#driver’s licence UK
alpha-mag-media · 1 year
Almost 4,000 truck drivers paid to sit at home for months after coming to Ireland to work due to licence chaos | In Trend Today
Almost 4,000 truck drivers paid to sit at home for months after coming to Ireland to work due to licence chaos Read Full Text or Full Article on MAG NEWS
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ur-mag · 1 year
Almost 4,000 truck drivers paid to sit at home for months after coming to Ireland to work due to licence chaos | In Trend Today
Almost 4,000 truck drivers paid to sit at home for months after coming to Ireland to work due to licence chaos Read Full Text or Full Article on MAG NEWS
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melodylife · 1 year
France Driving License
Looking to obtain a France driving license quickly and securely? Look no further than our expert team. We offer a streamlined process that can have you behind the wheel in just a few days. Say goodbye to the hassle of dealing with embassies, offices, and driving schools – we handle all the necessary steps for you. Plus, you can purchase your France driving license online with ease.
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fastdocuments48hrs · 2 years
Buy a Real Passport Online | Buy Canadian Passport Online | Buy Swiss Driver’s License | Buy Australian Passport
In Germany, two exams must be passed: first, you must give the theoretical and practical exams. You must Buy Real Passport Online to submit it as a document. In addition to the examinations, you must have an eye exam performed within the previous two years and completed a first aid course (Erste Hilfe), which may be scheduled via the German Red Cross.
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alpha-mag-media · 1 year
Almost 4,000 truck drivers paid to sit at home for months after coming to Ireland to work due to licence chaos | In Trend Today
Almost 4,000 truck drivers paid to sit at home for months after coming to Ireland to work due to licence chaos Read Full Text or Full Article on MAG NEWS
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ur-mag · 1 year
Almost 4,000 truck drivers paid to sit at home for months after coming to Ireland to work due to licence chaos | In Trend Today
Almost 4,000 truck drivers paid to sit at home for months after coming to Ireland to work due to licence chaos Read Full Text or Full Article on MAG NEWS
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the-nettle-knight · 4 months
If you're in the UK please please double check that you're registered to vote and that your id is valid. A driver's licence has to be registered to your voting address to be valid. There's only six weeks, so it needs to be done asap
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theworldgate · 4 months
So there's going to be a UK General Election
Set for US Independence Day (4th July), because that also happens to be the earliest possible date that meant Rishi Sunak wasn't lying about it being the second half of the year.
So, first off, here's the generic "Register to Vote" link: https://www.gov.uk/register-to-vote. I'm not completely hot on the exact timelines, so just register now. (subject to eligibility)
If you want to find out eligibility, here's your link: https://www.gov.uk/elections-in-the-uk/general-election
The ruling Conservative party, in a bid to do Republican-style voter supression[1], has introduced the legal requirement for photo ID. The Electoral Commission has a list of accepted forms of ID here: https://www.electoralcommission.org.uk/voting-and-elections/voter-id/accepted-forms-photo-id
If you don't have one of those (they cut out young people transport stuff 🤔 [though, to be clear, not stuff like Disabled Person's Bus Passes]), you can get a free "Voter Authority Certificate" - the application form for that is here: https://www.gov.uk/apply-for-photo-id-voter-authority-certificate It's also helpful if, say, the name and/or photo on your [e.g.] driver's licence is outdated.
The VAC doesn't expire, though there's currently a recommendation to replace it if it gets to 10 years old. Also, don't vote Conservative. Obviously. My god have you seen this country recently?!
[1] Fun fact: the consensus is that this has mostly supressed their own votes, but this has somehow not dissuaded them from further attempts to ctrl+c, ctrl+v GOP approaches to everything.
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obliviousoracle · 3 months
reminder to anyone in the uk,
even if you don't have anyone you like enough to vote for, vote *against* the Tories
and when you go to screw the Tories over,
passports and driver's licences are great for this! but things like student ID cards won't work, so check what you can use here:
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fizzyxcustard · 7 months
Covert Eyes (22)
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Prologue| Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6| Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21
Masterlist of fan fiction
Fandom: Spooks
Pairings: Lucas North x OC (Amy Holland)
Warnings: Stalking behaviour, anxiety, language, sexual references, angst, smut, heartbreak, gunshot wounds and recovery, abduction, hostage situation.
Summary: Lucas takes notice of a young woman, Amy, but his obsession and want to get to know her begin to spiral out of control. Amy is now working for MI-5, after being recruited by Ros. But will her involvement with Lucas cause even more problems and heartbreak?
Amy has now gone missing; will Lucas get her back home safely?
Official soundtrack list:  here
Comments/Notes: If you wish to be tagged in any of my tag lists for fics or characters, please let me know, and stipulate what you want to be tagged in.
Key words/terms which people may not understand:
DVLA - "Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency' which is a government department in the UK and handles all driving licences, registrations and car tax.
ANPR - "Automatic numberplate recognition"
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Amy was bound at her wrists and ankles and perched on a chair, with the rope around her wrists, binding her to the chair. She grimaced and squinted as the bag was pulled from her head and an intense light was shone in her face. Had she been knocked out? She couldn’t quite remember what had happened once she’d passed The King’s Head and felt someone drag her down the adjoining backstreet. Everything turned black and then she woke in this place. There was a dull thump in the back of her head and she had a bitter taste in her mouth.
“Amy Holland,” a voice came. 
She could see the outline of someone from behind the light and they began to move closer towards her. By now and the light was hurting her eyes; every time she blinked and it felt like a stab of raw pain behind her eyelids. 
“If you co-operate then you’ll be fine,” the voice came again. It was an American man’s voice. “I want Lucas North. He’s the reason my sister is dead. She tried to warn you against him but, of course, you wouldn’t listen. So maybe this will wake you up.”
“Wake me up to what?” Amy replied. “How horrible of a man he is? It’ll take a lot more than that to make me think anything but that Lucas is an amazing man and I love him. You can’t take that away from me.” 
“He’ll definitely come and look for you though, won’t he? Play the doting fiancée and the hero so he can impress you.” 
“He’s already impressed me,” Amy hissed. “What exactly is your plan here?”
“See how far Lucas will go for you, and then I can kill him with my bare hands.” 
“I think you underestimate…”
“I don’t think you’re in the prime position to tell me I’m underestimating MI5. I have far more experience with the British security services than you. You started in November, and you seem to think you know everything about them. I’ve worked in intel for most of my life, and I know how your team work, darling.” 
The adrenaline was pumping in Amy’s body as she looked up into the grey eyes of Sarah Caulfield’s vengeful brother. Her fight or flight system had come online, ready to push her into further danger or pull her from it. She could feel tears stinging her eyes, threatening to fall down her cheeks. Her heart was racing, but she inhaled deeply, trying hard to somehow relax herself. Pulling against the bindings was of no use. 
‘Caulfield’ as Amy referred to him in her mind, soon left her alone in the darkness again. All she had was her thoughts of Lucas, whom she knew would have realised she was missing. Their living arrangement and schedules was something both of them had become so used to now, that Amy knew Lucas couldn’t have overlooked any changes or slight deviations. 
In the darkness and she replayed the times when they laughed together in bed, and he would tickle her under the duvet. But it would soon turn into a more serious moment and they would eventually make love. Caulfield surely could only go by what his sister had disclosed to him, and had no idea just how loving and gentle of a man Lucas North really was behind closed doors. She knew with her whole heart that he would get to her. Nothing would stop him fighting to save her. She had no place for doubts at this point. She kept her mind focused on Lucas and the words dum spiro spero: while I live, I hope. 
Back at the grid, Lucas had been working constantly for nearly two days. He was running on pure adrenaline now, unable to let any kind of fatigue take over. All that mattered was Amy. He hadn’t showered, shaved, changed his clothes and barely eaten. All he had managed to eat was a chocolate bar out of Amy’s desk drawer. 
“Lucas, go home tonight,” Harry said, coming to his desk. “And that is an order. We’re all on this.” 
“Harry, how can I?” Lucas said, looking up at his boss with dark circles growing around his ice blue eyes. “I know Sarah’s behind this, or at least someone connected to her.” 
“At least go and have a shower, change your clothes, get something to eat.” 
Lucas travelled back to his and Amy’s flat upon Harry’s final demand. He entered the quiet flat, sighing as he did so. Everything made him think of her: the Disney figurines, the Tinkerbell mug which was still on the coffee table, the pair of pink, fluffy slippers which had been left in the hallway. The hallway – the place he’d made love to Amy for the first time. He could feel her gripping onto him, hear her gentle moans against his ear, feel her soft skin and smell her honey shampoo. 
If she dies, what else do I have? 
Lucas sat down on the edge of their bed and picked up a jumper of Amy’s, and as he lifted it to his nose, he could smell her perfume on it: Olympia by Paco Robbane. It was the very thing that made him aware of her presence in the coffee shop over a year ago. The sweet scent had hit him suddenly, and he turned to see her, sitting alone in the back corner of the café, doodling in her notebook. Then it was her green eyes that attracted him first; large and bright. For a few days and Lucas had battled in his mind with why he had become interested in her. She was not the kind of woman he would have normally become interested in or involved with. Sophisticated, independent and sharp women were the ones he normally found himself in relationships with. Amy was independent, yes, but she didn’t possess an obvious air of sophistication and was not sharp tongued, unless angry. She was softer, non-assuming, and unique. 
Lucas bowed his head and wept. His one chance at a normal life, and it was being ripped away from him again, threatened by someone who could not let go of the past. 
Amy had no idea how much time passed. She was left in a dark room, with her captors only coming to her to allow her to relieve herself in a bucket, or to offer food and drink. Lucas’ face was the main thing that Amy saw in her mind; he was smiling at her, his voice wrapping around her, telling her how strong she was. She held on to that, knowing that he would come for her. One way or the other, Lucas would come. 
Caulfield came back to Amy, and once again, she had no idea how long it had been since he last spoke with her. As soon as he spoke, she felt her ears prickle as her hearing had become heightened due to the lack of light. The only noise she had had as company was the odd tap of someone from another room, or the sound of her breath. 
“MI5 should be aware of your disappearance by now, Miss Holland. And no doubt your boyfriend will sweep in to save the day, giving me the opportunity to take him down. This is personal, and it’s just a shame you got caught in the crossfire.” 
Amy remained quiet. Nothing she said would be of any use; this man seemed to enjoy the sound of his own voice, spilling his revenge talk bullshit. 
Everyone on the Grid worked long hours to get Amy home. It had been two days now since she was last seen. Lucas was quiet, with his jaw clenched constantly. No one dared approach him, unless it was something helpful to the case. 
On the afternoon of day two, Lucas’ phone rang. ‘Unknown number’ flashed on the screen. 
“Yes?” Lucas asked, inhaling sharply. This could only be in connection with Amy. Why else would an unknown number call his work mobile? 
“Lucas North.” Not a question. A fact. Whoever was calling was only stating that they knew they had the right number. “Will send coordinates. Come alone. If anyone else comes with you, we’ll shoot her. Leave your phone behind; we’ll know if you have it.” The accent was American, and the voice male. This was someone connected to Sarah Caulfield. He knew it. 
Before Lucas could muster words, the line went dead. 
Lucas rushed into Harry’s office, relaying the details of the call. “I need to go on my own, Harry.” 
“We need to make sure you can be tracked,” Harry demanded. 
“This is the CIA. I know they’re connected to Sarah Caulfield. Whoever was calling, is American. They’ll have metal detectors and know if I’m being tracked. This is between me and them.” 
Amy was sat in darkness. The bindings had started cutting into her wrists and her arms ached, being pulled behind her back. The pain had been getting worse in the last hour or two and it was beginning to spread up her back and into her neck. The only time she was free of the bindings was when she needed to relieve herself or was eating, and even then, a man sat directly in front of her wearing a balaclava, making sure that she couldn’t run. 
She let out a groan and tilted her head back. Her eyes focused on the darkness, her gaze falling further into it. In her imagination, she could feel Lucas stood just behind her, his lips trailing down her cheek and his arms wrapped around her middle. “I love you, angel.”
Time continued to pass. People came and went; that much she knew from the sound of doors opening and closing. There were muffled voices from the other side of what she felt was a metal shutter door. Whenever there had been any light shone toward her, she’d made out what seemed to be a factory-type environment. Voices in the room echoed, signalling that she was in a large space. More than likely she was still in London somewhere, stuck inside a factory unit. 
More waiting. Food was served to Amy; porridge, later followed by a cheese sandwich. She’d had at least two lots of breakfast now, so she’d been in this place for two days. 
Suddenly, a door opened from behind Amy. Voices drifted through into the open space and one of them she immediately recognised. “Lucas?!” she called. 
“Amy?” he called back. 
“Shut up, Superman!” Caulfield snarled. “Just get the fuck in there.” 
Lucas cried out in pain, his calls echoing. 
Amy whimpered for him. 
A light was shone again, blinding Amy. She gasped and lowered her gaze away from the light. Slowly she opened her eyes again, wincing against the ache. She could hear scuffling, grunts and could see the very vague outline of figures, all haloed by the light. 
Lucas was dragged to a seat and bound to it, just like Amy was. He could see Amy sitting a short distance away from him, and as the men walked away, he pulled himself up, the chair hanging against his bindings and he scooted over to her. 
Amy heard him whisper her name and just before the light disappeared, she saw the outline of his features, immediately recognising that profile. She pulled toward him and drew her cheek against his, immediately beginning to weep. Just the sound, touch and smell of him made an innermost peace wash over her. His cologne wafted up her nose and she felt the tickle of his growing stubble against her cheek. Unable to embrace, Lucas and Amy kissed in the darkness. 
As Lucas kissed down her face, he could feel her tears against his lips. “I promise to get us out of here, angel.” 
“He said he wants you,” Amy said. “But don’t you dare play some heroic so we get split up. We’re getting out together, or not at all.” 
Pride and love swelled inside Lucas’ chest. “I love you so much,” he replied. 
Back on the Grid, Malcolm and Tariq had been going over every piece of CCTV footage they could find, piecing together a partial vehicle registration number from a white van that was seen one street away from Amy’s abduction point. That was all they had to go on. Lists of vehicles with that same description and last three letters on the plate were run through all DVLA databases. This line of enquiry came to a dead end. Until Ros noticed a small van, only just visible at a junction in a southerly direction from the street where Amy disappeared. 
“There! I can just see the very edge of a light from the back of a vehicle. Malcolm, try and get footage from the angle looking down the junction and straight at the back of the vehicle.” 
“On it,” Malcolm said. 
A short while later and Malcolm had found that it was a small van which was registered to a window cleaning business. Also, it was noted that five minutes after Amy disappeared from view, the van moved. Two men, wearing all black clothing were seen getting into the van. 
Malcolm continued digging into the details of the vehicle and the paper trail that it was leaving behind. “The van is registered to Ace Window Cleaning, operated and owned by Robert Anderson. I’ve mapped out through ANPR data where the van has been and which properties it’s been seen doing business with. One of them was the ground floor flat of Martin Page. And with a little more magic, I can confirm that Martin Page is an alias that is used by CIA agent Randall Blanchard, known colleague and field partner of Simon Caulfield, older brother of Sarah Caulfield.” 
“Lucas was right,” Ros said simply. “Track the ANPR data of that van. Get everything you can on where it’s been the last two days since Amy was last seen. One of the agents obviously paid off Robert Anderson for use of the vehicle, hoping it wouldn’t be traced back to either one of them. Little do they know, we’ve got a lot of fancy tricks up our sleeves.” 
Amy rested her head against Lucas. Every now and again, she would feel him kiss her head. 
A night vision camera was hovering above them, and in another part of the building, in a sterile-looking white room, Simon Caulfield watched on. He stared at the monitor and then turned to his partner, Randall Blanchard. “Have you sent the package yet?” Simon asked. “First class?” 
“All done,” Randall replied, taking a mouthful of bitter coffee from the paper Costa cup in his hand. 
“We all know how doting Mommy and Daddy are with their little girls.” 
“What exactly do you want to do with them?” Randall asked. 
“Play with them a little, I guess. And then kill him. We’ll both get our revenge for what he did to Sarah.” 
Forever tag list: @lathalea @xxbyimm @linasofia @knittastically @middleearthpixie @meganlpie @asgardianhobbit98 @rachel1959 @luna-redamancy @mrsdurin @quiall321 @missihart23 @lemond57 @evenstaredits @catthefearless @glassgulls @sazzlep @court-jobi @heilith @absentmindeduniverse @albionscastle @for-fuck-sake-im-alive @bookworm-with-coffee @danzalladaggers @ourlonelymountain @phantomessangel @estethell @windb3ll @protosslady
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timefadesaway · 5 months
when you learn to drive in the uk they ask you whether you want a real drivers licence (manual) or a drivers licence for babies (automatic) and if you choose the second one everyone laughs and points at you in the town square
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alpha-mag-media · 1 year
Almost 4,000 truck drivers paid to sit at home for months after coming to Ireland to work due to licence chaos | In Trend Today
Almost 4,000 truck drivers paid to sit at home for months after coming to Ireland to work due to licence chaos Read Full Text or Full Article on MAG NEWS
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ur-mag · 1 year
Almost 4,000 truck drivers paid to sit at home for months after coming to Ireland to work due to licence chaos | In Trend Today
Almost 4,000 truck drivers paid to sit at home for months after coming to Ireland to work due to licence chaos Read Full Text or Full Article on MAG NEWS
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valyrfia · 5 months
All drivers reside in Europe for a good portion of the year, all the teams are based in Europe. // this gatekeep-y stance is gross and comes across very racist trying to say it's mostly an "European" sport and only European standards should apply and secondly, Haas is American owned, so no they're not all based in Europe
Haas F1 team is based in the UK. Me stating a fact of the sport (that mostly all who work in it are European) is neither gatekeepy nor racist. Should F1 be more international and diverse? Yes of course and there remains a great deal of necessary work to be done to make it so—but that was never what was being discussed. What was being discussed is that if we’re talking about Kimi Antonelli and the age one can legally drive on the road, it makes no sense to consider an American standard considering Kimi and his entire entourage is European, thus meaning that Kimi would get a European road driving licence.
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addicail · 21 days
Interview Log 7987-20230511
Main article: SCP-7987
Date: May 11, 2023
Time: 20:08
Location: Wallace Facility, ████████, Scotland.
Recording: Agent Tabitha Murray, class C1
Interviewer: Agent Owen Mark, class C3
Interviewee: Addie MacKay, human, white, male, 18-22 years old, 1.5 m, 45 kg.  Approached facility requesting indefinite containment.
(Addendum: These data represent initial observations of the entity.  We now know the entity is agender, 30 years old according to its legal documentation, and exhibits anomalous properties that suggest it may not be human.  We also know its vital statistics more precisely. - Agent Murray)
Subject has brought the following items:
Reusable grocery bag
Five pairs boxer-briefs
One pair pyjama bottoms
Two vests
Two t-shirts
Three button-up shirts
One blouse
One denim jacket
One pair fingerless gloves
Eleven socks (unmatched)
Samsung Galaxy S10 smartphone and charger
Handmade wallet crafted from an A4 sheet of paper and packing tape
Driver's licence (UK issue, valid) (Note: the licence displays MacKay's face and vital statistics, but there is no name or gender indicated.)
Firearm certificate (Scotland police issue, valid) (Note: the document displays MacKay's face, but no name is indicated.  MacKay's signature is illegible.)
Five credit cards
Barclaycard Platinum Balance Transfer Visa
Barclaycard Platinum All-Rounder Visa
Royal Bank of Scotland Balance Transfer Mastercard
Bank of Scotland Platinum Low Rate Mastercard
Lloyds Bank Platinum 0% Purchase and Balance Transfer Mastercard
Global Health Insurance Card
ScotRail Smart card
Tesco discount card
Sainsbury's discount card
Fifteen coupons
Business card for Angel Homes Ltd, East Kilbride, Glasgow
Business card for Residence Estate Agents, Hamilton
£25 Starbucks gift card (current balance unknown)
Disposable razor
Reusable water bottle
Journal (the document could not be transcribed, but was digitised via scanning)
Two pens
Five hair clips
One bottle Garnier Ultimate Blends Hair Food shampoo (partially used)
One bottle Garnier Ultimate Blends Hair Food conditioner (partially used)
One jar Garnier Ultimate Blends Hair Food hair mask (partially used)
Compact mirror
Three cans sugar-free Irn-Bru Energy
Two packs Lambert & Butler 100s cigarettes
Refillable lighter
£245.12 in cash
Violin case containing violin, bow, rosin block, cleaning supplies, and spare strings
Banjo case containing banjo, picks, capo, cleaning supplies, and spare strings
Mark: Welcome to the Wallace Facility.  Our focus is on safe and respectful study of humans involved in unexplained phenomena.  I understand you requested study on yourself?
MacKay: Yes, I think I ought to stay here.
Mark: What phenomenon have you observed about yourself?
MacKay: I can read minds.  Puts people off.
[A pause.  Mark and MacKay stare at each other.]
Addendum: During this pause, I heard SCP-7987's voice, although its mouth didn't move and Agent Murray didn't hear anything.  This voice responded as if the entity was aware of what I was thinking, although I wasn't deliberately communicating with it.  As I recall, the communication regarded SCP-7987's so-called 'mind-reading' and its ability to 'send' mental communication to nearby people. - Agent Mark, 11/05/2023
The interview room's equipment didn't pick up any sound during this time. - Agent Murray, 11/05/2023
Mark: (to Murray) Are you getting all this?
Murray: All what?
Mark: (to MacKay) If you have something to say to me, please say it out loud so my colleague can transcribe it.
[No response.]
Addendum: SCP-7987 replied, and its mouth moved, but only I could hear it. - Agent Mark, 11/05/2023
Mark: Did you get that?
Murray: Get what?
MacKay: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'll stop fucking with you.  You can hear me now, right, darling?
Murray: Affirmative.  We appreciate your cooperation.
Mark: Did he say something to you?
Addendum: I was looking at my screen and did not see SCP-7987 as it said "You can hear me now, right, darling?"  The room's equipment did not pick up this comment. - Agent Murray, 11/05/2023
SCP-7987's mouth did not move after it said "I'll stop fucking with you," and I didn't hear its next words. - Agent Mark, 11/05/2023
MacKay: I'm sorry!  I'm sorry, really, I'm done now.  I'm talking normally.  It's just so much more effort to talk this way!  And slower!
Mark: Did you get all that?
Murray: He said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, really, I'm done now.  I'm talking normally.  It's just so much more effort to talk this way.  And slower."  Did he say anything else?
MacKay: No.
Mark: (simultaneously) No.
MacKay: I thought you'd appreciate a demonstration!
Mark: We do.  I'm not angry, Mr. MacKay.  I'm fascinated.  I just want to make sure this conversation is recorded accurately.
MacKay: Ah, don't call me 'mister.'
Mark: Would you prefer Miss?
MacKay: Just call me MacKay.
Mark: I can do that.  Would you mind putting that on his file?  Is it 'he?'
MacKay: 'He's fine.
Mark: You'll be 'it' in official documentation, but that's standard procedure.  All subjects of study are 'it.'  For impartiality.
MacKay: Right.
Mark: Thank you for approaching us with this, MacKay.  We're delighted for the opportunity to study this phenomenon.  As long as you cooperate and follow our rules, I'm sure your stay here will be pleasant and comfortable.
MacKay: How long will I be allowed to stay here?
Mark: As long as this phenomenon is observed.  Maybe longer, in case it recurs.
MacKay: Oh!  Great!
Mark: Room 11 is free - let's put you there for now.  Follow me.
End Log.
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chussyracing · 10 months
f1 news and rumours to keep us in shape during the winter break:
apparently Fred didn't want Charles to risk p2 in the race and his own position in the standings with the brave move he did to grt the team p2 in constructors
points are calculated and with them also entrance fees which for red bull for next year equals a huge amount of 7.4 mil
Merc team found the missing wedding ring in Yas Marina, congrats!
everyone heard the story about how Newey almost went to Ferrari (because they offered huge paycheck, a flat in Monaco and complete autonomy over F1 and hypercar projects to him), but I never knew Aston Martin was the key to tying him to Red Bull. Apparently Marko took him to the side at the time, asked what Ferrari offered and then offered more money (which is not what sealed the deal) AND a full hypercar where he can design his car how he wants - and that's how Aston Martin Valkyrie was born out of his papers
Este and George were sick (again) in Abu Dhabi and some team members across all teams were too, which raised important question that has been floating around f1 spaces for a while - how huge of an impact has this extensive calendar (even more so in 2024) on the mental and physical health of both the drivers and the team crew
Pourchaire potentially going to Ferrari/AR WEC? Or maybe Superformula, because he didn't manage to grab the F1 seat, but hinted at a new contract
cooling equipment from 2024 should be used at races with extremely warm condition as a reaction to Qatar gp this year, more over there is rumoured [very simplified non technical explanation from me coming] solution of making a small hole from the bottom of the front spoiler to make space for more air and fia claims it will all have precise rules so nobody could end up using it to gain unfair advantage
Merc seem to be finally scraping up the concept that didn't work for 2 years now and said they are completely reworking basically every single part of the car
Val rased 150k with his BotASS
Stephanie Carlin who is CEO/team principal of Rodin Carlin and Lewis' extreme e team x44 will be joining mclaren as business operations director
Ben Sulayem expressed how he would love to get Masi back into FIA
Logan has been official announced to complete the 2024 grid which remains unchanged for the first time
Tina Hausmann to Aston Martin F1 academy seat (I can't wait for Ferrari to announce who they decided to sign)
Jessica Hawkins expands her role in Aston Martin to head of racing for f1 academy too
Pato Oward now has enough points to qualify for a super licence
wet weather wheel covers will be tested in in spring 2024
no work on 2026 cars before 2025 is allowed to make sure nobody gets an unfair advantage
CBS is planning a comedy with Guenther Steiner
the Apex movie with Brad Pitt had its release date pushed back to summer 2025 (they face financial issues apparently as well as staff issues after the strike in Hollywood)
Iwasa is headed to Superformula for the next season
Forbes calculated what each driver made in 2023 (idk what their sources are for this tho) and the order is: Oscar + Pierre 8 mil, George 9 mil
Alfa Romeo as a brand is focusing from f1 to WEC now after the contract with Sauber expired (so no Alfa Romeo to Haas as some rumours suggested)
speaking of Sauber, on 10th December they are announcing a new name (based on new title sponsor) in the UK
Honda racing Thanks day (or whatever they call it) happened a few days ago and Yuki looked very cute, also Ferrari had an event in Jeddah last week and Charles could finally do his wishful donuts
Autosport Awards took place and Horner, Verstappen, Piastri and Norris (and who knows who else of the people i don't like) won in some categories i am too tired to list here
Ferrari movie red carpet happened yesterday and some big names including susie and toto wolff were there (fun fact: toto and Christian were asked about charles' rumoured contract extension and they both said he is a great driver and tvereis no reason for ferrari to not lock him down before 2024 contracts expiring carnage happens)
speaking of, Gazzetta reported that charles apparently signed a 5 year contract extension with ferrari and Carlos is expected to extend as well except he is asking for 2 year contract (or at least 1+1) and the team wants to sign him for one year only
some people (cough Horner cough) were concerned about conflict of interest of Susie and Toto Wolff because they hate to see the girlboss winning - there is now official investigation that neither the Wolffs/Mercedes nor the F1 were informed before FIA let the info go into media
Madrid street circuit signed a contract for 10 years starting with 2026 and while Barcelona promoters are trying to keep their place on the calendar i doubt we would have 2 spanish gps with how packed the calendar already is
F1 also announced 6 sprint locations for 2024 and it will be a mess :))))
also remember how Doohan tried to get a place in Alpine wec before mick took it? He is now out of f2 for 2024 and turned down indycar offer too so rip to him
Ferrari drivers are on sim duty this week to give feedback on 676 project
Fred also admitted they scraped 2 more upgrades they had planned out for this season to instead focus those sources (financial and designer) for 2024
Alonso and Verstappen are reportedly planning to do Le Mans together and looking for a third one (worst threesome in the history of universe, no matter who they choose)
Prize money was also calculated and it's 140 mil for rbr, 131 mil for merc and 122 mil for ferrari (etc etc)
everyone is so silent about Andretti (who got approved by fia but didn't get an agreement to join the grid from other f1 teams yet) because apparently Hitech who also tried to get into f1 got turned down despite being much futher in development (concept in wind tunnel, merc pre contract for engine supplying etc) and they will be launching legal action against fia/fom acussing them of bias
And finally Liam Lawson is now a youtuber (as he waits for f1 opportunity because he has the 2025 seat confirmed and ricciardo has a clause in his contract to be 1st priority for rbr if they let go of Checo but also to hire lawson for his place if it happens)
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