faiirylights · 7 years
                     ✨  @wereunicornbabe answered the call.
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       No podía dejar de pensarlo una y otra vez: no se suponía que las cosas fueran así. Sí, era un poco tonto y hasta infantil, habían pasado años, décadas desde aquella promesa que se habían hecho, y no le había dado mucho pensamiento hasta que recibió la invitación en su buzón. No estaba segura de que la hubiesen hecho en toda seriedad, pero ahí fue cuando se dio cuenta que había depositado cierta esperanza en aquellas palabras. Y ahora estaba ahí: en aquella ciudad que les vio crecer, en donde pronunciaron una vez esa promesa, y ahora, donde tomaría lugar una boda que no era la suya. --- Eres como el vino, --- comenzó, apenas le vio. --- mientras más pasa el tiempo, te pones mejor. --- y con eso, sonrió para saludarle. ┊based on.
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hanjisungz-archive · 5 years
omg i just rediscovered nex7 and i missed them 
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tanteichi · 2 years
@ygiohs liked this for a starter from inuyasha!
“. . .So what’s th’ point of this game again? Th’ rules are so complicated, it’s even worse than uno.” Inuyasha grumbled, looking at the cards he held awkwardly in his hand. His amber hues flicker to the duelist, waiting expectantly for him to go over the rules yet again. As if he hadn’t already done so several times. . .but it was still flying over the hanyou’s head. “If I use this card, I can kill ya, right?” He questioned, referring to one of his monster cards.
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okruee · 3 years
i forced my roommate to look thru all your cc with me yesterday while i yelled incoherently about how fucking talented u r and how much i love u (also she fucking lost it at the big titty karl marx)
OMG 🥺😭😭😭😭💖💖💖💖 DSJFHDSJH i hope u told her how much i love u BACK if not u have to go tell her right now in fact show her this:
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hanjisungz-archive · 6 years
what- what even is frisbee football it sounds,, special ,, but kjsk it's okay i get confused with the other languages i speak as well, especially now that i'm speaking english on a daily basis instead of french,, i keep on adding french words to my school essays, and english words when i speak in french ksjfn and oh my gosh- having to argue for something you don't agree with is... the worst,, i admire you for surviving that, though, it's such a torture ;; (and you're so sweet i'm!! thank you ;;)
okay so you know american football ?? its that but instead of a football its a frisbee its,,,,, dumb dsjfhdsjh and omg i know !!!! i speak english the most (obviously lol my mother doesnt know any other languages) but the times i speak other languages, i add english sometimes if i dont know the word and dont wanna ask skdfjh
ugh its the Worst honestly but i needed the grade skdjfhskf and my side ended up winning the debate (cant win against an arguing capricorn 👌😊) 
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