librianofthemoon · 2 years
The Happiness Trap
Feeling like a deflated balloon lately? Like you need some happiness or excitement or you're missing out on something?
I've been there. Scrolling on social media looking at everyone's portrayed happy living wondering "Why am I not happy?" " I should be, but I just don't feel it!"
Well give this a watch. I wish I had watched it sooner, because it really helped clear up a few misconceptions I had over that sunny little term "Happiness".
And what it is to us compared to what we expect it to be.
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tmichaelplatt · 7 years
Lastnight I was listening to this book by @DrRussHarris and when it got to diffusion I thought of @garyvee when he had @RayDalio on. Gary asked if someone could be in a natural meditative state and now I believe Gary naturally has diffusion skills. What could he do with practice? pic.twitter.com/xW48AAuRGe
— Travis Platt (@Tee_Platt) February 6, 2018
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quotetherapy · 8 years
The actions of confidence come first; the feelings of confidence come later.
Dr. Russ Harris, excerpt from his book The Confidence Gap
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