#o: cora kincaid
saintlegacy · 7 years
😍 (Castor & Huntora)
castor: x
huntora: x
2 notes · View notes
duneideannrpg · 3 years
A continuación, te compartimos un compilado de nombres comunes en Escocia. Esperamos puedan servirte como inspiración o recurso para la creación de tus personajes. 
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Adeen — Aeleen — Aelish — Aeveen — Aibhne — Aideen — Aife — Ailbe — Ailbhe — Aileen — Ailidh — Ailin — Ailis — Ailsa — Ainder — Aine — Aineen — Ainslin — Aislin — Aisling — Aislinn — Aiveen — Allison — Almath — Aluinn — Alva — Amabel — Anya — Aoife — Arienh — Ashling — Baibin — Baibre — Baine — Banva — Barabal — Bebhinn — Bebinn — Bedelia — Beibhinn — Berneen — Bethia — Beval — Bigseach — Bigshock — Blinna — Blinne — Boinn — Boonan — Boyne — Breanda — Breen — Breffany — Brenda — Brenna — Brianag — Brianna — Bride — Brieanne — Bronagh — Cadhla — Cahan — Cailin — Caireann — Cairenn — Caiside — Cait — Caitir — Caitlin — Caitriona — Caoilin — Caoilfhionn — Caoimhe — Carra — Casidhe — Cassidy — Catriona — Ceallach — Ceallsach — Ceana — Ceanag — Ceara — Ceilidh — Cerridwen — Chiara — Ciannait — Ciar — Ciara — Ciarda — Cinaed — Cinnie — Cleana — Cliodhna — Cliona — Clodagh — Cochran — Colleen — Cora — Corcair — Coreana — Correen — Cuach — Daireen — Dearshul — Debrinne — Deidra — Deirdre — Delaney — Delany — Demi — Derin — Dervla — Dinean — Doireann — Dolina — Doonshock — Doreen — Duinseach — Dunla — Dymphna — Eanna — Eabha — Eavan — Edana — Edea — Eibhlin — Eileen — Eilidh — Eimear — Eithne — Ellie — Elspeth — Elva — Emer — Enda — Enya — Eri — Erin — Eteen — Ethna — Eva — Evaleen — Faoiltiama — Fenella — Fial — Fina — Finneacht — Finola — Fiona — Fionnabair — Fionnuala — Fiontan — Flannery — Florence — Fraser — Gemma — Gogan — Gordania — Gormelia — Grainne — Grania — Grainne — Greer — Heather — Ide — Ina — Iona — Irial — Isla — Isobel — Jacobina — Jemma — Jenna — Jessie — Karen — Kathleen — Katriona — Kayleigh — Kayley — Keela — Keeley — Keelia — Keelin — Keely — Keer — Keeva — Keevshock — Keira — Kelly — Kennedi — Kennedy — Kennocha — Kentigerna — Kenzie — Kerry — Khora — Kiera — Kincaid — Kinteerrn — Kirsty — Kora — Krinoc — Kronshock — Laimhseach — Laoise — Laoiseach — Lasairiona — Laureen — Lauryn — Leenane — Liadain — Liadan — Liath — Life — Ligach — Lilias — Logan — Lonnog — Luighseach — Lysagh — Macha — Madailein — Madb — Maedbh — Maegan — Maelisa — Maen — Maeve — Magael — Maighdlin — Maire — Mairead — Malise — Mallaidh — Malvina — Maoliosa — Maura — Maureen — Meabh — Meadhbh — Meagan — Meagwin — Meara — Meaveen — Medbh — Megan — Meghan — Mhairi — Moira — Molly — Molmoria — Mora — Morag — Moraga — Mordag — Morna — Morrigan — Morven — Moya — Moyra — Moyreen — Muadhnait — Muireall — Muireann — Murail — Murdina — Murphy — Myfawny — Nainseadh — Naoise — Neamh — Neamhain — Neassa — Neve — Niamh — Niav — Noleen — Nora — Norah — Noreen — Nuala — Onora — Oona — Orla — Orlaith — Orna — Patricia — Pawrigeen — Proinseas — Quinn — Reagan — Redmond — Reeowna — Rhona — Riley — Riona — Rionach — Roan — Robyn — Roisin — Roshene — Rowan — Rynagh — Saidhbh — Sallain — Saoirse — Seana — Searlaid — Senga — Seonaid — Seosamhin — Shanna — Shannon — Shawn — Shawna — Shea — Sheena — Sheila — Sheridan — Shona — Shonah — Sibéal — Sidheag — Silagh — Silbhe — Síle — Sileas — Sinann — Sine — Sinead — Sineidin — Sinnead — Siobhan — Siofra — Siomha — Siomhaith — Siusan — Sive — Slaine — Slainte — Sloane — Sodelb — Sorca — Sorcha — Suanach — Suin — Sydoc — Talena — Tara — Teafa — Teagan — Tegan — Tiarnan — Tierney — Toireasa — Treasa — Tuileach — Una — Zara
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Adair — Alan — Alasdair — Alastair — Alban — Alec — Alexander — Alistair — Alistaire — Allen — Alpin — Andrew — Angus — Archibald — Archie — Arcill — Arran — Artain — Artair — Arth — Athol — Aulay — Auliffe — Baird — Barclay — Birk — Blaine — Blair — Blane — Boswell — Bothan — Boyd — Branduff — Broderick — Brodie — Bruce — Burgess — Callum — Calum — Cameron — Campbell — Caral — Carbry — Clyde — Coll — Colquhoun — Conlan — Cormack — Cormick — Cosmo — Cowan — Craig — Cramond — Crawford — Crinan — Crom — Dalziel — Danny — Denholm — Dennis — Dermid — Donald — Donnan — Donwald — Dothaw — Dougal — Douglas — Drostan — Druce — Dubne — Duff — Duncan — Durell — Durrell — Eadan — Elliot — Euan — Ewan — Fagan — Farquar — Farquard — Farquhar — Fergus — Ferguson — Fife — Fingal — Finlay — Forbes — Fraser — Frazier — Gavin — Geordie — Gillean — Gillis — Gleann — Glendon — Gordon — Gough — Graham — Grant — Greer — Gregor — Hamilton — Hamish — Iain — Ian — Innes — Iomhar — Ioseph — James — Jamie — Jock — Johnston — Keir — Keith — Kenneth — Kentigern — Kevoca — Kieran — Kiley — Kirk — Lachlan — Lachy — Laird — Lamont — Leith — Lenox — Leslie — Lochlyn — Logan — Lorne — Macaulay — Macauley — Macdonald — Macfarlane — Mackenzie — Magnus — Malachy — Malcolm — Manius — Mirren — Monance — Montgomery — Muir — Mungo — Munro — Murdoch — Murray — Nairne — Nectan — Neill — Nele — Nevin — Niven — Padruig — Ramsay — Ranald — Reece — Roban — Robbie — Roddy — Ronan — Rory — Ross — Ryan — Scott — Seathan — Shaun — Sholto — Sim — Sinclair — Sioltaich — Skene — Solas — Stewart — Stuart — Tavis — Tavish — Torcall — Tormod — Torquil — Uilleam — Wallace
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A - B
Abercrombie — Abernathy — Abernethy — Acheson — Adair — Addair — Ahern — Aikman — Ainsley — Ainslie — Aird — Airlie — Aitchison — Aitken — Aitkin — Akin — Alan — Allender — Allfrey — Allison — Allphin — Alphin — Andrew — Andrews — Angis — Angus — Ankrom — Arbuckle — Archie — Ard — Ardis — Argo — Argyle — Armour — Armstrong — Arnot — Arnott — Atcheson — Aud — Auld
Bad — Bailie — Baillie — Baine — Baines — Baird — Bald — Baldon — Balentine — Balfour — Ballantine — Ballantyne — Ballentine — Bankhead — Bannerman — Barclay — Barland — Barr — Barrentine — Barrie — Barrington — Barris — Barron — Barrontine — Bartee — Bateson — Baughman — Bay — Beans — Beaton — Beattie — Beatty — Beaty — Begley — Belford — Bethune — Beveridge — Bickett — Bigger — Bigham — Binney — Bise — Bisset — Bissett — Blacketer — Blackstock — Blackwater — Blackwood — Blaie — Blair — Boan — Boig — Bonar — Borland — Boswell — Bothwell — Bower — Bowers — Bowie — Boyce — Boyd — Boydston — Boyes — Boyle — Boyter — Brandy — Brash — Brebner — Breckenridge — Bremner — Briar — Briggs — Brisbane — Broadie — Broady — Broddy — Brodie — Brody — Brough — Brownfield — Bruce — Brugh — Brunton — Bryars — Bryce — Bryden — Buchan — Buchanan — Buchannan — Buchannon — Buchanon — Buckalew — Buckelew — Bucklew — Buckoke — Budge — Buie — Buist — Bulloch — Buntin — Bunton — Burgess — Burgher — Burney — Burney — Burnsed — Burnside — Burress — Burrus — Burruss — Buttars — Butters — Byas
Caddell — Cadenhead — Caine — Cairns — Calderwood — Cambell — Cambron — Cameron — Cammack — Campbell — Campell — Canady — Cannaday — Cannady — Cannedy — Canup — Caraway — Cardew — Cargill — Cargle — Carlock — Carlow — Carmichael — Carmickle — Carnegie — Carothers — Carruthers — Carstarphen — Caruthers — Caskey — Cass — Castellaw — Castellow — Cathey — Cato — Catoe — Catto — Caulder — Caulfield — Cay — Center — Chalmers — Chattan — Chesnut — Chestnut — Cheves — Chisholm — Chism — Chisolm — Christeson — Christie — Christison — Christy — Cleghorn — Cleland — Clelland — Clemons — Clendenin — Clendening — Clendenon — Clennon — Clerk — Clingan — Clink — Clinkscales — Clugston — Clunes — Clyde — Clyne — Cobourn — Cochran — Cochrane — Cockburn — Cogburn — Coghill — Cohron — Coke — Collie — Colquhoun — Colter — Condie — Copeland — Copelin — Copland — Cormack — Corner — Corrie — Corson — Costella — Cothran — Coull — Coulter — Coupland — Coutts — Cowan — Cowie — Cowin — Crafford — Cragg — Craig — Craighead — Craigie — Crail — Cram — Cranor — Cranston — Crary — Crawford — Crays — Creach — Crear — Creason — Creech — Creighton — Cremar — Crerar — Crichton — Crinklaw — Crocket — Crockett — Croll — Cromartie — Cromie — Crookshanks — Crosbie — Cruickshank — Cruikshank — Crum — Crumm — Culbreath — Culbreth — Culley — Culton — Cumbie — Cumby — Cumings — Cumming — Cummings — Cummins — Cunningham — Curley — Currans — Currens — Cuthbert — Cuthbertson
D - E - F
Dais — Dalgleish — Dall — Dallas — Dalrymple — Dalziel — Dann — Dargie — Dashiell — David — Davie — Davisson — Davy — Deas — Deems — Dees — Delph — Dempster — Dendy — Denney — Denny — Densmore — Dewar — Dickie — Dingwall — Dinsmore — Dinwiddie — Divers — Docherty — Doctor — Doig — Dollar — Dollison — Don — Donald — Donaldson — Donat — Donelson — Dorward — Dougal — Douglas — Douglass — Doull — Dow — Downey — Downie — Drennan — Driscoll — Driskell — Drone — Drummond — Drummonds — Dryden — Drysdale — Ducan — Duffie — Dumbreck — Dunbar — Duncan — Duncanson — Dundas — Dundes — Dunkin — Dunlap — Dunlop — Dunmire — Dunning — Dunsmire — Dysart
Eadie — Eagleson — Eddie — Edie — Edington — Edison — Edmisten — Edmiston — Edmondson — Edmonston — Edmundson — Elgin — Elphinson — Ensley — Entrekin — Erskin — Erskine — Erving — Espey — Esplin — Espy — Ester — Ewan — Ewart
Fadden — Faddis — Fairbairn — Fairweather — Falconer — Fallen — Farish — Farland — Farney — Farquhar — Farquharson — Farrar — Farrish — Fate — Faulds — Feemster — Feimster — Fendley — Fentress — Fergerson — Fergeson — Fergurson — Fergus — Ferguson — Fergusson — Ferrier — Fettes — Fife — Figures — Findlay — Findley — Finlay — Finlayson — Finley — Finnie — Firth — Fleming — Flemming — Fletcher — Flett — Fobes — Forbes — Forbess — Forbis — Forbus — Forbush — Fordyce — Forgey — Forgie — Forres — Forsyth — Forsythe — Fraizer — Fraser — Frasier — Frasure — Frazee — Frazer — Frazier — Freel — Frew — Frizell — Frum — Fulton — Furgason — Furgerson — Furguson — Furlough — Fyfe — Fyffe
G - H
Gaddie — Galbraith — Galbreath — Gall — Gallacher — Gallaway — Galloway — Galt — Gammill — Garden — Garrick — Garrow — Garson — Gault — Gaunce — Gavin — Gaw — Geddes — Geddie — Geddis — Gemmill — Gibb — Gilbreath — Gilbreth — Gilchrest — Gilchrist — Gilcrease — Gilkerson — Gilkison — Gillan — Gillanders — Gillaspie — Gillespie — Gilley — Gillie — Gillies — Gilliland — Gillis — Gillison — Gillispie — Gilreath — Givens — Gladstone — Glasco — Glascoe — Glasgow — Glassford — Glen — Glendenning — Goldie — Goodlett — Goolsby — Gordan — Gorden — Gordon — Gosnell — Goudie — Goudy — Gough — Gourlay — Govan — Gow — Gowan — Gowans — Gowdy — Gracie — Graham — Graig — Grant — Greear — Greenlaw — Greer — Greg — Greig — Grier — Grieve — Grieves — Guffey — Guild — Guill — Gunn — Guthrie
Haddow — Haggart — Haig — Hairston — Haliburton — Halladay — Halliburton — Hamilton — Hamiton — Haney — Haning — Hanna — Hannah — Hannay — Hanning — Hardie — Hardison — Hardy — Harg — Harkness — Harvie — Hastie — Haston — Hasty — Hawthorn — Hawthorne — Hay — Headen — Headrick — Heggan — Heggie — Heird — Henderson — Hendley — Hendrie — Hendry — Henery — Henning — Hepburn — Hepworth — Herriot — Hillin — Hilson — Hindman — Hislop — Hoag — Hobbie — Hodo — Hoge — Hoggan — Hosack — Hosick — Hou — Houston — Howey — Howie — Hoy — Huggard — Hughey — Huie — Hume — Huskey — Huston — Hutcherson — Hutcheson — Hyland — Hyndman — Hyslop
I - J - K - L
Imlay — Imrie — Inch — Inglis — Innerarity — Innes — Innis — Irons — Irvin — Irvine — Irving
Jack — Jamerson — Jamieson — Jamison — Jardine — Jarvie — Jebb — Jelly — Jemison — Jessieman — Joass — Joel — Johnston — Johnstone — Jollie — Joss
Kanady — Kea — Kee — Keir — Keith — Kellen — Kellis — Kellman — Kellogg — Kelso — Kelsoe — Kelson — Kelton — Kenebrew — Kenmore — Kenndy — Kennebrew — Kennedy — Kenneth — Kennison — Keough — Keown — Kerr — Kersey — Kershaw — Keyes — Keys — Kiddy — Kier — Kilbride — Kilcrease — Kilgore — Kilgour — Killeen — Kimsey — Kimzey — Kinard — Kincade — Kincaid — Kincaide — Kindrick — Kinghorn — Kinion — Kinkade — Kinloch — Kinnaird — Kinnard — Kinnear — Kinnebrew — Kinner — Kinnick — Kinnon — Kinzie — Kirk — Kirkland — Kirksey — Kirkwood — Kissack — Kneeland — Knox — Kyles — Kynynmound
Lagan — Laidlaw — Laing — Laird — Lairmore — Lamon — Lamond — Lamont — Landreth — Lang — Lange — Lapsley — Larimer — Larimore — Latta — Lattea — Lauder — Lauderdale — Laughary — Laury — Lawrie — Lawther — Leap — Leas — Lease — Leath — Ledgerwood — Ledingham — Leese — Leishman — Leitch — Leith — Lemen — Lemmons — Lennox — Lenox — Lesley — Leslie — Liddle — Liggett — Lillie — Lindsay — Lindsey — Linear — Lingo — Liston — Livingstone — Loan — Loar — Loch — Lochhead — Lochridge — Lockaby — Lockard — Lockart — Lockerby — Lockhart — Logan — Loggins — Longmore — Loran — Lorimer — Lory — Lothian — Louden — Loudon — Lough — Lougheed — Louthan — Lowery — Lowrey — Lowrie — Lowrimore — Lowry — Lumsden — Lusk — Lyall — Lyalls — Lymon — Lynd — Lynne
M’Clellan — M’Clelland — Maben — Mabon — Macadam — Macalester — MacAllister — MacArthur — Macartney — Macaulay — Macauley — MacBeth — MacCallum — MacCuaig — MacDonald — MacDonnell — MacDougall — MacDowell — MacDuff — MacFarland — MacGregor — Macgrieusich — Machlin — MacInnes — MacInnis — MacIntosh — MacIntyre — Mackall — MacKay — Mackenzie — MacKinnon — Mackintosh — Macky — MacLachlan — MacLaren — MacLean — MacLennan — MacLeod — MacLulich — MacLullich — MacMaster — MacMillan — MacNaughton — MacNeil — MacNeill — MacPhail — MacPherson — MacQueen — MacRae — MacWilliams — Madison — Madlock — Maginnis — Magoon — Magruder — Maguire — Mains — Mairs — Maitland — Malcolm — Malcom — Maloch — Malpass — Manderson — Mantooth — Marchbanks — Marr — Marrs — Mathers — Matheson — Mathewson — Mathie — Mathieson — Mathison — Matthes — Mattie — Maule — Maxton — Mayne — Mayse — McAdam — McAdams — McAlexander — McAlister — McAllen — McAlley — McAllister — McAlpin — McAlpine — McAndrew — McAra — McArdle — McArthur — McAulay — McAuliffe — McBain — McBane — McBath — McBay — McBean — McBeth — McBride — McBroom — McBurney — McCaig — McCaleb — McCall — McCalla — McCalley — McCallister — McCallum — McCambridge — McCampbell — McCanse — McCant — McCants — McCardel — McCargo — McCartney — McCarver — McCarville — McCaskill — McCaslin — McCaul — McCauley — McCausland — McCaw — McChriston — McChrystal — McClaran — McClard — McClaren — McClatchey — McClean — McClear — McCleary — McCleese — McClellan — McClelland — McClenon — McClernand — McCline — McClintic — McClintick — McClintock — McClinton — McClish — McCloe — McCloud — McClugh — McClung — McClure — McColl — McCollom — McCollough — McCollum — McComas — McComb — McCombs — McConico — McCool — McCorkle — McCormic — McCormick — McCorvey — McCosh — McCosker — McCotter — McCown — McCrae — McCranie — McCright — McCroy — McCrum — McCrystal — McCuaig — McCubbin — McCuin — McCuistion — McCuiston — McCulla — McCullah — McCulloch — McCullom — McCullough — McCully — McCure — McCurtis — McCutchen — McCutcheon — McDade — McDonald — McDonalds — McDonel — McDonell — McDonnell — McDougal — McDougall — McDougle — McDuff — McDuffey — McDuffie — McDuffy — McEachern — McEachin — McEachran — McElfresh — McElveen — McEntire — McEntyre — McEwan — McEwen — McEwing — McFadden — McFadyen — McFall — McFarlain — McFarlan — McFarland — McFarlane — McFarlin — McFate — McFatridge — McFee — McField — McGarr — McGee — McGeorge — McGhee — McGhie — McGibbon — McGibbons — McGillis — McGillivray — McGilvery — McGilvray — McGirr — McGlashen — McGlasson — McGlothlin — McGlown — McGonigal — McGowing — McGray — McGregor — McGrew — McGrory — McGruder — McGuffey — McGuffie — McGuigan — McGuire — McHardy — McHargue — McHughes — McIe — McInnes — McIntire — McIntosh — McIntyre — McIsaac — McIver — McIvor — McJarrow — McJokkie — McKain — McKamey — McKamie — McKay — McKeag — McKean — McKechie — McKechnie — McKee — McKeever — McKeithan — McKell — McKellar — McKelvie — McKendrick — McKendry — McKenrick — McKenzie — McKeown — McKern — McKesson — McKiddy — McKie — McKillop — McKinlackour — McKinley — McKinnon — McKinny — McKinsey — McKinzie — McKinzy — McKisic — McKissack — McKown — McLachlan — McLagan — McLaine — McLaren — McLarty — McLauchlin — McLaurin — McLay — McLean — McLees — McLeish — McLemore — McLennan — McLennon — McLeod — McLoud — McLucas — McLure — McMackin — McMains — McMakin — McManus — McMartin — McMaser — McMasters — McMath — McMeen — McMichael — McMillan — McMillen — McMillian — McMinn — McMorran — McMorris — McMurdie — McMurray — McMurry — McMurtrey — McMurtrie — McMurtry — McNab — McNabb — McNair — McNary — McNatt — McNaught — McNaughton — McNeal — McNeff — McNichol — McNichols — McNiel — McNinch — McNish — McNitt — McPhail — McPhatter — McPhaul — McPhee — McPheron — McPherson — McPhilips — McQuarrie — McQueen — McQuhollaster — McQuiston — McQuown — McRae — McRaith — McRaney — McRay — McRea — McSparren — McSwain — McSween — McTaggart — McTammany — McTurk — McVicar — McVicker — McWain — McWaters — McWatters — McWhan — McWherter — McWhirt — McWhirter — McWhirtle — McWhorter — McWilliams — McZeal — Mearns — Meikle — Meiklejohn — Meldrum — Melendy — Melrose — Melville — Melvin — Menzie — Menzies — Merrow — Methven — Methvin — Mey — Michie — Mickle — Middlemas — Middlemiss — Mike — Mikell — Milholland — Mill — Millan — Millar — Millwee — Milroy — Minges — Minto — Mode — Moffat — Moffatt — Moffet — Moffett — Moffitt — Moir — Mollison — Moncrief — Moncrieff — Moncur — Monroe — Monteith — Montgomery — Montieth — Montrose — Monzie — Moodie — Moorehead — Moorhead — Moorman — Mor — Moredock — Morehead — Morison — Morrison — Morthland — Mortland — Mosman — Mossey — Mossman — Motherwell — Moultrie — Moyes — Muir — Muirhead — Mull — Muncie — Muncrief — Mundell — Mundie — Mundy — Munro — Munroe — Murchie — Murchison — Murdaugh — Murdoch — Murrah — Murray — Murry — Mustard — Mutch — Myron
N - O - P - Q - R
Nair — Nairn — Naismith — Nall — Napier — Narron — Nathaniel — Nay — Near — Negus — Neil — Nesbit — Nesbitt — Nesmith — Ness — Newkirk — Niblack — Niblock — Nicholson — Nickols — Nicol — Nicoll — Nicolson — Niel — Nimmo — Nisbet — Nisbett — Nish — Niven — Noles
Ocheltree — Officer — Offutt — Ogg — Ogilvie — Oglesbee — Oglesby — Ogletree — Orahood — Orem — Ormiston — Orrick — Orrock — Orso —
Paden — Paisley — Panton — Pasley — Pate — Paterson — Patillo — Paton — Pattillo — Pattison — Pattullo — Paull — Peasley — Peden — Peebles — Peeples — Penman — Persley — Peterkin — Petree — Petrey — Petrie — Petry — Pettigrew — Pettry — Petty — Phaup — Phenix — Philp — Phoenix — Pinckney — Pinkerton — Pinkney — Pitcairn — Pittenger — Poet — Polk — Pollock — Polson — Porteous — Porterfield — Postley — Pou — Presley — Pressley — Pressly — Primrose — Prindle — Pringle — Provan — Pullar — Puller — Purdie — Purvis
Quaintance — Quiggin — Quintance
Rabb — Rabren — Raburn — Rae — Raeburn — Raeside — Rainey — Raitt — Ramage — Ramsay — Ramsey — Rankin — Rankins — Ranney — Rasco — Rattray — Raulston — Raver — Rayborn — Rayburn — Reaper — Redden — Reddick — Reddy — Redhead — Ree — Reedy — Reid — Reidhead — Reith — Renfrew — Renfro — Renfroe — Renfrow — Renick — Rennie — Renton — Renwick — Reoch — Reyburn — Richey — Richie — Richison — Rickey — Ridlon — Risk — Ritchey — Ritchie — Robertson — Robeson — Robison — Rodan — Rodger — Rodick — Rollo — Ronald — Rosegrant — Ross — Rosse — Roswell — Rough — Rought — Roy — Rule — Rushford — Rusk — Rutherford — Ruthven  
S - T
Safley — Sailor — Sandercock — Sanders — Sanderson — Sangster — Saucer — Saunders — Sauser — Scobee — Scobie — Scott — Scroggs — Selfridge — Selkirk — Semple — Senter — Service — Shadden — Shand — Shands — Shankland — Shanklin — Shatto — Shaw — Shawn — Shearer — Shedden — Shehorn — Shina — Shorey — Shortridge — Sim — Simson — Sinclair — Sinton — Sittal — Skeen — Skeens — Skelley — Skirvin — Slider — Sloss — Smail — Smelley — Smiley — Smylie — Snedden — Snodgrass — Somerville — Sommerville — Souter — Southers — Speedy — Spence — Spittel — Sprvill — St. Claire — Stalker — Starrett — Steen — Stennis — Sterling — Steuart — Steven — Steward — Stewart — Stirling — Stitt — Stoddart — Storer — Storie — Storment — Stormont — Strachan — Strang — Strawn — Stronach — Struthers — Stuart — Sturrock — Stwart — Summerville — Sumrall — Sutherland — Sutherlin — Suthers — Swapp — Swinton — Sword
Taggart — Tait — Tannahill — Tannehill — Tarrence — Tassie — Tawse — Teare — Teasdale — Tedford — Telfair — Telfer — Telford — Thom — Thomaston — Thorburn — Thrift — Tilford — Tillery — Tindal — Tisdale — Toller — Tolmie — Torbert — Torrance — Torrence — Torrens — Torry — Tosh — Touch — Tough — Towers — Trail — Tullis — Tulloch — Tullock — Tullos — Turnbull — Twaddle — Tweed — Tweedie — Twentyman — Twitty — Tylor — Tyre — Tyree
U - V - W - Y - Z
Urey — Urquhart — Usher — Ussher
Vail — Vaill — Vass — Veach — Veatch — Veitch — Venters — Verner — Vert — Vessy — Vingoe
Waddell — Waddy — Waldie — Waldrep — Waldrip — Waldrup — Walkup — Wallace — Waltrip — Wardlaw — Wardlow — Wardrip — Wardrop — Wark — Warnock — Wason — Watchman — Waugh — Weddell — Wedell — Weems — Weir — Wemyss — Wham — Whan — Whary — Whearty — Whimster — Whitehill — Whitelaw — Wier — Wight — Wigton — Wilkie — Willison — Wims — Winton — Wishart — Woodburn — Woodside — Wyllie
Yawn — Yeats — Yelton — Yule
Recurso tomado de: Marwen
187 notes · View notes
“When was the last time you left the house? Or opened the curtains for that matter.” (huntora)
An unattractive snort is the first thing that Cora hears as a response. Hunter's practically buried himself in blankets and is, admittedly, wearing the same hoodie for a week straight. Personal hygiene was always a number one priority for him, but after the last few days he'd had, he thinks he deserves a good pass. Hunter groans as he feels the blankets being tugged off of him, fingers finding the soft fabric and giving a hard pull in defiant response.
"Does it matter?" He complains, voice groggy, like he'd been sleeping and Cora had woken him. Cora raises an eyebrow like it does, like he knows that it does, and he rolls his eyes. "I got dumped. For real. Let me fucking wallow."
Cora lets go of the blankets and he curls on his side, comforted by the darkness in his room. It's only a second before that's ruined, too, as she whips the curtains open and lets sunlight into the room. He groans, loud, and covers his face. "She's never gonna want me again, Cor. I'm done for. The love of my life is gone."
Cora rolls her eyes right back, and tugs at his sleeve. "You're being dramatic."
Hunter scoffs. "Never more dramatic than you." Still, he pushes up into a seated position, and watches as she pulls harder on his hoodie. He misinterperates the pointed look on her face. "I don't wanna drink, Cor. Alcohol can't fix this."
She huffs, like he's the bane of her existence. "Who said anything about drinking? Ugh, you're such a guy. We're watching a movie." Before Hunter can get his hopes up, she points a finger at him. "But you're showering first. You stink."
Regardless, a smile finds its way on his face. Only Cora would be able to insult him and get a positive reaction out of him. "Thanks, babe."
She smiles, too. "Don't thank me yet."
1 note · View note
saintlegacy · 7 years
“ you’re not allowed to break up with me. ” (castor)
Astor laughs, the sound bright and cheerful coming from him as Cora straddles his waist. Despite being bigger and stronger than her, there’s nothing Astor loves more than to let his baby think she can overpower him. Telling by the demanding expression on her face, the soft quirk of her lips, she likes being in power, too. Astor makes a quick mental note to let her top more, before he mockingly tries to lift his arms up from her hold.
“Who said anything about breaking up?” He asks, charming smile on his lips. Cora raises an eyebrow like Astor damn well knows what she’s talking about, and he nods, relaxing under her hold. “It was hypothetical. In that celebrity sense sort of way. Babe, I wouldn’t ever break up with you for real, or even for publicity. You’re my girl.”
He looks at Cora, and still, she doesn’t seem like she’s buying it. In one quick motion Astor breaks out of her grasp and tugs her down, their lips molding together. In these moments, and in every moment they spend together, Astor knows they were made for each other. He feels her smile into the kiss, and breathes out deep when she settles her head on his chest. Astor’s fingers run dazedly through her fiery locks.
“No more hypotheticals,” he concludes, earning a nod from Cora. “You’re the only one I could ever want. You know that, right? I only ever want you.” Astor kisses the top of her head, only half-listening to the television as commercials play in between breaks of their show. To think that this, and all it comes with, is his life makes Astor the happiest man in the world. “You’ll get sick of me one day, I promise. Maybe you’ll realize my smile’s the ugliest thing in the world, or I make horrible, awful jokes.” — Cora’s laugh bubbles up to his ears and instantly brightens his mood — “I love you, baby.”
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“You belong to me.” (castor)
Of all the years that Astor has known Cora, he thought he had a pretty good handle on just how well he knew her. As it turns out, there are even things that manage to surprise him years later — like Cora getting extremely jealous over a photoshoot. The only thing he’d mentioned was that it’d be a little different than the other things he usually did, but he failed to mention that a girl would be posing alongside him. Modeling wasn’t Astor’s forte, it wasn’t his career choice, but it helped when training was in session and his sponsors begged for an afternoon to shoot him. So, he agreed.
The magazine had smacked him in the face — literally — when he got home the day it was published. Despite the ten minutes of mindless babbling Cora filters into his ears, Astor can’t stop the overly pathetic grin from taking over his features. Jealous Cora is a dangerous Cora, but an utterly enticing Cora, and one that Astor can’t say no to. He smiles soft as he grabs her by the hips and pulls her close, effectively cutting off another outburst about how chummy he looks in the photos with the other model.
“Relax, love,” he whispers against her skin, nose touching her cheek. Dimples play at the corners of his cheeks as he looks down at her with utter adoration, even as her fiery hair flies in all directions and her eyes spark with madness. His thumb brushes her flushed cheek gently, all smooth water to her volcanic outbursts, and he kisses her. Astor pulls away enough to nudge their noses together. “I am absolutely, one hundred and ten percent yours. Nobody else is going to sweep me off my feet like you do, cupcake.” He kisses her again for good measure and studies her expression carefully, ready to calm another storm before it happens. When she melts against him, Astor does, too. “Next photoshoot I do, I’ll ask for the gorgeous Cora Kincaid to be my partner, because the only place we belong is side by side, together. You and I, darling. It’s always going to be us.”
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[ text ]: I realise we were joking at the time but are you considering a stripping career? (huntora)
Hunter → Cora: Were we joking? ;)Hunter → Cora: Hell no, lol. You know I can’t dance for shit.Hunter → Cora: Nobody wants a stripper that can’t shake his ass!Hunter → Cora: Plus, Dais would kill me.
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recent instagram posts: hunter davenport
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( text ) : so much for not drinking this week after this weekend. congrats, you made it until tuesday. (huntora)
text: so much for not drinking this week after this weekend. congrats, you made it until tuesday.
Hunter → Cora: Sorry, but WHAT?Hunter → Cora: It was a few shots! That’s it!Hunter → Cora: You can’t judge me anyways, because you broke our deal when you jumped Astor’s bones last night! That went against our rules!Hunter → Cora: Technically, I won and you lost, so I think a massage is in order, my beautiful best friend
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[ text ]: I just googled ‘Rarest Pepe’ and I’m crying.
Vienna → Cora: What is a Pepe?Vienna → Cora: It sounds dumbVienna → Cora: I googled and I’m horrifiedVienna → Cora: Can I unsee all of what I just saw?
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[ text ]: I want Lucky Charms.
Astor → Cora: NooooooooooAstor → Cora: Pregnant Cora does not get to crave right now!!!Astor → Cora: I juuuuuuust got to practice :/Astor → Cora: ...Lucky Charms are on their way. Only because you’re my lucky charm.
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[ text ]: Does today require people clothes or can I just wear my pyjamas? (huntora)
Hunter → Cora: Oh my fuckging god Im laughging so har dHunter → Cora: Deadass thought  u were saying you were ocming over nakedHunter → Cora: And I was like “this is what my friendship has come to”Hunter → Cora: Shit I’m fucking funny hahahhaaHunter → Cora: Yes pajamas are always a go, now HURRY UP I MISS YOU
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[drunk text] You are my queen and my savior and I love you forever (viora)
Vienna → Cora: Oh angel, did you let Hunter mix your drinks again?Vienna → Cora: I’m none of those things, reallyVienna → Cora: But I do love you, forever and ever :*Vienna → Cora: (Just don’t tell Scott!)Vienna → Cora: Come spend the night with me? We can do hangover mani pedis and eat all the greasy food that we want :*
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[MSG:] Are you high and at a petting zoo again? (huntora)
Hunter → Cora: Are you not?Hunter → Cora: Goats keep trying to eat my jacket lmaooooHunter → Cora: Honestly I’d be bothered if they weren’t meowing at me ahhaHunter → Cora: I’m in heavenHunter → Cora: I’m gonna ssteal a goat Cor
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[text] I didn’t mean to send those pictures! (huntora)
text: I didn’t mean to send those pictures!
Hunter → Cora: Didn’t mean to send them, or didn’t mean to send them to me?Hunter → Cora: I mean. It’s nothing I haven’t seen before, right?Hunter → Cora: Cute lingerie. Astor’s gonna rip it right off you, though. Might wanna buy another set. And another… And another… And another…Hunter → Cora: Catch my drift?
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