#draw paprika in your style
estapa-edwards · 4 months
pookie saw you were taking requests and that plus your amazing work had my brain working,, I loved your grumpy fic,, and as self-proclaimed menace to society, I would love to see Connor with a full on chaotic dramatic mess of a person,, very orange cat coded 🙈🙈😋
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paring: Connor Bedard x reader
word count: 875
requested? yes
warnings: use of y/n.
*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨*
Y/n has a larger-than-life personality reminiscent of an orange tabby cat, with a penchant for drama that could rival Broadway's finest. Their life is a constant whirlwind of spontaneous adventures, dramatic outbursts, and laughter that echoes through the halls. Y/N is the kind of person who can turn the most mundane moments into unforgettable memories, leaving a trail of chaos and joy in their wake.
Then there's Connor, the epitome of calm in the storm, whose presence exudes a quiet strength and determination. As a rising star in the world of hockey, his days are filled with rigorous training sessions, media obligations, and the pressure of living up to lofty expectations. Yet, amidst the chaos of his professional life, Y/N is his anchor, a source of light and laughter that brings balance to his world.
Armed with a recipe they found online, Connor and Y/N eagerly embark on a culinary adventure, determined to whip up a romantic dinner together. Their differing personalities complement each other perfectly, turning the kitchen chaos into a delightful symphony of laughter and love.
“How much salt did the recipe say to add?” Y/N asks, stirring a pot on the stove with a flourish of dramatic flair.
“It says just a pinch, but I think you might have gone a bit overboard there,” Connor replies with a gentle smile, his calm demeanor a stark contrast to Y/N's animated gestures.
“Oops. Well, they do say cooking is all about experimentation, right?” Y/N laughs, their vibrant energy filling the room with warmth.
As Connor watches Y/N taste the sauce, he can't help but admire their zest for life. "I hope it's not too salty," he says, his voice steady and reassuring.
Y/N's face lights up with excitement. "Hmm, it's definitely... bold," they say, their eyes sparkling with mischief. "Maybe a sprinkle of paprika will give it that extra kick?"
Connor nods, impressed by Y/N's creativity. He reaches for the spice rack and adds a dash of paprika to the sauce, marveling at how effortlessly they transform the ordinary into the extraordinary.
As they continue to cook, Connor marvels at the way Y/N moves around the kitchen with grace and confidence, turning simple ingredients into a culinary masterpiece. Meanwhile, Y/N admires Connor's precision and attention to detail, grateful for his calming presence amidst the chaos.
Suddenly, Y/N accidentally knocks over a jar of olive oil, sending it crashing to the floor with a loud thud. They freeze, their eyes wide with shock.
Connor rushes to their side, his concern palpable. "Are you okay?"
Y/N bursts into laughter, their melodramatic reaction adding a touch of comedy to the situation. "I'm fine, just a little clumsy," they say, wiping away tears of mirth.
Connor joins in their laughter, relieved to see Y/N's spirits lifted. Together, they clean up the mess, their laughter echoing through the kitchen like music. 
--- --- --- 
Y/N arrives at the hockey arena, her excitement palpable as she bounces on the balls of her feet, a whirlwind of energy in the midst of a sea of fans. Her outfit is a riot of colors, a mishmash of patterns and textures that somehow come together in a chaotic symphony of style. She cheers loudly, her voice rising above the crowd as she waves a homemade sign emblazoned with Connor's name.
As the game begins, Y/N's enthusiasm knows no bounds. She jumps up and down, her hands flailing wildly in the air as she cheers on her beloved Connor with unwavering support. Her antics draw the attention of nearby spectators, who watch in amusement as she becomes increasingly animated with each play.
When Connor scores a goal, Y/N leaps out of her seat, cheering at the top of her lungs and showering the ice with confetti from a hidden stash in her bag. She dances in the aisles, oblivious to the stares of the other fans as she celebrates with reckless abandon.
But amidst the chaos of her celebration, disaster strikes in the form of an overenthusiastic high-five that sends her drink flying, drenching the unsuspecting fans seated in front of her. Y/N gasps in horror, her face flushing with embarrassment as she frantically apologizes and offers to buy them new drinks.
Despite the mishap, Y/N remains undeterred in her support for Connor, cheering him on with even greater fervor as the game progresses. She waves her homemade sign like a flag, her voice hoarse from shouting as she urges him onward to victory.
As the final buzzer sounds and the crowd erupts into cheers, Y/N rushes down to the edge of the rink, eager to congratulate Connor on his stellar performance. She wraps him in a tight embrace, her messy hair and smudged makeup a testament to the intensity of her support.
"Congratulations, Connor!" she exclaims, her eyes shining with pride. "You were amazing out there!"
Connor smiles, his heart full at the sight of Y/N's unbridled joy. He pulls her close, grateful for her unwavering support and the chaotic energy she brings into his life.
"Thanks, Y/N," he says, pressing a kiss to her cheek. "I couldn't have done it without you."
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sorry its so late, ive haven't been up to writing recently! hope you enjoy!
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we-were-beautiful · 2 years
The Fox and The Hounds pt. 3
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A/N: I did switch up the writing style just a little bit and I am sorry if that throws people off. It is much easier for me to write in this style than the other but hopefully y’all will still like it. Also this fic takes place before the first war so there are some references to keeping humans as slaves which we know most of the high fae did  so heads up on that. Also I realize I worked myself into a corner and now have to come up with names for 17 doggos so please leave any suggestions  for names as I am drawing a blank on this. I will also accept people who want to beta read this for me to help me find silly mistakes that I know I miss
Summary: Its autumn court tradition to give your mate a fox kit before your ceremony. after years of knowing the Vanserra’s a mating bond snaps between the Autumn Heir and a well known smoke hound breeder
Warning: Brief mention of slavery 
 WC: 2.3k 
A month had passed since the mating bond had snapped between Eris and myself, and  since that fateful morning so much has happened since. Paprika has grown quite a bit and is an adventurous little creature. The hounds tolerate this new fox in the household but tend to ignore the small creature that nips at them. I had spent much of my time at the forest house with the Vanserras and Eris. This time has given Eris and I a chance to get to know one another on a more personal level rather than just the surface level friendship that we had previously had. However the last month had also been a never ending calendar of events that the two of us had been forced to attend. Balls, parties, and dinners; if there was an event with the nobility  Eris and I were to be in attendance. 
As it stands I am currently directing my fathers human slaves as they packed my clothing for a weekend away. Apparently Eris had arranged a weekend away for just the two of us with my father and his. To get to know each other away from prying eyes and without chaperones. It was a bit nerve racking; we had never really been on our own, either one of our parents or siblings are always with us or we are surrounded by the nobles of the court. The gentle bump on my hand pulls my attention away from my thought Paprika had hopped into my lap and decided that I needed to pay attention to her. A small smile gently forms on my face as I run my hand across the foxes soft fur “Y/N” my eyes glance to the door as my mother waltzes into the room. The humans give her a bow before returning to their task 
“Mom” I addressed her as she sat down next to me.
“How are you feeling, Darling.” she runs her hand through my hair 
“I’m not sure. We’ve never really been alone together.” I sigh and pick up Paprika to snuggle her to my chest. “And now we are going to be alone for a whole weekend. I don’t even know where to go from there.” 
“Well this is how you get to know each other Darling, if your father didn’t think it was a good idea he and Beron would not have agreed to Eris’ plans.” Mom gently takes one of my hands in hers “You two are mates, the mother deemed you to be his perfect match. Worse comes to worse you can always fall back on your hounds”
True enough Eris had requested that I bring my hounds along. So it will be us and 18 dogs in whatever little cabin that Eris had planned for us to stay in. We had introduced the dogs last week at our home so that they could get to know each other. Thankfully the meeting had gone relatively well. Ramiel was her typical self but didn’t start any fights with Eris’ hounds so we counted that as a small victory. A few servants from the Forest House had come earlier to collect the hounds and bring them to the location. 
The clock on the wall ticks reminding me that the hour grows closer to the time when Eris is going to come and get me. I am hoping that he will be amiable to take a minute out of our trip. Bella’s puppies are now at the stage where we start letting the new families pick out which pup they want. Beron had come by earlier this week to pick out which pup would be his. I figured Eris would like to have an opinion on what pup we should keep as we are going to be sealing the mating bond in a little more than two weeks. A puppy would be a gentle start to see how well we can make decisions together as a pair. 
The gentle brush against my mental shields jolts me out of my thoughts 
“Where did you go Dear?” Mom’s voice breaks the silence. Her soothing tone is as comforting as it has been throughout my whole life. 
“I was wondering if Eris would mind postponing our trip for a little bit so that we can pick out which pup to keep.”  I explain to her 
“That sounds like a wonderful idea darling. I’m sure Eris will not be opposed. Quite frankly I’m surprised he got you a fox and not a puppy.” I had heard about that little bet that my parents had made. She thought for sure that Eris was going to find a smoke hound pup, whereas Father bet that he would go the traditional route with a fox kit. Turns out Father who was born and raised in the Autumn Court and who was Eris Godfather was right about my mate sticking to tradition.
“While I wouldn't have been sad with a puppy I had always dreamed about a fox.” As if knowing that we are talking about her, Paprika lets out a little yip wiggling in my arms to her back wanting her stomach scratched. I gently scritch her soft underbelly. A knock sounds through the door 
“Enter” Mothers voice rings out. One of the butlers head pokes into the room
“Lord Eris is here for Lady Y/N.”  He addresses the two of us. Mom quickly stands offering me one of her hands. I take it and allow her to pull me up off the bed. 
“Thank you.” She dismisses him and he nods and walks away 
“Come my love, your betrothed is waiting for you.” She places a quick kiss to my forehead 
The walk from my room to the foyer seems to take forever. The soft clicks of Ginger and Paprika’s claws on the wooden floor break the unnerving silence. Even though I had gotten to know Eris on a surface level this was a weekend without others to buffer. Sure there would be a servant who would come and prepare our meals, but other than that it would just be the two of us. The thought both filled me with excitement and fear. As we approached the door Cinnamon eyes met mine. There he stood in all his glory. Eris Vanserra always immaculately dressed, somehow managing to seem out of place in our home. A soft smile formed on his face as he turned fully to face us. 
“Lady L/N.” He bows towards my mother, walking over to the two of us. He takes my hand and places a kiss on the back of it. A habit he had started once the engagement was formalized “ My Mate.” 
“Lord Eris.” I curtsy, the hem of my riding dress pooling on the floor before rising. He had told me multiple times that I did not need to bow before him or address him as lord; I was his mate, his equal but life in the court had taught me protocol on how to interact with the highlord's family. Eris releases my hand placing his on my chin gently tilting my head to look at him. 
“How many times must I tell you Mate that you are allowed to call me just by my name.” 
His tone could be read as cocky, his grin doing nothing to dispute that. Something in his eyes however seemed almost sad at the formality 
“At least once every time we meet.” and more if the Highlord was around. I was always cautious around Beron, even though he was my fathers best friend he was notorious for his anger and cruelty. Which I had no desire to experience, hence the formality with my soon to be in-laws. 
“This will change after the wedding “ He cups my chin tilting my head to look at him “you are my mate and equal, I won’t have us going through life with you addressing me formally” 
We stare each other down for a moment seemingly lost in each other. Something that I had noticed in the time we spent together. We tended to get lost in a little bubble of just the two of us even in a room full of people. A small cough from my mother pulls us out of it, making me jump backwards slightly away from the fiery haired male.
“Y/N, the servants have finished packing your things for the weekend.” She laughs at the situation and how easily we got lost in each other forgetting that we had an audience “Didn’t you mention wanting to show Eris something before you left.” 
“Oh, Yes” the puppy I had nearly forgotten. “If it's not too much I would like to gather your opinion on something before we depart for the weekend.” 
“Of course my mate, whatever you need it is never a problem .” He gently holds out his arm for me to take. I thread my arm through his getting ready to lead him towards the kennels Paprika danced between the two of us bumping into our legs to get our attention, the little kit was eager to set out on an adventure and given that her leash had already been attached she was more than ready to get out of the manor. 
“I will leave you two alone then.” Mother walks over and gives me a kiss on the forehead “enjoy your weekend my love.” 
She turns to face Eris and a saccharine smile grows on her face “I trust you will take care of my daughter Eris.” while not a threat the intention was clear as day, hurt my daughter and I will make you wish for a merciful end. 
“Of course lady Charis. It's just a weekend so that we can get to know each other outside of the court. I will make sure she is taken care of and protected.’ He bowed his head towards her not truly understanding that it was more than just a mothers threat to keep her child safe. She had kept her powers hidden from everyone here in Autumn and when I showed similar powers I was taken  to the night court to train and hone these gifts alongside my cousin. 
“Goodbye Mother, I will see you when I return.”  I smile at her before gently pulling Eris towards the door. 
“Goodbye my dear, I love you.” She always told us that when we left it didn’t matter how long we would be gone she always made sure to tell us she loved us. 
“I love you too.” I smile at her over my shoulder as I lead my mate out the door and towards the kennel. 
We walk in silence for a few moments before Eris speaks up. 
“What did you want my opinion on Y/N” straight and to the point as he typically was but not in a cruel way but rather inquisitive. As if curious to what his bride might want. 
“Well I plan on keeping one of Bellatrix’s pups, and since our ceremony is in two weeks I figured you might like a say in which puppy we keep.” I open the door to the kennel letting him walk inside. “The Highlord already selected his pup, as promised he did have first pick; I have a few families coming next week to select their pups. By the time of our ceremony the pups will be just about ready for their new homes.”  I led him back towards Bella’s large cage, swiping one of the dog tags embossed with the L/N crest, a simple way of knowing who the hounds belong to. “So we still have 5 pups to choose from.” 
‘I trust your judgment on quality hounds Y/N seeing as you are the most talented breeder in the court, but thank you for wanting my opinion” his voice seemed softer now that the two of us were away from prying eyes. 
Stepping into the cage Bella stands and walks to the two of us nudging my hands with her large head. It is a sight to see Eris drop to his knees to pet the pups, but the smile that he wore showed that he wouldn't want to be anywhere else. I moved to kneel beside him gently petting the pups who were excited to see us. The runt of the litter worms his way into my lap circling around a few times before laying down. I had always been rather fond of this little guy. Even though he is smaller than his siblings he seemed to have inherited Khalid's personality, and if he's anything like Bella he will grow into a formidable hound. Eris reaches over to pet the pup's head playing with his velvety floppy ears. 
“You’re fond of this one.” it's not a question rather a statement. 
“I am, he reminds me so much of Bella when she was a pup. I ran a hand along his soft fur looking over to Bellatrix who had laid down beside me.  
“Does he have a name?” Eris looks to me and then to the pup. 
“No, I don't generally give the pups names, I let the families decide.”  It was a method that kept me from getting attached to the pups and wanting to keep all of them. 
“We can take some time this weekend to pick out a name.” Eris smiles at the pup, “I think he will be a great addition.” 
A smile grew on my face, this pup had weaseled his way into my heart, and I knew I would have chosen him on my own, but to have my mate agree to the runt of the litter made my heart happy. In times like this I can almost forget the whole situation that we are in. Right now we are just a couple picking out a puppy; no courtiers, no parents, just Eris and Y/N.  I clipped the tag onto the collar, the metal cool against my fingers. Eris reaches over and grasps my hand still holding the tag. 
“We will need to get you some different tags for your hounds when we return.” His voice is smooth and calm.
Reality hits me again. We were going to be mated in two weeks and I wouldn’t just be Y/N the daughter to Beron’s most trusted advisor and member of the court. I would be Y/N Vanserra wife and mate to the heir of Autumn. 
@imma-too-many-fandoms @judig92 @fall-myriad​ @j-brielmalfoy @highlady-ofillyria @percyjacksonspeen @nyctophiliiiiaaa​ @b0xerdancer
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pixelpawse · 3 months
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Did a Draw this in your style from Instagram @/paprika saw them and thought OH I kinda have a mlp art style!
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belovedblabber · 2 years
Thank youuuu for the tag @aeoncoded I had so much fun with this! Naturally I had to do Seril, she's always on my mind
(art is by miraculan-draws, colinarcartperson, and anonbeadraws)
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Seasoning: Smoked paprika
Weather: Sunny bright and warm (she misses the sun terribly over here in never sunny gothic horror land)
Color: Silvery pale blue
Sky: A sunny and clear blue sky
Magic power: Gun (okay in all seriousness she recently got inexplicable magical powers and the one she’s used most is healing. She's very confused about all of that)
House plant: Any sort of flower. In-universe she is named after one of the few flowers that grows in Barovia, the seril flower, which is similar in appearance to forget-me-nots but a paler white-blue and with a silver center rather than yellow
Subject: Fiber arts (is that a subject?)
Social media: Youtube but like, a channel where she does crafting and fiber art tutorials but also crazy survivalist tutorial stuff, all with the worst camera and audio quality you’ve ever seen in your life. It’s inexplicably popular
Make-up product: She is under the impression that lipbalm is a makeup product and it's her fave
Candy: Marzipan of any kind
Fear: Failure, inability to help, not being useful, being unable to save people
Ice cube shape: Crushed and she eats it like candy
Method of long distance travel: In Barovia it's been walking. Out of Barovia she was a pirate for a long time so, ships. But when she was a solo adventurer et al. she traveled by foot or by cart and sundry
Art style: Embroidery, and also pencil/charcoal
Mythological creature: Unicorn, in that very classic delicate sort of deer-like unicorn way
Piece of stationary: sketchbook
3 emojis: 🧵☀️💖
Celestial body: the sun
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mothdruid · 2 years
💌 <3
maybe it's because of your icon, but I associate the drawing style of the movies Perfect Blue and Paprika with you 🙈
send me a 💌 for an association
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mayamiwynwood · 18 days
Start Your Day Right: The Best Breakfast in Wynwood at Mayami Wynwood
Wynwood is known for its vibrant art scene, lively culture, and eclectic dining experiences. But when it comes to finding the perfect wynwood’s breakfast spot, one name stands out: Mayami Wynwood. Known for its unique fusion of Latin-inspired flavors, Mayami Wynwood isn’t just a top nightlife destination — it also offers an unforgettable breakfast experience that will leave you energized and ready to explore all that Wynwood has to offer.
A Breakfast Like No Other
At Mayami Wynwood, breakfast is more than just a meal; it’s an experience. Drawing on the rich culinary traditions of Latin America, the breakfast menu at Mayami is designed to awaken your senses with bold flavors and fresh ingredients. Whether you’re in the mood for a light, refreshing option or a hearty, satisfying dish, there’s something for everyone to enjoy.
Signature Breakfast Dishes
One of the highlights of Mayami Wynwood’s breakfast menu is their take on classic morning dishes with a Latin twist. Here are a few of the must-try items:
Huevos Rancheros — A true breakfast staple, this dish features perfectly cooked eggs on top of a crispy tortilla, smothered in rich, flavorful salsa. With a side of black beans and avocado, it’s a delicious way to start the day.
Chorizo Breakfast Tacos — For those who want something with a little kick, the chorizo tacos are a perfect choice. Made with spicy chorizo, scrambled eggs, and fresh salsa, these tacos pack a punch while staying light enough for a morning meal.
Avocado Toast with a Twist — Mayami’s take on the trendy avocado toast adds a unique spin, incorporating zesty lime, cilantro, and a hint of smoked paprika for a vibrant flavor profile. Paired with a poached egg, it’s a fresh and filling option for health-conscious diners.
Tropical Fruit Bowl — For a lighter breakfast, the tropical fruit bowl offers a refreshing mix of exotic fruits like papaya, mango, and pineapple, topped with a drizzle of honey and a sprinkle of granola. It’s the perfect way to enjoy Miami’s fresh, local produce.
Freshly Brewed Coffee and Refreshing Drinks
A great breakfast is incomplete without the perfect beverage to pair with it. Mayami Wynwood takes coffee seriously, offering a variety of freshly brewed options, from rich espressos to smooth, cold brews. Their baristas are skilled in creating both classic coffee drinks and unique, Latin-inspired blends that will satisfy even the most discerning coffee lover.
For those looking for something refreshing, Mayami also offers a selection of fresh juices and smoothies. From tropical flavors like passionfruit and guava to energizing green smoothies packed with nutrients, there’s a drink for every taste. And of course, if you’re in the mood for a brunch-style drink, Mayami’s signature Mimosa or Bloody Mary is always a good choice.
A Vibrant Atmosphere to Start Your Day
One of the things that makes breakfast at Mayami Wynwood truly special is the atmosphere. Located in the heart of Wynwood’s art district, the restaurant’s design is a blend of modern chic and Latin flair, with bright murals, greenery, and an open-air setting that lets you enjoy Miami’s beautiful weather while you dine. The laid-back vibe is perfect for a leisurely breakfast, whether you’re meeting friends, having a casual business meeting, or simply enjoying some quiet time to yourself.
Mayami Wynwood’s breakfast seating is designed to encourage relaxation. With both indoor and outdoor spaces, you can choose to sit in the airy patio surrounded by colorful street art or indoors for a more intimate, cozy setting. Either way, you’ll feel the vibrant energy of Wynwood all around you.
Perfect Location for Exploring Wynwood
After enjoying a satisfying breakfast at Mayami, you’re perfectly positioned to explore everything that Wynwood has to offer. The neighborhood is famous for its street art, including the iconic Wynwood Walls, which are just a short walk from the restaurant. Stroll through the streets and take in the murals, visit the many galleries showcasing local and international artists, or pop into the trendy boutiques and shops that line the area.
If you’re visiting on a weekend, you may even catch one of the many cultural events or markets that take place in Wynwood, making it the ideal spot to spend a day immersed in Miami’s creative scene.
Why Mayami Wynwood Offers the Best Breakfast in Wynwood
What sets Mayami Wynwood apart as the best breakfast spot in Wynwood is the combination of bold, flavorful food, a welcoming and stylish atmosphere, and a location that places you in the heart of one of Miami’s most dynamic neighborhoods. Whether you’re a local or visiting Wynwood for the first time, breakfast at Mayami is a one-of-a-kind experience that brings together the best of Miami’s culinary and cultural offerings.
Mayami Wynwood takes the traditional breakfast and elevates it with Latin flair, making it a must-visit spot for anyone looking to start their day with a memorable meal. From savory dishes to sweet, tropical treats, and everything in between, there’s no better place to enjoy the best breakfast in Wynwood.
Plan Your Breakfast Visit to Mayami Wynwood
Breakfast at Mayami Wynwood is served daily, offering an array of options that cater to all tastes and preferences. Whether you’re stopping by for a quick bite or settling in for a leisurely morning meal, Mayami Wynwood guarantees a delightful start to your day. Be sure to check out their breakfast hours and plan your visit to experience the best breakfast bar in Wynwood has to offer.
So next time you’re in Wynwood and craving an extraordinary breakfast, head over to Mayami Wynwood and discover why it’s quickly becoming the go-to spot for both locals and tourists alike.
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“If you look at a dream overall, it's very difficult to discern the meaning. However, as time goes on, there might be certain meanings in the background. Movies that you can watch once and understand- That is the type of movie I don't really like. There might be a certain part you don't quite understand, but there is a portion that rests in your heart.”
"With feelings of gratitude for all that is good in this world, I put down my pen. Well, I'll be leaving now." -Satoshi Kon
Satoshi Kon was born on October 12, 1963, his birth name was Yoshihiro Wanibuchi. He was an animator, character designer, storyboard artist, director, screen writer and manga artist from Sapporo, Hokkaido. Most of Kon's school years were spent in Sapporo, and would attend the Hokkaido Kushiro Koryo highschool. It was around this time Kon became interested in the world of animation. Some of his favourite works are Space Battleship Yamato, Heidi, Girl of the Alps, Future boy Conan and Mobile Suit Gundam. One of Kon's greatest influences for his drawings was science fiction author Yasutaka Tsuitsui, author of Paprika, which was adapted by Satoshi Kon into a movie in 2006. Kon was an enthusiastic fan of foreign films as well. John Ford, Stanley Kubrisk and Alfred Hitchcock are notable western influencial figures in Satoshi Kon's storytelling. Kon entered the Graphic Design course of the Musahiro Art University in 1982. While in college, Kon made his made his debut as a manga artist with the short story Toriko, which earned runner-up spot in the 10th annual Tatsuya Chiba awards held by Young Magazine, afterwards, he worked as an assistant for manga artist Katsuhiro Otomo, the creator of the legendary Akira. After graduating college, Kon worked in anime for the first time as an animator and background designer for the film Roujin Z, written by Otomo. He would also animate in works such as Jojo's Bizarre adventures and Hashire Melos. During his time working on the short-film Magnetic Rose, Kon would develop his love for the theme of fantasy and reality, which is the key theme of his movies and tv shows. In the year 1994, Kon would end his career as a manga artist completely and devote himself to the craft of anime. In 1997, Kon released his Directorial debute, Perfect Blue, produced by studio Madhouse, followed by his many legendary creations, Millenium Actress, Tokyo Goadfathers and Paranoia Agent and Paprika. These films go on to influence countless Japanese as well as Western Pop culture media, and would staple Satoshi Kon as one of the greatest film directors of all time. In 2007, Kon helped established and served as a member of the Japanese Animation Creators Association. In the year 2010, while working on what would be his potential final film, Dreaming Machine, Kon was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer, and was given just half an year to live. On August 24th 2010, Kon passed away. The news was met with widespread shock, as Kon had decided to keep his illness a secret from the public. After his death, Kon was mentioned among the Fond Farewells in Time's people of the year,2010. His final film, Dreaming Machine, is still on hold under production, as producers search for someone who would be able to emulate and live up to Satoshi Kon's directory style.
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axelmedellin · 3 years
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Daily drawing 10 july 2021
Sweet Paprika, my entry for Mirka Andolfo’s Draw this in your Style challenge
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deksaisart · 3 years
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I finally managed to finish it, so here’s my take on @mirkand contest DrawPaprikaInYourStyle!
It wasn’t really easy to adapt it to my style, but it turned out to be a really refreshing and funny thing to do ahahah
I hope the genderbend’s not too off topic 👀💦💦
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giuliadrawsstuff · 3 years
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Original character and challenge by mirkand89
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ampreh · 2 years
Aye hi I came to say that your style is so soft and pretty! You've been one of my fav artists since I found ya on DeviantArt in like?? Late 2020? And then when I joined the onceler fandom and found out you were also here I was so excited. The details and texture in your art is so cool dude kshdjsj also your OCs are really cool. okok that's all have a nice day :)
Oh and thank you so much for the drawing of Pink! That was such a sweet way to start my day yesterday!
AYO I'm so late for this jqldd but I want to say a big THANK YOU ! It's really something I never expected! To know that it is a 2012 movie that allowed us to meet, I find it incredible! ;v; The world is really small!
Thanks again for everything <3 Your OCs are so cool too, so happy that Paprika and Pink are friends now, you have no idea :D ♥♥
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oftenderweapons · 4 years
Hold Me Close – KSJ
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Pairing: Seokjin x reader (nicknamed Angel)
Wordcount: 1.3k
Genre: fluff, slightest angst, established relationship, idol!AU
Rating: GP (general public)
Hello, my blueberries ✨ Welcome to your comforting bedtime story. There are no warnings, just Angel and Jin laying on the couch on a Saturday night — except Seokjin is grumpy and hungry and Angel tries to make him feel better. He is also a bit nervous about the oncoming trip to the U.S. and is not entirely okay with leaving his girlfriend. This small scenario is focused on domesticity and comfort.
The most important thing though is that it has been read out loud by me as some sort of ASMR/bedtime story and you can find the audio recording here!
If you want more fics like these, check out the event’s Masterlist over here!
Now enjoy and sweet dreams ✨
Jin and you were sitting on the sofa.
You sat on the sofa a lot.
It wasn't strange — at all — for the two of you to spend your Saturday night laying there, with pillows and blankets, pretending to pay attention to the television while you were actually scrolling through news and dashboards on different social media, occasionally showing him a funny TikTok that you knew would get him laughing his adorably unique laugh and wrap his arms around his belly as joy completely overthrew him.
He loved you for that. For knowing exactly which videos to show him, which jokes to tell, which moments were fit for laughter and irony, and which needed more silence and composure.
Most importantly, he loved you for moments like these, when he was feeling grumpy and tired and you would nuzzle closer to him and draw circles on your arm, placing his face in the crook of your neck.
“I think I'm getting a headache.” He complained, hugging you close and breathing you in.
You tutted. “You've been in front of a screen all day. Of course you're getting one. Would you like some eye drops?”
He shook his head. “Stay here. With me.” He whined, as dramatic as usual.
“What about dinner?” You objected, feeling your stomach rumble.
“Can we order in, please?” He asked, looking up at you.
You hummed as you thought about your options, checking your food delivery app. “Where should we order from? Japanese? Korean? International?” You asked as he pouted meditatively.
“I want a steak but I'm too tired to chew…”
“You've been doing nothing all day!” You replied, astonished.
“And why stop now?” He quipped back, winking at you. “I don't want to use cutlery.”
“Fingerfood?” You suggested, looking at the list of restaurants on your screen. “I kind of crave for a burger.”
“Mmh. That gourmet place where we got that juicy, thick burger with the paprika fries and… oh they also had that blueberry cheesecake and– Let's order from there.”
You checked your orders history and repeated your previous order.
“It says it's coming in twenty. Can you wait that long?”
Seokjin huffed and shook his head.
“Stand up, come on.” You said, only to be met by his disappointed expression.
“I’m making instant ramen, you grump.” You scolded him playfully.
He let you go for the briefest of seconds, of which you took advantage by standing up and stepping away from the sofa.
Unfortunately your freedom was short lived.
Soon, you found yourself completely engulfed in Seokjin’s warm blanket, his arms wrapped around you needily as he glued himself to you, making your bodies waddle together toward the kitchen.
You struggled and huffed to get the ramen out of the cabinet, only to struggle some more you realised you needed to open the box and pour water in it. Sneering at Seokjin and elbowing him in the side, you proceeded with the basic preparation, impatiently tutting at him once his blanket got in your way one time too many.
He noticed your reaction and took half a step back.
Maybe actually one third of a step.
He felt affectionate. Fond.
He had always felt insecure in relationships, especially since his exes liked going out and being very socially active — which wasn’t really his style.
However, it all felt different with you. You could handle being by yourself and allow him his own time and space, but you could also “exist in the same room”, as you called it, that is Simply feeling each other’s presence while being your own separate individuals.
“How come you’re so loveydovey?” You asked him as he nuzzled into your neck, bathing in the scent of your shampoo, trying to absorb you with his every pore.
“I guess I’m trying to get my fill of you.” He confessed, observing attentively as you extracted the fuming bowl from the microwave, “you know, with the upcoming trip to the U.S.”
You chuckled but the sound was half muted. You tried to face the fact lightheartedly, but you couldn’t do that truly.
You had moved the information from your brain, trying to bathe in this moment of solace without thinking of the toll you were going to pay shortly.
“Then we should move to the sofa again, so you can get your fill of that too.” You commented with a gleeful tone that was anything but natural.
“No sofa is like home sofa,” he said, holding you tighter as he recognised the emotion in your voice.
He let you walk freely back to the living room, your whole body busy carrying a tray with the ramen while he grabbed some extra seasonings and brought them to the coffee table, where he snatched your chopsticks and the sauce sachet, opening and squeezing it, adding some extra homemade ingredients he always stored in the fridge already cut and ready to be added.
He made you sit on the sofa, placing the tray on his legs, and eating some noodles, testing the seasoning and the temperature. Next, he folded a small paper cup and picked up some noodles, placing the cup underneath and bringing the food closer to your mouth.
“Eat it while it’s still warm.” He said, waiting for you to slurp up his offering.
You realised it was a very abundant mouthful the moment you had to chew them before swallowing, the slightly spicy feel suiting your taste. He always knew how to make it just spicy enough.
You leaned your head against his shoulder. “Do you want to talk about the trip?” You asked, feeling him roll his shoulders back as he lowered his head and filled his mouth.
He shook his head, speaking between a munch and another. “I just need to know you’re okay.”
You nodded. “I’m okay.”
He offered you more food, finding the courage to speak as you munched. “It feels more difficult, parting from you now. And leaving home. It was never this difficult to leave before. I could spend sometimes more than a week before coming in here. Now… I don’t like leaving. That’s all. And it is always a bit traumatic? Maybe frustrating to visit the U.S. With the language and everything and being always so dependent on other people. My social energies are kind of drained every time I get back.”
His explanation made complete sense, especially considering everything you knew about him — being so street smart and quiet and reserved, so responsible and relying so much on humor whenever he got nervous or felt out of place.
“You are extraordinary, Kim Seokjin.” You comforted him, grabbing the chopsticks and picking up a hearty amount of noodles for his big, hungry mouth.
He looked at you with sparkly eyes and the most sickeningly sweet pout in the universe, before he opened his mouth like a little bird, guzzling it all.
Again, you started speaking. “You are extraordinary and I’ll be here when you come home. You’ll have the sofa and me and videos of dogs being washed.”
He beamed and nodded at the mention of dogs, nodding enthusiastically.
“And you’ll get all your social energies up again.” You concluded.
He rubbed his head against your neck and cheek, showing his gratitude playfully and silently.
You chuckled.
The ramen was over in record time, your bellies half full as you laid on the sofa with his arm behind your shoulders, pulling you into him, your head against his chest.
The doorbell rang.
Seokjin groaned. “Don’t.”
“It’s the food.” You whined.
He shook his head. “I do it only for the juicy burger.” He commented, letting you go.
Your giggle in the distance was all he needed to realise he was happy again.
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dystopiandilfs · 3 years
Thoughts on the horror art influx in the Dream fanart tag? Personally, things wouldn't have been blown up out of proportion if Paprika wasn't harassed for someone else's interpretation of their art (So sorry if it resembles pe**philia but you shouldn't hold the artist accountable for your interpretation imo). After that whole controversy, I believe some artists started a movement of making Horror Art out of spite (not all, just some) especially when some won't even tag their art.
I'm an artistst myself and don't want to criticize art without the artists's consent but the c! dream art that minx qrt-ed is literally an amorphous black thing that barely resembled the character ToT If nobody told me it's c! Dream I won't be able to tell like at all. Which seems like an on going trend among the dsmp artists community rn, draw scary creature and slap the dream fanart tag on it which imo, sounds petty as hell (only talking about the ones that literally has none of his signature qualities)
I won't go into detail about Dream's boundaries on horror art however, I think him liking a few horror art before doesn't mean he's completely fine with it. But, I could be wrong and I don't want to speak for him any further. Just my thoughts.
Then there's the "Generic White Boy" shaming where some artists say it's boring, uncreative and people who only enjoy it are cis het girls who don't like horror art because they can't ship him with their Gogy Wogy— which is a lot to unpack but all waters down to shameless generalization.
Sorry for dropping my thoughts all in one go. Just felt like starting a having a level headed conversation since r/dwt2 seems to side primarily on the horror artists's side without realizing that some of them deserves to be called out for their spite art (Both sides have their own toxic contributions to this stupid argument but I feel like the toxic horror artists are getting away with it just because of what happened to Paprika which is a whole separate case).
Dream has said before he doesn't like gore art and whilst I'm not an artist I'd personally categorise horror and gore together. I personally think it should have a separate tag instead of just being tagged with horror and gore tags. I saw a few people suggest #c!dreamfanart or #dsmpdreamfanart to keep it out of the general fanart tag.
Whilst I think that some of the art is cool, you can 100% tell that a lot of it is very spiteful and done by people who don't like Dream's character and only see his character as a Joe Goldberg stalker type of character. It's like the people who only drew DNF because of it being their most liked art and it went from wholesome art to straight up horrible shit like rape and abuse depictions purely because they didn't like dnf but they liked the "clout" it gave.
Whilst I do agree that it's up to the artists interpretation on how they draw Dream I do think some people use it as an excuse to create some weird and gross stuff. Yes art is always up for interpretations and that's fine but there's definitely a line and it's definitely been crossed.
As for Dream liking horror art it tends to be blood and cuts instead of scary and gross. He'll like a lot of Manhunt art and DreamSMP war Art which will have him holding a blood covered weapon and small blood splatter over his face but nothing worse than that. The only real horror ones I've seen are the puppet style ones but even then they're like pg15 style.
If people liking drawing Dream as a skinny white boy that's fine, if they like drawing him as a hunky himbo that's fine, if they like drawing him as a blob that's fine. However I think the line gets crossed when it's stuff that needs to be content tagged like the gore and horror. If people tag Manhunt fanart as blood then you 100% should be tagging any horror art with tw and cw tags.
I don't really care how people depict Dream's character as long as it's tagged correctly and artists are prepared for backlash without lashing out and throwing around "iT's uP fOr InTeRpReTaTiOn" but I do think that horror art needs it's own tag because before this all went down the Fanart tag was all Dteam and Dream related cute art and some au art and now it's full of scary art that contains some genuinely gross shit.
Basically as long as they state their interpretation with the art they post and use a different tag, there will be no issues. People use the Fanart tag for cute comfort art and seeing their favourite creator being draw as a stalker instead of cute flower crown art isn't nice. Yes the art community should be together however if separating sections is what it takes to stop toxic behaviour from both sides then a new tag needs to be created for horror art.
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collisiondiscourse · 3 years
hello my beloved codi!! I have questions because I would love to talk to you!! how long have you been doing art, when did you start posting it online (and what made you want to do that?), and who's your biggest artistic inspiration? also top five favorite songs just because
!! my dearest snail <3<3 THANK U FOR UR ASK ive been letting it sit for a while so i could formulate my thoughts properly AND also bc im an idiot orz
I guess you could say I've been pretty much drawing my whole life! It was a fun hobby when I was a kid--something my dad had always encouraged me to do. I'd draw every few months, taking breaks for years at a time but never really staying away long enough to grow out of it. I won't say I'm particularly well-versed or amazing at it, but its always just been something I did--even in the margins of my notebooks during class.
I only started posting online (consistently, at least) around september and early october of 2020. My biggest motivator was probably the fact that I really wanted to share my art with people! I always had trouble accepting compliments, especially from friends and family because, well, I thought it was just because they were obligated to be nice. I thought that if I posted art online, I could find a wider community of people who liked my art for what it was, and even learn more things!! I always saw big accounts having fun and making silly drawings and thought hey, I can do that! I can make art that'll make people happy! So I drew a picture of Deku and Bakugou as Chihiro and Haku Spirited Away and never looked back since :> For my biggest artistic inspiration... thats a bit harder to narrow down imo. I love a LOT of artists, both traditional and digital, old and modern, classic and fanart-driven. Among my favorites, I guess I'll have to pick Satoshi Kon (creator of Perfect Blue and Paprika), @/kisu-no-hi (for anatomy reasons), and Basquiat! I really like colorful and interesting looking art styles :)
as for top five favorite songs... well aside from animals by neon trees i really like:
1. last night by ricky montgomery
2. this side of paradise by coyote theory
3. kwarto waltz by halina (although this is a filipino song ;;)
4. fluorescent adolescent by arctic monkeys
5. cmon by panic! at the disco
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1, 8, 13, 24, 29
1. your favourite playlist (made by yourself or someone else) i have So Many playlists i have so many playlists. i have 226 playlists. what the fuck me. uh my opinion on my playlists etc differs quite a lot on a regular basis but currently 'wǒ zuì xǐ huān de ài hào shì "catastrophising"' (my favourite hobby is catastrophising) is pretty good. my playlist made up only of songs with fruits in the titles titled 'haha fruit' and my 'greco roman' playlist with songs with greco roman mythological characters in the title are classics but aren't like Playlist playlists. 8. if you were going to write a non-fiction book on any topic, what would it be? in terms of what i know a lot about. i've read so much stuff on the impact of AIDS on UK medical ethics that i could probably write about that. i think i'd probably be capable of writing a cookbook. i'd enjoy writing about dinosaurs or like cool bits of the history of medicine or like queer medical history or something maybe but i'd have to research that but yeah no that'd be cool i think
13. the last so-bad-it’s-good joke you heard
oh there are so many i know so many. hm i can't remember what the last one i heard was although it may have been the guy who liked tractors joke which is very long so i am not writing it out here but it is an excellent joke. it also works best if you're saying it and you can draw it out for like 15 minutes. my favourite joke other than the tractor one is 'why do swedish ships have barcodes on them?' 'so when they get to the port they can scan-de-navy-in'
24. describe the most wacky, weird and wonderful at-home outfit you’ve put together
when i was a child i had a gruffalo costume that my mum made for world book day and i used to just wear that in every day settings. i also had this teddy bear polar bear called big bear and he has a santa hat and like santa style waist coat but i took the waist coat off him and i used to wear that just like in public and when i was like 10 so not that small one time i wore that and orange trousers and an apron and a stripy jumper just to like. tesco. in terms of more recently i don't know i spent quite a lot of last summer in the house in like a button up shirt of some sort with my pyjama shorts that have rockets on i suppose that counts
29. a favourite easy recipe: 5 ingredients or less, or takes less than 30 min to make
i don't really have like. recipes. it's just kind of my head and what i feel like. i don't in lockdown i started making this like i don't know 5.3% of the way to a hash brown type thing where i grated potatoes and onions and courgettes and fried them with paprika and a bit of tomato paste and some chilli powder and parsley sometimes i'd add other stuff like peppers or whatever i realise that is more than 5 ingredients but if you're including spices in ingredients i don't think i have anything other than a cake. also it's not really a recipe but again i don't really have Recipes
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ikxypikx · 3 years
Another Draw this in your style attempt. This time its Paprika
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