#drowning both songs in reverb to make it feel like he's singing from underwater is insane actually and i will never shut up about that
lifemod17 · 6 months
it is disgustingly late and i cannot sleep so i SHOULD be grumpy, HOWEVER, having Wasteland, Baby! and Be (Acoustic) playing back to back has me smiling stupidly and its doing a wonderful job of lulling me to slumber 😌
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statticscribbles · 4 years
Supernatural AU! The Coopers and the Blossoms are two of the oldest Vampire covens, when the Lodges, a small but powerful coven enter, and the Southside pack keep the peace; Everyone seems to push Archie Andrews and his budding magic to the side; a mistake with far more deadly consequences than anyone realizes.
Archie wasn’t like Betty, or Cheryl and that suited him well enough, he never liked the idea of hurting anyone, even if Betty assures him they only partially drain willing humans; that it’s nothing more than a bloodbag every few days. Archie refuses to look at Cheryl whenever she glides around them in the hallways. She mumbles under her breath how being a vampire has given her too much fondness for red. Betty prefers pink and Cheryl mocks her for ‘being diluted’ even in colour choices.
Archie doesn’t care enough to entertain the fight; or the half serious flirting and jokes about draining him both ways from Cheryl. Jughead and the rest of the Serpent’s will take care of any real problems; normally the prescense of the werewolf pack is enough to keep Cheryl’s more open nature at bay; and Archie can tell she never really means it; it’s her teasing, a way to show her friendship. Jason Blossom keeps to his sister’s side almost exclusively and Cheryl almost forces him to leave and spend time with Polly; the eldest Vampire from the Cooper’s; both having been matched as partners from when they were created; a truce to calm the tense rivalry that the younger werewolves from the southside can’t handle.
Veronica despite being new to the vampire covens has taken surprisingly easy to the hierachy and truce that the Coopers and Blossom’s formed under the eye of Toni’s grandfather and now FP Jones. Still her parents whisper warnings and assure her to only feed from those they give her. Nobody comment on how desperate they seem to control her, or how obviously she can see through them. Despite the annoynace Cheryl possesed for Jughead and his pack, she made an expception for Toni; the one time Reggie had called her a lapdog in front of Cheryl was the first and only time; it was also the first time Archie had see Cheryl actually using her powers, Reggie frozen stiff as Cheryl seemed to step directly behind him with her speed.
Archie knows not to go down by Sweetwater river, his dad always warns him about the siren’s that will drown you faster than you can blink; and how if they don’t kill you the hidden currents will. Of course he can’t help himself when Cheryl invites everyone down to a calmer part. He assures his dad that with both the vampires and werewolves around there’s no way there will be any sirens.
Archies not sure what’s possesed him but he can’t help sinking his bare feet into the water. “Archie be careful; don’t want to have to explain to your dad why your feet are missing.” Jughead laughs and Archie rolls his eyes. “Nothing’s going to happen Jughead.” The werewolf rolls his eyes lounging on the grass with Betty. Toni and Cheryl are off farther up Archie can’t hear what they’re saying but by how everyone else; gifted with super hearing are grimacing he’s glad. Archie lurches backwards as the figure floats up, the woman with her short curled hair plastered to her face soaked from the current, a dark blue and green cloak blending into the river’s colours she grins rows and rows of teeth shimmer as she hums. Archie nudges himself farther forward sinking up to his knees in the water.
“Archie- Archie be careful-“ Both Jughead and Betty chide him like he’s a child they don’t bother looking up all his movement his splashing in the water; the sounds scaring away anything dangerous they assume. The siren opens her mouth humming once more and everyone moves panicking. “She wants you to sing with her.” Veronica states and everyone shakes there heads. ‘Archie don’t if you-“ They don’t finish as Archie hums back the song she started. She returns it adding more and Archie matches her once again. “Archie you shouldn’t!” He turns slightly; watching Veronica and Cheryl leaning forward, fangs exposed.
“Siren’s are murderers; you can’t Archie.” Betty nods and Archie can feel himself growing tired, her voice is soft and warm. “Archie; come back to the shore.” He nods turning around and everyone waits expecting the Siren to make a grab for him; they reason he’s not far enough into the water. “Stay here.” Everyone freezes turning to the siren who’s voice hisses from disuse. “I can’t.” Archie shrugs looking disappointed and the Siren looks confused. “Please. Stay. Stay!” She claps humming more. “Finish the song.” She hums repeating what he’d just sung to her. Archie shakes his head. “I’m sorry I can’t.” Jughead’s inching closer ready to grab him but the siren sinks under the currents before he can splashing Archie in the face. “Did you just survive meeting a siren?” “I guess.” Archie grimaces coughing. “Did you swallow the water? Archie? Archie!” Jughead growls pulling him up to the shore as Archie hacks and coughs, spitting  blood onto the ground. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah must’ve gotten something in my throat. Weird.” He shrugs standing before he stumbles shaking off the dizziness that cloaks him. “Archie?” He can hear Betty’s voice but it distorts as if from underwater. “Jughead do something!!! He’s not breathing” “I can’t! One of you should bite him! We can’t make it to the hospital and-“Archie grimaces turning back to watch his friends crowding around. “I’m fine guys, I’m fine stop-“ Archie watches himself lips blue and he can hear the water swirling in his lungs. He shivers before crouching over himself and nudging his hands into his own.
He wakes coughing and heaving spitting water and bile into the river’s edge. “Fucking shit man. What the fuck.” “Siren’s are magic, she might’ve cursed him; we should bring him to Curdle; so he-“ “I’m fine guys. Seriously.” Archie stands relieved he’s not dizzy. “I’ll let my dad know. I promise and-“ Archie doesn’t understand why his mouth goes dry for a second and when he looks up to see everyone staring at him he frowns. “What?” “You looked like you were about to puke.” “I guess I was?” He shrugs and they let him lay down in the back of the car, Veronica stroking his hair.
“Hey Mr. Andrews.” Archie wakes to hear Betty talking to his father, he peers from the window watching as his father’s gaze travels and lands on him; relief on his face. “Don’t worry Betty I’ll bring him in myself. Come inside; I made dinner.” Archie nods dragging himself from the car. “Dad?” Archie wake in the middle of the night, head pounding, he cringes when his dad turns on the light. “What’s wrong son?”
“My mouth hurts.” “Your mouth?” Archie nods before he coughs, cringing and hacking as he leans over the trashcan Fred supplied to vomit. “Hey it’s okay just a little puke.” “Are those teeth?” Archie jerks back, and Fred pulls the trashcan away before he can say anything. “There wasn’t anything in there Arch; just puke. Go back to sleep.” Archie nods letting himself curl into his bed.
He doesn’t know why he’s being so much of an idiot but he hefts his guitar up and starts the walk down to Sweetwater River ten minutes after his dad turns his light off. He sighs sitting at the river’s edge and dipping his feet in. “I’m sorry I couldn’t stay earlier. I brought my guitar, I don’t know if you know what that is but-“ “Of course I do. Silly boy; you think me so old I don’t know what my very blood is made of?” “Guitars?” Archie frowns and laughs in relief at the laughter that bubbles over his feet in place of the faint ripples as the woman appears once more. “Music; can’t you feel it. Oh, you’re sick; poor little one. Come; the water will make you feel better. Water is healing after all.” “Water is healing.” Archie repeats. He sighs letting the air bubbles float to the surface as he sinks below it. The woman smiles at him grinning and he smiles back, confused when she shoves him to the surface.
“What?” She pushes her fingers to her lips and nudges him to the shore, towards her guitar. “Sing for safety.” “Archie? What are you-“ “Jason?” “Yes I was out for a walk and; are you swimming?” Archie shakes his head cringing as water droplets splatter onto Jason’s white shirt. “I was singing I just-“ “Sing for me then; so I wont be lying when I say it. We both know Cooper’s can detect lies.” “Right vampire super powers.” “It’s just their charm; how Cheryl and I is everyone is fond of us; despite our actions.” Jason grins his fangs flashing. “Sing for my super then. We both know the Blossom’s are too fond of red. You’ve been drained before you know it’s a pin prick.” His grin deepens and Archie sighs, strumming his gitaur.
He’s not sure who moves first; or why but Archie starts coughing he can feel the blood dripping from his mouth and how Jason’s grin vanishes his eyes turning fully black as he scents it. “Jason wait.” Archie reaches back unsure what he’s gripping for but he feels the water’s cool touch and he watches Jason retreat, scowling. “Wait is Sweetwater River actually holy water? Are you serious?” “Running water idiot. It can kill us if we try to move over it.” “Seriously?” Archie can’t help but laugh, his blood drying and Jason returning to normal. “Sorry I don’t normally loose control but-“ “It’s okay redhead; I get it.” Archie laughs. “I can still sing if you want?” “Please do.” Archie relaxes now that Jason’s not going to kill him and he starts to sing; he’s not sure what he’s singing only that the way it reverbs in his chest and through his own nerves is probably more calming that necessary. He looks to see Jason swaying before he hits his knees on the ground.
“Jason?” Archie watches as Jason stands and nudges Archie, sitting at his feet leaning his head on Archie’s knee. “Sing more.” “Uh okay, can you move? It’s a little weird to.” Archie nods when Jason lifts his head. Archie continues singing watching as Jason seems to look almost sleepy. While Vampires don’t need to sleep he knows they can; and he wonders if maybe they need music to go to sleep. He continues singing, finishing the song and smiling when he can hear clapping, he steps back towards the river nodding to the woman. “You’re untrained.” “Yeah I’ve never gotten lessons or-“ “No untrained.” Archie frowns. “Yeah I know I’ve never- “Archie frowns when he can feel water dripping on his neck; he swats at the woman’s hand confused when there’s nothing there. He steps from the water, back towards Jason and his chest aches.
He returns too often; he knows this. Jason does not bother him and neither does anyone else he wonders if the river is warded to keep people away; and his lack of magic is what allows him to be so near it. The siren appears to him often, talking and mumbling coaching him to sing and he slowly finds himself not fearing her; not that he ever thinks he did but it’s no longer fear when she does not appear, there’s no relief when the water ripples he can sense her, the thrum of her song mirrored in his own heartbeat, in the way the river sings back to him.
It takes him two weeks to notice the dampness first. How his clothes always feel slightly cold, slightly wet as if they haven’t dried fully. It’s Toni who points out if he’s feeling okay and he nods, wiping what she thinks to be sweat from his brow; he knows its just river water, he can’t recall the last time he went swimming but he reprimands himself for doing it so close to school.
When Sweet Pea punches him he’s not sure what to do, how his body reacts automatically spitting blood and then hissing in anger. He can feel the sound, the notes of fear bubbling from his chest and when he looks to Sweet Pea he finds the werewolf looking away. He’s humming under his breath noticing everyone moving closer to him ; he notices how they move away once he stops.
He pukes twice more, once in the school bathroom, watching a handful of teeth swirl down the drain; when he rushes to the mirror to check he finds rows and rows of sharp needle like teeth growing from where his human ones once were. His dad doesn’t say anything after the nurse calls, he doesn’t say anything when he drives them down to Sweetwater and Fred seems to physically grow sicker and weaker as they walk towards the shore.
“Dad?” “I’m fine son. I’m fine.” Archie can hear laughter but as his dad follows him down it turns into sobbing. “No! Leave, leave leave!” “There’s no need for that.” Fred hisses between clenched teeth and Archie watches confused as blood seeps from his side. “Dad?” “Just an old wound nothing.” Archie tenses he can hear movement;  and he watches the Siren moving on land. “You can heal him right? Like you fixed me?” “Nothing was wrong with you. Come, we can try.” Archie follows nervously and watches as the water seems to wind up his fathers side. “I’ve done what I cant but he’ll have to go to Curdle to be fixed.” “Okay we’ll go now and-“ “Oh no dear one; you don’t leave.” “No but-“
“Archie; you didn’t think he’d be healed for free did you?You have to stay; you must.” ‘But I; you said. Please; he can’t get there on his own I have to-“ “No.” Archie glares at the siren snapping his teeth and hissing; the siren looks mildly impressed but uninterested as he quiets. “That was a cute attempt but nothing worthy of barganning.” “If you let me take him I’ll come back. I swear I –“ “And how do you think I ended up trapped here in the first place? Letting someone chain me to the river.” “As you would do to me?” Archie snarl and the siren smiles. “Of course; your father and I have shared custody after all; and you’ve missed so many vacations.”
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stattic-writes · 5 years
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