#drunk Ramon Diaz is a hilarious thing
Slightly drunk Ramon Diaz at one of the close family gatherings
Ramon: You know I don't believe in signs from the universe and whatnot...
Buck: Sounds familiar.
Ramon: ... but I think Eddie was always destined to be a firefighter.
Eddie: Thanks, dad. That's- that's really nice of you *touched*
Helena: Oh, no. No, no, no, please stop talking.
Eddie: What mom? This again? You think I'm not good enough for my job?
Helena: Honey, that is NOT what I mean-
Eddie: I thought we were past this!
Helena: We are, Eddie, of course we are! It's not what you think.
Eddie: Then what?
Helena: Sweety, trust me, you really don't want to know what's this about.
Eddie: I'm confused.
Buck: I'm kinda curious now.
Ramon: ... AS I WAS SAYING, the firefighting is in your blood, mijo. Did you know I was a firefighter in EPFD for, like, two years?
Eddie: Wow. No, you never told me or girls that. Why did you stop?
Ramon: I got fired. It was worth it.
Helena: Älskling, I'm begging you to stop talking.
Buck: I bet there's a story there.
Ramon: You goddamn right there is!
Eddie: What happened?
Ramon: It was your fault!
Eddie: Excuse me?!
Ramon: I got fired 'cuz our Edmundo was conceived in a fire TRUCK!
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So, Eddie, mijo. You too, Evan! If my next grandkid is gonna be conceived in a firehouse, make sure you don't get caught, don't repeat my mistakes.
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Eddie: Mom?! *traumatized*
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