drarryshorts · 3 years
Their second year in the league, Potter’s playoff beard is so fucking awful that Draco wants to die.
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MAD BLOOD STIRRING by @provocative-envy ( E | 3.2k ) - It's not like they've been angrily hooking up on the sly since meeting at a Juniors skills camp in fucking Manitoba four years ago, except that's exactly what they've been doing. [ ALTERNATIVELY - Draco and Harry really need to talk about their feelings. ]
The only thing that's cold about this scorcher of an AU is the ice. Save this one for a slow day where you can afford to be thinking about it for hours after.
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beccarecs · 3 years
Potter by Quine | Harry & Draco
Title: Potter
Author: Quine
Word count: 9,142
Rating: T
Warnings: None
"Potter," Blaise muttered, a strewn over salt shaker in front of him.
"Where?" Draco asked, searching in vain for the raven-haired saviour. Theo was grinning as he watched their exchange.
"Well," Blaise began, "As you're so fond of blaming all your problems on Potter, I thought I'd give it a try as well."
Draco Malfoy has enough on his plate after returning to Hogwarts for an 8th year. So it's only natural that Blaise' teasing leads to an unwelcome realization about his continuous obsession with Potter. Now only to hide this crush, while half of Hogwarts is using Potter's name as a curse word, basically announcing the truth to the world! And all the while he's having to tutor Potter in potions, while the former still hasn't returned his wand!
A Oneshot based on a post saying that Draco Malfoy is a huge meme and that "My father will hear about this!" and "Potter!" probably turned into the equivalent of "Thanks, Obama."
Review: Yes, this was just as good as the premise made it out to be. If you’re looking for a fun, light-hearted 8th year story on the shorter side that is NOT porn, look right here. Draco’s friends are little shits in this fic and I am living for it. 
More Harry/Draco fanfic recs
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rockingrobin69 · 3 years
Hello there I just have an question will we have more followers for the drarry fandom like we had in 2018/ 2019 in the future and more active content on it ???
I know there is a lot of things to worry about but I wanted to ask 😓
Hi there dear Anon, and thank you for this ask 💖 I’m not sure if I can answer your question completely, but I’ll give it my best try. It's going to be long, I apologize in advance.
Let me just start by saying: I’ve not been here long. Not to bore you with the details, but for example, I’ve not really engaged with Tumblr until maybe April this year (I actually checked – the first time I posted my work here was this June!) so the whole fandom thing is still new to me. I really don’t know how it was in the past, and of course I can’t say what’ll be in the future. What I can say though is, look at all we have now.
Because, really, just wow. I could not have imagined the wealth of writers and artists and fans that exist here. There are so many of them, I seem to find new drarry writers and artists to obsess over every day. (Or reccers, or headcanon-ers, or rebloggers, or commentors). Every. Day. And I’m not even exaggerating! There’s so much goodness it blows my mind on a regular basis. People are giving us their time, their passion, their enthusiasm, and like – honestly, I don’t have the words to say how amazing it is.
There’s more, still. So many projects and fests and endeavors ran by wonderful people (angels?) that spend their own personal time to give us mortals more joy to read and see and love. I don’t even know if I’d have posted anything here if it wasn’t for @drarrymicrofic – seeing the support they give and all the amazing fics they share. @the-starryknight has TLC Tuesdays, a next-level-god-stuff of encouragement. All the wonderful reccers out there doing god’s work (like @thedrarrylibrarian or @sitp-recs [who doesn’t do new reclists at the moment, so please no asks about it], @drarryspecificrecs, and so many others). People who comment on fics/art. People who share them. These are all reasons for people to engage with fandom (I know they are for me!), and more and more of them keep coming (@drarryboosterclub , @drarryshorts, every fest ever, and so so many more!). my honest, non-professional, newbie-who-even-let-you-speak, knows-nothing opinion is this: as long as we make sure to hold on to the joy in fandom, it’ll keep.
The way I see it, when you enjoy fandom, and express it, it creates more joy. Maybe it’s naïve to think this way, I dunno, but it's worked for me so far.
To your worries I’d say this: seeing the bright side can be hard, I know. There are things to worry about, in the world, in fandom (trolls and hate and why??). But the bright side here is so freaking bright – keep looking for it.
I can't say if all the INCREDIBLE people we have here now will stay in the fandom, or if more will come. Who knows? this world is full on crazy. I never expected to be here, honestly. I never thought I'd have the courage, for one. But these things happen, and now I know for sure I'm not going anywhere. I'm actually planning another one-shot-collection series that'll come out soon, so yay for future fun!
There will always be other people who like what you like. The internet is massive that way. Find them, support them, and keep positive. There’s so much joy to be had in this fandom, and my firm belief is, it won’t go anywhere. People may come and go, numbers can go up and down, but the love we all have for this won’t disappear, I don’t think. I came back to HP after over a decade, if that’s any sort of proof.
Btw, if you need a list of people to follow – sounds like you’ve been here longer than me but I do spend a good many hours on this haha – of creators/ reccers/ rebloggers of drarry content, please let me know. I’d be more than happy to comprise a list, although it could never be comprehensive enough.
Wow, it really came out long. Sorry. I just wanted to say - try not to worry about what will be, and enjoy what we have now, because it's amazing. I know I am continuously astounded by it (objectively I think we have the best fans 😜) and will do what I can to contribute to it.
Robin ENOUGH okay okay I'm sorry! just lots and lots and lots of love 💖
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hp-podfic-mini-fest · 3 years
Looking for some inspiration to record for the minifest? Don't forget to give the short (but excellent) fics at @drarryshorts a look!
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drarryshorts · 3 years
The crowd roared, Harry along with them, as the Quaffle flew through the hoop, Ginny clocking another ten points to the Holyhead Harpies.
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GAME ON by @pennygalleon (T | 4.8k) - Draco blows Harry a kiss and the press goes nuts. Harry suggests they use this to their advantage.
Fake dating with delicious chemistry? Check. Shameless flirting? Check. Oblivious Harry? Check. Incredible dialogue? Check. What else can you ask for?
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drarryshorts · 3 years
“Loser does the talking,” Harry says.
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YOU FIRST, LOSER by @lol-zeitgeistic (E | 6.3k) - When Harry and Draco’s “not serious” three-year relationship results in a one-in-a-million pregnancy, they decide who will be the unlucky one to tell their families in a very mature and adult fashion that indubitably proves their inherently stellar parenting abilities: with a bet over a (probably rigged, let’s be real; Draco is playing) game of Exploding Snap.
Harry and Draco are absolutely fine with their unplanned pregnancy but telling their families is a whole different story in this delightfully funny mpreg short fic!
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drarryshorts · 3 years
Draco Malfoy—heir to the Austrian crown—has somehow never been to a place like this.
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YOU CAN MAKE MY NIGHT by @devilrising ( M | 2.4k ) - Draco has never been to a place like this; an underground, queer speakeasy. There are men everywhere, dancing, drinking, talking. He can't believe he gets to be a part of this. Or: how Draco Malfoy meets Harry Potter in a bar in the 1920s
A queer speakeasy in 1920s New York. A meet-cute, chemistry that's off the charts, and a Draco that is head over heels for Harry, just the way we like him.
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drarryshorts · 3 years
Easily found around wizarding households, the Jobberknoll was a mute little bird with blue speckled wings.
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A GREY SHRIKE ALIGHTED UPON MY WISHBONE by @opalesqueopioid ( E | 6.9k ) - Cursed to forget everything about Harry Potter, Draco has to kill if he wants a cure.
“J’existe,” I said, more to myself than him. A simple word: j’existe. How presumptuously it slipped past my teeth, assuming, in the way Boggarts did the hard shape of a truth. "I know,” Harry said between slurred kisses, half-awake on my cheeks. “I know.”
One for bravest amongst us: a poignant, gorgeously written tale of memory loss, love and heartbreak. A guaranteed smorgasbord of emotions.
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drarryshorts · 3 years
Harry licked the tip of his finger, leafing through the Ministry memos on his desk.
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THIS TIME AGAIN (NEXT YEAR) by @gryffindorhearts ( T | 1.8k ) - At thirty minutes to midnight on New Year’s Eve, Harry is buried under a mountain of paperwork. Only Malfoy, his long-time coworker and one-time lover, could have any hope of distracting him.
One to brighten your January blues with leftover holiday joy and a heart full of yearning from our beloved HJP.
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drarryshorts · 3 years
Harry shivered under Malfoy’s stern glare.
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AN AUROR ERROR by @fluxweeed ( T | 1.2k) - Auror Malfoy is determined to demonstrate his dominance. Harry decides to dabble in a bit of banter.
In need of a giggle? This is the fic for you. Masterful wordplay and togue twisters that will have you howling with laughter.
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drarryshorts · 3 years
With a steaming cup of tea pressed between his fingers, Draco looked on at the massive four-poster bed, and Harry in it.
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BOLDLY by @the-starryknight ( T | 4.9k ) - Tucked away in the newly restored bedroom at Potter's Cottage, Draco and Harry set their resolutions for the new year.
A new year's themed short, perfect at the end of a long day, accompanied by a cup of your favourite tea, and a piece of chocolate.
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drarryshorts · 3 years
“Hey.” Harry put his hand on Draco’s shoulder.
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REQUIEM by @evaeleanor (T, 1.8k) - Requiem — A song of mourning composed or performed as a memorial to a dead person.
This beautiful, poignant heartbreaker will stay in your heart and mind as long as you allow it.
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drarryshorts · 3 years
It’s raining miserably by the time Draco makes it to Harry’s street.
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SLOW MOTION by @vina-writes ( T | 2.3k ) - He thinks about knocking on Harry’s door—about doing it four months ago, when Harry would press him into the wall and kiss him slowly enough that his legs turned to jelly and his mind went blank.
But Harry doesn’t miss him, because they don’t do kisses by the door anymore. After all, they were just fucking.
Like a long soak in a bath, this short will heal your aching soul and fill your heart with warmth.
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drarryshorts · 3 years
“Morning beastie,” said Harry Potter from the chair beside their bed, his voice warm with affection.
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JASMINE AND SALT by @teledild0nix ( G | 1.4k ) - After the full moon ends, Draco needs some tender loving care, and Harry is on hand to provide it.
Heart-melting romance in the form of taking care of your beloved werewolf the morning after a full moon. This one will have you smiling at every word.
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drarryshorts · 3 years
Harry’s bed at Grimmauld Place is too big.
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SO LIE TO ME TONIGHT. by @bonesliketambourines (T | 5k) - Ginny thought it would be different, after.
This fic has a stunning and heartwrenching Ginny POV and a fresh take on Draco/Harry. Enjoy!
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drarryshorts · 3 years
He wasn't looking for anything in particular when he found the poem.
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DRACO MALFOY READS "THE TWO HEADED CALF" BY LAURA GILPIN by @ihopeyoubothstaysafefromharm ( G | 1.3k ) - It's late at night and Draco finds a poem.
A short 1.3k that feel like a million words and that will no doubt feel your heart and keep it full for a long time. A world of tenderness and feelings.
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