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« See the cemetery sky. Carmine red and deep. Watch the oceans rising high. It's the human stain. Talk about the growing hunger. Ask why with deep concerned. Don't you think the human races. Is ceaselessly vain. » ♫ The Human Stain - Kamelot
Dreven 💕 My vampire king 💕
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kierans-crow · 1 year
25 for all of them!
25 - What does this character mean to you?
Alaryk - All the worst feelings about growing up unaware I had ADHD and not being able to identify or fix whatever is wrong went into Alaryk. My father telling me “'I don’t know' isn’t a reason" even though that’s all I had. “I don’t know” why I can’t do my homework no matter how much I try. I don’t know why my brain isn’t working. Something is wrong and I can’t get help because I don’t know what’s wrong.
“If you need help just ask. How can we help you?” I don’t know.
Alaryk’s been influenced by his patron since birth. He doesn’t know what’s wrong with him for a long time. He’s broken and he can’t be fixed. And his friends love him so much anyway and I made good friends through playing him and ahhhhh I am so emotional.
He's also the extremely self-indulgent hyper dramatic goth OC I've always wanted.
Dreven - as the quiet wallflower kid who, wasn’t exactly sheltered but wasn’t particularly keen on exploration Dreven has become an interesting exploration in terms of expression, and the layers of expression before the true self. Almost everything he does is some kind of mask. He’s also prone to jealousy and greed which is very fun to play with for me. I like to play nice in this cooperative game so I try to not step on other people’s toes. Dreven is not volatile, I don’t think, he keeps his true feelings hidden, and that’s going to be fun to stick on a train with a bunch of other people and see what happens. He represents a kind of freedom that I have not picked up often, but that’s only because one of his masks is irreverant. He’s actually terribly trapped.
So I guess he comes from… hmm. I see what I’ve done, here.
Well. Fuck.
Ghost - I grew up a heathen. I don’t really have religious trauma. Ghost is me playing with the concepts of religious trauma and a kind of piety I usually don’t understand.
Nathaniel - Generational trauma and breaking cycles.
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ikathemadhatter · 2 years
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Day 7: Moon - Secrets eclipsed or Exposed
“Light... Let us explore the world of nothingness together.”
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delphhos · 3 months
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Maarten van Dreven (1941 - 2001)
Watercolor on paper
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theebirblover · 9 months
Sorry no Moral Orel, I know my ocs aren’t crazy popular but here is a post!
Since Scott is super popular on Insta, here’s some art of this maniac!
Scott Dreven:
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Maarten Van Dreven, Double portrait of Jurjen de Haan and Maarten van Dreven, 1980.
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warofchanges · 1 year
H1 Yoriko in fool :3c
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findmeinshattrath · 8 months
I'm genuinely surprised Blizzard hasn't done more with vampires outside of the San'layn and the Red Blade pirates. Feels like something they would go crazier with
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art-of-tek · 1 month
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Dreven's parents! Sad woofers
ID below the cut
ID: Two digitally drawn fullbodies of wolf characters against a parchment background. The first character is a dark gray male named Dark Gray Nineteen. He has a paler muzzle and stomach, a torn ear and gray eyes. He is in a standing pose with one paw lifted and a neutral expression. The second character is a she-wolf named Gray-White Thirty-six. She has a gray coat, large rounded ears, and a white face, throat and stomach. Her eyes are blue. She is in a standing pose with a friendly but tired expression. Both wolves are emaciated and have ruffled fur and many scratches over their bodies. End ID.]
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ineptlydrawnnep · 5 months
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Day 64
Can mew miss someowne when they go to sleep, dreven when mew're right beside them?
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multimusesblog · 1 year
Vlad masters was dead he had used all his powers and abilities to create what he thought would be his ultimate legacy. He created a son using the dna of his true love and his own ghost powers along with the power of the ghost king who was still locked away. He had hoped to create a heir for both worlds , a powerful hybrid , and he had succeeded. He called himself dreven and was already 19 but had vast knowledge of the ghost world from the ghost king , technology and business intelligence from vlad .
Within the weeks of his birth he had already taken over all the companies his father had left and perfected them to increase financially. However he had other agendas to rule he would need generals . One he knew how to bind to himself , he had bought the lamp of a certain ghost one that he knew why she was bound in . Placing his hand on the lamp and using his ghost energy he spoke a calling to her
“Desiree, Desiree your king call upon you from your prison come forward and bind yourself to me and I shall lift your punishment for you to serve your king.”
[Danny Phantom: Desiree]
The call got Desiree's attention and she came out of her lamp, directing an almost annoyed glare at him. Mainly because she didn't exactly like being treated like some servant for people's wishes and desires, due to her past. She assumed that was what he wanted.
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deorexploreseve · 6 months
A mystery, solved?
When I was told that a space station had gone missing, I was incredulous. That seems like a rather strange and improbably thing to just happen. It wasn't even a small station like an Athanor or a Raitaru, or even a Keepstar, but a Gallente Main Science Station. The prospect that something that large could just... disappear... was a mystery too enticing to pass up.
I was given the contract, and I headed out into the black to pursue a few leads.
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When you make shuttle runs in Gallente space, you meet... people. You make contacts. Some of those people ask whether you'd be willing to ferry small volumes of restricted goods through customs for large amounts of ISK. And, sometimes, you have bills to pay, so you say yes. When you do that a few times, you start to form a relationship with "your" contact, and get comfortable enough with them that you can call on them if you need them. That was my first step.
His name was Dreven, and he operated out of a Serpentis asteroid mining base in a hidden sector of space inside the Eytjangard system. I set a meeting with him, docked and had a discussion.
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Before he would tell me anything, he needed something from me. Rival Serpentis factions had been expanding into nearby sectors of space in Audaerne and Augnais, and they needed to be pruned back so that his compatriots could flourish properly.
Now, ordinarily I would be somewhat hesitant to get involved, especially with helping the Serpentis... but the "help" in this case involved destroying Serpentis assets, promoting infighting, and overall making a mess of things. Who was I to interrupt them when they were committing an error? Before long, I'd located the bases that were near the coordinates he gave me. The results were, well...
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My favor having been completed, Dreven told me what he knew. It wasn't much, but it was enough. The station disappeared around the time the gates to Zarzakh activated. He did not know why, but knew that there was a contract for it within the Serpentis, that they were tasked with eliminating the security from around the station and blockading it from all persons for a period of time. As far as actionable information wasconcerned, he was less fruitful. But, I did manage something. I took the documentation he provided and ran it past a decryption and signal analysis expert, and discovered a potential source for the seemingly random signals that were used to communicate information about the contract. Although they were encrypted and bounced through multiple steps, the signals all came from system J100447 in Anoikis. It contained a Sleeper Data Sanctuary, apparently, from which all communications regarding the contract originated.
The location was marked on my map, but there is a substantial difference between wanting to get to a destination in Anoikis and actually getting there. It took weeks of searching wormhole after wormhole, mapping chains of them in my Pacifier, until I found it. Then, having found it, I went there to see if the Sleepers really were sleeping.
They were not.
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I readied myself for battle, and fought the Sleepers until they relented. It wasn't easy, but it was worthwhile. Searching the wreckage, I found the Data I was looking for. It gave me the final location of the station, which for whatever reason had been relocated - wholesale - to Anoikis. The only stations of that size class I'd thus far seen in Anoikis were in Thera, but if the Sleepers were experimenting with moving other stations into new systems... well, the implications could be staggering. Jovian space could be its own new region of space, competing with the other four for dominance but clearly having the advantage in many respects.
Still, having the theoretical information and seeing the station for myself were not the same thing. I wanted to put eyes on it before I could truly call the contract complete. That would take tracking down yet another Wormhole system. I did, but that again took weeks.
After diligent searching, and after hacking through the defenses around the station so that I could safely record data about its disposition and status, I had finally achieved my objective. I'd found the station, a Gallente science station, for some reason now located in the heart of Anoikis.
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kierans-crow · 1 year
Silent Fury (No character was indicated, but since I listed Drev first that’s who I’m writing for)
Emotions are safest when they are silent, hidden, or altogether lies. Fury is one of the most dangerous of them all. It clouds judgment like nothing else. More than love and grief. More than lust and jealousy. Though, that last one was subtle. It could ruin you. And one of the ways jealousy ruined you was when it stoked the flames of fury.
Fingernails carved little sickles into his palm as Dreven stalked through the halls. Pushed aside again. Why did he even try? At this rate he was never going to get it. Even if he had another century. Which he didn’t. If he did not prove himself useful in this, he would be used in other ways.
How hard could it be? The teacher’s favorite pet had made it look so easy. It was impossible. To focus your thoughts to such precision it forms a cutting edge in your hand. To kill with a thought without the need of a medium between the thinking and the outcome. Sans knife, sans garrote, sans any other kind of weapon. Those of this order could become less than shadow. Could kill without trace. It was everything that Dreven wanted.
He would become an instrument for somebody’s will, of course, but he would be useful. Wanted. He would be the envy of other assassins but untouchable. Except he couldn’t get it to work. His thoughts never manifested a blade. He wanted. He wanted to draw blood, to lash out, for the edge of something to bite into flesh. A gleaming blue blade had manifested. Silently shattering into dust when it hit the stone wall, his rage dying as the sparks vanished. Smothered by surprise.
Ah. So that was the trick.
Sorry it took so long! I started it then burned out on Everything and then I forgot.
I'll still take prompts though!
This turned out to be a fun exploration of Dreven's motivations and struggles as a young Soulknife Rogue in the Underdark.
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ikathemadhatter · 2 years
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Day 2: Sun - Passion or Fire
The vibrant sun of Heaven and the darkest feathers of the night -  weren't opposites inevitably attracted to each other?
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eldridgecandell · 7 months
Send me a face claim and I will use that face claim to make an NPC in my muse's life, as well as talk about their relationship, connection, and feelings towards my muse.
Toby Regbo, Alyssa Campanella and Craig Parker.
The Children of Nimeuh
A trio of the new court of san'layn that Nimeuh has slowly trying to rebuild in the face of the fall of Dreven. Her near death at the hands of the Order of Embers led her into the depths of Vol'dun in hopes of recuperating and healing. Months turned into years, biding her time as she built her family up once more from the lost and downtrodden who sought the darkfallen out.
Now having gained a foothold with her new family, she has begun to send forth her agents in a much more clandestine manner than previous attempts. The blood court shall rise again, the Crimson Hall will suffer no more, and the black rainbow will dance across the sky.
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Menius, the Thirst played by Toby Regbo
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Natelda, the Hunger played by Alyssa Campanella
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Oborus, the Need played by Craig Parker
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theebirblover · 6 months
I’m surprised that my last drawing actually got some traction on here. Maybe I should add more tags…anyway, I do have info on my ocs if anyone wants to see!
Do ask questions!
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Toyhouse link: https://toyhou.se/23846841.scott-dreven
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Toyhouse link: https://toyhou.se/23848747.hector-dewitt
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