stephanemortimore · 7 months
Un état raciste
Faites barrage, allez voter, que nous expliquaient les pigeons et les panurges avant la réélection de Cocaïne 1er. Je me souviens même avec quelle passion on jetait l’opprobre sur les abstentionnistes, les accusant d’être les complices des fachos ou de Macron. Et quand ce fut fait, quand tout le monde se donna rendez-vous dans le piège médiatique que leurs dirigeants leur tendaient, les neufs…
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analogtrains · 5 months
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heraldeez · 1 year
Straight Laced (Tugging Loose)
Viktor x Reader | 1.7K | NSFW
Warnings/Tags: semi-public fondling, teasing, oral, Viktor in a custom corset, and the cruelty of chocolate covered strawberries
The romantic holiday finds you and Viktor out at a restaurant – a rarity for two workaholics – dressed up in finery – also a rarity, for two oil-covered lab rats.
Truly a momentous occasion. And you are insistent on perverting it.
A/N: Okay, so I missed Valentine’s. By a lot. But that’s okay because time is a suggestion, and rules are fake. :^)
And hey! It’s still February! For another whole hour!
Anyway, thanks to @linky-dinks for the corset idea, I really needed someone to point my brain in a direction. And always, thanks @valaruakars for reassuring me that - as stated - time is fake and simping is eternal.
Enjoy! :]
Viktor's fork clatters briefly before his hand smacks down to silence it, eyes wide.
Your right shoe sits innocent and abandoned beneath the table, socked foot resting instead against the inner seam of Viktor's thigh. Tracing - back, forth, back - just shy of where might truly get you in trouble.
"Are you alright?" you ask.
Casual as can be, butter wouldn't melt on your tongue. It's fun on occasion, to keep him on his toes. It doesn't help that he's so cute like this, incredulous and aroused despite it.
"What, exactly, are you doing?" Viktor asks under his breath.
"Enjoying my meal." You circle your fork above your plate, lips starting to wobble with the need to laugh, Viktor trying to keep it together despite the flush rapidly overtaking him, right up to the tips of his ears. "You really choose the best places when I can get you out and about, you know?"
You might be referring to the food – or perhaps the fact that this place has low hanging table cloths, perfect for disguising the way your toes slide, delicate and gracefully, up to the beginnings of firmness that's growing between Viktor's legs.
His fist tightens around his fork, drawing in a shaky breath, eyes fluttering closed.
Your voice drops low, leaving pretense behind. "What do you think, Viktor?"
Your foot slides up in alignment, arch curved against the stiff line of his erection, the barest amount of pressure applied to get him right where you want him.
"Are you enjoying yourself?"
There's a sharp, predatory edge to his gaze as Viktor slowly drags his eyes open, sizing you up in a way that makes your heart skip a beat and your hips want to squirm in anticipation.
"I think," he rasps, leaning closer over the table, "that you should know better than to tease."
That look? That look indicates you'll be sore long before morning comes.
You scan the surrounding tables briefly, all these people still engrossed in their own conversations, their own little pictures of perfect romance.
The grin you can't quite hold back finally breaks out fully, and you lean over the table, closer than is perhaps polite to your fellow diners.
More polite than the way you flex the ball of your foot against the straining head of Viktor's cock beneath the table, though.
"How can I help myself, when you're so pretty like this?"
You hadn't thought it possible for him to get redder.
Viktor sets his jaw and asks for the check.
You slip your shoe back on, smiling primly across the table.
The walk home was short, and the distance to the bedroom even shorter.
Viktor's hips are a pleasant weight atop your chest, legs folded politely to tuck his knees under your arms. He’s placed himself at the perfect distance, just out of reach of your needy mouth, knees sinking into the sheets to keep you right where you are.
Quietly, he reaches for his shirt buttons, slowly thumbing them through each button hole, revealing himself for you.
Only it isn't his usual brace tucked beneath.
"What do you think? Is it pretty?" Viktor's voice takes on a smug upturn on your previous descriptor for him, but you can't even think of a response.
The corset is objectively gorgeous, gold threaded embroidery swirling across rich burgundy panels. It's custom – has to be, with how it fits over his spine for proper support, and you're blown away.
It's perfect. Makes him look deified and glowy, sharp lines from head to toe, decadently adorned in the middle.
"Yes," you sigh, hands raising to trace your thumbs over the threadwork, little starbursts scattered down to where corset meets belt. A belt he’s resting his hands on, and you hope, soon to be undone. “When did you –?”
"A few months back. I wouldn't normally go for something so gaudy -"
Gaudy is the last word you'd use to describe the low toned, immaculately embroidered corset panels, rich and dark against his skin in the candle light
" - but Jayce is always saying that I ought to enjoy the fruits of our labor more."
Viktor glances down at you with eyes lidded in satisfaction, lashes almost kissing the tops of his cheeks, a veil on molten amber.
"Are you enjoying it?"
It's barely more than a whisper, low dulcet coaxing just barely able to be heard, for your ears alone to covet even in an empty room. A question that didn’t even need asked.
Of course you’re enjoying it.
“Yes,” you sigh, word gusting out with only half its strength as your eyes rove over him, drawn back again and again to his still fastened belt.
Viktor thumbs at your bottom lip. “Open.”
Your lips drop open eagerly, treating him to the sight of your waiting tongue, plush pink and slick, just waiting for him to tease open with his fingers, or better yet –
And there it is. The distinctive clinking of metal on metal, Viktor’s capable hands threading the leather of his belt free, unzipping.
You keep your eyes politely on his, even through the thrum of anticipation in your ears.
You’re not sure you’ve ever heard a more beautiful sound, already on the brink of squirming for him. Surely you hadn’t teased him this long? A few moments at the end of dinner didn’t deserve this much restraint, did it?
His thumb slips free from where it had been resting on your chin, holding you open – even though you’d have eagerly sat there drooling for him all day, if he’d asked. You really didn’t have any shame left, when it came to him.
You can’t hold eye contact as you hear the slick sound of his thumb rubbing through the pre gathering at the tip of his cock, and Viktor tuts.
“You’ve been rather impatient tonight. Couldn’t even last through dinner.”
You do your best to look contrite, but it’s hard when faced with the pretty, flushed length of his cock, right before your eyes and yet just out of reach.
Your smile is crooked, struggling to not look like the cat that got the cream when it’s so obvious that he’s about to give you exactly what you’ve been goading him for all evening. “Let me make it up to you?”
Viktor follows your meaningful gaze to the engorged head of his cock, humming thoughtfully.
“You need your mouth filled that badly, miláčku?”
You’re perfectly prepared for him to guide himself to your lips, to smear them with the slick beginnings of come, and take his pleasure. To split your mouth wide around his girth, push in deep, remind you what it means to misbehave. To come down your throat, just like you’ve been itching for since you’d set up the dinner reservation.
Instead, Viktor holds up a strawberry.
The tuft of green atop it is unmistakable, even though the majority of the fruit is coating in a rich layer of shiny chocolate.
Viktor smiles down at you, patient and bemused, as he sets the fruit on your tongue, urging you to bite it off.
“Is it good?” he asks, knowing full well you’ll have to chew.
You swallow hastily, peering up at him, uncertain of this game. “You should try one.”
Viktor hums thoughtfully, eyes leaving you – bereft – to peer at the velvety box sitting on the nightstand. Thin fingers pluck another strawberry out, this one with an even darker layer of chocolate, but drizzled in white icing.
You’d like to be drizzled in white, too.
“Viktor,” you whine, fingers creeping over the soft fabric of his slacks towards the hard swell of his cock, pads just barely tickling against the coarse scrub of pubic hair –
“Hands back where I put them. You know better.”
A heavily put-upon sigh, but your hands drop back to the pillows cradling your head, palms up. Stuck waiting.
You let him feed you the strawberry, pouty around the juicy give of sugar-sweet fruit.
Viktor thumbs the droplet of juice that gathers at the corner of your mouth, threatening to spill down your cheek stickily into your hair. "Did you enjoy watching me squirm, drahý?"
You chew your strawberry, petulant, in lieu of answering.
But your jaw forgets to move as Viktor’s hand comes down to cup his cock, giving a slow, loose stroke. Just for show. The slick bead welling up at the tip is more tempting than any decadent fruit, your mouth watering around the acidic mush of strawberry still sitting on your tongue.
His voice is hardly a whisper, low and teasing. “I know I’m certainly enjoying the sight of you squirming now.”
Your breath comes out shaky, swallowing and yet somehow feeling a bit dry in the throat.
Viktor plucks up another strawberry and brings it to his own lips, leaving you fixated on the crisp noise of the fruit splitting between his teeth, calling to mind more lasciviously slick noises.
Juice swells up and drips over the curve of his bottom lip, and his soft tongue peeks out to lap it up, sliding in a way that pulls a little moan from the depths of your lungs.
You flush as Viktor grins down at you.
“All you have to do is ask politely,” he prods.
“Please? Vik?”
He raises a brow and reaches for a strawberry.
“Let me suck your cock, Viktor, stop teasing –”
He’s laughing at your eagerness, and you have to fight not to pout again.
“Let me suck your cock, Viktor, please,” Viktor corrects. Never has a strawberry looked like such a threat as it does now, sitting in his hand like denial made physical.
You swallow heavily, peering at the head of his cock, the confident hand resting at its base. Your tongue darts out to wet your lips, and you look back up at him with the most pleading, needy eyes you can muster. “Please fuck my throat, Viktor?”
It’s Viktor’s turn to feel breathless, shuddering exhale as his eyes go dark. Exactly what you’d hoped to achieve, intensifying the reward like that.
The moment of stillness seems to crawl along your skin, waiting –
And he pops the strawberry into his own mouth, leaning forward to bump the head of his cock to your lips.
You open for him eagerly, salt on sweet, and moan as Viktor pushes deep into exactly where he belongs.
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ahojojoj · 11 months
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české vlaky, nádraží a tak jsou moc zajímavé
ale hůůů měli jsme nejdřív jedno zpoždění za 90 minut a pak ještě jedno za 30-40 minut!
ale to je jen věc co se stane všude, a jsem rád že jsem nakonec zpátky v hotelu a že jsem mohl být v Olomouci a vidět tolik krásných věcí tam.
ahojojoj češi, máte překrásné země.... nikdy to nezapomeňte
miluju česko čačačečečočočo
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takovanormalnielie · 4 months
Díky @ceske-drahy za tolik různých zpoždění. Mohla jsem si z nich vybrat po tom, co se můj vlak zpozdil o 80 min a stihla jsem tak nakombinovat dva další zpožděný vlaky a budu v Praze ještě o pár minut dřív, než bylo původně v plánu. Navíc to bylo děsný vzrůšo. Ten nával dopaminu při usednutí do vlaku na poslední chvíli je ohromně návykovej. Mám radost, že nakonec všechno stíhám. Jedu na oslavu narozenin mý kamošky Z. a potkám se tam i s jednou známou/kámoškou/touholkoucoodstartovalamůjquestioningsvýmoutempředmnohalety. Chce se se mnou domluvit na náhravkách mojí tvorby. Nevím, jestli tuší, jak velkou roli v mým životě sehrála. No a aby toho nebylo málo, tak zítra mě ještě čeká sraz pastelek. Jsem vysoko na životě/sjetá životem. Sakra, v týhle čumblr věci cucám tak tvrdě. lol, ne fakt už končim.
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biglisbonnews · 10 months
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Telecoms Tycoon Patrick Drahi Addresses Altice Portugal Corruption Allegations: “I Will Feel Betrayed” Israeli-French telecoms and media mogul Patrick Drahi took the unusual step of directly addressing investors and analysts at a quarterly results call for Altice International on Monday in a bid to calm jitters over a corruption probe shaking its Portuguese subsidiary. The move follows the arrest in Portugal on July 13 of long-time collaborator, Portuguese-French […] https://deadline.com/2023/08/patrick-drahi-altice-portugal-corruption-betrayed-1235456413/
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kajku9 · 1 year
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zssk · 6 months
Railway company blogs masterlist
In alphabetical order; let us know if we missed anyone!
oefficial-austria (sadly inactive)
Czech Republic
prazske-metro (Prague)
The Netherlands
yours truly
tfl-official (London)
United States
the-cta-official (Chicago)
mbta-official (Massachusetts)
mbta-unofficial (Massachusetts)
njtransit-official (New Jersey)
mta-official (New York metropolitan)
penn-central-official (New York)
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brainrotwall · 2 months
Dnešní trip bouzovem do Brna be like
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stephanemortimore · 9 months
Tout augmente !
Nous sommes le 26 septembre 2023 et la météo m’annonce un petit 28° pour aujourd’hui. Soit une température normale pour un mois de juin mais absolument pas pour un automne. Et les médias pourront lui donner le joli nom d’été indien pour faire poli et ne pas effrayer les téléspectateurs, ça n’en reste pas moins une occurrence que seuls les imbéciles et les menteurs continueront de nier comme ils…
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analogtrains · 5 months
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hidden-but · 5 months
Dobré ráno,
@ceske-drahy , @regiojet , @zssk , jak se vám stojí u Přerova?
S pozdravem,
Námraza na trakčním vedení
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sprava-zeleznic · 3 months
Railway ask game!
Favourite railway station?
Weird thing that happened to you on a train/on a train station?
Do you feel like railway and the tracks belong to the landscape or do you feel like they invade it, they are unnatural?
Do you have a favourite song about trains/which features trains? (If not, please listen to Plenty good room here)
Favourite railway company (other than Správa železnic. We know everybody loves us ofc)
Do you have a favourite locomotive/train type? If not, pick one and share a picture.
The most beautiful route you have taken so far (by train ofc)
Have you ever met friends with anyone on a train?
Delays, unexpected events and so on: complaining time! Tell us.
Your favourite train in fiction, if you have one. If you don't, do you remember any train from a book or a movie?
@zssk @ceske-drahy @regiojet @arriva-cr @mavcsoport @valtionrautatiet-official @flixbus-official @nederlandsespoorwegen @british-rail-official @british-rail @deutsche-bahn @zeleznice-slovenskej-republiky and other 🚂
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deutsche-bahn · 5 months
Hello, dear neighbors!
Greetings! Last time I travelled with czech trains literally everything was on time until we crossed the border into Germany, at which point things started going downhill rapidly.
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arriva-cr · 5 months
Arrivo ty šplundo jedna
Šplundo jo? 😏 Takovouhle špinavou mluvu na nás?
A vůbec, nevíte člověče, že pod 2°C zásadně nejezdíme? To je na naše vláčky a autobusky věru chladno... Mrznou jim nápravy!🥺
Ostatně věříme, že @ceske-drahy , @regiojet @flixbus-cz a @zssk jsou na tom podobně.
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karel-iv · 3 months
@ceske-drahy vedete královské slevy?
Ptám se, ehm, pro kamaráda
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