I will probably regret sending this but I really think you need to hear this. You rejoice in the termination of her blog. Have you ever thought about all of the especially young LGBTQ people who follow that blog, find it their safe space, and feel recognized? Because they are crushed. Your obsession with violating their safe space is horrifying. You really need to take a look in the mirror and ask yourself why you behave so abhorrently. Mind your own business.
Have you ever thought how young people are being manipulated into a toxic narrative that only hurts them? Did you see how many people were hurt by Taylor naming Joe in her documentary? By Karlie being pregnant? You think that it’s okay for people to feel like that? For people to get their hopes up, acuse Taylor of queer baiting, talking about miscarriages? Do you think this space created by a straight woman who constantly preaches narrative that carry bi erasure is a safe space? Her blog is not a safe space. It’s a manipulated safe space. She gets peoples hopes up, people that get hurt and disappointed because what SHE is saying is going to happen doesn’t. Because Taylor doesn’t do what TTB said. Because Karlie didn’t do what TTB said.
The only person who needs to look in a mirror right now is you and ask yourself why you a defending a space that is hurting people a lot lately.
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A big social media warrior who acknowledges discrimination in the LGBTQ community and wants equality all while shaming a man with stereotypes detested by the LGBTQ plus community and spreading a narrative that revolves around toxic masculinity in order to prove Josh is gay. TTB GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE. With y out constant biphobia and birrasure you do a half as job of advocating. Social justice warrior my ass.
Taylor saying Joe helped write the song and is not anti-feminist. SHE ALWAYS CO-WROTE THOSE SONNGS WITH MEN REGARDLESS. Those songs were successful without people knowing it was Joe who wrote them.
The anti-feminist thought here is you all thinking that she did it make the song better/more played/more Grammy worthy etc. You all sounds fucking ridiculous.
No one is pushing a heterosexual agend, that is just simply what they are. And if they are bi, gay etc like you said, that’s their choice to remain in the closet and you and your cult have no place saying what wrong or right for them. You all place this immense responsibility on Taylor & Karlie which they obviously don’t want.
You create your own frustration.
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Alright friends, I have started combining the timelines, and I’m basically at fall of 2014 but I’m stopping for today and will add more tomorrow or later tonight.
I want to note, that I have made some date changes, and these are researched to get the most accurate timeline. Right now I have it open to where you can make comments on the google doc, if it gets too out of hand (Kaylor’s I’m talking to you). I will take it off!
So if you feel like I missed something, want to add some thought to something just click on the sentence and it will let you add a comment.
Make sure to be signed out of your Google accounts to remain anon!
Happy reading. :D
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@karliesbuzzcut @thetaylorfiles @kaylorfails @kaylorisntreal @kaylortruther @occams-razor-versus-kaylors
lil DTTB: she really is sipping on that special juice ain’t she?
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TTB will literally post anything that helps solidify her stance.
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I did some research on Joe last night and I read where one of his former teachers referred to Joe as a “poetic soul.” So, for people to say Joe couldn’t possibly write anything so deep just shows the hatred they have for him just existing. They need to look inward and not at Joe.
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Doesnt this then contradict the idea that Joe is using Taylor for fame...if according to you all no one knows who Joe is or who’s shes dating? LMFAO.
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I dunno I think we are pretty happy people.
@karliesbuzzcut @kaylorfails @kaylortruther @occams-razor-versus-kaylors @thetaylorfiles @kaylorsbelike
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TTB is back again lmao her new blog is taytaysbeard3
God. I hope this is a troll. But seeing as I’m already blocked lmfao, probably not.
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I think the problem with you & TTB is that you both deal in absolute truths - which none of you know for sure and you are both pretty inflated with self importance.
Truth being, neither blog is that seminal or influential.
You being in the tags shows that you think you’re some important kryptonight, some Elliott Ness bullshit - it’s not that deep.
Who cares if some people on the internet think Taylor used to date a friend. Lmao, stop being so unhinged.
If you would actually read my blog, you would kmow I don’t hold a hard truth. Taylor can be whatever sexuality she is, and I never deny that she could be. I just respect her words in saying that she isn’t.
TTB has such a hold on her hard truth that she calls even people within the LGBTQ+ community homophobic for not believing Taylor’s sexuality how she depicts it
There is a difference between thinking and holding it in an absolute truth where you say grand babies will be stolen to make your story stick
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Hey loves.
Joe Alwyn is William Bowery and I can’t get tired of saying it.
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"are you encouraging a culture of closemindedness and negativity? uhm no" uhm... yes? like how the fuck would you describe someone who, to the question 'would anything make you believe taylor and joe were together?', answers 'no' if not closeminded? and negativity? like, all the homophobic stereotypes about gay men, or the plain insults sent towards joe and josh (even just the way they eefuse to use their actual names is insulting and honestly disgusts me), not to mention the abundant antisemitism and biphobia and the insensitivity about anything not concerning kaylor (see: when TTB made BLM about kaylor). TTB may not impact taylor's or karlie's lives and wealth, but she sure as hell spreads negativity and is closeminded. it has nothing to do with envy, jealousy or homophobia (TTB, a straight woman, pushing a gay ship onto two real women? that's homophobic).
it has everything to do with teaching young and not-so-young lgbtqi+ people that they should not look for represantion in the wrong places, i.e. real people. especially real people who've made it clear, time and time again, that they are NOT in a relationship with each other, probably never have been, and are in happy straight relationships anyway! coming from a young lesbian, i KNOW how good it feels to see other lesbians/bi/pan women living their best lives; i know how good it feels to be able to relate to someone on that level; how good it feels to know that your favourite artist is also lgbtqi+. i know. i've been there. but we should not forget what respect is for the sake of representation. we should always uphold kindness and respect. represantation is coming. it's here. the more time passes, the more lgbtqi+ characters we see in films, tv shows, children's shows! times are changing. there's out lesbians celebrities, bi celebrities, pan celebrities, and they're in wlw and wlm relationships; they're in relationships with nonbinary and trans people! change is coming. we should teach everyone in the comunity, whether they're young or not, to appreciate the represantation we're getting and to push for more, but the right kind of represantation! not the kind that puts down other identities, even if those identities are cishet and white. but what would a heterosexual woman know about it? we should not let someone who hasn't lived our experiences dictate how they should be lived.
all this to say: yes, TTB is hurtful; yes, she is a negative influence; yes, people should speak up against her.
i don't know if i've made much sense. it's been a while since i sent you any anons. i hope everyone who reads this has a great day, whether they're kaylors or not💕
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This got sent to me. I’m not trying to prove Taylor is straight, I’ve said over and over she can be what she wants to be. I’m blogging on Kaylors reaching, how Kaylor isn’t really anymore etc. I don’t care about Taylor’s sexuality, but I HAVE ENOUGH RESPECT TO NOT SPECULATE ON HER SEXUALITY. At this point what can I do you know? 🤷🏻‍♀️
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There’s a taytaysfacialhair acc too now
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I did think it's about loosing a bff and karlie and two others came to mind. But especially karlie since we know about sb and her stance after kimyegate, but i didn't think the whole album was about karlie tbh.
Ed came to mind for me as well as Karlie because I don’t know if they are still friends or not.
& in regards to the whole album being about Karlie it was just Kaylors speculation on that.
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