#droid bitty
phoenixkaptain · 1 year
I love the idea of people trying to hold Luke and Leia being the children of Darth Vader against them.
The idea is just so… funny?
Like, you’re going to tell Leia Organa that she’s a bad person? Leia Organa, who refused to give up the location of the Rebel base even when it meant her home and family were blown up in front of her? Leia Organa, who has only ever treated Vader like gum on the bottom of her shoe? Leia Organa, who has been apart of this rebellion practically since she was born?? You’re going to try and convicne me that she could be evil, just because a guy who didn’t even raise her is half of her DNA?
Or are you going to badmouth Luke Skywalker? Luke Skywlaker, who blew up the Death Star? Luke Skywalker, who singlehandedly makes Imperial remnants either run for cover or try to kill themselves? Luke Skywalker, whose best friend is an astromech droid?? That guy is destined for evil??
Just imagining someone trying to spin it against them, when really, their paternity is a point in their favour. These two who gave up their whole lives for the Rebellion, who spent years fighting what seemed to be a hopeless war, who are both so passionate and good that it is impossible to dislike them. They came from something so dark, and yet…
They coud use it as a metaphor, following the fall of the Empire and the beginnings of the New Republic. They could use it as evidence that people deserve second chances and not to be judged for what their parents have done. They could use it as yet another reason why they are way cooler than anybody else-
Like, I know that a few stories try and make it out to be this terrible thing that they try to hide as long as they can. But if the guy who blew up the Death Star and (as far as I know) killed the Emperor and who is singlehandedly trying to bring back the Jedi Order, known for being peacekeepers and great came up to me and told me that his dad was Darth Vader, I think I’d pat him on the back. Like, good job. Your dad sucked, but you really inherited his ability to pull of capes-
I can’t imagine finding out that Darth Vader had children and then wanting to prosecute those children. Not after those children spent four years fighting on the frontlines against Darth Vader. Not when those children are Leia Organa and Luke Skywalker. It’s just so unrealistic. Anybody who would want them punished for Vader’s crimes would take one look at Luke’s goofy little face or Leia’s little itty-bitty stature and immediately change their mind.
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burnwater13 · 2 months
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Fennec Shand and Boba Fett in the throne room of the Daimyo's palace near Mos Espa, on Tatooine addressing the Majordomo. (Mok Shaiz's Majordomo out of frame). Image from The Book of Boba Fett, Season 1, Episode 1, Stranger in a Strange Land. Calendar by DataWorks.
Grogu knew it didn’t seem likely. It was strange. He accepted that. Fennec Shand was his friend and he really liked her. She was sassy, strong, and an expert at a lot of things. She wasn’t afraid of his dad and she wasn’t actually afraid of the Daimyo either. That was impressive. Almost everywhere he went with his dad, people were afraid of Mandalorians to the extent of crossing the street, darting indoors, or simply turning around and walking away. It was impressive, if a little bit dramatic. 
If they should worry about anyone, they should worry about Fennec. She had excellent aim with any weapon you tossed her way, she could run down a fathier, and she could disappear at the click of a blaster activating. Then, much like Peli Motto, she seemed to know everyone and every little, itty, bitty, bit of gossip traded anywhere on Tatooine. That was impressive all by itself.
Of course he didn’t tell his dad about how he felt toward Fennec. Being her friend. He didn’t want Din Djarin to get jealous. The Mandalorian handled it poorly at best. Like the time he gave Peli a kiss on the cheek because she had the pit droids make him one of his favorite meals, flash fried gorg on a stick. Din had some harsh words for her, but Grogu had thought he shouldn’t have been so touchy about it. The Mandalorian argued that he was asking who told the pit droids they could use the N-1’s engines to do that flash frying (or roasting, technically speaking). How was Peli to supposed to know that she had to get special permission for crying out loud? Or that the engines of the N-1 could actually set the Mandalorian’s cape on fire? Din Djarin was being unfair.
That’s exactly why Grogu didn’t want his dad to get upset over all the projects he and Fennec took on. It he did, Grogu would see less of his friend and he really didn’t want that to happen. Other than his dad, the Daimyo, the Majordomo, Greef Karga, and Peli, Fennec was the only person he knew who told great bedtime stories. They all started, “The last time I was on Coruscant…” or “The last time I was on Corellia…” or “The last time I was on Chandrila…”. He loved that. It set the scene and knew he was going to hear a story about a thrilling chase, with some blaster fire and hand to hand combat, that always ended with Fennec collecting, protecting, or silencing, whoever had been on her list of problems to take care of. She was a great problem solver. And once the story was underway, she didn’t stop telling it until it was done. Not like his dad who would let him fall asleep half way through. If Grogu fell asleep, Fennec would tickle his feet and keep telling the story. She said she could leave a task of any sort half done.
That was part of the reason Grogu liked to hang out with her. He wanted to learn how to solve problems in different ways to make sure they weren’t left half done. Even now, he worried that Moff Gideon wasn’t really gone. The person who burned up on Mandalore was probably a clone. Sad for the clone certainly, but good for Moff Gideon mark one. Dank Farrik!
Now, with Fennec teaching him how to make sure that anything he started was completed, if he ever ended up crossing paths with any version of Moff Gideon, he’d be able to find and implement a method to permanently shut him down. Grogu couldn’t imagine that any version of the Moff would be kinder, gentler, and more thoughtful and considerate than the original and the original was bereft of all of those qualities. Jedi weren’t supposed to be vengeful, but Grogu was willing to make an exception for certain people. It seemed like the right thing to do.
Which was another thing that he appreciated about Fennec. She was very quick at discerning what was right and what was wrong. She didn’t slow herself down by ponding the moral or ethical implications of the work she undertook. If she didn’t think it was worth the risk or thought that the reward wasn’t rewarding enough, she just didn’t do it. You’d never find her cleaning out the rancor’s enclosure. Nope. Not her. 
His dad on the other hand, could be compelled to do some of the worst work just because the Creed demanded it, honor demanded it, or he’d made a promise to someone at some nebulous point in the distant past. That had gotten them both into a fair amount of trouble. Just look at what happened when the Mandalorian decided to prove to Bo-Katan and Armorer that Mandalore could still support life! It was a nightmare! You wouldn’t find Fennec getting caught up in stuff like that. Nope. Grogu respected that because he wished he could use that same technique to avoid cleaning his room. 
Grogu sighed and made his way to the throne room. He wanted to see what lesson he could learn from her.
“…he’d have fed you to his menagerie.”
Fennec’s words didn’t sound nice, but she delivered them in a strangely matter of fact manner that made the person standing in front of her begin to sweat.
“I promise you Administrator, I will send fresh frogs right over. I had no idea that freshness was a key quality for rancor feed.”
“I don’t feed them to a rancor. As if you would be that lucky. They are fed to a powerful Jedi and he likes them fresh.”
“Of course, of course, of course.” The person bowed as they spoke and when they reached the threshold of the room, they turned and ran out of the room as fast as they could.
Fennec turned from her perch on the Daimyo’s throne and smiled at Grogu.
“The things I do to keep you and the Daimyo happy, kid. Be glad that he likes you.”
Grogu returned her smile. He was glad that they both liked him, but perhaps he was a little, teeny, tiny bit more glad that Fennec liked him. Perhaps.  
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sphnyspinspin · 1 year
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An itty bitty draft for my TF fan-continuity.
Transformers: Bold, Bright, and Brisk
(AKA The Brisk Continuity)
super catchy, I know…
On the TF Wiki for RBA Hotshot, it actually said he’s a Wrecker, and in the beginning, I was going to make Whirl a Wrecker and Hotshot an Autobot(I know the factions aren’t too different but it’s for the narrative I promise) and then I was like, what if I just did a switcheroo, and make Whirl the Autobot. Because since Hotshot is actually a Wrecker, it would just make him and Heatwave connect more in a father-son kinda way, ya know.
Also meaning Hotshot became a very famous athlete, a cube athlete nonetheless, while having a Wrecker background, which some would label as uncoordinated brutes who are only good for construction. Hotshot showed them what for. Especially by earning a scholarship after one of the most important cube games. A scholarship to a school that was founded by the Optimus Prime. With Hotshot’s popularity and experienced athleticism along with being part of a team, made him a perfect candidate to get the school more recognition, as a bonus of course. He also may or may not try to start a school cube team while he’s there as well.
Wedge is a Decepticon, obviously, and I feel like Wedge being the first, and probably the only, Decepticon Rescue Bot, he would want to be able to prove to himself and to others that he can be a great hero just like anyone else, despite having a delinquent background. He just doesn’t want to hide it this time, since he would absolutely want to inspire others who are just like him. By winning that contest that took - flexibility, strength, intelligence, and durability - he absolutely crushed it and won a full scholarship to the Academy. But, that came with the cost of the school not getting many new students, due to many not feeling too happy about a school built by Optimus Prime letting in a former trouble-maker Decepticon, which is practically just dancing on the Prime’s grave.
Having amazing test scores, an astonishing acrobatic skill set, and an indistinguishable sense of justice, Whirl is one of the most gifted students on Cybertron. Although, as much as Whirl is smart and strong she can be just as much as an eccentric wild card. Which is what most deem as, too unprofessional for such a distinguished profession such as a peacekeeper. Whirl has picked up on how most people treat her from just plainly patronizing her, to putting her up on this pedestal, to where she would be pressured to set a more proper example. And when she finally got off that pedestal is when her application to Rescue Bots Academy was finally excepted.
Being an engineer who helped repair many of the finest Sigmas for many bots was no easy task. Not to mention being a Dinobot engineer while also being scared of Dinobots. Well, Hoist isn’t necessarily scared of Dinobots, just the loud roaring, giant claws, sharp fangs, and not to mention he’s practically the runt of the litter compared to his cousins, so he could easily get squished. He has no sharp appendages or a loud roar, yet he is one of the most insightful engineers in the business. Creating advanced tools, easily repairing generators, and even creating an automated cleaning droid to help with the mess. His family immediately took notice, and they were all able to save up enough units to finally get him to where he can properly flourish his creativity.
He’s one of the stranger inhabitants of Wreck-Gar’s homeworld. Despite living in a so called dump, Medix is one of the more tidier bots who has had a strange fascination with cataloguing. Though he is one of the youngest bots within the community, he is very independent when trading supplies with pirates and handling the more unsettling creatures of the planet. Everybody knows that Junkions are practically indestructible, but it still doesn’t hurt any less when having your arm ripped off or being bitten by something venomous - that’s where Medix comes in. Until one day, an old bot who goes by Ratchet, came across the young medic who’s made a name for himself. The leader of the Junkions Wreck-Gar decided himself that the best course of action to establish stronger ties with Cybertron was to let Medix be taken underneath the renowned doctor’s servo. Very against the idea at first - the reclusive - Medix reluctantly accepted the mentorship, only under the condition that he gets to visit the zoo on the way to the academy.
Former Occupation) Professional Cube Athlete
Academic Occupation) Firefighter
Faction) Wrecker
Alt) ATV
Former Occupation) Hardwire Specialist
Academic Occupation) Architect
Faction) Decepticon
Alt) Bulldozer
Former Occupation) Crossing Gaurd
Academic Occupation) Police Officer
Faction) Autobot
Alt) Helicopter
Former Occupation) Sigma Repairman
Academic Occupation) Engineer
Faction) Dinobot
Alt) Tyrannosaurus Rex
Former Occupation) Practioner
Academic Occupation) Field Medic
Faction) Junkion
Alt) Ambulance
This also is definitely an excuse to sort of smoosh together TF Cyberverse and TF Prime and TF Rescue Bots Academy because it’s been a dream of mine since of late 2022. I am so excited to start learning about these factions and how they could affect each of kids’ lives before the academy.
Disclaimer, these all take place like a Vorn(83 cyber-years) after the war. And both Optimus Prime and Megatron are DEAD. PERIODT. Optimus died by doing something like he did in Predacon’s Rising by jumping in the well to revive Cybertron. Megatron is going to be based way more off of Cyberverse Megs, I don’t feel too bad about cutting him out, and he was killed by Starscream. No I’m not elaborating, this is still a draft.
I already shared like a lot, so I don’t want to over analyze everything I came up with. Cause if I did I would’ve blown your minds and my mind as well. But I still loved doing all this random research on factions and cities, I want to know so much more about this stuff and rant about it forever and ever.
Wanna give me an excuse to rant? Go ahead. But not like right after I post it, maybe wait a couple hours or maybe a day, because I will be passing out after posting this…
Look what I made!! @novafire-is-thinking @asmoteeth @sonia-aquamarineson @sonicnerd @geluatekurama @heatblades @magically-maddie
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Star Wars Droids Fanart Enamel Pin Collection
These baddies are massive except for our itty bitty gonk droid for filler spots!
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skywlker-sluvtt · 11 months
Okay okay I saw that ask about Obi Wan deserving to be ridden and FUCK YES?!?!! Yes he does, I believe Clone Wars Obi Wan deserves it a lot after Tatooine Dilf Obi Wan because fucking hell Obi Wan is just so fed up by the Seppis and the war.
Obi Wan deserves to see the stars stretch around him as he travels on the venator through the galaxy while you’re riding him but also cuddle him at the same time you know… NURGH I NEED HIM 😭😭
you are so right tho cw obi needs it after all the war crimes bros watching anakin & ahsoka commit on the daily. he's fed up with dooku and those dumbass droids he deserves to relax while he's got some downtime in hyperspace (that's why cody's there <3) HEHEHEHHEHE
no but fr someone please give obi-wan some head and ride him, he just needs some bitties jiggling in his face. he also needs titty stress balls for when he wants to sleep. (I will do it if no one else is volunteering)
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jedi-hawkins · 3 months
The Planet Core
3.9k Words
Pairings: Jedi oc x Obi Wan
Warnings: Brief descriptions of injuries
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An invasion of Naboo is underway by a droid army.
Jedi Padawan Bryn del Caro, along with Padawan Obi-wan Kenobi and Jedi Knight Qui-gon Jinn must journey to warn Queen Amidala of the danger posed to her and her people.
With friends new and old, her skills will start to be tested in ways like never before.
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The bongo motors hum as the submarine cuts through the darkening water. Obi-wan rests his hand on the controls while Bryn sits in the co-pilot's seat.
"Since when have you been able to push the mind, Bryn?" Obi-wan asks.
Bryn laughs, "I don't know if you noticed, Obi-wan, but it didn't work."
"No, not yet." Qui-gon says, leaning forward from his seat. "But, you're shockingly close. Master Plo is pushing you faster than I expected. Very impressive."
Bryn glances at the reflection of her first master in the windshield of the submarine and smiles. "Thank you, Master. Master Plo has been preparing me for the trials. Personally, I think it might be too soon for me to take them, but I trust his judgement." She turns to look at the dashboard. "Obi-wan, is there any way to make the lights brighter? I can barely see."
Obi-wan shakes his head. "They're as bright as they can go, and you needn't worry about the trials. You'll do amazing."
"Oh, yesa. Da planet core is very darky." Jar Jar says from his seat beside Qui-gon. "Oh! Gooberfish!"
"Why were you banished, Jar Jar?" Bryn asks, glancing over her shoulder.
The gungan cringes at the thought. "Tis a longo tale-o, buta small part of it would be mesa... clumsy."
"You were banished because you were clumsy?" Obi-wan asks, his brow furrowed.
Jar Jar nods, sadly. "Yousa might'n be sayin dat. Mesa caused mabbe one, two-y little bitty axadentes. You'd say boom de gasser, den crashin der boss' hey blibber, den banished."
"Don't worry, Jar Jar." Bryn says reassuringly. "You'll find your place soon enough." She fiddles with the dash once more. "You're sure the lights won't go any brighter, Obi? I don't like the dark."
"There is more than one way to find light in the dark, Padawan." Qui-gon cuts in. "Reach out with the Force, it can guide us much better than our eyes."
Bryn nods and settles into her seat, closing her eyes. She lets the hum of the motor fade away until only her breathing tethers her to the submarine. For a few moments she's silent. She can feel the life radiating from the other three passengers in the sub, from the fish and seaweed outside, even the energy from the twisting current pressing towards her. Just as the submarine passes a dark rocky outcrop, Bryn feels a large looming shape start to follow the bongo. Her eyes fly open.
"Obi, step on it."
"Why?" He asks, "There's nothing-"
The submarine jolts as an enormous fish snags it with its tongue. The motors of the bongo begin to whine with strain as the fish reels the ship into its mouth.
"Big gooberfish!" Jar Jar exclaims. "Huge-o teeth!"
Bryn and Obi-wan's hands fly across the controls, trying to regain control of the ship.
Obi-wan points to a button on Bryn's side of the dash. "You have to flip the-"
"I know!"
"Maybe try the-"
"I am!"
"If you don't then-"
"Kenobi, you're lucky I'm trying to get us out of here instead of just feeding you to that thing, because if you don't shut up, that's what I'm doing next."
Before Obi-wan can reply, a bigger set of jaws appear out of the gloom and snap around the opee sea killer hanging on to the bongo. While the boys stare in awe at their rescuer devouring it's dinner, Bryn takes the controls and pilots the submarine down through the rocks and into a more protected cave.
"There's always a bigger fish." Qui-gon mutters.
Obi-wan takes the controls again and instantly an alarm goes off from the dashboard. "What did you do?" he asks.
"How should I know, you were the one who took the controls back." Bryn retorts. "It looks like we're losing power. Set us down somewhere."
Jar Jar begins to whimper as the bongo settles to the bottom of the tunnel. "Wesa dyin' here."
"Don't worry Jar Jar," Bryn says, unbuckling her seat restraints. "This will only take a few seconds."
She stands up and moves across the cabin where she pries a panel off the wall and begins fiddling with the wires.
"Do you mind telling me what you're doing?" Obi-wan inquires from the pilot's seat.
"I'm hopefully going to reinstate power through the converter so the compressor can-"
"In real words, please." Obi-wan says, cutting Bryn off.
She shakes her head, smirking. "It would take about double the time we have to explain it to you in a way you can understand. Open that panel on the dash and find the white wire, please."
Obi-wan follows her direction as Jar Jar starts to break down more.
"Stay calm, Jar Jar. We're not in trouble yet." Qui-gon says, trying to soothe the sobbing gungan.
"What yet?" He exclaims. "Monsters out dare. Leak'n in here. All sink'n and no power? Whena yousa tinkin wesa in trouble?"
"Got the wire, Bryn."
"Good." She responds, closing up the wall panel. "Now touch it to that relay." She says, pointing to it as she sits back down.
As Obi-wan does, the lights on the ship flicker back up to reveal a huge row of teeth right in front of them.
Jar Jar screams at the sight of it. "Oh no! Monstair's back! Wesa gona die!"
"Punch it Obi-wan!" Bryn shouts.
The ship speeds away from the clawfish with Jar Jar screeching and flailing in his seat.
"Relax." Qui-gon tells him with a hand on his shoulder. The gungan instantly slumps over.
"I think you overdid it, Master." Obi-wan says, glancing at the gungan. "So Bryn, you fix ships too?"
She shrugs, smiling. "My ships have a tendency of getting damaged. Besides, I needed a hobby."
The mouth of the tunnel approaches, but it suddenly becomes blocked by yet another large pair of jaws.
"Oh this isn't good." Obi-wan groans.
The cavern rumbles behind the small bongo. It's passengers look towards the source of the noise to see the claw fish bumping through the tunnel towards them.
"It's about to get worse." Qui-gon plainly states, eliciting more whining from Jar Jar
Bryn huffs. "Give me the controls, Obi-wan. Buckle up everyone." She guns the throttle towards the large jaws waiting for them and holds out her right hand. The gaping maw suddenly lurches backwards, giving Bryn enough room to pull the bongo sharply upwards as soon as it exits the cave. She weaves the bongo up and over the giant fish's back as close as possible, which draws the claw fish right into the waiting rows of teeth.
The bongo levels out and Bryn glances over at her passengers. Jar Jar has passed out again and Qui-gon is calmly sitting next to him. Obi-wan to her left is clenching the dash, his knuckles white.
"Oh come on, it that wasn't that bad." Bryn taunts him.
He slowly looses his grip, rolling the tension from his shoulders. "At least that was better than your flying."
Bryn gives him a cheeky smile. "Well I got us out alive while you sat there, so you're lucky I was here aren't you."
Obi-wan rolls his eyes. "Lucky isn't the word I would use."
"What would you use then?"
His face softens as he looks at her, but Qui-gon interrupts. "Be mindful, young padawans. We're here."
The bongo breaks the surface near the docks of the royal palace. Just as the group  is disembarking, a droid transport flies overhead.
"Looks like the droids have beat us here."
"Yes Master." Bryn replies. "It's likely the Viceroy is already here too and has the Queen in his hospitality. Here, this is the best path to a good vantage point." She gestures towards a staircase to their right, spiraling upwards.
"You act like you've been here before." Obi-wan remarks as they ascend the stairs. "Have you ever met the Queen?"
Bryn nods. "I have, last year, before Queen Amidala began her term. Master Plo and I were here to help tighten the palace's security."
"Oh? What do you think of her?" Obi-wan asks as they creep along a breezeway.
"She's a bit young, but I think she's capable of becoming a very kind and wise leader, who will do whatever is best for her people." Bryn's hand shoots out to keep Jar Jar from bumping into her as Qui-gon abruptly stops in front of them. "Look, there she is." She points over Obi-wan's shoulder at a small cluster of people being escorted by droids through the courtyard.
"Her fashion is a bit, erm, interesting." He says, eyeing the Queen's elaborate feathered gown and headdress.
"I'm sure she'll let you borrow it if you ask nicely." Bryn teases him.
"Shh." Qui-gon cuts them off and gestures for the two padawans to follow him.
The three Jedi crouch at the ready on a bridge spanning the exit of the courtyard. Just before the troupe passes under them, Qui-gon leaps down to block their path. Obi-wan follows his master's lead, and Bryn lands last, quickly unsheathing two light sabers, one blue and one green.
The triad easily slice their way through the droid guards. At one point Bryn force pushes two droids away from her and into Obi-wan's ready attack. His heart flutters as he watches Bryn swiftly take out the last droid.
"Quickly," Qui-gon says, "We should leave the streets your highness."
The queen simply gives a curt nod and follows Qui-gon's lead.
"Get their weapons." The Guard Captain instructs his officers as Jar Jar finally drops from the bridge above.
"Whoa! Yousa guys bombad!" He remarks in awe.
Bryn smiles at him. "Thank you, Jar Jar. Now come on." She gestures for him to follow the rest of the group as she brings up the rear.
As he glances around for droids, Obi wan manages to steal a look at Bryn. "Was that a second lightsaber I saw?"
She smiles. "You noticed. It's pretty new, just a few years old."
"And green." Obi-wan remarks.
"And green." Bryn repeats. "the story of how the crystal spoke to me is quite a good one. Perhaps another time." She nods toward the front of the group where Qui-gon is motioning everyone into a small corridor.
Now that they're under better cover, Qui-gon turns to speak to the Governor. "We are ambassadors for the supreme chancellor."
The governor raises an eyebrow. "Your negotiations seem to have failed, Ambassador." He says with an annoyed tone.
Qui-gon shakes his head. "They never took place. It is urgent that we make contact with the Republic."
"They've knocked out all of our communications." The Guard Captain interjects.
"Do you have transports?" Obi-wan joins in.
The Captain nods gestures down a corridor to their left. "In the main hangar, this way."
When they reach the hangar doors, the Captain begins muttering as he fiddles with the control panel. "These should be opening. They must have locked us out."
"Allow me," Bryn says, stepping forward. She slips an ornate dagger out of her robes and uses it to pry open the control panel. Within a few moments, the locking mechanisms on the doors release with a deep click. "That's the best I can do without alerting whoever or whatever is on the other side of that door."
"That's more than enough." The Captain says. He and one of his officers carefully pry the doors apart, just enough to peer through. At the sight of a troupe of droids guarding the hangar crew, the Captain shakes his head. "There are too many of them."
Both Bryn and Obi-wan shrug their shoulders. "Won't be a problem." They reply in unison.
Qui-gon turns to the queen. "Your Highness, under the circumstances, I highly suggest you come to Coruscant with us."
She shakes her head. "Thank you, Ambassador, but my place is with my people."
"They will kill you if you stay." Qui-gon insists.
"They wouldn't dare." The governor interjects indignantly.
"They need her to sign a treaty to make this invasion legal." The Guard Captain clarifies. "They wouldn't dare kill her."
Qui-gon once again addresses the queen. "There is something else behind all this, Your Highness. There's no logic in the federation's move here. My feelings tell me they will destroy you."
"Our only hope is that the senate will side with us." The governor adds. "Senator Palpatine will need your help."
The queen mulls over her options before replying. "Either choice presents great danger." She glances over her left shoulder to her first handmaiden. "To us all."
The young girl replies to her. "We are brave, Your Highness."
Bryn steps forward, her eyes still resting on the first handmaiden before moving to the queen. "If you are to leave, Your Highness, it must be now."
The queen seems to stand a little taller. "Then I will plead our case to the senate. Be careful, Governor." She follows Qui-gon's lead out the door.
As the the queen's handmaidens file through the door, Bryn once again moves to cover the rear, but Obi-wan gestures for her to go before him.
She pauses and looks at him. "What."
"Let me cover you, go. " He simply replies.
Bryn shakes her head. "No you go, I've had the rear this whole time."
"And now I've got it, go."
She rolls her eyes. "Why does it matter? We have the same training, Obi-wan."
Obi-wan's voice becomes more stern. "Bryn, please. Just- please."
She sighs and rests a hand on his shoulder. "Okay." And with that, she strides through the door.
Bryn lengthens her steps so she is beside the queen's first hand maiden. "Don't worry Padme." She mutters from the corner of her mouth. "We'll get the Queen out of here safely."
"We'll need to free those pilots." The Guard Captain points over to the captives.
"Let me take care of that." Obi-wan says, creeping behind some crates, waiting at the ready.
Qui-gon confidently strides up to the droids guarding a chrome Naboo cruiser. "Halt." One of them says.
"I am an ambassador to the Supreme Chancellor. I am taking these people to Coruscant." Qui-gon plainly states.
"Where are you taking them?" The droid asks.
"To Coruscant." Qui-gon repeats.
"Uh, wait that doesn't compute." The droid mumbles. "Uh, wait. You're under arrest."
Qui-gon quickly ignites his lightsaber and rushes the droids in front of him. Obi-wan darts out from his hiding spot and quickly frees the hostage pilots. "Go!" he shouts to them.
They divide into two groups, half rush back towards the hangar doors while the others run towards the Naboo cruiser, where Bryn is defending the loading ramp from blaster fire.
Padme is the last of the handmaidens to board. Just as Bryn ricochets a blaster bullet off of her blade, a wave of instinct takes over her and she dives to her right towards Padme. Bryn's side instantly burns white-hot and she yells out in pain as she crouches over the young girl. There was a droid hiding behind a ship's landing gear she hadn't seen.
"Bryn! are you alright?" Padme exclaims at the Jedi's outcry.
"Never you mind, m'lady. Barely grazed me. Go." Bryn practically shoves the girl onto the ship and she's followed by the rest of the Royal Guard.
Blaster fire flies over Bryn's head once again from the rogue droid. Pain still radiating through her body, she drags her eyes over to the droid and reaches out her hand. The droid lifts a few inches off of the ground and is suddenly ripped in two.
Obi-wan finishes off the last two droids in the landing bay and turns towards the cruiser to see Bryn stooping down to pick up her lightsaber. The two quickly board the ship and the rockets fire, speeding cruiser out of the hangar.
"Nothing like a midday workout, eh?" Obi-wan says, bumping his elbow into Bryn's shoulder.
Her breath hitches in pain, but she manages to pass it off. "Workout? I was just warming up. Let's find Qui-gon."
Obi-wan nods in agreement, but something about Bryn's voice sounded off. The two stride by the cruiser's droid bay, where Jar Jar is standing just inside the door.
"Now stay here, and keep out of trouble." Obi-wan prompts him.
"Master is probably on the bridge." Bryn speaks up, and again Obi-wan notices that her voice sounds strained.
"Are you alright?" He asks.
She takes a deep breath and gives him a smile, her left hand still pressed against her side under her robes. "Yep, never better. Just anxious to get back to Coruscant."
"There's the blockade!" One of the pilots speaks up as the pair reaches the bridge.
"Right, forgot about that part." Bryn murmurs under her breath.
The blockade begins to fire on the small cruiser, red bolts are flying everywhere. The cruiser jolts as something on the starboard side is hit and alarms begin to blare.
"Shield generator's down!" One of the co-pilots call.
A clanking can be heard on the hull outside as some astromec droids start rolling across the hull to repair the damage.
Obi-wan and Bryn watch a screen off to the right, showing the little droids under fire. One is lost, then two.
"We're losing droids fast." Obi-wan alerts the pilot.
The Guard Captain shakes his head. "If we don't get those shield generators back up, we'll be sitting ducks."
The cruiser shudders as the shields go completely down. Only one astromec is left on the hull, but it is still furiously working away.
"Come on, you can do it." She urges the droid. Hearing her, Obi-wan reaches over to grasp her hand in comfort.
Suddenly, the red on one of the dash screens changes back to green. "The power's back!" The pilot looks at it in surprise. "That little droid did it! He bypassed the main power drive."
The co-pilot flips a switch on the dash. "Deflector shields up at maximum." He confirms.
With the shields back up, the Naboo cruiser is easily able to slip past the rest of the blockade and out into open space.
The co-pilot shakes his head. "There's not enough power to get us to Coruscant. The hyper drive is leaking."
"We'll have to land somewhere to repair and refuel." Qui-gon remarks, deep in thought.
Obi-wan sits down at the navigation terminal and scrolls through it quickly. "There, Master." He says, pointing to the screen. "Tatooine. It's small, out of the way, poor. And the Trade Federation has no presence there."
"How can you be sure?" The Guard Captain remarks suspiciously.
"It's controlled by the Hutts." Qui-gon replies, looking over Obi-wan's shoulder.
The Guard Captain turns around in his seat. "You can't take her Royal Highness there. The Hutts are Gangsters. If they discovered her-"
"Then it'd be no different than if we landed on a system under the Federation's control." Bryn says from the door, cutting him off. She takes a breath to steady her voice before continuing. "Our advantage is that the Hutts aren't looking for her."
The Captain nods, still with a look of distaste on his face. "To Tatooine then." He says to the pilot.
Suddenly, a wave of nausea washes over Bryn. The room starts to spin and her vision quickly goes dark as she collapses to the floor.
"Bryn!" Obi-wan exclaims, kneeling down at her side. "Bryn? Can you hear me?" He gently shakes her shoulder, but she remains unconscious.
"Let's get her to the medical bay." Qui-gon says, kneeling over her.
Obi-wan nods and scoops Bryn up in his arms, walking swiftly after his master. As he gently sets her down on the examination table, the medical droid hums over. In the bright lights of the med bay it's alarmingly obvious that Bryn's face is devoid of all color and the right side of her tan colored robes have become stained with blood.
"When was she hit?" Obi-wan asks, frantically.
"It must have happened on the landing platform." Qui-gon replies. "With all the chaos of our escape no one must've realized. The lights on the bridge are too dark for anyone to have noticed."
"She took the shot for me." A small voice says from the doorway.
The two male Jedi turn and see the first handmaiden meekly gazing upon the scene.
"I should've said something, but she made it seem as though it wasn't that serious." The girl explains. "I'm sorry there was nothing I could do. Is she going to be okay?"
Qui-gon motions for her to join him and Obi-wan at Bryn's bedside.
"Padawan Caro will be fine. The blaster missed all of her vital organs." The medical droid explains as he hooks up an IV bag. "She has simply lost a significant amount of blood. She just needs a plasma drip and rest. She will be awake within the hour."
Obi-wan lets out a breath he didn't even know he was holding. Noticing, Qui-gon places a hand on his shoulder and turns to speak to the med droid. "Thank you-" He pauses for a name.
"Ah, AZ-7, sir." The droid replies as he starts ushering them towards the door. "Now if you please, I need to bandage her wound."
The two Jedi and the handmaiden step out into the hallway, and a slightly awkward silence falls over them.
"So, m'lady, how is your Queen settling in?" Qui-gon says, trying to break the tension.
The young girl smiles. "Quite well, actually. She's much more resilient than most people think."
"I'm sure she is. Underestimation is often the downfall of one's adversaries." Qui-gon replies. "Now, please excuse me, I need to talk to the Guard Captain and find some new robes for Padawan Caro."
"Have you known her long?" The handmaiden asks Obi-wan.
He smiles at the thought. "Yes, not only is she my closest friend, but she's my oldest one."
The girl places a hand on his arm sympathetically. "She'll be alright. The medical droid said so."
"I wish she'd said something." Obi-wan shakes his head. "But that's one of Bryn. Duty and the safety of others comes first with her. Always has."
"That's what makes her an amazing Jedi." The handmaiden says.
Obi-wan sighs, "I suppose you're right. In my opinion, it's an increasingly annoying habit of hers. Especially since she's saved my neck more than once and she doesn't let me forget it."
The girl laughs at Obi-wan's remark. "I'm sure you repay her the favor."
Obi-wan smiles. "I try to."
Before the handmaiden can say anything else, the doors to the medical bay slide open to reveal the medical droid.
"I have finished dressing her wounds." AZ-7 says. "She has also woken up, you may come in and see her if you like."
The two rush in past the droid and over to Bryn's bed where she's propped up on a mountain of pillows.
"Bryn, how are you feeling?" Obi-wan asks hastily.
She rubs her temple gently. "Like I got run over by a speeder."
"Here, drink this." the first handmaiden says, handing Bryn a cup of water.
"Thank you," Bryn replies, accepting the drink. "Have you two met? Obi-wan, this is Padme. She and I met when I was on Naboo last year. Padme, Obi-wan. He and I were collected by the Jedi at the same time, we basically grew up together."
Padme smiles. "Bryn was a good friend to me back then, and even more so now. I could've been in her place, or worse."
Bryn touches her hand reassuringly. "All in a day's work. What's our status Obi-wan?"
"Leaking hyper-drive. We're landing on Tatooine to refuel and repair." Obi-wan replies. Before he can continue, his comm-link beeps.
"Obi-wan," Qui-gon's voice says from the little device. "The Queen requests Padme's presence, please bring her up to the her Majesty's quarters."
"Yes Master, right away." Obi-wan turns to the door, but hears a rustling behind him. Looking back to the medical bed, he sees Bryn gingerly standing up. "Oh no you don't." He says, rushing over to try to get her back in the bed.
She pushes his hands away. "Obi-wan, I'm fine. I want to hear what the queen has to say."
Obi-wan lets out a sigh, "Fine, but only because I can't waste the time arguing with you."
"Smart choice, you know I always win." She says with a smile. Bryn moves to take a step, but her knee buckles under her weight. Obi-wan swiftly stoops to catch her and lifts her arm around his shoulders.
"There's no way I can convince you to stay in bed?" He asks, wrapping his arm around her waist.
"You'd have to strap me down." She replies.
He snickers at her and shakes his head before walking to the door where Padme waits.
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Please let me know if you want to be tagged in future works!
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manhandlememando · 4 months
Gravity Ch. 7
din djarin x f!reader
TW: din whump, description of bomb related destruction, slight injury description, the Razor Crest served long and faithfully but unfortunately did not make it out of this chapter alive. third person POV (she/her)
word count: 2,731
a/n: this chapter is itty bitty because i split the original ch. 7 in half. BUT FEAR NOT chapter 8 will be right around the corner and will most definitely contain MDNI warnings; so be prepared.
series is ongoing
series masterlist:
She jolts awake from the peaceful sleep she so rarely gets to experience, having heard a large explosive sound she gets up immediately to search for what may have caused such a thing. Din awoke with the movement of her getting up, groaning and turning over.
“Din, I heard something.” She says quietly as he begins to sit up, he reaches down to grab his helmet and put it back on before she turned on the lights in the small courters.
He moved quickly to the door as another large sound rang throughout the ship. The left engine, for Makers sake, Din realizes this in his hurry and rushes to mend the problem.
As she waits she wonders if this engine problem will be reparable without having to land at the nearest port. The door hisses as it opens to reveal Din, his helmet hides his expression but by the slump of his shoulders she could tell something was amiss.
“I’m so sorry, but it’s not looking like something I can fix myself. I have to land at the nearest port but…” he trails off as if not wanting to reveal something.
“What?” She asks inquisitively, an air of caution to her tone.
“We have to go back to Tatooine, Peli is the only mechanic I trust to touch this ship.” He says apprehensively, knowing the backlash he would receive.
“Din… no, I won’t, we have to go somewhere else,” she says in a stern tone, making her boundary known.
“You can stay sealed in the ship the whole time, Peli will be there in the mechanics bay, it will be fine,” Din reassured, knowing her worry that those who were still looking for them would recognize the ship and come for them.
“No one will hurt you, mesh’la. No one, I promise,” Din assured her once more, gathering her in his arms and running a large hand over the crown of her head in a soothing manner. Din hated to put her in this emotional position but he wouldn’t be able to get to any other planet at this point, their trajectory set for Tatooine already.
Once in the mechanics bay Din made sure to inform Peli of the importance of keeping the ship sealed, for the girls sake. Peli understood immediately and assured Din she would keep an eye out for any suspicious activity or persons near the bay. Even going as far as powering up her “defense mechanism”, which seemed to be a de-programmed battle droid. It made him uneasy, but he also knew Peli and what she was capable of, and if she said the droid was safe, then he would have to believe her. Din then proceeded to exit the bay, on his way to the local merchant in the more populated districts of Mos Eisley to get much needed supplies and food rations.
With the knowledge that Din wouldn’t be with her the entire time, but instead would be leaving the mechanics bay to go do Maker knows what, her throat tightened as the anxiety set in. She understood that Din wasn’t her sole protector, that she could defend herself and that her own autonomy was her responsibility, no one else’s. But Din’s presence always made the feeling of confidence within her grow exponentially, covering her whole body in the warmth of reassurance.
Even though she knew Din had instructed Peli to keep the ship sealed, within only thirty minutes of mindlessly wandering the ship she was starting to go insane. The constant banging and loud sounds from outside the ship caused her to jump frequently. So much for easing my anxiety, she thought to herself, another loud CLANG came from outside the ship, but this sound was different. It was as if something had hit the ship, something much stronger than any hammer Peli had. She tensed, suddenly hearing distant yelling from beyond the metal confines of the ship.
“No, no, no,” she whispered quietly to herself, frantically beginning to search for any semblance of armor or a weapon when the main hull door opened with a hiss of air. Turning sheet white she froze, unable to think as she witnessed a form ascend into the hull of the ship. There’s dust billowing into the ship, as if it had been set loose from the ground by something high-impact, like a heavy artillery blaster shot. Slowly shrinking behind a corner wall in the hull, holding a blaster to her chest, she prepares for a firefight. But to her surprise she hears Peli call her name into the ship. As she emerges from around the corner, she sees a large, more anthropomorphic, droid standing in the hull next to Peli. Her hair was even more disheveled than normal, sticking in every direction and sizzling slightly.
“I didn’t mean to scare you, honey, but we need to go now,” Peli spoke, continuing to check the outside of the ship, as if waiting for someone to appear.
“What’s going on?” She asks, slowly moving towards Peli, very cautious of this unknown droid that was standing immobile in front of her. Its eyes glowed red and it stood perfectly still, as if waiting for instruction.
“I’m not sure, honestly. But I do know we’re being attacked, that’s why I brought out Big Red here,” she says gesturing to the towering droid. “It won’t hurt you, it’s a security protocol,” she says as the girl makes her way around the chunk of metal to the hull door.
“Now go get everything you can carry, we need to leave the mechanical bay entirely,” Peli instructed, she then turned to the droid and instructed it to man the entrances and to kill any unwanted visitors. She then began to help the other woman gather things from the ship, shoving as many weapons and gadgets into burlap sacks she had brought onto the ship.
“Not my first time having to evacuate a ship before,” Peli explained when the younger woman looked to the burlap bags with a questioning expression.
“Just grab everything you can, I don’t want to be here if those things come back,” Peli said. However as she finished her thought, blaster fire could be heard from outside the Razor Crest, meaning someone was trying to get back into the mechanics bay.
“Too late,” Peli mutters.
“How will we -,” she begins to ask Peli but instead of providing her an answer, Peli grabs her free hand and drags her to the back of the ship.
“There’s an evacuation hatch in the floor of this thing somewhere,” she said as she lifted a small mat on the floor, under it was a door. “There we go,” Peli exclaims with a smile.
“You go first,” she gestures to the young woman standing behind her.
After they successfully pushed through the small evacuation hatch, the two women slowly made their way to another emergency exit in the corner of the bay. Blaster fire still being heard from the entrance, the droid holding off the intruders for the time being. Peli quickly ushered herself and the other woman to safety, making their way to another bay of a friend of Peli’s.
“She’ll take care of us until Din returns and we can come up with a plan to get the Razor Crest back,” Peli explains as they descend into the shop of another ship mechanic.
It’s then that the ground explodes with movement, the stairs crack and crumble as both of the women lose their footing and fall over each other. The noise is deafening, an explosive rumble that physically shakes the concrete of the building, creating fisures in the walls and ceiling. As the intensity of the situation subsides the young woman opens her eyes to see rubble surrounding her and the older woman. Peli groans as she rolls over onto her stomach, working her way to her feet. She helps the other woman to her feet as they take in the scene around them. A massive plume of smoke has erupted into the sky from the direction they had just come from. With the realization beginning to sink in, both Peli and her gasp, the Razor Crest had just been bombed.
A shaking hand is placed over her mouth as another realization comes to her, she could've been in the ship, they both had just come so close to death.
Din was conversing with an older bounty hunter, trying to locate his old boss, Greef Karga, in order to get work. As he began to buy supplies he realized how little money he actually had. The conversation is cut short by an earth-shattering noise, a low rumble followed that shook everything on the ground. Din’s head whipped in the direction of the noise and his eyes are met with the most horrific sight; a plume of smoke billowing from the mechanic bay she is in. Without another word to his fellow bounty hunter Din took off sprinting in the direction of his ship, and her. As he approached the scene, he was struck with anguish as he witnessed flames and smoke envelope the entire building, the ship buried under rubble. His mind was racing and without a second thought Din sealed his helmet and ran into the flames. Yelling, screaming her name, calling out for Peli, but no one answered. The flames began to eat away at the fabric of his flight suit and the seal on his helmet released without warning as the flames and heat ate through more of his clothes. He continued to call her name, his lungs beginning to fill with smoke as the fire grew hotter and spread faster. Digging through metal and concrete he couldn’t find any trace of her or Peli. He couldn’t breathe, he couldn’t think, his eyes stung as tears flooded from them.
Maker, please no, please I can’t lose her, Din thought as he tried to make his way out of the burning catastrophe that was Peli’s mechanic bay. His vision began to blur as the smoke seeped into his lungs, suffocating him from the inside out. He made it to what used to be the stairs that descended into the shop, but now were chunks of concrete stacked haphazardly upon each other. Dragging himself up the embankment of crumbled concrete he was able to make it to his feet and with every last piece of strength in his body he was able to walk out of the burning structure before the arch above the stairs collapsed in on itself.
“Mando!” He heard someone call, but he couldn’t lift his head from the sand to see who had called for him. He heard his title called again, this time it seemed closer than before, and through the fits of coughing he was experiencing he suddenly realized he knew that voice.
“Oh, Maker,” the person gasped above him, falling to their knees and beginning to pull him up onto their lap.
“Din, it’s me, I’m here. Okay? I’m right here,” she spoke calmly, but he could hear the quiver in her voice.
Through the smoke inhalation his mind couldn’t comprehend anything other than that he knew who was talking to him. It took him a moment to focus in on their face, and the second his vision became clearer he couldn’t breathe all over again. It was her, she was alive.
It was as if new life had been breathed into his limp body, but as he moved to sit up he felt the pain of the burns and his lungs began to give out again. Gripping onto her forearms to steady himself he relaxed back into her lap, breathing ragged as his adrenaline began to dissipate. She cradles his helm as she tried to keep him conscious. Turning to the older woman standing next to her, she instructs her to get a speeder car to transport them to Mos Espos. She knew of medical clinics with bacta tanks in the more populated parts of the biggest city on Tatooine.
Peli frantically ran for help as more people came out into the street to see what had happened. The speeder took little time to show up, faster than any officials of Mos Eisley (if there were any). She and Peli hoisted the beskar clad warrior onto the hunk of metal and set off across the sands of the barren planet. As they drove further away from Mos Eisley she and Peli took one last look back on the destruction that took place, tears in their eyes as they continued on towards safer territory.
Once in Mos Espos it was as if solace had found them first in the form of a woman dressed in traditional assassins attire, and carrying a large blaster to match. Her face was striking, her eyes as dark as her hair, and she had an amused smile on her face as she approached the speeder car.
“This one just can’t stay away from near death experiences, can he?” She asks as she approaches the speeder, shaking her head as she observed the damage. She puts her hand out as if to shake, which the other young woman takes hesitantly.
“Fennec Shand, I know you don’t know me, but he does. If you’ll come with me I can get him the medical help he needs,” she explains, moving in to the speeder car next to her and the Mandalorian, Peli sitting in the back keeping ahold of their belongings from the ship. Looking skeptically at Fennec she doesn’t start the speeder immediately.
“He’s already in shock, do you want it to progress?” Fennec questions, and with that comment they were swerving through the streets of Mos Espos towards a location only Fennec knew, and so their future lies with her and the “medical” treatment she knew of.
Fennec Shand seemed to be telling the truth, having brought them to the most grand place in the city, the Daimo’s palace which was currently occupied by the Madalorian, Boba Fett. At their arrival, Din was quickly moved to the bacta tank within the palace. She and Peli were then escorted by Fennec herself to see the Daimo Boba Fett. But as they continued down the sand-dusted corridors of the palace, she couldn’t help but feel more exposed without Din’s presence.
“Is there any way we could put off introductions until tomorrow, when Din is well enough to vouch for both myself and Peli?” She asked of the skilled assassin leading the way in front of them. Fennec slowly turned, a suspicious look in her eye, but after a moment of thinking she softly nodded at the other two women. Fennec then turned the party around and led them back up the corridor they came, knowing that Boba Fett would be upset with the lack of respect. The young woman had only vaguely heard of Boba Fett, but knowing Din’s abilities as a Mandalorian, she could only imagine who this man must be.
After being led back into the main part of the palace, she requested of Shand that she and Peli be able to sleep there, which Fennec obliged without complaint. Setting up the cot next to the bacta tank she looked through the glass at the stripped down man before her. His helmet still adorned his head as well as shorts around his waist to preserve some amount of decency. Touching the glass where his head lay, she remembers how that metal of his helmet felt beneath her finger tips as she held him in her lap not even 6 hours prior. She missed the warmth of his skin more than ever, now looking at the warped surface of his arms, torso and lower parts of his legs, she wonders how long it will take to heal it all. She remembers hearing his cries of her name, the hoarse tone of his voice as the smoke clouded his throat. He sounded so lost, so hurt, like his whole world just ended. With the loss of the Razor Crest, in some sense a part of his world had ended. But what she didn’t know was in that moment he couldn't have cared less, if he had lost her, he would have lost himself completely.
"Please be okay," she whispers as she presses her lips to the glass, "and sleep well."
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ban-joey · 1 year
list of star wars posts that irritated me. one was along the lines of “why are people so happy to not see jedi in something? they’re what make star wars unique from other scifi/fantasy” 1) wrong 2) let me explain
for one thing the need to have something so deeply entrenched in Multiple Genres be “unique” is very funny to me, because it’s not. og star wars is essentially an arthurian tale in space. add to that the fact that GL’s inspiration came directly from a bazillion ww1/2 films and you’re arguing a point about standing out that.. doesn’t really exist. sure the jedi are a “unique faction” to see in science fiction, but they’re also a religious order of space monks. even somebody who has never seen anything related to star wars could get some idea of the jedi based off that combination of words. 
second, why do you like the jedi so goddamn much? this is the thing that always frustrates me. there’s a difference between force-users and the capital J Jedi. you went from religious space monks in the original trilogy, to a fascinating shift in perspective in the prequels/clone wars in which they are religious space cops serving an increasingly fascist government when they’re supposedly not meant to get involved in government affairs unless it’s basically a human rights issue, but ultimately end up committing sooo many violations of that sort. they’re horrendous to the clones, to droids, regularly treating both groups the same--disposable and not-people. they’re not all-knowing and have absolutely no idea what’s coming for them when order 66 comes around, despite the unsubtle clues. hot take, obi-wan IS partially at fault for what ultimately happens to anakin--because he continued to uphold a dying system and ideology that actively drove people to the dark side and refused to connect on any emotional level with anyone because of the jedi code. 
i love the jedi for their flaws, and star wars is ultimately at its most interesting fantastical point when it criticizes them, as in TLJ. burning the codex was poignant and cool as hell. but limiting star wars to just the jedi is just dull. there’s so much more going on there, politically, sociologically, economically, etc. you get the bare minimum information about that packaged in bad writing in the prequels and the clone wars cartoon, little itty bitty morsels of finally fleshing this strange galaxy out in a way that makes some sort of disjointed sense. andor takes the whole thing at face-value and decides to turn it into something legible and personal in a way star wars hasn’t since the originals. it proves that you don’t need the jedi to make star wars cool, and yet every time there’s a red herring with luthen, I lose my fucking mind, because I love the idea of finally getting an INTERESTING jedi. but i would honestly prefer it if he wasn’t. 
star wars is cool and interesting because of all that (politics & logistics), having cool big huge ships and caring about that design in terms of speed and what those ships are used for (i.e. tie fighters were created to patrol planets, not chase after X-wings, which is why they eat it a lot), time scales that make no fucking sense apart from trying really hard to make space smaller than it is, unique sound design, differing designs of people and planets that star trek couldn’t come anywhere close to, and a lot more. 
also, just because this is the most obvious point. the jedi are fucking dead in andor. yeah yeah certain people escaped. they’re in hiding. do you remember how obi wan went to be a hermit for like 20 years. yall just fucking forget about order 66 as soon as you complain about there not being jedi in something. do you understand the scale of that situation. do you understand how many people were killed. fake fan
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freekymonstr · 1 year
Awesome! Can you tell me about the backrooms oc with the smiley face? (I don't know how to spell their name) or some fun facts about the droids?
That's Dr. Beryllium (bur-ill-ee-um). She's a humanoid creature with a big smiley face ball over the mass of meat and tissue that makes her head. She, Tube, and Spike get along very well but Anodyne isn't particularly fond of her due to her looking mostly human.
Beryllium is wary of humans but has occasionally been known to interact with and even help those who find themselves lost. She's particularly fond of scientists, however, and very eager to interact with them.
Dr. Beryllium does not speak any known language and even the other creatures seem to communicate with her in a way other than speaking, leading one to believe they also do not understand her. She was named by a group of scientists after she pointed excitedly to the element on a table of elements hanging on the wall.
Droid facts:
they all have a "tattoo" of their company logo on the back of their left arm.
Upsilon was misnamed, originally meant to be Gamma to keep the order of the Greek alphabet. Delta and Gamma were then named out of order as well to make it look intentional.
Bing, Beta, and Alpha's AI were all active at the same time and were put together to learn from each other.
Disregarding whatever the fuck is wrong with Alpha, which was caused by outside sources, Delta is the most malfunctioning droid of the group.
Bing and Delta have matching succulent tattoos.
Gamma goes by any pronouns but prefers feminine ones the most.
Despite Alpha's seeming hatred of everything living he is very very fond of the group's sphynx cat and can often be found with her laying across his shoulders. If you're extra lucky you can even catch him baby talking to her and calling her sweet nicknames such as "sweet baby girl", "princess", and "my itty bitty chicken breast"
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oh-three · 8 days
The Acolyte S1E1:
Holy shit, Ueda is beautiful.
Imagine hating someone so much that you attack the innocent to get said person to fight you. (remembers what Maul did in TCW) What did Indara do to you??
She's not even using her lightsaber, damn.
There we go.
Oooooof. Yeah, kinda saw that coming, but wow. Indara was someone I was kinda interested in seeing more of, but there lots of predictions of her death.
I think Osha might have DID. Complete personality switch. Wouldn't that be an interesting plotline?
Oh, Trade Federation CorpSec. Wonderful. It's been a while since we've seen Nemoidians (I definitely spelled that wrong) in live action.
When I saw the trailers, I did not expect Yord to have a padawan, but she's actually adorable.
Wait, if Anakin got a padawan after less than a year of being knighted and Yord's gotten one within two years of being knighted- is there no specific time limit on when a knight may take a padawan?
Something about Yord reminds me of Hayden's portrayal of Anakin in the Ahsoka show.
Osha definitely has DID. Or some sort of personality disorder.
Coruscant my beloved. (prequels nostalgia)
Okay, Master Sol is so good with the younglings omg.
Kinda neat how the escape pods make the whole ship jolt around.
Jecki is also an adorable padawan.
Haha, the Jedi caught the escape pods. That's funny.
Vernesta must be on the Council. I mean, even if she's not, she obviously has high authority.
Getting JFO vibes.
"What's wrong with Yord?" / "Nothing. No, he's…Yord." immediately cuts to them walking in on him shirtless Lmfao
"Yord. Put your clothes on." Heh, a funny interaction from a padawan about to be on her first mission and a knight. They must be pretty tightly knit, this group of theirs.
Yoooo, I was right about the DID. Or a twin she has a Force-dyad with.
Wait, I think I'm wrong on both accounts. If Mae is really dead, then perhaps Osha…absorbed her somehow. Two people in one body. I wonder how many unexplained things Osha's experienced that were really just Mae's doing. Idk, man.
Osha's really not dressed for this weather.
I think the twin might actually be alive.
Oh yeah, that's a whole different planet and shit. Mae's 100% alive, ignore all of my previous theories.
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im-no-jedi · 10 months
MLWTBB: This Isn't Goodbye
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Part 12 of the “My Life With The Bad Batch” series, a (mostly) canon compliant self-insert story set in “The Bad Batch”
rated: M warnings: drowning, discussions of sex, implied character death, attempted suicide, implied sex relationships: Hunter/self-insert, Omega & self-insert (adopted siblings), The Bad Batch & self-insert chapter word count: 2600+ words
✨MLWTBB masterlist✨
summary: Hannah is confronted by a long-kept secret of hers that she refuses to bring to light. and after the Bad Batch take on a mission that goes horribly wrong, Hannah experiences one of her worst fears imaginable, bringing her to a breaking point of seemingly no return. everything that she’s faced up until this point will culminate into a life-changing moment that will affect the future for her and the group of Clones that she’s adopted as her new family.
notes: this chapter is just an itty-bitty small taste of the angst that's to come 😋 despite being an introvert, I tend to suffer from separation anxiety if I'm away from people for too long. I also definitely have a "warning signal" for certain things, which doesn't help my overall anxiety LOL. should be fairly obvious at this point, but I'll get more into that further into the story 😉
A/N: this story has not been proofread by anyone other than myself. so apologies for any uncaught errors 😬
previous chapter
Chapter 3: I've Got a Bad Feeling About This
“So!” Cid stepped further into the room, commanding the attention of everyone in it, as usual. “I know it’s been a while since I’ve sent you boys out.”
“It’s only been a week,” Echo dryly interjected.
“Your point?” Cid went up next to the counter and snapped her fingers. “Hey, droid. Make me a drink, on the double.”
“Roger, roger!” Clank replied. He immediately sat down the dirty dish he was washing and began preparing Cid’s usual drink.
Cid wasted no time gathering everyone together again, even going so far as to taunt Hunter that he could “schmooze with the bartender later”. Hannah defiantly hung back, both out of spite for Cid’s comment and the fact that her boss was about to rip her family away from her yet again. Of all the rotten times for it to happen too…
It wasn’t a huge request, but the job Cid had for the Clones would still involve them being away for a few days. Possibly more if things didn’t work out perfectly, as Tech commented. Omega chose to remain positive about it though. She specifically glanced over at her big sister as she stated that she was sure they would be fine. Hannah appreciated the positivity and gave Omega a small smile in return.
“Well, I don’t care how you get it done,” Cid said matter-of-factly. “Just do it. And no funny business!”
With that, she took the drink Clank had made for her and marched back into her office with a huff. Echo commented to the others that she seemed to be in even worse spirits than normal, if that was even possible. It actually got a good snicker out of Hannah, much to his delight.
“Guess we should just head out then,” Hunter said with a small sigh. “Don’t wanna make Cid actually hate us.”
“As if she doesn’t act like it already,” Echo dryly added.
“Cid doesn’t hate us,” Omega retorted confidently. “She’s probably just having a bad day.”
“She must have a lot of bad days then!” Wrecker exclaimed with a scoff.
Cid wasn’t the only one having a bad day. The entire time they’d been talking, Hannah had remained off to the side, lost in her thoughts. There’d been an odd twinge in the back of her mind from the moment Cid had mentioned the Clones going on their mission. It flared up even more when Tech brought up the possibility of their mission going wrong, which was common for her to feel. But this one felt different. Even after Omega’s reassurance, the feeling had remained.
It was like… like something was trying to get her attention.
It wasn’t the first time she’d gotten that feeling either. The day Roland showed up, the day they’d gone to Hosnian Prime, several times on Volruna, and that fateful day the Empire came to Astreon… even all the way back to the day her original family had left on their ill-fated journey. It was like Hannah had her own little warning signal, forewarning her of impending danger.
And the fact that it was going off again now…
Hannah’s thoughts were abruptly cut off by Hunter’s approach. “Sorry we have to leave so suddenly,” he said sympathetically. “But we won’t be gone long. I promise.”
Another twinge. Hannah shut her eyes to try and ignore it, then shook her head at Hunter. “You always say that…”
Hunter gently placed his hands on her shoulders, causing her to release a sigh. “And I mean it. Just try to keep yourself occupied while we’re gone. We’ll be back before you know it.”
The twinge was sharp enough this time that Hannah actually winced. Hunter seemed to take notice of it and rubbed her shoulders reassuringly. Her pain still lingered, but the gesture definitely helped ease her somewhat, and she gave him a half smile.
“Do we hav’ta go right now?” Wrecker asked. “I hate leavin’ Hannah while she’s not feelin’ good…”
Hannah looked over at him with a touched expression. Wrecker’s empathetic nature had always been a boon for her, especially if she was struggling to express her true feelings. Omega was the same, as shown in that moment by the little girl coming up next to Hannah with a gentle smile.
“I don’t wanna leave either,” Omega started. “But Hannah will be ok. She always is.”
For whatever the reason, Omega’s words were the only ones that didn’t set off Hannah’s “warning signal”. Maybe it was because there was some truth to her words that spoke louder than any of them realized. More often than not, Hannah was always ok, even if it didn’t feel like it. 
But that was the problem.
Was she really ok if everyone she ever cared about wasn’t ok?
“We have our orders,” Hunter stated. “We may not like it, but this is our job. And we have to do it.”
Hannah’s face quickly turned down into a scowl. There he went again, talking like a soldier. Despite all of her efforts to try and erase that mentality from him, Hunter still insisted on doing things from a military perspective. Echo was the same way, unfortunately. She’d already accepted that she would most likely have to put up with that for the rest of her life. 
But it was still annoying. 
Especially in this instance. 
And especially with her twinge flaring up again.
Everyone’s attention was drawn to Hannah as she spoke.
“Why do you have to do it?”
Hunter gave her a look like she was asking a ridiculous question. “What?”
Hannah’s face remained in a scowl as she continued. “You don’t have to do anything. You don’t even have to take this mission if you don’t want to. Who cares?”
Hunter continued to look at Hannah questioningly, while Echo stepped a bit closer to speak. “I don’t think you realize what you’re saying, Hannah.”
“I know exactly what I’m saying!” she responded, probably a bit harsher than intended. “I’m sick of this mentality you all have about this stuff! When are you guys gonna realize that you can make your own choices about things?”
Echo was about to speak again, but was cut off by Tech. “We are well aware of that fact. However, we also cannot ignore the fact that we must continue to do certain things in order to benefit our living status. I’m certain none of us are content in this position, but it is where we are. And we must do with what we have. As we always have.”
As usual, Tech was right, but that didn’t make the situation any better. If anything, it made Hannah more upset that her family was seemingly stuck in the position they were in. And like always, she desperately wished she could do more for them.
Maybe that’s what was upsetting her the most. She felt… useless. Helpless. Lost.
“You don’t have to like it when we leave,” Hunter said, maintaining his stoic demeanor. “But like Tech said, this is where we are. And this is what we have to do.”
Hannah took a deep breath through her nose and let it out just as harshly. “Please stop saying that. You never have to do anything, Hunter. Everything you do is by choice. And I wish you would acknowledge that for once.”
Now thoroughly done with the conversation, Hannah shoved her way past the Clones and walked over to the bar. She aggressively ripped her gloves off and tossed them onto the counter before starting to angrily clean some cups.
“Ooooooh, you know she’s upset when she starts scrubbin’ the cups,” Wrecker quietly mentioned to the others, which caused Echo to sigh.
“She’s probably just still struggling from last night,” Echo replied. “It’s understandable.”
Hannah said nothing and continued to act like she was ignoring them. But there was definitely some truth to Echo’s words. Her nightmare about losing them all had to be having some effect on her behavior. That might even be the thing that was setting off her “warning signal”.
No… no it had to be more than that. But what?
“Hannah…” Omega’s soft voice caught Hannah’s attention. She turned to see the little girl standing beside her with a sympathetic look on her face. “It’s ok that you’re upset. I… I wish we could be together all the time. I really miss you when we leave. But we always come back. Right?”
Once again, her little sister’s words struck straight to Hannah’s core. In that instance, Hannah felt herself nearly crumble to her knees from the emotional weight of it all. 
Omega’s words… they were far too similar to ones she’d heard before.
Biting her lip to hold back her emotions, Hannah’s eyes drifted down to her exposed wrists. Specifically the one that carried her deceased sister’s bracelet. The thing that had been gifted to her shortly after being reassured that her sister was going to come back.
Hannah let out a shaky sigh, then quickly wiped her hands on her pants to dry them. She held her arms out and pulled Omega into a tender hug. Her hands held Omega’s head against her chest, and the little girl nuzzled into her big sister affectionately.
“Please come back,” Hannah said, her voice trembling.
“I will,” Omega replied as she gave Hannah a squeeze. “I promise.”
A big smooch was placed on top of Omega’s head, and Hannah gave the little girl one last squeeze before letting her go. Omega looked up at Hannah with the sweetest smile ever, then ran off to rejoin her brothers.
“Good luck cleanin’ your cups,” Echo teasingly said to Hannah before heading for the exit.
“And if ya get too tired,” Wrecker added as he walked off. “Don’t forget about that clanker of yours!”
Clank gave Wrecker a salute and nod of acknowledgement. “I’ll do what my master asks of me!”
Tech turned to Clank and said, “When we return, I would like to continue my attempt at upgrading your arms with armaments.”
“You mean like the B2 units?” Clank asked. “The thing Master Gildish offered to give me?”
“Indeed. Although mine would be far superior.”
Hearing that exchange got Hannah to giggle, which she sorely needed. Tech gave her a nod of acknowledgment on the way out, and she returned it.
Only one Clone remained in the parlor. He was obviously hanging back on purpose, but Hannah couldn’t bring herself to acknowledge his presence and kept her gaze away. Several seconds of awkward silence went by before he eventually approached the counter. His mere proximity immediately set off Hannah’s twinge again.
“We could sit here and argue work ethics all day, Hannah,” Hunter said in his usual stoic way. “And I wanna respect your opinions. But we have to be realistic. And the reality is…” He briefly stopped to let out a despondent sigh, breaking his stern composure. “We can’t be together all the time.”
The weight of his words were painful as is, but the pure hurt in Hunter’s voice as he admitted it made Hannah’s entire chest ache. If she could, she would’ve wrapped her arms around him and never let him go again. She would do that for all of her Clones. 
Flashes of her nightmare began to manifest in her mind. Her inability to save them from their impending doom. Like with all Clones, it felt like a fate they could never escape from. An inevitable death that was coming for them sooner than most. And Hannah was hopeless to help them. 
A twinge stronger than before hit Hannah so hard, it made her clutch the side of her head. She tried to shake it off, but a remnant of it lingered. Her face lifted to see Hunter standing at the bottom of the stairs near the doorway, looking back at her.
“We can talk more about it when I get back,” he said. “Just… take care of yourself until then.”
Hunter had a look on his face that spoke more than his words did. He was clearly trying to be positive, but his eyes held a deep somberness behind them. Like he could tell just how much Hannah was suffering. If only he knew why…
“Don’t let him go.”
The words filled Hannah’s mind so suddenly, it took her breath away.
Was… was that her own voice saying that? Or…
“Stop him.”
Hannah’s heart started racing, and she put a hand on her chest to calm it. Hunter gave her a look of concern, clearly picking up on what she was physically feeling, but she waved him off. Hopefully he would just assume it was her fatigue and nothing more.
With a clearly downcast sigh, Hunter turned to leave. And with every step he took, Hannah’s heart rate increased. Her “warning signal” was flaring more than ever before.
This was no time to be stubborn.
Right as Hunter stepped through the door, Hannah rushed from her place towards him. She nearly stumbled up the first step, and Hunter turned just in time for her to fling her arms around his waist in a tight grip.
A wistful sigh left Hunter’s nose. “Sweetheart…” 
His hands tenderly rested on her shoulders, and she held him even tighter. Though she tried to hold back her tears, small muffled sobs still escaped from her throat as her face buried into his chest. In her mind, she kept saying over and over, “please don’t go, please don’t go”, but the words never found her lips.
For whatever reason, this parting was harder than any other she’d had with Hunter in the past. Not even the ones on Hosnian Prime and Volruna were this bad. And she didn’t even know why.
Hannah suddenly felt her face cupped by two strong hands and tilted upwards. Her partner was looking down at her with the most sympathetic expression she’d ever seen him make. His thumbs gently ran across her cheeks to wipe away the tears, and he continued to tenderly hold her face as he spoke.
“It’s gonna be ok, love. I’ll come back to you soon. I promise.”
His words melted over her, and she felt a wave of ease wash through her whole system. A slight remnant of the twinge remained, but Hannah refused to give it any more power over her. She was going to take Hunter’s words to heart and believe that everything would be ok. She had to.
Face still cupped in his hands, Hannah looked up at her love with understanding and repose. Hunter gave her a warm smile and leaned down to place a kiss on her forehead. Then she gave his waist a good squeeze before slowly easing up her grip. Hunter caught one of her hands in his and held it for only a moment. He gave her one last affectionate look, then turned and began heading up the stairwell.
Hannah thought that was the end of it.
“Make him stop.”
The voice returned to her mind and made her clench her jaw tightly.
“You have to tell him. Just tell him.”
Tell him what? About the nightmare? About the twinge? Or was it about… 
Hannah’s fists clenched as tight as her jaw, and she let out all the tension with a single exhale. She went up the rest of the way into the stairwell and called out Hunter’s name to get his attention. He had just reached the top of the stairs and turned back to look at her curiously. “Yeah?” he asked.
She tried to speak. Her mouth was open and everything. But the words failed to formulate. It was like everything she wanted to say in that moment had been locked away and couldn’t be freed.
“N-Nevermind…” Hannah awkwardly looked away and clutched her hands to her chest. In her periphery, she saw Hunter giving her another concerned look, and he sighed before finally heading out of sight.
It was done.
There was nothing more she could do.
And she only hoped that she’d not just made some kind of huge mistake…
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burnwater13 · 11 months
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How many times did Grogu have to explain to Ahsoka Tano that “size matters not”? Hadn’t Master Yoda said that to her enough? Grogu suspected that some lessons were harder to learn than others. This must be one of them. 
Well, if some one wanted to learn what lurked in his mind, he wasn’t going to disappoint. Would you?
Grogu had learned that no matter how many stormtroopers fired a weapon, the chances of them hitting what they were aiming at was as close to zero as you could get while still leaving them a chance. A teeny, tiny, itty, bitty chance. 
Grogu had learned that you could never tell who was going to hurt you and who was going to help you. Some folks had seemed so nice, but they had gladly turned him over to the Imps, while other folks who had no reason to trust him, protected him from those same Imps. 
When you lose the people you love the loss doesn’t go away, but the pain subsides over time. That is, until someone comes along to check on you and puts their big thumb right into the middle of that wound to check and see if you still say ouch. Say ouch really loud. Not to demonstrate how you feel, but as a warning to not go sticking your body parts into other people’s pain. 
If someone offers you food, take it as long as it doesn’t smell bad. No matter what it is. Even if its veggies. (Yup, even veggies.) Because the people who offered it were being kind and it’s not kind on your part to look at it and gag and claim the stuff is poison, no matter how many veggies it’s made from. 
Helping people is always a good thing to do, but ask if they need help first. Grogu had learned the hard way that some people don’t want help because they want to do the thing no matter how hard it is and how time consuming and how silly, because you could heal them really quickly and it was a good thing to get moving. Eventually, the Mandalorian gave Grogu permission to always heal him, deal with fire, and interact with critters, large and small. 
Flying a starship is a lot of fun and all starships should be redesigned to be more accessible for small people like Grogu and Kuiil and the Frog Lady, and Peli. Just because they aren’t huge and tall, like Mandalorians, doesn’t mean they don’t find starships really cool. 
Speaking of starships… if you are going to eat a lot of something, you probably don’t want to fly loop-d-loops because, well… it’s better not to say. It just gets messy and anyone raised at the Jedi Temple knows that messy in not a light side behavior (except Ian). 
Grogu thought about Ian and his other friends as he was considering this whole list of things he learned since he left the Jedi Temple. He supposed that most important thing of all was that you could always have more friends and even people who don’t start out as your friends may become your friend over time. 
Greef Karga hadn’t been Grogu’s friend when they first met. Nope, not at all. He was just a bounty to be returned to the Client. But eventually, the high magistrate came around and he was one of Grogu’s best friends now. Same thing for Cara Dune. On the other hand, Peli Motto was a great friend right away and Grogu had been grateful for that as well as for the pit droids. They were also great. 
Finally, Grogu had also learned that people had a lot of different beliefs and it was best to let them believe them as long as they didn’t hurt you or anyone else. If they hurt other people, like Sith or Imps, you really had to take a hard look at that belief and then ask the Armorer why she thought it was remotely reasonable that Din Djarin continue to wear that stupid helmet and not show Grogu his face! After all, Din was his dad and they both had brown eyes and he thought that everyone should notice the familial resemblance. Just saying.
He supposed that Ahsoka might have been thinking of other things, but those were the important ones, in no particular order.
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vivalavili · 2 years
“He loves it,” Vader smiles softly, turning on his heel to walk the rest of the way to his quarters. “Don’t worry about Nubi- he doesn’t jump up or anything. Very calm.”
He punches in the code and opens the door, stepping inside with you. “Welcome toooo the bachelor pad,” he jokes.
Every flat surface currently has at least one loose droid part sitting around, the living room table containing 3 droids that are almost completely finished.
A few plants line the largest window, each of them in perfect health since he’s taken care of them just how Ben once showed him.
One of the smaller walls - bearing a stark contrast to the regular black grey and white - is a mural of the sands of Tatooine, with the suns high on the wall.
“Luca’s bedroom is back the hall,” he points. “Mine is first on the left and his is on the right a little further down. Across from my office.”
His office has an accent wall as well, though that one remains pitch black and painted as if one is floating through the stars the second they step in.
I look around slowly, suddenly feeling small as ever with my itty bitty Tatooinian home, “it’s really nice,” I say softly and then slowly move down the hall to peak into Luca’s room.
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irrfahrer · 2 years
🙃 - What was the last thing that made you throw up your arms and give up?
Send an Emoji for a feeling-based Headcanon !
The question made Ziv grin and she placed coyly a small paw under her chin to flutter her frostwhite lashes up at the curious-one: "Ah, that was probably when I was a kriffing adorable little fluffball of nine months after little-me had been given to the Order and happned to have a kriffing temper tantrum when one of the Nanny-Droids helping the Créche-Master was not fast enough giving me the baby-bottle. So, when I remember right what my Créche-Master told me, I threw my itty-bitty arms in the air in kriffing protest- how dare they not giving me the bottle right now I was kriffing hungry! I was kriffing raging!"
There was a grin spreading over her colourless muzzle that showed the razorsharp edges of her canines and looked almost wolfish as she hummed as innocently as she definitive was not: "And then I happned to rip that poor Nanny-Droid appart with a flash of my telekinesis and the Nanny-Droid was thrown across the whole kriffing chamber. At least partly, I seem to have mad very sure the whole droid had been thrown in every possible area of the kriffing chamber. Eh, you know. Tiny Force-Sensetives can be kriffing monsters, really, especially little things like me who are and always were stronger on the telekinesis-spectrum. I probaby rippd appart a lot of things as a infant and toddler. And also as a child, because I was a moody little Kriffer and really deserved the term scuttlecrusher, no shame in that, most children are moody."
"To little-me's outrage I in that moment was not given the bottle since the Droid was nolonger able to do any-krififng-thing at all, so eventually I just cried myself to sleep after ripping appart some more furniture around me.", the young woman just shrugged her shoulders non-chalantly: she had no memory of this episode so while she did not liked the thought that she ahd done something like this to a droid, it was nothin she could b or was ashamed of:
"Nowdays I neither throw my arms up nor give I up, so really, that was the last time that happned. My moodieness instead turned into spice-head determination, heheh."
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mwolf0epsilon · 2 years
So today I found an itty bitty little B1 Battle Droid discarded on the side of the road.
Feeling a little pity for the poor thing, I decided to bring the little guy home with me and (after disinfecting and thoroughly washing the muck that was sticking to him), the little fella sprung back into action.
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He's an absolutely cute little thing!
I'm hoping Echo won't mind his presence too much, I mean... It's a fairly tiny droid. Completely harmless.
What could it hurt to re-home the little fella?
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"There you go little guy. This is your new home! Hopefully your roommate doesn't mind the company..."
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"In fact, there he is now! Hey Echo, come say hello!"
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"Uh, what?"
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"Isn't he just the cutest thing?"
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"Hey little guy, turn around and say hello. It's only polite."
"Roger Roger!"
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"Eat heat, Clanker!"
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nevertheless-moving · 3 years
oooh star wars au where obi-wan is deaged to 13-years old. From his perspective, he closes his eyes a General of the Young on Melida/Daan and wakes up a General of...uh...a lot of ?grown men? ??somewhere???
Queue confusion as the troops, while running from a firefight, try to explain to their itty-bitty General that he’s lost some memory. ‘Obviously,” Obi-Wan snarks. “I don’t remember the Melida or the Daan having a droid army. And you look a little old to be on this side of the war.”
More misunderstandings as the clones answer, ‘Who are the Melida? Look, no, those are Seppies—I mean Separatists—” An extremely crude explanation later, in which they show some holopics of Obi-Wan as an adult, and now baby Obi-Wan is left with the horrific impression that he’s been at war continuously for twenty-three years. This is the future and he’s been a military general for more two decades.
MORE horrible misunderstandings when they finally have a minute to rest and Boil and Waxer take off their helmets and Oh they’re twins and then Cody takes of his helmet and so does Crys and “Um...did I hit my head or...do you all...have the same face?” “Oh! Right, sorry sir, we’re clones. Ha, technically I’m 11, so we could be on the side of the young, but I’m afraid you don’t talk about your past much—’” And Obi-Wan is left with the impression that HE commissioned a CLONE ARMY and is freaking the fuck out because that is BEYOND illegal and also makes him a slaver?? 
“Who exactly are we fighting again?” Obi-Wan asks, voice cracking slightly. 
“Traitors,” his second in command—Cody—replies. “Don’t worry about the war, sir. We just need to keep you safe until we can rendezvous with the fleet. If General Skywalker—he was your padawan—doesn’t know how to fix this, then I’m sure he’ll yell at the Council until they figure out a solution.”
“If only to make him go away,” one of the men jokes.
“I—The...Council? You mean he’s going to yell at the Jedi Council?” Obi-Wan asks faintly.
“The Council would help either way, obviously,” Cody rushes to assure him. “I mean, setting aside the fact that you’re the GAR’s highest General, you’re you!”
“I’m me...” Obi-Wan repeats, curling in on himself. 
‘And I’m apparently some kind-of evil warlord terrorizing the galaxy with a clone army’
“You’re clones of JANGO FETT? From The Battle of Galidraan? The JEDI KILLER?!?”
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