#draven thuringia
darknesslioness · 2 years
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My, what sharp teeth we all have here!
This year, my nutcracker babes are turning up as some of the most classic myths and legends that frequently frequent the Halloween season, but with a twist!
Since I've been indulging in a lot of grade-A webcomics over the past year or so, I've decided to have my boys and girl featured after a few of my favorite Webtoons!
Daemon is a pureblood vampire from 'Unholy Blood' / 'White Blood'. For him and his brother, I tried to mix the style of this webcomic with my own (whatever that style may be). And don't worry, no one was harmed in the making of this scene! It's all just harvested ox blood from Dae's interrupted dinner! (most likely)
Draven is a werewolf (or maybe a wizard possessed by an evil spirit? who knows?) from 'Lumine', an 'innocent' yet violent comic that I adore! Full of magic, the power of friendship, and bloody fangs. Ah, yes.
Althea is a mermaid from 'Fins', a lovely, little romance with some unique-looking merfolk and traces of blood in the water, but it's not the sharks (or eels) you have to worry about . . .
Please enjoy this Spooktober and take a look at these three, fantastic comics on your way out! I highly recommend!
Lumine by Emma Krogell
Unholy Blood by Lina Im, Jeonghyeon Kim
Fins by Nymtea
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darknesslioness · 1 year
Hey, I just wanted to ask, do you have any voice claims for your nutcracker characters? I just wanted to know because I love them so much :3
I do, actually! I considered it a lot years ago and made a list of possible voice actors for every character I had planned at the time (with example performances where I thought I best heard my characters in pitch and intonation because we all know great voice actors can have a great range of voices). I won't list all my characters since I've never mentioned most of them outside of a Discord server, but I can mention the big four here.
Note: This is subject to change at any time, but this is what I have from the last time I binged voices. Enjoy. :)
Daemon Thuringia- Troy Baker (Tailon - Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor, Joel - The Last of Us, Greed - FMA:B, Booker Dewitt - Bioshock Infinite) & John Hopkins (Marius - Ryse: Son of Rome) (I could never decide which one I liked more, so if I could combine Troy and John's voice performances into one, that would probably be it)
Althea Voronina - Laura Bailey (Ioreth - Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor, Serena - Skyrim, Lucina - Fire Emblem: Awakening) (As you may have noticed, Althea has a voice performance alongside Daemon's in Middle Earth, so if you want to closest thing to an audible conversation between them, watch the opening of that game.)
Althea Voronina (elder) - Pam Hyatt (Frieda - Silverwing, Kaede - Inuyasha) (For Althea in her 80s. Wanted a wizened voice, but a strong one. Probably one of the most likely to change however.)
Draven Thuringia - Travis Willingham (Roy Mustang - FMA:B, Isaac Frost - Fight Night Champion, Spartan Paul DeMarco - Halo 4, Zavok - Sonic: Lost World, Reggie Rowe - Infamous: Second Son) (Yes, I find this very ironic and a bit weird since Laura Bailey is married to Travis, but is what it is. He's got the tone and depth I want here.)
Guinevere Cawthrone - AAAAAANNnnnddd I once had a possible voice for her, but I fell out with it after a while. Sometime after that, I decided that there would be a reason for that..... ;)
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darknesslioness · 3 years
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Song Prompt #3: Body Talks - The Struts (feat. Kesha)
During their lifetimes, both brothers had their run-ins with romance. Both fell in love and expressed their feelings in their own ways, including how they tried to woo and court their respective ladies. The elder brother proved long ago to be the more . . . provocative in his methods. Even when fighting in the Arena, surrounded by admiring and adoring spectators and fans, he has eyes only for one. And despite her reservations about him and herself, one of the Queen's ladies-in-waiting can't stop her own reaction at his roguish tactics and antics.
Happy New Year!
Third entry of this song collection I've started! On the last day of the year!
Previous entry <--> Next entry
Draven Thuringia and Guinevere Cawthrone @ me.
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darknesslioness · 3 years
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'Reminiscing on the bygone days....'
I took a break from my current project for Nutcracker Month/Season (if I make it) and ended up finishing an old project of mine.
For context, I wanted to draw scenes from the brothers’ past together, but I’m still teaching myself how to draw humans and nutcrackers/dolls more extensively and found the task of drawing them as their true selves too difficult at the time I started. So, I drew the scenes using ‘animal-vision’ so to speak, since my comfort zone is drawing animals, mainly big cats.
In this, the environments are mostly accurate to the story canon, but I have nutcrackers being represented as lions, mice are . . . mice, and humans and other doll races from the story are being shown as various other feline species. You can decide what's what there.
For further context on the history between Daemon and Draven, I have written a rough, mostly canon backstory on the two of them from Draven's point of view, which I based these scenes on. I have it on Archive here.
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darknesslioness · 3 years
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Seal of Ouroboros
"Come forth, shadows and shades,
Souls taken by the caress of blades and the kiss of curses.
Life and Death have been yours,
By the Serpent, Rebirth awaits."
Finally. I draw my three main characters together in one image . . . in a Halloween special that has little to nothing to do with their actual story, with two of them as silhouettes.
All well!
I thought it'd be cool to do a sort of AU-style drawing for Halloween this year with my nutcracker OCs, Althea, Daemon, and his rarely-seen brother, Draven, all in one shot. It's a sort of resurrection scene, with Althea being some sort of conjuring sorceress in this, but the story behind it all is mostly up for anyone's interpretation. Is Althea a good or evil magic-wielder? Was she once good, and now is evil? Did she always know magic? Will this end well? Does any of it matter? Imagine what you will!
Enjoy, and Happy Halloween!
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darknesslioness · 5 years
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“We were brothers once . . .”
Other than the Nutcracker Month prompts I’ll be attempting, I wanted to celebrate Nutcracker Month strong with a full-color piece with my nutcracker, Daemon Thuringia . . . along with one other I finally got to design.
Did you guys know Daemon has/had an older brother?
Draven Thuringia was the black knight “born” at least two years before his white knight counterpart, Daemon. He and Daemon had an okay relationship at first, both good and talented soldiers serving the kingdom, but over time their bond soured and rotted, much to Daemon’s dismay. 
Things happened and things changed, and any semblance of brotherhood and family that they once had long ago disintegrated into the bad blood of enemies.
But that’s a story for another time . . .
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darknesslioness · 5 years
Who is Draven and what is his role?
Draven is a character that I’ve had in mind for a lloonnnggg time, but never got around to drawing .
Draven is Daemon’s older brother, his soul birthed from the same creator in our world. His nutcracker doll in our world was made before Daemon’s (the concept being that doll people in the Doll Kingdom world are born when their real-world doll counterparts are first created. Families can be created when members share a real-world creator or area of creation, which they themselves do not know, only that they have the same last names and an inborn sense of relation to each other. Dolls know their names instinctively from the moment they are “born”, their last names being either the location of their real-world creation or the last name of the creator. Neither they know the significance of.) 
Draven is the black knight of the set and was “born” a few years before Daemon at dusk. Daemon came along at dawn later on, around the time Draven had finished his training in the Nutcracker Regiment’s academy with high marks and was starting to take serious missions. 
At first, Draven wasn’t very interested by the news of himself now having a soul-brother, too busy fast becoming a leader on missions and a forerunner in battle, but as Daemon excelled at his training, Draven took an interest, if a bit of a bullying nature at first (tensing at the competition). However, they did eventually earn each other’s respect, if begrudgingly on Draven’s part (he’s a very proud, very brutal nutcracker, almost stuck-up, but loyal and protective) and they actually come to see each other as brothers and act it for the most part.
But then things start pilling up over the years: Daemon fast catching everyone’s attention and awe for his skills, especially once he discovers his magic, the royal council granting him special training and his own specialized team, the royal family’s disdain and prejudice for the nutcrackers, their mistreatment by other guards and soldiers (fear and jealousy from them), … and some tragic events and some hard betrayals to Draven himself.
Eventually, all these things and more turned Draven against his brother and against the kingdom he once so loyally defended.
He is, or was, one of the Doll Kingdom’s fiercest protectors … who later became one of its deadliest enemies.
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