#dude thoughtz
dudeslut · 3 days
Jerk off over my face and finish on my chest so I can rub your cum on my nipples as I play with them.
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woolydemon · 2 years
being able to tell someone went through the wheelie tag bc they rb'ed one of my posts made me actually rlly happy akdjfkfkfj
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morglien · 3 years
you know youre fucked when you either make a playlist for them and/or a pintrest board for them. youre too far gone
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should i loggeth the fu k off before i start writing walls of text about bert’s status as a nb-adjacent icon & what it means to us, as gender misfits in a post-emo era 🥺
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sammisafetypin · 5 years
Zoe just witnessed me go through all of outlast 1 + wb and I can confidently say I am not teh same person I was beforehand
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chiripepe · 6 years
LOL that post reminds me of being in my early 20s looking for another guy my age for love and always getting hit up by these fools who go out at the age of 23 and get shacked up with some white dude 10 years his senior who uses them as bait to then try to bone other younger non-white dudes.
Fuck your daddy issues, don’t date them LOL.
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dbssh · 2 years
thoughtz on frankenstein in pop culture
my controversial take is i like the universal creature just fine and honestly im GLAD hes the beast everyone knows. can you imagine trying to merchandise the weird goth psuedosexyman? no i want to buy halloween shit with a silly green dude with big shoes and tacky stitches. like if universal hadnt done that to him i dont think we would HAVE as much of a pop cultural icon around him or a lot of classic halloween monsters!!!
my second take is that a movie cannot be both a one-to-one adaptation and be good. stop trying and stop asking and if youre watching a frankenstein adaptation and you want to point out something they got wrong ask yourself - is there a REASON this was changed? does it serve the narrative? does it serve the pacing? is it a thematic choice? is this adaptation even trying to be accurate in the first place?. a lot of adaptations arent meant to be accurate - universal wasnt going for accuracy, they were trying to make a good horror movie, things were changed to serve the narrative and the genre. thats GOOD. if we wanted perfect accuracy thered be no room for creative interpetation. that said, sometimes choices are Bad and made for Bad Reasons and you should be able to distinguish the two. accuracy isnt god, narrative is, and the narrative of an adaptation may not be the exact narrative of the source.
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scourge-sympathiser · 4 years
thoughtz on fireheartz parental figurez
- nutmeg & jake: bio parentz, but not much else
- bluestar: like... a busy business women who adopted him. doeznt hav much time for him but lovz him dearly, he is aware of this, but still, maybe a bit sad she isnt around more
- yellowfang: the grouchie old women from the apartment next door who babysitz him so often itz to the point where he Basically just livez with her. the True Mom
- tallstar: dude who cant help but lov his ex-partnerz son from another marriage evn if thy brokeup long before the kid waz born & he only met the kid after his ex waz no longer in the picture, rly wantz the kid 2 like him.. good thing he doez
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dudeslut · 18 hours
My brain feels so fuzzy with how horny I am rn and how much I want to be bullied and teased about it 😵‍💫
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solitomatonic · 4 years
thoughtz on.. meee uwu (asher)
fuckin nerd lol
nah jokes aside ur super chill and fun to talk to owo ur an epic gamer dude
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bthump · 6 years
hey. asia... do you have any modern au coming out thoughtz?
(sry this took a while to answer bc i had to think about it lol)
tbh i could see so many different possibilities being in character, esp depending on the details of the au. But like, assuming this AU is as close to canon as possible while still being set in the present w/ current identity politics and a gay community etc, yk both still have traumatic histories, griffith still has a dream that requires marrying a woman, etc etc, I can maybe throw out a few ideas. tho again like, nothing set in stone.
I guess ultimately I really want them to be each others’ realizations.
I like the idea of Guts’ being a slow realization that kind of sneaks up on him, where first he realizes that he would absolutely be dtf Griffith and it’s not til after that realization that he figures out that makes him gay. Like I mean he’d fall into that “it’s not guys, it’s just you” cliche but he eventually realizes that no, actually it is men.
He might try experimenting too - like surely it’s just because Griffith looks androgynous, so being with a woman would be better - but nope, doesn’t work.
Might be worth mentioning here (tho i’m sure u already know this) that I hc Guts as gay rather than bi bc Miura did a great job of making his interest in Casca feel super inauthentic to me lol.
Also I think it’s fair to assume that his csa trauma would lead to some discomfort here, but at the same time I don’t think he’d consciously like assume all gay people are predatory or even assume his rapist was gay and not just a pedophile. He might be uncomfortable being checked out in bars at first, and I feel like he’d be prone to worrying that his sexuality makes him specifically more likely to hurt someone bc feeling like a monster is kind of a canon issue he has, but he’s smart and fairly self aware and wouldn’t make it anyone else’s problem for the most part, barring like flashbacks during sex or smthn.
Also he’s tough enough that he’d never really feel like he’s in physical danger with anyone else. So assuming he’s in a good place in his personal life (ie not in a walking disaster “don’t touch me” phase) I don’t think he’d show any discomfort. (And I mean in canon the first time we ever saw him relaxed and happy was while having a water fight with a naked dude who he thought came onto him when they first met a few days earlier. I really don’t think it would be a huge issue.)
And overall I think he’d be fairly low-key about it. He’s gay but it’s just a description to him rather than an identity to build his life around. He wouldn’t be closeted but he wouldn’t be out to everyone in his life like, idk coworkers or w/e. Tho eventually I think everyone would realize because I think he’d kind of want to show Griffith off lol.
Griffith I could see like, simultaneously knowing he’s gay all his life and refusing to fully acknowledge it. He’s gotta achieve a goal which requires a certain image which requires heterosexuality. Maybe he’s not actually attracted to women, whatever, but that doesn’t actually matter as far as he’s concerned.
So with Guts being his realization, what that means is that Guts is the breaking point where Griffith realizes he’d rather have Guts than the dream. Yk, like in canon, but with a) no torture chamber, and b) the addition of this realization leading to the larger realization that he can live as his authentic self and be happy.
Like I’ve mentioned before that in Berserk you have this dichotemy of the dream/het marriage/emotional repression vs guts/emotional expression and yk in a modern AU you can add coming out to emotional expression.
Like we’ve talked about this b4 but I’m saying it again bc I love this idea where Griffith realizing he’s in love with Guts and would rather be in a relationship with him than achieve whatever his modern AU dream is is like a catalyst for dropping the image of respectability and ~finding~ himself. He’d make a bunch of gay friends, start experimenting with more gnc looks, volunteer at pride, go to protests, etc.
Though if his motivations for achieving his dream are similar to canon (mb not the whole for the sake of the dead thing, but yk guilt, to assuage a feeling of inherent worthlessness, to justify things he did to achieve it that he’s ashamed of, w/e) there’s also plenty of room for some angst and drama in between that realization that he wants to give it all up for Guts and embracing a new life. Some “am I selfish/terrible for choosing Guts” soul searching or w/e.
ALSO I feel like modern au griffith could’ve been fairly gnc as a child - wanting to play with girls’ toys, singing along to britney spears, saying he wants to marry the disney princes when he grows up, wanting his hair long, playing dress up in dresses, etc - with some kind of catalyst that hammers home this idea that to get the thing he wants he has to police his behaviour and be like everyone else. this is self indulgent but i just like this concept of like, knowing what you’re about as a kid and then having to unlearn everything you’ve internalized since then. it’s an appealing narrative to me.
And like I could see Griffith’s trauma with Gennon actually affecting him and his opinions wrt sexuality/internalized homophobia more than Guts’ trauma affects Guts, mostly because Gennon was such a goddamn evil gay stereotype in canon, plus Griffith’s own self-loathing compounded w/ the idea that he’s always sort of known he was gay = a secondary motivation for trying to embody the image of a heteronormative ideal, to distance himself from the idea that he’s anything like Gennon. Like Griffith’s trauma comes with a side of effeminate stereotypes and ostentatious homoerotic castle decor, etc. But I don’t think it’s necessary either, like it’s not something I’m super interested in exploring and hey maybe modern AU Gennon is less of an offensive stereotype. and/or Griffith is v socially aware and capable of recognizing that Gennon isn’t representative. w/e, kind of a take it or leave it thing I guess.
Also I’m not really envisioning these 2 concepts (guts and griffith) in the same story lol. Maybe they could fit together but I didn’t really think about it.
And again like, I’m just throwing stuff at the wall lol, not saying this is my Official Take on Sexuality and Characterization or w/e.
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randomzii-blog · 5 years
Random Thoughtz
Mark:Hey dude, what you doin' wanna meet up irl go watch a movie or something..?
Me:Can't rn srry br0..
Mark: Welp, why can't you then?
Me: Well, Im thinking about what would happen if i jumped off a really high building and dive into the Pacific Ocean while being set on fire with zombies flying by me and trying to eat my brain, and also taking a selfie in the same time...
Mark: 0_o u on drugs or somethin'?
Me: Alot of Sugar + Anime Memes
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starknell · 5 years
1] fuck dudes. every dude suuuuuxxx.
2] fuck capitalism it breakz bakz & killz young people b4 their time
3] i could get on sum government watch list 4 this but fuck it i hate the president & i want him dead
4] also fuck the government
5] i wish the phrase girl power weren't so watered down in2 meaning a girl wearing a lot of makeup she's pressured in2 wearing who reposts linkz abt non-intersectional feminism on facebook
6] the people who stop being radical leftists because their group became accepted in2 their larger societies can suck it
7] danger dayz iz a good album
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chiripepe · 3 years
I need to take sexy pics of myself so I can find my man, ladies. I’m not even taking advantage of this banging Cuban daddy body I got going on, and the pussy is magnificent.
I feel like I’m a very... liberated person, but I think about how maybe I’ve been affected by masculinity and I can’t show my body a certain kind of way lest it like announce me as a homosexual and invite violence. You can’t be beautiful if you’re a man like me. They tell you you’re not allowed.
But I love my body and I literally am looking to attract a gay man that is attracted to my body, as well as everything else, but everything starts with the eyes!! Like, I want him to want to pound my hole and get triple gaped and man everything just by looking at me. I have, to, work, it. BUT ALSO AT THE SAME TIME BE COMFORTABLE. So I have to work out. Like, I literally have to strengthen my muscles so they can properly carry this 280lb body comfortably. Can’t wait for the vaccine to be cursing thru my veins.
Ugh, I wonder. I should explore that. Cuz honestly the only times that I really really work my look is when I go to the gay club or anywhere I know there will be gay majority people because heterosexuals are homophobic, and from my specific positionality, Hispanic men are fucking pigs. In the last year I’ve been mostly dealing with Hispanic men and maybe that has affected me. The impact of homophobia.
Hmm, I’ll read through this later and think it out more. I don’t like any of these people here and their homophobic gaze is oppressing me. I say this literally, like this isn’t a parody of tumblr, this is actual like your stress level, your posture, the way you’re treated and how it affects one as a person who is gay
I should start like making absolutely sure that this blog is understood as like my perspective as a gay dude in america, like the reality, and how that makes me feel. I think this especially after my experience with some of the performativity that goes on this website lol that I’ve run into. Actually, I won’t make anything explicit and just carefully control who I interact with going forward on here periet.
But, I will say. Be very careful how you interact with my content if I don’t know you. I will block you straight to hell. Unless I know you: you are an unwelcome stranger posting on my thoughtz and or feelingz, unless you’re being respectful, I literally will not care what you have to say.
I gotta write this shit cuz within the last 6 months I’ve had 2 coocoo bananas situations on here and since 2012 my block rate is like 1 person a year maybe 2. Mind your approach and also determine whether or not an approach is necessary at all.
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cattatoir · 7 years
Anyway sw8 thoughtz hopefully under the cut I am drunker than expected
listen so poe,
Everyone fucked up learn from ur elders but also cut snoke in,half fuck that,guy
Feels like such a "listen about the aids crisis and Reagan can die" thing
I loved it
"The humor was wrong" um,bitch
"Boring conversation anyway"
Anyway I don't get criticisms
Like granted I assume white centric bc...hollywood.
But 3 poc developed in lead
Granted kinda action flick y but
,dude star wars they got 2h
Themes,,,,so good
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marsixm · 7 years
big brother s19 thoughtz under the cut yeet lets go
idk about all this temptation stuff but it certainly seems like a much more interesting twist than “how many different ways can we switch up the elimination process” so im all for it
im like screaming @ the concept of people making a way huger deal about being a superfan like dude.......is it like expected that people who dont watch the show apply...? i mean i guess ive been watching it for like 10 years now and never watched the earlier seasons so i couldn’t say i can pinpoint a strategy like that but lol
also if someone i like gets into a showmance and throws the money away i will kill them. if someone i hate does that then i just hope they dont date anyone i like ksdjfhgldsfge
IM HONESTLY REALLY GLAD PAUL’S BACK...THANKS, especially replacing cameron who seemed annoying as SHIT
i hope kevin actually stays in for a while despite his age (i mean evel dick did it? idk how old he was but he was the old one and he fucking won- i dont want kevin to win though he doesnt need the money) he just seems like really interesting.
unfortunately though i think that means he’ll not get super well along with other contestants bc the rest of them are all boring as shit and think too hard usually & that looks like its gonna be about half of them. like every time a new season of this show rolls around i remember how like....boring and straight and normie most people seem kjdfhgjksdh
christmas? really? does she not go by a nickname? do they really call her christmas? is this really happening? (also screaming @ her trying to pretend she’s not a comp beast like.....)
the other muscle guy seems boring as usual
cody also seems boring and annoying & i want him out
alex seems like okay, just on the basis that she’s a nerdy woman of color i already want her to stay longer than cody and matt and boring muscle guy (especially after what she said in the DR abt that comp)
josh seems fun i love him already like hes so dumb but confident but its cute
i thought rodeo clown guy would be fun but he seems /:
OH RAMSES! of course im rooting for the gay cosplaying latino bumble bee boy. he seems fun and cute and i just hope no one uncovers his secret bad discourse tumblr or something kjdhbglkfdhj;l
whats the name of that engineer who is really into jesus? idk but i wonder if she’s gonna be like jocasta. she seems interesting nonetheless, she could be fun
i really really dont like megan i want her out lol i was hoping she had a poisoned apple yesterday but im glad cameron left
whats the name of the concierge girl? she seems boring but her dad )’: </3 i hope she stays a while and has a nice time
raven seems really cool like JUST for the fact of being a ghost hunting dance teacher like???
also the abrasive southern radio dj who bribed paul with cheese.....iconic love her
i have no opinion of the other girl who almost went home yesterday just that i hope all of the girls outlast the boring men lol (which is why it sucks theyre always stronger, they need more puzzle comps)
@ this point i googled the cast to see who i forgot omg im so surprised i remembered everyone
ok so the people im rooting for then are paul, kevin, ramses, raven, elena, probably josh & dominique people who seem aight but idk if theyre faves: alex, jillian, jessica, i guess christmas people who can leave: cody, matt, mark, jason, megan
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