#drayton sawyer x lefty Enright
z0mbiebatz · 4 months
Wanted to draw them for so long now, now..i finally have!!
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charleslee-valentine · 6 months
Remember my trans Drayton fic?
Well now it’s got a prequel!
dedicating this to @lavenderbones13 who inspired me to pick this back up!
Word count: 3,332
Ship(s): Lefton (Drayton Sawyer x Boude “Lefty” Enright)
Warnings: period typical (1930s/40s) transphobia and homophobia, implied child abuse, alcohol use, very mild sexual themes, pregnancy.
Lefty can tell his love has a secret.
It started with the fighting. Every advance for intimacy, for gentleness, for a moment to just be in love like they used to, turns into a screaming match. One sided at that.
From the bottom of his heart, Lefty could never fight with his sweetheart of nearly five years. A few more and they’d be getting married, raising kids in their own little corner of the Texas dry lands.
Not at this rate, and that’s Lefty’s biggest fear.
They need to talk about this, before things get out of control. He can’t lose his chance at love like this. Nothing has ever made his heart feel so simultaneously full and fragile.
Come tomorrow, he’s going to bring a ring, and he’s going to beg to fix whatever has gone wrong.
His name is Drayton. He’s not some fucking pretty little girlfriend, baby-makin’ machine. He’s a man, and he demands to be referred to as such.
Drayton had practiced it in his head countless times. Lefty called, said he wanted to see ‘his lover’ again, getting Mama’s blessing to take him out and everything. Would be nice to scare him out his fancy boots, showing up with his hair cut off and his chest pressed flat, but Drayton has hopes using words can get by this time.
He trusts his Lefty. Goddamn it, he does, despite the fear in his bitter heart, and the warning sirens going off in his own mind. Sure he’s pushing Lefty away some, but….
No. No more lies and excuses. Drayton’s going to act his age, act like the goddamn man he is, and face this little problem head on.
And he’ll bring his gun in the truck just in case things go south.
Picking lead outta bodies before preppin’ them ain’t easy, but it’s what he’ll have to do if he’s gonna be hurt, whether he likes that reality or not.
Lefty brought flowers, brought the ring, brought a bottle of the good wine and glasses, even a quilt to lay on the grass. Good old fashioned pic-a-nic under the stars to win his baby back.
All he needs now is-
“My love.”
He’s a little breathless with want when he finally sees his beloved. It’s been too long. His heart can’t take much more distance.
That can’t be good. On last name terms again.
His honey only calls him Enright when somethin’s real wrong.
He’s gotta try to play his cards, gently holding the hands of the love of his life, “Would you come out with me tonight? I miss you.”
The gruff, but tender answer he gets is very much appreciated, “Got nothin’ better to do… thought you’d never ask.”
Halfway through the night, Drayton just bursts, like a beaver dam under far too much pressure. Except it’s his heart snapping into pieces, not no twigs. Only took two glasses full of wine before he was hugging the entire bottle to his chest to take swigs occasionally, crying his eyes out and pissing his dignity down the drain.
Lefty rubs his back, but it ain’t enough to soothe him. Drayton sobs, “Yer gonna leave me. Yer gonna think I’m fuckin’ crazy.”
Another big drink straight from the bottle. He’s never held his alcohol well. Probably already a good bit tipsy.
For his part, Lefty’s reassurance doesn’t falter, promising, “I’d never. Cross my heart.”
“And the rest?” Drayton asks for more, selfishly, hoping to extinguish the pain in his heart.
“Hope to die and everything, honey.” Lefty cooperates, only to give Drayton’s cheek a gentle kiss, and beg real quietly, “Jus’ tell me what’s wrong, lover. We can fix it.”
Something about that choice of words makes a crack in his soul. Ignites a deep insecurity inside himself nobody quite knows of.
“No. No, I’m not broken, Boude. There’s no fixin’ to be done”
“Alright. Well can I at least know the problem I’m dealin’ with, so’s I know how to address it?” Lefty patiently prompts.
Drayton drinks half of what’s left in the bottle in one swig. Popping off it, he shakes his head, terrified, unable to drown this unease, “I…. Boude- I cant-“
“Take your time. Breathe, partner.” Lefty soothes again, pulling Drayton softly back to lean into his chest.
He strokes his arms, like he’s trying to warm him up, and maybe he is. Maybe this is Draytons final act before his heart gives out from all these emotions and he goes dead cold. Nah. His heart’s still beating too fast for that. Drayton gains the courage to speak, “You said you’d stick with me through anythin’.”
“That I did.”
“Would that include if I changed my name?”
A pause. “What’s wrong with E-“
“Stop. I’m not done.” Drayton interrupts, so tired of that old way of referring to him, that he explains all at once, “I don’t want to just change my name. I want to change my clothes too. And my hair. And my body. And the way you call me. I-I want to change.. my sex, Boude. I ain’t no woman.”
“Could you.. explain that?” Lefty prompts. Drayton starts to pull away, he’s scared that Lefty’s question is a trap, a way to make him detail every emotional detail he has. But Lefty holds him close through it, “No honey I just, I don’t know what you mean. Please..”
So Drayton takes one more drink, and just lets the floodgates go, rambling on, “It’s not like I understand it much. It’s some curse. Like I was.. born all mixed up or somethin’. My soul must’ve swapped with somebody else’s. Maybe one of Mama’s stillborns-“
“You don’t feel like yourself?” Lefty tries.
Now he’s starting to get frustrated, walking someone else through what he already knows, “What the hell do you think? Drayton is a man’s name, and Drayton is me!”
“Honey. Drayton. You do understand that, what you’re fixin’ to do-“
“Is liable to get me killed. Of course I know! But if that’s what’s gonna happen then goddammit just finish me off now.”
“You know I would never.” Lefty sounds real stern, a little hurt he’d even suggest it. Clearing up that confusion comes from his long-winded declaration next, “My love. Remember when you told me, you didn’t like your weight, or your frizzy hair, or your crooked teeth? That you wasn’t good enough for me?��
“What’s that got to do with anything?” Drayton mumbles sourly, turning to finally face Lefty instead of leaning his back against him.
Warm, blue eyes stare right back into his own. Intense and vulnerable and just plain loving. Drayton has to look down.
“That I told you I’m connected with your soul. Your body, sure I love it, and I love you, but it’s not up to me. Our love was written in the creation of this very universe. God meant us to be together. No matter what form you take. Drayton Sawyer.” Lefty sounds a lot like his preacher father talking that way, ranting at him. That’s a sign of how seriously he feels.
Somehow his confidence allows Drayton to let all his heart-achin’ show, “I can't go through with it.”
“I’ll help you, darlin-“ Lefty starts, but he’s cut off.
Drayton’s voice wobbles with his tears and the burn of alcohol, “Don’t you understand? If I’m a man, and I start lookin’ like one, we can’t be together!”
“On our own time, we can be. Nobody has to know. To the public, we’ll be friends still, but-“
“Boude. I can’t ask that of you. You’re always.. always kissin’ on me, holding my hands. Hiding your affection, it’s not-“
Lefty cups his face. Resumes the eye contact, starin’ into his eyes in a way that’s bordering on manic.
“Not going to break us. Never. Nothing can get in our way, you hear me?”
Drayton nods softly, sniffling to stop the tears that wanna fall, “But-“
“No more. I wanna help you. We’ll get you sorted and lookin’ yourself more like Drayton, yeah?” Lefty tries to cheer him up.
Drayton has a realization instead, color draining out of his face, “My mama’s gonna kill me.“
It’s not likely, but there was always the chance. Mama Sawyer done a lot of good by her son, and a lot of bad too. Namely, kicking him out a few times to have the house to herself and her ever-changing beau, forcing him to work since childhood. The woman didn’t want a child, she wanted a maid. But she could be kind when she needed to be. Sure, she’d hurt him, but she’d never abandon him, never do away with his life.
Lefty’s opinion of the woman is as low as low. His tone is barely subdued anger, “As if she’ll even notice. That woman is colder than hell frozen over. Never pays you enough mind, never has.”
“That’s my mother you’re talkin’ ‘bout.” Drayton warns softly. No matter how much he agrees, it’s never easy to hear that somebody from the outside can tell things ain’t happy-go-lucky.
It’s probably Lefty’s determination, as evidenced by his dedication to arguing this, “Exactly. And she’s never ought been a mother to ya.”
That gets Drayton a little defensive, “Funny. It’s your parents we’ll be hidin’ from. It’s mama told me I could bring home man or woman, so long as there’d be no love child sprung.”
Meanwhile, Lefty’s parents are the ones who sat the couple down and threatened to not let them see one another if they suspected them of pre-marital scex. They’re the folks that made Drayton kneel and pray at their hearth for God’s approval to date their child.
As much as Lefty can’t stand Mama Sawyer, Drayton can’t stand the Enright parents neither.
Apparently, Lefty agrees, “So they’re both shit. That leaves just us. Just you and me, Drayton.”
Huh. How about that.
Drayton finally puts down the bottle, realizing there’s no more than a sip or two left. His face is flushed, an unholy combination of alcohol and affection. The only thing warmer than his skin is a fond flame burning right in the center of his chest.
“You can stop sayin’ my name so much.” He attempts to get some space from the big feelings.
Lefty showers him in compliments instead, because of course he does, “I like it. It suits you. Better than E-“
Drayton puts a stop to that. “Well if you’re so damn obsessed, the old one dies, alright? No more calling me by that name.”
“Alright.” Lefty agrees, until he thinks of some extenuating circumstance, “Not even-“
“No. Never. If you goin’ through with all this, you’re gonna take me as is. And that ain’t her. She’s gone, Enright. You hear?” Drayton hides the quiver is his voice, by dropping it a pitch or two. It’ll help to have that skill later on anyhow.
“Yes sir.”
“Can I kiss-“
Drayton interrupts his twiddling about. No more words for now. No more questions especially. He’s sick of words. He wants feelings.
The kiss ain’t some dainty thing. Drayton cups Lefty’s face and guides him as close as two bodies can press, lips connected all the while. They’ve never made as much contact as here now, laying under the stars, all tangled up, kissing as deep and as furious as the bounds of their love.
Guilt is what stops it. Not only over the sinful (clothed. painfully modest) touching. Lefty looks blank-faced as he pulls back with another realization, “Drayton. Man ain’t supposed to lie with another man-“
Drayton throws his head back in frustration with it all, “Oh, hush. Man ain’t supposed to lie with nobody til he’s married. What’s it matter ‘til then? So long as you ain’t tryin’ to get hitched, we're square.”
The air sorta freezes up. Lefty shifts away, sitting them both up, “Well, actually…”
“Boude, you weren’t-“ Drayton looks furious. Don’t feel it.
Lefty thinks it’s best to just get it out there before he can start to regret, “I was… In a moment of desperation I… thought it’d be a good idea. I thought it might rekindle things and I… I love you. So I thought you wouldn’t mind.”
Except there’s one glaring problem now that Drayton is about to be outwardly himself, “It won’t be legal.”
“I know. I know that. I’ll put it away.” Lefty says, with the demeanor of a scorned child. Embarrassed. Cute.
Now, Drayton ain’t exactly eager to be legally bound to anybody, but he don’t like the way he can feel the hurt coming from his boy. He thinks of some distraction,
“What gem?”
“What’s the stone?”
Lefty eyes him wearily, trying to interpret the meaning of his question, “A tiger’s eye. It’s for good luck.”
“That’s not.. too frilly. I-I wouldn’t mind-“ Drayton can feel his face has gone beet red.
Worth it for the way Lefty lights up. He produces the tiny crushed velvet box again,
“You wanna wear it?”
“Strictly for purpose of holding you accountable.” Drayton lies.
He wants to wear cause it’ll feel nice. Serve as a reminder that he’s wanted at least somewhere in the world. Not that it’ll be easy. That reminder gonna be noticed by somebody else soon enough.
And then they’ll be in for a world of trouble.
“Here, my love.” Lefty offers it up, when Drayton reaches for the ring insisting on putting it in for him. Two fingers down from where an actual wedding band would go. A promise ring. “I sized it from.. the little ring you gave me. Well actually, you left it over once, but-“
Drayton isn’t listening. He’s staring, fascinated, at the square cut stone inlaid in thin braided silver. “I’m keepin’ this. You realize that.”
“Yessir.” Lefty just chuckles at him.
Makes Drayton suddenly feel vulnerable, like Lefty’s got some kind of power over him he should know about, “And you’re alright with it? Bein’ promised to a.. a-“
A gentle hand on both his arms, Lefty stops him there, “Don’t say whatever you’re about to say. It wa’nt gonna be nice. I don’t want you talkin’ that way.”
“I’ll talk as I please.”
“It’ll be hard enough without you bein’ against your own self. Don’t do that. If I love you, and you love yourself, and you love me, then we can’t go wrong.”
“I’ll think about it.”
Lefty sighs, frustrated with his stubbornness after dealing with it so much, and rubs at his eyes, “Drayton.”
“What?” Drayton asks too quickly. Here it comes lord. Everything before now was the calm before the storm.
Except, he should know better. Lefty was getting irritated with the arguin’, sure, but all he’s got to inform him of is “Nothin’. I just like sayin’ it.”
Drayton huffs, the tiniest hint of playfulness showing through after the innocent misunderstanding, “Well that’s enough. You’re wearing it out already.”
“Mhm.” Lefty hums.
Still close, Lefty presses a delicate kiss to Drayton’s forehead, noticing, with his hand placed in his hair, a pin holding the style up. Unexpectedly, he removes it, letting medium length waves, dark as the midnight sky, topple everywhere.
For Drayton, being seen with his hair down might as well be like going in public in just his britches or less. His face is probably doubly as bright red as before.
Lefty just wanted a look, a question on his mind, “How short you thinkin’?”
“I want it all off. Clipped short as you can get it without bein’ a flattop.” Drayton admits.
Lefty seems to consider it, maybe imagining what his partner will look like that way, before he affirms, “I can do that. How ‘bout a change of clothes too? The hair, I don’t think it’ll match this stuffy old dress, hm?”
Drayton vaguely motions to his chest, the very obvious difference between their shirt sizes in that area, “I won’t fit in your clothes.”
“Sure, not yet. We’ll figure somethin’ out though. You gotta give this time.” Something tells him Lefty ain’t just talking about chest tape. Definitely not when he says dreamily, “Afterall, we got all of it in the damn world.”
“If you’re trickin’ me-“ Drayton starts, eyes narrowed.
But Lefty is quicker, “I’m not. I love you, Drayton Sawyer.”
“Fine. But you’re not gettin’ no love ‘til I’m sure you mean it.” See, that’s partly a lie, because as soon as he says it he kisses him. What he really means is he’s not puttin’ out, which they already agreed upon, and that he’s too overwhelmed with all the other things goin’ on to say the words. Love. But he’ll show it, even if he can’t say it back. He’ll hold out his hand and comment, “‘Preciate the ring. Jus’ don’t make me mad or I’ll hock it in an instant.”
“You wouldn’t... Would ya?” Lefty eyes him skeptically.
Some reason, Drayton just howls with laughter, “Awh, hell no. You keepin’ me, ‘n I’m keepin’ this ring.”
“It suits you.”
“Hey. Wait ‘til you see it with the real me.”
“Sure, sure. But I gotta feeling I’m gonna like it either way.”
That boy is helplessly, head over heels, throw all common sense out the window in love.
Drayton teases him about it a bit, “Funny. I got that feelin’ too, lover boy.”
Lefty eventually takes him home to sleep off the alcohol around two or three in the morning, but sure as sin the next day they’re gettin’ Drayton gussied up to look like himself. The Enright’s bathroom’s a right mess, but it’s worth it, to see a genuine Drayton Sawyer smile. Showing buck-teeth and all, not some bashful little thing.
The fears they had was true. Once word got out, Ma and Pa Enright forbade, strictly outlawed, really, that the boys even see one another, unless it was for business. Trading meat and produce and such. Lucky for them, nobody ever caught on they was lying about how often those trading expeditions was needed.
That and nobody knew their spot. Follow the creek down from the watering hole long enough, and you’d find the far away clearing they’d had that date in. Every week, sometimes several times, they’d both sneak out of their respective homes and head out that way. But nobody never did follow. Moonlight as their guide, they were untouchable. For years they was.
Still no official wedding in sight, it’d be nearly twice the time since they got together come the end of that year. Almost a decade, they decided, was enough time that they might as well be unionized by somethin’.
The body, the the blood, the soul. Man lyin’ with man, and all that. Drayton would call it plainly what it is without reserve, but Lefty doesn’t have it in him to admit he’s planning a sin.
Especially with a man who at least is starting to be recognized as such now ‘at the Muerto County population’s shifting a little younger, a little less familiar with the person Drayton used to be. Neighborhood kids move away, families sell their farms, bosses die in equipment accidents, and suddenly every day isn’t quite as unsure, and the townsfolk are calling him by his chosen name.
Blame all that for the lapse in judgment that gets Drayton lyin’ on his back when Mama goes outta town, Grandpa gets called in, and suddenly they got the house to themselves.
“Slow your roll, cowboy. Jesus...”
“I-Is that s’posed to happen?”
“Alright, get the hell off and let me do this-“
How was either of them s’pose to know that one time was all it took! They was set up to fail!
Looking back now, as soon as it was over he thinks he knew. Paranoia or not, he’d felt somethin’ that night, and now goddamit he’s three months along. Half the time as Mama. A whole third of the way through.
Damn it all to hell.
They’re going to have a baby. Drayton’s gonna be sick-
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eerie-candid · 3 months
DraytonxLefty sneaking out….
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Trust me, Grandpa knows.
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pufflefluffia · 9 months
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i am. quitenormal about them....
song is Goodbye Old Friend by The Devil Makes Three !!!
i found the song from a post abt someone saying the song reminds them of lefty x drayton and now i keep listening to it cuz it reminds me of em LOL
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ofthehands · 10 months
Wrote a Lefton AU fic, thought I would share it on here! Fic is complete, 10 chapters ~100,000 words and I plan to post one chapter every day till it's all up. It's ultimately kind of a dark romance so do mind the tags.
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askdraytonsawyer · 2 years
What is your relationship with Lefty? Are you like a couple or what? Tell us more about your relationship, please. How do the rest of the Sawyer family feel about... um... your friendship... or whatever you call it...?
Drayton paused for a moment, thinking about what the person asking him just said. "I mean, I suppose we're together? He's weird when it comes to this kinda thing. We live together, and we share a room, but he's hesitant on being all lovey dovey with me given where we are" "As for my brothers, they're just happy I have somebody, they joked I would die alone if he didn't come around"
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rakubandit · 11 months
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It doesn’t look like it but this is lefton ship art LMAOO
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slashershell · 2 years
I understand enright(lefty) x drayton sawyer
It's cute I get it. However I feel like there's one ship that's better
Charlie hewitt (Sheriff hoyt) and drayton sawyer
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cirilee · 5 years
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mangledchainsaw · 3 years
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doink-boink · 3 years
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YOOOO ME AND @advancesoup DID A THING-
All of this was made while listening to shitty 2010′s music B)
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charleslee-valentine · 4 months
And here is chapter five! In collaboration with @maskemasker of course! Please please read the warnings in the summary of the chapter along with the general ones! Stay safe, it’s a heavy chapter in the swap AU!
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eerie-candid · 7 months
I loved Valentine's Dray and Lefty, can we see more of the sillies?
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They're totally in love, you guys
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cottontailcannibal · 4 years
what do you think about lefty x drayton
I love Lefty x Drayton 🙈
It's pretty unrealistic, same as Franklin x Nubbins, but I like this ship a lot as well 😁
I think Lefty x Drayton is just cute 💕🙈 Old grump deserves some affection!!
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askdraytonsawyer · 3 years
Wait, Has Lefty ever taken you out somewhere in public?
“A couple times yeah, but we usually don’t do that. Normally we go for breakfast at a little diner down the road from here, they know our orders right as we walk in”
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@irregularsweater merry Christmas ilu 
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