#drafting service arizona
resdraft · 8 months
Spanish Style House Plan Drafting Arizona
Selecting the best drafters for a Spanish-style plan in Arizona will depend on your specific needs and preferences. ResDraft is a drafting company in Arizona with an experience and expertise of over 20 years.
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usafphantom2 · 2 months
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Surplus A-10 Warthogs Could End Up In The Jordanian Air Force
If Jordan is truly interested in the A-10s it would boost its ground-attack capacity and it could open the door to transfers elsewhere.
Joseph Trevithick Updated on Jul 10, 2024 1:37 PM EDT
The Senate Armed Services Committee has directed the Pentagon to look into the possibility of transferring retired A-10 Warthog ground attack jets to Jordan.
Jordan has emerged as a possible future operator of A-10 Warthog ground attack aircraft. The U.S. Air Force is planning to stop flying the venerable Warthogs operationally before the end of the decade. The impending retirement of the type in U.S. service has already prompted discussions about sending A-10s elsewhere, including to Ukraine.
On Monday, the Senate Armed Services Committee formally directed the Pentagon to look into transferring A-10s to Jordan. This came in a report accompanying a new draft of the annual defense policy bill, or National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), for the upcoming 2025 Fiscal Year. As of the beginning of the year, the Air Force still had around 218 A-10s in service spread across active duty, reserve, and Air National Guard units.
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An A-10, seen here firing its iconic 30mm GAU-8/A Avenger cannon. USAF An A-10 fires its famous 30mm GAU-8/A Avenger cannon during training. USAF
Specifically, “the committee directs the Secretary of Defense to report to the Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and the House of Representatives, not later than February 1, 2025, on the feasibility and advisability of transferring retiring A-10 aircraft to Jordan,” the Senate Armed Services Committee’s report says. “The report should include an analysis of Jordan’s ability to maintain the aircraft on their own.”
How active Jordan’s interest in acquiring A-10s might be and when the country first started eyeing the Warthogs is unknown, but it is hard to imagine this matter being raised at all if there wasn’t a real desire for the aircraft. The War Zone has reached out to the Jordanian government for more information. Before the Senate published its recent report, Colombia and Ukraine were the only countries known to have expressed interest on any level in acquiring A-10s in the past.
At a hearing before members of the House Armed Services Committee in April, Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall did mention that he was aware of one country that had expressed interest in potentially acquiring A-10s, but that he was not aware of any active discussions in this regard at that time. At that same hearing, he also alluded to the country in question not being Ukraine. The Air Force declined to identify the country Kendall was referring to in response to subsequent questions from The War Zone.
Ukrainian authorities very publicly looked into getting A-10s soon after Russia launched its all-out invasion in February 2022. At that time, U.S. officials pushed back on that request, citing the general condition of the approximately 100 Warthogs then in storage. Many of the A-10s then in storage at the boneyard at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base in Arizona, especially dozens of older A variants, are non-flyable and could not be reasonably returned to service due to heavy cannibalization for spare parts over the years. The Warthog has been out of production since 1984, which has created supply chain complexities for the aging jets. There is also a question of what it would take to train pilots to fly these aircraft and maintainers to support them.
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An example of the condition of some of the A-10s at the boneyard. USAF / J.M. Eddins Jr
At the same time, as the Air Force now moves toward retiring its A-10s for good, the Warthogs going to the Bone Yard will include newer A-10Cs that have received significant life-extension modifications, including new reinforced wings, and other deep upgrades in recent years. Best known for its iconic 30mm GAU-8/A Avenger cannon, the Warthog today is a capable precision strike platform that can employ a broad array of munitions. The GBU-39/B Small Diameter Bomb (SDB) just got added to the jet’s arsenal last year. The aircraft also still retains the design’s other trademark features, including its ability to loiter over particular areas for extended periods of time.
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An A-10C armed with a mixture of GBU-39/B Small Diameter Bombs (SDB), laser-guided Advanced Precision Kill Weapon System II (APKWS II) rockets, and AIM-9M Sidewinder air-to-air missiles at an undisclosed location in the Middle East in November 2023. USAF
For Jordan, a major U.S. ally in the Middle East in counter-terrorism and other operations, A-10s could give its Air Force a valuable boost in close air support and general air-to-ground capabilities if the jets can be reasonably sustained. Jordan is also currently actively engaged in a counter-drug campaign along its border with Syria, which has reportedly involved air strikes. The Warthogs are particularly well suited to supporting lower-intensity operations in permissive airspace and could also be used to conduct armed surveillance and border patrol missions.
The Royal Jordanian Air Force’s fixed-wing aerial combat fleets currently consist of nearly 60 F-16AM/BM Viper fighters and smaller numbers of turboprop light attack aircraft. Some years ago now, the country put its pocket fleet of CN-235 and C-295 cargo aircraft that have been converted into gunships up for sale and the current status of those aircraft is unclear. As such, the infusion of A-10s could also expand the service’s ground attack capacity, which could help free up the F-16s for other missions, including against aerial threats. Just in April, Jordanian F-16s shot down a number of Iranian drones headed toward Israel as part of larger reprisal strikes.
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A Jordanian single-seat F-16AM Viper, in front, flies together with one of the country’s two-seat F-16BMs. USAF
“The committee appreciates the long-standing alliance between the United States and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan… The committee commends Jordan for [the] defense of its air space [against Iranian threats headed for Israel] on the night of April 13, 2024,” a separate section of the Senate Armed Services Committee’s recently released report says. “The committee also recognizes the need for additional critical capabilities, including F-16 aircraft, to counter growing air threats, including unmanned aerial systems, within Jordan and across the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility.”
Jordan is currently in the process of acquiring a dozen new Block 70 F-16C/D Vipers.
A further section in the report also calls on the Pentagon to help Jordan otherwise expand its air and missile defenses with a particular focus on countering threats from Iran and its regional proxies.
Whether or not the Pentagon ultimately concludes that it would be both feasible and advisable to transfer A-10s to Jordan, or if the country actively pursues the acquisition of Warthogs regardless, remains to be seen. The Senate just raising the possibility of sending A-10s to Jordan could well reignite discussions about other potential future operators, especially Ukraine. Other interested parties could emerge if a fleet of Jordanian A-10s looks increasingly viable.
If nothing else, the Senate’s recently published report points to the potential for a new chapter in the A-10’s story even as the Air Force moves to retire the Warthog before 2030.
If it is deemed to be workable, sending A-10s to Jordan could be a welcome addition to that country’s air force that also opens up new possibilities for the Warthogs after they leave Air Force service.
Contact the author: [email protected]
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drawn arrows unseen
part 17 / previous installments/tags
Mason’s never watched the draft lottery before, not even the year he was drafted. But this year his heart beats faster with every card flipped. Sixth, Chicago. Fifth, Montreal. Fourth, San Jose. Third, Arizona. Mason paces around the room waiting for the lottery winner, chanting Anaheim, Anaheim, Anaheim in his head.
It’s Columbus.
Mason deflates. It’s so far away. But Anaheim has the second pick. Connor should go first overall. Connor deserves to go first overall. But – and Mason feels like a traitor for thinking it – if anything good can come out of Connor being an omega, maybe it’s him falling in the draft, just one spot. Falling straight to Mason’s team, straight into Mason’s apartment and bed and life.
It feels so right that he almost convinces himself it’s going to happen. On draft night, after Jarmo Kekäläinen announces Adam Fantilli’s name as the first overall pick, Mason sits at the edge of his couch, leg jiggling nervously, waiting for it.
It takes him a moment to register that Pat Verbeek didn’t say Connor’s name. Mason rewinds the broadcast and watches the pick again, just to make sure. It’s Leo Carlsson.
Mason throws the remote at the wall.
He’s not sure what he’s madder about: that Connor fell, or that he didn’t fall to Anaheim. Arizona snaps him up at third overall. Mason watches him hug his family and shed his jacket and walk up to the stage, hungry for any glimpse of Connor's face.
[Mason does not read any post-draft coverage, but Scott Wheeler and Chris Peters both predict Columbus and Anaheim will be sorry they passed on Connor because he’s an omega. Both franchises say they wanted a 1C with size, but everybody knows what they were really thinking. Pronman’s last mock draft predicted the first three picks correctly.]
Mason knows nothing good can come from a FaceTime request from Kent Johnson on the night of Connor’s 18th birthday, but he still picks up. Kent’s in a club, the music loud and the familiar ice buckets and velvet couches of bottle service visible as the phone swings around unsteadily. “Say hi to Mason,” Kent demands, and hooks Connor into the frame with an elbow around his neck.
“Hi?” Connor looks at the screen, puzzled. Mason can’t even tell if Connor knows who he’s talking to. HIs hair is hanging sweatily in his face and his shirt has one button too many unbuttoned. The club lighting casts shadows along his collarbones.
Mason wants to do things to him that would have Parliament holding a whole new set of Hockey Canada hearings.
“Happy birthday,” Mason projects, although he suspects it’s a losing battle over the music in the background.
“Thanks, man.” Something catches Connor’s eye off camera, and he ducks out from under Kent’s arm and disappears from the frame.
Mason glares at Kent so hard it ought to bore holes in the screen of his phone.
Kent snorts at him. “Don’t worry, nobody’s touching your omega. Last guy who tried to grind on him got an elbow in the gut.”
Mason opens his mouth to object, and then shuts it. Connor doesn’t feel like his omega, even if his entire body goes fuzzy with static when he hears Kent say it. Connor feels like a friend Mason played with once, who he kept in touch with for a while and then he faded away. If the thought of Connor still turns his insides upside down, maybe that will stop hurting, eventually. That’s how it has to be, with Connor headed to another team that’s going to hope for a bond with one of their own alphas.
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plethoraworldatlas · 8 months
The federal Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service is proposing to spray toxic insecticides within treasured and significant landscapes of the Colorado Plateau in northern Arizona to kill native grasshoppers.
The areas being considered include portions of the Vermilion Cliffs National Monument, Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument, and the newly designated Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni – Ancestral Footprints of the Grand Canyon National Monument.
“This is a dangerous plan that could kill creatures that are key to northern Arizona’s unique biodiversity, which these national monuments were designated to protect,” said Taylor McKinnon, Southwest director at the Center for Biological Diversity. “The federal government needs to stop downplaying the extinction crisis and back off its reckless plan to smother biodiversity hotspots with toxic pesticides.”
One out of every 10 plant species in the Colorado Plateau region is found nowhere else on Earth.
The agency's draft environmental assessment omits mention of the national monuments and unique species and habitats they were designated to protect. These species include rare bees, butterflies and other creatures found nowhere else, like the Kaibab monkey grasshopper and House Rock Valley chisel-toothed kangaroo rat, specifically named in the August proclamation establishing the Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni National Monument.
APHIS oversees and funds the application of multiple pesticides on rangelands to prevent native grasshoppers and Mormon crickets from competing with livestock for forage.
The proposed insecticides — carbaryl, diflubenzuron and chlorantraniliprole — are indiscriminate. In addition to the grasshoppers the agency is targeting, the insecticides can also kill bees, moths and other insects. Spraying can harm entire ecosystems by disrupting pollination and can harm populations of birds, reptiles and mammals who feed on grasshoppers and insects.
Although grasshoppers and Mormon crickets can be locally abundant from time to time, native plants and other wildlife evolved with these cycles. Introducing pesticides to eliminate native grasshoppers is a shortsighted, quick fix that fails to consider the complex interrelationships within these delicate ecosystems.
The agency’s draft analysis shows that it has failed to consult with affected Tribes with ties to the Grand Canyon area. The Grand Canyon Tribal Coalition, which proposed the Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni National Monument, includes members of the Havasupai Tribe, Hopi Tribe, Hualapai Tribe, Kaibab Band of Paiute Indians, Las Vegas Tribe of Paiutes, Moapa Band of Paiute Indians, Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah, Shivwits Band of Paiutes, Navajo Nation, San Juan Southern Paiute Tribe, Yavapai-Apache Nation, Zuni Tribe and Colorado River Indian Tribes.
“It’s so important that APHIS honor the promise made to work together with Tribal nations to protect the sacred spaces and resources within the Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni Monument when it was established less than six months ago,” said Sharon Selvaggio, pesticide program specialist with The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation. “We call on the agency to protect natural systems on Tribal and public lands by employing nonchemical management that allows humans and wildlife to thrive.”
In March 2023 the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency published a draft biological opinion from NOAA Fisheries showing that carbaryl is likely to jeopardize 37 species protected under the Endangered Species Act, and harm 36 designated critical habitats.
While Arizona is not home to any of the species named in that report, the findings show the extreme harm carbaryl poses to endangered fish and other species.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, which is charged with protecting endangered plants and animals, has not yet completed a proper analysis of the potential harms from the APHIS proposal. Potentially vulnerable endangered species in Arizona include Chiricahua leopard frogs, western yellow-billed cuckoos, Gila chub, black-footed ferrets and Siler pincushion cacti.
APHIS is accepting comments on the proposal until 4 p.m. MST on Feb. 2.
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roadtogracelandx45 · 7 months
Courage Under Fire| Pre War Part 5| BoB
@marycorleone | @prettyinpayne | @ohnoitsthebat
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December 18th, 1941 
Phoenix Arizona 
"You know you two should run off to Mexico," Stanhope said the next morning, his eyes fixed on both his son and Olivia who coughed on her coffee.
"Pardon me?"
"Go to Mexico and get married." He repeated, his dark eyes dancing in amusement, they had both wanted Lewis to be happy and the happiness that he had was when the pretty Southern Belle was with them. And he wanted to make Kathy more furious, to see if the woman that was going to be his daughter-in-law would act like she had the night before and slap Olivia again. If she did, he was going to put an end to it right then and there. 
"Dad." Lewis warned, "Don't start. She isn't even out of high school yet."
"Don't remind me." Olivia pulled a face, the one-half day she had attended school was horrible. All anyone could talk about was the fact that the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor and that the boys in their class could be drafted. "I already had a couple of friends get married."  
"What? Who?" Helen sputtered, she had heard all about Olivia's friends in South Philly and knew that it wasn't uncommon for girls to drop out due to being pregnant.
"Hannah and David." The younger girl answered placing the coffee mug down on the saucer. "Her daddy threatened to throw David in jail.' The news of the shotgun wedding had been dropped at mass 4 days prior and Hannah's father who was the police chief was livid, he had even gotten as far as pulling his service arm out when James Sr and Edward, Olivia's father and brother pulled him away. "Was she with child?" Doris asked, thankful that Lewis and Blanche had been sent to private schools where this was extremely uncommon and these stories that Olivia would include in her letters to her would send her to her smelling salts. "No, Hannah swore up and down that she wasn't. Even went to the doctor to get examined." 
Hannah had come over to her house afterward and sobbed into her lap, with how upset she was. She and David hadn't even consummated the marriage, it was more out of fear that they got married. "Sent Katherine into a tizzy."
"What in the world was that woman doing there?" Blanche asked as she lit a cigarette and passed it over to her. "She was there for mine and Robert's 18th birthday and she stayed until Andie kicked her out." Olivia said around a billow of smoke, "Bobby and Bill were more than happy to kick her out, Mama G, threw her suitcase out into the street. Katherine thought I was going to disappear into the night with Bill.' 
"I thought he was with that slut." Stanhope commented the story had been relayed to him several times including by Olivia herself.
She shrugged her shoulders, "I try not to think about it honestly Mr. Nixon." "Olivia, I told you to call me Stanhope many times, Mr. Nixon was my father."
"Yes sir." The rest of her reply was cut off by Kathy's parents Anne and Timothy joining them causing the girl to go quiet and pick at the scrambled eggs that sat in front of her. 
"Olivia, tell us is your family being called back into service?" Timothy asked.
 "Lee has been recalled to Coronado, I think they said something about the Pacific. They stopped talking when I walked into the dining room." She answered, her expecting sister-in-law and young nephews had moved into their already cramped house. "Edward and Daniel, I am not sure on. They won't discuss it around me, Marla, and Ma. They don't want to upset us." 
"Andera, isn't your  mother correct?' Anne asked with a smirk, she like the Nixons had heard about the fight the night before and wanted to get her shots in on her.
'No ma'am, she is my stepmother. My father has been with her since I was 10." Olivia answered as Lewis dropped his hand to her knee and squeezed it, his thumb rubbing a circle, causally going under the material of her skirt. 
Her free hand dropped down and covered it knowing if she didn't, he would have slipped his hand under it completely and touched her. She wasn't good at masking those emotions just yet. And the last thing they needed was for them to realize what was going on between the two of them. Then Stanhope would really insist on them going to Mexico. 
“Andrea is Liv’s mother in all the ways that count.” Helen threw in, the first time she had met the Stewart family was at James and Andera's wedding and it had amazed her how quickly Andrea took to being a stepmom and having more kids to handle. And how much Olivia loved her and her step-siblings. 
“Well, we heard that your actual mother hates you and that is the opinion that should matter.” 
Lewis’s hand tightened painfully on her thigh. 
“That is your opinion, Mrs.Page but it is wrong.” The girl said, “Katherine never wanted daughters and she ended up having me then my younger sister Marla. I learned a long time ago not to sneak out her approval. I don't need her approval or do I need yours. I believe the correct statement you are looking for, Mrs.Page, is I am so sorry for the loss of not only your older brother, and uncle but of your great great grandfather Olivia.” 
Lewis choked on his sip of coffee, and that unfamiliar sense of pride rose up again. This side of her made him think that she was going to be just fine if she stayed behind in the States or took his advice and joined the Army Nursing Corp.  “Are you planning on going to college? I mean that’s something your father can afford right?” Anne asked like she hadn’t spoken. 
“It’s rather silly going to college when our boys are joining the war isn’t it?” Olivia picked up her coffee cup again and took a sip of it, “My place isn’t attending school, “It’s doing what I can to help. Whether it be working at the recruiting office, going to work at the warehouses like my brother and Bill, or going back to Charleston and working at my grandfather’s  doctor’s office. I am sure he is going to be swamped.” 
“Or she could join the Army Nursing Corp.” Helen threw in, just looking at her cousin, she knew that he had already planted the seed of her going to the Nursing Corp and her husband had insisted when she talked to him earlier that morning that she joined too mostly so she didn’t end up marrying Bill or ending up like most of the young girls.  
‘Not you too Aunt Helen.” The girl took another sip of her coffee, “Do you really think my father is going to let me go running off to join the Army after he just got me back?” 
“I would be more worried about you becoming a slut like your step mother.” Anne commented with a smirked. 
The delicate coffee cup shattered when she slammed it down onto the saucer, “You have no idea what you are talking about Mrs. Page, Andrea, is nothing sort of a saint. If anyone is a slut, it’s your daughter.” 
“Livia, go upstairs.” Lewis finally said squeezing her thigh, “And start getting ready, Helen and I will be up in a moment.”  Shaking her trembling fingers out, Olivia nodded her head and stood up, “Excuse me. I am sorry Stanhope, Mrs. Nixon.’ 
Both of Lewis’ parents waved her off, “We will see you before the ceremony.” Stanhope commented shooting a glare at the Pages. 
It hadn’t been long from the time Olivia got upstairs that her aunt and Lewis appeared, the latter carrying a napkin-covered plate which he held out to the girl.
 “Thank you,” she started as she tucked her leg underneath her, “I am sorry for reacting like that.” 
“You have nothing to apologize for.’ Helen said, “I am surprised you didn’t throw a punch.” 
“I know better than that.” She stressed as she picked apart a piece of bacon, “I was raised better than that.”  
“Do you think Grammy and Gigi would have stood to talk like that?” Helen asked, referring to Olivia’s grandmother and great-great-great-grandmother. 
Olivia shook her head quickly, a small smirk pulling on her lips, “Gigi would have slugged her.”  
“Exactly. You are doing exactly what you need to. Screw the social norms.’ She blinked at her aunt surprised. 
“Helen, you do realize that is going against everything we raised to be.” The older picked up the whiskey bottle and took a swig off of it before she poured some into the teacup that was sitting in front of her niece. 
“Maybe it’s time for a change Olivia, for all of us.” She had been thinking a lot of things were changing and how much danger was out there. And how her nieces and nephews or even the little one growing in her belly. 
A little one that no one knew about.
“Aunt Helen?” Olivia’s voice was soft and concerned, much like her grandmother Sarah’s, when she was tending to the little kids’ injuries. “I am fine Liv.” She laughed unconvicing not wanting to meet Olivia or Lewis’s eyes.  
“Bullshit.” Her niece sang as she picked at the breakfast that he brought up for her. “Later.’ She returned, flicking her a look which she returned. “Don't start Liv. Not your place.” The girl held up her hands in innocence, a knowing smirk forming on her face. “Sorry. Not another word.”
Olivia had wandered down to the lobby before her aunt to clear her head before the wedding, the part of her wanted to listen to Stanhope and sneak off with Lewis to Mexico just to escape everything. But the other part of her, the responsible part said differently. 
It said to let him marry that awful woman and let him make that mistake, just like he was going to let her. and there were her feelings for Bill or lack thereof. Don't get her wrong, she cared for him but not in that maddening way that she had seen with her father and stepmother or her grandparents. 
She wasn't so sure she could get past the fact that he slept with Evie behind her back  multiple times. And maybe her aunt and Lewis were right maybe she deserved a lot better than this. Better than being a stay-at-home wife while her husband struggled to keep food on the table and a roof over their heads. It was no way to live.  
Her eyes locked on a couple across the lobby, the girl dressed in her Sunday best dress and the boy in a pressed Army uniform close to the one that Lewis had hanging up in his suite upstairs and her heart clenched with fear, the memory of her smiling happy go lucky older brother Nicholas who was quick to laugh and teach her out to throw a punch and sneak out of the house flashed in her head, the brief phone call he was able to make on the 5th to her and Bobby rang through her head, he had gotten several of the other boys on his ship to join in on singing happy birthday and there had been a promise of a present being mailed out to them.
 Which had arrived the day before she left and it still sat on the hope chest that was at the end of her bed. Either she or Bobby could bring themselves to open up, she didn’t know if it was out of fear or what but now she knew as soon as she got home she was going to open the box and see what he had sent them. 
"Olivia, sweetheart.' Doris' voice came as she and Stanhope came into the lobby, "Why don't you come with us to the church." She took a final glance at the couple before nodding her head and standing up to join Lewis' parents.
"Last chance to say yes and we'll sneak out of here." Lewis commented as she fixed his tie moments before he had to walk down the aisle with Doris, his sister Blanche had handed over the boutonniere to Olivia before going back to be with the bridesmaids. 
Stanhope was waiting in the hallway to escort both his niece and Olivia into the chapel. Something that when Kathy found out was happening pitched another fit. Yes, Helen was family and was okay but Olivia wasn't and she shouldn't be getting special treatment.
"You know why we can't Lew." She returned running her hands over his shoulders smoothing out the black material on his shoulders, "My father and brothers would kill us. I promised, I wouldn't run away with you." Lewis sighed and grasped her hips in his hands to pull her to him.
"How about this?" She suggested, "If it doesn't work out between you and Kathy and I am still single when I turn 21, we will run away." He looked thoughtful for several long seconds before nodding his head, "Deal." Either one of them wanted to bring up the fact that he could be shipping out to war and could die. And maybe he wanted to.
She smoothed her hands over his shoulders again and studied the tie to make sure it was straight, "I am going to say goodbye now, Aunt Helen and I are going to leave during the reception to get Charleston for the funerals. Uncle Michael got us on a plane.' 
"You? Are flying?" He asked surprised, Olivia was terrified of flying, she would rather take the trains. 
"Yeah, supposedly he has one of Uncle Finn's staff members meeting us and he has a sedative for me." She answered, "My heart has been in my throat since she told me."
 "It will all be fine." Lewis assured her brushing his lips over hers, "Helen and Michael wouldn't do anything that would put you in danger." 
"Lew? It's almost time." Stanhope commented as he eased the door open. "Okay." He dropped his voice so only she would hear him, "I love you." 
"I love you too." She returned just as softly before raising her voice so Stanhope didn't get any ideas. "You better write to me while you are at boot camp, okay?" "Always, I want to know all the gossip from school."
 "Like I would keep that from you." She squeezed his neck and let him hold her tightly for a few moments and pressed kisses to her cheeks, mouth, and jaw, before pulling away and taking hold of Stanhope's proffered hand.
"You are a good girl Olivia." The older Nixon commented as he tucked her hand into his elbow, "Letting him do this. I would have stopped it." "It's the right thing to do.' She paused licking her lips, "I already caused enough problems with Kathy and I know he loves her, he just doesn't realize it yet." "And you don't want to give up your freedom yet." She shook her head no, "Not with the possibility of it not being there anymore." 
It was a refreshing change being around his niece and Olivia, they both understood the consequences of what was going on and how drastically their lives were changing again. Half the country was finally starting to pull themselves up from the Great Depression.
Helen didn't quite understand  like Olivia did.
She understood what it was like to live with next to nothing, James Sr, had refused to take his father's offer to move back to Charleston with his whole family, which included his stepchildren.
They didn't quite get why but it was his choice and it made his kids better than they were.
The words, I object were on the tip of her tongue once the priest asked if there was anyone who object, her fingers clenched into the material of her blue skirt. She promised herself, that she wasn't going to do this but it just felt wrong, the more she sat there and thought about it, the more it felt wrong. 
"It's now or never kid," Stanhope muttered from her other side, he and Doris had been holding out hope that she would say something.
 'I am so sorry," Her voice broke through the quiet chapel, "I can't let him do this. I object."
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joshbarneyca · 10 months
The Best Baseball Players from California
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The state of California has produced some of the most accomplished professional baseball players in the history of Major League Baseball (MLB). Widely regarded as one of, if not the, greatest hitters of all time, Ted Williams was born in San Diego in 1918. He played 19 seasons in the MLB, all with the Boston Red Sox. Williams led the league in runs scored six times.
Williams regularly ranked among the season leaders in runs batted in (RBI) and walks. That said, he is best known for his impressive batting average and on-base percentage (OBP). He led the league in batting average six times and finished his career with a .344 average, sixth-best in league history. He had a career OBP of .481, a league record. He received countless individual accolades during his career, highlighted by 16 All Star team selections.
While Williams excelled as an individual player, the Red Sox failed to win a World Series title during his more than two decades with the franchise, which included multiple missed seasons due to military service. Other California-born players have enjoyed greater postseason success.
Lefty pitcher Randy Johnson was born in Walnut Creek in 1963. He was initially drafted in the fourth round by the Atlanta Braves, but made his professional debut for the Montreal Expos in 1988. Johnson established himself as an ace pitcher, leading the league in win-loss percentage and earned run average (ERA) in 1995, but experienced multiple trades during the first phase of his career.
Johnson signed with the Arizona Diamondbacks in 1999 and soon became regarded as one of the league’s top pitchers. He led the league in ERA during three of his first four years in Arizona, and recorded more strikeouts than any other pitcher each of those seasons. In 2001, Johnson and Curt Schilling led the Diamondbacks against the New York Yankees in the World Series. Johnson won all three games he pitched and was named co-MVP with Schilling. He finished his career as one of the league’s most decorated pitchers, with multiple Cy Young Awards and strikeout records.
Barry Bonds is another California native who enjoyed considerable individual success but finished his career without a World Series victory. A left-handed outfielder and designated hitter, he was born in Riverside in 1964. Bonds started his career with the Pittsburgh Pirates, but played his final 15 seasons with the San Francisco Giants.
Bonds earned seven MVP awards during his career, along with eight Gold Gloves, 12 Silver Sluggers, and many additional plaudits. He took part in six Home Run Derby competitions, winning in 1996. He concluded his career with an OBP of .444, No. 7 all-time, and is the MLB career home run leader at 762.
Other notable baseball players to come out of the Sunshine State include Duke Snider of Los Angeles, Fresno’s Tom Seaver, and Mark McGwire, a Pomona native. Center fielder Joe DiMaggio was born in Martinez in 1914. He played his entire career for the New York Yankees, winning nine out of the 10 World Series he played in.
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freedomofwords · 6 days
The Advantages of Working with The Brown Law Group for HOA Legal Services in Arizona
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Managing a homeowners association (HOA) involves navigating a complex landscape of legal and regulatory issues. In Arizona, The Brown Law Group has established itself as a premier provider of HOA legal services, offering a range of benefits that set them apart from other firms. Here’s a closer look at the advantages of working with The Brown Law Group for your HOA’s legal needs.
1. Expertise in HOA Law
The Brown Law Group specializes exclusively in HOA law, providing a depth of expertise that is crucial for addressing the unique challenges faced by homeowners associations. Their attorneys are well-versed in Arizona’s HOA regulations, community governance, and legal requirements, ensuring that they offer knowledgeable and effective solutions tailored to the needs of your community.
2. Comprehensive Legal Services
One of the key advantages of working with The Brown Law Group is their ability to provide a comprehensive range of legal services. This all-inclusive approach covers:
Assessment Collections: Efficiently managing overdue assessments and delinquencies to ensure financial stability.
Governing Documents: Drafting, reviewing, and amending governing documents to reflect current laws and community needs.
Dispute Resolution: Addressing and resolving conflicts between homeowners, or between homeowners and the HOA, in a fair and effective manner.
Compliance and Enforcement: Ensuring that community rules are enforced and that the HOA complies with all relevant regulations.
3. Innovative Billing Practices
Traditional law firms often use billable hours, which can lead to unpredictable costs. The Brown Law Group offers an alternative billing structure that provides clarity and cost predictability. Their transparent billing practices ensure that HOAs can manage their budgets effectively, avoiding unexpected legal fees and financial strain.
4. Client-Centric Approach
The Brown Law Group is committed to understanding and addressing the specific needs of each community they serve. They take a client-centric approach, working closely with HOA boards and members to develop legal strategies that align with the community’s goals and challenges. This personalized service fosters strong relationships and ensures that the legal solutions provided are both practical and effective.
5. Proven Track Record of Success
The firm’s success in handling a wide range of HOA legal issues is a testament to their capability and reliability. Their proven track record includes successful management of assessment collections, effective dispute resolution, and thorough compliance oversight. Positive outcomes and satisfied clients highlight The Brown Law Group’s ability to deliver results that enhance the overall health and functionality of homeowners associations. Weblink best hoa attorney phoenix
6. Strong Communication and Responsiveness
Effective communication is essential for successful legal representation. The Brown Law Group excels in maintaining open lines of communication with their clients. Their attorneys are responsive to inquiries, provide regular updates, and ensure that clients are well-informed throughout the legal process. This level of communication helps build trust and ensures that the needs of the HOA are consistently addressed.
7. Focus on Efficiency and Technology
The Brown Law Group leverages technology to enhance the efficiency of their legal services. They utilize advanced case management systems to streamline processes, track case progress, and communicate with clients. This technological approach improves accuracy, reduces delays, and contributes to a more efficient legal experience for HOAs.
8. Exceptional Client Service and Support
The firm’s commitment to exceptional client service is evident in their proactive and supportive approach. They prioritize the needs of their clients, offering guidance and support that goes beyond traditional legal services. This dedication to client care helps HOAs navigate complex issues with confidence and clarity.
Working with The Brown Law Group for HOA legal services in Arizona offers numerous advantages, including specialized expertise, comprehensive legal support, innovative billing practices, and a client-centric approach. Their proven success, strong communication, and use of technology further enhance their ability to serve homeowners associations effectively. For HOAs seeking a reliable and dedicated legal partner, The Brown Law Group provides a compelling choice that supports the successful management and governance of community affairs.
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resdraft · 8 months
Professional Drafting Company Arizona Texas and Florida
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Professional drafters of our team follow the International Residential Code/International Building Code, Florida Building Code and all City specific codes for your area. Our company provide quality drafting in a timely manner, with a goal of getting permits approved with the first submission.
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allmyblogs · 18 days
A Comprehensive Guide to Finding the Right Lawyer in Arizona
Arizona, a state known for its stunning landscapes and vibrant culture, also boasts a diverse and skilled legal community. Whether you're facing a personal legal issue, navigating a complex business dispute, or seeking guidance through a real estate transaction, finding the right lawyer in Arizona is crucial. This blog post will explore the various types of lawyers available in the state, highlight key considerations when selecting legal representation, and provide insights into how lawyers in Arizona system functions.
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Types of Lawyers in Arizona
Criminal Defense Lawyers: Criminal defense lawyers in Arizona defend individuals accused of criminal offenses. From misdemeanors to serious felonies, these attorneys work to protect their clients' rights and ensure a fair trial. They are skilled in negotiating plea deals, representing clients in court, and advocating for reduced sentences.
Family Law Attorneys: Family law attorneys handle cases related to divorce, child custody, spousal support, and other family-related issues. They provide essential support during emotionally charged situations, guiding clients through legal processes such as divorce settlements and child custody arrangements.
Personal Injury Lawyers: Personal injury lawyers represent clients who have been injured due to accidents or negligence. They help victims seek compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Whether it's a car accident, a slip and fall, or a product liability case, personal injury lawyers are dedicated to achieving justice for their clients.
Real Estate Lawyers: Arizona real estate lawyers assist with transactions involving property purchases, sales, and disputes. They review contracts, handle title issues, and ensure that all legal aspects of a real estate transaction are properly managed. Their expertise is invaluable in preventing legal complications and ensuring smooth property transactions.
Business Lawyers: Business lawyers focus on legal issues affecting businesses, including contract disputes, mergers and acquisitions, and employment law. They provide legal guidance to help companies navigate regulatory requirements, draft contracts, and resolve commercial disputes.
Estate Planning Attorneys: Estate planning attorneys help individuals prepare for the distribution of their assets after death. They create wills, trusts, and other estate planning documents to ensure that a person's wishes are carried out and that their estate is managed according to their desires.
Key Considerations When Choosing a Lawyer in Arizona
Specialization: It's essential to choose a lawyer who specializes in law relevant to your case. Specialized attorneys have the expertise and experience to handle specific legal issues effectively.
Experience: Look for a lawyer with a proven track record in handling cases similar to yours. An experienced attorney will be familiar with the nuances of Arizona's legal system and can offer valuable insights into the likely outcomes of your case.
Reputation: Research the lawyer's reputation by reading client reviews, checking their professional standing, and seeking recommendations from trusted sources. A lawyer with a strong reputation will likely provide quality legal representation.
Communication: Effective communication is crucial in a legal relationship. Choose a responsive lawyer responsive lawyer who listens to your concerns and keeps you informed about the progress of your case.
Fees: Understand the lawyer's fee structure before engaging their services. Some lawyers work on a contingency fee basis, while others charge hourly or flat fees. Make sure you are clear about the costs involved and any additional expenses that may arise.
Navigating the Legal System in Arizona
Arizona's legal system is governed by state and federal laws, with the Arizona Supreme Court serving as the highest court in the state. Understanding the legal process and knowing what to expect can make navigating legal issues less daunting.
Filing a Lawsuit: If you need to file a lawsuit, your lawyer will guide you through the process, including drafting and filing the complaint, serving the defendant, and preparing for court proceedings.
Legal Representation: Having a skilled attorney by your side ensures that your rights are protected and you receive competent representation throughout the legal process.
Alternative Dispute Resolution: In some cases, alternative dispute resolution methods such as mediation or arbitration can effectively resolve legal disputes without going to court. Your lawyer can advise you on whether these options suit your case.
Finding the right lawyer in Arizona can significantly impact the outcome of your legal matter. By understanding the various types of lawyers available and considering key factors such as specialization, experience, and communication, you can make an informed decision when seeking legal representation. Arizona's legal professionals are dedicated to providing exceptional service and ensuring that your legal needs are met with the highest expertise and care.
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
Tim Walz, the Democratic vice-presidential nominee, exaggerated his military rank and decided not to deploy to Iraq with the unit he once helped lead. He made up combat experience. J.D. Vance, his Republican counterpart, called him out, leaning on his own record as a Marine deployed to bloody Anbar province during the Iraq War and actual experience outside the wire. It’s the latest chapter in America’s long, confusing relationship between politics and military service.
The relationship extends back to the Founders, who chose an actual war hero as the first president. Fast-forward to the postwar era, and the White House was home to multiple veterans, including actual combat vets such as Harry Truman, Ike, and John F. Kennedy. Vietnam took its toll, with the emphasis shifting to those accused of lack of service, predominantly Bill Clinton, who went to Britain to avoid the draft. Ironically, Clinton won against George H.W. Bush, a decorated veteran pilot of the Second World War.
But the real politics of service and holding office was again Vietnam-related, and again in the negative. John Kerry ran for president against George W. Bush (himself possessing a very dubious military service record, avoiding the Gulf War in an Air National Guard role his powerful father helped him secure), presenting himself as a war hero for having served with valor as a Swift Boat captain in Vietnam. Kerry was awarded three Purple Hearts, a Silver Star, and a Bronze Star, which turned out to not be enough.
A group calling themselves Swift Boat Veterans for Truth produced blindingly effective television ads claiming Kerry was a fraud, that he did not deserve the medals he won and the valor he claimed. Kerry tried remaining above the fray. He was, after all, a war hero, with the medals to prove it. His military record was defended by others, including Senator John McCain of Arizona, a former prisoner of war in Vietnam and one-time presidential candidate himself, who called Swift Boat Veterans for Truth “dishonest and dishonorable.” But the mud stuck to Kerry and contributed to his loss. “Swiftboating” became part of America’s political vocabulary.
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localphoenixazbiz · 2 months
Garage Door Repair in Phoenix, Arizona by Garage Door Guru When it comes to maintaining your home, one of the most important yet often overlooked aspects is the garage door. A malfunctioning garage door can not only be a significant inconvenience but also a safety hazard. In Phoenix, Arizona, residents trust Garage Door Guru for all their garage door repair needs. With a reputation for excellence and a commitment to customer satisfaction, Garage Door Guru stands out as the go-to service provider for homeowners looking to ensure their garage doors are in top-notch condition.
Expert Garage Door repair in Phoenix, Arizona
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The Importance of Professional Garage Door Repair Garage doors are complex systems that require regular maintenance and occasional repairs to function correctly. Common issues include broken springs, misaligned tracks, malfunctioning openers, and worn-out rollers. Attempting to repair these problems without professional help can be dangerous and may lead to further damage. Professional repair services like those offered by Garage Door Guru provide several benefits:
Safety Garage doors are heavy and operate under high tension. Without proper training and tools, attempting to repair a garage door can result in severe injuries. Professionals have the expertise to handle these repairs safely, ensuring that the door operates correctly without posing a risk to homeowners.
Expertise Garage Door Guru’s technicians are trained to diagnose and fix a wide range of garage door issues. They can quickly identify the root cause of a problem and provide effective solutions, saving homeowners time and frustration.
Longevity Regular maintenance and timely repairs can extend the lifespan of a garage door. By addressing issues early, professional technicians prevent minor problems from escalating into major ones, ensuring the door functions smoothly for years to come.
Convenience A malfunctioning garage door can disrupt your daily routine. Professional repair services offer quick and efficient solutions, minimizing downtime and restoring your garage door to working order as soon as possible.
Common Garage Door Issues and Solutions Broken Springs Garage door springs are under immense tension and can break due to wear and tear or sudden impact. When a spring breaks, the door may become difficult to open or close. Garage Door Guru’s technicians can safely replace broken springs, ensuring the door operates smoothly and safely.
Misaligned Tracks Garage doors run on tracks that can become misaligned due to accidents or regular use. Misaligned tracks can cause the door to become stuck or operate noisily. Professional technicians can realign the tracks and secure them, allowing the door to move smoothly.
Malfunctioning Openers Garage door openers can develop issues such as faulty wiring, worn-out gears, or sensor problems. These issues can prevent the door from opening or closing properly. Garage Door Guru’s experts can diagnose and repair opener problems, ensuring the door responds correctly to commands.
Worn-Out Rollers Rollers help the garage door move along the tracks. Over time, they can wear out, leading to noisy or jerky door movement. Replacing worn-out rollers with high-quality ones can improve the door’s operation and reduce noise.
Weather Stripping and Insulation Weather stripping and insulation play a crucial role in maintaining the energy efficiency of your garage. Damaged weather stripping can allow drafts and moisture to enter, while inadequate insulation can lead to temperature fluctuations. Garage Door Guru can replace worn-out weather stripping and improve insulation, keeping your garage comfortable and energy-efficient.
Why Choose Garage Door Guru? Experienced Technicians Garage Door Guru employs a team of experienced and certified technicians who are well-versed in all aspects of garage door repair. Their expertise ensures that every repair is carried out to the highest standards, providing homeowners with peace of mind.
Customer-Centric Approach Customer satisfaction is at the heart of Garage Door Guru’s business philosophy. The company prides itself on offering friendly, reliable, and transparent services. Technicians take the time to explain the problem and the proposed solution, ensuring homeowners are fully informed and comfortable with the repair process.
Comprehensive Services Garage Door Guru offers a wide range of services, including emergency repairs, routine maintenance, and complete garage door installations. Whether you need a quick fix or a major overhaul, the company has the skills and resources to meet your needs.
High-Quality Parts Using high-quality parts is essential for the longevity and performance of a garage door. Garage Door Guru sources parts from reputable manufacturers, ensuring that every repair and replacement meets the highest standards of quality and durability.
Affordable Pricing Garage Door Guru believes that top-notch garage door repair services should be accessible to everyone. The company offers competitive pricing and transparent quotes, ensuring homeowners get the best value for their money.
Preventive Maintenance Tips While professional repairs are crucial, homeowners can also take steps to maintain their garage doors and prevent common issues:
Regular Inspections Periodically inspect your garage door for signs of wear and tear. Look for rust, frayed cables, and worn-out parts. Early detection of problems can prevent more significant issues down the line.
Lubrication Lubricate the moving parts of your garage door, such as rollers, hinges, and tracks, to ensure smooth operation. Use a high-quality garage door lubricant to avoid attracting dust and debris.
Balance Check A balanced garage door operates more efficiently and reduces strain on the opener. To check the balance, disconnect the opener and manually open the door halfway. If it stays in place, it’s balanced; if it moves up or down, it may need adjustment.
Weather Stripping Inspect the weather stripping around your garage door and replace it if it’s worn or damaged. Proper weather stripping prevents drafts, moisture, and pests from entering your garage.
Test Safety Features Regularly test the safety features of your garage door opener, such as the auto-reverse mechanism. Place an object in the door’s path and close it. If the door doesn’t reverse upon contact, it may need adjustment or repair.
Conclusion In Phoenix, Arizona, Garage Door Guru is the trusted name for professional garage door repair services. With a team of experienced technicians, a commitment to customer satisfaction, and a comprehensive range of services, the company ensures that your garage door remains in optimal condition. Whether you’re dealing with a broken spring, misaligned tracks, or a malfunctioning opener, Garage Door Guru has the expertise and resources to provide effective solutions. Don’t let a faulty garage door disrupt your life—contact Garage Door Guru and experience the peace of mind that comes with knowing your garage door is in expert hands.
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At Listing Marketing Pros, we understand that presenting a property in the best possible light is crucial for a successful real estate transaction. That's why we offer the Best Pro Listing Marketing Package Surprise, Arizona, designed to help realtors like you showcase properties in a way that attracts buyers and maximizes value.
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merchantlawaz1 · 5 months
Arizona Real Estate Attorney
Looking for expert legal guidance in Arizona real estate matters? Look no further. Merchant Law Group is your trusted partner for all your real estate legal needs in Arizona. Our team of experienced attorneys specializes in navigating the complexities of Arizona real estate law, ensuring that your transactions are smooth and your interests are protected.
Whether you're buying, selling, leasing, or facing disputes, our dedicated Arizona real estate attorneys are here to provide you with personalized solutions tailored to your unique situation. We offer comprehensive legal services encompassing contract drafting, negotiation, due diligence, title examinations, closings, and litigation support.
With Merchant Law Group, you can rest assured knowing that your real estate transactions are in capable hands. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with an Arizona real estate attorney and take the first step towards achieving your property goals.
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resdraft · 9 months
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Arizona Casita Plan Flat Roof Drafting Services
Arizona Casita Plan – Flat Roof – 740 Sq Ft Livable – Plan Set Includes: Cover Sheet, Floor Plan, Foundation Plan, Roof Framing Plan, Elevations, Detail Sheets, Exterior/Interior Perspectives, Building Sections, & Schematic Electrical Plan.
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