#drunk ryan and Shane are just a so chaotic
grunklebooberty · 4 years
Heck yeah, Too Many Spirits is back again. Only this time, Ryan and Shane are no more. Only Santa and Krampus. Steven is still an elf
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sakurayumeno · 3 years
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I had so much fun with this lol
Jose and Norton with an S/O who says random things
He thinks you’re genuine about it and tries to answer you as rationally as possible
“Well, we don’t know if Hastur has any nerve endings in face, so it might not affect him. And-”
You’ll have to stop him from explaining because he’ll get too into it
Sometimes gets a bit irritated if what you say is outrageous
When he gets drunk, he changes completely and thinks what you say is absolutely amazing. He’ll have a “My goodness, why didn’t I think of that” moment
But he is known for his sarcasm, so you don’t really know if his answers are genuine or not
You would definitely have a Ryan and Shane moment in your relationship
          Y/N: All odd numbers have an ‘e’ in them.
          Jose: Y/N, it’s 3 AM.
          Y/n: t-h-r-E-E.
          Jose: GO TO SLEEP.
You make him laugh, he enjoys how random the things you say can be at times
Cheers him up whenever he’s in a bad mood and would never get mad at your mindless talking
Chaotic Couple™
He would join you during your rants and add on with his own conspiracies
“You think Eli’s owl has to watch him pee or shower because he can’t see without her?” “OH MY GOD YOU’RE RIGHT-”
He would literally try to ask the people you guys talk about, you might have to beg him not to if you’re too embarrassed
It’s for research, he swears
If you ever do let him ask people the question, you guys might get some looks in the manor
Hastur might just look at either of you in a match and just walk away slowly
Eli sweats when he sees the two of you look at him from afar, but treats you both with the same respect as before. His owl might not, though. She’ll reluctantly body block you guys after
He never answers Norton’s question, which leaves the two of you in permanent suspicion of him
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sugarpilled · 4 years
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     ✎⌠margaret  qualley.  cisfemale.  she/her⌡❝  —  well,  look  who’s  just  arrived  !  if  it  isn���t  the  one  and  only  billie  haynes.  though,  around  here  they’re  known  as  the  escapist.  don’t  tell  ‘em  i  said  this  but  the  twenty-four  year  old  bassist  /  cashier  at  a  dime  a  dozen  kinda  has  a  reputation  of  being  aloof  and  indecisive.  but  y’know,  they  can  be  imaginative  and  peaceful  too.  typical  scorpio.  anyways,  welcome  home  and  stay  safe  billie  !  ❞
     ok guys… hear me out…. a character based off the riot grrrl movement of the 90s but with margaret qualley’s face…. that’s billie
full name.     billie renee haynes. nickname / s.     bill, ??? birthdate.    october 27th, 1995. age.     twenty-four y.o. star sign.     scorpio, babey. gender & pronouns.     cisfemale, she / her. sexual orientation.     bisexual. occupation.     bassist / cashier / wannabe ghost hunter. place of birth.     misty hollow, connecticut.
billie’s life was always a little chaotic, tbh ! she was the youngest to kim and elijah haynes, the only sister to two older brothers. she spread the rumor that she ate her twin in the womb in middle school, but unfortunately that was just her lying to seem more interesting.
her house was the kind of small where there’s no privacy. she shared her room with her brothers her entire life which was … a nightmare ! so surprising to no one she was more of an outside kinda girl. always exploring, always finding an excuse to get out, typically barefoot. y’know the type.
winona ryder vc always a fan of the strange and unusual. her and her mom would watch murder shows on id together all the time ‘nd those ghost specials on tv were literally billie’s jam growing up. she’s known she’s wanted to be a paranormal investigator from a young age.
her parents were both huge stoners ! both of ‘em never bother to hide this. their entire family had a 70s vibe to them tbh…. lmao.
billie was never stupid, but she never applied herself in school, either. was always a sweet kid and never got into too much trouble aside from talking a little too much and playing rough with her friends. was very anti-drug as a child, too … ironic isn’t it ...
anyways, she thought there were more important things in life than school so she just never… bothered.
rebel girl plays in the background she started getting into the punk scene when she was thirteen… tho that was more of an emo phase. then she started learning guitar, learned she can’t sing for shit, ‘nd transitioned to bass. started smoking pot around fifteen with the permission of her mom… got really into stick ‘nd pokes… the type to ditch class ‘nd smoke under bleachers in an 80s movie… thought she was Cool™ .
got recruited into rosie’s band and she’s been the bassist ever since!! misty hollow’s own tall ‘nd gay hex girls .. love to see it !!
did one year of college ‘nd flunked. lied to her mom for an entire year ‘nd then got caught oop!! her mom gave her the option of getting a job or getting kicked out. since ghost hunting with shitty equipment wasn’t exactly getting views on youtube, she started getting part time jobs all over town.
she got fired from a lot of jobs over the years. since her band and ghosthunting expeditions are her main focus, she shoves any other job aside.
anyways, her mom eventually kicked her out, but she’s secured her job the thrift store w/ nothin’ but her charm, babey. she lived in her car for her a while, but now she’s found a shitty apartment that she can only afford thanks to her roommates. *👀
personality ‘nd stuff.
she seems tougher than she is. she’s v sensitive, gentle, the type who wouldn’t hurt a fly. at the same time, she gets drunk on stage ‘nd screams at hecklers while the adrenaline is pumpin’ so … love a girl who is dynamic !
loves her friends more than anything. always willing to go out of her way for absolutely Anyone who needs it and is probably one of the least judgemental people ever… but...
she’s also… v annoying. tends to zone out in conversations … always encouraging people to do dumb things in order to ~learn~ … she can never make up her mind about who she is and has no sense of self but u kno that’s just relatable. takes things too personal sometimes nd won’t confront the person but will just cry abt it! 
innocent in the way she seems to b carefree ‘nd awe of the world… like she doesn’t know consequences or worries… just gettin’ drunk ‘nd living life… a Dream
rlly thinks she’s going to grow up and have a show like buzzfeed unsolved while also being a bassist in a very well known ‘nd respected band… the delusion.. lov that for her.
always looking for something to put herself into. creativity is everything to her and without it she’d probably drive herself crazy. her mind is always buzzin’ ‘nd she’s always looking for an Out !
her style influence is v much d’arcy ( image ) ( image ) 
tries to leave as much waste behind as possible… walks everywhere… wants to hitchhike even tho people are getting murdered... is her mother’s nightmare tbh.
believes that the ghosts of misty stranger’s victims haunt misty hollow and honestly thinks she’s gonna be the one to prove it… out of all the professionals in the town…. whew honey
also… is terrified of ghosts and demons. she’s the ryan bergara to her bandmate lou’s shane… she probably cries during 80% of their ghost hunts
wanted connections.
friends. outside of her band!! give her someone to share conspiracies with, or someone who is the total opposite of her, or someone to smoke w… platonic goodness pls!!
a fan. okay… or maybe they’re pretending to get on her good side bc the band’s not exactly popular … that’s up to you!! regardless, she’ll try really hard to stay on this person’s good side.
exes. she’s been in misty hollow all her life, but long distance could be a thing too if ur muse isn’t from here!! good terms, bad terms, idc give me it all.
people who know her thru her family?? her dad’s been a chef at the diner forever and her mom’s a teacher. her older brothers also lived here their whole lives so connections based around them could be fun too, they’re npc so we can plot some stuff out!!
roommates. [ 0/2 ] people she can annoy by practicing her bass all hours of the night… but she loves them! mostly. 
idk, i’ll take anything!! just like this and i’ll hit you up for some plots!! 
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shortkingactivism · 6 years
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Thank you @clarabellestevens both for the prompt and for the well-wishes on my vacation! Sorry this took so long jet lag(and depression naps) sure are a bitch lmao
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Ryan would like to blame the copious amounts of alcohol they had both had that night, or sleep deprivation from the hours they had spent out on the town, or even a good ol’ fashioned possession but unfortunately the sticky situation he had backed himself into was all him.
The night had started normally enough. Ryan and a bunch of his coworkers had gathered at a nearby club, celebrating something or the other that was clearly little more than a thinly veiled excuse to get shitfaced on the company’s dime.
He had rolled up a little late, hair slicked back and dressed in a button up shirt that showed off his arms quite nicely, if he did say so himself. He ordered a beer and flitted from friend to friend, before spotting Shane and sidling up to him with a quip on his tongue, per usual.
“What’s up, big guy. You just get here? There’s no way I would’ve missed your big ol’ bobble head in this crowd.”
“You wound me, Mr. Bergara. Truly. I might need some sort of therapeutic release after this. Maybe even a little...Bergara Guitarra for the soul?” Shane wagged his eyebrows in a fantastically disturbing way and Ryan groaned in turn.
“Stop that. You definitely look like someone no one should ever talk to in a bar. And I told you: no ‘guitarra’ for anyone!”
“Oh, don’t be such a party pooper. I’ll let you play backup for the Risky Fixin’s new song. That should really launch your career into the limelight.”
“I’d rather have Sallie come back and gouge my eyes out but thanks for the offer.”
“Harsh.” Ryan shrugged.
“It’s the truth,” He downed the last of his beer before tugging on Shane’s wrist and leading him to the bar. “Come on. Shots!”
They elbowed their way through the throng of people crowding around the bar, Shane pressed in close behind him as Ryan tried to get the attention of the busy bartender to no avail.
“Don’t know why I’m letting you get us the drinks. The bartender probably can’t see you behind all these normal sized people.”
“Shut up, Shane. Not all of us can be the size of mountains. And 5’9 is normal sized. Oh!”
Ryan finally managed to catch the attention of the bartender, ordering a round of shots for both him and Shane. The bartender, a lean man with dark hair and light eyes, winked at him before plopping down the shot glasses filled to the brim with dark liquid, ‘on the house ’. He shot Ryan a grin, before darting back to help another customer.
Ryan furrowed his brows in confusion but, never one to look a gift horse in the mouth, took the shots and made to find a table for he and Shane.
“Shane- oh!” Ryan turned and crashed into Shane’s chest, surprised at their sudden increased proximity. He felt his face warm as Shane steadied him and guided him out of the crowd with a hand on his lower back.
“Man, the bartender just gave me the shots for free. Kinda weird. We thinking serial killer or lizard person?”
Shane gave a stilted laugh.
“Hmmm, maybe both. Guess it’ll remain...Unsolved.”
Ryan groaned and took his shots, unable to keep his eyes from following the way Shane’s throat worked as he swallowed the drink and how he smacked his lips after with a slight grimace.
When they were in need of more shots Ryan made to stand up but Shane beat him to it.
“I- uh. You got the last round so it would only be fair for me to go get the next one!”
Ryan narrowed his eyes suspiciously. “Since when did you care about being fair?”
“Hey! I’m not actually a demon. I’m chaotic neutral at best, come on Ryan.”
Ryan just laughed and shooed him away. Whatever, Ryan thought. If people were in the mood to be weirdly nice to him this evening than who was he to deprive them of that? Sure, it seemed a little fishy to Ryan’s ever paranoid mind but the few drinks already in his system were seemingly working their magic. He felt loose and tipsy, mind clouded just enough to get him to not care so much.
And, if he was being honest, it felt good to have Shane doing nice little things for him. Made him feel warm in a way that had nothing to do with the alcohol in his system or the press of sweaty bodies all around them.
Soon enough, though, Shane was back and he had shut down that train of thought without mercy. If he let slip how much he cared for Shane he might ruin their friendship with his weird, unrequited feelings and he’d rather pine after his best friend than not have one at all. With a quiet sigh Ryan downed another shot.
Ryan finds himself immersed in the crush of people of the dance floor, languidly moving his body along to the faintly obnoxious dance club remix booming overhead.
He’s drunk enough that the world takes on a slightly unfocused, dream-like quality to it. Like he can do whatever he wants now and have no consequences once he wakes up. So pressed up against Shane in the swell of warm bodies, he makes his move.
There's an urgency under his skin that makes it so when he pulls Shane down to catch his mouth with his own he ends up with more teeth than lips.
“Ow,” Shane laughs before he’s reaching out and cupping Ryan’s face and fitting their lips together properly. Soon the kiss devolves into something messier, more desperate as Ryan kisses down his neck and Shane’s hands start to roam.
“Wanna get out of here, big guy?”
By the time they’ve gotten to Ryan’s apartment and given their Uber driver a show that sober Ryan would be mortified with, they've cooled down slightly.
The alcohol and the late night work in tandem to make Ryan’s movement sluggish, his eyes heavy with sleep. He and Shane kiss now, in the sanctity of Ryan’s messy bedroom but it’s softer, makes Ryan’s heart ache a little.
“M’ sorry but like. If we’re gonna like, do it ,” Ryan whispers the last part drunkenly scandalized, making Shane laugh in turn,”I don’t wanna be drunk. I wanna like, remember it and shit.”
“Of course, Ry, that’s fi-“
“It’s just that, y’know,” Ryan rambles on louder, mental filters shot to hell, “I’m stupidly gone on you. Gone for you? Whatever. I’m like super in love with you! Is what I’m trying to say. Duh.”
Shane pulls back startled.
“Oh. Oh no, did I say that. I don’t think I was supposed to say that. Shit. Can we like, pretend that didn’t happen? Or maybe I’m possessed-“ Ryan’s words are starting to slur more and more as his fatigue overrides his panic.
“Anyways, night. Love you. Don’t tell Shane though.” And he’s out like a light.
Ryan wakes up and his head is killing him. However nauseous he is, though, he all but jolts up in bed when he remembers opening his dumb mouth and word vomiting his love to Shane last night.
From beside him, Ryan hears a groan and he flushes, remembering dragging Shane home the night before.
“Can you think a little quieter over there, I think my head is being split in two.”
Ryan snorts, despite himself and immediately regrets it as his migraine intensifies. He spots a bottle of Advil and some water on his night stand and falls on it like a man possessed. The thought that Shane must’ve left it there after Ryan’s impromptu confession makes his stomach flutter with something other than nausea.
He offers the bottle and water to Shane and busies himself with checking his phone, trying to ignore the hickies littered across the other man’s neck and the warm presence of him pressed so close.
“Thanks,” Shane says giving him a wobbly yet sincere smile. “So, about last night…”
Ryan feels his face heat and prays to any divine spirit listening that the ground would open up and swallow him whole so that he wouldn’t have to have this conversation. He really hates drunk Ryan right now.
“Listen, I’m really sorry if I made things awkward or weird. It’s fine if you don’t, you know, feel the same and shit.”
“W-we can both ignore this forever. I’d totally understand if you don’t, if you feel uncomfortable around me or if you don’t wanna see me for a little bit-“
“ Ryan .”
“It’s really fine. I didn’t mean to say that. You know me, Fratboy Ryan! Get’s a little wild after a few drinks!”
“Really? That’s disappointing. I was really interested in what Fratboy Ryan,” Shane says a little mockingly, “had to say.”
“O-oh really?” Shane nods.
“You’re really being serious, right now. You’re not messing with me?”
“Oh my god- yes I’m being serious with you. What, you can believe people can come back as ghosts because they’re worried they forgot to turn the stove off before they died but you can’t believe that I’m- that I’m stupidly gone on you, too?"
Shane’s voice is so soft, so sincere and Ryan’s heart feels like it’s just about to beat out of his chest. He doesn’t know what to do, what to say but when Shane leans down to kiss him softly he can’t help but to think that this is so much better sober, morning breath and all.
They're both grinning like maniacs when they pull apart, foreheads pressed together.
"Well, when you put it like that..."
"Ryan, shut up and kiss me."
Ryan smiles but doesn't hesitate to oblige. He owes drunk Ryan quite the apology. 
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