cioccolata-cream-blog · 11 years
Caritas Challenge Proposal
I aim to make teenagers understand what people in poverty have to go through each day with the Caritas Challenge. I will be using the Mighty K as my main theme for the Caritas Challenge. I really want to emphasize on the determination, mental and physical exhaustion, poverty stricken people have to go through in order to survive each day. I think by using the mighty K challenge, I will be able to make teenagers understand and live the experience so they will know first hand what it's like to be poor.
I will be using stopmotion to create the video, and I'm planning to create it by drawing each scene because I don't want to be reliant on photo models. In order to capture my audience's attention, I'm planning to guilt trip them first by impacting them negatively at the start. The opening scene will be a teenager watching television on the couch in the lounge and a charity ad comes on. The next scene will be that they ignore it, and the voiceover will clarify that. This is done in order to make the viewer (teenagers) feel relatable to the video so they will be like; 'Oh I do that.'  The next scenes will be of people running, swimming, walking, cycling, for 24 hours, and it will show their stamina slowly deteriorate. There will be a voice over covering the entire video continuing the story.
My intended audience for this project is teenagers and I chose them because my Caritas Logo is made with them as the target audience, and also because at that age when they have everything, most of them are ignorant to the other bad things that happen every day in this world. 
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isabelladsdn · 11 years
Peer Critique
Neal Redward - http://redwarddesign.tumblr.com
Neal has produced a really clear direction that he will be taking for his stop motion, which I think will make for a successful and refined clip. His process shows that he has taken much consideration to who the stop motion is aimed at and making it enticing for this age group and his character ‘Ted’ reflects this. I really like the aesthetic of Ted, but my only concern about a paper cut character would be how he will approach making Ted come to life, in his facial expressions and body movements, as the scale of him seems quite small so it could be hard to show details like this. Neal’s story board is nice and clear in expressing the intentions of his clip, and easily read, but could benefit from some more focus on its aesthetics perhaps to reflect his approach to the aesthetics that he intends to use for the stop motion. With this technique he will need to be very focused on producing crisp photos and consistent lights, as with a stable scene as it is very obvious if light flickers or focus alters, as I have found out by using a similar technique. I like his idea of the canvas being approached as a screen, with the character controlled by a mouse, which gives deeper meaning about technology and its influence to an otherwise light-hearted approach. His narration is clear and sums up what is happening in the stop motion well, again reflecting the light-heartedness to appeal to the younger audience and is very unique, but he will probably need to be careful to be sure that he still outlines the intentions of caritas and the challenge. Overall his clip has developed very successfully; his ideas are well established and very appealing to the target audience with a refined, attractive aesthetic. 
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jessdsdn-blog · 11 years
Progress so far - needs sound and logo, and some touch ups to colors and speed
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tom-walls · 11 years
Final handin for DSDN101 project 3 - Caritas Challenge I wanted my animation style to be simple and appealing to a younger audience. I aimed to make my narration simple and sincere so it would be easy to understand what this person is going through. My music is also reflecting these ideas and it does not distract from the narration/animation in the piece. The music is me playing bass guitar. https://vimeo.com/68607378
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conal-mckie-design · 11 years
Peer Critique for Melanie
Looking at Melanie's demo clip it is clear to see what she is intending to do. Choosing a monkey as the main character is quite a good choice as it is something quite comical and well targeted to children.   However the intention of why the monkey is going to get the banana is a little unclear.
When you go to take the photos for the final video there a few things you should keep in mind. Keep the lighting even throughout the photos as it makes the drawings on the post it notes stand out better and make the video look more consistent. Keeping the camera level for all the photos would possibly be more important to make the video look far smoother.
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jessdsdn-blog · 11 years
To be continued...
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isabelladsdn · 11 years
I will be creating a 40-60 second stop-motion for Caritas. have decided to focus on promoting the Slum challenge, in which the participant build shelters from cardboard, newspaper and tarpaulin that they will live in for 24hours, and engage in a range of activities of this time that gives them the chance to experience living in a different lifestyle. I will be making my clip from paper cut outs, creating a scene in which my stop motion is set filled with objects made from coloured paper and cardboard. I will be using a variety of camera angles as it will be a 3-Dimensional scene. I chose this aesthetic as it appeals to children, and makes a serious topic more light-hearted to influence their want to become involved. The main objective for my clip is to make children aware of Caritas and what they aim to do, and influence Children of Intermediate/High school age to become involved in the Caritas challenges, more specifically the Slum challenge.
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jessdsdn-blog · 11 years
Note to self: back up files so that you don't lose it all...
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conal-mckie-design · 11 years
Inspiration for stop motion.
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isabelladsdn · 11 years
Here is a stop motion that I will take inspiration from, I like the use of the paper cut technique with both 2D and 3D geometric- like shapes. Also the very clear story-line which would be effective for the younger audience we are trying to interest.
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