you have entered a game of Werewolves which includes: a medic who can save the other players, the Werewolves who can kill the players, and the rest are bystanders who have to try and figure out who the Werewolves are. when ‘night’ falls, the players then all close their eyes and the Hostess asks the Werewolves who they want to kill. then, the doctor is asked who they want to save. the players all open their eyes as ‘day’ breaks, and the Hostess announces whether someone died that night. If the Werewolves kills the same person as the doctor saved, they live, otherwise they die. the players then discuss who they think the Werewolves are and vote to lynch someone. It then repeats until the Werewolves are the only ones left, or are killed.
you are NOT allowed to expose your role, werewolves can pretend to be citizens and even vice versa to throw bystanders off.
the number of rounds played will extend until the date reaches October 31st.
make sure your dms are opened to receive your roles!
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shares-a-vest · 5 months
Prompt: Daddy (Discord Drabble)
Eddie can feel his heart beginning to race when he checks his watch. He sets down his large Coke (a payment from Steve, who is slipping into the driver's seat) between his legs to set an alarm.
He is sure Burt will take more than half an hour on his lunch break but, considering how hard it was for Wayne to score him this job, Eddie decides to err on the side of caution.
For one time in his life.
This probably isn't the best idea anyway – giving his just-friend free rein over the most expensive car in the shop right now, all for the low, low price of a gas station beverage.
But the car in question is a red Corvette, a near enough model to single decorative embellishment donning Steve's bedroom wall.
But Steve likes cars.
And Eddie likes Coca-Cola from that ancient soda machine on the other side of town.
But most of all, Eddie wants to impress Steve.
Steve, who leans over and clips him in – a gesture that almost has Eddie spreading his goddamn legs in a way that would leave the car vulnerable to being ruined by brown sugary goodness.
He scrambles for his drink and covers a possible gasp (okay – it was a gasp) with a big enough sip he gives himself a brain freeze as Steve retreats and fires up the engine.
"Oh yeah," Steve hums, positively groping the steering wheel, "Purr for Daddy."
Eddie splutters, spraying Coke onto the outside of the glove compartment.
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❄️ Haunting Heroes DPxDC Winter Advent 2023 ❄️
The Haunting Heroes DPxDC Discord Server is happy to announce its first official event: Haunting Heroes Winter Advent 2023.
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🔹 What is Winter Advent? A DPxDC (Danny Phantom and DC Comics crossover) winter event to celebrate the winter holidays and the end of the year. Each day has two prompts you can choose from, along with a total of 6 free days where you can create anything you want!
🔹 When? December 10th to December 31st (2023)
🔹 Where?
Tumblr: If you post on Tumblr, feel free to tag this blog @haunting-heroes-creative-games and use the tag #hauntingheroesadvent23 so we can find and reblog your submissions
AO3: You can submit to our AO3 collection. We'll close the collection on January 31st, so you have plenty of time to catch up.
Discord: You can share your work on our Haunting Heroes DPxDC (safe for work 18+) Discord server. To join, just send us an ask
🔹 What kind of submissions can we send?
We welcome all kinds of creations for this event: art, sketches, drabbles, one-shots, multi-chapter mania, you name it! You are free to combine or skip any days of your choosing. You don’t need to post every day in order to join! The most important thing is you have fun and enjoy these last few weeks of 2023.
We are so excited for this upcoming event, and we hope you can join us as we wrap up the end of the year and look forward to a thriving fandom in the next.
Thanks @disillusioneddanny for the calendar!! 🩵
[Full prompt list under the cut]
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December 10: Free Day
December 11: Mistletoe // Snowman
December 12: Holiday Songs // Fireplace
December 13: Free Day
December 14: Candles // Winter Holiday
December 15: Stories // Hot Cocoa
December 16: Past/Present/Future // Sledding
December 17: Free Day
December 18: Stars // Gift Exchange
December 19: Workplace Holiday Party // Blankets
December 20: Free Day
December 21: The Grinch // Snowball Fight
December 22: Baking // Movie Night
December 23: Lights // Gingerbread House/Men
December 24: Free Day
December 25: Holiday Market // Cuddles
December 26: Family Time // Decorations
December 27: Free Day
December 28: Sleigh Rides // Love
December 29: Ice Skating // Money
December 30: Resolution // New Year’s Party
December 31: Year in Review
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blueballsracing · 4 months
they love me back (max/charles, 638 words, rated G, drabble!)
Written in a 20-minute sprint with some very supportive besties on Discord, who are are helping me through a small slump <3. (i may have copy-pasted this from Liquid) For the prompt: "There isn't anything that I wouldn't do for you"
When Charles finally wins the Monaco Grand Prix, the celebrations are wild. The crowds light up with happiness and cheers, millions of people are sobbing, and so is Charles.
He parks at the number 1 sign the FIA has graciously provided for him, and relishes in the atmosphere. It’s been too long since he’s won. 
Two years, and yet–
He can’t get enough of this winning feeling. He’s won five times before, now six, and he’s just–
There’s no other way to put it. He’s so happy, beaming and lighting up against the sky.
He wonders where Max is, if he had a good race–he had heard something about him being trapped behind some people (namely, George)–and he cannot wait to see his boyfriend. They started dating after his last win, and Max knows Charles has had to deal with weird things.
Charles gets out of the car, pumps his fists to the air, thanks his dad and Jules, and tears streak through his balaclava. He could barely see on the last lap, and now, he can barely see the rosso corsa red team that has supported him for so long.
Charles pats Carlos and Oscar, gives them nice, short hugs, and sighs heavily. How he even gets through the post-race interview without crying is utter news to him, but he’s happy about that. The podium celebration passes by in a flash, he accidentally drops his Monaco flag, but he smiles–smiles for the first time on a podium, the top step. It’s been so long.
The press conference and TV pen interviews go by in a flash, he thanks everyone and his family, but–
There’s someone else he needs to thank.
Charles and Max have been pretty private about their relationship, only a select few members of each of their respective teams knowing, so when he pushes past Red Bull engineers, confusion floods their faces. Hands meet the small of his back, voices of “Congrats, Charles!” 
He finally comes to Max’s driver room, and when Max opens the door, Charles throws himself onto him, in a huge hug. The embrace is intense and heartfelt, filled with a mix of relief, gratitude, and a deep sense of camaraderie. Charles buries his face in Max’s shoulder, and Max responds by holding him just as tightly, their bodies pressed firmly together. The hug speaks volumes, conveying emotions that words can’t capture—years of shared experiences, mutual respect, and unspoken understanding. Max can feel Charles’s heartbeat against his chest–reminiscent of when they shared the top of the timesheets together in Baku last year.
“Charles, I’m so proud of you. You finally did it.” Max pulls back to see Charles’ face and finds tears dripping down his face. He brings his thumb up to cup Charles’ cheek, wiping the wetness away. “Are these happy tears, or sad tears?”
“A little bit of both.” Charles mumbles, leaning into the tender hold Max gives. His other hand is still around his waist, grounding him.“I was so afraid I was going to mess up and crash, or that something bad was going to happen, I almost stopped believing in myself–”
“I’ll believe twice as much for you, then.”
Charles laughs softly. “We are still competitors, you know that right?”
“There isn’t anything that I wouldn’t do for you. Even if it means believing in you a little more than myself. You know I’ll still give you a challenge.” Max smiles with his teeth, and Charles just wants to kiss the freckle on Max’s lip. He pecks his mouth, a featherlight kiss, and smiles into it.
“You mean the world to me. You deserve this so much.” Max’s eyes glisten, and all Charles wants to do for the rest of his life is look into his icy blue eyes.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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