#dssctm asks
word-wytch · 9 months
Just want to let you know that I love your story “Don’t stand to close to me .”it’s an amazing story , Waiting for the next part …
Thank you, darling! I took a little break for a few weeks but I am back at it now, having fun with this next chapter. Things are getting SPICY, and complicated, and the stakes have never been higher.
Truly my favorite stretch of the story so far. I can't say exactly when it will be finished but I can't wait to share it with you!
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angelhummel · 1 year
What’s your favorite Will songs?
Ahh thank you for asking!
I really do like Sway. It might be my favorite. And I also really do like DSSCTM/YG likeee it's a good time it's hilarious and I just genuinely enjoy the mash up so yeah it might be my second fave of his aklsjfdls
Leaving On A Jet Plane is also really good. I think he killed Make Em Laugh, that number was just a ton of fun
Love all his duets with April (except Raise Your Glass) and Dreams might be my favorite. LOVE Dream On with NPH bc like come on nowww it's so good and ridiculously iconic
I also like Singin In The Rain/Umbrella, You're All The World To Me, and Bye Bye Bye/I Want It That Way in regards to his duets
Also think he's sexy as hell in Like A Virgin and yes, even Toxic. Sorry, don't cancel me </3
Anyway the man only had three cRiNgE rap songs in s1 aloneee and never again and that's all anyone talks about which is a shame. The rest of his catalogue is pretty damn solid imo
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onisiondrama · 3 years
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Onision: IRL EP: 2 - Onision’s Response videos summary Part 4 (Final part for his Reacts channel responses to episode 2.)
These videos are all over the place with everyone referring to Kai with different names and using different pronouns. I'm just going to refer to him by his current name and pronouns.
In the video summaries, I’m going to refer to James as “Onision” during documentary clips and “James” during his responses. Hopefully that makes things easier to read.
"Onision Documentary Dead Names and Misgenders Trans Man Repeatedly" (7 of 8)
Clip from the documentary plays. BigMoneyOnision says Onision is the most reviled person on the internet and someone needs to hold him accountable. James insults BMO’s appearance and says, "what the hell is this creature?" BMO says he's been following Onision for over a decade. James calls him a loser. They play a clip of Jaclyn Glenn saying Onision calls himself honest as a shield so he can be a dick. James plays a clip of Jaclyn saying she wishes him the best that he has a beautiful family. James says she doesn't sound like a very consistent person. He says one day she hates him, the next she doesn't, and now she is hating him again.
That clip of Jaclyn came from her response to his 2018 public apology to her. Hmm.. first he hates her, then he likes her, now he hates her. Seems inconsistent. 🤔🙄
Steven says Onision's relationship to Kai was his longest and most complicated relationship. James says he doesn't know what he's talking about. He says they're still married to this day. He points out they deadnamed Kai and says Kai hates everyone involved with this documentary. Steven continues to talk about Kai, but every time he misgenders Kai, James pauses it to point it out and tells them to stop misgendering transgender people. Steven says Kai would constantly reply to Onision's twitter. 
In the beginning of the second episode, the documentary has this text:
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I don't buy it. Everyone who misgendered and deadnamed Kai during the storytelling parts continued to misgender Kai throughout the rest of the documentary. It's a mess and people call Kai by three different names throughout the whole show. I think the people who made the documentary were too lazy to tell the interviewees to either consistently misgender / deadname during the appropriate times for story telling / timeline purposes or to get everyone to call Kai by his current name and correctly gender him. Everyone who was interviewed seem to be on a completely different page when it comes to talking about Kai.
Steven says by December 2012, Onision and Kai are married and Kai's parents don't understand why a man nearly 10 years older married Kai within months of meeting. James says that's a lie and he's on good terms with his in-laws. He says they all flew across the country to be at "my” wedding. He calls Steven a dumb-ass. James shows a photo from his wedding and points out Kai's father, mother, step-dad, and sister. He says Steven recklessly said they don't support their unity, yet here they are supporting their unity. He says, "you guys are an embarrassment to journalism."
So James' #1 evidence that Kai's family is on good terms with him is the fact that they showed up to their child's wedding 8 years ago? James is conveniently leaving out the multiple videos he's made about how Kai's father tried to break them up while they were dating due to their age gap (17 and 26) and the grudge he’s held against his father for years. James even banned him from their home a few years ago.
"Onision Documentary Slander, Complete Embarrassment to Journalism, Discovery +" (8 of 8)
Doc plays. Clip of Repzion saying he didn't write the letter. They show a clip of Onision saying Repzion is the reason people are afraid to post videos online, because of psycho, creepy stalkers like him. James shows the email from Repzion apologizing to him back in 2017. He says Repzion is admitting to sending his in-laws an email and apologizing for it. He says his in-laws are no-doubt disgusted by him.
I just want to point out, the clip of Repzion was from when James was accusing him of sending his in-laws a physical letter in the mail. Repzion admitted to sending them a Facebook message and denied sending the letter. DSSCTM admitted to sending the letter.
James shows this on screen:
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Edwin says Onision was pressuring Kai to date a girl. James says Edwin is being transphobic by misgendering Kai. Steven says we don't understand what was going on behind the scenes, but whoever Kai was is gone. James says they don't understand what went on behind the scenes, yet they make a whole documentary about it. He says himself and Kai don't talk to the doc because they are idiots that self-admittedly talk about things they don't understand.
Shiloh says she watched Onision break Kai like he broke her. James says he never called the cops on Billie or Sarah, yet he called them multiple times on Shiloh because she's a "psycho bitch." He says everyone else he dated were all way better than her. He shows thumbnails of videos he uploaded with Shiloh to his main channel and he says you don't see someone being broken. He says in the "My Girlfriend Is Beautiful" video, you see her have a mental breakdown and him being supportive. He says she thinks she can just eliminate his entire video library that proves their final videos were all positive and she fabricated the entire abuse concept. He says she got caught cheating and getting pregnant with another man's baby and she didn't like getting caught so she fabricated the abuse story. He references his page about Shiloh and goes over points he's already made in previous videos. He says she's proven a pathological evil liar.
Doc plays a clip of James and Kai with Kai looking uncomfortable. James jokingly says, "add that to the abuse reel." Edwin says he believes James is molding Kai. James says Edwin has no excuse for misgendering because they just announced Kai identifies as a guy. He says Edwin continues to misgender Kai because he's a piece of shit.
Shiloh says she no longer believes that Kai is a victim, she thinks Kai is a predator. James says it's a waste of time to speculate and it's an opinion reel.
The doc tells the story of Alicia Kozakiewicz. James says it's inappropriate they brought up a story that has nothing to do with himself and Kai. He says he's a law abiding former US air force cop.
He goes through his Sarah page on his website to prove she wasn't groomed. He says he found more texts and is going to update the page. He says Chris Hansen and anti-o's are morons for believing anything illegal happened.
Alicia K says she believes Onision and Kai found venerable victims. James says they're using the chick who was beaten and violated to speculate they are bad people. Alicia says they became friends with the girls, then they took away their power. James challenges Alicia to do research and look at his Sarah page. He says they blatantly ignore the texts he shared because they want to cash in on a fraudulent #metoo. He says there literally no actual victims.
Text on screen says in 2012, Kai begins an online relationship with 15-year-old fan, Regina. James says Kai was 17 for the majority of 2012, so it was a 2 year age gap. He says the first time he was Regina was on Chris Hansen's interview. He says they apparently dressed up as a dude to be on the show twice. [He plays the same clips as every other time he accused Regina of this. 🙄] He says the documentary admits Kai never met Regina.
I don’t think this needs to be said, but Regina did not pretend to be another person to get on Hansen’s show. Also, James was so upset the documentary misgenders Kai, but he keeps misgendering Regina.
Regina says they initially lied about their age to Kai. Regina told him they were 19 when they were really 15. James says Regina admits they'll lie to your face. He calls Regina a "stone cold liar."
Even though Kai did the same exact thing to James that same year? He lied to James about his age, yet Kai is not a stone cold liar?
Regina says they asked their mom if they could visit Kai, but she said no. James says he doesn't know what Regina is talking about. He says that's news to him. He doesn't know why Regina would visit them. He plugs his Sarah page again.
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j-e-f-3-0 · 5 years
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When they ask me about what is my favorite moment of DSSCTM
Really, forget Sting, I mean
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artificialqueens · 4 years
hi im big dumb so u can ignore the dssctm ask they were under the abriviated tag ahahha thanks ily and ur blog slaps my dude❤️ the fandom appreciates you more than anything
Glad you found it, my love!! 💖💖💖
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deacied · 5 years
yall send me asks and come talk to me about dssctm gimme inspo to make things
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word-wytch · 5 months
any DSSCTM updates you can share?? i can’t even put into words how excited i am
hi there!! I posted a snippet of the opening scene and a map of teach's apartment so far, but I will definitely be sharing more as it comes along.
I also just wrote a sweet little oneshot where little Eddie and his mom make christmas cookies together. I put a lot of love into it and very few people seem to have read it, so please check it out if you haven't already!
Your enthusiasm is definitely warranted. I have so much in store for this chapter, just absolutely bursting at the seams with it. (so is Eddie lmao) It will be worth the wait, I promise!
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word-wytch · 8 months
Just wanted to let you know I’m IN LOVE with your “Don’t Stand So Close To Me” fic and I can’t wait for the next installment! You’re such a talented writer! ❤️ Hope you’re having a great day!! 🥰
Thank you so much!! 🥹💕
This was very touching for me to receive out of the blue, as it’s been a hot minute since I’ve updated, but Ch. 15 is coming SOON. I just need to write this last scene and do some final edits. I am planning on sharing a generous snippet tomorrow as I’ve been terrible about that this go-around.
I’ve had some very exciting developments in my life recently that have been taking up time, but time well spent! ✨
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word-wytch · 5 months
Good afternoon love,
I hope you had a wonderful holiday (if you celebrate). I was just curious on how the new chapter of DSSCTM is going along? I am sure you are super busy, so please do not think I am trying to push. I just love this series so much and would love to know when you think it might be posted. Your writing is incredible and I can’t wait to see what you have come up with. Also, thank you again for sharing what you have so far. Much love to you!
Hi darling!! Goodness, it's really hard for me to say. I'm currently working on their Big Talk scene. I've probably reworked it about four times and I'm still not quite there yet, but with every pass I get closer to what I'm looking for! It's the first time they get to really say what's on their chest without risk of interruption and it's such a tricky balance of finding the right tone and maintaining tension so it crescendos just right. It's challenging but I want it to be just right!
They haven't even kissed yet, so at the rate that I'm going I don't anticipate this being finished for another couple months at least. I intend to immerse yall in every minute detail of the whole experience so it's gonna take a hot minute to capture!
I do have a very full life outside of this project as well and am trying to maintain a healthy balance of work, rest, and creative play. Your patience is deeply appreciated! 💕
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word-wytch · 11 months
If you're still asking for dssctm scenarios, how do you think Eddie would react to reader being hit on while they're out in public together, before they're actually ✨️together✨️? 👀
Oh I am ALWAYS accepting dssctm fantasies/scenarios. Keep them coming!
This is SUCH a good one. He would certainly prickle with protectiveness and jealousy, probably burn a hole in the side of the man's head with his stare. But it would trigger something even deeper for him, which lies in not being able to act on his desires due to his perceived shortcomings (being "too stupid" to graduate, even though the silver lining is that is why he met her in the first place).
It would also emphasize the prospect of losing his shot with her, and amplify the urgency to act before he does.
Slight spoilers below 👀
Chapter 14 will be the only time we see the two of them in public together before they are actually *together*, if that gives you any hint of how quickly things will progress. You may actually be shocked with just how quickly in terms of the literal timeline.
I have actually been debating on including a moment like this in 14. In my drafting process I have just made it to the point where she arrives at The Hideout (7k in 💀). I am strongly considering it, as I think it raises the stakes in support of the scene that takes place at the very end. 😉
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word-wytch · 7 months
Good evening!
I am on pins and needles with this story. Is there any update for chapter 16? Thank you again so much for indulging us. ☺️🥰
Hi babe!! Goodness, yes there is, and I really do need to develop some sort of regular snippet sharing/update schedule but it has been tricky to decide what to share in this chapter!
I am actually pretty close to finishing it. I need to wrap up this last scene and then go back and add and edit some more and then marinate on it a bit.
In a perfect world I would have it finished this coming weekend but it’s still too soon to call! Soon though. If not this coming weekend then next. I’m excited. I will make an official announcement as soon as I feel solid about it. ✨
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word-wytch · 6 months
Hi! Just wanted to drop by and say I love the new chapter 🥹 I can’t wait to devour the next ones too
Thank you love!!! There will be so many more. I need to spend some overdue quality time with my outline but we’ve really just reached the midpoint of the story.
17 will of course be one of the biggest treats, but there’s so much more deliciousness to come after that! We really get to explore their relationship. I’ve lost track of how much smut and tooth rotting fluff there will be in this fic. 😛🧁🍭🍩🍦
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word-wytch · 9 months
How are our two lovebirds doing? 😍 Personally, I’m shoving Eddie in a closet Wednesday morning and swallowing his face, but I realize that Teacher might take things a little slower….just some daily thoughts of mine…
As of right now they are making goo-goo eyes at each other in a dark classroom lit only by the light of a television.
It's getting increasingly unhinged as I write it; this mutual fantasy they're sharing. I can't wait to share it with you. *bites lip*
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word-wytch · 7 months
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I’m playing Singo (song bingo) at my local watering hole and do you see what I see? 😂
I freaked out and told my fiancé and friend “OMG I’m reading a great fuckin fanfic with that as the source material/namesake 😂
BAHAH!! This is incredible. Thank you for sharing this with me!! It made my evening. 💕
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word-wytch · 6 months
Can we get some ch 16 breadcrumbs pretty please??🥺💛💛💛
Yes babe! I just posted a whole piece of cake. 💕
Sometimes it can be tricky for me to decide what to share. I like to make sure things aren’t too spoilery and make sense on their own. The part I just posted is pretty freshly written and takes place toward the end of the chapter 👀✨
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word-wytch · 7 months
I actually posted this on AO3, but just in case you didn't get a chance to read that, cause I know you've been super busy....
I cannot express this enough. YOUR WRITING IS THE BEST! I read somewhere there will be just one more chapter b4 the smut (DSSCTM) and am so excited. We've been reading the story for the past year, and I've never waited so long to read any smut in my whole life, but this year, my Christmas present is gonna be so amazing! Can't wait for December and it's all your fault, Word Wytch! I am super curious to know what happens in the next chapter, and you don't even know it! Thank you again for creating this fantastic story and sharing this with the rest of us!
Wish you all the best!
I saw this come through my email this morning and it made me so 🥹🥹🥹💕
You’re correct, I have been busy, but also busy working on 16! It really does warm my heart that you’re so excited because I do have a treat in store for next chapter. While I do not think the smut chapter will be out by Christmas, Santa will be hauling his ass down the chimney with a busting sack of goodness for all of your patience.
A YEAR. Holy hell, yes you sure are right about that. November 25th will mark one year of writing this story. If I could go back in time and tell myself that a.) I would still be writing this story and b.) still have not written the smut and c.) STILL have readers patiently waiting for it, I would have keeled over in disbelief.
Thank you so much, for all your encouragement. I do hope to have 16 out a few weeks from now but we shall see!
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