re-doing heroes of olympus
HOO sucks, in a lot of aspects. And so I'm going to talk about how I'd fix it because I'm bored and also for fun. To be fair, I would rewrite HOO so quickly if I had the time and motivation.
(featuring: frank/leo, drew tanaka, and katie gardner)
(warning: long post under cut. and i mean long.)
The (revised) Seven:
Drew Tanaka - Drew replaces Piper here because, although I think Piper is interesting, Drew is a far better and more nuanced character if you let her be. Featuring: Drew's trauma, her thoughts on Silena, and her femininity!
Percy Jackson - objectively (not objectively), Percy is the most powerful character in the series. However, he could be a lot better, especially his character arc. Featuring: Percy's compassion, his hatred of Luke, and his straining relationship with Annabeth!
Katie Gardner - Katie, as the daughter of Demeter, is an incredibly powerful character and therefore deserves a spot. Plus, I think she's cool. Featuring: Katie's cool plant powers, her insecurity about herself, and her struggle to be recognized!
Leo Valdez - I happen to think fire is cool, and that Leo is an incredibly compelling character. He's not going to be a baby misogynist in my version, nor is he going to be particularly flirty. Featuring: Leo's cool fire!!!! but also his apprehension in using it, his (rightful) anger at Hephaestus, and his idea of himself in a world that's scared of him!
Frank Zhang - he's cool, he's interesting, and I am not going to make him an Asian stereotype! Featuring: Frank's hatred of seeming 'meek', his idea of being Asian in xenophobic New Rome, and his struggle of falling for someone who could kill him!
Hazel Levesque - she's interesting, especially as someone so young. But I'm going to make her act more her age, and also not have a weird age gap thing with Frank. They're not dating here. Featuring: her hate of all the responsibility that's being placed on her shoulders, her hesitant relationship with magic, with all its vices and virtues, and her dislike of her father, Hades!
Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano - she deserves it. Plus, she and Percy are parallels in my mind, more than Percy and Jason. Reyna's cool, and I loved her chapters in BOO, so more Reyna it is. Featuring: her seemingly insurmountable past, her stress to be perfect, and her relationship with a xenophobic New Rome!
and Grover Underwood - instead of Coach Hedge, I'm putting Grover in. Because I love him.
Drew/Katie - I love this ship. Plus, I think it's intriguing - two people from cabins vastly underestimated coming together to be amazing. Developing romance, and it's not established until the last book.
Percy/Annabeth - but not how you think! Percy and Annabeth both reconciling with how they don't like each other as much as they've been pushed together, and breaking up amicably but remaining friends.
Leo/Frank - tragedy here we come! Instead of having something like Jason/Piper where Jason leaves New Rome for CHB, Frank doesn't do that. He and Leo fall in love, get together, and then split, all on the Argo II. Frank can't leave New Rome, Leo can't go to New Rome. The perfect tragic romance, but with a glimmer of hope - maybe sometime, in the future, Frank and Leo can live together, outside of New Rome and outside of CHB. Plus, in chemistry - they're both afraid of fire, they both are insecure of themselves and their places in the world. They compliment each other.
Hazel & Frank - besties. They may be three years apart, but they are staunch best friends. Hazel teases Frank about Leo all the time.
Reyna & Percy - understand each other the way only people who know each other's situation in different fonts can.
Drew & Frank - East Asian mutual understanding! They bond over, although they're different places in East Asia, they're both living the experience of an Asian American/Canadian. They're living the immigrant dichotomy, and add on Leo to that kind of idea.
Katie & Hazel - they care so much about the people around them! I like the idea of Katie being Hazel's older sister figure in a way. Also, they bond over art. I don't make the rules.
Drew & Reyna - they're both incredibly logic-driven people, but whereas Drew is completely aware of her emotions and others', Reyna isn't, not as much. Also, they judge people together.
Katie & Leo - Katie and Leo are just the right kind of combination of sweet/overly excited ever. Katie helps remind Leo he needs a break, and Katie is always happy to just listen to Leo ramble on and on about something, as long as she can draw while he's doing so.
Reyna & Leo - they get along pretty well, which is kind of a surprise at first. But they have a minorly antagonistic friendship, but they still work together.
Drew & Percy - they're judgemental besties. What else can I say?
Percy & Leo - they're incredibly similar people for obvious reasons. It's even acknowledged in canon!
Katie & Grover - they bond over their mutual love of plants.
Reyna & Grover - they both understand duty and passion to be similar, and they both understand the amount of pressure to be a leader from a young age.
etc. I'm not going to outline every one of their relationships, because I'm lazy.
Book One: The Lost Heroes
Here, I'm combining TLH with SON, because we need all the space for the other parts of the series. It oscillates between Reyna, Leo, Drew, and Katie's quest, and Percy, Hazel, and Frank's quest. I never really liked how Annabeth didn't really do anything for the first two books, considering she's a main character for the last three, so everyone gets a quest. This makes the quests more condensed, and more in the length of the original PJO series, in terms of book size. Percy, Hazel, and Frank's quest stays mostly the same, albeit with a bit of condensing, whereas Reyna, Leo, Drew and Katie's quest changes a lot. It follows the same blueprint, but they don't meet with the Hunters at any point, and Khione and Medea and Drew are set up as intentional parallels to explore what Drew could be in the future.
Book Two: The Promise of Aphrodite
Yes, I'm deliberately changing it from the Mark of Athena to the Promise of Aphrodite. This time, they visit Troy first. I know, weird, but the Argo II in this book is slightly quicker at getting places. It stays mostly the same, with the storyline, though, although I'm removing the part where the Argo II needs repairs. However, Troy is, of course, where Aphrodite's biggest folly was, with Paris and Helen. Drew follows it, and at the end, Percy and Drew fall into Tartarus because of Drew needing to metaphorically bring down Aphrodite's legacy, the legacy of hatred (woo symbolism!), because they've become friends over the course of the book, and also angst potential. It also shows Percy and Drew's newfound friendship, and I want them to be something that isn't just romance in Tartarus. Also, Nico is here.
Book Three: The House of Hades
This time, the entrance to the doors is in Rome. So they go to Rome, fully intent on this. Nico comes out to Hazel in a sweet, private moment, because I want Nico's coming out to not be homophobic, and this is prompted by Nico seeing Hazel tease Frank about Leo, and him realizing that Hazel, and most of the demigods, might not have the same strong homophobia. Katie stresses over Drew in the Underworld, and Grover stresses over Percy, especially, but they're all stressing. Annabeth's moment of realizing about the pen part of Riptide is given to Drew, whereas Percy realizes about the M&Ms. This time, Jason makes the trek out to the Argo II instead of Reyna, and Jason, Grover, and Nico bring Reyna's purple cloak - a symbol of power and peace - back to CHB with CJ waiting to fight.
Book Four: The Blood of the Gods
Yes, it's The Blood of the Gods now, because reasons. This time, there isn't any huge 'one girl and one boy demigod' thing. Instead, it's 'one Greek and one Roman demigod'. Everything is more or less the same, but with different characters, so different things happen. In Athens, Reyna and Percy are the ones who bleed instead of Annabeth and Percy, because they're foils and stuff. However, this book balances nine POVs, as each book has at least seven POVs. Because... stuff. At the end of this book, the Greeks and Romans decide to reconcile temporarily to win together against Gaea.
Book Five: The Goddess of the Earth
All-out war! Finales only mean so much if they're actually finales. TLO was such a fun read because it's an actual war. Therefore, The Goddess of the Earth is a full-on war. Unlike normal, Gaea is slow to wake, and her power is more emphasized. It's also the Romans being lead together with Reyna and Jason, Percy and Annabeth, and it also leads to a lot more ability to develop these relationships. The lovely Piper-and-Jason scene at the end of BOO, where they're on top of the cabin in the stars, is given to Katie and Drew instead, because Aphrodite kids are like that. Annabeth and Percy, already having broken up, talk together. Nico can have a moment where he realizes his self-worth, and exclude romance in his future for now. And Frank and Leo have that heartbreaking conversation where they talk about how they can't be together. Anyway, peace.
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isadorajaneschaos · 10 months
If You Were A Flower...
She and Katie were laying in the strawberry fields when Drew decided to throw out a pick up line. “If you were a flower, I’d pick you.”
Katie turned her head to look at the daughter of Aphrodite. “Why? You should never pick flowers. They are living things too, you know.”
Drew sighed. “It was a pickup line, Katie.”
“Soooooo,” she dragged the word out while rolling her eyes. She reached out, taking one of Katie’s hands in her own. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” Katie squeezed her hand in return. “But if you try to pick me flowers, we will have words.”
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ssavinggrace · 9 months
yall I'm obsessing over aphrodite kids again. abt to reread the whole series again.
also help I cant decide between dratie (drew x katie) or drewellen (Lou Ellen x drew)
edit: fuck it they're a love triangle now idgaf
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ana-can21 · 5 months
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AHHH MY WATER DRAGON BOI!!! 💧❤️🥰🩵🥹💙 I still Adore this Absolute Amazing Piece that I was Blessed By The Astonishing @chrashi on the day of my birthday! He still is in the drawing process, but I can’t stop STARING & LOVING THIS!!!🥰💖🩵🥹💝💙❤️
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menerjangbosan · 2 years
Panas Bumi dapat didinginkan dengan cara sebagai berikut
Panas Bumi dapat didinginkan dengan cara sebagai berikut
CARA MENDINGINKAN BUMI SUHU TERPANAS MEMBARA dengan Menyiramnya. Membangun Air mancur di setiap penjuru Bumi dapat menurunkan suhu udara sekitar 30°C dan efek pendinginannya dapat dirasakan hingga jarak 350 meter. Apa yang dilakukan untuk mengurangi efek Panas Bumi? Menanam Pohon dan tumbuh-tumbuhan dapat membantu mengurangi efek panas Bumi dengan menaungi penghijauan dan dapat membelokkan…
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generasbir · 2 years
Beginilah Cara mendinginkan panas Bumi dan mengurangi polusi udara
selengkapnya klik disini.
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rat-rosemary · 1 year
Dream fans: No we actually don't think it's funny to joke about this situation, not only because Dream George Sapnap and Dream's family were in danger, but also because we also got doxxed and stalked because of it.
Dratis: OMG look at the smilers HOW ARE YOU GONNA DEFEND YOUR GUY NOW this is so funny TOMMY YOU DID AMAZING
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prayers-to-hyliarceus · 6 months
[A video is attached, just catching Link and Urbosa jumping away from a sudden movement. The next moment, Zelda is flat on her back with a small, blue, snakelike Pokemon on her chest.
"Aoughgh... What..."
Celebi shoots out of Zelda's hood and glares over the Dratini, which makes it jump back a bit, before it-- smiles?
"Are you alright, Zelda?"
"Yes, I-- I think--"
Dratini slides off of Zelda's chest and proceeds to wrap itself tightly around her ankle as she stumbles to her feet. "Strong jump, huh?" she coughs.
Link slowly lets go of the hilt of the sword on his back. Before Madas forces themself out of their Pokeball and challenges the Dratini, but again, Dratini just gives a sunny smile??
["Ummmm... lemme see if I can put down what this little guy is saying..."]
"Drati! Drati!" ["New friends! New friends!"]
["That's. That's literally all she's saying."]
"Does it... want me to catch it?" Zelda asks no one in particular, helpless. At the word 'catch', however, Dratini perks up and leaps away right into a battle stance.
"Got its priorities in order, I see," Urbosa laughs. "Go on!"
"Okay-- Celebi?" Celebi chirps in assent and flies in front. Zelda considers the moveset notepad in her pocket-- but decides to leave it be. "Magical Leaf!"
The video ends.]
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kame-kai · 1 year
Ne mogu nasilnici šetati i govoriti protiv nasilja.
Ne mogu ljudi koji omalovažavaju i vređaju gej ljude šetati protiv nasilja. Ne mogu ljudi kojima je prva uvreda za muškarca “pederčina” šetati protiv nasilja. Ne mogu šetati ljudi zbog čije se dece neko drugi vraća iz škole uplakan, mrzeći ko je i šta je. Ne mogu šetati ljudi protiv nasilja, a da u isto vreme pozivaju na linč. Ne mogu ljudi šetati protiv nasilja ako u gradskom prevozu ćute na maltretiranje devojaka, vozača, itd. Ne mogu šetati ljudi koji ni ne znaju zbog čega šetaju, protestvuju, koje uslove traže. Ne mogu šetati ljudi koji na instagramu i po društvenim mrežama pišu svakakve uvrede (kurvetina, jeftino, ubij se, bolje bi ti bilo da se nisi ni rodila, zasto se samo ne ubijes, svet bi bio bolje mesto bez tebe, šta tvoja deca kažu na tvoje slike, jel tvoju decu sramota zbog tebe……….) po komentarima i maltretiraju žene, majke, LGBTQIA+ ljude, muškarce, decu…
Ne mogu šetati ljudi koji vide ženu koja jedva hoda i ne ustanu joj u autobusu.
Ne mogu šetati ljudi koji znaju da njihov komšija, drug(arica), brat, sestra, rođak(a), vrše nasilje nad nekim i ćute, jer njihova stvar, što ne ode ako je nesrećan/nesrećna.
Ne mogu šetati ljudi koji čuju komšiju u stanu pored kako maltretira i tuče svoju ženu i po tom pitanju ništa ne urade, već u miru zaspe.
Ne mogu šetati ljudi koji zvižde devojci kada prođe na ulici.
Ne mogu šetati ljudi koji pola noći provedu gledajući Zvezdana i Anu kako se svađaju i Maju kako grebe Cara.
Ne mogu šetati ljudi koji se nijednom nisu zaustavili da ponesu nekoj starici torbu iz prodavnice, koji nijednom nisu pomogli, koji nijednom nisu učinili bilo koje dobro delo čisto iz dobrote svog srca. Ne mogu šetati ljudi protiv nasilja i u isto vreme se drati “Vučiću pederu”. Jer je to isto vrsta nasilja ko god on bio i šta god radio. Ne mogu šetati ljudi koji su digli ruku na svoje stare roditelje. Ne mogu šetati ljudi koji devojke nazivaju “kurvetinama”, a muškarce “pederčinama”. Ne mogu šetati ljudi koji svesno odbacuju druge. Ne mogu šetati ljudi koji uče svoju decu da je ceo život samo na telefonu, da se sa albancima, hrvatima, romima… ne druži i ne razgovara, da kada vidiš crnca na ulici gledaš ga kao da je došao iz zoološkog vrta i nemoj nikako da mu daš do znanja da je dobrodošao i divan takav kakav je. Ne mogu šetati ljudi koji svoju decu uče da odbacuju i osuđuju drugu decu, koji drugu decu teraju da se osećaju inferiorno i malo prema tome odakle su, ko su im mama i tata, koliko para imaju, koje patike nose, koj telefon imaju itd.
Ne mogu da se šetaju ljudi koji su bar jednom u životu podigli ruku na svoju majku, ženu, devojku.
Ne mogu da se šetaju ni ljudi koji su barem jednom podigli ruku na dečka, muža…
Ne mogu se šetati majke ni očevi koji ne znaju ni ko je njihovo dete, ni da li poštuje ljude oko sebe, ni da li maltretira druge…
Ne mogu se šetati ljudi koji svesno okrenu glavu na drugu stranu kada se susretnu sa nasiljem.
Mislim mogu, ali onda sve ovo gubi smisao, jel da? Ako si licemeran, jadan i mali čovek ti šetaj, pa sutra kad prođeš na ulici pored gej para ti reci naglas “Vidi ove pederčine”. Šetaj pa sutra kada vidiš kako neki deda u autobusu napada mladu devojku ti okreni glavu i gledaj svoja posla. Šetaj pa sutra kada vidiš kako tvoje dete maltretira i ismeva neko drugo dete zbog toga kako je obučeno ti prećuti i kupi mu novi iphone.
Samo vi šetajte, postavljajte zahteve, pozivajte na linč, proklinjite našu državu, ali dragi moji dok ne promeniti ono što u sebi nosite, nijedno ubijanje Vučića vam ništa neće promeniti, nijedno menjanje celokupnog režima vas neće usrećiti i doneti “željene” rezultate. Dok sami na sebe i svoje ponašanje ne obratimo pažnju, dok za svoje dete ne možemo da kažemo da smo vaspitali dobrog čoveka, džaba vama svaki drugi predsednik, svaki drugi i strejt i gej premijer, džaba vam sve jer ćete ostati vi isti ljudi.
Ogromna ljubav za sve koji učestvuju u protestu, a koji nikada u životu nisu naneli nekome nikakvu psihičku ili fizičku povredu, ogromna ljubav za one koji podržavaju različitosti i šetaju iz pravih razloga.
Ljudi, brate, više ljubavi, više posvećenosti, više razumevanja, više otvorenosti prema drugima, i nikakva šetnja vam neće trebati jer ćete biti u miru sa sobom a samim tim i sa ljudima oko sebe.
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444namesplus · 4 months
Aa Ablildia Ae Ahidia Aho Ala Alcradu Ami Amna Amo Ana Ane Annarha Ano Anu Anua Ao Apreo Arne Arpraa Arra Artei Asa Asastubrinti Asi Aslati Asna Asplaa Astu Ata Ati Atu Au Ave Blui Bluntia Bocrasa Brae Bri Bristannutita Britao Busphrei Craa Craltrote Craltu Crasu Crinamu Crinee Crursanphii Dai Dan Danduna Danplame Dasdasenanu Dei Dia Dihai Dii Dinplou Dodinira Doha Drati Driu Dudo Dunma Duri Duu Ea Ehati Enannanni Enau Ene Enirhe Eo Eplara Eritinta Etissonanso Eu Gasi Gimra Glanhei Glilai Grimansutunla Grira Haa Hahe Hai Haltu Hanklai Hanta Hantuo Haphase Hara Haru Hia Hii Hiplunhi Hiruro Hora Horophlarma Hosi Hunu Hunua Husplehano Huti Ia Icranaldaa Ii Ilcriduni Ilita Ilnaa Ilnatlinhini Imbrubrii Immi Ina Inhiprura Ini Inplisu Intata Io Ipha Ira Irhi Iri Irru Irtuu Iru Isa Isau Iseta Ishannunnamba Isnarhucriti Issu Isu Itai Ito Ituto Iu Klamsasblii Klilo Klimhisnoa Klisa Kluli Klura Lala Lapantilaa Lau Leu Lia Liphii Liplalhi Lisri Ludau Luna Mana Manmi Mao Mea Mibrinu Miu Mui Mutiu Naa Nallumi Namtu Nana Nanaa Nano Nanruu Napria Nasnudlitlalto Naspreu Nataraha Nate Nau Nei Nena Nephrara Nia Nihae Nii Nila Nimdotrokima Nimhe Nimta Nimtula Nindunu Nini Nino Niphea Niprua Nirtiglanta Nisnatricrirsi Nitidude Niu Noa Nosa Nua Nui Nulsu Nulu Nuna Nungaru Nunisu Nuntatita Nutetia Nuu Odu Oe Otai Otrirhara Phangae Phastiphrarisu Phia Phomitinpha Phrindria Phuni Plasi Plasutaplana Plinbi Plindlanirnu Pluklilrinso Praa Prane Pranhanae Prili Prirprua Prisa Prista Proe Pruna Prusama Pumi Raa Raltistrano Ranu Rasi Rassie Rehotau Ria Rimi Rirha Risu Ritoa Roi Rudrutirblea Rui Rumlui Runaprunini Rune Rushinse Ruti Saa Sae Sahi Sai Salaphlui Salati Sali Samtisbloo Sanha Sani Sansastilsirra Santeni Santi Sarmudau Sassinai Satarinna Seduta Sephrunnasi Seta Setarau Sicranu Sidladia Sie Silpriu Sina Sinana Sini Sinsonaa Sirsue Sirsusa Sistedisda Sistlutau Sitacraltalti Siti Siu Soo Sudrotligruha Suge Suli Surno Surnuo Suro Susa Suu Tada Tadadisa Tai Talipistu Talpa Talsio Tami Tanhanhii Tania Tanralhe Tansu Tao Tara Tasnanusi Tasto Tastoturtudo Tatase Tatrui Tea Tee Tehasa Tenipria Teo Tera Teru Tesusi Tetotaru Tidlau Tie Tii Tilasa Tiltu Tini Tinu Tinunu Tio Tira Tirtarna Tissi Tissusa Tisu Tita Tiu Tlae Tlai Tlarsisi Tlartumphlurnii Tlii Tlisu Tlitlunta Tlui Tlursii Toa Tosa Tota Tralsimtassa Trana Trano Trardimtu Trehu Trinpriprunnana Tririu Troburi Trosano Trutorinha Tua Tue Tui Tulatindi Tulbrao Tulo Tunha Tunphinalsana Tunsa Tunu Tuprucrintemi Turo Tusblana Tusu Tusutralena Ua Ue Uga Uglimnua Ugrupruhe Ula Ularrue Umtupheplaa Unantu Uni Uno Untu Upriti Uprune Ura Urnato Urni Usdi Usnu Usrenasa Usta Usu Utandluo Utivu Utrarua Utusa Uu Varnasnireri Vili Vorisa
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BREAKING: Bellflower Unified Board Fires Superintendent Dr. Drati
Dr. Ben Drati Facebook Twitter Instagram LinkedIn Mail ✓ Subscribed Sign up for local news and alerts; we will not sell your email, who does that? _____________ February 9, 2024 By Brian Hews Note: Video of meeting at end of story. Los Cerritos Community News has learned that, at last night’s meeting, three Bellflower Unified School District Board members voted to engage in a contract…
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turisiancom · 10 months
TURISIAN.com - Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru (TNBTS) di Jawa Timur memancarkan keindahan yang memukau. Dan, kini mendapat pengakuan sebagai Taman Nasional Terindah Dunia 2023. Atau The World's Most Beautiful National Parks versi Bounce. Sebuah platform layanan perjalanan berbasis di San Fransisco, California, Amerika Serikat (AS). Dalam peringkat yang prestisius ini, Bromo berhasil merebut posisi ketiga, setelah Kruger National Park di Afrika Selatan sebagai juara. Dan Lençóis Maranhenses National Park di Brasil sebagai runner-up. Penilaian dari Bounce didasarkan pada sejumlah faktor. Termasuk jumlah postingan Instagram, penayangan TikTok, ulasan daring, dan pencarian kata kunci di Google sepanjang tahun 2023. BACA JUGA: Kunjungan Wisatawan ke Gunung Bromo Masih Drop, Ini Angkanya Sementara itu, Gubernur Jawa Timur, Khofifah Indar Parawansa, merasa bersyukur dan bahagia atas pencapaian luar biasa ini. Dalam keterangannya, ia menyampaikan rasa syukurnya atas pencapaian prestasi tersebut. "Allhamdulillah. Selain Kawah Ijen yang Juni 2023 lalu ditetapkan sebagai Unesco Global Park, Jawa Timur juga punya Bromo yang keindahannya juga diakui dunia," kata Khofifah. "Syukur alhamdulillah tiada terhingga atas besarnya anugerah Allah SWT di Bumi Majapahit ini," sambungnya. Bromo, dengan lanskap uniknya, berhasil mendahului taman-taman nasional lainnya seperti Taman Hutan Nasional Zhangjiajie di China dan Taman Nasional Fuji Hakone Izu di Jepang. BACA JUGA: Aturan Baru Bagi Wisatawan yang datang Ke Gunung Bromo Gunung Kursi Oleh sebab itu Khofifah menekankan kecantikan alam Bromo yang memukau. Diantaranya,  Gunung Batok, Gunung Watangan, Gunung Widodaren, Gunung Kursi, padang savana, dan lautan pasir. Termasuk, bukit-bukit yang membentuk dinding Kaldera Tengger. Di sisi selatan, megah berdiri Gunung Semeru dengan puncaknya Mahameru. "Selain keindahan alam, Kawasan Bromo yang didiami Suku Tengger juga menjanjikan wisata budaya yang tidak kalah menariknya. Di sana ada berbagai kearifan lokal budaya yang unik dan masih menjaga tradisi leluhur," papar Khofifah. Pesona Bromo Tengger Semeru bukan hanya terlihat dalam keindahan alamnya, tetapi juga dalam kehidupan Suku Tengger yang mendiami kawasan tersebut. BACA JUGA: Asyiiik, Kawasan Gunung Bromo Dibuka Kembali, Ini Tanggalnya Dengan mayoritas beragama Hindu dan menggunakan dialek Jawa Tengger, suku ini menjadi bagian tak terpisahkan dari pesona budaya Bromo. Gubernur Khofifah bahkan memberikan pesan khusus kepada para traveler yang belum menyambangi Bromo. "Yang belum pernah ke Bromo, ayo datang dan nikmati kepingan surga ini. Seumur hidup, paling tidak harus pernah datang ke Bromo," pintanya. BACA JUGA: Pengunjung Gunung Bromo Turun Dratis akibat Dampak Karhutla Dalam penilaian Bounce, Bromo Tengger Semeru berhasil mencuri perhatian dunia dengan lebih dari satu miliar penayangan di TikTok dan lebih dari 930 ribu postingan di Instagram dalam satu tahun terakhir. Tidak hanya itu, taman nasional ini juga mendapat ulasan sangat baik dengan rating 4,8 bintang. Bromo Tengger Semeru benar-benar menjadi keajaiban alam yang patut dikunjungi oleh setiap pelancong. Khususnya, mereka yang mencari pengalaman luar biasa di tengah keindahan alam yang memukau. ***
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sagalania · 1 year
Akhir akhir ini, eh udah lama sih, aku rasa keimanan ku berkurang dratis. Entahlah, aku seperti kehilangan sesuatu tapi entah lah apa gitu, alhasil aku nntn film yang sudh ku hapal dan ku ulang adengan adegan yang ku suka aja. Aku merasa tertinggal jauh dan tak melakukan apa apa. Bagaimana ini
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Vas a aprender Cómo usar el presente simple en inglés con esta clase gratis con ejemplos principiantes. Sabrás en qué casos usarlos, cómo usar el verbo to be, algunos verbos básicos, palabras de conexión y vocabulario. Aprenderás cómo armar oraciones simples en presente simple para transmitir tus ideas. Aprovecha esta clase dratis para principiantes y si eres avanzado te beneficiará repasar conceptos básicos.
Para la clase completa visita este post: https://mrjavierenglishacademy.com/vas-a-aprender-y-entender-la-gramatica-inglesa/como-usar-el-presente-simple-en-ingles-clase-gratis-con-ejemplos/
Si deseas más lecciones de inglés gratis visita los artículos de mi blog: https://mrjavierenglishacademy.com/category/aprende-ingles-gratis/
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ana-can21 · 11 months
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🩸Ana the Witch🔮, Nalu the Siren🪸, & Drati the Pirate🏴‍☠️🩸
I hope everyone had a Spooky Halloween along with a Nice Fall Season! 🧡😈👻🎃🍁🍂🖤
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444names · 2 years
greek islands BUT excluding "s"
Aegalona Aeiragia Aeiriki Agina Agira Agoneira Ainandra Ainaxi Aitro Alafiapaxi Alenthana Alerina Alkoi Alolittoni Alonimarna Amili Amilo Ampra Anavi Anaxi Anderina Andia Andonoi Andra Andraki Andramiago Andro Androkoni Anergo Anero Anthoura Antia Antiaeira Antikea Antikera Antikorfu Antikou Antimoti Antinana Antiperi Antza Antzara Aranalako Ardia Arevi Ariammeza Arina Arionia Ariotimia Arkou Arlougraki Armarinia Arnaroi Arofia Arpioinou Athaca Atharana Athergo Athydroni Atraca Avala Avathadi Aviandra Avrokoi Cephaca Cepida Chilida Chilonti China Choneri Crephantia Creta Cretalikoi Crevida Delara Delouroi Deria Dianti Diomvi Dokio Doleia Dontithaca Dopadaki Doponimaki Doporo Douda Drada Draki Drana Drantzou Drati Elainou Elaraki Elaza Eleiaki Eleira Elidioi Eloni Eloura Elouri Erephada Faloni Farakravgo Farkoi Faronia Faroponada Farpigo Flega Flegathira Flekho Flenti Fokyrna Fopaximadi Foponavi Foraki Fouria Galaxi Galia Gallo Gandra Gandro Ganti Gantili Gavdouti Gavroinavi Giotikara Glafia Glamou Glavgo Gracho Grakyroi Grikro Gyalarna Gyara Gyarago Gyarda Gyaria Gyaro Gylia Gylioudio Hacha Hachlonia Hacte Halenti Haloni Harko Herak Heria Hroko Hryoni Hryonti Htera Hteri Hydoperiza Hydrago Hymilouri Ikala Ikeloria Imaki Imini Iouforfu Iraga Iraki Itheri Ithia Ithoi Itikeria Itilimina Itria Ittakri Kalada Kaladokia Kalaitria Kalaki Kalaza Kalia Kalki Kalonoi Kalori Kaloulaza Kalouria Kalova Kalyala Kalydroni Kammoulon Kanadoklia Kanafoni Kandera Kanderi Kandra Kantiko Kantimia Kantiperi Karago Karaki Karakia Karda Kardia Kareia Karevi Karia Karko Karmadi Karmavala Karna Karoi Karopon Karpioponi Kavdokytha Kavdopla Kavgouda Kavgoudia Kavia Kavra Kefalenti Kefka Kefon Keforfu Kelampri Kelou Kerakakra Keretali Keria Kerini Keroi Kimada Kitri Kleia Klolorfu Koleiaki Kolia Koloni Konderina Konia Konikala Kopoudia Kouda Koudi Kougri Kouli Koulia Kounougria Kouria Kourli Kragia Krakiti Krioti Kynti Kyntia Kyrna Kyroi Kytha Kythalydra Kytheta Kythoi Kython Kythoneria Kythoni Lammoutia Lamou Lantzo Lathouri Lefkara Leforava Leiakron Leikra Leipaxi Leirak Leiri Lemnoi Lemnoudak Lendia Lentia Leria Levia Levythina Lichra Lidoki Limaidi Madakro Madela Madia Makia Makinia Makinoli Maklefara Makouraki Makra Makyria Mandi Mandra Mandraki Mantza Marda Mardi Maretta Maria Marlo Marmada Marmaki Marnari Marongeli Martemi Mathnoi Matmoulo Megana Megantheri Meganti Megathero Megava Megavrofi Megia Megirova Mikonia Mochioi Mykouri Mythia Naoura Navia Nianti Nimakori Omvonti Omvouda Othoula Oxeira Oxeiri Oxeiria Paderi Padia Palaxi Palki Panthou Papaximili Paraca Paraki Parevi Parpio Patalafi Pataliti Patha Patho Pathoi Pathra Pathydoki Patoki Patrineria Patrinoi Patzouraca Paximakra Paximi Paximia Pelafotina Pergali Pergo Peria Perinou Petili Petiti Petta Pettaleia Pettali Pettalorfu Pidologia Piganolia Pigati Pinada Pioperi Pipaxa Pipeta Pithakina Pithizo Pladia Plaxi Polia Polydrona Ponaoura Pongyarda Ponia Ponou Ponthoniki Poraki Porfu Potheta Pouda Poundia Poura Pouro Praca Prada Prafonia Prafori Pragia Pramora Prokon Promforina Pronikalou Prova Provolmaki Refaroki Reiraki Relafoli Releria Relli Rello Retela Retia Retiania Rettalaza Rhada Rhani Rhioula Rhirada Rhoupona Thakria Thaleri Thalia Tharo Thathina Therovali Thina Thira Thraca Tilia Tipari Titta Tokouda Trimoni Trina Trochizo Valoni Valymakro Vathou Vatitto Vitharo Voudia Vouforia Vourofi Vrafopaxa Vraki Vropoi Vropouda Zardi Zarna Zarnaou
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