eeveeyn · 5 years
About Me
Hi there! I’m Vee! I’ve been avoiding this hell site for so long... but I finally caved. Need somewhere for my void-screaming needs. Anyway, nice to meet you! I’m a writer and multimedia artist. Listed below are some topics you’ll probably see here:
- dogs, cuz I Love Me Some Dogs
- art of all kinds
- LGBTQ+ (especially asexual and nonbinary related content)
- disability related content
- mental health related content
- language learning content (especially Mandarin Chinese and American Sign Language)
- weird niche special interest things
- my art + writing (more on that below)
A Bit On Discourse: my engagement with discourse is going to be very, very limited, and on my own terms. I’m disabled; I have a limited number of spoons for social things; and personally, I find the reading of discourse alone very exhausting. I understand it is vital to the development of mindsets and the spread of ideas and all that, but I... can’t take that much. People who drag me into UNECESSARY discourse may find themselves blocked. Also? TERFs, aphobes, biphobes, other bigots? Leave me alone.
About Me & My Projects
Short Answer: I prefer they/them pronouns, but I also accept she/her!
Long Answer: I absolutely prefer they/them pronouns, but I have made my peace with she/her. I have spent a good chunk of my life in a very conservative community, and I know that there are a number of people in my life that I am never going to come out to. I prefer she/her over he/him, and I tend to present somewhat femininely. As such, there are situations in which I would prefer to be addressed as she/her. Here are couple examples:
- you know me in real life and are talking to someone I’d prefer not to be outed to/someone queerphobic
- you are talking about me in a language that lacks a neutral pronoun (I’m a Mandarin Chinese learner, and I know although spoken Mandarin is gender neutral when it comes to pronouns, written Mandarin lacks a generally accepted neutral pronoun. In this case, I would refer to myself with the feminine 她)
I am @vee.joh on Instagram, and I post a lot of boards related to characters over on my Pinterest, which is also @eeveeyn!
Below is a list of tags you will see on this blog. Some of them are generic and for blog organization, but others are project specific:
- #the garbage can: for weird, bad writing that my brain decides it needs to vomit on the page.
- #vee vents: exactly what it sounds like. Warning for suicidal ideation.
- #vee screams: I like yelling things sometimes.
- #reblog: reblogged posts.
- #vee’s art: my art!
- #important: as it sounds
- #charnarian system: project specific! see below!
- #GATES-cs: project specific! see below!
- #world of aa: project specific! see below!
-#atlantean axis: project specific! see below!
- #pieces of me vj: project specific! see below!
- #dragonsgold: project specific! see below!
- #the dreamwalkers: project specific! see below!
-#blooms and bones: project specific! see below!
I currently have a number (and by ‘a number’ I mean ‘too many’) of creative projects in development! Some of these are prose and some of these are comics! The current worlds are listed below, with placeholder titles.
I’m going to posting about these worlds a lot, pretty much purely because I have really bad executive dysfunction when it comes to doing creative things, and creating stories seems to get the worst of it. I found that posting online about my things helped me make more things, so I’m gonna try that here, too!
All my works are some kind of fantasy, with a lot of them being urban fantasy! Steampunk trappings are also common. In addition, all of them feature queer main characters. Also, my works will not feature sexual content, at least not on screen— just kissing at the most (simply because I’m not comfortable writing that stuff). However, a good number of them will feature violence or blood or gore, as well as foul language, so please keep that in mind!
The world of GATES is called the Charnarian System. Here is the description from its World Anvil page: “The Charnarian System is not one world, but thirteen. Or, to be exact, one monstrous hub world (Charnarie) and twelve smaller interconnected sub worlds (Ahtabi, Hydrithini, Thorielle, Vyliet, Errathynia, Aertherinne, Betherene, Myndin, Gaerrana, Khalastaeri, Vaalorre, and Frusterinn).
The term “world” is used loosely here - each one is not so much a physical planet as we think of it, but more a plane of reality.
Each world contains a unique collection of biomes, environments and civilizations, and at their creation, these worlds were connected by an elegant system of “Bridges”.
The people who populate this system are known as the Phika. They are a race of people with the features of animals, although they might vary depending on their environment. Their abilities tended to focus on elemental control. They were the main intelligent species within this world system... until the Rift appeared.
From the Rift came thousands and thousands of creatures unlike any the Phika had ever seen. And with them came a foreign magic. This magic changed the worlds beyond belief: it shattered the Bridges, leaving only the Gates - holes in the sky that would disappear and reappear, sometimes based on the season, sometimes not - as a way to travel, unleashed plagues, scourges, and all sorts of natural disasters in the worlds, and cut Charanarie off completely from the other worlds.
These foreigners - known to us as elves, fairies, ogres, shapeshifters, and the like - became known as Whaigorre (from a word meaning “outsider,” although many other words used to describe were considerably less friendly than this). Their appearance, along with the chaos accompanying it, caused much panic and animosity. Phika and Whaigorre clashed violently in the years following the opening of the Rift. In some lands, one group was dominant over the other. In others, the two races learned to cooperate, to varying degrees, and lived in varying degrees of harmony. In others at all, they continue clashing, unable to conquer each other or come to any sort of peace... or the land itself refuses to be tamed.
As inevitable with any sort of intermingling of races, a group of mixed breeds arose, though they tend to be somewhat rare: the Wairuka.
Our story begins long after the opening of the Rift (an event known to peace-minded intellectuals as the Great Collision of Worlds, or the Collision, to Phika as the Invasion, and to Whaigorre as the Exodus), where, in some places, there is relative peace.”
The current main book of GATES is a steampunk-urban-fantasy-adventure-murder-mystery romp (yeah, I know, that’s a lot of genres, but I’m enjoying myself) about a detective named Reveilia Baskesse who has to solve the murder of a very important (and very horrible) politician, but as a result of a series of mishaps, she must take a long and convoluted journey through a number of worlds in order to so. GATES does contain foul language and some violence/gore (there is an explicit description of a corpse in one of the earlier chapters, and there is a violent, on-screen death later on) so please keep that in mind!
Any posts about the Charnarian System will be tagged as #charnarian system. Any posts relating to GATES specifically will be tagged as #GATES-cs. There will probably also be specific character tags in in the future. The rough draft of GATES is currently being posted on Tapastic as a way to combat my debilitating executive dysfunction when it comes to my creative works (I am perfectly well aware that I have not updated since September, but before I wasn’t writing at all so it’s an improvement!) and can be found here. It will be taken down after it is completed. Quick warning, folks: it’s a rough draft, and thus it is very, very rough. Be warned. Although I posted a link to it up above, the link to GATES’ World Anvil page, where I will keep a lot of world-building related paraphernalia, is here. It is also very empty. I’m working on it.
Atlantean Axis
Here is the description of Atlantean Axis from its World Anvil page: “A long long time ago, there was magic in our world. There was often conflict between the magical and the nonmagical, as some magical creatures enjoyed eating the nonmagical, or using them for magical experiments, or demanding they be worshipped as gods, and the nonmagical were understandably not fond of that. A particularly widespread conflict between the two groups left the magical fed up, and so they decided to leave.
They pooled the magic of the world into one place, and used it to do two things: first, they distorted human memory. Most magic was completely forgotten about, and what could not be wiped away became distorted superstition, myth, and legend. Second, they created an alternate plane. Much to their disappointment, they couldn't disconnect it from Earth entirely, and thus needed somewhere to tie the portal to. The point chosen was an island, known as Atlantis to the humans.
After the portal, also called the Axis, was connected to Atlantis, something strange happened: Atlantis lost its roots to the earth. It began to drift. Because of the drifting and the magical nature of Atlantis, it, too, became distorted in human memory. According to the myths, Atlantis had sank; drowned in the wrath of the gods.
Magic drained into the other realm, now called Mirrorside (for it was a reflection of Earth), and most magical creatures made the journey to Atlantis and the Axis. A few creatures and little magic did stay, but they were the minority.
However, no one realized this wasn't a permanent solution.
In the present day, Mirrorside is merging back into Earth. Magic is flooding back into the world, and it's causing mass chaos. There are new plagues, there are zombies, and a lot of people believe the world is ending. There are some who don't, however, and they are here to sort things out whatever way they can.”
Atlantean Axis is going to be an urban-fantasy-sci-fi-adventure about a person named Moira. Moira is a particular type of mermaid that many humans would call a selkie; however, they do not fit the typical selkie mold. This is because human memory was distorted by the departure of magic from Earth, and the Zelekish became reduced to a simpler version of their true nature: the transformation talisman was always a cloak, the other shape was always a seal, et cetera, et cetera.
This is all beside the point, as Moira has more important problems than correcting people about their species. They’re currently a captive on a very confusing pirate ship, with an even more confusing captain, and they really need to get back to work: they were in the middle of solving a diplomatic crisis, after all.
Posts about Atlantean Axis as a world will be tagged #world of aa. Posts of about Atlantean Axis as a written work will be tagged #atlantean axis. Character specific tags will come later, I’m sure. Atlantean Axis’ World Anvil page is here.
Pieces of Me
Pieces of Me is an urban fantasy story that deals with a lot of supernatural politics, the fantasy world scrambling to keep itself secret from the real world, and big fluffy dogs (and doglike creatures). It’s also vaguely based off a really weird dream I had (my history teacher was ther. It was great).
Riot is a girl with a lot of issues: she gets bruises all the time but has absolutely never bled once in her life (which is really suspicious, because there are definitely time she should’ve bled), she has these really weird necklace and bracelets she’s never been able to take off, and she has these weird, overprotective parents who keep moving her “for work reasons” but she has no idea what they do???
Also she has this big ol’ fluffy white dog named Cloud (baby Riot was very original) who never seems to age and Riot’s positive she’s seen Cloud float to get things of the counter. Weird, right?
Everything changes when Riot gets kidnapped by a kind-of-hot-kind-of-nuts vampire lady who... is actually really nice (Kidnapping stuff aside, of course)? Riot quickly learns that the world is nothing like she’s ever imagined, and boy, do her parents have a lot of explaining to do.
All Pieces of Me posts will be tagged #pieces of me vj.
Dragonsgold is going to be a steampunk fantasy adventure comic about two kids who become master thieves. In this world everyone has two things: animal features and magical abilities that manifest in the form of ‘Blessings’ — a fingerprint shaped mark somewhere upon one’s body. This is also a weird dream story.
Benji and Finn are a pair of common pickpockets in the tiny town of Daisaiana, Azelee. Having no parents, the two of them have resulted to stealing in order to survive. Everything changes when the prince comes to town on his birthday tour, Benji tries to steal from the wrong person, and Finn gets taken to the capitol in the chaos. These two kids are going to have a hell of a time reuniting.
All posts related to Dragonsgold will be tagged #dragonsgold.
The Dreamwalkers
The Dreamwalkers is a fantasy/fractured fairytale comic about a demon that’s been sealed away for a thousand years... Their chains require consistent maintenance, but since the civilization dedicated to maintaining them has fallen asleep, there has opened a potential avenue of escape. For such purposes, the demon requires the willing cooperation of seven other people.
This story follows the stories of those people.
All posts related to The Dreamwalkers will be tagged #the dreamwalkers.
The Trial of a Lady
The Trial of a Lady is a historical fantasy crime story about a wedding out in the picturesque and isolated countryside. Lady Elizabeth “Elsie” Green was found surrounded by the mauled and mutilated bodies of her new husband, the priest, and the rest of the wedding guests. Lady Green, a woman known for being soft spoken and gentle, was found gravely wounded and in a fit of hysteria, and claims to have no memory of the events that preceded.
Regardless, as the only surviving witness of such a horrific incident, she is the chief suspect.
The prosecution is trying to pull recent anti-supernatural fervor into the case, trying to malign Lady Green as a witch, or a demon, or some other sort of unholy beast, but the attempts have all been halfhearted. The defense firmly believes her innocence, and so does everyone else (how could this tiny angel of a woman commit such a crime?). Lady Green? Well, here’s the problem: she doesn’t remember.
All Trial of a Lady related posts will be tagged #blooms and bones
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ruya-krasimira · 4 years
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Real quick mirror treasure room sketch for a soon to be added dragon to jump into.... working on dragon next. Work in progress. Will refine line work later. Just a very loose sketch. #dragontreasure #treasure #dragonhorde #gems #dragonsgold https://www.instagram.com/p/CACY0Z8Dtt-/?igshid=1otblg33fu99d
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noththerabbit-blog · 7 years
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A dragon and a bed of gold #photography #art #mural #wizardschest #dragon #dragonsgold #blackandwhite #bnw #bw #bpa_arts_members #agk_bnw_gallery #bnw_focus_on #bnw_greatshots #tw_hotshots #super_bnw_channel #noir_shots #bnw_life #ig_underground #show_us_bw #bnw_marche #big_shotz_bw #mildlylost #indo_photobw #photo_mag #bnw_madrid #bnw_creatives #nikon #Denver #colorado
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oyuncusobi · 6 years
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Treasure X Golden Dragon Treasure Set! Türkiye'de İlk Yeni Sezon Treasure X Dragon Altın Avı https://youtu.be/cZVqY2Ofq8o #treasurex #treasure-x #treasurexdragon #treasurexdragons #dragonsgold #goldendragon #treasurexgoldendragon #treasurexgoldendragonset #treasurexejderha #treasurex2 #treasurexs2 #treasurexseason2 #ultrarare #ooze #hazineavı #altınavı #dragonshunters #oyuncusobi https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs_LOqQnfRl/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1lom15loejchw
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themotleygeek · 7 years
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Definitely prefer the strategic variant for #DragonsGold, over the #negotiation mechanic. 💠⚜️💠⚜️💠⚜️💠⚜️💠⚜️💠⚜️💠 🎭: 3-6 Players 🕰: 45 Mins 👩‍👩‍👧‍👦: 10+ Age 🗿: 1.69/5 Weight 💠⚜️💠⚜️💠⚜️💠⚜️💠⚜️💠⚜️💠 #TheMotleyGeek #tabletop #tabletopgames #boardgames #boardgame #boardgamegeek #bgg #BrunoFaidutti @idwgames #setcollection #dragons #handmanagement #cheatingbutnotcheating
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scifrey · 7 years
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Quite enjoying this cider as I edit a #fantasy novel. Seems appropriate. #HeritageEstate #dragonsgold #cider
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schmanguss · 7 years
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#alumniweekend #drexel #dragonsgold #flyingfish #beer #esbamberale #drinks #philly #philadelphia (at Drexel University)
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schaengeltdm-blog · 8 years
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Struggling with a #cold at the moment so going to the gym wasn't in the cards. Instead I went to a #meetup again to play #boardgames and even got to #playtest #piratebrawl . #boardgamegeeks #playmoregames #playmoreboardgames #dragonsgold #evolution #drinkteaandgethealthy #Brettspiele #Berlin #berlinnerds
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rachaelthesnowqueen · 6 years
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Smaug snowflake. The design incorporates both Tolkien's illustrations and the design of Smaug from The Hobbit movie. $15. (https://www.etsy.com/listing/633565129/smaug-from-the-hobbit-paper-snowflake) #thehobbit #lordoftherings #fantasyart #smaug #dragonsgold #hobbitart #lotr #lotrart #fantasyartist #papercraft #snowflake #snowflakeart #perfectgift #uniquegift (at Hickory, North Carolina)
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makergeeks-blog1 · 7 years
Whoa... amazing!! #makergeeksfilament for the WIN!! #Repost @deudyscout ・・・ A wolf head I made for my step-mom! . . . . #3dprinting #cr10 #wolf #makergeeks #makergeeksfilament #3dgeekbox #3dtechnology #3dprinting #3dprinted #boyscouts #wolf #DragonsGold #dragon #3dfilament #makergeeks #make #made #417 (at Springfield, Missouri)
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makergeek-blog · 8 years
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Dragons Metallic PLA #3DPrinting Filament... a USA made PLA with a great sheen to them, while not really metal you’ll be hard pressed to tell the difference. Enjoy the dragons metal... #dragonsGold #metallic #makerFilament #makerGeeks #3dprinter #3dprinted #3Dprint #lulzbot #printrBot #make #makerBot (at Maker Geeks HQ)
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