escalusia · 2 years
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just your average paladin whos mad at the horde
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swampgallows · 5 years
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twitter is basically eye bleach: the website for me anyway so dont worry, i haven’t gone there!!! and ive barely navigated away from my activity page haha. only using tumblr today to gripe with @circlemages about our abysmal wisdom tooth extraction recoveries x(
thank you all so much ♥
also i have 8.2.5 spoilers, bfa spoilers, battle for azeroth spoilers, and battle for azeroth itself all blacklisted as tags
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mrpinchy · 6 years
draevian replied to your post “northfront-guard replied to your post “sorry for the musings earlier...”
The thing that get's me, is that Liadrin is at arathi specifically to make sure the alliance doesn't move farther north (I think I remember reading that???). If there really is a warfront in silvermoon like recent "leaks" suggest, that would imply she fails that mission...
IM JUST NOW LEARNING warfronts aren’t supposed to be canon..? tbh I never heard anything about them being non-canon “what if” scenarios before, and I would’ve never guessed after the whole “gathering resources” thing we did last week.  does that mean everything happening in arathi rght now isn’t canon either? THIS IS CONFUSING
but yeah that line about a possible Silvermoon warfront makes me think warfronts ARE canon in some way cuz I don’t think the alliance could advance  to Silvermoon if Liadrin was still a threat
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rattle-me-bones · 6 years
🔥 RP in wow
I feel like a lot of my unpopular opinions about that are also popular on tumblr. I’ll get a real spicy one for u.Tauren who act like stereotypical orc warriors and rarely show any connection to their own people/culture and the ideologies that come with those are the WORST
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officialchrismetzen · 7 years
Mr. Metzen, is it true that the mantle of warchief is decided by a game of hot potato?
i accidentally read this as “thot potato” and it took me an hour to realize what you actually meant
no, mantle of warchief chooses a character based on popularity so you can watch slowly as the life drains from their character arcs
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phantom-tiger · 7 years
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drew @escalusia‘s and @draevian‘s Jean and Ronin because both (ppl and the ocs) are adorable and cute and nice and yeah <3
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For the OC ask thing, do all the ones with 5 in them.
HELLO THANK YOU I LOVE DOING THESE 5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be? IDK, maybe Candi? She’s one of my faves, personally. Though there’s also Kae and Theo too. They’re good beans. 15. Do you like to talk about your OCs with other people?I DO. Please let me ramble about my OCs with everyone and anyone I love my nerds and I will shove them at anyone willing. 25. The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, shared like/dislike for something etc?)OH MAN, this is hard because I spread myself out throughout all of them buuuttt… Probably Theo is the most similar with personality/hobbies/likes/dislikes. Though Candi has my body type, and Jamie has my height. 35. Any sibling characters?HOLY SHIT SO MANY. Like Theo, James, Val and Al are all siblings. Candi is Ellie’s older sister, Ty and Jamie are also siblings. I also have characters that are siblings with other people’s characters, like Lali and Raz. 45. A character you no longer use?I HAVE SO MANY UNUSED CHARACTERS LIKE SO FUCKIN’ MANY. Uhhh… Darius technically… tho he’s semi-revived-ish. Uhh… all my old furry characters…uhhh… just anyone pre-2013.
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unforgotten-kxng · 7 years
From what I've read, and what I want to believe/think is most likely, is Elune is a name given to the titan spirit inside Azeroth by the night elves. I think the whole "Elune is a naaru" thing is just velen speculating for flavour text. Of course he sees her as a naaru, because that's what he knows. Also Magni refers to Azeroth as "she" afer communicating with her after getting turned into diamond. Its a small clue, but still more solid than Velen's opinion tbh.
pretty much exactly what I think tbh.
Thanks for adding to this, but it’s so flopsy turny that Elune could be anything at this point still. 
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escalusia · 5 years
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Spooky icons for my fiance and i! @draevian <3
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swampgallows · 5 years
I imagine orcs being very much so like lions where they hype up the reaction to a young orc's fighting skills to encourage them. But further than that, this practice bleeds into other aspects of life like creative outlets. Orc parents are def going to hang their kid's scribble art on their fridge door and praise them for how much they're improving. That's why most orcs have confidence level's through the roof.
i am so proud of them!!! thank you so much
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mrpinchy · 6 years
I just saw a post you made about the mag'har scenario and I was just wondering if you intended on making one, or had any ideas for one? Mine's gonna be from outland, because honestly I don't wanna deal with all the AU stuff, and I want her to have known garry because I miss that yam.
that’s a good idea for your maghar! making her from Outlands instead of AU. I would go the same route if I made one, but I have no plans tbh. if I get some good inspo for a maghar I’ll roll one but in general I don’t think about orcs, like, ever lol
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rattle-me-bones · 6 years
Roshka, Magrogar, Tesrion, Garlinde
I’m surprised that anyone is attracted to Garlinde since she’s a lanky creep
i commend ur bravery 
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boilingheart · 7 years
Hot Chocolate, Jasmine Tea, flat White
Hot Chocolate : Are you an affectionate person?  --  I would consider myself one, but I tend to be a little apathetic at times and have a hard time communicating how I feel about people and such. Like, I want to be affectionate and show someone I love and care for them but I feel silly doing so for some reason so I end up seeming distant. But when I’m comfortable, I can definitely be affectionate.
Jasmine Tea : If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?  --  Japan!! I’ve always wanted to go there since I was a kid and learned I have ancestry there. I’d like to go to Osaka, more specifically Dotonbori and try out all the food there. I’d also like to live there in a small house for a few months. It just seems very nice there and I want to learn the culture more.
Flat White : Coffee or Tea?  --  COFFEE FOREVER i like tea but COFFEE > TEA EVERYDAY
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rykhafirehand · 5 years
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@draevian Why are you in Summerset?
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phantom-tiger · 7 years
Yo, you're awesome and I hope you have a fantastic day/night! I'm still not over that art
^-^ ahHHH! Thank you :D
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isei-silva · 6 years
D&D Class: Deyaenus Dewmorning
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You Are An: Artificer!
You are an artificer! Your weapon of choice is science and the applied power of an inventive mind. Some artificers focus on alchemy, using various bombs and concoctions to affect the field of battle, while others apply their ingenuity on traps, gunsmithing and even the art of golemcraft! All artificers know the basics of arcane magic, but rather than focus on casting powerful spells, they focus on the interaction of magical forces and the objects in which they are placed. An artificer is a clever and versatile combatant who relies on their ingenuity and an impressive array of gadgets and magical items to prevail!
(I personally don’t see it, but quiz didn’t give very “Dey” answers so I had to go with closest equivalent so here we are!)
Take the quiz here!
Tagged by: @caeliri
Tagging: @korvi-krow @monster-pirate @mandromeda @faerie-apples @draevian
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