#dsmp part 2
sethdomain · 18 days
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hiding-in-the-vault · 11 months
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We're all gonna be normal about this ok
anyway he has issues™
Part 2!
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saturnniidae · 3 months
When this was live and ranboo was trending on Twitter for saying 'fuck' on genloss and it was a whole Event compared to how he is now is so fucking funny
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llitchilitchi · 2 years
[ Part 1 ] Part 2
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ax-y10 · 1 year
Basically, them recalling to all of their friends at a massive party how they (reader and Wilbur) met
10 small snippets of dialogue and scenarios included below
"The first time we hung out at my house, it was so pleasant" -Wilbur "You literally closed the garage door on my face and got my foot stuck underneath it in your own excitement, dickhead" -Y/N
"I remember calling him the 'gayest straight person I knew' and immediately after I said that, he told me he was bisexual..." -Y/N
"Shut the fuck up Y/N. That was so wrong. That is not correct. I did not give you a hickey the day after we started dating... okay maybe i did" -Wilbur
"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT MEANT TO MEAN?" -Tommy " *laughter ensues* it's called inside jokes, Tommy." -Wilbur, Y/n
"imagine being in love *fake ass gag*" -Tommy "imagine being a child" -Wilbur "imagine being his brother" -Y/N "What is that supposed to mean?" -Wilbur
Literally just bullying Tommy and his poor innocence
Tubbo sitting there like 👁️👄👁️
Niki just awwing
Phil nodding at you and Wilbur, proud father moment
"WHY DO YOU ALWAYS FORGET THE FUCKING ANNIVERSARY??" -Y/n "Why do you forget we need to celebrate you falling into that one lake 6 years ago, huh?" -Wilbur
I might possibly make a part 2 if people like this so... Enjoy and take your daily banter.
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plaguethewaters · 11 months
little superhero au thingie!! except the superhero part is super duper nonexistent and this chapter is litterally just cbeeduo proposal. Enjoy!
"You've gotta forgive me, because I'm about to get really sappy here."
Ranboo says, and Tubbo thinks it's awfully ironic. It's night, brilliant stars shining over them - the only true advantage of no public lighting at all - they're on the roof, sitting on the thickest blanket they own and huddling together for whatever warmth they can find, the few remnants of their picnic laid abandoned to the side. They've been out all evening, eating sweets and heart shaped sandwiches, because Ranboo had always been a little extra. He thinks, we've gotten past the sappiness threshold a whole lot ago, and also, there's no way whatever you've got to say could be worse than this romance novel ass- situation.
His hand is taken into Ranboo's, who starts rubbing at his knuckles with his thumb. He does that often, when he's nervous - but also, Tubbo muses, he's nervous about pretty much every single aspect of his life, so this isn't anything new. Then he starts talking, with a way too big, almost suspicious smile on his face, his voice low.
"You know I don't- I don't think I've ever been as happy as I am now. I didn't know this kind of happy even existed, I think, not until you two came into my life." His gaze is soft and, as previously anticipated, unworldly sappy. "You've made me truly content with my life in entirely new ways, and continue to do so every single day. I can't really imagine my future without you in it."
"You're making this sound like a marriage proposal, bossman." Tubbo giggles, just to lighten the mood. Mostly because he's right, and he does not know if he could survive the weight of a love so, so fucking ginormous, settled on his shoulder's like the world's heavier and softer mountain, not without a little comedic relief.
"I mean..." Ranboo kisses his hand, doing a so-and-so gesture with his free one, "Kind of?"
The mountain doesn't move, and Tubbo's suffocating. This is not how he imagined he would die.
"I-uh. sorry?" he manages to shutter, while his mind helpfully supplies him with a series of his possible obituaries. "Young man dies of Too Much Emotion.". or "Romantic relationship actually a trap, Villain dies because Boyfriend loves him too much." (Boyfriend? Fiancè????? What the absolute hell.)
"I mean, i mean not now, obviously that's- that would be a little too much to dump on you so soon." Ranboo laughs, clearly as nervous as he looks. "Just, like, I've prepared a whole speech, goddammit, let me say it properly."
Tubbo sees the light. His heart is definitely going to explode.
"Okay I've, I've started this a little wrong. Because I said, right, I said, I can't imagine my life without you, but it's more like, like, I couldn't have imagined my life without you. I would've never even tried. I don't think I realized I could imagine a life for myself outside- outside of hero work. I either died at fifteen - or, or seventeen, or twenty, or whatever limit I decided to give myself that year - or got an eternity of work, no escape at all. Then, then you, and Tommy, and suddenly I'm dreaming of white picket fences and wedding bells and large breed dogs and- did you know I was a writer? When I was little, I used to have notebooks over notebooks full of short horror stories, and then I stopped because with housework and normal work and trying not to starve I never had the time - you've made me want to write again. You made me realize I could dream, and follow those dreams and succeed."
The speech comes out rushed, all too many words confined in all too little space, too little time. He sounds like he's afraid if he doesn't speak soon enough, someone is going to come and steal his voice, leaving his feelings forever entrapped.
His gaze shifts, and now he's staring directly into Tubbo's eyes. The intensity is overwhelming, oppressive, painful. His eyes bore into Tubbo's skull with the force of a drill, carving a hole from his eye socket to the center of his brain, then making a little cave in it and resting in it's center.
"I don't- marriage right now would not be a good idea, I don't think, but? Maybe, in the future... Will you marry me?"
Their stares break, and the parasite removes itself from Tubbo's poor, poor brain. Then he's playing with Tubbo's fingers, looking blushy and shy to the side - because of course he's nervous now, after completely destroying him, leaving unable to think anything but an infinite sting of I love yous and wondering how on earth he got this lucky and fuck. Tubbo would die a thousand times over if it got him to look this pretty again.
What the hell was he supposed to say now? He isn't, and has never really been good with words, not when actions and punches have always done the job just as well - how could he speak now, having been hit in the face with a confession like that? With the, the- he would call it the burden, he guesses, but that's just entirely the wrong word - the responsibility, the knowledge he's the reason Ranboo was able to grow and get through all of that, given to him like it is no big deal. He would've never thought of that. In fact, he was worried he'd been doing way too little support wise, lacking the knowledge and emotional maturity needed to properly help someone like that.
Like even now, after the whole speech, he still isn't all that convinced. All he ever did was love Ranboo - which isn't news, and would continue not to be news as far as he's concerned. He loves him, will love him even if he somewhat disagrees with the confession, because how could he be possibly worth so much in Ranboo's eyes, who deserves so much more than he could possibly give, and he loves him so much - but he does not know how to say any of that.
So, he just kisses him.
And again, and again, trying to push into his lips anything that cannot fit into his mouth and failing still, but nobody's to say he doesn't fucking try. When he stops, it's because his traitorous body runs out of air to breathe, but he still keeps as close as possible, resting his forehead on Ranboo's. If he has to stop to breathe, they'll fucking share the breaths too.
Ranboo has learned, by now, that Tubbo kisses like he's fighting.
Mostly by way of focus and determination: he kisses with the same kind of concentration one might have when operating a sniper rifle - or, much more topically, when defusing a tickling bomb. There's no second in which he's idle, any rest clearly ruled by strict necessity rather than any want or will. When he does retreat, surrendering finally to the need of air, he doesn't part neither far nor long, touching their foreheads together or breathing in his neck, his hands mapping all available territory to make way for later exploration.
Ranboo has seen him battle, has fought him directly in the past, and he finds no difference between the crushing adrenaline of a missed punch, of wrestling for a loaded gun, of running towards a lit fuse - and whatever he is feeling right now.
A hand finds its way to his thigh, squeezing the soft flesh, and the little air he'd managed to keep in his poor lungs gets knocked out of him. Maybe they are in battle, actually. Maybe killing him is Tubbo's way of saying no.
Because - and he's said this already, but his brain is too scrambled to pay attention to something as utterly unimportant as repetition (anything less important than this). Because he's used to Tubbo, to the way he seems to equate love and war, to the almost violence of his affections but this feels... different, somehow. Somewhat. He's not focused enough to register what's actually changed.
Maybe it's the way his mind had already been lost in the anxiety of the moment, before his little speech, and the suspense for an answer now; or maybe it's just the thick layer of tears evenly coating each of their faces.
Which, by the way, does not help to ease his worries at all, to be entirely honest. Not that - don't get him wrong, it's not that the kissing isn't nice (heavenly, wonderful, amazing, showstopping and a plethora of other words that do not even come close) but it doesn't really enlighten him as to what Tubbo's answer is going to be. Is this a "Yes of course I'm going to marry you" type of kiss or more, like, "No how dare you ask that I'm kissing you just so you shut up" deal?
(Now, a normal person, in a hypothetical fictional audience, would probably butt in right about now with, let's say, a text to speech device of some sort. And they would say, with all the confidence of anonymity, they'd say: "Ranboo, this is a really stupid dilemma. Why would he ever choose to reject with a kiss? Nobody does that ever." And they would probably be right! But the hand is still on his thigh, and another hand is rubbing slow circles into his waist, and the kiss is still happening, so forgive him if his reasonings aren't all that rational right about now.)
He manages to detach himself eventually - not easily, not even particularly willingly - for the few moments absolutely necessary to regain a couple braincells and learn how to use his own mouth again.
"Uh- U, I, Is this-" Not to use it well, mind you, but he isn't going to complain. he'll take what he can get and deal with it. "Uhu-"
"What was that, bossman?" Tubbo giggles, voice still raspy from the assault to his lips, and Ranboo finds it somewhat insulting; loquacity is an absurd standard to hold for the guy currently being lobotomized.
"Wh- was that, uh" Tubbo's hand is slowly rubbing at his cheek in what was probably meant to be encouragement, but only manages to scramble his brains even more. "Was that a yes?
His stomach plummets.
He knows, logically, that he should not have expected anything. They've been dating for not even a year, and this was sprung on Tubbo so suddenly, and everyone always say to never ask if you aren't sure your partner will say yes but Ranboo will never be sure of anything in his life (at least not how he was sure this would've worked) and he needed to ask like, physically. And at the end of the day it's not like this is gonna mean anything for their relationship, because ring or not he knows Tubbo loves him (maybe, hopefully, because he cannot begin to imagine the contrary, it would tear him apart), but he had dared to hope-
"No," Tubbo continues, "I've just started making out with you, because that is how normal people reject proposals in real life." He's smiling, still caressing his cheek, and Ranboo wants to die a little less. He pointedly ignored the disembodied voice of the fictional audience member reminding him how they were right. (Just because you were doesn't mean you gotta act mean about it. Meanie.)
He groans, quite loudly, so that all of his horrible pain is heard, and hides his shameful face in the warm crook of Tubbo's neck.
"Never start a sentence like that ever again, for the love of god."
Tubbo laughs, bright and loud. "Oh, you poor baby", he croons, mockingly. Ranboo is being made fun of, but the guy doing it is exceptionally beautiful and also his fiance now, so all the haters are quite obviously just jealous.
"You're right though," Tubbo continues, "I wasn't quite finished answering."
Whatever smart, flirty and witty reply Ranboo could have given him gets swallowed by a chocking sound, as the push of lips and the warmth of hands pull him onto yet another battlefield.
"You know what would be really, really funny actually?" Tubbo asks, after everything is done. He's basically sitting in Ranboo's lap now, only one lonely knee left hanging on the blanket. They cuddle together tighter, mostly because they want to, but also because it got so cold on that roof once the sun went down and now it feels far below freezing.
"Hmmmm..." he rumbles, a content rumble (NOT. a purr. shut up.) so loud it almost hides his voice. "No, what would?"
"If we just pretended to be married already." Tubbo sits up a little bit.
"Just like. Hear me out."
"I'm hearing, I'm hearing."
"Okay, for one - we've got like, another full year before we would be able to actually get married and you and I both know I've got zero patience to wait that long. And we're like, super wanted criminals, so nobody would want to marry us even if we were legal, right?"
"Absolutely correct."
"And also. Think of the Bitches faces when we get into battle against them and we have wedding bands on, calling each other 'husband' and shit"
A pause.
"Oh, oh my god" They both start laughing at the same time, falling back into the blankets in a mountain of little giggles. The thought is, as expected, absolutely hilarious, and with the added giddiness of being able to be husbands, of loving each other that much - it doesn't look like they'll be stopping anytime soon.
The moon is high in the sky, the cold is still frigid, and their laughs are loud enough for several noise complaints. Tonight, they hug each other and go to bed. Tomorrow, chaos would begin for real.
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d0nt-question-me · 4 months
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Day 2!
We’ve got George-not-found
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alixlives · 1 year
doing this again bc you can never have enough of lee tommy/hj
i see this downfalling but its here yippee
the prompts are like entirely off center so it looks like shit but i cant fix it so deal with it/lh
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more abt this under the cut👍
1. No NSFW. Do not write nsfw fics or make nsfw art of these prompts and any NSFW blogs DNI.
2. These do not have to be posted on the “correct” day! Can even be posted after the two weeks is up. (For example, you could post day 1 on like day 7 or something or post day 9 sometime after the two weeks)
3. If you decide to participate, you do NOT have to do every single prompt; i get that 14 is kind of a lot, especially with people having school n stuff. I could barely keep up with 7 days and i was still on summer vacation during my first lee tommy week. So you dont have to do EVERY prompt if you choose to participate. You can if you want to and are able to, but you dont have to.
4. Use either of the tags “fizz’s lee tommy week (part 2)” Or “two weeks of lee tommy” or both under your posts if you decide to participate
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keyslox · 2 years
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Jack is STILL an ‘anomaly’ and Tommy is struggling between friend or family and right or wrong d:)
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leostimstuff · 2 months
If I ever made a dsmp stimboard (specifically c!tommy) how much would u guys make fun of me. Be honest
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kisuminight · 3 months
c!Purpled's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day part 2 (wherein he loses c!Punz a second time)
So after a month and a half of trying to corner Purpled to talk to him, c!Sapnap finally gets some results. Purpled approaches him of his own volition, even, and asks if they can talk.
Of course they can talk. Not here, though. Not is Los Nevadas where they're constantly being watched even when they feel alone. Sapnap loves c!Quackity, but he's also overheard one of the times when c!Slimecicle was reporting to him about Karl. And they've just had a fight recently. So Sapnap doesn't really want to risk the one chance he has to finally get something right for once.
Purpled seems surprised that Sapnap doesn't want to have their conversation in Los Nevadas, and even a little... pleased? Maybe Sapnap's wrong--Purpled is hard to read and also a bit mercurial in the way all teenagers tend to be. He says that he knows a place, and asks Sapnap to meet him on the edge of Los Nevadas in about 20 minutes.
Okay, go time. Sapnap switches Punz's core crystal from his enderchest into his hotbar, and heads out to find Purpled's meeting spot. From there, Purpled directs them both out into the desert a ways.
They stop at a small platform made of sand. There's a one-block wall of three terracotta blocks in a row, and a single block of sand in the center that Purpled breaks to reveal a trap door. A secret base? But the platform and the wall, the way it's built up away from the rest of Las Nevadas artificial desert--it reminds Sapnap of a stage.
But they're alone here; the walk would have revealed Slime if he was following them. So it's safe to talk, even if they aren't in whatever Purpled's secret base is, just yet.
Sapnap climbs onto the platform and approaches Purpled. He's got his back facing to Sapnap, and seems to be fiddling with some mechanism attached to the trap door. "So, about Punz...."
And that's when Purpled whips around and tosses two splash potions right into Sapnap. Sapnap stumbles back, feels the way the heavy press of Weakness drags his body out of position, the stagger from bones grown too-heavy winds him and chokes off the rest of his sentence. Attempting to correct feels like wading through honey, Slow and sticky and resistant.
"Of course you know all about Punz," Purpled hisses, and goes at Sapnap with a sword. Sapnap only barely manages to swap his own sword out of inventory to try and counter. "Come to gloat?"
Oh, he thinks that I'm going to blackmail him with Punz's core crystal.
"Wait! I came to--" but Purpled is pushing Sapnap too hard; the weakness potion combined with Purpled's own skill cutting off all attempts at conversation. Purpled is controlling the flow of battle. He swings out around Sapanp, forcing him to pivot, and then begins to force Sapnap back towards the trap door. An actual trap then, and not a secret base.
But even though Purpled could be doing a lot of damage, he's not. Sapnap is Slow and Weak and he's not even wearing armor. Purpled has a Netherite sword (it's Punz's sword, the one Sapnap watched him painstakingly remake after Doomsday. The one that Punz didn't drop, when he returned to his core crystal) and he's a good fighter (he fights like Punz did). Sapnap isn't dead because Purpled doesn't want him dead. He's barely even burned, because Purpled clearly has a tight control of the Flame Aspect II enchantment, enough to leave scorching lines without outright setting Sapnap on fire.
So Sapnap takes a chance.
"Wait!" Sapnap staggers back from the next sword blow without even trying to dodge or block. His sword is out of his hands as he switches hotbar inventory slots. An indigo core crystal replaces it.
Purpled's expression goes from anger to pure, boiling fury in an instant. "Drop him. Drop him right now!" Purpled lunges. He hasn't put his sword away yet, and it's leading point-first, tip headed straight towards Sapnap's heart.
Sapnap takes another step back, feels the footing change from sand to the wood of the trap door. Hears the pop of lava underneath, and the soft "click" as something gives. One moment he's fine, and the next he's off balance, empty air where solid footing had been. Sapnap drops the core crystal. Worried that it might fall into the lava, too, he fumbles to catch it.
There's a hand in his, and then Punz is hauling Sapnap back onto the sand. He looks almost the same, except he's missing his usual hoodie. The aether lines flicker down his arms, bright and pulsing.
Purpled screams wordless grief.
"Sapnap!" Quackity is there, with a crossbow and Slimecicle and then Punz is moving.
Purpled is not having a good day. At first, it seems like his plan is working fine. But it turns out the reason Sapnap wants to talk to him is about Punz, Punz who is lost who-knows-where out in the wilderness of the server, Punz who is probably already in the Eggpire's hands, and Purpled feels his whole mood sour.
It doesn't help that Sapnap is clearly trying to talk him out of this. Wait? Sapnap's not his friend. And he's done enough waiting--Quackity will get what's coming to him and when he does, Purpled might consider the debt books to be balanced.
Not likely. After all, in addition to getting Purpled killed and getting Punz lost, Quackity never bothered to pay Purpled's mission fee and isn't paying enough now, for Purpled's presence in Los Nevadas. If Purpled wasn't here for revenge, he'd have left long ago.
And then it's Punz's core crystal in Sapnap's hands, like Sapnap if fucking taunting him, and Sapnap didn't fucking listen and the fucking trapdoor gives way and--
And Punz is there. But Purpled doesn't feel any different.
Quackity's caught up to them, a bit ahead of schedule, with his pet Blade at his heels, as if Blades weren't their own fucking people. And Purpled may have started this while the sun was blazing hot with not a cloud in the sky (can't do damage as a lightning Blade if there's no storm to Channel, can you?), but Quackity has a crossbow and his aim isn't actually terrible.
There's an arm around Purpled's shoulders, and Purpled leans into the motion into the touch and grab and move the way he's done since he was small, and this little trick ended with him balanced on Punz's hip instead of deposited gently behind him as he cut the arrow out of the air.
"That's enough," says Punz, as if he didn't just perform one of the moves he's been using to protect Purpled just the same as he did a decade ago.
But Punz stopped being Purpled's Blade the moment he died. Purpled is still cold, a yawning absence in his heart.
"No one is fighting anyone," Punz says, in the tone that sounds reasonable but means he's angry and about a step back and to the side from resorting to magic to end the conversation.
The conversation that Purpled missed. Is missing. Its unprofessional, and Punz is going to scold him the second they're alone again.
He won't. Because "alone" is no longer Purpled-and-Punz. He's just Purpled, and Punz is out of his reach.
Purpled has played Bedwars enough that the towering is instinctual. He knows how to speed bridge, but the ender pearls in his inventory are a much safer alternative. After all, Purpled knows better than anyone exactly how dangerous Punz is, how quick to react and the lengths of his range.
The harming potion in his hotbar is almost an accusation. But they're brewed for Players, not Blades. Just one won't be enough to beat a Blade's regen. And even if he tossed it at Sapnap, new Blades are protective.
Punz would block it, and go down screaming (did he scream, when the Resonance snapped? The way Purpled did, before the UFO went to pieces around him, and him with it?) and come back mad enough to shred his enemy (what would that protectiveness look like, on the other side of Punz's gaze? Purpled can only imagine it as he always sees it, staring at the way Punz's shoulders set into a positional that heralds lethal anticipation).
So this time it failed. So what. It was fine. Purpled would just need to think of a different plan.
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unhonest-iago · 11 months
Meeting Mumza Pt. 2
Pt. 1
The first time Mumza meets Fundy is a near death experience he had as a kid. He'd been in a forest biome, climbing the trees. Trying to get to a high enough point so he could attempt to fly, like Philza. He knew he himself didn’t have wings so he crafted a pair, hearing about it from one of Techno's stories. Rather than getting too close to the sun, he plummeted, knocking himself out. 
Mumza noticed him on the brink. Not dead but in immense pain. Summoning him to her realm so it’d lessen said pain. She knew with some of the plants, her nursery wasn’t exactly the safest place for the kit. Remembering from Wilbur’s last visit that he’d taken the fox to the beach after his beloved Sally's departure. Deciding it'd be the perfect place, she shifted the terrain from rich soil to grainy sand. 
Seeing his small frame appear, she pitter-pattered over, crouching to scratch behind his ears. Opening his eyes, he scrambled up to a sitting position remembering his gramp’s ‘don’t talk to strangers’ rule. But there was a familiar comfort to the lady in black; the warmth of hot chocolate on a winter’s night and he’s sitting inside with a blanket wrapped around him. Spongebob on the TV as he sits next to the fireplace. His dad and uncles on the couch, chuckling when Fundy sings along to the Campfire song. Even Techno joining him during the chorus. 
‘You must be confused little one’ nodding, he took the hand offered to him, not as scared when his relatives met Mumza. ‘I’m Mumza and what’s your name?’ walking with him to the shoreline, holding Fundy’s shoes for him. Mumza tells him how he’s in her realm, keeping the bit about being between the living and dead out. After what seemed to be hours of talking to Mumza and playing in the sand, Fundy slowly returned to the land of the living. 
This time, laying on a couch in a cabin. Letting out a gasp, he hears those surrounding him talking. Rushing to his side, ‘Son, what were you thinking?’ 
‘I just wanted to fly like Gramps’ his voice tiny. Hearing this, Techno tries to keep his amusement hidden. ‘A marvelous contraption that was,’ the Piglin hybrid letting out a pained grunt, Philza elbowing him in the ribs. ‘Not the time Tech'
A few days later, Philza’s drops everything from his hands when Fundy looks up at him and asks ‘Who’s Mumza?’
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ey-there-little-guy · 2 years
i need to talk about FFSO (the human!tubbo borrower!ranboo flatmates with issues AU) or i will simply wither away. and part 2 is giving me a hard time lmao. so if no one minds fun facts and minor spoilers here you go.
-Ranboo wears primarily skirts in this au! it makes it harder for their tail to be grabbed :)
-they also use they/them in this AU, they're not opposed to he/him but won't be seen referring to themself with it
-TOMMY, my GUY,,, if you've read the first chapter you might have known this but he used to be flatmates with Tubbo. he had the top drawers in their room, and likes flower language and embroidery. Yeah. he's going to come back and be a bit of an asshole for a little bit
-Ranboo really likes being held by Tubbo. they did no expect this but they really do, it's so warm and they'd almost say it feels safe.
-Tubbo really likes holding Ranboo. it gives his hands something to be busy with and makes the rest of the world seem a little less important.
-he's also a bit touch starved (they both are tbh). so Ranboo holding one of his fingers or tapping away a rhythm on his palm is just a very good feeling.
-Both of them think the other is more opposed to holding/being held than they actually are. Once they figure this out they are going to be even harder to separate lmao. there would be shoulder rides and Ranboo laying on Tubbo's collar while they watch movies.
-Ranboo slept at the end of Tubbo's bed in a bunched up blanket bc whenever Tubbo decides to sleep he curls up, so there was plenty of space. there were a few mornings where Ranboo would get so buried in the blanket that Tubbo had to help them out lol.
-When they first met Ranboo was totally convinced they'd either die or end up in some cage, and Tubbo was questioning if he'd finally lost it. He concluded he had not lost it when a couple days passed and Ranboo was still around. Then they actually started talking!
-later on Ranboo is going to make at least one animal friend :D I won't say what but it is definitely planned out.
-Ranboo hitched a ride on a plane to another country. that's how they got to Tubbo's apartment complex.
Yeah that's the ramble. I just think about the FFSO characters sometimes and need to gently hold them, or shake them like a laminated paper, especially Tommy. ohh I'm going to make people so mad at him <3
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theosjunkdrawer · 2 years
Philza Minecraft wins the fastest time I've ever cried to a lore stream and the most time during a lore stream that I've been actively sobbing. Thanks king, thank you.
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llitchilitchi · 2 years
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huntsman in the woods
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dovedrangeas · 2 years
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*lovegame by lady gaga plays from another room*
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