#band of brother fan fiction
indigo-graves · 10 months
Currahee | Joe Toye
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If there was a waiting room in hell, it was overseen by Herbert Sobel. At least, that’s what Vivian had convinced herself over the span of three months under his orders. She hated to admit it, but Sobel had found a way to be harsher on her than the men of Easy, as if it was his life’s mission to prove just how wrong they had been to allow a woman into the Company. Between his constant reminders of her gender, of the balance that needed to be struck for her to continue a part of the paratroopers, of the way the men considered her nothing more than a distraction from their objectives. The only positive response from it all was the way the rest of the Company responded to his overt attempts to cut her down to size. 
At first, there were nods of agreement, eye rolls, knowing looks and glances her way. It evolved then to averted eyes, bitten cheeks, sympathetic looks. After months of proving herself as good of a candidate as any of her male counterparts, she was noticing gritted teeth, clenched fists, and muttered resentments. 
Similar to the ones that resounded around her as the Company busted their asses three miles up, three miles down. It was only on Currahee that Vivian ever found herself questioning if she would make it to Europe. She often joked with her companions about how they would have to ship her back home to her mother with a note about how she perished two and a half miles up a mountain in Georgia. 
True to her suspicions, as Vivian pushed herself up the last leg of the incline, she felt a cramp begin in her calf. Cursing, she limped to the side of the trail, away from the group of men that surrounded her. Sweat dripped from her brow as she leaned forward, reaching for her toes to stretch through the pain. She wiped her forehead and cheeks with the back of her free hand, blowing the strands of hair from her face. 
“You okay?” The gruff voice of one concerned Joe Toye only took her slightly by surprise. If anyone were going to stop, it was going to be Toye, who had found a way to show up just about anywhere when she needed any form of support (and even when she didn’t.) 
“Cramp,” she nodded back to him, kneading into the back of her calf. “I’ll be alright.” 
“Here,” Joe reached his canteen out towards her. 
“I’ve got my own,” she reminded him, adjusting the strap of her canteen on her shoulder. “Besides, it’ll be a boring weekend for anyone who takes a sip without Sobel’s okay.” 
Joe shrugged, “that’s why I offered mine.” 
“Thanks,” she smiled softly, starting to feel the muscle tension relent. She alternated between flexing and pointing her foot, sighing with relief. “You shouldn’t let them get too far. He’ll have your ass.” 
“Fuck ‘em,” Joe shrugged again. “I’ll tell him I was taking a piss.” 
Vivian laughed, “and what was I doing?” 
Joe felt heat rise in his cheeks as he recognized what this may look like to a Commander who was already working tirelessly to invalidate a woman’s place in the Company. He scratched the back of his head.
“I guess we should both get moving then,” he gestured to the rest of the company, starting to look smaller and smaller up ahead. 
“Yep,” Vivian replied, limping herself into a quick walk, then up to a jog. 
When they got up to the rest of the group, Vivian was able to slow her pace, thankful to give the burn in her lungs time to subside. 
“Where’d ya go?” Luz asked Toye, looking over at Vivian who was working overtime now to keep pace with the soreness in her calf. 
“Quickie in the woods?” Guarnere asked slyly, causing a few chuckles to resound. 
“Yeah, don’t forget to give your mother my regards,” Joe spat back, causing Vivian to smirk. Joe winked back at her.
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roadtogracelandx45 · 3 months
Courage Under Fire| Currahee part 3| Band of Brothers
Currahee part 2
@marycorleone @ohnoitsthebat @prettyinpayne
Currahee part 3
August-September 1942
*Because part of me is selfish and wants to add more to what we see in the show, I am kind of doing things a little out of order*
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A lot of the girls were struggling with the obstacle course, PT, and running the hill, no more so than Adele Rogers, the soft-spoken girl from Seattle, Washington, she was a little shorter than the other girls and had to jump up to get into the tunnels and then up to the wall. 
But Olivia insisted that they stayed together and worked through it and in turn, her twin brother Bobby, Floyd Talbert, and Joseph Liebgott dropped back to help them out. At first, Adele thought it was because Bobby didn't want to see his sister,  especially fail and because Liebgott was sweet on Olivia having witnessed the flirting between the two when they weren't under the watchful eye of Sobel and Bobby and Floyd who were trying to stop it. 
But then she started to realize that unlike Sobel, Bill Evans, and Roy Cobb, one of the privates in the first platoon, most of these boys had their best interests at heart, even if it was for their own selfish needs. Talbert was open to admitting that often flirted with Olivia, Daisy, and Lily. The latter of the trio blushed wildly and stammered through conversations. He was often scolded by Olivia for teasing the poor girl. 
Unlike the rest of them, Lily, who was in Dog Company with Edward Stewart and Ronald Speirs, wasn’t used to being surrounded by men, even loud friendly ones. From what they were able to piece together was that Lily’s father was abusive and beat the poor girl down until she was nothing, the call from the Nursing Corp came at a good time, like Katherine, Olivia’s mother, Lily’s father, Arthur was going to force Lily to marry someone who was old enough to be her father. She had run, changing her name and never looking back. 
They had all respected that. She thought that was part of the reason why the mysterious Speirs took a liking to Lily and took her under his wing.
“Come on Addie.” Olivia’s voice shook her out of her thoughts and she looked at the girl who had come back to her side, her green eyes dancing in amusement, “We need to get over the wall and Sobel is watching.” 
Adele cringed, “Isn’t he always watching though, almost creepily?” 
 The answering unladylike snort that came from Olivia was answer enough for her. It was almost uncomfortable the way Sobel stared and leered at them, so much so that none of them wanted to be in the same room with him without another nurse or one of the boys with them. Thankfully, he hadn’t escalated yet and tried anything with them. 
“I don’t know how I am going to get over that freaking wall.’ She changed the subject as she followed her toward the tunnels. “Get a running start.” Bobby offered up, “Bean, go first. I will stay”
 “Yeah, c’mon Princess. Race ya. Loser buys drinks next time we get a pass.’ Liebgott offered up. 
“Yeah,” Olivia laughed, “Sure if Malarkey or Frank don’t get our passes revoked.” 
In the month they had been at Toccoa they hadn't been able to have a pass because of little things that Sobel found to be not up to snuff. It drove them all crazy. Honestly, she was already sick and tired of hearing about the boys not getting laid. At first, it had surprised her how quickly they forgot about the social norms. But there was really nothing she could do other than being or trying to be a sympathetic ear. 
Adele looked at the older twin quickly checking if he was okay with his friend openly asking his sister out. To her surprise, he just shook his head, he must have figured that they were both going to do whatever they wanted. They were in the middle of war and life was going to be short, who was he to stop them?  After everything his sister had been through with Katherine and taking care of Fredrick, she deserved a little fun. As much as he hated it. 
“Stop Joe! You cheated!” Olivia laughed as they both came to a stop at the end of the course, for the most part, he had stayed close by her until the end when he took off running, causing her to curse and chase after him. 
Still laughing he shrugged his shoulders, took steps forward, and slung his arm around her shoulders pulling her back to him. He could enjoy seeing the light blush covering her cheeks. He resisted pressing a kiss against her cheek before turning so they were facing the group that was still making their way towards the end of the course. 
“I will still pay for drinks.” He muttered lowly in her ear. “On one condition.” “What’s that?” She prodded before yelling out encouragement to Adele. “It's just the two of us. No Bobby, no Floyd. Just us.” 
Pursing her lips, she thought for a minute before nodding her head in agreement, “Fine. Yeah! Addie!” Adele had pulled herself up and over the wall and had a triumphant smile on her face. Bobby who had come over the wall behind her grabbed her by the waist and hoisted her up. Causing her to shout with laughter.  
"Sometimes," Joe's voice was low in her ear, as he clapped his hands in encouragement, "All it takes is the right kind of encouragement." 
"Is that so?" She returned as Adele tore across the opening and into her Lieutenant's arms, causing Joe to snicker and move his arm from her shoulders to her waist to hold her up so they wouldn't tumble to the ground. He wanted to admit that the thought of taking her out on the weekend pass was the encouragement he needed. But at the same time, he wasn't sure that he was ready to settle at all. Olivia was a girl who needed a boyfriend, not a bootcamp fling.
"Excuse me, Lieutenant Sobel." Amber started seeing the flat-footed man outside of the officer's barracks, everyone else was heading out to dinner in the mess hall a couple of hours later. He turned to face her, a sneer forming on his face. The hatred and distaste he had for the women were growing stronger with each day that passed. "I think I have a way of getting Olivia Stewart out of both of our hairs." Sobel paused, he could hear Olivia's laughter coming from down the pathway, Bill Guarnere had gathered her up in his arms dipping her down to the ground, and proceeded to rain kisses all over her face.
"I am listening." He started folding his arms, he was tired of not being able to do anything about the nurses. But if one of their own was willing to do something about it, he was going to take full advantage of it.
"Bill, stop,  you are embarrassing yourself!' Olivia laughed as he raised her back upright, his hand lingering on hers. "Me? Never." He laughed before releasing her hand, she had scolded him about the flirting and how he should focus more on Evie than her, and how they could get removed from the program.
 Evie joined the Army Nursing  Corps to be with Bill, not because she wanted to make a difference. She wanted the relationship with Bill where Olivia found herself moving further and further away from her childhood sweetheart and more towards someone like Lewis or even Joe Liebgott, who over the last week or so she had started forming a friendship with.
She gave him a pointed look and then glanced at Evie.
"You know," Talbert commented, settling his arm around her shoulders, they had all heard the shouting match that the two had gotten into after he had seen her and Nixon wander off together to talk, "We would pay big bucks to see you two together." His dark eyes darted to Evie then back to Olivia who glowered at him.
"In your dreams pal."
"Only every night babe." He returned, causing her to roll her eyes and smack her hand against his chest.
"You are a pig." He offered a cheeky smile followed by a loud smacking kiss against her cheek before letting her slip away from him. "Just the girl I was looking for.' Sobel's nasally voice came from down the pathway causing everyone to deflate and roll their eyes and Olivia to stiffen.
 Bobby took a step forward ready to pounce on the man if need be. She had come to him the night before near tears about how Sobel was making them uncomfortable and as much as she was playing it off like everything was fine, it wasn't.
 'After the night march tonight, you and Cobb are going to be on guard duty."
"Yes, sir." She flattered, she had dreaded spending time with Cobb after the advances he tried on her and the other girls. But if she had to do it, she had to do it.
 "Don't worry Liv, we are on right after." Bobby muttered darkly, normally the duties were two or three hours at a time, "We will make sure nothing happens to you."
 "If worst comes to worst." Floyd added, "Stab him with your scissors."
"Gladly." There was a small twisted smirk forming on her face. As much as her oldest brother claimed her innocence, there was something about her that could be downright evil. It made her twin brother proud. 
Cobb, who had been within the ranks of the 3rd platoon came up to the group smirking, “Olivia.” “It’s Lieutenant Stewart.’ Bobby corrected, and while Olivia was okay with most of the men and permitted them to call her by her first name, she still had every right to be called by her rank, which she rightfully earned. 
Cobb rolled his eyes, “She isn’t my Lieutenant.” “She is a Lieutenant.” Talbert threw in before the tempers that Liebgott and Bobby had flared, “And she does deserve your respect. She worked just as hard as the other Lieutenants.” Her hand caught his and squeezed it in thanks as Liebgott led her into the mess hall, out of the line of the fire.  
“Oh come on, Talbert, the only reason why you pretend to respect her is because you want in her pants.” The blonde man complained, “I mean, I don’t blame you, I want to fuck her too.” 
A heavy hand dropped onto his shoulder, and he turned his head to meet the fiery blue eyes of Robert Stewart. And his heart dropped to his stomach. “Roy, let’s go have a chat before we go to dinner.”  
Olivia stifled her yawn behind her hand as they marched, she was sandwiched in between Talbert and Liebgott. Every Friday night since they had been there and their passes were revoked they had marched and each march grew longer. They were now at 12 miles, in the pitch dark, full packs and dead silence.
The silence that all the girls hated.
Especially Olivia who was used to the constant noise of the old houses settling or of siblings fighting or over-talking each other to be heard. Only tonight was different, she had heard Pat Christenson coughing and dropped back to check on him and told him to drink the water. That they were forbidden to drink from, he was fighting a mild cold and slight dehydration and Olivia wasn't going to let anything serious happen to him. They had all come too far with this for someone to drop out because of an illness.
“ Lieutenant.” He offered, he knew that there would be hell to pay when Sobel found out that he drank from his canteen. But he wanted to listen to Olivia, she was like Winters and Nixon, and she seemed to know what she was doing. And if he remembered correctly, Bobby told them stories about how his twin was constantly talking about how she patched him and the older brothers and younger sister up. 
"I will handle Sobel." She said firmly, a determined twinkle in her eye before returning to her place between Talbert and Liebgott.
"I hope you know what you are doing Princess," Joe whispered.
"I always know what I am doing.' He glanced over her head at Talbert who smirked and shook his head. She was going to cause a mess of trouble, there was no doubt in his mind. But he would do anything he could to pull her out of it.
"Lieutenant Winters." Bull Randleman's voice came from in front of her causing her to perk up causing the two men on either side of her to laugh.
"What is it?'
"Permission to speak sir."
"Permission granted.' Winters returned, Olivia didn't need to see his face to know that he was amused, she could count on one hand how many times she had seen that man amused. This was a rare treat.
"We have 9 other companies sir, why is it we are the only ones that are out here marching 12 miles in the pitch dark with a full pack." 
"Why do you think Private Randleman?" 
"Lieutenant Sobel hates us, sir." "Lieutenant Sobel doesn't hate Easy Company, he just hates you." There was scattered laughter through the ranks.
"Thank  you, sir."
"He hates you too, Muck.' Talbert teased knocking his knuckles against Skip's helmet causing Olivia to laugh softly and shake her head. 
"Amber is the only one he likes other than Evans." Adele's voice floated forward. Amber was the only nurse not marching with them that night. 
"Why do you think that?" Olivia returned curiously, they all had their theories on what was going on, and she had rushed whispered conversations with Lewis and Dick about theirs when they could have them. 
"Well." The girl paused, trying to find the right words that wouldn't embarrass herself or
 the other girls. "I kind of walked in on them the other night."
"Easy Liv!' Chuck Grant exclaimed as he bumped into her, she had stopped dead in her tracks at the statement.
"Sorry Chuck." She said before moving forward again, falling back into step with Liebgott and Talbert, "What were they doing Addie?"
 "You know."
 "No, we don't sweets." Liebgott called, earning a slap on the chest from Olivia, causing him to catch it and hold it against his heart, "You wound me, princess.' His heart flipped in his chest when he saw the bright dimpled smile on her face. 
"You know it."
"Sex." Bobby filled in, his amusement clear in his voice.
"Aw! Gross! Bobby!" Repeated complaints filled the air at that. 
"I really, really didn't need that image in my head," Alice complained from where she was near the front with Bull and Johnny. 
"Me either." The other 3 nurses agreed, pulling faces. All thankful that it was dark enough to where the men couldn't see how horrified they all were.
"Where is Lewis when I need him?" Olivia muttered, "He has whiskey." Trying to drown the image out of her head was going to be the best option.
"There is one way to get the image out of your head." Talbert started as they turned to go line up in front of the barracks, "Creating your own images. We will be happy to help you with that."
All the blood rushed to her face and neck and she was thankful that her uniform and too-big helmet covered it, the last thing that she needed was to be teased again, Lewis did that enough. 
"Oh, um, I, uh." She stammered, she had only really had Lewis tease her like that before having a man who was a near stranger say that was shocking. Her shock was saved by Sobel, Evans, and Amber appearing.  
The latter smirked at her CO's misfortunate having to march with the men and the other nurses. Olivia, who pulled herself away from the 1st platoon made her way up to the front, to stand next to Dick, like she had been told to. Lewis, Peacock, and Shames joined them seconds later.
"Liv? You good?" Lewis asked lowly, he could see the faint red tinge on her cheeks and wondered what he had missed by being further back.
"Later, Lew, later." She muttered.
"Lieutenant Winters, canteens out and open," Sobel ordered, his beady eyes going over all of the company. "Canteens out and open," Dick ordered not risking to look back at the other officers, he knew the moment he made eye contact with Olivia, one of them was going to
 break and it was probably going to be her. And they didn't need to have a scene caused right then.
Sobel gave the command to pour and started going up and down the rows of men looking for one of them to mess up so he could have them repeat the march.
 "Who is this?" He had found his target, Pat Christenson. "Private Christenson. Were you told not to drink on the Friday night march?"
 "Yes, sir." "You disobeyed a direct order. Lieutenant Winters."
"Lieutenant Sobel." Olivia's voice cut over his command causing everyone to freeze, no one actually cut him off before, they had all thought about it and never did it, "I told him to drink sir.'  
"What gives you the right?" Sobel spat, spinning around to face her. 
"My rank in the Nursing Corp sir, it is my responsibility to make sure these men are healthy
 enough to go into battle. And Private Christenson is sick." The man's hands formed fists and he stalked towards her. 
"He wasn't healthy. So I made a call." Her eyes dropped down to his fists, "What are you going to do with those fists Lieutenant Sobel?"
"Oh don't do it Liv," Lewis muttered, he knew that she could drop the fact that her godfather was the General over the parachute infantry. He was even over General Taylor, with whom they were all familiar. Her saying anything about that would make it five times worse for her and for Bobby. 
But Sobel seemed not to put two and two together and it was almost like a game to see when Sobel was going to figure it out.
 If he did. 
Realizing that Winters, Nixon, and several others were inching closer to where they were standing, Sobel loosened his fist and stepped away. "Both of you refill your canteens and repeat the 12-mile march now! Fall out!" He finally spat. “Yes sir.” The two parroted back and Olivia smirked as she passed Lewis and the others. She had known exactly what she was doing when she had told him to drink, she knew that she couldn’t do 2 hours alone with Cobb on guard duty. He was still smarting from the ass beating he got from Bobby, there was no telling what he would do to her. Olivia had been quick to put two and two together when her brother came into the mess hall with bloody knuckles. The rest of the boys had been quick to start teasing Bobby once Olivia scolded him and started cleaning up the blood knuckles. Then she turned her attention to them, lecturing them too, which amused her brother and Nixon greatly. 
“You didn’t have to do that, Lieutenant.” Pat finally said as they started back out on the march. “It’s Olivia please.” She waved her hand, “And yes I did. Sobel thinks he can bully everyone and anyone he thinks is below him, including the women. But I am not going to let him.”
 He was silent waiting for her to go on, it seemed like as quiet as she seemed she had a lot to say about Sobel. 
“Y’all worked too hard for him to f-” she caught herself from swearing, if it was Lewis, Bobby, or Bill she would have been more open to cursing, “mess it up. I think the best thing that we can do is rise above his crap and prove we are the best. You boys have Winters, Nixon, Keihn, Peacock, and Shames, they outweigh everything that he has done wrong.”  
“We also have you Olivia.’ He cut in, “and the other girls. We all work extra hard to impress you.”  He was awarded with a bright smile from her. Something that only was granted to her twin, Bill, and from what he had seen Winters, Nixon, Talbert, and Liebgott. 
“You lot are a bunch of flirts you know that?” 
 He laughed before shifting the machine gun on his shoulder again, they all knew it, it had started being a competition between them to see who could get to one of the nurses first. Olivia because of her rank and the fact that she was one of their own’s twin sister was out of it. 
"So are you though, you flirt with  Lieutenant Nixon.” 
‘Honey, there is more to the story with me and Nix than y’all know. I am sure you know that I dated Bill right?” Her eyes were on the path in front of them. “We heard, your brother is very vocal about his displeasure with Bill and his relationship with Jenkins. We also heard you slapped both of them.” 
“I did, it happened right before we left to go back to Charleston. Frederick, our great-great grandfather was on death’s door and wanted me to go out and take care of him.” She started, her fingers catching the strap of her medical bag, “I reminded him a lot of his daughter Lydia who was killed during the Civil War.” 
‘And where you go, Bobby goes.”  They had all seen it, Bobby was fiercely overprotective of his sister, and her going to OCS and then to Meade was the longest they had been separated. “Bingo.” She laughed using her free hand to push her helmet up, “I hadn’t made up my mind to go back until then and I think my grandfather and great uncle Finn knew that so Finn was already on his way down from DC to get us.” 
“Wait, is Uncle Finn, General Finnigan Stewart?” 
“You catch on quick Pat. Yes, he is mine and Bobby’s godfather, but we don’t want that to go around too much. I already got enough crap at OCS for it.”  He made a motion like he was zipping his lips causing her to laugh softly before carrying on with her story. 
Once the anger cleared and they returned to their barracks,  Sobel realized that Olivia had gotten out of guard duty with Cobb and he had to figure out a way to get to her. “Son of a bitch!’ Sobel cursed, throwing his jacket onto his footlocker. 
“Sir?” Evans asked as he shut the door to their barracks. Much like Winters and Nixon, they shared a two-man barracks which was kiddie corner from the nurses' barracks. Evans knew from watching Sobel that he just had to angle just perfectly on the two steps that were attached to the building, you could see into the small window that was on the nurse’s barracks door. “She got out of guard duty with Cobb.” 
“Maybe it’s for the best, sir,” Evans started almost thoughtfully, “we shouldn’t be messing with them too much. The men are much more agreeable when they are around. And,” he paused, he like some of the others put two and two together with the Stewart last name and the general in charge of them being a Stewart too. “And what?” He spat angrily, he couldn’t believe that Evans wasn’t backing him like he thought he would. 
“It’s nothing, never mind.”  He returned, Sobel was digging his own grave and he was going to have to lie in it. 
“Hey.” Lewis laughed seeing the head nurse coming into the mess hall, dark circles ringing her eyes and shoulders slumped, “There’s our girl.”
 ‘Good morning.” She returned with a yawn, she had gotten back to the barracks a few hours before and tossed and turned before having to get up for the day. 
“Is Christenson okay?” Dick asked as she joined them at their table, she pushed the plate of slop that she had gotten to the center of the table and opted to pick up her coffee mug. “He is fine now. Betsy is checking on him right now.” She returned, ‘I think it was just a cold and stress from being with Sobel 24/7.”  
Raising an eyebrow, Dick pushed the slop back towards her, he knew that they were all stressed and if OCS was anything to go off of, Olivia was stressed out and when she was stressed she snapped a lot more and didn’t eat. And when that happened, Olivia got super angry and was more than likely to snap.  She frowned and picked up her fork. “Can’t be any worse than what Katherine made.”  Lewis teased nudging her with his elbow. “That’s funny, that you think she cooked Lewis.”  She laughed, 'Everything I learned, I learned from Andie, and thank god for that.” She paused taking a sip of her coffee, ‘Do you think what Addie said last night was true about Amber and Sobel?”  “What about them?” Lewis asked looking between the two, Neither one of them had said much of anything after the confrontation the night before. “Supposedly, they are having sex.” The tips of Dick’s ears went red and a pink tinge covered Olivia’s cheeks as she answered. ‘If it is true, you can go to Sink and get Amber sent home.” Lewis mused, but Olivia quickly shook her head, “No, that is the easy way out for her, and after everything she has put me through so far. “ She shook her head, there was a part of her,  that yes wanted to ruin Amber’s life but the other part wanted to ruin her bit by bit. It was just going to be a waiting game to see who would win out.
“Don’t think I don’t know what you were doing Olivia,” Sobel commented later that morning when she came up onto the mock airplane to practice their practice jumps, he had just snapped at Smokey Gordon who broke his legs. And now Olivia was standing in front of him.
“I am sure, I don’t know what you are talking about sir.” Olivia returned innocently, “I am just doing my job, just like you are.” There was a choked cough from behind her and Sobel turned his glare to her brother who was standing behind her waiting for his turn. “Yes, you do.’ He sputtered, stopping from cursing at her. “Lieutenant Sobel, I think you need to get out of the heat. Heat exhaustion is a dangerous thing. Excuse me.”  He gaped at her as she stepped into the opening, her eyes glanced down at the sand. 
This part was easy, it was the actual jumping out of the plane that was scaring her. Taking a deep breath, she counted 1,000, 2,000, 3,000 like the others before as she jumped off the platform. Unlike Gordon who went before her, she landed on her knees and threw her hands out to catch herself. 
“Ow.” She muttered as she stood up to brush herself off before turning to look up at the platform again. Her brother had caught her eye and offered a smile and a thumbs up. He had pushed himself forward and butted in front of the others so he could be close to his sister, he knew how much flying and going out of the plane terrified her. When she found out that James was becoming a pilot, she prayed every single day and Bobby was sure she still did even though he had been gone for several months. 
“You know something.” Amber started, she had been standing waiting for the rest of the nurses to finish so they could go into their classroom lecture. “Don't start Amber, I am not in the mood.’ Olivia ordered, it was short and clipped something she wasn’t used to, she was starting to sound more and more like her mother and she hated it. Amber squared her shoulders and took a step forward so she was standing closer to her. 
Causing her to take a step back, glowering angrily, “I am warning you, Sargent, back off.” Amber smirked and took another step forward, “You have no control here, Olivia. Lieutenant Sobel is in charge and he likes me over you.” “And that’s completely fine for you Amber.” Olivia returned, “You should start thinking about settling down. I mean a girl your age,” Out of all the girls, Amber was the oldest at 24 while Olivia and the others ranged between 18-22 years old. “Should start thinking about settling down. And Lieutenant Sobel is perfect for that. And for you.��� Amber’s hand twitched like she wanted to slap her but she knew that if she did, she would be out of the program and Olivia would win. 
That was the last thing that she wanted.  
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wcters · 3 months
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pairing: joe liebgott x fem!reader
word count: 2.7k+
summary: four times you question what you two are and the one time you finally figure it out
warnings/notes: established relationships, angst (were dealing with war), kissing, pda, some drug use (cigarettes), alcohol, swearing, weapons, violence | no disrespect to the actual veterans or any of the situations described and written here, this is based on the series and the character of joe liebgott. somewhat ib @softguarnere (if you would like me to change it/take it down i will. it’s not really similar but still). if anyone has any tips for writing for band of brothers, please let me know! longest imagine written so far, and a dedication to my boys skip and penkala
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You never knew home could be a person . . . until you joined the army and were surrounded by it, by many different people, and the one person you trusted most ━━ Joseph Liebgott. It was unexpected. To outsiders, they wouldn’t even think you two would speak ━━ let alone be friends. Yes, both of you are different in many ways, but you’re also the same in many ways. Skip Muck, one of your other close friends in Easy Company, joked that part of your souls were intertwined and you two would eventually fall in love. In the beginning, you would laugh it off. But you soon realized how true that was.
The army was ruthless. You knew that it would be when you joined Easy Company a couple months earlier, but you didn’t expect it to be this bad . . . only because of a certain officer named Sobel. You swear he had it out for all of you, and lots of the men hadn’t done anything bad ━━ that you knew of. Most of the time your weekend passes were revoked for little things such as some dirt on your gun and a stray string (that wasn’t actually there, you checked multiple times), but this weeked you and Joe were lucky to still have yours. You don’t even know how you both managed that, let alone him.
You two were walking hand in hand down the dimly lit street. You were quietly humming a song as you looked at the various stores as you made your way to one of the bars your group frequented. A few other army guys could be seen walking with each other or a local girl hanging on their arm. On any other night you would’ve looked like any other soldier in the soft lights, but you had switched out your uniform for a dress you had hidden in your barracks. You had thought ‘why not? It’ll probably be the last time I get a chance to wear it’ and threw it on with some heels you borrowed from a girl you knew in town with a promise to return them.
The quietness of the street got smaller and smaller as you made you got closer to the bar. “Crowded tonight, huh?” The man beside spoke out loud, swinging your clasped hands. “I think to us it does, but to them it doesn’t.” You joked while letting out a chuckle. Joe did too before grabbing the door of the bar and opening it for you. You mumbled a “thank you” while music filled your ears. “I’ll find us a seat, you get us drinks.” You told Joe as he nodded and you went to search for a booth.
It wasn’t as hard as you thought it would be, and soon enough you and Joe were chatting and laughing while couples danced around you. Joe looked around as you sipped your beer before he got up out of the booth and lent out a hand to you. “Would you like to dance?” He smiled. You laughed before looking around. “Why not?” You agreed and got up, making your way to the dance floor as a slow song began to play.
While leaned your head on his chest as you danced with couples around you, you couldn’t help but wonder what you two were.
The heat of the boat taking you to England was suffocating with all of the soldiers packed in it, but Joe managed to have an arm around you waist while you two were playing cards with Muck and Bill. You were just an observer, butting out after the third game and got lost every one.
“Jesus Bill! You must be cheating!” Joe yelled as the brunette man placed another card down, Muck agreeing sourly. You laughed at that while stealing the cigarette out of Joe’s mouth and taking a hit. “You’re just sorry losers.” Bill laughed at their faces. “You don’t get to laugh y/n, you quit because you kept losing.” Skip pointed at you as he saw your face. “At least I accepted defeat, asshole.” You could feel the small laugh that came out of Joe’s chest and imagined the smirk that was on his face. “She got you there, Skip.”
They continued playing for a little while, you and Joe taking turns smoking until Bill won again and Skip slammed his cards down onto the cot. “Calm down.” You told him, soft smile on your face. “I am calm, it’s just Bill keeps winning and it’s fucking hot in here,” the man gestured to the people around you,” I don’t know how you two are that close. I swear I’m going to die of overheating and you two are practically cuddling.” You made a face to your friend while Joe laughed and made a comment that you couldn’t hear.
You and Joe were really close, you basically almost on his lap at this point, but you had a reason. The boat was packed, not being much room to move around. You didn’t want to climb up all the way onto your cot, and you wanted to keep talking with your friends. Plus, you and him had to be close ━━ you were sharing a cigarette. “We’re sharing a cigarette.” You shrugged, grabbing the object out of his mouth as he yelled a “hey” as you took it. Skip gave you a look as if to say “that’s bullshit” and got up, going to find Penkala. You looked over to Bill and he looked down at his cards, smirk on his face.
You had a reason to be that close . . . right? Or was it something different?
The gravel crunched underneath your boots. You had just landed somewhere in Normandy ━━ you weren’t sure, you had missed your DZ ━━ and were now on the lookout to hopefully find Easy Company and not some German looking to end your life. That’s why you had you gun aimed into the distance. Every little breeze that shook the branches had yoy freezing up and darting you eyes, only to figure out it was the wind or some rabbit that looked as scared as you. It made you feel a little less alone.
When another bush shook, this time a little longer than usual, you crouched instead of just freezing up, gun still trained to where the sound was coming from. You waited before slowly moving forward, trying to minimize the sound of the road beneath you. You saw the bottom of a pair of boots and it seemed you were both waiting for the other to speak first. That decision was chosen for you.
“Flash.” “Thunder.” You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding when you heard that and then saw the multiple pairs of boots. “Y/n?” Someone called out within the group. You squinted trying to see who it was. “Bill!” You exclaimed in surprise before recognizing the few other people with him: Marlarkey, Wynn, Toye, Lipton, some people from the 82nd Airborne, and Hall, a man not from your company but you recognized him from Able Company. You quietly said your greetings before continuing on your way to try and find your rallying point.
After finding and following a set a train tracks, a situation happened where Bill shot before Winter’s Command, you reprimanding him again and jokingly pushing his head as he called you a “stupid mick” which you laughed at. Now the group was on the road to the rallying point. The whole time you had been thinking about Joe. God, you wished he was still alive. You didn’t know what you were going to do if he wasn’t. When you eventually got to the farm, you heard a familiar voice. You stopped as you saw each other before you began to run and give him a hug.
You could hear the mumblings of the other soldiers, but at that moment, you didn’t care. When you pulled away you grabbed his face. “Joeseph Liebgott, I would’ve killed you if you died.” You laughed with tears in your eyes as you checked him for and scratches and scars. “I wouldn’t dream of it doll.” He laughed too before pulling you back in.
You decided at that moment in time that it didn’t care what you two were, as long as you had him, you didn’t care. As long as you knew he was okay.
All you could see was white: the sky, the ground, even the trees that surrounded you, that partly acted as a wall. You were sick of it. You think you would feel this way for the rest of your life ━━ the look and feel of the freezing chill of the snow and forest. Maybe you would move to somewhere warmer, somewhere where it doesn’t snow and the lowest it would get would be 59 degrees Fahrenheit.
Imagining what you would do in the future always helped you get somewhat through the hard times, though a person was the one thing that was a blanket to you. He had told you he left to talk to Lipton, but he hadn’t been back for awhile.
As if the world hated you having a small moment of what little peace you could have, a light broke through the white sky. A yell of “incoming!” from someone near you, either Skip or Penkala, caused you to sink further into your foxhole, well what you could, and cover your ears as the bombing started. When you heard yelling with words like “c’mon!” and “hurry!” you looked up to see Skip and Penkala yelling out to Luz who was out in the open. “Luz!” You yelled to him, “get over here! It’s closer!” He followed your voice and jumped in, but as soon as you both turned around you saw Skip and Penkala get hit with a shell. You knew they didn’t make it.
It was over as soon as it happened, but you were so distracted with what had happened that you didn’t feel the burning on your side until George had asked you if you were okay. You groaned when you first felt the searing pain and lifted up your coat to see the blood soaking it. “Oh, shit. Medic!” You had been with a piece of flying shrapnel from the shell that hit the two. You didn’t have time to register how one of your best friends were killed before Doc Roe was at your side with Luz holding you so you wouldn’t move too much. “Christ, y/n.” Gene mumbled as he got a look at it before grabbing a bandage and wrapping it the best he could.
You were frozen now ━━ not from the cold, or the wound on your side that would cause you to get taken off, you were frozen with the realization of what just happened. You wanted to cry, scream, do anything, but you just . . . couldn’t. Everything around you was fuzzy and you didn’t register that the shelling stopped and you were being taken out until you saw Joe. Then, tears managed to fall and you started to sob. He was mumbling about how you were going to be okay and everything was fine as he followed you to the Jeep.
When you felt the rumble of the Jeep engine, you grabbed Joe’s hand as tight as you could. “I love you, you shithead.” You laughed as you told him. You didn’t know whether you would see him again, and you wanted him to know how you truly felt about him, and how much he ment to you. He froze for a second before leaning down and pressing a kiss to your forehead. “I love you too. I’ll kill you if you die.”
You laughed one more time as the image of him started to get smaller and smaller as he let go of your hand, slapped the Jeep, and it started to move. You tried to memorize what you could see: his shadow, the way he stands . . . him. You closed your eyes and felt a tear make its way down your face, settling in with the other dry ones.
The almost-healed wound on your side was a reminder of what you’ve been through, and what you’d missed. You’d been stuck in the hospital since mid December. You attempted to go AWOL multiple times, but you had failed every time.
Your shrapnel scar had ended being worse than Doc Roe thought and you had to be transported to surgery. When you woke up and heard what happened, you immediately wanted to go back and find your company . . . and Joe. You knew you left on a weird note, and wanted to figure it out. That was looming on your mind, along with the grief you finally had time to face. Not really face, more like confront. It was one of the only things you thought about while in there. You hadn’t fully come to terms with it, but you had made some progress.
You had thought about how George was doing, and especially Malarkey. He was Skip and Penkala’s best friend ━━ you were a close second. Bastogne was a horrible place in itself, but having to deal with that while there, to you, was a death wish. You were worried for everyone, the people you left behind.
You had just gotten to Bavaria when you saw Colonel Sink, and he saw you. As one of the very few women in the army, you could say he had a soft spot for you (though you would never say it to his face). You had been told a very uninformative idea of where the airborne was located, but you had been wandering since you got dropped off.
“Sergeant y/n, is that you?” Sink had called out to you as the car stopped. You saluted before you replied with a “yes sir.” “You lookin’ for Easy soldier?” You answered with a yes and conversed for a little bit ━━ mostly about your time in the hospital and what you missed ━━ before he invited you into the Jeep to get a ride up the mountain that looked over you.
That’s where you were know as you made your way up the hill, the familiar rumble of the Jeep underneath you. You couldn’t deny the feeling of excitement and happiness in your stomach as you got closer. You soon heard voices over the engine and on the horizon silhouettes appeared. When the car stopped, you gave a quick thank you, saluted, and made your way to where some of Easy was sitting.
“Having fun without me?” You asked out loud as people turned to you. There were calls of excitement as they saw you and people made their way to greet you, but one of the faces you were looking for was Joe. You eventually saw him getting up from sitting in front of a wheel and you both made eye contact before people split and let there be a clear path to him. You didn’t have to say anything to let him know you were running towards him before jumping on him and giving him a hug. He held you right, as if you were going to leave again, and spinned you around as you both laughed.
He was still holding you, arms around your waist, but had let your feet touch the floor. “Hi.” You smiled. “Hey doll.” Those were the only things said before you lips crashed together and there were cheers from your friends around you. When you parted, your foreheads fell against each other. “I was so worried, I was afraid you weren’t going to come back.” He admitted. “You can’t get rid of me that easy Joe.” You joked before kissing him quickly again and then went on a mission to find Malarkey.
He was leaning against the side of a car, cigarette in his hand. You gave him a tight hug, saying everything you needed to but couldn’t, before parting. You sat and talked while Joe kept a close eye on you.
“Skip was right, y’know.” Malarkey said as he let out some smoke. “What do you mean?” You asked, looking at everyone and the view. “About you and Joe. How your souls are intertwined. I always laughed at it but seeing you two now, he was right.” You blushed and looked down before your eyes met Joe’s and he winked at you.
“I guess so. But hey, never doubt Skip. He always said that. Guess this is a nice payback.” “Guess so.”
You never thought a person could be home, but as you walk in front of the fireplace, your baby girl in your arms, you realize that it could be ━━ that it is. And you are ever so thankful you figured out what you two were.
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her-satanic-wiles · 11 months
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October 27th
Double Penetration In Two Holes, Papa Emeritus III, Dracopia x GN!Reader
Words: 6.3k.
Warnings: Double penetration in two holes; bisexual Terzo and Copia; mild olfactophilia; fellatio; spit as lube; anal sex; public sex; sex in a chapel; loss of virginity; voyeurism; fingering; degradation kink; praise kink; multiple orgasms; spanking; cum eating; finger sucking; vaginal sex; unprotected sex; piv sex; GN!Reader; throat-fucking; minor blood play;
Taglist: @sodoswitchimage @enchantedbunny @bitchywitchygardener @thew0man @sodomiser @the-did-i-ask @copias-sewer-rat @gehrmansbignaturals @deetz-ghuleh @onlyhereforghost @zombiesnips-blog
!! Terzo and Copia are not related in this fic !!
🔞 MDNI 🔞
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In the hush of the night, the chapel stood as a silent sentinel, its ancient stones cloaked in the silver glow of the moonlight. The air inside was still, carrying a sense of reverence that hung heavy in the dimly lit space. Stained glass windows, adorned with intricate designs of Satanic saints and demons, cast their vivid colors onto the cold, polished stone floor. Each pane was a jewel of “evil” history, its hues now muted by the darkness but still whispering tales of faith and devotion in the bright light of the moon.
Cardinal Terzo, unable to sleep found himself, barefaced, chested and footed wandering down to the peaceful place to gather himself and calm his racing mind. Candelabra clutched in his thick fingers so as to not disturb his superiors; the slaps of his feet hitting the stone as he entered the chapel echoing throughout the ancient walls. He stood still, silent for a moment, eyes darting around the nave as his ears picked up something he never expected to. Wracked sobbing, faint but audible, was coming from somewhere nearby.
Terzo, slowly, made his way up the aisle, looking in the darkness for the source of the anguish, heart pounding in his chest in fear - he didn’t know what, or who he would find. As he approached the crossing, a dark figure came into view. A male, slender, dressed in black and hunched over. He was sat on his knees, with his head in his hands, sobbing into the palm of his hands, brunette hair a mess from the tugging he’d subjected it to no doubt in whatever stress he had felt in that moment. Terzo got a peak at the nose, the strong, rather large appendage he’d grown accustomed to seeing around the Ministry since his teenage years some two decades ago. This was none other than Brother Copia, the lanky, weedy young boy who had been raised here since birth now a 21-year-old Sibling of Sin who showed great potential. He was bent on the chapel floor, red from the stained glass window reflecting off his body in an artistic fashion. And, given the pain of his sobs, no doubt his heart had shattered like one of those very windows.
“Brother Copia?” Terzo gently called out to him, a safe distance away but his gentle, concerned voice amplified by the Gothic dome in the centre of the crossing.
Copia’s head snapped up towards Terzo, his eyes red and puffy from the tears but his irises now the colour of blood. His ears, Terzo had finally noticed, were longer than usual and much more pointed, like an elf. In that moment, it had become apparent to Terzo what had occurred here on this night.
“C-Cardinal,” Copia sobbed, hand flying to his chest where Terzo had scared him, “I didn’t hear you… you startled me.”
“My apologies, it wasn’t my intention. Why are you crying?”
“I ache… everywhere. I’m tired; exhausted, even. I’m starving but no amount of food I eat even begins to hit the right spots. I was down in the kitchens just trying to get food but the siblings were looking at me as if… as if…” Copia sobbed again, much louder this time. “I was a monster!”
Terzo had only read books on this growing up, had only heard stories from decades prior. Never had he come across this in real life, nor had anyone that he knew. Somehow Copia had ingested vampiric blood and in the time between then and now, he’d died and been reborn as a vampire; one of Satan’s darkest soldiers. And the worst part of it all was, Copia had no idea about any of it. He had no idea what he had become was, indeed, the monster the kitchen Siblings had feared, but it was by no means a bad thing. This sweet, awkward young man, who instilled feelings of pity and irritation was now one of the most important members in the Dark One’s fight against the oppressive forces that plagued their world - and no one had prepared him for it.
“What is wrong with me?” Copia asked, his voice barely above a whisper. Fear was in his eyes, prominent in his shaking hands and wobbling speech. He was scared of himself - or maybe deep down he’d already understood what he was capable of.
“Brother, I think there is something you should know.” Terzo began recounting everything he learned as a child, sitting beside the lost Sibling as he told tales of immortality, and the Devil’s hand touching those He wished to bless with the gifts of life and death. Copia, once a mere, male mortal capable only of dying, could play God, could choose whoever he wished to join him in undeath, and create his own children using his blood, now still around his dead heart.
Copia didn’t believe the Cardinal at first - who would? There were times when his own Satanic faith wavered and he found himself doubting the power of the Olde One. If he didn’t even believe in his own father in Hell, how could he believe these old wives’ tales of night stalkers and blood drinkers? It wasn’t until Terzo reached into Copia’s mouth and sliced his index finger on his canine teeth that Copia began to believe these stories were true.
The way his nose twitched at the smell of Terzo’s blood; at first inhalation, the dominant note is one of iron—a metallic tang that is inherent to blood itself. The metallic undertone carried with it the essence of life, a reminder that within this crimson fluid lies the very sustenance that nourishes the body and fuels existence.
Yet, beneath the metallic foundation, there was a subtle and alluring note of coffee. It was as if Terzo’s blood had absorbed the essence of freshly ground coffee beans, the aroma of a rich and robust brew that invigorated the senses. The coffee note was warm and inviting, conjuring images of early morning rituals and the comfort of a steaming mug in hand. Warm and inviting, the perfect two words that could sum up the Cardinal and how he had always made young Copia feel.
These two scents had Copia’s stomach growling as if there was still life inside him. The way saliva pooled in his mouth at the sight of Terzo’s blood pouring down his finger and pooling in his palm. Copia had no idea his body was reacting, that he was turning to face the Cardinal, crimson eyes now glowing with the need to quench his thirst. That his mouth was drawing ever closer to Terzo’s palm. That his lips were parting enough to expose his fangs.
Terzo, in an effort to escape and not get blood everywhere, tried sliding backwards, dragging his ass along the stone. But the force of Copia’s body landed on him, pushing him backwards and forcing him to lie flat on the floor, Copia crawling on top of him to reach the blooded hand that was now extended above his head.
Somewhere in the struggle, humanity returned to Copia and he suddenly realised what he was doing. He was going to back away, apologise profusely for his behaviour and beg for forgiveness. But he was aware of Terzo beneath him, of the Cardinal’s legs spreading ever wider and allowing Copia to settle nicely in between them. His brain, one of the few organs that survived the change, recognised this moment as intimate… sacred… sexual. His still blood warmed in preparation and began to travel down to a very familiar appendage, filling him up nicely underneath the looseness of his tunic. With the closeness of their bodies, there was no way Terzo was unable to feel the hardness of Copia’s cock.
Terzo, like Copia, wasn’t thinking. He should have let Copia get off him and walk away. He should have fought harder for his life and allowed Copia to leave before things took a turn for the worse. But Terzo’s brain was also aware of the position he was in, how he was trapped underneath a fledgling vampire who barely had control of his own fangs. He was also aware that there was only two items of clothing separating his fluttering hole from Copia’s deliciously thick and hard cock. That thought was what clouded Terzo’s judgment, and had his clean hand wrap around Copia’s neck and pull him down.
Their lips met in a passionate kiss, mostly awkward with tongues and teeth smashing against each other until a rhythm was found that was pleasurable for both. Copia’s one hand kept him propped above his superior, while the other made its way to Terzo’s thick waist and pinned him down desperately, despite the fact that Terzo had no intention of going anywhere.
Terzo was the first to break the kiss, reaching up slightly and attaching his lips to Copia’s neck causing Copia’s hips to buck forward and rub his cock against Terzo’s. Both groaned at the sensation. “Th-this is wrong.” Copia said. “We should s-stop. I might k-kill you.”
Cardinal Terzo pulled away and looked directly into Copia’s eyes. “I can’t think of a better way to go, no?”
Copia chuckled and rested his forehead against Terzo’s bare and hairy chest. “Cardinal!” He grumbled, trying to pretend he wasn’t amused.
“Look at me.” Terzo ordered. He waited until Copia obeyed and looked into his mismatched eyes. “I trust you.”
“But I’ve never… You would be… my first.”
“First… meal? Of course.”
“First time. Wait meal?”
“You are a virgin!?”
“Hold on,” Copia pulled back, “I feel like we’re not on the same page here.”
“I would be your first meal and your first fuck? What contract do we have to sign? Get inside me already.”
Terzo sat up and took Copia’s head in his clean hand. “Do you trust me?”
“I trust you. Now,” he patted the pew they were sat in front of, “pull up a pew. Get comfortable.”
Copia sat on the seat with his legs spread and watched as his superior awkwardly walked on his knees towards him, settling in between his thighs. With his clean hand, Terzo began lifting Copia’s tunic and once Copia got the hint, he helped, taking it off entirely and throwing it somewhere in the chapel leaving him naked and vulnerable to Terzo’s whim. His cock, thick and hard now, rested on his stomach, leaking precum and waiting for Terzo’s… well, something. Copia wasn’t sure what Terzo would do to him.
Terzo removed his sweatpants, revealing his own cock to Copia, which became the second part of his body that Copia drooled over. When Terzo got back onto his knees, he wasted no further time, spitting directly onto Copia’s cock and taking him into his mouth.
Copia gasped at the foreign feeling, unable to fathom the sheer pleasure he was feeling. He had touched himself, of course. He spent most of his late teenage years exploring his own body, but his own hand never compared to this. To the sloppy feeling of Terzo’s mouth dragging up and down his shaft; to the way Terzo’s tongue took care at the tip of his cock, and played with his frenulum. How had Copia gone this long not putting his cock down people’s throats? How had he spent as long as he had not partaking in carnal lust as was required of him by Satanic law?
“Oh, Sathanas!” Copia exclaimed. Terzo had hollowed his cheeks and increased the suction on Copia’s cock, intensifying the feeling. At the same time, he pushed down so his nose was flush with Copia’s pubic mound and the tip of his cock was down Terzo’s throat. Copia’s hands flew to Terzo’s black hair and grasped on as tightly as he could, trying to keep himself grounded, but it was unsuccessful. His head flew back and his throat released a shout, so loud it echoed against the walls and could have drawn attention to the chapel had this been a different hour.
Terzo pulled off with a pop. “I know my mouth feels incredible, but you do need to be quiet. Unless you want to be caught?”
“I’m sorry, Cardinal. I couldn’t help it.”
Terzo smiled, a shit-eating grin plastered all over his face clearly proud of his work. He bent down and went to take Copia into his mouth again, but Copia’s hand stopped him. “Please, don’t. I’ll cum if you do and I don’t want to. Not yet.”
Terzo laughed and stood. “Ah, virgins. Three minutes and they’re done.” He straddled Copia’s lap. “We’ll have to work up your stamina, sì? Keep you nice and hard for all the Siblings you’re going to fuck in your future.”
Terzo lined Copia’s cock up with his ass. “Wait!” Copia said. “Don’t we need lube?”
“That is why I slobbered all over your cock, my sweet boy. You’re also,” he began to sank down on Copia’s cock, “lucky I am a seasoned slut.” Copia’s hands flew to Terzo’s hips and gripped on, sinking his nails into the flesh. Terzo wasn’t gentle with his movements, bottoming out immediately. “I got railed by Cardinal Secondo’s Ghoul this very evening after his duties were finished. Though, I must say,” Terzo grunted, “you are much thicker than he is.”
“Cardinal,” Copia leaned up and kissed Terzo deeply, “please stop talking.”
Terzo laughed but nodded, allowing Copia the mental relief of his blabbering so he could focus on not cumming instantly. Little did Terzo know, it was already a mental struggle for Copia to just be this close to him, especially with the scent of Terzo’s blood still strongly wafting throughout the room and directly up his nostrils. The coffee smell and the feeling of being balls deep inside Terzo had Copia’s head reeling. It was almost too much for the poor boy. He was unbelievably hungry and now he was achingly hard and trying not to cum, he was losing his virginity while also mourning the loss of his life. So many thoughts in that little brain of his, so much to think about, but all quietened by the fact that there was a Cardinal ready and waiting to bounce on his cock when he gave the go ahead, tightening his walls every so often as if he were trying to drive the poor vampire mad.
“Are you ready, my little bat?”
Copia swallowed hard and nodded, nerves getting the better of him.
Terzo tentatively bounced, and tried not to laugh at the face Copia pulled at the feeling of it. He bounced a few more times, slowly, making sure that Copia was doing well enough before he picked up the pace. His hands holding onto Copia’s shoulders for leverage, well aware that his dried blood was now touching Copia’s skin and exceptionally close to his mouth. He saw Copia’s nose twitching as he smelled it, but Terzo said he trusted Copia and he meant it.
“Sathanas!” Terzo moaned softly.
Desperate moans were spilling frantically from Copia’s lips in time with each movement of Terzo’s hips.
Terzo bent down to kiss Copia once more, before uttering, “Touch me.”
Copia swallowed once more and nodded, moving his large hand down to Terzo’s cock and began stroking it as if it were his own. Terzo, already sensitive from his previous escapades, was on the verge of cumming himself, he just needed that extra push. And the feeling of Copia’s hand wrapped around his cock was the push he so desperately needed.
“I’m cumming.” He announced, and then moments later began spilling his seed onto Copia’s stomach, his mouth open in a perfect ‘o’ and his eyes watching the way his cum gathered on Copia’s skin.
Copia, now almost at his climax, pulled Terzo down and kissed his neck at the most sensitive spot before sinking his teeth into Terzo’s neck and feeding from him for the first time.
Terzo’s blood smelled sweeter than before, almost like a toffee nut latte. It could have tasted like it too had it not been for the metallic undertones. Copia released a deep and gutteral groan at the first lick of Terzo’s blood, and pulled his body closer and closer as he took his fill, all the while Terzo was lazily stroking his own cock to oversensitivity. When Copia was full, or close to it without hurting Terzo, he pulled away and thrust into Terzo’s ass several times before cumming deep inside it, watching as the blood from the open wound cascaded down his neck, across his chest and fell onto Copia’s body, dripping and mixing with what was left of Terzo’s cum.
For a while, all that could be heard in the chapel was their heavy breathing as they recovered from their short, but sweet encounter, Terzo dizzy from the loss of blood but alive. Copia did everything he could to stop the bleeding, and was successful eventually. But Terzo had lost a significant amount and it would take him a while to recover.
That night, he was able to guilt trip Copia into carrying him back to his room, and Copia watched as Terzo slept after Terzo’s quick, replenishing meal, making sure that Terzo was, in fact, okay and he didn’t take too much of his blood. That was the scariest first night as a vampire for Copia, terrified he’d killed one of the few people to show him kindness at the Ministry. But when Terzo’s eyes opened the next morning, Copia could breathe a sigh of relief.
As the years had marched on and the weight of time settled upon his shoulders, Papa Emeritus III often found himself drifting back to the vibrant tapestry of his youth, like an old, cherished book whose pages he couldn’t help but reopen. He often thought back to the night in the chapel and how it felt to be woven within Copia’s life so imperatively as he was. How he still wore the 30-year-old bite scars on his neck with the utmost pride, a badge of honour representing the baby bat’s first successful feed.
There had been casualties throughout the years, Copia’s lack of confidence triggered a particularly rough dry spell for the vampire where he refused to drink another drop from a living being again, which ended up doing more harm than good, especially when there was a raging, bloodthirsty vampire on the loose around the Ministry. He was able to reign it in as he got older, of course, and he grew into his abilities both vampiric and sexual.
It had been so long since the last time they touched each other; after the night in the chapel they would sneak off to that very room regularly for a quick fuck and feeding. But one day, presumably after Copia became Cardinal their meetings just stopped. Copia’s dark, yet intoxicating aura kept drawing other members of the Clergy in and Copia was enjoying his meals from various playthings, a harem if Terzo was being honest. Terzo’s own Cardinal duties meant their schedules never aligned and so the two drifted apart. But there were times when Terzo would be bouncing on a cock where he would allow his mind to drift off to that night, and remember how it felt to take many of Copia’s firsts. Terzo was sure he would never relive that night.
Yet, in the hush of the night, the chapel stood once more as a silent sentinel, glowing silver in the moonlight. The air inside retained a palpable sense of reverence, just as it had in ages past. The very same stained glass windows, adorned with intricate designs of celestial angels and unholy saints, cast their vivid colors onto the cold, polished stone floor.
Papa Terzo, troubled and restless, found himself in this sacred haven once again. Barefaced, chest exposed, and feet clad only in the softest of slippers, he had ventured here to seek solace and tranquility, just as countless others had before him in days of old. Clutching a candelabrum in his sturdy hand, he moved with deliberate care, ensuring not to disturb the tranquility of the sanctified space. The echo of his footsteps reverberated through the ancient walls as he entered the chapel, standing motionless for a moment, his vigilant eyes scanning the nave, and leaving the candelabrum by the door. It was in that timeless silence that he heard something he had never anticipated.
It wasn’t sobs he heard echoing off the ancient walls this time; not sounds of anguish and despair; he couldn’t taste the fear and woe that he could thirty years prior. He smelled sex, he heard the breathless moans of two enthralled in the most cardinal of sins. He saw Cardinal Copia’s bare back, brunette hair messy atop his head and pale white skin littered with dark scratches. In his lap on the pew, he saw you, the prettiest of all the young things gracing Copia’s harem, straddling the Dark Cardinal with your eyes closed and your face contorted with such pleasure. You had no idea your Papa was there in the nave, watching you both with morbid fascination as you rode Copia’s long, slender fingers.
He knew how it felt to be Copia at that moment, knowing firsthand how good your tight, wet cunt felt. You were, as it happened, his favourite plaything. His most obedient, good, little slut who always promised him that your cunt was his to play with. Though he never actually believed it, he just found it amusing to see you so pliant and willing for another man when you always seemed so shy. He wondered how many others you gave yourself to, how many others you’d lied to so that you could reach orgasm. What a truly, devious, desperate little whore you were.
“I remember when you used to do that to me, Cardinal.” Terzo announced, making you jump and your eyes snap open to look at him.
Both Terzo and Copia laughed at you.
“I borrowed your whore, I hope that’s okay.” Copia said. He didn’t care if it wasn’t okay, he always took whom he wanted and challenged anyone to challenge him. He could be a dick sometimes, that was part of the reason he had so many people fawning over him.
“Papa-” You reached for Terzo, your body weak and exhausted. Your voice was hoarse, no doubt from where Copia had had you screaming for him before Terzo had got there. Terzo recognised the sounds, and knew from your reactions that you’d cum multiple times already. And judging by how pristine your body looked, Copia hadn’t had his fill of you; rather, he enjoyed watching you beg for mercy.
Terzo gave you his hand and moved towards you both, kissing the back of your hand and stroking your hair gently. “How many times have you made them cum?”
“Two. Working on the third.”
Terzo tutted. “Were you never taught to not play with your food? Or in this case, torture it.” Though he was talking about you, he was looking at you, revelling in the way your face showcased your ruin.
“Of course, Papa. But,” Copia moved his free hand to your ass cheek, “I want this one sweeter than a fucking peach.” He slapped your bare ass, hard, and had you yelping out and tightening around Copia’s fingers. He bent down to bite your hip - not hard enough to puncture and draw blood, but hard enough for you to feel it.
Terzo feigned sympathy and finally addressed you. “Oh, tesoro. Is he torturing you?”
“Papa, please!” You were begging him, clutching onto his hand and staring up at his bare face in desperation. But you didn’t even know what you were begging for.
“You want your Papa to help you, è corretto?”
He moved his hand from your hair to your face and tenderly stroked it. “Do you think you deserve help when you lied to your Papa?”
Copia gasped. “They lied to Papa?”
“They did. They told me that sweet, little cunt of theirs belonged to me. Yet here they are allowing another man’s fingers inside of them.”
“Oh mi povero Papa! You should have heard how they were begging for my cock earlier.”
“Well this just won’t do, will it, Cardinal?”
“No it won’t.”
Your desperate voice sounded as your hips bucked faster and faster against Copia’s fingers. “Cardinal, I’m so close, please!”
“They want to cum, Papa. Should we let them?”
“Well, seeing as they’re so desperate to orgasm, I think we should.”
You came for the third time on Copia’s fingers, clenching around him so tightly he found it difficult to move them. Instead, he had to focus on your clit to keep you overstimulated and brain dead as you came for him, for them both. Both of their eyes were trained on you, focussed on how your face contorted again, how your body shook with the force of your orgasm, and how you tried, but failed, you keep your voice low.
Copia pulled his fingers out of you and raised them to Terzo’s mouth, and he sucked them in willingly, hollowing his mouth around the digits and fervently licking every drop of your cum off Copia’s skin. He groaned at the taste, and only pulled away when he had deemed them acceptably clean.
“Are they ready for your cock now, Cardinal?” Terzo asked.
Copia nodded, “They are. And I’m ready for yours.”
As you sank down onto Copia’s cock, his thickness stretching your wet walls beyond comprehension, you watched Terzo pull his sweatpants down and off completely, to reveal his achingly hard cock to the coolness of the room. Your hands rested on Copia’s shoulders for purchase as you began bouncing, setting a slow pace to begin with and allowing your little whimpers to echo throughout the chapel. Copia tipped his head back, his neck exposed to you and resting on the back of the pew, his mouth open and waiting. Terzo, eyes focussed on you, began feeding his cock down Copia’s throat, inch by inch until he was fully seated down his throat. You watched Copia’s slim neck expand to accomodate Terzo’s length, and clenched when Terzo let out a deep groan formed at the pit of his stomach.
“Just like that, Cardinal.”
With each of your bounces, you jolted Copia’s body which in turn had him move against Terzo’s cock, only a little though. It was for that reason Terzo moved his hips and began to fuck Copia’s throat. Slowly at first, he didn’t want to hurt Copia, but eventually his need was too great and he found himself thrusting harder and harder. His body leaned forward, and was supported by two of his hands on the back of the pew and one of his feet, the toes curling around the bench to give him leverage to thrust. This position allowed him to, when you leaned forward too, get right up into your face and pepper you with sweet kisses. “How does the Cardinal feel, tesoro?” He asked.
“He’s s-so big. So deep!”
“Where can you feel him?”
“I-in my stomach.”
A muffled growl could be heard from between you, Copia’s voice reacting to your words. That growl vibrated around Terzo’s cock, which pulled another moan from his throat. The good thing about vampires, both Terzo and Copia had discovered during their youthful escapades, was that they didn’t need to breathe, which meant that Terzo didn’t have to do the courteous pull-out.
Terzo removed one of his hands from the pew and wrapped it around the back of your neck, pulling you in for a deep and passionate kiss. Your face, red and sticky from sweat, too irresistible. Terzo needed your lips on his, and he needed them immediately. Though when he pulled away, he gripped onto your hand and brought your fingers to his lips. Like he did with Copia’s fingers, he sucked them into his mouth, the action entrancing you like a witch’s spell.
This time, however, your fingers were getting sloppier and sloppier each second they were in his mouth, and eventually, he released them with a pop. “Open your asshole for me, tesoro. Get yourself nice and stretched.”
You did as you were told, taking your now lubricated fingers and stretching yourself out to fit Terzo’s cock. Copia, now registering that your mind was preoccupied, held your hips still and began to thrust into you at a rough pace from beneath, getting his pleasures while you were preparing for your Papa.
Terzo, at this point, had moved back to almost his original position, except the hand that was on your neck had begun resting on Copia’s, squeezing his esophagus and making that hole so much tighter around his cock. “Cazzo!” Terzo shouted. “This throat takes me just as well as I remember, no?”
Copia grunted in response.
“Always so willing for my cock, Cardinal. Always took what I gave so willingly.”
Copia’s hips slammed into you harder at the memory, his cock hitting against your cervix every time and forcing loud, uncontrollable screams out of you.
Terzo gasped, as if something had shocked him, and pulled out of Copia’s throat completely, sitting down on the pew behind him and catching his breath. “Fuck, that was too close.”
“Losing your stamina, old man.” Copia taunted, his voice deep and gravelly from the exertion. His smile exposed his fangs, and his tongue ran over them, teasing Terzo. His Cardinal makeup, the black eyes and upper lip, was completely ruined by Terzo’s efforts. The tears that Copia had cried while Terzo was deep in his throat had rubbed off in a perfect tear line down the sides of his face, and the lipstick he wore had disappeared completely, replaced by pale pink, swollen lips. A particular thrust inside your cunt, however, had the Cardinal pulling his head off the pew and looking at you, mouth wide open and brows furrowed in animalistic pleasure. “This fucking cunt!” He yelled, continuing to slam into you at such a rate that stole your breath.
“Now you see why I keep fucking them.”
“I might have to steal them from you - make them my own.”
“We share them.” Terzo stood and walked around the pews, settling himself behind you. One of his hands went to your waist, just above Copia’s, while the other went to your hair and pulled your head to the side, exposing your neck. He began to kiss up and down that sensitive spot, both men ignoring your overwhelmed cries and using you for their own pleasures and agendas. You saw the possessive look in Copia’s eyes as he watched Terzo kiss right on that sweet spot on your neck, the very spot Copia was going to feed from. Unbeknownst to you, Terzo was also staring at Copia as he was taunting him, living for riling the vampire up and thoroughly enjoying what it was doing to you. “We share them.” Terzo said once more.
“We share them.” Copia repeated through gritted teeth.
“I’m r-ready, Papa!” You screamed as Copia maintained his speed and intensity. This only slowed when Terzo ordered him to.
You heard Terzo spit on his cock to re-lubricate himself, give himself a quick tug, before he started pushing into your ass.
Your eyes almost bugged out of your head as Terzo entered you. He was gentle, of course, Terzo usually was at first. But with Copia’s thick cock already buried so deep inside you, it was more than difficult accommodating them both at the exact same time. “Almost there, tesoro.” Terzo said, kissing your shoulders to comfort you. “You’re doing so good for me. Taking us both so well.”
Copia’s eyes and hands were now roaming all over your body hungrily, feeling the life rush through you as your heart pumped faster with adrenaline. He could smell the spike in your blood, the extra sweetness released by the three orgasms he’d already given you. Copia’s sensitive senses detected a multifaceted aroma from the scent of your blood. Initially, it was a delicate floral fragrance, reminiscent of rare blossoms that only thrived under the full moon, creating an ethereal and intoxicating essence. Underlying this was an earthy, grounding note, evoking ancient forests and damp soil. Deeper still, there was a subtle, forbidden sweetness, like condensed nectar from countless flowers, tempting yet taboo. Lastly, a comforting warmth permeated, suggesting hearth and home, sparking a longing for connection beyond Copia’s immortal existence. In the end, the scent of your blood was akin to the finest aged wine, a treasured and savored rarity.
And Terzo, after all those years apart, still smelled exactly like coffee.
“Are you ready, tesoro?” Terzo asked with one final kiss to your shoulder.
“Yes, Papa.”
“What do you want, dolcezza?” Copia asked.
“Both of you.”
Terzo smiled, “you have us.”
“I want you to fuck me.”
“As you wish.” Copia said.
They both began thrusting, picking up a pace easily. This, of course, wasn’t the first time they’d shared a sibling more than willing to whore themselves out for the pair of them, and this wouldn’t be the last. They both fell into a perfect rhythm, only thrusting in when the other had pulled out, and maintained this even as their speeds picked up. Copia was slouched on the pew, allowing him more leverage to fuck into you, but Terzo was immediately behind you. His skin touched yours. He was so close, you could hear his grunts and whimpers directly into your ear.
“Look at you,” Copia began, his voice low and strained, “taking us both like a fucking whore.”
“Merda!” Terzo exclaimed. “Cardinal, that filthy mouth of yours. Be kinder to our tesoro.” Those ‘filthy words’ though, had both of your holes fluttering around them, and even got into Terzo’s head. He got off on the fact that you got off to being abused in such a manner, thoroughly enjoying your tightening ass.
“They want kind? Fine.” Copia’s hand moved down to your clit and he started to lazily play with it using his thumb, causing you to cry out once more.
“They love it when you play with their clit, Cardinal.”
“So good for us, aren’t you, dolcezza?”
When you didn’t reply, they laughed.
“Poor little thing, so cock drunk and brain dead.” Copia said, feigning sympathy. “I think we’ve ruined them.”
“I guess they want us to stop.”
“No!” You screamed. “Don’t stop - please don’t stop! F-feels so fucking good. I love your cocks!”
“Which is better?” Copia asked.
Your eyes widened, fully comprehending the question. “I c-can’t choose.”
Terzo, “You have to, or you won’t cum.”
Copia, “We’ll pull out and leave you like this.”
You, “No, please! I can’t decide. I want them both. I need them both! Fuck, I’m so close, please!”
Copia, “You want us to share you, eh? You want us to keep fucking you like this?”
You, “Yes!”
Terzo, “You want to hang off our dicks like this whenever we want to use you?”
You, “Yes! Fuck! Please, please, please!”
Copia, “Aw. Papa, since they asked so nicely…”
Terzo, “Cum, tesoro. Cum for us.”
You came hard, stilling against them and grabbing onto any limb you could possible grab onto. Your head fell back against Terzo’s shoulder, exposing your beautiful neck to Copia, who, while you were in the midst of your orgasm, had leaned forward and sunk his teeth into your neck, sucking your blood down his throat. The first bite of you, the taste of your blood had him cumming deep inside you, hitting your cervix at the final thrust and painting your walls white with his seed. The tightness of your ass from the orgasm and the eroticism of watching Copia devour you, had Terzo’s cock twitching and cumming into your hole, also gripping onto whatever part of your body he could find and burying his face in your shoulder. He had to restrain himself from biting you, too, knowing that it would hurt you more coming from him than the vampire attached to your neck.
From the exhilaration of the whole event, you passed out cold. After your orgasm, you don’t remember a thing, except when you woke up, you had a pounding headache and your bottom half ached deliciously. You opened your eyes, only to be met with the almost total darkness of Terzo’s bedroom, and no doubt, Terzo lying behind you, his arm over your waist protectively as his sleeping frame held you close to him. As your eyes opened further, you saw Copia sat on the armchair in the corner of the room, a book in his hand. But his attention was on you now that he knew you were awake.
“Good morning, dolcezza.” He said. He placed the book down and walked over to the bed, lying down in front of you and scooching up to press his body close to yours. He placed his arm over your naked waist where Terzo’s body hadn’t claimed. As you moved your neck to watch him, you felt a twinge of pain as though it were bruised at Copia’s bite. “How are you feeling?”
“Sore.” You replied, honestly.
“Mi dispiace, amore mio. It seems I overdid it last night. I took a little too much blood than I ought to.” He kissed your forehead. “Can you forgive me?”
“Nothing to forgive, Cardinal.” You yawned. “Just a mistake, right?”
“Of course.”
“Then nothing to forgive. Forget about it.”
“You need to rest more, dolcezza. When you wake up, Papa will order his Ghouls to get you some breakfast.”
“Will you sleep here with us?”
“Do you want me to?”
“Yes… please.”
Copia smiled at your adorableness. “Then, sleep here I shall. Good night, little one.”
“Good morning, Cardinal.”
And sandwiched in between Papa and the Cardinal, you drifted back off to sleep.
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noneedtoamputate · 11 months
Hellooo! Could I request #3. Gold and/or #19. Honouring for a pairing of your choice for the November prompts please? Thank you! <3
Thanks so much for the ask! This prompt help me get out of my writing funk, so I hope you like it. It's mostly number three, but I snuck in number nineteen, too.
Chuck straddled that state where he could go back to sleep for another hour or force himself to stretch and start the day. 
Still debating which option to take, he noticed the room smelled unfamiliar. The bedspread felt different, too.
The awake part of his brain asked questions. The asleep part mumbled one-word answers.
Why does the bed feel different? 
Why am I in a hotel?
Why is there a ring on my finger?
He sat up quickly and saw his tux and her blue negligee scattered on the floor. He remembered City Hall, and the courtroom, and Ellen walking down the short aisle in a white dress, carrying a bouquet of tulips, looking so beautiful he had to take a deep breath to stop the tears that welled up in his eyes. He remembered her putting the ring on his finger, as she promised to love and honor him all the days of her life. 
He looked to his right. His wife had escaped his spoon sometime during the night, her bare back just peeking out from the cover. 
His wife.
He wanted to wake her up, wrap his arms around her, and start where they left off the night before, but they had the rest of the day for that, didn’t they?
They had the rest of their lives.
Instead, he let her sleep, and he twirled the band with his right thumb and pointer finger. 
He remembered asking her about the rings - plural, with an s - and her face turned up with a shy, surprised smile. 
“You’re going to wear a ring?” she asked. 
More and more guys wore rings nowadays, but it wasn’t at all assumed. Ellen clearly hadn’t assumed it, given her reaction.
He nodded. “Doesn’t seem fair that you’re the only one who gets gold out of this whole thing,” he said sarcastically, then looked at her, serious this time.
“And I love you.”
That was the main reason he wanted to wear a ring, that he loved her. But there was another reason, too, a reason so personal that he didn’t feel he could share it with Ellen, the person he trusted more than anyone.
Through time and hard work, his injuries improved. He speech, although slow, wasn’t halting like it had been even a few years ago. He learned what triggered his migraines, so he didn’t have them as often. Pain medication helped, and he worked with his doctor on the correct dosage. 
But his left hand never improved. The countless hours at the occupation therapist and the physical therapist and doing exercises at home didn’t make a difference. 
His hand look completely normal. Unless someone knew or looked very closely at how it hung slightly strange, no one would guess it was paralyzed. Even last night, the bellhop gave him a look when he carried in his suitcase and Ellen held her own. 
Making the lady carry her own bag, his smirk seemed to shout at Chuck. 
He’d stare at his hand, willing it to do what he wanted. The anger, even hate, he had for it was strong. At times, he thought it would have been better if it had been blown off or amputated. It would be gone, not mocking him. No one would expect him to use this useless appendage. Then he would think of Toye or Bill or the other poor bastards who had actually lost limbs and feel like an asshole for his bout of self-pity. But he didn’t know how or if he would ever get over it.
After the engagement, he noticed the men wearing rings. For the first time in six years, he looked at his left hand was glad it was still there, glad it could still do one thing he wanted it to do.
His left hand wasn’t useless now, even if he couldn’t grab or hold. It had a purpose. Look, I’m Ellen Grant’s husband. She could have her pick of anyone, and she chose me. 
He felt her roll over to his side of the bed. 
“Good morning. How’s my wife?” he asked.
“Exhausted, in a good way,” she said, sleepily. “And hungry, in a bad way. Can we go downstairs and get breakfast?”
He straddled her and shook his head. “Room service,” he answered.
He called in the order. Steak and eggs, French toast, a carafe of coffee, and a pot of tea. 
“You have thirty minutes,” she said, challenging him, kissing his neck and raking her nails down his chest.
Chuck wouldn’t tell her today - there were other things to do, in this room with the enormous bed, in this hotel where people made and delivered food when asked. But one day, when they were driving to the grocery store or sitting on a porch swing, he would tell the woman he loved the other reason why he wanted to wear a wedding ring. 
After all, they had the rest of their lives.
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pookielious · 3 months
How do you guys like end a fic ??😭😭 like I can't ever seem to do a good ending I swear like that's the only thing stopping me as of now for dropping more fics
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teabights · 1 year
Band of Brothers Fics
I have been posting my band of brothers fics on AO3, so here are the links and more to come
Band of BabeRoe (One shots)
Boyfriend Day
Long Time Comin’ (George Luz x OFC) (more chapters to come)
Chapter 1
Gott Lieb? (Lieb One Shots)
My Boy
In the End
Knight In Shining Armor
Taking Care of Me
Rainy Day
Histoires de Gingembre (Babe One Shots)
Chapter 1
Band of Brothers
Edgin' Easy Company (Tumblr Exclusive)
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siriusist · 1 year
Band of Brothers Week: Day 2: Kraut Medicine:
Fanfiction: Kraut Medicine
Day 2 ( July 2nd ) Prompts for Band of Brothers Week: OTP || Faceless || Favorite COs || Red
Characters: Babe Heffron, Doc Eugene Roe, Ronald Spiers, Carwood Lipton, Dick Winters, Lewis Nixon, Bill Guarnere, Frank Perconte, David Webster
Genre: Dark humour, with a mix of dark horror.
Summary: Babe Heffron accidentally-on-purpose drugs the entire Company in Bastogne. Chaos ensues.
Author’s Notes: Fanfiction contribution for Day 2 of Band of Brothers Week! I had this idea bumping around in my head, based on the fact that A) Men scavenged in war, B) Men can be stupid, and C) We all know Babe Heffron is that kid who ate things before he asked what they actually were. 
This is also based on the idea and historical fact that German soldiers were given literal derivatives of meth in order to stay awake and alert for long hours. While I thought it’d be crass to actually name what the drug was, it’s pretty wildly acknowledged now that all sides in the war were taking all kinds of uppers (and downers) to get through the conflict. In my mind, it just happened that Babe Heffron was very, very stupid with it.
As always, no disrespect to the actual historical figures themselves. This is solely based on the characters in the 2001 Miniseries.
It was two hours before Doc Roe noticed something was off about Babe Heffron.
Sure, he was usually a massive idiot (the term used affectionally, in most cases). But something about the way he was jiggling his leg up and down becoming more and more annoying the longer he did it, despite Doc noticing him from a distance and through the slow fall of snow in the dark.
“Fuck it, I’m going to say something,” Guarnere muttered, already halfway out of his foxhole and the entire company wound so tight due to previous shelling that a snap of a twig would send most of them off.
“I’ve got it,” Doc murmured softly, holding out a hand and only making direct eye contact with the man from Philadelphia when he could already see he was ready to argue. “I’ve got it-“ He repeats, but this time far more firmly, despite being relatively small and stature and pale, the look in his eyes telling Guarnere not to push it.
Guarnere holds up his hands. “That’s your venue, Doc.” He deadpans, already settling back down next two partially visible bodies under their cover, as Doc looks back. The leg was still going.
“For Chrissake- there’s supposed to be a no-motion ban- light and noise discipline-“ A voice mutters nearby, sounding suspiciously like Buck Compton, as Doc finally decides to act. Taking a deep but quiet breath, he crouched down close to the ground before slowly but deftly making his way across snow, careful about where he stepped lest he set something off.
By the time he’d reached Babe’s foxhole, both legs were going now, along with a little jiggle of his shoulders. “Everything alright, Heffron-?” Doc starts, slowly and carefully putting a hand on his shoulder but jolting it back as soon as he saw Babe’s dilated pupils and the stupid grin on his face. “Lord Almighty-“
“Hiya, Doc~” Babe grinned almost comically wide, it taking a moment for it to sink in that he was doing a little two-step as best he could in his foxhole, the entire snow below him turned to mush and dirt underneath his feet. “How’s life treatin’ ya-?”
Doc bit back an answer that was more sarcastic than Babe was probably in any place to understand or answer, before scootching closer, trying to inspect his eyes and holding up a finger to see if Babe’s eyes would follow a moving object. “Pretty good, Heffron, how are you?” He says evenly, that being his first mistake.
“I told you- it’s Baaaaaaabe~” Babe practically whines, body going limp and actually dropping his gun as he wiggles back and forth, Doc now looking at him more suspiciously than ever as he feels him up for his pockets.
“Doc, if you were interested, you should have just asked-“ Babe giggles, wriggling away from his touch like a child being tickled. Except he was a six foot tall man who was currently kicking a five foot seven Doc in the shoulder with a dirty boot.
“For goddsake, what the hell did yeh eat?” Doc finally snaps, before hearing the hiss from nearby foxholes, immediately reducing his snapping to a hiss.
“Nothing-“ Babe said with a pout, crossing his arms but still holding back lower body wiggles. “Just some of that Kraut chocolate we picked up near the border. And Webster told me about medication- t-they had pain medication- he translated the label-“
“So you took medication you couldn’t even read the label of?” Doc gave him a look like he was an idiot, before finally finding the bottle in the front of Babe’s jacket and shaking it, several pulls still rattling about inside.
“It’s pain relief.” Babe says proudly, nose up in the air. “I found it. And I feel fineeeeeee-“
“Yeah, I bet you DO-“ Doc mutters, trying to make out any indication for what the drugs actually contained. He opened the container and tried to give it a sniff. “You eat anything anyone gives you-?” He huffed, but now trying to think about how to bring Babe down from the clear high he was still on before he was actually needed in battle.
“Yup! It’s the Military!” Babe says with the same proud grin, wiggling from side to side. “Yay Babe!”
“For Chrissake-“ Doc muttered, now raising from his foxhole and intent on murdering Webster. “Anyone else take this?”
Babe stops his happy wiggles, freezing, before attempting to look innocent. “I mean, I know Webster has one. And Luz has one. Unless they gave some out, I don’t think so-“
Doc grunted in response, already annoyed at having to babysit a company of grown men from basically acting like they’d tasted the Devil’s Lettuce. Webster most likely didn’t share. Luz, on the other hand-
“Oh. And I added it to the water supply-“
“YOU WHAT?” Doc can’t help but snap, ready to punch his shoulder before the same hissing being heard again, but this time being accompanied by hissing from a distance.
“GO GO GO!” A voice can be heard screaming, as Doc covers Babe’s head as he tries to force him as closely down in the hole as he can, Babe fighting him every step of the way.
“LAY. DOWN. IDIOT.” Doc hissed, as Babe whines. “Heffron~  Idiot~ Why don’t you ever call me Babe~”
“NICE NOISE DISCIPLINE DOCTOR!” Guarnere’s voice can be heard sarcastically as he passes him to get out of a dangerously close shelling area, Doc poking his head out and seeing shell after shell splintering trees, quickly ducking down.
“IT’S NOT MY FAULT HEFFRON’S TELLEMENT STUPIDE-!” He calls back, before hearing the telltale scream of “MEDIC!”, Doc grabbing Babe by the front of his lapels, slapping his cheek to get him to pay attention to him. “You don’t leave this foxhole unless a mortar or a German is flying right at you. Got it?” He snapped, Babe almost looking sad. “Yessir-“
Doc moved to duck under trees and jump branches, before finding the person screaming for a medic to be right next to George Luz. George sat staring at the man, cross-legged, both seemingly completely fine.
“P-Peconte?” Doc pants, already touching the man up as soon as he gets near him to feel for injury. “Where are ya hit?”
“We never see each other any more, Doc- what- you don’t like me or nothin’?” Peconte says sadly, George looking at him and literally giving a shrug.
“Not you, too-“ Doc mutters, before slapping both of them lightly. “You are children! Give me those pills-“ He snaps, grabbing them off both of them and forcing George to focus on him. “Who else did you give these to-?”
“I mean, we thought it’d be funny to help Spiers loosen up a bit- may have dropped one or two into his canteen when he wasn’t lookin’-“ He shrugged, as Peconte starts giggling. “Boom~”
Doc stared at them, before shoving them under a tree, treating two extra wounds before sliding into a foxhole with one Carwood Lipton.
“Lip, Lip- thank god, some sense-“ Doc says, relieved, knowing the man wouldn’t put anything in his body before knowing what it was first. “Y-You drank any water? You seen Captain Spiers?”
Lipton gave him a weird look at how wild-eyed Doc looked himself. “Are you okay, Doc?” He says softly, as if they weren’t in the middle of a firefight.
“No, I’m not okay, Lieutenant, because Babe Heffron has apparently spiked the water supply with German drugs that make everyone loopy, Officer Spiers is apparently unknowingly drinking a canteen full of dissolved pills, and half the Company if they don’t dump their watah anytime soon could be just as stupid as Babe Heffron, Luz, and Peconte-“ He snapped, finally able to vent when the shelling took a momentary break.
“… Ah. That’ll do it.” Lip bites his lip, before looking up at him cautiously.
Doc listened. No screaming, no other noise. He could fully relax. Finally.
“… It’s a little funny.”
“Thank you,” Lipton says, clearly now chewing on the inside of his lip to keep from full on smiling, before grinning. “Wow. Spiers on drugs.”
“Either he’ll beat the entire German Army before we do, or throw a hand grenade that bounces back and kills him like a Looney Tunes cartoon-“ A rough voice says in the hole nearby, Captain Nixon slowly but surely sticking his head out his hole.
“You take any of this crap, Cap?” Doc shakes the pill bottles lightly. “It’s in the watah, too-“
Nix was able to muster a sardonic smile.
“Now, Doc- you know I don’t drink “watah” out here.”~
“And you two are sure about this?” Winters says, rubbing his nose and blinking far more times then necessary, arms crossed and swaying ever so slightly from side to side.
Nix and Doc looked at each other. Doc moved to open his mouth, before Nix held a hand out, stepping forward and taking Winter’s face in his hands.
“Dick- ironically as the drunk one, I’m the most sober one of us, right now. Yes. Babe contaminated the drinking water- Spiers is apparently on a double dose- and, Peconte thinks he’s lost his leg but he hasn’t- so he’s the least of our problems now.”
Winters blinked rapidly as soon as Nix held his face in his hands, before managing to say in an even tone. “Were your hands always this big?”
“You know it’s bad when I’m your last line of defense, come on-“ Nix rolled his eyes, stepping away from Winters and Winters almost dropping from the lack of being held up, but attempting to hide it by spinning in a circle. “First thing- dump the water we have where no one will eat the snow and put in new snow to melt- fresh snow- second, find Spiers. Third- send someone back to HQ and find how the hell long it takes for this medication to work its way out of your system- go-“
Doc nods, being pushed back towards an awaiting Jeep with several injured, the Jeep making it halfway through the back lines before stopping before a figure in the dark, standing and surrounded by dead bodies of German soldiers.
The lights slowly but surely illuminating the scene, almost like a horror movie, as Ronald Spiers slowly turned around, moving to light a cigarette, before saying calmly.
“You got a fresh canteen, Doc? Mine’s tasted kind of funny- dumped all of it an hour ago.”
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hanniewinnix · 8 months
Thoughts? Bcs I suck at it everytime I finished a chapter and looked at the time it was updated, then I would just sob when I saw
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demo - character bios - pinterest - spotify
“God, I fucking hate musicians. Get me off this tour bus."
Assholes with massive egos? Check.
Tension between the band members? Check.
Various narcotics stuffed inside multiple suitcases? Check.
A contract that says you have to keep your hands off the talent? Check.
Just remember this is all for YOUR big break, not theirs. Go on tour with the band, write the biography, collect the check, and make a name for yourself. Simple.
‘Melodies In Motion’ is a wip, dramatic and romantic, interactive fiction that tells the story of you, a music journalist, joining ‘St. Skeleton’ on their upcoming tour in order to write their first biography. It is rated 18+ for sexual content, drug use, hot people being extremely questionable, so and so on.
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Build your own MC. Play as male, female, non-binary, or trans; straight, gay, or bisexual. Customize your appearance and shape your personality.
Make choices that have meaning while building fun stats.
Romance 1 (of 5) characters or unlock the secret, friends-with-benefits route with a completely different character.
Conduct interviews with St. Skeleton and write your first book.
Help fix the tense relationships in St. Skeleton or make them worse if you think that'll help your book sales.
Fuck a rock star? Take scandalous photos with the band’s personal photographer? Fight a stalker? Do drugs off a drum kit? The world is truly your oyster, honey.
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↳ Violet l She/Her l 31 l St. Skeleton's Lead Singer
Violet is arguably the most famous alternative singer in the spotlight right now. On stage, she's known for her smooth vocals, killer high notes, and charismatic personality. Off stage, she's known for her impulsive personality and a publicist that works harder than god.
↳ Jett l He/Him l 29 l St. Skeleton's Lead Guitarist
Jett is known among the fans for his insane guitar solos and being in a bit of a daze constantly. Among the members, he's known for his short temper, endless supply of sarcastic comments, and the whisky bottle that rarely leaves his hand.
↳ Jagger l He/Him l 29 l St. Skeleton's Bassist
As with most bassists, Jagger is a bit overlooked by the fans, but he doesn't mind. To be honest, he doesn't give a fuck about St. Skeleton. He's only here to keep an eye on his twin brother, Jett, and make sure their family secrets remain just that.
↳ Mikki l Gender Selectable l 30 l St. Skeleton's Drummer
Mikki has a small, but very dedicated fan base. They're often labeled as the backbone of the band. It was never about being rich and famous for them; they just wanted to play music. It's all they know how to do anyway.
↳ Ryder l He/Him l 33 l St. Skeleton's Tour Photographer
Ryder is known among the band for his easy-going personality and ability to make everyone feel seen, with or without his camera. But if he's taking care of everyone else, who's taking care of him?
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↳ Star/Dallas l Gender Selectable l 27 l Violet's Assistant l Secret Route
↳ Aspen l They/Them l 31 l St. Skeleton's Second Guitarist
↳ Valen l She/Her l 37 l Tour Manager
↳ Stevie l She/Her l 25 l Your Assistant
↳ Mia l She/Her l 30 l Aspen's Wife
193 notes · View notes
indigo-graves · 9 months
Warmth | Eugene Roe
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When the curtains were no longer able to block out the sun, there was a shift beside Roe, which caused him to stir. There was a moment where he found himself struggling to orient himself to the room. It had been all too easy to forget he was in a bedroom, under warm linens, and not in the snow-dusted forest of Bastogne. A warmth he never would quite be able to replicate radiated from beside him, something he had an even harder time orienting himself to. Even more recent than their arrival at the Eagle’s Nest, was the bedfellow he had found once they got there. 
Gene turned, inhaling her scent. The soap had found in that bathroom was lovely, of course, but he found himself dizzy with desire when he leaned closer, his head tilted to inhale the spot where her hair lingered on her neck. He took a deep breath in, taking in the soft, sweet natural scent, the depth of the warmth that grew in his belly was new. Would he ever get used to being this close? The smokey bite from the fireplace that lingered in her hair felt familiar. He had recalled it from close, accidental brushes when he worked beside her on the battlefield. 
She stirred again, humming as she readjusted herself into the pillow, the mattress, into him. He felt a hum of appreciation rumble deep in his chest. He pressed his lips gently to the back of her shoulder, taking his time to feel the warmth of her skin. Wordlessly, she reached over, taking his hand in hers. He grinned against her skin when she held his hand in hers, lining the length of her fingers up with his. Their two hands became one shadow, blocking the direct light of the sun shining in on the pair. She tipped her fingers between his and pulled it down across her body. His fingers still flexed, hers gripping at his hand, she brought each of the tips of his fingers to her mouth. A kiss was placed on the pad of each finger slowly. Taking her time to recall memories of watching them work tirelessly to keep the Company alive. 
Roe chuckled, the muscles in his cheeks ached from smiling. She felt it against her skin, thanking God for the smile. Few and far between had he shared it with her as they navigated their way across Europe, attempting to keep the Easy Company in one piece. Since finding a place away from mortar rounds and gunfire, both seemed to share those far more freely. And they were not the only two that noticed. 
“Do you think they’ll notice if we both come down to get something to eat at the same time?” She whispered against the back of his hand as she kissed it. He chuckled and moved closer. 
“I don’t think so,” He responded, kissing the back of her neck in kind. “But again, mon cher, it’s not me who is worried about getting caught.” 
She rolled her eyes. She was certainly not going to have this argument on an empty stomach. It had nothing to do with him, of course. Any woman would have tripped over themselves to have a chance to be so adored by a man like Eugene Roe. But it was not something she wanted to be decided until they knew whether or not they would be sent to the Pacific. 
“Gene,” she sighed, turning to face him. He had spent 28 days across from her in Bastogne. They had locked eyes hundreds, if not thousands of times. But each time she focused those large blue eyes on his, he felt a tension in his stomach that no woman had ever caused before. 
“I know,” he nodded. He felt goosebumps raise on his skin as her hand rested on his chest. A soft smile played at his lips in contrast to the pout that had pulled at hers. He kissed her forehead softly, inhaling deeply at the crown of her head. “You stay here. I’ll go get you something to eat.” 
She pressed her lips together and shook her head, “you go down first. Get yourself something. I’ve got to wash up first anyhow.” 
Eugene nodded. He brushed his lips over hers in a whisper of a movement. He swallowed his words. She smiled, pressed a more forceful kiss to his mouth, and rolled out of bed. Again, he thought, he would never be able to replicate that warmth anywhere else in the world. 
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roadtogracelandx45 · 4 months
Courage Under Fire|Pre War 9| Band of Brothers
part 8
Word count: 5,900
April 1st, 1942
 Charleston,  South Carolina 
Olivia smoothed her hands over the crisp white skirt of her uniform, she was standing in front of the floor-length mirror in her bedroom, studying her reflection, she had been sworn into the Army Nursing Corp late in March by Elizabeth Forbes using the war-torn bible that her great-great-grandfather had carried with him into several battles of the Civil War including Gettysburg made it seem real.
Putting the dog tags around her neck didn't seem real, neither did putting on the uniform but doing that made it seem real.
She and Alice had gotten orders to go report to Fort Benning for OCS on the 2nd of April and it started feeling more real.
And for the first time, she was flattering in her decision to join.
"You good Bean?" Her Uncle Michael's voice came from the doorway, he had been busy in DC, so he hadn't been able to come down for her swearing-in like Helen had been able to come. 
"Uncle Michael! What are you doing here?" She spun around to look at him, her green eyes dancing in excitement. "Helen called and told me you were going to Benning." 
Olivia nodded her head, "No idea why y'all putting this much confidence in me. I could fail out. Like that." She snapped her fingers causing him to laugh.
"You will do good, Liv, this is what you are meant to do. Does this sudden change of heart have anything to do with you seeing Katherine?"
"Aunt Helen told you about that?"
"Mhm, how did she react to you enlisting?"
"Said she hoped I died." She shrugged her shoulders, "After she got mad at Daddy for signing the papers. They want me to testify for the State against her. Same with my brothers." 
"But they are all shipping out or at boot camp, right?"
"Except for Bobby." She motioned to the letter that was lying open on the desk, "He and Bill are going to enlist together as soon as they get out of school. I guess they both were going to have an exemption because of the factory they were working at, but they tore it up and threw it away."
Michael laughed again. That sounded about right for both Bobby and Bill. 
 "Have you heard from Lewis?" She pointed to the letter underneath the one from her twin, "He is in California. Says I would like it, always warm. Not cold like Philly and here."
"Where are you going with that?" 
"I told him after the war if either one of us weren't with someone else I would marry him. I do love him."
 "But you aren't  in love with him?" Michael asked, unable to help himself.
"I am 18 years old, what do I know about love?" She returned.
"More than what you think. You are a smart girl, Bean; you will figure it out.  Finish getting ready, I am going with you and Alice to the train station. And someone from Benning is going to meet you there."
Olivia nodded, "And two other girls are coming, right?"
"From what Elizabeth said, yes, one is from New York and the other is from California."
"Oh great, another damned Yankee." She complained with a small laugh, Fredrick had not been shy about his hatred of the Yankees and called Andrea that to her face and to her kids' faces. Same with Helen but they all took it in stride because of the love and respect they had for him.
 Her uncle smirked before leaving the room to let her finish getting ready. He had tried to get out of Elizabeth information about the other two girls that were joining Olivia and Alice, but Forbes said that it wasn't fair for Olivia to have the advantage. It was already bad enough that she was handpicked for this, because of her family and her skills.
 And some of these girls could hold that against her and could cause a lot of problems for Olivia. But they had faith in the girl and knew she could handle herself, she just needed to believe that she could do it herself.
 From Los Angeles California.
Betsy Michaels glanced out of the window again before she yawned and stretched her arms above her head. She had been on the train for almost three days, and she was tired of it. It had been a mistake, the train instead of the bus or taking the Army up on the offer, to fly from Fort Ord to Fort Benning. But being on the train in her own little compartment gave her time to think and really decide if losing her family in order to serve her country was the best idea. And the more she thought about it the more it seemed like it
 was the best idea for her.
Don't get her wrong, she loved her family, but her father was too controlling, and her mother was too weak to stand up for her children or herself. She didn't want to end up like her mother or even her oldest sister who was in the same boat their mother was in.
There was a knock on the sliding door startling her out of her thoughts and she slid open the door on the other side was a dark-haired man with bushy eyebrows, wearing a smirk. "Are you Betsy Michaels?" He asked. "I am. And you are?" "Lewis Nixon. I was told by command to check in on you." She raised an eyebrow and stepped away to let him enter the compartment. "It's been almost 3 days, Mr. Nixon." Lewis managed to look sheepish, he had found the bar cart and spent a lot of time in it.
His way of coping.
"Sorry about that.'  He shrugged, he had gotten a letter from Kathy claiming she was pregnant and that he had to make up his mind about either her and their child or the little tart Olivia. He couldn't bring himself to make that decision yet. Sure, he cared for Kathy and wanted to try
 and be involved with his kid's life but at the same time, he loved Olivia and the light-heartedness she gave. 
"Do you want to talk about it?" She prodded, "You look like you need to talk." 
"There has only been one other person that calls me on my stuff like that is Olivia." 
"Your girl?" She monitored for him to sit across from her, she could just tell by looking at him that he needed to talk, and she was always a good listener. And after the course was over, they probably would never see each other again. 
"Well, you could say that."
Columbia, Georgia
The first three people that Amber Scott met when she stepped onto the train platform were Elizabeth Forbes, a woman whose respect was demanded right from the start, a woman who was in charge of the program they were entering, and the other two nurses like herself both from Charleston, South Carolina. Olivia and Alice. The latter of the two seemed to be nice and Amber could see herself being friends with her, but Olivia couldn't.
There was something about her that she didn't like. She carried herself with confidence and arrogance that it was almost off-putting. Olivia turned her head and muttered something to Alice who swallowed back her smile and nudged her hip with hers.
"We are waiting on one more girl to show up, from California and we will get you to Benning." Elizabeth started. Something must have clicked in the blonde's head because a beaming dimpled smile formed. And the general offered her a gentle smile in return. 
"Do you know her outside of this ma'am?" Amber asked, unable to help herself. Elizabeth looked at her and then at Olivia, "Yes, her godfather and I go way back. But that has nothing to do with her being in the program."
 Amber turned back to look at Olivia to start Interrogating her, but she had already started moving towards a couple. "Lew! Lewis!" 
 "Does she know him?" 
"Extremely well." Alice laughed, as much as she wanted to stop Olivia from making any sort of decision when it came to her, and Lewis couldn't. Olivia loved him and he loved her. At least that's what Olivia had repeatedly told her.
Hearing his name, Lewis spun around and smiled, "Olivia!” 
Betsy, who was walking next to him, paused and smiled when the woman who she had spent the last few hours hearing about darted across the busy lobby and into Lewis's arms. He picked her up in a hug and pressed kisses to her cheeks and jaw. Careful to avoid her mouth, he knew as well as she did that if they saw that she would be sent home, and he wasn't going to be the one to get her sent home.  
"I missed you." He whispered before he sat her down on her feet.
"I missed you too." She grinned before looking at the girl standing next to him.
"I am Liv." She held her hand out to her. Betsy studied her for a brief second before returning the bright smile and taking the extended hand.
"I am Betsy. Lewis  told me a lot about you."
"Whatever he said, don't believe it. They are half-truths."
"All he told me was that you saved him from marrying a woman that he didn't love." She supplied as the other girls and the General joined them.
"Well, someone had to help him." She paused, "General, this is Betsy."
"Michaels, ma'am."
"Perfect, Lewis." The general inclined her head in the man's direction.
"I am going to meet up with the others, Liv, I will see you there." He pressed a kiss to her cheek, "Betsy, thank you."  Betsy nodded her head before glancing over at Olivia who was watching him walk away, a hint of sadness in her smile. 
"Are you okay?" She prodded softly.
 "Yeah, just the last time someone I cared about walked away in a uniform he ended up dying in Pearl Harbor.' Olivia shook her head and took a breath steeling herself, she hadn't let herself truly mourn for her brother, her uncle, and her great-great-grandfather.
Sure, she had cried in Lewis's arms when she found out, but she threw up walls around herself to protect herself.   She had to be the perfect picture of a well-brought-up Southern Girl. Alice grasped Olivia's hand and squeezed it. 
Thankful, Olivia squeezed it in return. She had been so thankful for Alice being with her from the time she got back from South Philadelphia with the ring that Bill insisted that he didn't lift from the store underneath the one from Lewis and was fighting to keep herself together to get sworn into the Army Nursing Corp to now OCS. She would have fallen completely apart and not have cared if it wasn't for Alice and her grandparents.
The bus was groaning and creaking down the gravel road towards Fort Benning, and Amber was fighting nausea, and it was getting worse the closer they got and listening to Olivia tell a story about her twin brother and someone named Bill to Alice and Betsy.
 "That boy is trouble, Livia." General Forbes commented, underlying amusement in her voice.
 "Which one? The one I share DNA with or the one I dated?"
"Both." Both Alice and the General answered with a laugh, neither one had actually met Bill but from the stories that Olivia had told them. But Bobby, they knew how much he coaxed his sister into doing things and quickly talked them out of trouble.  
There was a sad smile on her face as she twisted to look out of the window at the approaching camp. 
"Bobby is Olivia's twin brother," Betsy informed Amber, figuring she hadn't been listening to what she was saying, "From what I understand, this is the farthest and longest they have been separated." 
Amber shrugged her shoulders, she really didn't care about any of the other girls' lives before this. She was told that she had to do good and get that pay raise that was supposedly coming down the ranks for the women to help pay off her father's gambling debt. She wasn't there to make friends.
It would be better if she didn't. 
All the boys who had exited the bus in front of the 4 nurses paused and stared at them, they hadn't expected to see women in their program. "Ladies, if you will follow me." One of the instructors said cutting off the stares, they knew that the girls being there with them would be a distraction to them, and vice versa, but it was good for them to learn not to act on those feelings.
"I am Lieutenant Harding. You are going to be under my direct command for the next 12 weeks. I am sure you understand how unique this opportunity is."
"Yes sir." They all returned, Olivia and Alice, exchanging a look. they had at least a little bit of understanding of what was going to happen to them during these 12 weeks. Thanks to Olivia's family and Elizabeth Forbes. 
Alice liked to joke that Olivia was born right into the Army with how much the Stewart household was run like the Army. "This is where I leave you girls, good luck, I will see you in 12 weeks at Camp Meade.' She shook each of their hands, only lingering for a second with Olivia, squeezing her hand, "Write if  you need anything, you got this."
 "Thank you, ma'am." Olivia returned softly, squeezing her hand, "Tell Uncle Finn, I will be fine."
"Who is Uncle Finn?" Betsy asked curious as they started to follow Harding towards the barracks. "My grandfather's brother, and my godfather." She answered quietly, "They are worried about me, especially after losing Nicholas and Great-Great Granddad." 
"Nicholas was killed in the attack on Pearl Harbor." Alice informed for her friend, who looked sad at the mention, "Same with her uncle Thomas." 
The Lieutenant who was leading them towards the barracks paused, interested, he had gone to WestPoint with Michael Stewart and knew that he had numerous nephews and nieces, and had kept in touch with him enough to know that he had great nephews now.  
"Aunt Helen is having a baby, she is dead set on naming it, Nicholas for a boy and Lydia for a girl."  
 He turned to look at the girls once they were outside of the small barracks, "Stewart, Michaels, this side.' He pointed to the two beds on the right-hand side of the room, "Scott, Anderson, other side. The roll call is 20 minutes. Good luck ladies." Harding nodded at each one of them before exiting the room. 
"Oops! I am so sorry!" Olivia exclaimed as she collided with a solid body, she had wanted to get to formation and she wasn't paying attention. 
"It's okay." Dick Winters returned steadying her, "No damage done.' "Still, I am sorry, I should have been paying more attention. I have a bad habit of not paying attention to my surroundings when I am focused on something"
"You will have to excuse her," Lewis's voice came from behind her, "She likes to ramble when she is nervous." 
"She is fine." The redhead man said, stepping away from Olivia who he had still been holding upright.
"She also has a name, Olivia.' She cut in annoyance, "And you know that Lewis." 
Lewis glanced down at her and smirked, he knew it all too well, the last night they had spent together, he had gotten a hotel room, and whisked her away, much to Bill's frustration. She got good at certain things. Things that he wouldn't mention to a complete stranger, and things that would embarrass Olivia to have known, and she didn't need that, especially after the last series of letters he got from her detailing her visit with her mother at the prison for women in South Carolina, and how she was embarrassed by Katherine for everything.
Little and big. 
"It's nice to meet you then, Olivia, I am Dick." "You too, Dick, you too.' She offered him a smile and took a step back to Lewis who quickly threw out, seeing the curious look on Dick's face, "Her uncle is married to my cousin.  And she stopped me from marrying Kathy."  Olivia winced and pulled a face that led Dick to believe that Kathy was a miserable person to be around. 
"Figures you would find Lewis, Livvy," Alice commented as she joined the trio. "He found me." Olivia returned, "Alice, this is Dick, I didn't get his last name." "Winters." Dick supplied just as the music was starting to play throughout the camp, signaling that they needed to go to roll call.  
Lieutenants Harding and Anderson started walking up and down the formation, while the Captain, Sanders, was giving orders to them. Olivia oddly felt like she belonged, she had grown up with her grandfather doing inspections of their school uniforms, and their bedrooms every morning before they had breakfast. It was a normal thing in the Stewart household, Alice who started living with them on and off for several months when her parents were struggling had a hard time adapting to it.
Harding paused next to Olivia, his dark eyes flicking over her uniform and then studying her face, "You know, Michael said he had a niece, but he never said anything about how pretty you are." Olivia's green eyes sparked with surprise.
"Michael and I went to school together. I am Alex." She thought for a second and then she remembered, "I remember him mentioning you sir."
As if the other two girls felt how uncomfortable Olivia shifted a little closer to her. Harding was impressed that two of the three others were willing to step up and protect their fourth member. They were going to need that sense of commandery when things started getting
 tough. And with the OCS program, it was going to get a lot more tough.
"You are dismissed!" Sanders announced, causing Betsy to rush up to Olivia's elbow, "Are you okay Liv?" She asked urgently, her heart was up in her throat. "I am fine, Bets, it was nothing. Just saying that he went to WestPoint with my uncle.'
Lewis and Dick who had talked into joining them for dinner, appeared, "Come on Liv, it's dinner time." He slung his arm over her shoulder, relieved that he had already said that they were related by marriage so his touching her wasn't out of the norm. He didn't think he could go 12 weeks without touching or being near her. 
The 3 months had been bad enough. 
"We got to talk.' He muttered lowly in her ear. "About what?" She returned, stopping their stride, letting Dick and the girls who were pulling him into shy awkward talk.
"Kathy is pregnant."  It was short and straight to the point, he knew that he didn't have to dick around with her and he was thankful for that. 
 "What? Is she sure?" Olivia questioned, her heart dropping to her stomach, "Is, is it yours?"
"The timeline  adds up." He pulled his flask out of his pocket and twisted the lid open, "Ladies first.' Olivia took it and took a long swallow off of it before handing it back to him. "What are you going to do?" "No idea. But this isn't going to change anything between us Liv, I meant what I said, I love you." 
"I know Lew, I love you too." She started softly, "Whatever you want to do, I will support you. 100%" Glancing around making sure that they were fully alone, he pressed a kiss first to her lips then to her forehead. "Come on, let's go to dinner."
June 5th 1942
Fort Benning, Georgia.
Amber Scott had enough of everything that had to do with this stupid school that she got selected for. She was tired of getting screamed out for stupid reasons, like the sheets and blankets not being tucked into a certain inch, 6 compared to 7 that it was at a regular camp. Her boots were never polished correctly nor were they in the proper position when Sanders and Harding came into check. The other three, especially Olivia, seemed to be flourishing. They passed their tests with ease and had gotten stronger with the map reading and physical training. Something that Amber had fought hard against for the first few days, they were nurses they didn't need to know this stuff. 
She glanced around the barracks, looking for something to destroy, a habit that she had gotten into thanks to her father. He had a habit of destroying everything in his path when he was drunk and upset. Her brown eyes landed on the letters that were neatly stacked on the end of Olivia's bunk, no destroying letters wouldn't do any good, as much as she hated hearing about the characters in Olivia's life, they were entraining. Even the stories that she, Lewis, and Alice reenacted after a few too many shots at the bar on pass were on par. 
Then her eyes landed on the foot locker that was embellished with Olivia's surname and the US ARMY NURSING CORP logo on it. There had to be something in there that she could use that would make  Olivia as upset as she was.
Quickly, Amber crossed the room and flipped the lid open, thankful that Olivia hadn't locked it like she had in the past after Harding and Sanders had gotten into it. In the small box was a worn leather diary with the initials FJS on it. It was curious that she had something like that, she had known that Olivia's were OFGS, Olivia Franklin Grace Stewart, don't ask her how she knew, she just did. She flipped it open and the first date written on the page was from 1860. Even more curious, she flipped through the pages skipping over the letters and pictures of her family and of her and Lewis at her debutante ball to the later pages that were dated from 1940 on.
"Excuse me, Lieutenant. this came for you." One of the runners for the HQ for the OCS interrupted handing Olivia a sealed envelope from the Office of the Navy. 
"Liv? What is it?" Lewis asked. 
"I am not sure, I don't think I can open it.' Olivia returned, "Can you open it?"
 Dick who over the last few weeks became a good friend to not only of Lewis and Olivia but of Alice and Betsy as well, came over closer to Olivia, his hand catching hers. Normally doing something like this would make him nervous and make him blush but he felt oddly comfortable with Olivia. Like she was the little sister he had always wanted. 
 They had been informed the day before that the Navy was making a move on some island in the Pacific and everything was hush-hush about it. All they had been told was that the Enterprise, the boat that Olivia's second favorite brother, James was stationed on and flying from was involved in it. And since then Olivia had been sick with nervous energy. 
Lewis had a funny feeling in the pit of his stomach as he slid his finger underneath the flap of the envelope. 
"Mr. and Mrs. Stewart and family. We regret to inform you that your son James Andrew Stewart was killed in action during the battle of Midway.”  He quickly folded the letter back and pulled Olivia into his arms as the news hit and she started trembling. She was trying so hard not to break down. “It's okay, baby, it's okay.” he smoothed his hand over her hair that had come loose from her braid, and down her back. Dick pulled the crumpled letter out of Lewis’s hand knowing that down the line she would want to read the whole thing.  
“I need to be excused.”  Her voice was coming out in short spurts. “I need you to take a couple of breaths first,”  Betsy ordered,  worried about how sporadic her breathing was. Not even with all the tests that they had taken over the course of the last 8 weeks had she seen Olivia get so out of sorts. 
“Is everything okay? “ Harding asked them to come to a stop. “Just got a letter from the Navy.” Olivia pulled herself away from Lewis and took the handkerchief from Dick to dry her eyes and wipe her nose, “My brother James was killed in Midway. I will be fine in a moment. “ She wiped her cheeks off again. 
“No, you won't.” Amber’s voice came as she joined them looking like the cat that ate the canary. “What are you talking about?” Olivia asked. “Meaning you have been sleeping with him.” Betsy grabbed a hold of Amber’s arm and started pulling her away hissing that this wasn't the time or place to announce anything like that. 
“It's not true, Lieutenant Harding, not since we have been here,” Lewis explained, quickly lying, in hopes it would stop the two of them from getting into trouble and from Olivia getting kicked out of the program. That was the last thing he wanted after she worked so hard on passing the tests. They all did. Except for Amber, she managed to screw everything up.
"Stewart, is that true?" Harding asked, looking at the girl who nodded her head adamantly, teary fury in her eyes. "What is going on here? This has been going on for far too long. You two are working this out now." "Everything is fine, sir." Amber threw in.
"No, it's not," Olivia said at the same time, causing Harding to turn to look at her.
She never voiced any complaints, she kind of went with everything. They had all figured it was because she grew up in a military household. "Explain Stewart."
"Scott has been trying to get me to quit for the last few weeks, talking badly about my family and how I only got here because of my last name. And I understand that it helped a lot, but I am sure I have proved my worth." Alice, who had joined them, slipped between Harding and Betsy and grabbed a hold of her friend's hand. "Well reading what was in your journal, I know it." All in the instant the grief and sadness were gone, and anger was there.
"Watch you say, next Sergeant," Olivia ordered.
"Liv." Lewis started,the more they went through the training the more Olivia was finding herself and the more Lewis found that he was falling in love with her. It was making that decision of what he wanted to do with Kathy and the baby so much harder than it needed to be. 
"What are you going to do? Huh? Ol-iv-ia." Amber taunted, her eyes going to the letter that was in Dick's hand. The familiar typewriter print read out Olivia's name on it. 
"I am sure your dearly departed brother is going to be so disappointed in you carrying on after an almost-married man."
 "Do not talk about my brothers, or I swear to god, I am not going to be held responsible for what I do."
 "Why do you care so much huh?" Olivia closed her eyes and counted to 10 trying to calm herself down but Amber's taunting got worse, she had tried to give the girl the benefit of the doubt.  But she could honestly see that it was a mistake. 
“About you? Or about her brothers?” Alice snapped for her friend. 
“Her brothers.” Amber returned, in the deepest pits of her stomach she was surprised that Olivia would be able to care about her for her how she treated the other three during the 8 weeks they had been there. 
“Sergeant, I am warning you one final time, to watch what you say.”  This time it wasn't Olivia who warned her, it was Lieutenant Harding who did. He had quickly figured it was going to be better for the girls to work it out now before they were all shipped off to Camp Meade, Maryland. They had to be untied in front of the other girls especially since they were going to be the ones that knew what was going on. 
“I am just saying sir, she is a disappointment.” Amber couldn't finish saying anything about Olivia and how her brothers and parents were probably disappointed in her for what she was doing when Olivia’s fist connected with her nose. A satisfying noise like a cigarette pack crumpling and the blood rushing to her ears was the only sound that Amber could hear. 
When the ringing stopped and she was able to see through the stars, she saw that Olivia was being pulled back by Lewis and Dick. "I am fine." Olivia said, "I am good."
"Well, I am not! You broke my nose."
"You fucking deserved it!" She spat as Lewis lowered his mouth by her ear whispering that everything was okay and that nothing was going to happen. 
"Lew, I will kill her if I have to be in the same room with her again."
 "I know, I know." "Nixon, Winters take her to your barracks." Harding ordered, "Sanders and I will come and talk to her after we handle this. Michaels, Anderson stay here."
"Yes sir." Lewis agreed, turning her around and frog-marching her toward the barracks. He knew that she wouldn't do anything else to cause a scene but it was better to be safe than sorry.
"Lew, I am fine. I promise I am not going to go back out there and do anything." Olivia said once they were back in the barracks, that momentarily moment of weakness, and she lost her temper.
Dropping his hands from her shoulders, Lewis stood near her, "Liv, I am.'
 "Don't please. Don't tell me you are sorry. I can't hear it again." Olivia said hugging her body, "We all knew this was possible right? Dying?"
"Yeah, it's a big chance," Dick added he had been quietly following them into the barracks, and as she protested saying she was fine. She was clearly not fine, and while he felt like he knew her, he didn't feel comfortable speaking that out loud. 
"It doesn't make this loss any harder. It's okay to mourn his death, Olivia.'
 "She didn't let herself mourn Nicholas' death or Fredrick's death." Lewis directed over her head, she had shifted closer to him for the physical comfort and since it was just the three of them in the room, he felt okay with providing it. 
"Have to be the picture perfect of the Southern Lady." She sniffed, fighting back her tears, "Nana and Gigi would have a heart attack if they saw this." She motioned to the trousers that Harding had secured for her and the other three girls. It was hard for them to do the PT in their
After struggling through a full day through everything they had to do, Harding took matters into his own hands and got them uniforms that were a little baggy for them but they worked. "Can't have emotions, we have to be steel magnolias, can't dress like a boy." 
"But." Lewis prodded, his hand rubbing down her back, his eyes on Dick, he wanted him to know his Olivia. Dick was starting to become important to him and he wanted them to be important to each other. And for that to happen, they need to know everything.
"But, Papa and Granddaddy, they think that I can do whatever I want. Does that make me and Marla a little spoiled and down the road little Katie? Absolutely. Because of them I climbed trees in dresses and chased after all of my brothers."
"James and her twin especially." "Jimmy was very proud, I got a letter from him yesterday actually. Said he was so proud of me for first facing my fears in flying."
Dick nodded his head, Lewis had come back from their last weekend pass drunk and proceeded to inform him about everything that had happened between him and Olivia and how he went down for her debutante ball. Then Olivia stopped his wedding to Kathy and their confessions and he flew with them to Charleston and spent the holidays with her and her family.
"And for joining the Nursing Corp. He would love to hear about that punch. He and Bobby have been on me to come out of my shell more and become who they know me as and who Lewis knows me to be."
The rest of what she wanted to say was cut off by Harding coming into the room and Lewis and Olivia separating, and the latter using the now crumpled handkerchief to wipe her cheeks off.
"You are going to stay in here for the time being Stewart, and Sanders is going to want to talk
 to you." 
"Yes, sir." She returned. 'Are you okay?" He asked, Michael had written to him once after he found that Alex was in charge of the girls and wanted to make sure she was okay. Like he knew that she was going to do this act. 
"If Uncle Michael wants to know, I am fine. Scarlett O'Hara front. He will know what that means." Harding nodded his head, "We will come and get you in a bit.” “Yes, sir.” She returned, lowering her eyes so he didn’t see her sadness and embarrassment. She hated that she lost her temper and took it out on Amber, regardless of if Amber deserved it or not.  “Don’t worry too much Liv, this is your first offense.” Lewis assured her, “They won’t throw the book at you just yet.” 
“Oh, real assuring Lew, thank you.” 
“Come in Lieutenant Stewart,” Captain Sanders said when he heard the knock on the frame of his door, the girl was standing in the doorway, already changed back into her normal white uniform for her nightly rounds in the hospital.  
“Sir.” She returned, stepping into the office after saluting him. 
“I am sorry about your brother, “Lieutenant Harding told me that you two were close.” 
“Yes, sir, he was 3 years older than me and my twin brother, so he was there for everything. Other than Bobby, James was my favorite.” She answered, “I know it’s not your job to care about that. I know I am here for punching Sargent Scott and breaking her nose.” 
Sanders had to hand it to her, she didn’t try and skirt around what she did to Amber like she had done. “It was 8 weeks of verbal abuse, she went through my belongings and read letters and journal entries. I warned her twice not to bring James or my family into it. She didn’t listen.’ Olivia shrugged her shoulders helplessly, “So I punched her. And I would do it again.” 
He swallowed his smile back, “You are going to have to latrine duty with Nixon and a few others for it, and we will mark it on your file. The next step is getting General Forbes involved and then.” 
“We are out of the program. Got it. Best behavior from here on out, sir.”  
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unknownperson246 · 19 days
a/n: can you make duff and izzy’s sister reader that he just met but instantly fell in love with her to make the moans in rocket queen pls?
hi there everyone seems to love Rocket Queen fan fiction 🤷‍♀️. I don’t know why everyone loves them lol but it’s okay because I love writing them
Fuming With Anger:
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Words: 567
Warnings: *smut* *p in v* *cussing*
✧・゚:* *:・゚✧✧・゚:* *:・゚✧✧・゚:* *:・゚✧✧・゚:* *:・゚✧✧・゚:*
You were Izzy’s little sister. You were 3 years younger than him. Izzy and you always had an amazing relationship as siblings. Both of you would hang out even on the days he was on tour. Some days he would drag you along with his band and sometimes his friend Duff would come over. Duff had a crush on you for a long time. You thought he was cute but you weren’t really into the idea of dating your brother's friends until Duff made you a paper flower. You thought it was a very sweet and kind gesture. You wanted to finally go out on a date with Duff. One day Duff invited you over to the studio without Izzy or the rest of the band knowing anything. Duff was there alone with a microphone. 
“Hi Duff, why did you call me down?” You asked him with deep curiosity.
“Just thought we could record something” A smirk crept up on Duff's lips. 
“Sure what did you wanna record” you asked Duff. 
“Okay so me and the guys wanted to record Rocket Queen and all you have to do is fake moan,” Duff said.
“That’s all?” You asked. 
“Maybe we can make it real moans” you smirked, kissing Duff on his lips. 
Duff froze in place. His fantasies about you were coming true. He was shocked that you kissed him. He let it happen. He felt himself harden with your touch. You watched the bulge grow and you immediately ripped off his pants. Without wasting one second Duff started the microphone to capture the sounds the tape recorder was recording. You grabbed Duff's big dick and placed it at your entrance. Shivers went down Duff's spine seeing you naked. He felt kind of embarrassed that he had a crush on his bandmate's sister. 
“This doesn’t feel right,” Duff said jokingly
“Well, what do you mean?” You asked Duff before sticking his tip inside of you.
“You're Izzy’s little sister,” Duff said.
“I can keep it a secret if you can Duffy,” you said, playing with his hair with your right hand while your left hand was holding his dick in place. 
“I like that,” Duff said, coming closer to you.
“Mmm so big” you moaned as you let him enter you.
You felt heavy thrusts inside of your pussy. Duff picked you up while he kept thrusting inside of you back and forth. After your hips collided you finally let out some satisfying moans for Duff. 
“Fuck. Ohhhhhhh” a very exaggerated moan left your vocal cords. You cry out as your arms hold onto his warm body.
You felt his legs shake. His head crashed back into the wall and it left a hole. He didn’t even notice the pain. He was only focused on you. 
“Y/N,” he groaned in pleasure. He held on to your tits trying to feel your body close to him.
His whole body would soon lean against the wall he pulled out and came all over the floor. You collapsed onto the ground feeling lightheaded from all of the overstimulation of him hitting your g spot multiple times. You and Duff both fell asleep on the studio couch. The next morning the whole band walked in on you in Duff's shirt that was oversized on you and your panties. You were lying down next to each other. Izzy was fuming with anger.
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lostloveletters · 11 months
You Can’t Start a Fire Without a Spark (Ron Speirs x Reader)
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Summary: Night falls in Bavaria to victorious revelry, and at the goading of your friends, the lust you've been kindling in secret suddenly burns hot and wild to the touch.
Note: Female reader, but no other descriptors are used besides the slightest bit of backstory. Inspired by several Bruce Springsteen songs. This is based on the fictional portrayals in the HBO miniseries and not the real individuals. (Also, hi I’m Battie! This is my first Band of Brothers fic despite being a fan of the miniseries since 2016. Let me know what you think🖤) Do not interact if you’re under 18, are a terf or radfem, or post thinspo/ED content.
Word count: 3.6k
Warnings: Inherent power imbalance. Explicit content involving vaginal fingering and unprotected sex.
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You weren’t sure how six of you managed to squeeze into a booth together in the Bavarian bar, elbow-to-elbow as you drank beer and shouted over each other. Sitting squished against Talbert, who was squished against Malarkey, one of your legs wasn’t even in the booth. On the other side of the table, Babe, Perconte, and Luz were in the same situation.
Victory in Europe had just been declared. The celebratory feeling filled your lungs with each breath despite the cloud of cigarette smoke that hung over the bar. With the war in Japan still raging on, the likelihood of those without enough points having to endure another drop remained up in the air. One night of fun wouldn’t hurt anybody. No one could say you hadn’t earned it.
Glancing around at your friends, the guys you lived and would’ve died for—even after the war ended, if you were being honest with yourself. You couldn’t imagine being closer with anyone else. Growing up without much of a family, passed around homes of distant relatives and near strangers until you had enough and ventured out on your own as a teen, you’d never had such strong connections before. The only reason you were even allowed to work so closely with Easy Company, was the absence of any next-of-kin, no one to cause a fuss if something went wrong while you were overseas. You were non-combat detail, of course, typing and running errands as needed, but more often than was likely ideal, you found yourself somewhere on the line with the medic training you’d gotten. 
You hadn’t been at Toccoa with them, only meeting most of the guys just before D-Day. After Operation Market Garden’s failure in Holland, they came around to you upon the return to Aldbourne, least surprising of whom was Talbert, ever so kindly taking you under his wing when he was recovering from being accidentally stabbed by Smith. The two of you became close friends, and though you heard of his exploits with women in just about every city the company passed through, he seemed hellbent on being your wingman, trying to set you up with at least half a dozen members of Easy to little success. 
With the taste of sweet victory and bold German beer on everyone’s lips, declarations of what and who everyone would ideally do to celebrate poured from your friends with little prompting. Knowing you well enough at that point, Tab took the opportunity to get you in on the conversation, the light mood and buzz in your system leaving you more loose-lipped than usual.
“Alright, our company’s eligible bachelorette,” Tab said, conspiratorial mirth in his voice. “Fraternization rules to the dust, which of Easy’s officers would you do your celebrating with?”
Your lips twitched, failing to suppress your smile as your drinking buddies awaited your answer. “Speirs.”
Finishing off the rest of your beer, you stifled your amusement at the clamor that ensued. Undoubtedly the least expected answer, part of Tab’s failure to secure a date for you among his comrades was your infatuation with the legendary captain—closely guarded, until you had a beer or two in you, apparently. 
“Speirs?” Babe repeated incredulously.
“No way,” Malarkey said, shaking his head. “No fucking way.”
“They need to get you to one of those headshrinkers,” Perconte said.
“Hold on a minute,” Tab said with an amused smile, trying to reign in the chaos. “Let’s hear her out.”
“You wanna know why?” you asked.
Ever since Speirs stuck with Easy Company after Bastogne, you worked closely with him as you did the other officers, taking notes and keeping memos for them. Speirs often requisitioned you to type up reports for him, finding it easier to dictate what he wanted written to you than typing them himself. Sometimes you found his attention drifting off when it was a more mundane report, his words trailing away while he looked at you, typically slouched on a chair or couch at the end of a long day. You would let yourself take him in, hoping the perceptive man wouldn’t notice the way your eyes trailed up his long, outstretched legs to his disheveled hair. 
He provided the most attention to battlefield exploits, and at times you couldn’t keep up with how fast he was speaking or would find yourself a bit startled by some of the gruesome details he relayed. You’d heard the rumors about him. Everyone had. But a disgustingly repressed part of you that’d emerged at some point during the war was secretly thrilled by them, almost hoping they were true. 
“Well, you owe us that much,” Luz said.
“I owe you all jack and shit.”
“What if I buy you another drink?”
“I think I’m gonna need another one after hearing this,” Babe muttered.
“Let’s see, why would I sleep with Captain Speirs,” you said, playfully tapping your chin in faux thought. “For starters, he’s fine as hell, which should be reason enough. I like that he’s a no-nonsense kinda guy. He has this intensity that I think is really sexy.”
The cacophony of bewilderment and objection that filled the booth met its slow death when the occupant of the booth behind yours got up. You weren’t sure whether to laugh or cry when you saw it was Speirs.
He made his way out of the pub, your light mood with him. 
“Oh my god,” you groaned. “Do you think he heard?”
“No way he didn’t,” Malarkey said.
“Fuck, I need to do something before I get demoted or transferred or something.”
Tab grinned. “Well, if you’re not walking straight tomorrow, we’ll know you did something.”
“Shut up, jerk!” you hissed. “I’m in this mess because of you.”
He gave you a mocking salute.
You flipped him off as you got up from the table, running after your CO who more than likely overheard you expressing to your buddies that you’d enthusiastically have sex with him. Of course it happened the one time you actually joined in on their vulgarity.
Unlike his silent stride, your boots pounded against the pavement, announcing your approach to him.
He turned around abruptly, and you nearly fell over your own feet as you stopped in your tracks. 
His intense gaze on you felt like being at the end of his rifle’s sight. “Are you drunk, Y/L/N?”
“No—no, sir.”
“Good. I could use your help with a report.”
You stared at him blankly. A report. At ten o’clock at night. “Of course, sir. Anything you need.”
The corners of his lips upturned for a split second. “I’m sure.” Fuck. He’d definitely heard you.
The two of you started off down the street, toward a more residential area wherein officers had requisitioned houses for the US Army’s use for the foreseeable future. Almost dreamily picturesque, tree branches waved at you in the cool night breeze, the surrounding mountains illuminated by the bright fullness of the moon. From the soft glow of street lamps lighting your way, something you’d previously taken for granted, you tried not to stare at him. In the warm glow of that balmy summer evening, however, he looked almost too good to be true. Hair slightly unkempt, the whisper of stubble along his jaw and cheeks, surely his face would feel like heaven between your thighs. 
Soldiers in all states of drunkenness ambled up and down either side of the street, hollering and singing in carefree celebration. Speirs placed a hand on the small of your back, guiding you past a group of men who could hardly walk straight. One of them walked right into you, his head nearly colliding with yours.
“Fuck,” the young soldier grumbled under his breath, shooting you a dirty look for being in his way.
Speirs wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you aside to stand in front of you. “Private,” he snapped, staring down the young man who looked like he was about to shit himself. “I advise you get yourself together and watch where you’re going.”
“Yes, sir—Captain Speirs, sir,” he said, turning his attention to you. “Sorry, ma’am.”
You nodded silently, and the private ran off after his buddies. 
Speirs turned to you, his hands on your shoulders as his intense gaze searched your face for any sign of injury.
“Are you alright?” he asked.
“I’m fine.”
In Hagenau, one of the replacements had been pestering you the moment he laid eyes on you. At first, you humored him, supposing he needed a friend, as the men who’d been through Normandy and Bastogne were understandably closed-off and tight knit. Thought the new guys were too green, too eager to do something stupid and get someone killed in pursuit of battlefield glory that was too haunting to exist. 
Then he started getting handsy, not enough to be outright inappropriate, but enough to make you uncomfortable. You weren’t sure what possessed you to mention it to Speirs when he’d asked you how you were doing one afternoon. His brow furrowed, he gave you a silent nod in response. The replacement had been transferred elsewhere the following day.
Though Speirs stared right at you, there was something far away in his eyes as he squeezed your shoulders. 
“I’m fine, sir,” you repeated. “I promise.”
“Hmm? Oh, right,” he said softly. 
He pulled a cigarette from his pocket, not bothering to offer you one. You were in the minority of people who didn’t smoke, allowing you to leverage the packs in your rations to trade amongst the men. As time went on, you’d leave them on top of your finished reports for Speirs, especially if they were Luckys. You watched silently as he lit the cigarette in his mouth, a shining silver lighter in his hand. His eyes drifted from the flame back to you, though you noticed the slightest spark behind them.
The rest of the walk was uneventful until you reached the house. A few stragglers hung around on the street outside, their voices becoming the slightest bit more hushed as they watched you follow Speirs inside. By the time the front door shut, they’d already begun speculating why the two of you were going to his place so late. With the way the men spread gossip, you could hazard a guess as to what the tale would morph into by the morning. You silently bemoaned the prospect of the night hardly being as interesting as whatever they conjured up.
Following him upstairs, the makeshift office seemed especially cramped with the boxes and papers that were haphazardly spread around the place. It’d probably take weeks to sift through it all, especially since a glance at one of the files appeared to be in German. Getting help wouldn’t be the issue, but rather the fact that none of the members of Easy who knew German were particularly inclined toward office work, becoming restless after an hour or so. 
A problem for another time, however. Glancing at the clock, it was nearly half past ten, and you were almost inclined to ask Speirs about coffee, depending on how long he expected the report to take. You sat down at the desk, ready to begin typing the date when you noticed the ink was out.
“Is there any typewriter ribbon around, sir?” you asked.
He nodded. “Should be in one of the drawers.”
You opened the drawer immediately to your right, finding a mess of stationary that had clearly been shoved in carelessly. Or maybe someone had taken something out of it in a hurry. Digging through it, you came up empty, and moved onto the drawer below it. No dice. The one to your left didn’t have typewriter ribbon either, at least, you would have been surprised to find it tucked in with the loot that nearly filled the thing to the brim–shining silverware, glistening jewelry, and trinkets that someone with a keener eye than you had clearly decided were valuable enough to keep. 
His extensive looting was an open secret, but a glimpse of this treasure trove was a shock to the system. So entranced by the contents of the drawer, you didn’t hear him walk up beside you until his shadow fell over the necklaces and rings you silently coveted.  
He gave you a sly smile, wolfish in the dim lighting. “Haven’t had much of a chance to organize those.”
“They’re beautiful,” you whispered in awe, gingerly touching a pearl necklace.
“Try them on.”
“Are you sure?”
“Go ahead.”
You picked up the string of pearls, a nervousness washing over you at holding something so valuable, something of his. Walking over to the window, the nearest reflective surface you could find, you pulled the necklace on, garish against your uniform. You tried shaking off the odd feeling of playing dress-up in front of your commanding officer, a girlish whim he inexplicably allowed you to indulge in. His expression was unreadable when you turned around for him.
“They suit you,” he finally said, brushing his fingers against the pearls, slowly drifting lower to the exposed skin of your decollete. “Keep them.”
It wasn’t uncommon for him to bring you small gifts every now and then—typewriter ribbon, fountain pens, chocolate, trinkets. You knew better than to question where he got them, as he seemed to give them to you at the perfect moment. The stationary supplies when you were running low on them, chocolate and trinkets when you were feeling down. At times they’d be accompanied by notes from him. Usually short, but so sincere you treasured them more than the gifts. Whenever you’d try to thank him, he’d just shrug, almost dismissing the gesture.
This time, feeling bold in the cover of night, you pressed your lips to his cheek, uttering a quiet “thank you.”
He didn’t react. Disappointed, you moved to sit back down at the desk until he grabbed your arm, gently pulling you back to him.
“Were you telling the truth?” he asked, his voice a husky, demanding whisper. “Back at the bar.”
“So if I said I’ve wanted you in a bad way since Bastogne?”
You kissed him, an explosion of warmth in your chest as you tangled your fingers in his hair. He settled his hands on your hips, squeezing them with a tenderness that betrayed his longing. Parting your lips for him, you allowed him to deepen the kiss, wanting to see how far he’d take it. 
Almost overwhelmed by his gentle intensity, you pulled away from his lips, though his mouth chased yours, capturing yet another kiss from you.
“Show me how you want me,” you pleaded with desperate kisses to his face, trailing down to his throat where you could feel the way he groaned in pleasure at your touch. 
“In my room,” he managed to say. “I wanna lay you on the bed and–”
“Anything, anything you want, Ron.”
His lips slightly blushed from the ferocity of your kiss, he parted his mouth as if to speak, but instead took your hand firmly in his. 
He led you straight down the nondescript hallway that nevertheless left you feeling turned around, dizzied by your desire for him. A door opened, and you were promptly pulled inside the room. The click of the lock behind you sent a slight shiver down your spine. 
Pulled into his arms again, you lost yourself in his fervent kiss, until you reached down, palming his hardening cock through his pants. He moaned into your mouth, the sound only exacerbating the heat between your thighs, the ache inside of you that up until that point had been abated by your fingers, always rushed, never satisfying the urge to be filled–by him, preferably. From the way he felt beneath your hand, he could do all of that and more. 
And after the months of silently, almost guiltily lusting after him like a nun, he wanted you too. The ego boost emboldened you. “Did you ever think about me when you were alone?” you asked, giving his bulge a gentle squeeze.
“Yes–fuck,” he groaned.
“Like what?”
“Besides keeping me warm in that goddamn forest? This–I thought of this,” he murmured against your lips. “But I didn’t let myself think of a future with you. I couldn’t have survived if I did.”
“And now?”
“I want everything you’ll give me, sweetheart.”
“Lucky you, that’s exactly what I wanna give.”
He smiled slightly, his hands hastily working to unbutton your shirt. “Lucky–except you’re wearing too many clothes.”
You reached for the pearls, about to take them off when he caught your wrist in his hand.
“Leave them on.” His voice was steady, authoritative, the closest he sounded to Speirs since he scolded the private who walked into you earlier. 
Weak in the knees, you acquiesced to the one and only order your captain would give you that night. You otherwise undressed, your uniform in a pile at your feet. Your bra and panties were simple, certainly not the sexy lingerie you’d fantasized about seducing Ron in, but his eyes blazed as if your body were hugged by an inviting satin set. A burst of confidence rushed through you, and you held his gaze as you discarded your bra and panties. 
You laid back on the bed as he undressed, watching intently until he was down to nothing more than his underwear, his hard cock straining against the fabric. He pulled them off, and you sucked in a breath at how big he was. Erect, at attention for you, all the more intimidating as he approached, joining you on the bed. His daring in the line of fire sure as hell wasn’t compensating for anything.
He straddled your hips, his eyes taking in your naked form with a primal intensity that made your breath catch in your throat. He reached down, two of his fingers circling your clit, your body trembled beneath his touch. By the way he studied how your face contorted in pleasure as a foreign-sounding moan rose from deep in your chest, you could tell it was payback for your teasing him just minutes before. 
His fingers shifted, slipping inside your wet core with ease. He pumped them in and out at a steady pace that made your stomach tighten and toes curl, but slowly bringing you closer to orgasm. You bucked your hips when he curled his fingers inside of you, blood rushing in your ears so loud that you could hardly hear the obscene sounds coming from your pussy. A lump formed in your throat, one that made you nearly howl in frustration.
“Who got you this worked up, sweetheart?” he asked, nipping the shell of your ear.
A whimper. “You.”
“What was that?”
“You.” Through a haze of lust-soaked desperation, you took his face in your hands. “Don’t make me beg, Sparky. It’s always been you.”
He pulled his hand from between your legs, and you nearly whined until he slid his length inside your pussy, your walls clenching around his cock. You braced yourself on his shoulder blades, your nails doing a number on him as you dug them into his taut skin while he thrust into you. Carefully at first, almost frustratingly so, until you cried, “More.”
He was bigger than you were used to, even before the war, but the slight discomfort was drowned out by the way his steady, deep thrusts filled you. He ducked his head down, taking one of your breasts in his mouth, his hand groping the other. Sucking on your breast, his teeth grazed your nipple, the hint of pain complimenting the pleasure. Your climax was so close you could see it if you closed your eyes, raw and vulnerable.
“Ron, I’m so close,” you moaned. “Don’t stop.”
He lifted his head, nodding. “Where should I–”
“Inside–fuck–I want you to cum inside me.”
And he did, with an erratic thrust that pushed him deeper inside you still. You kissed him as your pussy milked his cock, lifting your hips to grind against him for the slightest bit of friction to your clit. You threw your head back as you came, an obscene moan escaping your lips as pleasure spread across your body, white-hot like a star in supernova.
His name fell from your lips, laced with curses, over and over like a vulgar prayer. He pressed sloppy, open-mouthed kisses along your decollete, his lips brushing the pearls that stuck to your sweat-sheened skin until he shuddered, bottoming out in you. 
He pulled out slowly, his toned chest heaving before he collapsed next to you. Reaching over to the nightstand, he grabbed a pack of cigarettes, silently offering you one. You declined, and he placed one between his lips, using a nearby match to light it before taking you in his arms. You settled comfortably against his chest, closing your eyes for a few moments.
“So, what about that report?” you asked slyly when you’d finally caught your breath.
His quiet laughter rumbled in his chest, and he took a drag from his cigarette, his gaze betraying his adoration as he looked at you. “I might need your help again tomorrow night."
Knowing it was too risky for you to spend the night, he reluctantly let you leave around three in the morning, a slight pout on his face as you took off the pearl necklace and tucked it into your pocket. You left him with a passionate parting kiss, one that he used to nearly convince you to stay just a little bit longer until you quietly promised you’d report to him first thing. 
The streets were mostly deserted except for the men on patrol. You kept your head down, booking it back to where you were quartered, hoping your arrival wouldn’t wake anyone up, or at least raise any questions.
Just your luck, you ran right into Tab, a shit-eating grin on his face at your disheveled appearance. “I knew it."
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vacayisland · 10 months
Okay, I’m rewatching Trolls Band Together, and I realized how bad I portrayed JD in my last fan fiction. He really tried to change and you can actually see that throughout the movie.
:( but he keeps getting pushed off by his brothers, so this pushing him back into his shell. I’m literally about to either rewriting that fan fiction or do another JD fanfic to make up for it.
Poor baby, he only wanted to save Floyd :(
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noneedtoamputate · 10 months
Chuck/Ellen, #10 😌
Sorry this took so long. I had free time this earlier this month, and then I didn't. The prompt was for the word "monument," and I know a monument should be a more permanent structure than how I used it in the story, but this idea came to me and I decided to go with it. The picture of Skip and Chuck mentioned in the story is the third one down.
November 2, 1967
The front door opened and shut as Ellen checked the cornbread in the oven. 
“Please go tell your brother and sister that supper is ready,” she asked Ron, their middle child, doing homework at the kitchen table. “And don't …”
“SUPPER’S READY!” He closed his textbook and ran off toward his bedroom. 
“ … yell,” Ellen said under her breath.
“Did I hear supper’s ready?” Chuck walked into the kitchen, home from work.
Ellen rolled her eyes and accepted his kiss to her cheek. “Why walk a few steps when you can just scream at the top of your lungs?”
Chuck washed his hands at the sink and Ellen arranged food on the table as the sounds of children grew closer.
“What’s for supper?” asked Ken. At fourteen, he was already taller than Ellen and towered over Ron, only a year younger but who had not yet hit his growth spurt. 
“Chili,” replied Ellen, as she filled a bowl and handed it to Chuck. 
“Ugh, chili? Mom, you know I don’t like it. You always make what the boys want to eat,” Mary complained. At eleven, she already displayed angst usually reserved for teenagers.
“Your mother isn’t running a restaurant,” Chuck said firmly. “Eat it or make yourself a sandwich.”
Mary decided it was easier to eat the chili. She didn’t really feel like making her own supper, and she certainly didn’t want to hear her dad go on about eating K rations in Bastogne or all the hungry kids he went to school with during the depression.
After the boys helped themselves to seconds, Ellen asked the dreaded question.
“What was one thing you learned at school today?”
Sometimes, it was like pulling teeth, getting her children to recall one fact from the day. But tonight, Mary had something to share, much to the relief of her brothers.
“Today is The Day of the Dead,” Mary stated.
“Never heard of it,” Ken said, his mouth full of cornbread.
“It’s a holiday in Mexico. In Spanish, it’s called Dia … de … los … Ma … Mo …”
“Muertos,” finished Ron.
“Show off,” Ken replied. 
“You’d know it too, if you weren’t taking a useless language,” Ron argued.
“French isn’t useless,” Ellen countered. “I’m sure your father would have liked knowing more French when he landed in Normandy.”
“Did just fine with the War Department phrasebook, but thanks for your concern.”
Ken noticed his parents smile at each other and share a look, like they were saying something with their eyes.
 He wondered why they were so weird.
“But we live in San Francisco,” Ron explained. “And it’s pretty dumb to take French just because of a girl in your class. Carla Marconi,” he teased his brother.
“Shut up!” Ken shouted.
“Hey!” Chuck shouted louder. “Knock it off, the both of you.”
Mary continued, completely unconcerned about the ruckus her brothers made.
“It’s a day when you remember family and friends who have died,” she explained.
“Sounds pretty depressing,” Ron said.
“No, you're supposed to remember happy memories, and the good things about them. It's not supposed to be sad.”
“What else?” Ron asked. Ellen looked up. It was unusual for one of the boys to take an interest in what their little sister had to say.
“You decorate an altar, or a table, with pictures of the dead people in your family, and flowers. Teresa Gonzalez explained how everyone in her family helps put it together.”
“That sounds like a beautiful way to remember loved ones,” Ellen commented.
“I told Teresa we had an altar like that at our house, too. Not with the flowers, but with the pictures,” Mary went on.
“We do?” Chuck asked. 
“Yeah, we do,” Ken said, and Ron nodded in agreement. 
The kids stood up and walked toward the family room. Ellen and Chuck looked at each other quizzically and followed. 
Ken, Ron, and Mary stood in front of the built-in bookshelves Chuck and Ellen installed a few years after they bought the house. On the top row, too high to easily reach a book, were framed photos of family and friends.
“Uncle Ken,” Ron said simply, pointing to a picture of Ellen’s brother in his Marine dress blues, his arm around his proud older sister before he shipped out to Korea.
“Mom said he always told the best jokes and was really good at football. There was that time when the starting quarterback got hurt and he went in and threw a touchdown to win the game,” his namesake recalled about the uncle he never had a chance to meet. 
“He would have loved to watch you play,” Ellen said to her oldest son, who played on his JV high school team this past season, and he smiled.
“And there's Skip Muck,” Mary said, his arm around Chuck after they earned their jump wings. “He got his nickname because when he was little, he skipped everywhere. He was the nicest guy in the company, right, Dad?” Chuck nodded, unable to say anything in the moment. 
“Grandma Thompson,” Ron said. A picture of Ellen’s motger, with a young Ellen seated next to her while she held a baby Ken, before she had given up on life.
“I don’t really remember her, and she wasn't the nicest person, but you must have learned something from her because you’re a good mom,” Mary said to Ellen.
“Thank you, sweetheart,” Ellen said, and she felt tears start in her eyes.
“And Grandpa Grant,” Ron continued. Chuck stood next to his dad, mirror images of each other. Chuck looked about sixteen, not long before his father passed away.
“He taught you how to read the box scores and play baseball and loved the Pirates,” Ken said. 
“He drove you and Gran all the way from Pittsburgh when you moved here,” Mary remembered.
Chuck nodded. “I was just a bit younger than you,” he said, remembering that time when his dad had been laid off at the steel mill and they moved to California for the promise of work. He often wondered if he could have been as brave as his father, starting over like that. How many times he wished he could ask his dad for advice, on how to be a good husband or a good father. 
“And there’s Eugene Jackson. He died on that patrol.” Ken pointed at his picture. It was a picture of Second Platoon on the back of a truck, taken after they captured Foy. 
“He was just sixteen when he joined the army. It was the first time in a long time he had three meals a day. He would scarf down everything in front of him, even if the food was terrible,” Ron recalled.
Chuck noticed Ken’s eyes get large, realizing that Eugene was not much older than him when he joined up. He put his hand on his son’s shoulder.  Ellen saw Mary’s eyes glance downwards, perhaps feeling a bit ashamed for complaining about chili when Private Jackson went hungry growing up. 
“He was a good paratrooper. Did everything he was asked and looked out for his squad,” Chuck shared. 
The children looked at the pictures quietly, and Chuck and Ellen looked at each other. They never sat down and shared these stories. They had all come out in bits and pieces. Stories about Skip when the Christensons came over and Chuck and Pat would talk well into the night. Ellen with a passing comment about the difficult relationship with her mother. Happy memories of Ken on Veterans Day. 
The kids had been listening. And they remembered.
Eventually, the boys left to finish their homework and Mary turned on the television to watch The Flying Nun. 
Ellen settled Mary into bed and told the boys it was time for lights out, though she knew the desk lamp would find its way on soon enough.
She finished up in the kitchen and saw Chuck sitting outside on the patio. If asked, most people would have described Chuck as friendly, outgoing, funny. And he was all those things. But he also had a quiet side, and sometimes he needed to be alone with his thoughts, to think things through without the distractions of a business, a wife, three kids. Ellen was more than happy to give him that space and time.
The table cleared, the dishes done, the floor swept, Ellen started the kettle and grabbed a coat and blanket from the hall closet. 
She slid open the patio door.
“Am I interrupting?” she asked.
Chuck shook his head. He loved that Ellen asked, and that if he answered yes, she wouldn't have minded in the slightest. How lucky he was to have someone understand him the way she did.
She sat down next to him, handed him the mug of tea, and laid the blanket over their laps.
They sat quietly, Chuck holding the mug and a cigarette in his right hand. Ellen hadn’t smoked regularly in years, but the smell of Lucky Strikes was comforting. 
It was the smell of Chuck. It was the smell of home.
“Remember when you came back from the doctor’s office after you found out you were expecting Ken?” Chuck broke the silence.
“I do,” Ellen said.
“We were so excited, but I didn't know if I would be able to hack it, and you thought you would turn into your mother.”
She nodded at the bittersweet memory.
He turned to face her.
“I think we’re doing a pretty good job, don’t you think?”
“I do,” Ellen repeated.
“They still have terrible taste in music and their rooms are a mess, but they’re doing okay in the things that really matter.” 
“I read something once that you only live as long as the last person who remembers you,” Ellen said. 
“That's a nice notion,” Chuck said. “It sounds like something Skip would have said.” 
They went quiet again, thinking about their loved ones who would live on just a little bit longer because their children cared enough to know their stories.
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