#dry and windy
manglechanbluh · 5 months
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Come on, he is wearing gaiters I couldn't resist + End of the Line speeding bullet
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fireladybuckley · 2 months
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So all of Alberta is in very high or extreme fire danger now because of all this heat (except for that circle in the middle) and no end in sight in the next few days…. Cool cool cool cool cool cool we’re all in Hell 🔥💀
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nikoisme · 6 months
This dust cloud is being so annoying i don't like it. I want to see the sky
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rozugold · 12 days
Oh it actually feels pretty nice outside!
-said outside is 101 degrees-
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alpineshift · 3 months
Prompt 5 please, it’s my lucky number 🍀
Hope you are well!
Lucky number 5!! thank you anon, I hope you're doing well too 💕 I'm taking this in a bit of a space opera direction for fun, bear with me 🪐
5.  “Just take me home.”
It's been three long hours since Jack disappeared behind the Lonely Emperor's heavy doors with the rest of the Centurion Commanders, and Nico is getting antsy.
He doesn't outwardly show it; he's way too well trained, way too professional to show anything but solemn, stern diligence, but the longer the meeting drags on, the more agitated he becomes.
The rest of the guards in the waiting room loiter about in varying states of apathy or professionalism; a few have started a tabletop game with a battered pack of spitback cards, others are sitting rigidly off by themselves, and some are obviously gossiping. Nico keeps to himself by the window, staring out at the holographic loop of a beautiful waterfall in a deep forest.
It's a pathetic attempt at covering up the veritable bloody wasteland just beyond the computerized screens. It's also a poor reminder of the lush greens and endless mountain ranges back in Valais. Nico hasn't seen it in over ten years.
A subtle pinging bell has all the guards scrambling to attention. They fall into line outside the doors as they open up and the commanders come marching back out.
Jack's a younger face and a slighter frame amidst the older leaders. Nico spots him instantly and immediately falls into step after him, a precise one-and-a-half paces after Jack's walking pattern, always within arm's reach.
Jack offers a quick glance behind him, expression placid, and Nico just knows that the meeting had gone to absolute shit.
They don't talk until they return to their shuttlepod. Jack climbs into the passenger side (never in the back) and activates the blackout screens as soon as Nico slide into the driver's side and starts the engine.
"Seven more solar years," he says without preamble, and Nico's hands slip on the console controls. "Seven more years of Letum, this hell-planet, seven more years of blood, seven more god damn years of losing soldiers to the most pointless war in existence. Fuck. Fucking fuck."
"I'm sorry, Centurion Hughes," Nico says after a moment, because--what else is he going to say? Sorry it'll be seven more years before you see your parents again? Sorry it'll be seven more years before you can keep your promise to your brothers? Sorry you'll waste seven more years of your youth on a greedy man's war, sorry the chances of you seeing Earth ever again will only ever grow slimmer over the next two thousand, five hundred and fifty five days?
Jack whips his head around to stare at him, expression flinty, angry. "What the fuck are you sorry for, Hischier? You should be spitting at my feet, cursing me out. I promised you a return ticket to Switzerland after this rotation, and instead I've just condemned you for a fourth time. You should be fucking furious."
"You know I'm not," Nico tries, but Jack snarls and turns away from him, glaring at the window. Nico can see his tormented expression reflected in the glass, and he sighs and pulls away from the port dock. The flight back to their quarters is quiet for the first half, both men lost in their own thoughts.
"I expect to see your resignation on my desk by tomorrow morning," Jack finally says, the same thing he's said after their first campaign renewal, then their second, then the third. There was a time he'd shout it at Nico every other day, a demand, an order, and then a desperate plea. Then terrible, sulky silence when Nico remains stubbornly by his side, immovable as a mountain.
"You won't," Nico replies, the same as he's said every time.
"You should go back to Earth."
"I'll go back when you do."
"There's nothing for you here. You'll die on this planet."
"I'll die when you die," Nico says, and his grip tightens on the console when Jack lets out a stifled, wounded sound. "From flesh to bone to ash to stardust, Centurion Hughes. I swore it when I entered your service, and I will honour it until the very end."
Jack is silent and still for a long, long time. So still that Nico had to glance over to make sure he's still breathing.
Finally, Jack exhales, burnt out and deep, like a tired old man. "Just take me home, Hischier."
Nico knows he's not talking about their infantry headquarters on Letum.
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weepingfoxfury · 3 months
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The man on the radio is Monday-ing like a good 'un, full of beans 'so he is' ... probably chocolate covered coffee beans. Weatherwise there's sunshine, sunshine, sunshine ... but don't forget to put your water wings on for later. The traffic lady says there's a lot of animals loose on the roads ... wonder if any of them will be thumbing for a lift.
Today's groaner: A monastery is in financial trouble, so it goes into the fish-and-chips business in order to raise money. One night a customer knocks at the door and one of the monks goes to answer it. The customer asks "Are you the fish friar?" ... "No" he replies "I'm the chip monk" ;-D badoom tish ... here all week!!
These little yellow lovelies have been busy waving in the wind for the past couple of weeks. No point waiting for the wind to die down, it just doesn't these days, so I just clicked and caught the beautiful blurs. Short sighted as I am, this is the is how the world looks without my glasses. Magical, moving and mesmerising. Wouldn't have it any other way.
Coffee time, cat time, canine time ... off I go again ...
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gothic-mothic · 1 year
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Lighting tests with the boys
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wicked-binch · 3 months
You’ve never experienced hell unless u have lived in Arizona 😭
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whimseee · 25 days
got caught in a thunderstorm 😭
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muckmagister · 4 months
rubs your fur the wrong way so you look like a feather duster
not an uncommon occurrence for me. aka whenever i blow dry my hair or getsscared
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leonide-poet · 4 months
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femadjecent · 1 year
The biggest culture shock from moving to the mountains is someone telling you that 85°f on a dry, windy day is unbearable.
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garden-eel-draws · 1 year
So tired of this Florida-ass weather in the middle of the CHAPARRAL. I got four mosquito bites on my FOOT in one evening as I slept, which brings me up to a total of TEN. It's been over 90 degrees and over 80 percent humid for months. We had a HURRICANE. WHAT THE FUCK.
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h3rmitsunited · 1 year
it my birfday
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theflyingfeeling · 2 years
AU where the guys are talk show/morning show hosts and crew?
Alright, hear this: Good Morning with Blind Channel!
I'm going for a morning show, because I feel like there would be more different kinds of roles there, yeah? 😌
So ummm. In this one Finnish morning show there's a meteorologist who sometimes brings his lil' doggo to the set? So...imagine Aleksi providing the daily weather forecast with his little helper Rilla? 🥰 (who, of course, would sometimes cause havoc in the set; she'd hear a word reminiscing 'walkies' or 'treats' during an interview with a guest in the studio and ruins the whole scene by spurting to the set wagging her little tail before Aleksi can do anything about it 🙈)
Joel is a cameraman secretly crushing on Aleksi (or "secretly" because Joonas and Niko totally know what's up and keep teasing him about it 😏). He's often found staring Aleksi via the camera and sighing longingly, to the point that sometimes he zones out dreaming about the weatherman and forgets his cameraman's duties for a second 🤭
Joonas and Niko are the main hosts / interviewers who keep flirting with each other at every turn 🙄 It's sort of awkward (for everyone else involved), but after that one time the production decided to separate them by pairing them up with other hosts, they were sent masses of negative feedback by outraged fans demanding for the public's favourite hosts to be reunited or else they'd switch to watching another channel's morning show 😤 (poor Santeri the producer thought he was going to be sacked for making such an unfortunate decision)
I don't think Finnish morning shows have a cooking section anymore, but a Blind Channel morning show certainly does, and it's actually the most awaited moment of the whole show; Olli started at the job only a while ago and is still a little nervous about cooking in front of the cameras, not least because it's LIVE, but the viewers absolutely adore him. Maybe it's his silky voice that provides them a smooth start to the day. Perhaps it's the fact that the poor boy seems to always be in such a hurry that he forgets to button his shirt all the way up before having to run back to the set from taking a short power-nap during commercial breaks (he's also not used to the early mornings quite yet 😴)
Niko and/or Joonas have a tendency to show up (unscripted) to "help out" with the cooking; usually they only manage to make Olli mess up somehow or say something funny that the hosts then proceed to giggle about for the rest of the day 😩
Tommi is the news anchor, perfect for the job with his expressionless face and grave voice 😐 ...but only when the cameras are on! Everyone behind the scenes knows Tommi is all smiles and laughter when he's not informing citizens about political crises or economic downturns 🥰 (except for Olli, of course, because he's new, which is why he felt a little weak at the knees when he first saw Tommi smile, having only seen him grim-faced on the telly until now)
Additional plotlines include: 1) Joel almost having a heart-attack when he thinks he sees Aleksi winking at him via the camera 😳, 2) a day when Rilla is acting particularly clingy and everyone in set keeps missing their cues because they're busy giving Rilla the much-needed belly-rubs and ear-scratches 🥺, 3) Niko and Joonas daring each other into making the other laugh while interviewing a guest (both fail horribly and are then given an official reprimand by the production and told to explain the whole thing to the viewers in their social medias 😂), and 4) Olli making a fancy herbal drink for his part of the show and giving it to Tommi who's been a bit poorly recently and struggling with his voice 🍵😌
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songbirdstew · 1 year
I haven't heard the trees screaming yet, but the state is officially On Fire; if you have any rain, send it to the West Coast pls
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