dragonofthenorth · 2 years
hydreigon are such an awesome pokemon i love meeting them + their trainers ^^ do you have any cool stories from raising persephone? -@wyrmwiind
Oh I have plenty! ^^ The first thing she did when she hatched was bite me, no joke egg tooth and all. Quickly established how our relationship was going to go ^^ How she evolved into a Hydreigon was an experience, she was just a chonky zweilous when my mother came to see me and began telling me how much money we could make by selling Seph. I got distressed and well, she evolved to protect me. When we went to go fight Drayden she became such a baby around him, he loved her so much he gave us the tm for draco meteor. I still have that tm to this day.
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the-koiking-pond · 1 year
Are both Feebas and Magikarp from the same family species but they somehow branched each other? If so, are they the only species of their family or is there more like them? I heard that the Dratini, and Dragonair line once evolved into Gyarados due to how similar their appearance are.
I don't know nearly enough about the evolution of the dratini line to comment, you'll want to talk to @ask-professor-dracaena or @dragonofthenorth about that subject.
While feebas and magikarp are often assumed to be very similar species, and historically were considered as such, they're actually quite distant from each other. Feebas, believe it or not, branched off of a common relative they share with basculin. That feebas and magikarp share the dragon egg group is because they evolved in a very similar way to suit their environment.
The next closest relatives of feebas and basculin, by the way? Alomomola and finneon/lumineon. Magikarp's closest relatives are barboach/whiscash, followed by dondozo and carvanha/sharpedo.
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5 and 15 -Prof. Gillian Mangrove
5 what's your favorite kind of pokéball
If we’re talking about aesthetics, I gotta go baseball. They’re just very cool looking now. If you’re talking practicality, gotta go with the dust bowl. Those things are pretty dang useful along with your average ultra ball for daytime use
15 what kinds of friends have you made on this website?
Well, I suppose of the people I would call friends we have Skeeter of @poke-entomology and Rexi of @dragonofthenorth all the other people I have conversed with I would say our more on acquaintance level.
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pokemon-studies09 · 2 years
OOC: I don’t normally do stuff like this, and I don’t plan for it to happen often, but I’m going to retcon a few Pokémon on my team. They include:
Ivy (Leafeon)
Luna (Alolan Vulpix)
Umber (Titonian Charmander, species belongs to dragonofthenorth)
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(@wingsofachampion) 14 and 15! -Tropius
14-Weirdest recent local news story? Well, to be honest? i try to stay away from the news, save for a few spheres of knowledge i enjoy, mostly for my own mental wellbeing, and recently i have been traveling with @dragonofthenorth and we've been... in some Remote places chasing a lead on ...something i am not keen on getting into at the moment if at all all that said? ... a whole office full of ditto was found out, because one lost composure during a visit from their head office, and they all had a Spinnerak man meme moment and the big wig was VERY CONFUSED, this happened in an area nominally considered Unova, i only heard about it because my pal Nemo fell over from laughing too hard and landed on my foot... Omastar are not light folks 15-If you had to pick a Pokémon to represent you, what Pokémon would you pick?  ...how? like Myself? or to other pokemon? i honestly dunno, but it would be a Water type most likely
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prof-cypress · 2 years
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Say hello to Shasta and Haltia, who I received from @dragonofthenorth about a month or so ago, I can't believe it totally slipped my mind to bring them up here. They were brought to life in the labs of some unethical scientists and Rexi was part of the invasion of that lab that saved them. There was a third one, a boy named Hiei, whom Rexi has kept. Both Shasta (above, fluffier) and Haltia (below, with a bit of shininess) are girls. They belong to me.
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professor-fanalia · 3 years
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Professor Kryspyn: “You know the best part about working here in the Rejuven Archipelago? Its definitely the fond memories we get to keep with each of our patients and inhabitants. I was just doing some early attic cleaning back at the Lodge with Grandma Rue, when we found our box of photo albums. And this happened to be the photo that fell out of the thick book. This was taken a while back, during the late fall and the winter chill was coming in, and the heater in our Sector A adoption center had broke due to some wiring issues.” 
“So, we did some reshuffling and took some Pokémon into our main house to keep them warm, personally this is one of my favourites. Sole, who is Grandma Rue’s Absol had allowed the trio to take her bed to keep warm, I couldn’t help myself and take a picture of all of them together. Oh man, now I’m starting to miss my snuggle buddies. This was way before Hydrus the Zweilous was adopted by Rexi of the Titomoth Region - @dragonofthenorth​.” 
“Snuggling with him on his back is Hibiscus, the Mimikyu. She is a sweet little thing, loves giving people luau necklaces, and dancing with the Pau’u Oricorio. And the one beside Hydrus, snuggling into his arm is Luna, the moonstone Sableye. She doesn’t enjoy battling, but she is an excellent cuddle buddy! burying under blankets and sweaters, she is the best confident when your feeling blue.” 
“Get the joke? Cause she’s pewter blue... you know what never mind. Anyway, I’m sure Hibiscus and Luna are missing their cuddle buddy, and are still awaiting for the day they too find a trainer who wants to partner up with them just like Hydrus.”
The Art was done by - @startistdoodles​
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I Love being friends with my areas professor, I get access to research paper sometimes months ahead of public release and the research coming out of the Titomoth region is insane. We might have our first case of ParaNecro-Evolution. Evolution brought on by the habitation of a living organism in the corpse of another between Shroomish and Parasect.
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Researchers have found that through unknown predation Parasect are killed by an organism that eats only the The fungus components of their body , leaving the insectoid part untouched but dead. Upon further observation it was found that if a Parasect body was uncompromised within roughly 10mins of its death and found by a Shroomish , it would embedded itself on the parasects back and begin releasing substances similar to penicillin. It is believe they do this to stave off rot and other potentially infectious agents in there Parasects body while the shroomish begins taking over the Basic life functions the original mushroom on its back Did. Generally to an outside observer it will appear as though the Shroomish has gone dormant for a feeding/reproductive phase as mushrooms will begin to grow around and on the body of the Parasect. During this roughly 3 day Periods it was observed that occasionally the Parasect body would twitch as though reacting to stimuli around it. On the final day it was noted that the parasect and shroomish’s body began to glow Much in the same way a Pokémon going through evolution would changing shape and dimensions as it continued on. Upon the diminishing of the glow it was confirmed that together the Pokémon had evolved.
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Currently dubbed Paraloom research is still on going into The behavior and environmental niches they fit into. They have so far been observed as mostly scavengers ,feeding on the remains of other dead Pokémon or decaying plant matter such as fallen trees and rotting fruit. When threatened they generally respond by launching clouds of poisonous spores and when directly engaged deal powerful striking moves from their claws.
@dragonofthenorth Rexi have you seen any of these?-Alexander
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bountyfacekillah · 7 years
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HOUYEA!! Dragon of the North DLC is mine! #nioh #dragonofthenorth #playstation #datemasamune
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alex-ishvan · 2 years
So....uh rexi(@dragonofthenorth) I have some possibly big news for you which has to do with seph and technically ghetis's hydreigon but before that, I guess I should explain what happened. So recently my grandfather had contacted me about how he had acquired an old Pokemon my father had owned and was using as a way to breed and sell its species and well that said Pokemon was a hydreigon he didn't have a place for her so he had her and her Pokeball sent to me alongside any of my father's old paperwork about her which is when I was discovered she had on multiple occasions her clutches stolen and sold to anyone searching for deino to raise from the egg with one of the eggs from an older clutch being sold to a g.harmonia or as I can guess ghetis himself I've already sent most of the information to the unovan league so they can track down the owners. but I noticed while looking thru the files one of the clutches was written down except for an egg that was filed as a gift to a friend that I guess after your discovery must have been sephs egg possibly?
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arcadia-wylds · 2 years
My brother has reminded me that you surface dwellers probably actually see the sun every day. How do you stand it? @dragonofthenorth I was overwhelmed and it was so overcast when I was there with you!
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Today… Was a very long day,I think I’ll tell you all about it at some other time just now I’m back home with some new rescues, Avaros did some butt whooping and seems really pleased with himself though oddly twitchy and I did get my rage candy bar.
Also @dragonofthenorth we are ready for your visit with the little ones when ever you are
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pokemon-studies09 · 3 years
hey, its the guy who asked you about his Deino named Frend. see, Frend has been weirdly bitey lately- like, more so than usual- and im not sure why. is this a sign she might be evolving soon, or is she just in a more bitey mood? thanks in advance!
It’s kind of hard to say without more context. It’s possible that it’s just her personality. Some Deino are more bitey than others. It could also be a sign of stress or anxiety. Additionally, it could also be a potential sign that she’s close to evolving, like you said.
@dragonofthenorth I apologize for the tag, but what do you think of this? You have a lot more experience with Deino than I do.
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Hey mangrove it's Rexi @dragonofthenorth! I was wondering if you wanted me to bring Seph down to see your boys Wreck and Ruin, I know they took a bit of an interest in my girl. And I think she found them rather intriguing.
That is, BY FAR an understatement, but yeah, swing by any time, i've got some things going on, but always have time for my fellows, and the twins being happy, EVEN just by having another dragon type stopping by would mean i have one less thing to worry over!
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prof-cypress · 2 years
(ooc -- wulp I've gone and done it again.
I've pushed it all up to 11 and have begun creating my own fakemon region...literally just got the idea for it a couple hours ago and have been furiously brainstorming for it since. At least i know I'm not the only one doing this. There's @prof-gil-mangrove-of-ilibrium with Ilibrium and @dragonofthenorth with Titomoth...they are muh fweinds on @prof-peach's Discord Patreon server. They inspired me.
Only have one fakemon evolutionary line so far. Will be posting the text for them but currently have no art of them. Also just so ya know "Leeno" is just the word "lone" with the letters switched around, with an added E thrown in, as in the LONE Star State.)
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professor-fanalia · 3 years
Hey yall it's Rexi. I want to officially adopt Hydrus. Seph is already making room in her next for the guy. Loved his personality and his fighting spirit.
Professor Fanalia: "That's great to hear! it was a beautiful sight to see Hydrus meeting Seph for the first time. You could really see the sparkle in his eyes when he met her, especially meeting another one of his kind fully grown in a exquisite colours. Allow me to get my adoption papers in order and I'll let you fill them out."
NAME: Hydrus GENDER: Male SPECIES: Zweilous TYPING GROUP: Dark & Dragon Type PATIENT MEDICAL NO. #007 POKEDEX NO. #634
DATE OF ADMISSION: 23. 02. XXXX – New Year DATE OF BITH: - N/A ORIGIN RESIDENCE/TERRITORY: - Unova Dragon Village CURRENT RESIDENCE/TERRIRTORY: Rejuven Archipelago – Labradorite Claw Isle
PAST OCCUPATION: He wasn’t chosen to be a partner in the village as a Deino. CURRANT: - N/A MARITAL STATUS: N/A MATING SPOUSE: - N/A CHILDREN/BROOD: - N/A
STATUS: Temporary Patient ISLE REGISTER: Labradorite Claw Isle POSSIBILITY OF ADOPTION: - Adopted by Rexi @dragonofthenorth
MENTAL STATE: Stable – Exuberant energy PHYSICAL CONDITION: Healthy - * a few scars from scuffles. DIAGNOSIS: - Excited at prospect of being adopted TREATMENT: - N/A
ADOPTEE FORUMS – Fill out the bottom.
POKEMON’S NAME AFTER ADOPTION: - Kept the name Hydrus* ADOPTEE(S) NAME: Rexi - @dragonofthenorth LOCATION OF RESIDENCE: Titomoth Region  TYPE OF JOB: Dragon Ruler of the North.  TYPE OF CONTACT: (Number/Email/Media) DO YOU SWEAR YOU WILL TREAT YOUR NEW COMPANION WITH RESPECT: Y/N
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