#drip extraordinare
projectthesinner · 10 months
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pretty kitty that sweeps the legs and everything off your table
(!please do not id/face claim!)
(however all envy is welcomed)
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Prompt: “My dick feels like it’s about to fucking fall off, I haven’t fucked anyone because of you!” 
Description: Fuckboi! Jungkook series continues!
AN: I am taking prompts, they can be 1-2 lines and you can send me separate OC profiles too!
You thought Jeon Jungkook was successfully out of your life. A small part of you treasured how you had the best sex of your life with him, even though the experience for him was probably apart of some twisted little fantasy to get past on his fuck boy conquests of college. 
You were so wrong. 
“Did you drug me?” Jungkook asked from behind as you walked out of lit class and went to the nearest coffee vendor. 
This was the 10th question Jungkook had asked you in the past week about the quote ‘out of this world’ sex you had both had at the party. It was also the last straw. 
“You’re not going to leave me alone, are you?” You sighed.
“My dick feels like it’s about to fucking fall off, I haven’t fucked anyone because of you!” He hissed in your ear to get your attention. You saw the frustration laced on his face, anyone else would say he was looking at you with the gaze of a mad man in love…or lust. You looked at the way his lips slightly curved when he was angry a little too long before snapping out. 
“Why are you even telling me this? Don’t you have the college sorority sisters to help you out? Go tell them about your little problem!” You yelled, fire in your eyes as you were blinded by the thought of Jungkook’s raging, engorged member tucked away in his tight jeans. Your mouth watered.
Snap out of it, Y/N!
“You’re eyes are dilating, Y/N. I’m sure you could help me out.” He said softly in  your ear this time boring his eyes into yours. Shit, you were obvious.
“Two americano’s on the house. You two look great together.” The kind vendor that you had liked for the past three years said, but now she had just become your worst enemy. She placed two americano’s in front of you which Jungkook took with a bunny smile thanking the vendor. You swore your heart skipped a beat. 
“Thanks, Ajumma.” You smiled brightly before you shot a disinterested look to Jungkook as you started walking away from him by the coffee cart. He looked at you with awe before telling the vendor how cute you were. You felt red rise up your cheeks, he really loved riling you up. 
Later that night, you were nestled in with your housemates watching a movie. Thinking about Jungkook out of the blue had become a regular part of your life now, like when in the movie the protagonist fell into the arms of the super hero. You normally sneered at stuff like that, but you were suddenly reminded of Jungkook’s strong arms as they pounded into you…
It was that bad. 
You didn’t even have time to register the tense atmosphere around you, where all your housemates were looking at you. 
“Is it true, Y/N?” Maddy asked, a look of curiosity on her face. 
‘True what?” You asked, taking another handful of popcorn and stuffing your face as  your eyes still focused on the scree in front of you.
Maddy nudged Miranda. 
“I can’t deal with this tension.” Miranda sighed before bursting. “How long have you and Jungkook been together? I mean, not to be rude or anything but we kind of are your housemates, and it would be nice to find out from you since we’ve been living together for the past 3 years and Jungkook is kind of a big deal.” You stopped eating your popcorn midway through.
“What the- how did- no?!” You stuttered in astonishment looking at both of them.
“She’s lying.” Maddy said. 
“I’m not fucking dating Jeon Jungkook!” You yelled. “Where are these rumours coming from?”
Maddy and Miranda looked at each other with confusion. 
“You don’t know?” They asked in union. 
“Tasha from Physics and I are partners for a project so we met up a few days ago. She’s in the sorority too and was telling me about how Jungkook’s been rejecting all of his usual fuck buddies lately because of you. Someone saw you two kissing at a party a few weeks ago before going into a room. He hasn’t gotten with anyone since. We all thought you two were probably a thing.” Maddy explained. 
“But that mean’s he’s so into you! This is Jungkook- fuck boy extraordinare who hasn’t fucked anyone because he’s so dick whipped for you!” Miranda said, lifting herself up on the couch.
“Are we still in high school? You guys I can’t deal with people talking about me!” You said, your heart beat rising in realisation that people were talking about you. You hated it, you could literally do anything as long as people weren’t talking about you. 
“So you two did get together?” Maddy confirmed. 
You nodded weakly. “I mean, he was really, really good and I can’t stop thinking about him but people are talking about me! Sorority girls too, you know how viscous they can get!” You said, internally hyperventilating. 
“Awh, babe I’m sure it’s not that bad. I mean he’s not use to girls like you so he probably needs to think a little before going back to his usual game.” Miranda came over and hugged you, but you were starting to get a headache as you thought more and more about how the hot topic of the sorority house- Jungkook was now involved with you. All you wanted to do was avoid that sort of crowd, but by sleeping with Jungkook who couldn’t fucking move on, you were on their hit list probably. 
‘I just don’t want to be talked about in the sorority, you know how it gets there?” You said, pushing your head in your hands. 
Your housemates tried to spend the rest of the night consoling you but it was no use. They knew you tried to keep yourself away from stuff like that. The next morning you rushed into class after spending a sleepless night debating whether to call Jungkook  and tell him that he needed to move on, since he did put his phone number into your mobile when you weren’t looking in class. You decided against it eventually, you didn’t have the energy too because the thought of his velvety voice on the phone would make your knees weak. 
“Y/N, right?” You had come back from asking the professor a question at the very end of the lecture when everyone had mostly gone, when a pretty girl you recognised from the sorority house asked. Shit. At least you were prepared now, thanks to your housemates who had coached you on how to act. 
“Stay away from Jungkook.” She hissed in your ear before grabbing your hand and squeezing your wrist with her sharply manicured hands a little too much that you nearly screamed. 
Your eyes widened as you realised the bitch had scratched you. Your mouth dropped because of all things, you didn’t know sorority sisters were that bad. 
“D- did you just scratch me?” 
“Jungkook doesn’t go with girls like you. He needs a girl that can keep his interest.” She glanced your body up and down and winked, before sauntering away without any sign of remorse. You sat back down in your chair in shock. Were you still in high school? This shit couldn’t happen at college, you didn’t work your ass off to get to a place like this and have girls scratch your wrist. 
You looked at bloodied scar. a straight red line. Your mouth dropped ever further. 
Taking your phone out, you debated on what to do. You knew you had to call someone, because you couldn’t just walk out of a lecture hall around campus with blood dripping from your wrist. Taehyung…Taehyung was a good option, but you thought about who caused this to happen in the first place. 
With little thought, you pressed Jungkook’s name. 
“Hello, Y/N. I hope you’re calling with some good news.” He answered cockily on the second ring. 
The words struggled to come out of your mouth and you realised calling him was a stupid idea. What would he do anyway? 
After a pause Jungkook spoke again. 
“Y/N? Are you okay?” His voice had morphed into worry now, sensing something was wrong since nothing came out of your usually cocky mouth. The worry in his voice, something that you never knew existed  made you even more tongue twisted. 
“Y/N? Speak to me. Where are you?” 
“Hey, do you know what class Y/N/L/ had?” You heard him ask someone close by, who answered he thought you might be in the same class as one of his other friends. He was right.
“Are you still there? Stay on the phone, I’m coming.” Jungkook said, and you heard him move around. 
“I’m in the next building, I’ll be there in like, 20 seconds.” Jungkook said, and you were even more confused now with the worry in his voice. He shouldn’t be worried. He should have just laughed and hung up. You expected him to laugh and hang up. 
“Y/N!” You saw Jungkook sprint into the empty lecture hall and up to you. He couldn’t understand the small feeling that started building inside him when he saw you sitting alone looking scared. 
Coming up to where you were sitting, he scanned your features before landing at the bloodied slit on your wrist. 
“Fuck.” He whispered, sitting down and taking your small wrist in his hands. 
“What happened here?” He asked softly, soothing your hand. His hand felt warm and inviting. It send shockwaves of pleasure down your spine.  
When your hand was warmed up from his soothing, you snapped out of your initial shock and took your hand away. 
“I’m so sorry Y/N. I should have known they’d do this.” He said, looking into your eyes with regret. 
“You knew?” You asked, horrified. 
“Not like how you think. Sorority girls are…kind of wild when it comes to guys they get obsessed with…this is their way of telling someone to back off.” He said, training his eyes on you wrist. 
“That’s completely fucked.” You said, even more horrified with this secretive little practice that existed. Even more fucked was that they could get obsessed with someone so much that when they rejected them, they decided to harm people as a threat. 
“Does it hurt a lot?” Jungkook asked even more softly, taking out a box of plasters from his back pocket. That surprised you. He took your wrist again. 
“Do you carry that around for all the girls that get scratched by lunatics because of you?” You asked sarcastically trying to take your mind off the pain of your wrist, not answering how much the scratch hurt because it was still pretty big and stinging. 
Jungkook ripped the wrapping off gently and placed the plaster on your cut, smoothing his fingers over the pink rectangle. 
“Only the pretty ones.” He smirked meeting your eyes. The corners of your mouth curved up involuntarily. 
A moment of silence washed over you both. 
“This shit won’t happen again, Y/N.” Jungkook said sincerely. These sororities were ancient and they had weird codes that he had subjected himself too by fucking nearly every girl in that group some way or another. Y/N had to bear the brunt of it now he had an issue with being unable to think about anyone else because of her. Jungkook knew it from the beginning when she was so different from the girls he usually went for, and he thought Y/N was just an flavour to get rid of. 
That clearly didn’t happen. 
“You kind of need to stop coming after me for that to happen.” You pointed out, grabbing your bag as you prepared to get up. 
“They’ll stop if they know we’re together. If they see you with me, they won’t think it’s just a rumour and they’ll leave you alone.” Jungkook said taking your hand in his and meeting your eyes with determination. He feel uncomfortable with the thought of you having to face those girls again because of him. Was it regret he was feeling? If he didn’t start this, you wouldn’t have to worry about some girls that didn’t grow up from high school. 
He fucked around himself, but he wouldn’t bash a guys head out for fucking someone he fucked every now and then. Well, if that person was you…Jungkook sighed. He couldn’t resist you, your flavour was becoming his favourite. That’s probably what it was. It couldn’t be anything else. You were cute, and very funny, and in your own world most of the time when he caught you ever since you screamed at him at your party- but Jungkook was probably, just really interested by you. Surely that was it. 
“You mean…like pretending?” You asked, wanting clarification. He had a point, everyone knew those girls could get wild when it came to a girl they didn’t want with their ‘idol’ guy. It was fucked up. 
“Depends what you mean by pretending. Pretend sex…could be arranged.“ Jungkook said, his eyes darkening as he pulled your body closer to his. 
“You want to fake date me but have sex on the side?” 
“The regular, the better.” He winked. “I know you want me too, I can practically feel you dripping from here Y/N.” 
Your ear was starting to love the sound of his voice so close to it. You clenched your legs at the sound of his voice. 
“Okay.” You said, giving in to what you wanted for once. He would probably break your heart in the process, but you guessed the sex would compensate. 
“Only until they move on though. When they start forgetting, this thing is finished.” You said, trying to regain your head sense again after feeling dizzy with his sweet voice in your ear. 
“No problem.” Jungkook answered, taking his phone out. He didn’t know why he was going to such lengths, a simple walk around a party with his arm on around your neck would do and they’d just back off.   He became certain that he just wanted to find out more about you, there had to be something he didn’t like or was repulsed by so he could go back to what he was use to- something that was not you. 
“Wait- what are you doing?” You asked, seeing Jungkook turn his phone to his camera selfie mode. 
“Smile, I need a new display picture.” Oh.  This was to make his project more believable. 
“Is this really necessary?” 
“I haven’t changed this display picture since I started college. It’s a pretty big deal, shouldn’t you know as a true millennial?” He teased, moving closer to you and positioning his phone. 
You rolled your eyes before putting on a big smile. 
“Why aren’t you taking it?” You asked still smiling with gritted teeth. He was smiling himself, beautifully might you add. He looked too good to be true. 
You moved your face to ask him why but as soon as you moved your head his face tried to pull a ridiculous face. Your laugh was then interrupted by his lips settling on yours quickly, slowly easing the smile that you had out.
Your mouth was just getting use to the taste of him and you began to realise how parched you felt from not having his taste when he slowly pulled you. 
“You’re cute when you’re flustered.” He said with a bunny smile, before checking the candid picture of him kissing your smiling face and setting it as his display picture. Inside, a small part of you was screaming. Jeon Jungkook was to everyone else, officially your boyfriend. The other part of you realised he kissed you, and you…like was an understatement. 
You hoped that Jungkook wasn’t going to play you so well that when he left after getting his final fix of you, you’d be left crying on the side walk. 
“Jungkook?” You asked, your voice smaller than he had ever usually heard it. 
‘Can you promise me one thing?” 
“What is it?” 
Don’t break my heart too much. 
“Just don’t over do it.” 
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softfics9 · 7 years
Post-Its - Chapter 2/5
Fandom; SF9
Main Pairing; Kim Youngbin/Kim Inseong
Side Pairings; Kim Seokwoo|Rowoon/Baek Juho|Zuho
Genre; Fluff, Slow Burn, College AU
Trigger Warnings; Mentions of panic attacks
Word Count; 2,004
Rating; G
Beta’d; Yes! By the darling @raven-blackwillows
Cross-posted on; AO3
Other Chapters; Chapter 1, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5
"Not bad Jaeyoon hyung, but you should really put emphasis on the middle by going up in pitch. Here let me show yo-"
"Sanghyuk, if you scream I will smother you with this pillow."
"Inseongie you wouldn't do that~"
"Just try me Jae, I'll make sure to beat you with it too when I'm finished."
Inseong had made a lot of stupid, rash decisions in the past, but he decided that going to his two nut-case best friends for help was at the top of the list. He had arrived home from his night shift at 11:21 pm, toed off his shoes and left them neatly at the door, then hung up his jacket. At 11:24 pm he was running back out the door without his jacket and scrambling to fit his feet into the same shoes he had just taken off. All because of a small piece of yellow paper.
"Alright hyung I'll stay quiet, but only if you give us the details, we're dying here!"
The loudest of the three friends was youngest, Sanghyuk, a second year, and while he usually demanded to be the center of attention he knew that this was something far more important. Jaeyoon, a fourth year like Inseong, - was maybe the calmest of the three most of the time- he seemed pretty chill if you saw him just in passing, but when you got him going he could be even more over-the-top than Sanghyuk. Inseong was also very loud- it was how he met the other two after all;- nothing says "Let's be friends" like having a screaming match with complete strangers in the middle of the night. That was an even longer story, but that was the birth of the university's infamous "extra line".
"Ok, so maybe I overreacted a little, it's not exactly a date..."
"I mean, it could be a date if I agree to it, but I don't know what to do and that's why I came here!"
"Hyung, you came to us for dating advice? That's really dumb even for you."
Inseong was well aware of how dumb it was, but in the heat of the moment, as he was reading the note in momentary shock the only thing he could think of doing was running to the comfort of his closest friends of six years. So that was how he ended up out of breath (he doesn't exactly "do" exercise) huddled in a blanket fort with his friends glued to either side of him. The fact that a simple question on a Post-It made him resort to panicking and running in the same night certainly said a lot about the writer of the notes. But it wasn't like Inseong could help it;- who wouldn't fall for a guy who left him cute notes to say "Sleep well" or made him food when he was sad. And when he accidentally discovered that his housemate is no other than Kim Youngbin, dancer extraordinare and one of the most good-looking guys Inseong has ever seen in his life? He couldn't help it at all.
"Look, I know it's stupid, but I didn't want to make a stupid decision on my own- at least if I make it with you guys I'll know my stupidity is validated."
"It's so nice to know you appreciate our opinions like that Inseongie, really it means a lot."
There was sarcasm dripping from Jaeyoons words, which resulted in the next five minutes being spent sticking their tongues out at each other and making childish faces. But then Inseong spotted the devilish paper in the corner of his eye, the bright yellow colour taunting him with its prospect of happiness.
"Why don't you just tell us exactly what the note says, and we'll help you decipher it, ok hyung?"
That was a reasonable suggestion, and one that actually might yield some insight into what he should do about the whole situation. Of course, Inseong had told his two friends from the very start about not yet having met his housemate. They had both moved in a week prior to the start of the semester and there had been still no sign of him at any time during the day when Inseong was home. Of course his immediate thought had been that he had been duped into thinking he had a housemate when he was really living all by himself, but there were groceries he hadn't bought in the fridge and shoes that were not his at the door. Two weeks had passed and at that point Inseong had thought that his housemate had been purposefully avoiding him for some reason, so of course he had had a minor breakdown in a rapidly constructed pillow fort in his best friends' shared bedroom in their apartment, two complexes over from his own. Soon after, though, he had finally seen a small sign of communication from the mystery man he lived with-, sure it hadn't exactly been meant for him but Inseong had decided that he would take what he could get. And so that's how a yellow Post-It simply saying "Buy milk" had turned into a rather quaint way of talking with his housemate, Youngbin.
It wasn't until two weeks after that, when grocery lists had been accompanied by "Good luck on your quiz" and "There's leftover pizza in the fridge" that Inseong had realised he was harbouring the start of a crush on a guy he'd never seen before. Which of course had led to another blanket fort comfort session, and wailing over how unfair his life was. The third breakdown had happened when he had finally put the pieces together and realised that his housemate, whose name was Youngbin and was a fourth year who had dance practice most days, was actually Kim Youngbin, the co-captain of the university's dance team; he had been on Inseong's "hot guy alert" radar since their second year. Inseong had been fairly certain that Youngbin had no idea who he was though, and so had to refrain from acknowledging his housemate when they passed each other on campus in between classes. In fact, Inseong had just resigned himself to the fact that living with someone for six weeks without meeting them properly had crossed the "too-awkward to talk about" line and that his late night work shifts in the bar off-campus and weekend gaming nights were just not going to match with Youngbin's early bird classes and morning weekend training sessions.
"Well, at first I thought I read it wrong because I was so tired from work and my vision was also a little blurry from the new kid squirting lemon juice in my eye by accident and all I wanted was a drink of milk before I went to bed but I never even got to open the fridge because of this stupid torturous note stuck right on the center of the fridge door and I couldn't think straight so I just yanked it off and ran here and now I realise how stupid that was because now he's going to wake up in the morning and his note will be gone and I won't have left a reply yet-, what if he thinks I'm ignoring him and he never wants to talk to me aga- ow what the HELL??"
"Hyung, if you kept going on like that you would have run out of breath and fainted."
"You didn't have to SLAP ME?!"
As the two bickered over what should and should not be done to someone in the middle of having a near panic attack, Jaeyoon reached out and sneakily picked up the offending note that had caused his friend such hysterics.
"So I was thinking about how weird it was that we've never met each other in person, and I was just wondering if - oomph"
Inseong knew as soon as he heard the first few words that Jaeyoon was reading his post-it and immediately broke away from the headlock Sanghyuk had put him in to flatten his other best friend to the bed and attempt to wrestle the paper from his grasp. Sanghyuk merely played antagonist to the pairs rolling around fighting, cheering them both on while trying to keep their blanket fort intact. Eventually Jaeyoon got Inseong pinned under him and, slightly out of breath, handed the note to their youngest friend so that he could finish reading it.
"Where did you leave off, hyung? Oh wait here it is... 'I was just wondering if we could maybe get our schedules synced for a change and have dinner sometime?' ...that sounds like a date to me, Inseongie hyung."
Inseong sighed in defeat, both at being pinned by Jaeyoon yet again and having to give up control of reading the post-it himself. (Although he was kind of grateful he didn't have to read it himself-, he knew he would have been bright red and stuttering at the end which would have led to merciless teasing from the other two.) He had known it sounded like Youngbin was asking him on a date, but he had always been bad at reading situations (or notes) like this and had gotten into some trouble in the past for that very reason. His friends were there for the so called "Johnny Incident" and they had decided never to speak of it again.
"So what do you think I should do? How do I even respond to something like that?"
"Well obviously you say yes, Inseongie-, tell him you want to meet him too and then you guys can discuss which day works the best for both of you."
"I don't want to go back and forth like this trying to arrange a day though-, every time a suggestion doesn't work out I know I'll just get upset, and that means invading your bedroom demanding cuddles."
His two friends considered their options more seriously after this; while they loved Inseong very much and were more than happy to accommodate the occasional breakdown and blanket fort cuddle session, they were happening at an increasingly frequent rate that was taking the novelty out of their childish games.
"Hyung, isn't the bar you work in closed next Friday for renovations? That means you won't have work, and you'll be able to stay in your apartment Friday evening. You should totally suggest that as your date night!!"
It was such a blindingly obvious solution that somehow both Inseong and Jaeyoon, who both worked at the bar, had forgotten about. He wouldn't be working, so he would be able to stay at home on Friday evening and finally have dinner with his housemate (that he most certainly had a crush on) . It was the perfect plan.
"Ok Inseongie, we've solved your problem, now go home and write your reply and go to bed, we have a 10 am lecture tomorrow and I do not want to be dealing with you when you're sleep deprived."
Inseong nodded solemnly and rolled Jaeyoon off him, and then in true extra line fashion, he shrieked like a dying cat and flung himself off the bed, tearing down their blanket fort and trapping his best friends in the ruins. He laughed as he saw them squirming to find their way out and probably attempt to strangle him, but he had his shoes on and was out the door just as a disgruntled Sanghyuk stuck his head out.
"Hyung we're changing the locks and never helping you EVER AGAIN!!!"
He could hear the pair complaining rather loudly and they were probably throwing curses at his back, but he didn't care too much. They had helped him come up with a plan to finally meet Youngbin in person, and he couldn't be more thankful for his loud and crazy friends who always helped him keep his spirits up.
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