claebaxter · 11 years
DSDN101 Peer Critique
I really enjoy the concept of your animation, its an effective and emotionally resonant way of communicating the Caritas message, and I think that it could be really effective. I like it because it sweet without being too heavy, which can be an issue when talking about Slums. I think that the idea of having the kids hold up the signs as a means of narration/dialogue is a good idea. It helps connect the ad with its target audience, makes it relatable, which should help people to want to get involved. The ad is very straightforward and clearly communicates the intentions and aims of the challenge which is good, but if I had to make a criticism, I would say that the ad lacks character, it needs that extra something that will make it memorable. However, in terms of communicating the intended message, I think it is quite successful
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isabella-davis · 11 years
i just watched my stopmotion to notice that the last image didn't export it seemed to last night.i don't know whats wrong and the video seems to be way more blurry then it does when i watch the file on my computer.
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charliejaedsdn-blog · 11 years
DSDN101: Final Brief
For this project I am going to look at the Caritas Challenge as a whole and use the feet/ footprints in our logo to act as the characters to show the journey they take to "take a step towards change". This general overview of the challenge means that the viewer gets a broader understanding of each of the challenges and will be encouraged through an upbeat audio track to take part and have fun with their friends along the way.
The 40-60 second clip will use paper craft and cut outs to relate to all school ages, but will be easier for intermediate aged children and older to comprehend the message behind the animation. 
The four challenges ( "give it up", "slum it", "mighty k's" and "sweatshop") will be listed and the first "give it up" will be ticked off as the characters have left home, leaving technology behind as they walk a great distance to get a better understanding of the challenges that others have to face, and to which we take for granted with ease to solutions (such as transportation, technology, food and water).
The clip will end with the logo, website and credits within a similar style to that of the clip and show the characters back at home sleeping after 24hrs of doing something different that will help make a change.
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nina-estrella · 11 years
Overall I was pleased to how my stopmotion clip turned out. Although there are still bit I feel unsatisfied with, however, the happens whenever I make a film or clip of any sort. My end product turned out a lot different to how I had been planning since my original idea and concepts weren't working together. Although it took a lot of work editing each frame, it was a lot of fun to do. Had a minor crisis just before I was to uploaded earlier. Crashed so I had to redo the last 1/4 but couldn't live up to the first attempt unfortunately :/
Will be uploading at a better quality later. 
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claebaxter · 11 years
DSDN101 Project 3 Summary
For my stop motion, I chose to focus on the challenge as a whole, as opposed to giving special attention to a particular challenge. Since the target market for the Caritas Challenge is kids from a primary to a high school age, I thought that a childish aesthetic would be most appropriate for communicating the message. In my opinion, something that is engaging and fun for that age group will be more successful in encouraging kids to get involved, rather than making something that is more serious and emotionally poignant. For that reason I chose coloured cardboard as the medium for my stop motion. I used anthropomorphic animals because I thought it was an effective way to show 'cultural difference' between characters without having to rely on the old cliché of having token representatives of different races. Using coloured card also makes the animation itself accessible to younger audiences because they will have probably had experience with the medium itself. The ad looks plausibly like kids could have helped make it. The message of the ad itself is about the motive behind the Caritas challenge, which is to help out those less fortunate and to offer support, as well as offering a humourous overview of the individual challenges themselves. I chose to use a stereotypical kiwi farmer voice for the narration because I found it hilarious, and also it makes the ad relatable for a specifically New Zealand audience. The music I made myself, and I think that it reflects the playful and light-hearted nature of the animation
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cioccolata-cream-blog · 11 years
Caritas Challenge Proposal
I aim to make teenagers understand what people in poverty have to go through each day with the Caritas Challenge. I will be using the Mighty K as my main theme for the Caritas Challenge. I really want to emphasize on the determination, mental and physical exhaustion, poverty stricken people have to go through in order to survive each day. I think by using the mighty K challenge, I will be able to make teenagers understand and live the experience so they will know first hand what it's like to be poor.
I will be using stopmotion to create the video, and I'm planning to create it by drawing each scene because I don't want to be reliant on photo models. In order to capture my audience's attention, I'm planning to guilt trip them first by impacting them negatively at the start. The opening scene will be a teenager watching television on the couch in the lounge and a charity ad comes on. The next scene will be that they ignore it, and the voiceover will clarify that. This is done in order to make the viewer (teenagers) feel relatable to the video so they will be like; 'Oh I do that.'  The next scenes will be of people running, swimming, walking, cycling, for 24 hours, and it will show their stamina slowly deteriorate. There will be a voice over covering the entire video continuing the story.
My intended audience for this project is teenagers and I chose them because my Caritas Logo is made with them as the target audience, and also because at that age when they have everything, most of them are ignorant to the other bad things that happen every day in this world. 
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mingard · 11 years
Phew. Finally. I attempted to upload it to YouTube as well but it didn't work ... hopefully it's viewable on here
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charliejaedsdn-blog · 11 years
DSDN101: Project 3 "Caritas Challenge"
Charlie Wilson DSDN101: Project 3 Tutor: Eli Beeden 59 Sec
Due: June 19th 9pm This is my final clip for the DSDN101 "Caritas Challenge" stop motion clip. I have incorporated the logo and slogan as well as making sure that Caritas Challenge is used throughout to help get the message across. I have used the feet due to inspiration from my logo and wanted to show the process of starting the challenges and then carrying them out together. The audio clip is from freesounds.org and adds an upbeat feeling to the clip and makes it more enjoyable to watch.
Jobro. Freesound.org. 10 June. http://freesound.org/people/jobro/sounds/76731/
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schachdame-dsdn101 · 11 years
Project 3 | Final Clip
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nina-estrella · 11 years
DSDN101 Project 3 Final Brief
Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand is a catholic organization promoting peace, development and justice in New Zealand and around the world.
 As part of its continued supported growth, Caritasas has decided to reach out to teenagers and adolescents to introduce the Caritas Challenge”; a nationwide event in which intermediate, secondary schools and youth groups take part in a 24 hour challenge to help raise funds. To stimulate this event, Caritas wants to venture into the world of multi-media and requires a short stopmotion animation in order to advertise and promote “The Caritas Challenge”.
 The purpose of this project is to develop a 40-60 second stopmotion animation for Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand which must include a previously created logo and slogan.  The conceptual design for this stop-motion will initially revolve around one of the four specified challenges – in this particular case, the “Give it up” challenge.  .
 To encourage more of the target audience to participate in the Caritas Challenge, narration will be used to create an engaging relationship with the viewer, thus, letting the audience to become more involved and relatable with the subject.
In order for the target audience to relate closely with the video, it will be shown in a comic book like aesthetic. The concept of this stop-motion a day-in-the-life focusing on things and objects we take for granted for, giving the message "if you could go 24 hours without it"
This stop-motion will be created through a combination of graphics and photographic elements while edited through Adobe Photoshop, VirtualDub and Sony Vegas Pro 10.
The proposed stopmotion should provide a window of opportunity to encourage adolescents to join together to understand and highlight the thin line between the hardships of poverty and the taken-for-granted environment of which we live in today.
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cioccolata-cream-blog · 11 years
Peer Review/Critique
Critique for Praveer Srivastava
Praveer’s stop motion concept is very original and the underlying intentions he intends for his audience to understand, is deeper than what is perceived on the surface.
His idea to encourage teenagers to participate is by showcasing lots of university students writing what they would give up for 24 hours on a Post it note and sticking it on a white board. The final outcome will be that the post it notes will fill a whole wall before forming the shape of the Caritas Logo. His idea of using the interaction of people is very engaging and quite possibly it will be what captures his target audience’s interest. Teenagers who watch will feel more motivated and compelled to participate in the Caritas Challenge because there are many others participating too. Appealing and catering to the mindset of the intended audience is very important, and I believe Praveer has done particularly well on this aspect.
His idea to showcase most of his stop motion in black and white, only revealing the colour in the end, is a very risky concept as black and white could appear dull and old-fashioned, and may cause his intended audience to lose interest as they are teenagers. In society teenagers are perceived as very modern and like new things therefore colour will appeal much more compared to black and white.
On the other hand, only inserting colour at the end will create a sense of mystery and excitement as it will be like seeing something in its final form for the first time. Acknowledging the underlying intention that everything will come together in completion, as even one little thing still matters because when it all comes together it transforms into something bigger than you could ever imagine possible.  With the sudden use of colour, the sense of accomplishment will be amplified and this excitement can only be achieved through the contrast of both. I believe that Praveer’s intention is to surprise and give the audience a lasting image that will awe them and stay long after the video has finished.
His use of not using a storyboard concept but instead approaching a more realistic manner to create his stop motion is very intriguing, and I believe it will certainly benefit him in the way that it will stand out in a crowd. 
The colour of the final clip will be the main issue; I think he could experiment with both black and white and full colour and choose the one he thinks looks best, with his target audience in mind. 
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ellescott · 11 years
Brief for Caritas Stop Motion
For the Caritas Challenge I have decided to do a film for the Slum Challenge. I want to do a stop motion film to show someone doing the challenge, and receiving help from someone else. I also want to include a narration or jingle for the background so that people watching the stop motion are able to fully understand the purpose and what Caritas Challenge is. 
I want the stop motion to use photos of real people doing the challenge. I want there to be a kid and an adult working together. 
I want the colours of the stop motion to bright and not black and white/sepia, to keep the film colourful and more interesting. 
In the short film I want the child to struggle and an adult to come along and help him so that it shows a relationship forming due to the Caritas challenge bringing people together.
At the end I want the Caritas logo to come up with the slogan so that it reinforces the Caritas company. At the same time as the logo coming up, i want the lyrics/narration to be saying the slogan "Challenge yourself for change". 
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nina-estrella · 11 years
Video I showed at Review on the last Friday. My final video turned out a lot different to what I had in mind here.
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Intentions for my stop motion
My intentions for this project are to create a stop motion animation advertising the Caritas Challenge in an aesthetic which appeals to youth. The stop motion will be 40 to 60 seconds in length and will incorporate audio elements alongside the visual elements. I plan on focusing on all four of the challenges within the Caritas Challenge, presenting them both individually as well as a whole. I also aim to be presenting the idea of poverty whilst making the audience aware of the different circumstances and range of aspects which differ between our own society and that of impoverished nations. 
For my stop motion animation I intend to use an aesthetic which incorporates vibrant colours and symbolism. I plan on using a different symbol for each challenge and will animate the symbol accordingly. The symbols I plan to use will be three dimensional to add a sense of depth within an otherwise two dimensional aesthetic. The symbols for the challenges are as follows: the ‘Slum’ challenge - a cut out cardboard box, the ‘Give it Up’ challenge - rice, the ‘Sweatshop’ challenge - beads and the ‘Mighty K’ challenge - a couple of small balls. 
I also intend to draw parts of my stop motion, this being mainly the text. I will incorporate a couple of different fonts or ways of drawing the text to add interest and highlight the differences between certain sections of information within the animation. I intend to animate my objects on a white stage using a tripod to keep the camera steady whilst filming.
I will incorporate voice overs to further explain to the viewer about the Caritas Challenge. I mean to incorporate a backing track, however, I don’t intend to use sound effects as I feel they would make the audio too cluttered when paired with both the voice over and music.
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