greatxgospel · 2 years
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@dreamsofasoldier​ said: Kiss meme! #19 FUCKED UP KISSING MEME | ACCEPTING
It’s silly to cry. Aerith knows it. And she also knows Zack will do his best to quickly come back to her. But she’s always SCARED for him. She knows he risks his life to protect people. That’s how he is. Maybe Shinra is corrupted, but Zack isn’t. He’ll never be. He’s surely one of the kindest soul on the entire Planet.
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“I’m sorry.” She chuckles softly before she gently presses her lips on his. She then keeps her arms around him, keeping him close. “I just don’t like when you have to go and I don’t know when you’ll be back.” 
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Starter || Sephiroth and Zack
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         A month it had been, so far.
A month since Zack’s fateful mission to Modeoheim. A month of reports of success and fairly in their fight against Genesis. A month of updates to SOLDIERs missing, and defected, and rising, and falling. A month of smaller missions, and tight-nit assignments to keep progress and failure under wraps. A month since the Buster Sword...found a new master. It was a month since Angeal died, and Sephiroth had yet to show despair for such events. But just as he did not show despair, he had yet to speak of it.
But though it did not show outwardly, this fact of his life never left his mind. He did not allow it to blind him, or weaken him before his duties, even if the turn of events led him to question things. No, he had his part to play, it was his purpose, serving as SOLDIER. Perhaps he did not reflect the honor of the man who fell to corruption and the consequences of his own honor...but he was committed, no matter what was gained or lost. Because that is what was meant of his existence, he felt.
His mind, however, in small whispers, or heavy thoughts when he was left alone, was weighed down by this. Things he never considered he’d loose, had been torn away from him, all by the very wills of the men he lost themselves. And he blamed them for it, yet found himself knowing there was blame meant for others as well. But he could not allow that blame to consume him, and so the thoughts and feelings were buried, and the mission, any mission, was made the most important.
That, and what he had left.
It was an empty day, when he found himself hunting down Zack Fair, feeling rather sure he’d find him taking a moment to himself in the training room--memories had there, as well as simulations that could be applied, seemed to have pulled him there once or twice that Sephiroth had noticed. He had tried to ignore it after Zack returned from his mission, admittedly. He saw the young SOLDIERs pain, and couldn’t bear the sight of it so soon, most certainly not with the Buster strapped to his back. But now it was time. 
He entered, finding a simulation going, but he could not see what the scene was just yet--it seemed to perhaps be a covert op run, and a sense of dread filled him as he imagined it may have been programmed to add in Angeal, and he wasn’t sure how he’d face seeing that, and so he searched for Zack himself. He didn’t speak, so as to not affect the simulation, and he stayed in the shadows, wondering and, to a certain degree, worrying.
|| @dreamsofasoldier​ ||
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axplosion · 4 years
║ ᴠɪɪɪ ;  @dreamsofasoldier​  — 【 LIKED. 】
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“  I’VE  GOT  A  FRIEND  WHO  SAYS  HE  KNOWS  YA,   so that makes you  all  right  in my book!  ”
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azure-steel · 4 years
@dreamsofasoldier​ continued from here [x]
He hated when Zack teased him with those chaste kisses, hated it and craved it all in the same instance, that when the man moves away Cloud felt compelled to give chase, leaning in and seeking out more of that tenderness this man offered in droves. 
Alas, this time, like so many others, the blond was unsuccessful in his endeavour. But that was okay, there was time for fooling around later and the mercenary attempts to gather just a touch of composure by habitually smoothing down imaginary creases in the front of his shirt. 
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“I wasn’t like... gawking or anything, you know...?” Yeah he was, gawking was probably putting it mildly if he wanted to be really honest with himself, but Zack didn’t need to know that. In fact, Cloud was seemingly eager to brush the incident under the rug - as it were - for the risk of embarrassing himself further.
This was meant to be a joint mission, not an opportunity to check out the local hottie, even if they were an item it didn’t really matter, and Cloud curses himself for not taking it more seriously. 
“We should probably get back, yeah? They’re gonna want to know we... you dealt with the threat.”
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oflockhearted · 4 years
* wiggles in for url thing! *
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Send me your URL and I'll tell you
Always accepting | @dreamsofasoldier
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My Opinion on;
Character in general: Ugh. Zack fuggin Fair. Where do I begin with this boy? He’s literally the whole package when it comes to husband material. He’s sweet, he’s strong, he’s protective, he’s funny, he puts others before himself, and all he ever wants in life is to save everyone. HOWEVER. He gets an entire string of tragedy and sorrows he did not deserve. He was just a sweet little pupper boy excited for what tomorrow would bring. And it tears me to pieces to watch him endure SO much heartache and pain. He deserves a much better, kinder life. ;o; How they play them: I love Aqua’s portrayal. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I always hear Rick Gomez’s voice in her dialogue and thats what makes it so fun writing with her Zack. I enjoy the energetic attitude she gives him while also allowing him to be serious when time calls for it---but serious in a way where you can feel his smile and warmth. Aqua has done a MARVELOUS job writing him and fleshing him out. The Mun: THE SWEETEST BEAN. Omg. And she indulges in my interest in Zack’s abs and shows me pictures of his SOLDIER BOD. FUCK. LOL. Other than that, our encounters have been quite brief but very entertaining regardless. I recommend for quality content and a precious mun. ;o;
Do I:
RP with them: Yes, but I’m hoarding our drafts for some reason and I have all the muse for it. BUT I CANT BRING MYSELF TO WRITE FOR SOME REASON. I’M SORRY. I’ll get to them. I WILL. Want to RP with them: Oh gods yes. Gimme them Zacky abs.
What is my;
Overall Opinion: Aqua is bae and her Zack is as adorable and puppy-like. ;o; I say you should follow right now if you aren’t. <3
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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nimbostrxtus · 4 years
An Unforgettable Night - @dreamsofasoldier
Cloud sat in front of the vanity mirror of the honeybee inn's unisex dressing room, touching up his makeup as other honey boys and girls fluttered around him getting into costume and grabbing their accessories. Nothing too flashy, just a little bit of foundation to pronounce the sharpness of his cheekbones, a brush of mascara to bring attention to his striking blue eyes, and a little touch of lipgloss to make his pouty lips all the more kissable.
Satisfied with the makeup, the blonde rose from the vanity chair and walked over to the clothing rack, stuck choosing between the black slacks with the form-fitting vest, or the backless leotard with the fluffy collar that gave his slim figure the illusion of a plump chest. What the hell, he made sure to thoroughly shave tonight so he might as well take full advantage of the bikini wax he was currently sporting. Grabbing the leotard, Cloud slipped into one of the stalls, removed his day clothing, and slipped on the black and yellow themed costume. It had taken a lot of practice but he eventually perfected the art of sliding the netted stockings over his knees without ripping any holes in the thin fabric. Tying the straps of his shoes up his leg and slipping the antenna headband on his honey-blonde head, Cloud was almost ready.
"Cloud your seven o'clock just came through the door," one of the receptionists called, poking her head into the dressing room.
"Zip me up, please," he asked, stepping out into the main hall to join her. She quickly obliged before leading him down the hall to his customer's room. This was not one of Cloud’s regulars so he wasn't sure what to expect. There had been no special request left at the reception desk or any preference in rooms, usually indicating at a new client who wasn't quite sure what they wanted. Cloud had met a wide variety of customers in his time; some were fans who wanted a private dance, some just wanted him for his body, some were dissatisfied with their marriages and needed an escape, and some were lonely souls who just wanted someone to talk to.
Whatever Cloud was expecting, he was not prepared for the sight awaiting him on the other side of the ornate door. Sitting on the plush loveseat in the middle of the hexagonal guest room was one of the most handsome men Cloud had ever seen, far too handsome to be in a place like this. But it wasn't his chiselled jawline or the eccentric hair that blew Cloud away, it was his eyes.
"A SOLDIER," he gasped, mouth agape.
Cloud had always been a fan of SOLDIER, it was the reason he came to Midgar in the first place, to become one of them. But when his blood results came back negative for mako compatibility, Cloud finished his minimal required service as a Shinra grunt and went to find other work in the city, eventually finding himself at the steps of Andreas Rhodea's establishment who had been very impressed with his dancing.
Quickly composing himself, Cloud put his haughty face back on and closed the door behind him. "We don't normally get your type around here," he purred, hips swaying as his heeled shoes clicked across the waxed floor. "So what's your taste, handsome?" he purred, circling the loveseat while running his hands down the customer's shoulders. "I could dance for you, we could play some games, I could give you a massage, or run you a bath in the jacuzzi and serve you drinks."
Doing a full lap of the loveseat, Cloud slowly lowered himself onto the man's lap and rested his palms over his shirt, feeling the firm pecs hidden underneath. Leaning in so their lips were only a breath width apart, Cloud whispered sultrily. "We could do nothing and just talk all night, or I can take you to bed. So what flavour are you looking for?"
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"Shortie." Zack grinned from ear to ear.
Sephiroth frowned, and glanced around himself. He and Zack were the only ones in the room; so there was no chance that his friend was referring to anyone except for Sephiroth himself.
Brow furrowed, the towering SOLDIER looked down at Zack, confused. Was... was Zack saying he was short? Why? Sephiroth was yet to meet anyone who surpassed his height, in fact, only a couple had even approached it.
What an... interesting sense of humour (what else could it be other than stated in jest?). If that was what it was meant to be, at least.
Sephiroth placed his hand on Zack’s head, flattening the black spikes of hair beneath his palm, and released a soft chuckle. An act clearly done to emphasise the fact that Zack was quite incorrect in his observation.
“Ah, yes,” Sephiroth said. “Clearly, you so loom above my form.”
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pulchralilium · 4 years
His breath hitching from the pain as Zack just makes it thought the door. The raven looks up, his vision blurry as the pain surges though his body. Deep wounds scar his body, his clothes tattered, his hands red with crimson. He got there through willpower alone and now that he was here he could rest ... Right? "Aerith ... I made it." Zack speaks weakly. "I made it in time ..." He falls to the ground in his moment of relief.
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Aerith doesn’t recognize that the scream is from her until she’s rushing to his side. Her knees hit the ground so hard she can feel the splintered wood digging into her skin. It barely compares to how her heart is ripping through her. 
Petite hands are tugging Zack towards her, blurry vision as she attempts to brush away raven locks and see his face. It isn’t a dream, he’s there, he’s there and he’s bleeding and she can’t lose him again. 
The choking sob trembles her body, and she’s begging him to stay away. Aerith wraps him in her arms, leaning over him with her body as she begins praying, summoning nearly all her magical abilities to heal him. “Stay with me, please, stay with me” 
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cultivatxr · 4 years
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@dreamsofasoldier​ whispered: 💕
                                    send 💕 to just grab my muse & kiss them!
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She thinks she’s dreaming; though it wouldn’t be the first time, when that long absent silhouette stands uncannily real amidst the church’s entrance. She’d seen him damn near every night for the past four years, seen that cheeky grin every time she’d closed her eyes, the sound of his laugh echoing like a joyful prayer in the throes of too many short-lived sleeps. He never spoke, never crept close enough to touch, but he was a constant fixture; a ghost of what might have been she didn’t have the heart to shake. 
There was something different this time though; when the realisation dawned upon the brunette that she was very much awake. He isn’t some mirage of misspent youth, nor silently longed for entity conjured by her subconscious, but an actual, tangible human being. Safe, present, and unmistakably ALIVE. Her entire world shifted within an instant, her stomach knotting as her chest began to ache, that same dull little gnaw of too many unspent emotions and indescribable conflict. 
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❝No.❞ A finger raised to stop Zack before he could start, anger blistering amidst so much palpable relief. ❝You don’t get to just walk in here like nothing happened. ❞ He’d been gone a long time. Months of letters, years of worry, hour upon hour of her life spent pining for him, worrying about him - and not a damn word in return. She’d been invisible, forgotten, the slum flower left in the gutter to wither and ROT while he went off to see the world. 
Even despite her anger, he was still the one to reach for her, the grounding warmth of his arms roping the florist in without invitation, the press of his nose to the side of her neck soft and tender as he held on for dear life. It’s as much an apology as the lips that press to her hair, a deep inhale following as he drank in that familiar scent; the perfume of flowers and dampened earth so calm and soothing, after an age in what felt more akin to hell. 
The respite was short-lived, as she drew back from his hold, emerald gaze heavy with emotion and unmistakably torn. ❝You ignored me for four years! I waited for you. I put my life on hold for you. I LOVED you. ❞ Maybe he deserved the way she swatted at his shoulder as if he were the devil himself; maybe it was wrong to come back to the person that felt more like home than even Gongaga these days. But he had to try didn’t he? He had to try and fix the mess that Shinra had so cruelly and carelessly started. 
On impulse he grabbed her a second time, battle worn palms cupping the side of her cheeks as he kissed her as if his life depended on it. That warm, sticky sweetness, so raw and real that even Aerith was no match for it. Animosity thawed in the heat of the exchange, the forgotten taste of him as addictive now as it had been then. He tasted like freedom, like hope, like HOME.
Tears blistered against her cheeks, liquid misery burning tiny trails from her skin to his as she deigned to kiss him back. Ardently, passionately, a myriad of unspoken sentiments all wrapped up in the caress of tooth and tongue alike. Her arms returned the favour with just as much fervour, the tentative claw of her nails sinking into the cloth of his shoulders as she finally came up for air; terrified perhaps, that if she were to relinquish her grasp even slightly,  he might vanish once more.  ❝ Please don’t break my heart again, Zack. ❞
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devenior · 4 years
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“  [Story?]  ”           @dreamsofasoldier​,   from  HERE.
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“  OH,   THIS  THING?  ”
ventus scratches idly at the back of his head ;    they’d been training together,  so he’d naturally shed his armor & jacket to move more quickly & keep cool.     he hadn’t thought that his shirt would  ride  up  high enough for his old friend to see the point of the vicious scar that crosses his abdomen where it dips towards his right hip.     there’s a nervous little trill of laughter as the wayward wind plays the wound off as best he can,  pulling the black turtleneck up to reveal the entire thing as nonchalantly as possible.
“  i got it in a huge fight.     the biggest of my life,  right after i was woken up!     a big baddie gave it to me !!  ”     with those lies he actively flinches,  bright blues closing in a wince before he gives himself a full-bodied shake & tries again.
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“  ... no,  that’s ... that’s not true,  zack.     y’see,  it was ... an accident.     well okay,  if he’d been the one in control it would have been.     but he didn’t mean to :    he would never hurt me,  never in a million years.     he just ... wasn’t himself that day,  or for the eleven years before.     i remember ... being unable to breathe.     fading in & out of consciousness.     & when the battle was over & we were taking stock of our wounds,  i remember thinking that i’d rather have  died  there  than see his face when he would find out that  HE’D  done that to me.  ”
a glance,  his expression somewhat  raw.     “  ... you know what that’s like,  zack?  ”
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amaurotyne · 4 years
Genesis was lounging with Loveless in hand like he was some cat. Definitely a contrast from the hardworking Sephiroth. 
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His dazzling blues shifted to see Zack there. “ If I throw a ball.” he began. “ Will you go catch it, puppy?” he was teasing, always teasing, sometimes just to annoy--or at least that is how Angeal would describe him. 
“ Or do you want me to balance a treat on your nose?” 
@dreamsofasoldier​ // Starter Call 
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Something white ... Something white that fit the man of the face of SOLDIER. He had everything he ever needed and wasn't much for objects that didn't have a purpose to him. Getting Sephiroth a gift was the hardest thing to do and here he was playing with the older's hair and a white ribbon in his hand that he had not seen. weaving it into a braid Zack quickly ties it into a bow and blushes before running away. "Take it out if you want." He's dying of embarrassment.
Sephiroth wasn’t entirely sure what Zack was doing, right away. All he knew was the raven haired SOLDIER was trying to return the gift of affection, as was costume on this day. He had mentioned it, but Sephiroth wasn’t sure that’s what he was attempting with his efforts with his hair.
That is, until Zack starts to flea, embarrassed and basically saying Sephiroth doesn’t have to accept the gift. But of course he would...once he fully understood. It was when he went to check himself in the bathroom mirror that he saw it, and...yes, sure, he wouldn’t do this with his hair usually, at all, ever.
However....the more he looked at the white ribbon, braided in so well into his hair, he smiled fondly and chuckled.
And he wore his hair like that for the next four days.
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valorxdrive · 4 years
A gloved hand came down on the smaller male's head, a chuckle escaping his lips. "You're hair reminds me of Cloud's -- Stay back kid. I can handle these monsters." ( I always wanted Zack and Sora interaction c: )
♕ - A promise of protection, to draw forth relief from the rivers of comfort, such a disposition is the sort Sora can ever come to dislike. He understands that their heart comes from a good place while an amused brow rises up at the mention of his familiar friend’s name. In fact their casual way of talking draws a beat of discord to increasingly perilous situation they found themselves in.
Hungrily clambering their claws, steel boots or hovering through the air, elongated wings, webbed and prickly, many more examples could be listed out as it was ultimately darkness drawn to life. All of them were creatures frothed from the realm of insanity and preparing their stance, eager, soulless eyes concentrated on two of the brightest hearts they’ve ever come across. Needless to say it comes as no surprise that the taller hero found this the exact situation to thrust himself into. Even as the brick roads found themselves deteriorating underneath the touch of the Heartless, he hadn’t batted an eye towards them.
Neither had the Keybearer if one paid a closer eye.
“You sure look like ya can, heheh, I feel more secure as is already!” Yet despite the upbeat tone announcing those words, an oddity transpired, only those truly trained in similar oceans they’ve delved in would come to release. The sharp, piercing noise of swordsong would reach it’s crescendo in that split instance of a sole second.
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Light would brim it’s magnificent strength from the depths of his heart, guided by a surefire stroke of the hand, reaching a plateau of speed that only those experienced with the blade could truly come to appreciate.
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While Sora himself switched posture from the stance of witness to wielder of the Keyblade, the ivory colored edge seemingly bored towards their foes. In one second all was still, the next, chaos, heavy lacerations biting through both stone and darkness alike as a multiple series of slashes had been done in one stroke, bi and trisecting through the airborne Heartless, burning away their malicious presence and the leaving the others mindlessly continuing their approach. A mischievous spark ignites within his eye while he looks up towards Zack, a desire to fight by his side dominantly holding true as he stakes his stance.
“But we can handle this issue just fine, don’t ‘cha think? As a friend of Cloud, I bet’cha know, though he tends to hang with a pretty tough crowd!”
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azure-steel · 3 years
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@dreamsofasoldier​ asked: * is busy working outside but watch this man flex and sweat a little * Unprompted Asks - ALWAYS ACCEPTING
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Is Cloud smushed up against whatever window he be admiring the ever gorgeous Zack Fair as he flexes those manly muscles and sweats a little?
Well... no, but if the raven carries on the way he is doing that just might happen~
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oflockhearted · 4 years
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@dreamsofasoldier​ said: 💌
Send ‘💌‘ and I’ll post a valentine from my muse to yours | Accepting
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A nice big box of chocolates for a tol former SOLDIER boye and a crude card..
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nimbostrxtus · 4 years
fifty ways to kiss someone.   send me a 💏 and i will randomise a number in order for my muse to kiss yours…
45...out of anger.
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“Never do that again Zack!” Cloud roared, the leather strap of his friend's uniform clutched tightly in one hand and an antidote in the other. The blonde was beyond angry. Beyond scared. Beyond relieved. He was fucking pissed off! “Stop throwing yourself into danger and trying to laugh it off like you weren’t just bleeding out on the ground two fucking seconds ago!”
Overcome with such intense polarizing emotions, wanting to punch Zack in the face but also wanting to hold him close and never let go, Cloud settled on a compromise. Pulling the idiot up so he could feel the heavy heartbeat thumping against his own (alive!) he kissed Zack hard on the mouth like this would be their last kiss together.
It was meant to be a simple mission; cross the marshes and go into the Mythril Mines to collect a rare type of metal for a blacksmith in Kalm to craft new weapons with for his shop. The client, however, failed to mention the small tiny little bitty detail about the sandpit invested with fucking ZOLOMS!!!
Neither men wanted to waste their hard-earned gil on renting out chocobos for such a short journey, but that only made them easy targets for the giant snakes to ambush. Naturally, Zack didn’t hesitate in throwing himself in front of Cloud and taking a venomous bite to the chest. Cloud tried to assist but was quickly ejected from the battle after one swipe of the Zolom’s mighty tail, leaving Zack to face the monster alone. It had been a miracle Zack managed to deliver the killing blow right before passing out from the poison, and an even greater miracle that Cloud managed to drag his unconscious ass out of the marsh before another ominous looking shadow under the treacherous sand could catch up with them.
Cloud had been a quivering mess, throwing the contents of his travel sack across the grass in a mad search to find an antidote. Tears clouded his vision as he forced the medicine down Zack’s throat and gripped at the front of his uniform tightly, begging Zack to open his eyes.
“You don’t get to leave me again,” Cloud hissed as tears started to subside. Loosening his grip ever so slightly he kissed Zack again, softer this time. Their lips would no doubt have bruises by tomorrow. “I can’t lose you...not again. I won’t.”
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