#daemon thuringia
darknesslioness · 11 months
🩸 Happy Halloween 2023, everyone! 🩸
This year, I'm appeasing the Halloween Spirit, unhallowed be thy name, by using dark, lesser-known folklore as inspiration. Please enjoy my attempts at giving my children new appreciation through some of vile loving.
This is Althea's entry. Daemon's is here.
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Baobhan sith - A female fairy in the folklore of the Scottish Highlands, though they also share certain characteristics with the succubus/vampire. The baobhan sith usually appears as a beautiful young woman wearing a long green dress that conceals the deer hooves she has instead of feet. She may also take the form of a wolf, or a hooded crow or raven. Their prey of choice are wandering men, particularly hunters, drawn by the smell of blood or a man’s wish for female company in the night. Typically appearing in groups (tales usually reference four), they dance and seduce their victims before killing and drinking their blood by slicing open the victims’ throats and/or chests with their long, sharp nails.
“With vile love, she coveted his warmth until the last drop touched her lips.”
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freckleocalypse · 3 years
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Commission piece for @darknesslioness featuring her boy, Daemon and my boy Abel. Thank you so much, Lioness!
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exittotheartscape · 5 years
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Here are @darknesslioness’ Daemon and Althea! I just had to use this song for them :)
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lordeasriel · 3 years
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Effie’s Meta for His Dark Materials: a Masterpost
Per an anon request (sorry for the delay, I actually write A LOT lmao) here’s a masterpost to all the meta and analyses and other stuff I’ve written for HDM and TBOD in the past two years. Usually I add spoilers when I write analyses (and I point out which books are being spoiled), but be warned that there may still be some hints about The Book of Dust in these posts.
This will be updated in case I write new things, so you can bookmark it if you want to.
Analysis and other meta posts about His Dark Materials & novellas.
Why Asriel requires no redemption arc?
Thoughts on ‘Uncle’ Asriel.
Oakley Street during His Dark Materials.
The Three Satans: Mary, Asriel & Xaphania.
Why Marisa lied to Lyra about their relation?
Thoughts on Lyra and Asriel’s similarities.
Lyra’s relationship with Asriel.
Thoughts on Ruta Skadi.
Thoughts on the Witches.
More on Witches in Serpentine.
Mary’s role as Serpent.
On Jordan College being conservative.
Analysis and other meta posts about The Book of Dust.
Marcel’s plans during The Secret Commonwealth
Thoughts on Pantalaimon’s feelings during The Secret Commonwealth
Islam (and other religions) in Lyra’s world.
Some thoughts on TSC.
The work of La Maison Juste.
Thoughts on the New Master of Jordan.
Is Simon Talbot very gay for Marcel? (the answer is yes. ok maybe. possibly. very likely.) (2)
The timeline for Lyra’s world. (2)
Did Lyra and Will have sex? (the answer is no)
The Magisterium’s power in Lyra’s world.
Lyra’s future career.
Is the Patriarch a creep? (very likely)
Lyra’s loss of her reading skill.
Does Lyra’s world have Christmas?
The Kings in Lyra’s world. 
The New Alethiometer reading method.
Is Lyra’s portrayal sexist? (2)
Asks with specifics questions/prompts for meta and analysis.
How much influence the King has in Lyra’s world?
Thoughts on Marcel and Marisa’s similarities
Thoughts on Marisa and Asriel raising Lyra.
Does Asriel love Marisa?
Magisterium in the Americas.
Marcel’s Hobbies.
Faithful people in Oakley Street.
How I imagine the La Maison Juste building.
Asriel as a politician.
Marcel meets Asriel.
How Asriel perceives Marisa. (2) (3)
Asriel & the Golden Monkey.
Asriel’s age.
Asriel’s last name.
Asriel’s title. (2) (3) (4)
How poor was Asriel?
If Northern Lights never happened.
Marcel vs Godwin.
Does Jesus exist in Lyra’s world?
Asriel as a narrative tool. (2)
Is Mrs. Coulter a true believer?
Asriel’s (dead) brother.
Lord Asriel vs John Parry.
Nugent vs Godwin. (2)
What happened to Delamare, the father? 
Is Jordan College Asriel’s alma mater?
Mrs. Coulter and the Delamares.
Agatha van Helsing/Dracula vs Masriel.
What are the best and worst thing Asriel has ever done?
Shift of political power in Lyra’s world.
Asriel’s degree.
Lyra’s zodiac sign. Mrs. Coulter’s zodiac sign. Lord Asriel’s zodiac sign.
Bud Schlesinger’s Doctorate.
Worldbuilding in HDM.
Why does Marcel idolises Marisa?
Malcolm as an Historian.
Does Marcel believe in God?
Why Hannah doesn’t live on St. Sophia’s grounds?
Marcel’s accent. (2) (3) (4) (5)
Marisa in The Collectors.
Is Marcel religious?
Thoughts on Dr. Carne & Lord Asriel. (2)
Thoughts on Thorold.
Thoughts on Marcel Delamare. (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
Thoughts on Madame Delamare.
Thoughts on Lyra & Pan.
Thoughts on Lord Asriel. (2) (3)
Thoughts on Malcolm Polstead.
Thoughts on Glenys Godwin.
Thoughts on Hannah Relf. (2)
Thoughts on Hannah Relf/George Papadimitriou. (2)
Thoughts on George Papadimitriou. (2) (3)
Thoughts on Charles Capes.
Thoughts on Father MacPhail.
Thoughts on Dr. Carne. (2)
Thoughts on Lord Nugent.
Thoughts on Malcolm and Lyra.
Hannah Relf’s messy timeline.
Theories concering all the published works.
Thuringia Potash belongs to the Delamares
Dust is Actually Harmful
The unspoken rule of visible daemons in Lyra’s world.
Mrs. Coulter is separated from the Monkey (aka Water is Wet lol)
Mrs. Coulter is separated from the Monkey, part 2 (feat. @cozcat and @the-blog-of-dust )
Lyra’s world for independent daemons.
Parallels between The Book of Dust & Roda-Viva.
Daemon Forms Analysed (from a book perspective, not daemonism).
Snow Leopards.
Birds of Prey.
Emperor Tamarin.
Marcel Delamare’s owl.
Glenys Godwin’s civet cat. (2) (3)
Lord Asriel’s Stelmaria.
Madame Delamare’s lizard.
Father MacPhail’s lizard. (2)
Pierre Binaud’s daemon. (2) (3)
Mrs. Coulter’s golden monkey.
Marisa & the Golden Monkey. (Follow up with Book of Dust spoilers.)
Malcolm Polstead’s Asta.
Ruta Skadi’s Sergi.
Dr. Carne’s raven.
Marisa & Hannah’s similar daemons. (2)
Schlesinger and Marcel’s similar daemons.
What daemons portray.
The change in relationship with the daemon as one grows up.
Daemon touching.
Physical Appearance of Daemons. (2)
Cat daemons on the series.
Same gender names.
Some daemon headcanons.
Stelmaria, the monkey and the owl’s settling.
What daemons represent.
Asta, Sophonax & Kirjava.
Daemon’s different personalities. (2)
Are people attracted to specific types of daemons?
Different reactions to separation.
Does the enviroment affect daemon settling?
Do daemons’ personalities also affect their form?
What Songbird daemons mean?
Crows & Ravens
Questions and critiques for the show, film and other adaptations.
Lyra’s colour palette for the film and show.
Masriel in the BBC Show.
If the Film had not been cancelled.
Thoughts on the Film. (2)
More thoughts on the Film.
Lots of thoughts about the Film.
I Have Too Many Thoughts About The Golden Compass 2007 dir. Chris Weitz
The Film’s colour palette.
Mrs. Coulter’s lie.
“Who is Lyra Belacqua?” (aka weird dialogue in the show).
Things I prefer from the film.
Things I hated about Lord Asriel in season 1.
Too much Will in season 1. (2)
The show’s poor worldbuilding.
Asriel’s original casting for the show. (2)
Apparently I have a soft spot for the film and it’s true.
MacPhail not being the head of the CCD in season 1.
Costumes in the Film.
Marisa’s costumes: film vs show.
John Faa & Ma Costa.
How well did the show do on season 1? (this was prior to the s3 announcement btw)
Season two costumes. (2)
Should you watch His Dark Materials? (for non-book fans).
Bird daemon gear on the show.
The cloud pine twist on season two.
The Cardinal in the show.
Main problems with the show.
All my issues with the BBC adaptation.
Asriel’s pinky ring.
MacPhail on the show.
Unifying the Magisterium in the show.
How the show portrays Lyra.
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nanshe-of-nina · 6 years
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Queens and Queens consort of the Seven Kingdoms
Alyssa Velaryon The Dragon and his sisters had been accepted without comment, and the issue had not arisen when Prince Aenys was wed in 22 AC to Alyssa Velaryon, the daughter of the king’s master of ships and lord admiral; though she was a Targaryen upon her mother’s side, this made her only a cousin.
Ceryse Hightower Ceryse was the daughter of Martyn Hightower, the Lord of Oldtown. She was advanced by her uncle, the High Septon, after he protested the betrothal of the thirteen-year-old Prince Maegor to Maegor’s newborn niece, Princess Rhaena. Ceryse and Maegor were married in 25 AC. The prince claimed to have consummated their marriage a dozen times on their wedding night, but no sons ever came of it. He soon grew tired of Ceryse’s failure to bear him an heir and began taking other brides. Ceryse died in 45 AC, taken by a sudden illness, though it is also rumored that she was killed at the king’s command.
Alys Harroway Alys was the daughter of Lucas Harroway, the new Lord of Harrenhal. A secret marriage took place in 39 AC, while Maegor was Hand, leading to Maegor’s exile to Pentos. Alys became queen after Maegor brought her back from Pentos. She was the first woman to become pregnant by the king in the year 48 AC, but she lost the babe soon after. What was expelled from her womb was a monstrosity, eyeless and twisted, and in his fury Maegor blamed and executed her midwives, septas, and the Grand Maester Desmond. Tyanna of the Tower convinced the king that the child was the product of Alys’s secret affairs, however, leading to the death of Queen Alys, her companions, her father and his Hand, the Lord Lucas, and every Harroway or Harroway kinsman King Maegor could discover between King’s Landing and Harrenhal.
Tyanna of Pentos Tyanna was the most feared of the brides of King Maegor. Rumored to have been the natural daughter of a Pentoshi magister, she had been a tavern dancer who rose up to become a courtesan. She was said to practice sorcery and alchemy. She was wed to the king in 42 AC, but their marriage bed was as barren as the rest. Called the king’s raven by some, she was feared for her ability to ferret out secrets and served as his mistress of whisperers. She eventually confessed her responsibility for the abominations that were born of Maegor’s seed, claiming she had poisoned his other brides. She was killed by Maegor’s own hand in 48 AC, her heart cut out with Blackfyre and thrown to his dogs.
Elinor Costayne Lady Elinor Costayne was the youngest of the three Black Brides, who had been married to Ser Theo Bolling, and had birthed him three children. Ser Theo had been arrested by the Kingsguard, accused of conspiring with Dowager Queen Alyssa Velaryon, and executed -- all on the same day. Elinor, now nineteen years of age, was summoned to marry Maegor two weeks later. Elinor became pregnant with Maegor’s child, and she birthed an eyeless child with small wings. Elinor would survive Maegor’s reign.
Rhaena Targaryen When Prince Aegon died in 43 AC, Rhaena became a widow. Rhaena took refuge on Fair Isle, under the protection of Lord Farman, who hid her and her daughters. It was Tyanna, one of Maegor’s queens, who found them. In 47 AC, Rhaena was forced to wed Maegor. When Rhaena learned that her youngest brother, Prince Jaehaerys, was claiming the throne for himself, she fled King’s Landing on her dragon Dreamfyre, stealing Blackfyre away as her king and husband slept, to join Jaehaerys’s cause.
Jeyne Westerling Tall and willowy, Lady Jeyne was a renowned beauty and had been wed to Lord Alyn Tarbeck, who died with the rebels at the Battle Beneath the Gods Eye.Jeyne was being courted by the son of the Lord of Casterly Rock when King Maegor I sent for her to be wed to him along with Lady Elinor Costayne and Princess Rhaena Targaryen in a single ceremony. In 47 AC she was with child, but three moons before the child was due her labor began, and from her womb came another stillborn monster. She did not survive the child for long.
Alysanne Targaryen For forty-six years, the Old King and Good Queen Alysanne were wed, and for the most part it was a happy marriage, with children and grandchildren aplenty. Two estrangements are recorded, but they did not last more than a year or two before the pair resumed their customary friendship. The Second Quarrel, however, is of note, as it was due to Jaehaerys’s decision in 92 AC to pass over his granddaughter Rhaenys— the daughter of his deceased eldest son and heir, Prince Aemon— in favor of bestowing Dragonstone and the place of heir apparent on his next eldest son, Baelon the Brave. Alysanne saw no reason why a man should be favored over a woman … and if Jaehaerys thought women of less use, then he would have no need of her. They reconciled in time, but the Old King outlived his beloved queen, and in his last years it was said that the grief of their parting hung over his court like a pall.
Aemma Arryn Some said that Daemon’s support for his brother in the Great Council was motivated by the belief he would be his brother’s heir. But in Viserys’s mind, he already had an heir: Rhaenyra, his sole daughter by his cousin, Queen Aemma of House Arryn.
Alicent Hightower Matters became more complicated when, with Ser Otto Hightower’s encouragement, King Viserys announced his intention to wed the Lady Alicent, Ser Otto’s daughter and the Old King’s former nursemaid. For the most part, the realm celebrated this union. Rhaenyra, secure in her place as heir, welcomed her father’s new bride, for they had long known one another at court.
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sololinuxes · 5 years
Debian 10.2, listo para su descarga
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Debian 10.2, listo para su descarga.
Debian es una de las mejores distribuciones Linux por derecho propio, pero no es solo eso, también es una base sólida para otras distribuciones. Cuando se lanza una nueva versión de Debian, el impacto en otras grandes distribuciones entre las que se incluye Ubuntu es tremendo. Desde hoy, ya podemos descargar la nueva versión  de Debian 10 "Buster"; Debian 10.2. OJO!!!, Debian 10.2 no es la panacea de revoluciones, pero si nos trae algunas mejoras interesantes y otras actualizaciones. La nueva versión 10.2, nos aporta esperadas actualizaciones de seguridad, corrección de errores, y por fin... la desaparición de Mozilla ESR (Extended Support Release), pero no te preocupes, si eres usuario de escritorio no notaras ninguna diferencia. Anuncio oficial de Debian: El proyecto Debian se complace en anunciar la segunda actualización de su distribución estable Debian 10 (nombre en clave 'buster'). Esta versión puntual agrega principalmente correcciones para problemas de seguridad, junto con algunos ajustes para problemas graves. Las advertencias de seguridad ya se han publicado por separado y están todos ellos están referenciados en nuestras listas. Continua: Debes tener en cuenta que el lanzamiento es puntual por motivos de seguridad, y no constituye una nueva versión de Debian 10, sino que solo actualiza algunos de los paquetes incluidos. Después de la instalación, los paquetes se pueden actualizar a las versiones actuales que utilizan un espejo de Debian actualizado. Los usuarios que instalan diariamente actualizaciones desde security.debian.org no tendrán que actualizar a la nueva versión, la mayoría de esas actualizaciones ya están incluidas en el nuevo lanzamiento.   Bugfixes y actualizaciones varias: El Proyecto Debian comparte con "sololinux.es" los cambios efectuados en su nueva versión. Paquete Solución a... aegisub Fix crash when selecting a language from the bottom of the Spell checker language list; fix crash when right-clicking in the subtitles text box akonadi Fix various crashes / deadlock issues base-files Update /etc/debian_version for the point release capistrano Fix failure to remove old releases when there were too many cron Stop using obsolete SELinux API cyrus-imapd Fix data loss on upgrade from version 3.0.0 or earlier debian-edu-config Handle newer Firefox ESR configuration files; add post-up stanza to /etc/network/interfaces eth0 entry conditionally debian-installer Fix unreadable fonts on hidpi displays in netboot images booted with EFI debian-installer-netboot-images Rebuild against proposed-updates distro-info-data Add Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, Focal Fossa dkimpy-milter New upstream stable release; fix sysvinit support; catch more ASCII encoding errors to improve resilience against bad data; fix message extraction so that signing in the same pass through the milter as verifying works correctly emacs Update the EPLA packaging key fence-agents Fix incomplete removal of fence_amt_ws flatpak New upstream stable release flightcrew Security fixes fonts-noto-cjk Fix over-aggressive font selection of Noto CJK fonts in modern web browsers under Chinese locale freetype Properly handle phantom points for variable hinted fonts gdb Rebuild against new libbabeltrace, with higher version number to avoid conflict with earlier upload glib2.0 Ensure libdbus clients can authenticate with a GDBusServer like the one in ibus gnome-shell New upstream stable release; fix truncation of long messages in Shell-modal dialogs; avoid crash on reallocation of dead actors gnome-sound-recorder Fix crash when selecting a recording gnustep-base Disable gdomap daemon that was accidentally enabled on upgrades from stretch graphite-web Remove unused send_email function ; avoid hourly error in cron when there is no whisper database inn2 Fix negotiation of DHE ciphersuites libapache-mod-auth-kerb Fix use after free bug leading to crash libdate-holidays-de-perl Mark International Childrens Day (Sep 20th) as a holiday in Thuringia from 2019 onwards libdatetime-timezone-perl Update included data libofx Fix null pointer dereference issue libreoffice Fix the postgresql driver with PostgreSQL 12 libsixel Fix several security issues libxslt Fix dangling pointer in xsltCopyText lucene-solr Disable obsolete call to ContextHandler in solr-jetty9.xml; fix Jetty permissions on SOLR index mariadb-10.3 New upstream stable release modsecurity-crs Fix PHP script upload rules mutter New upstream stable release ncurses Fix several security issues and other issues in tic ndppd Avoid world writable PID file, that was breaking daemon init scripts network-manager Fix file permissions for /var/lib/NetworkManager/secret_key and /var/lib/NetworkManager node-fstream Fix arbitrary file overwrite issue node-set-value Fix prototype pollution node-yarnpkg Force using HTTPS for regular registries nx-libs Fix regressions introduced in previous upload, affecting x2go open-vm-tools Fix memory leaks and error handling openvswitch Update debian/ifupdown.sh to allow setting-up the MTU; fix Python dependencies to use Python 3 picard Update translations to fix crash with Spanish locale plasma-applet-redshift-control Fix manual mode when used with redshift versions above 1.12 postfix New upstream stable release; work around poor TCP loopback performance python-cryptography Fix test suite failures when built against newer OpenSSL versions; fix a memory leak triggerable when parsing x509 certificate extensions like AIA python-flask-rdf Add Depends on python{3,}-rdflib python-oslo.messaging New upstream stable release; fix switch connection destination when a rabbitmq cluster node disappears python-werkzeug Ensure Docker containers have unique debugger PINs python2.7 Fix several security issues quota Fix rpc.rquotad spinning at 100% CPU rpcbind Allow remote calls to be enabled at run-time shelldap Repair SASL authentications, add a 'sasluser' option sogo Fix display of PGP-signed e-mails spf-engine New upstream stable release; fix sysvinit support standardskriver Fix deprecation warning from config.RawConfigParser; use external ip command rather than deprecated ifconfig command swi-prolog Use HTTPS when contacting upstream pack servers systemd core: never propagate reload failure to service result; fix sync_file_range failures in nspawn containers on arm, ppc; fix RootDirectory not working when used in combination with User; ensure that access controls on systemd-resolved's D-Bus interface are enforced correctly ; fix StopWhenUnneeded=true for mount units; make MountFlags=shared work again tmpreaper Prevent breaking of systemd services that use PrivateTmp=true trapperkeeper-webserver-jetty9-clojure Restore SSL compatibility with newer Jetty versions tzdata New upstream release ublock-origin New upstream version, compatible with Firefox ESR68 uim Resurrect libuim-data as a transitional package, fixing some issues after upgrades to buster vanguards New upstream stable release; prevent a reload of tor's configuration via SIGHUP causing a denial-of-service for vanguards protections  
Descargar Debian 10.2
Cada vez que se lanza una nueva versión en debian, modifican los directorios de descarga originales, así que en sololinux hemos decidido modificar nuestra política de enlaces, e insertamos el original de la versión CD-LIVE comentada en el articulo. Descargar Debian 10.2. Si por otros motivos, necesitas descargar otra versión, puedes descargarlas todas desde este articulo anterior.   Espero que este articulo te sea de utilidad, puedes ayudarnos a mantener el servidor con una donación (paypal), o también colaborar con el simple gesto de compartir nuestros artículos en tu sitio web, blog, foro o redes sociales.   Read the full article
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darknesslioness · 11 months
🩸 Happy Halloween 2023, everyone! 🩸
This year, I'm appeasing the Halloween Spirit, unhallowed be thy name, by using dark, lesser-known folklore as inspiration. Please enjoy my attempts at giving my children new appreciation through some of vile loving.
This is Daemon's entry. Althea's is here.
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Chindi (Navajo: chʼį́įdii) - The ghost of a deceased person in Navajo myth that is supposed to leave the body with the person’s last breath. The Navajo believe that one’s final breath contains all of the sins of that person’s life. A mini-whirlwind of dust/dirt is said to represent a chindi. The Navajo call these ‘dust devils’ and believe that a clockwise dust devil is a good spirit and the counter clockwise is an evil entity.
"He was hanged for his crimes, but his sins have found new life in a vile love."
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darknesslioness · 2 years
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My, what sharp teeth we all have here!
This year, my nutcracker babes are turning up as some of the most classic myths and legends that frequently frequent the Halloween season, but with a twist!
Since I've been indulging in a lot of grade-A webcomics over the past year or so, I've decided to have my boys and girl featured after a few of my favorite Webtoons!
Daemon is a pureblood vampire from 'Unholy Blood' / 'White Blood'. For him and his brother, I tried to mix the style of this webcomic with my own (whatever that style may be). And don't worry, no one was harmed in the making of this scene! It's all just harvested ox blood from Dae's interrupted dinner! (most likely)
Draven is a werewolf (or maybe a wizard possessed by an evil spirit? who knows?) from 'Lumine', an 'innocent' yet violent comic that I adore! Full of magic, the power of friendship, and bloody fangs. Ah, yes.
Althea is a mermaid from 'Fins', a lovely, little romance with some unique-looking merfolk and traces of blood in the water, but it's not the sharks (or eels) you have to worry about . . .
Please enjoy this Spooktober and take a look at these three, fantastic comics on your way out! I highly recommend!
Lumine by Emma Krogell
Unholy Blood by Lina Im, Jeonghyeon Kim
Fins by Nymtea
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darknesslioness · 2 years
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Nutcracker Season 2022 - Dec. 22th - AU
"What's wrong with him? He sick?"
"Let the runt be, son. He's jus' tired. Dae's got 'em."
Happy Nutcracker Month/Season!
Today's prompt is Nutcrackers in any AU. Now, Daemon has been in a lot of AUs, let me tell ya, but I wanted to do one that I've never drawn anything for. So, I went over past convos and ideas, and rediscovered a long-dead AU from years ago, one where monsters are raised/enslaved for spectacle fighting. My main man wasn't in that one long at all (he died very early on, because ANGST, of course he does), but any AU where Dae gets to be some sort of parent is a favorite in my book, especially towards someone like @shinyzango's Hans (in kid/baby form no less).
As always, the prompt list for this year's Nutcracker Season has been provided here by the amazing, @artsynoova!
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darknesslioness · 2 years
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Nutcracker Season 2022 - Nov. 14th - Role Reversal
Rolling back the clock for this one! I wasn't able to get any of the November prompts for this year done on time, so I'm doing them now. And I had to go with the Role Reversal one, just too fun to draw!
Althea takes over Daemon's role as a knightly nutcracker of the Doll Kingdom, but unlike her counterpart, while she does have a standard sword, she is far more skilled at knife-play, being bonded to a pair of dual daggers. This is sort of in reference to the canon vision of herself who learned a few knife tricks in order to protect herself during her travels in search of Daemon and the nutcrackers.
Daemon, of course, takes the role of humble artist who also apprentices under his father to become a medical healer as well. He's never left his home village, but finds himself longing to, to see the kingdom in its fullest and maybe even beyond. Then everything changes when a new doll arrived in his teenaged years, looking nothing like he'd ever seen before.
As always, the prompt list for this year's Nutcracker Season has been provided here, once again by the amazing, @artsynoova!
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darknesslioness · 2 years
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Nutcracker Season 2022 - Dec. 8th - S U P P L I E S
Happy Nutcracker Month/Season!
Today is all about gathering and enjoying that sweet, sweet S U P P L I E S. So, I made Daemon human real quick so he can enjoy the fruits of his labors. PPFFFTT
Enjoy! :D
As always, the prompt list for this year's Nutcracker Season have been provided here by the amazing, @artsynoova!
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darknesslioness · 1 year
Hey, I just wanted to ask, do you have any voice claims for your nutcracker characters? I just wanted to know because I love them so much :3
I do, actually! I considered it a lot years ago and made a list of possible voice actors for every character I had planned at the time (with example performances where I thought I best heard my characters in pitch and intonation because we all know great voice actors can have a great range of voices). I won't list all my characters since I've never mentioned most of them outside of a Discord server, but I can mention the big four here.
Note: This is subject to change at any time, but this is what I have from the last time I binged voices. Enjoy. :)
Daemon Thuringia- Troy Baker (Tailon - Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor, Joel - The Last of Us, Greed - FMA:B, Booker Dewitt - Bioshock Infinite) & John Hopkins (Marius - Ryse: Son of Rome) (I could never decide which one I liked more, so if I could combine Troy and John's voice performances into one, that would probably be it)
Althea Voronina - Laura Bailey (Ioreth - Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor, Serena - Skyrim, Lucina - Fire Emblem: Awakening) (As you may have noticed, Althea has a voice performance alongside Daemon's in Middle Earth, so if you want to closest thing to an audible conversation between them, watch the opening of that game.)
Althea Voronina (elder) - Pam Hyatt (Frieda - Silverwing, Kaede - Inuyasha) (For Althea in her 80s. Wanted a wizened voice, but a strong one. Probably one of the most likely to change however.)
Draven Thuringia - Travis Willingham (Roy Mustang - FMA:B, Isaac Frost - Fight Night Champion, Spartan Paul DeMarco - Halo 4, Zavok - Sonic: Lost World, Reggie Rowe - Infamous: Second Son) (Yes, I find this very ironic and a bit weird since Laura Bailey is married to Travis, but is what it is. He's got the tone and depth I want here.)
Guinevere Cawthrone - AAAAAANNnnnddd I once had a possible voice for her, but I fell out with it after a while. Sometime after that, I decided that there would be a reason for that..... ;)
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darknesslioness · 2 years
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HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY, @freckleocalypse!
Over a month late on this one, but it still counts!
Freckle and I have been roleplaying our nutcracker bois together for years now, but never once have I drawn the two of them together as their canon selves, as actual nutcrackers! Maybe I drew one or the other normally before, but never in the same space. I've always gone with animals when displaying the father-son-like relationship that the two of us built around these two.
But no more! Enjoy them as they truly are! No animalization spells or AU versions this time!
And Freckle, thanks for creating one of the most endearing duos I've ever had the pleasure of helping create or fangirl over, and completely out of nowhere in the beginning! I'll always love and be grateful for knowing and interacting with your sweet, Russian nutboi. Daemon definitely is.
And special guests featured in their chat here are Freckle's other characters, Sebastian, Emily, and Dimitri, and Vampire's David!
Daemon @ me
Abel, Sebastian, Emily, Dimitri @ Freckleocalypse
David (in the lowest speech bubble) @ NospheraMtu02 (Twitter)
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darknesslioness · 2 years
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MerMay 2022 - The Young Ones
I wanted to contribute one more piece to MerMay this year before the month is over. I may do some sketches and a few more pieces, but it's a big MAYBE right now.
Anyway, I wanted to do something cute for this, so I kidnapped @freckleocalypse's Abel (for the hundredth time) and thought about making a 'meeting of the babes', meaning adopted son meets 2-week-old baby from the Humpback pod Daemon's been traveling with. :)
And yes, I see most whale merfolk as being the giants among merfolk. I thought this would be a good example to show size differences.
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darknesslioness · 2 years
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Happy MerMay 2022!
For the first time, I felt confident enough in drawing human(like) figures to try drawing a mermaid/merman for this wonderful month.
And of course, I had to do it to my main man, Daemon. I seem to turn this nutcracker into all sorts of things, don't I? Adding Humpback Whale Mer to the list.
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darknesslioness · 3 years
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Song Prompt #1: Start of Something Good - Daughtry
Merry Christmas, everyone!
For this year's Nutcracker Month/Season, I didn't really have anything good for the drawing events made for this year, so I decided late into the season that I would practice drawing my characters by doing some song prompts as my own special tribute to this magical month (my playlists really hit me out of nowhere with a dozen different ideas).
I'm only just now satisfied with the first pair.... on Christmas EVE. Nicely done, me.
Anyway, here's some wholesome feelings for your holiday season! I hope to have some more "songs" to show later on, but for now, I hope everyone has a wholesome Christmas!
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Daemon Thuringia and Althea Voronina @ me.
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