kingdomoflibrarya · 1 year
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Closing up the Agito I made this Nedrick on his way to become one with Bahamut! 
On a sidenote this drawing had some input from a friend and it felt cool to have someone be my art director on tweaking some detalis, like giving some negative space on the flames so they look more like bahamut instead of just the silhouette
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onyveuntitled · 2 years
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a spooky Laxi sketch done the night before Halloween Laxi dropped that I finally colored out of boredom. dead + pretty android + it’s halloween + gos I love sparkle brush
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libraryanarchive · 1 year
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Jaldabaoth (Dragalia Lost)
Vampire Lord Rossarion (OC)
Void Deity Lukius (OC)
Surtr (Dragalia Lost)
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winguontheweb · 2 years
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Commission for Espeonkin and Tamamay_FoxDL of Mym cuddling a blahaj! sssshhhh... she sleepy
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rynyryn · 11 months
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ectolorean · 2 years
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chromaji · 10 months
whenever the eohd collection goes on sale on pc i’ll probably buy 3 AND 1 honestly. i know i want 3 for my eventual 3hd streams. I already have 2hd for the same reason. But it’d be cool to replay 1 in its HD form, with different classes, weapon choices, and some character mods.
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valeriefauxnom · 3 months
Dragalia's Knights of Glory art
Now, it's been gone over how Dragalia Lost actually used quite a bit of inspiration from one of Cygames' previous works, Knights of Glory, for anything from character designs to dragons.
Of course, this showed up quite literally with characters like Lea when they quite literally just had the "Knights of Glory" showcase, but it also showed up in characters ranging from Jakob to Mikoto to Jurota (also showcasing the alighting butterfly blade, also in Dragalia):
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However funny it is to see who we came to know as different characters in a different media, though, the dragons are 10x funnier to look at.
You see, it seemed that Knights of Glory had a certain 'evolution system' to dragons, where they'd develop and grow more fancy, if they weren't inexplicably transforming into an attractive humanoid woman because of course-
And oh boy, we can kinda see alternative evolutionary paths for the Greatwyrms.
There's Midgardsormr, who seems to most closely resemble the fully evolved form from the start...(he also gained an element, as this dragon line apparently has no element!)
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Mercury, who is in her middle phase:
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Imagine a hydra Mercury!
...Brunhilda? Not very sure on this one. She might just be a new design, but here's my best guess for what dragon they might have been inspired from:
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Of course, in her 'final form' if this was a dragon they used as inspiration.
Jupiter, whom I'd almost put in his middle stage for closeness of design:
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Last but not least, poor Zodiark, who really got hammered with the skeletal dragon design and is also in his middle stage and is also drooling 24/7:
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Where is his stomach? Where are his organs? Why is he bipedal?? He lost some bulk in his transition to Dragalia, too. Honestly, I like Dragalia Zodiark more than his inspiration here.
That's enough of full evolutionary trees for now, though.
Some other funny ones to me include:
-Silke turning into a skeletal horse on her final evolution:
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-Baby Leviathan going :-D all the time:
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-Baby Poseidon (honestly a lot of the babies are funny since we only knew their final forms, typically);
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-Possibly Cat Sìth inspiration???
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-Baby Zephyr:
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-Baby Nidhogg, sitting all prim and proper and ready to watch Euden die still:
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-Teenage...Satan? Having a evil little :) face going on there...
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Speaking of, quite a few of the dragons were actually repurposed into bosses, as with Satan above, like everyone's favorite:
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(We must not let Phraeganoth be revived! ...Until Bondforged Zethia's story, at least).
Might be a stretch here, but maaaaaybe a bit of Kai Yan in here?
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The Hypnos/Thanatos/Mega Monarch Emile line's general design:
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This is getting long enough as it is, but if you want to see a mix of some old with a lot of new art that they might have used as inspiration for more dragons/adventurers, here's the link I used to the collections of KoG artwork that people were able to preserve:
Hopefully you find it just as interesting and funny as I did perusing the old art!
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satsuha · 10 months
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as promised.... seimei dragalialost (comms i bought in the last few years)
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addoves · 1 year
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A Gala Dragalia started in #DragaliaLost on April 5th, 11 PM PT! 5★ adventurer Gala Eden, the Otherworld Prince, appears in the summon showcase!
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kingdomoflibrarya · 1 year
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Legend AyaOto was the best! I had a lot of fun clearing with Zavi and Belli, hope we can do so again in a near future
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oathofmoonlight · 2 months
i used to write curran dragalialost and I rediscovered my old blog a couple days ago and 1. oof old writing but also 2. what if I just. took him and made him an oc. I basically invented his whole backstory anyway what's a little more.
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libraryanarchive · 1 year
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Volk's Blood Moon (Dragalia Lost)
Aya&Oto's Hana Ichi Monme (Dragalia Lost)
Tartarus' Chaotic Nebula (Dragalia Lost)
Kai Yan's Universal Anihilation (Dragalia Lost)
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dragaliamini · 2 years
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cavewolf · 7 months
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i miss my most hated water element wand unit. i'm so sorry what i said about you emile dragalialost i meant all of it. but i wish i could say it to you again *wistful sigh
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pikahardt · 2 years
You still here,binch?
I mean, I was thinking of jumping back here again, but this account's kinda bloated with old things, sooooo...
not really, but I will be back! come check out @marth-dragalialost once I get everything situated!
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