#duffer brothers you better not mess this up
occasionallykettle · 2 years
call me crazy, but i'm actually glad that they didn't make byler happen in volume 2 of season 4. i don't see any context where they could have slipped in a confession or something romantic between them. the first thing that comes to mind would be the van scene (because technically that is where will confessed, mike just didn't get it) but i think that would have been rushed and not related to what they were supposed to be doing, which was finding el.
the entire reason that will even showed mike his painting was so that will could lie and say that it was from el, and that "el really needs him" or something, since mike was feeling down and needed support (and obviously will gave mike that support because will is selfless and puts others' feelings before his own), so will just coming out of the blue with a love confession wouldn't make too much sense in my eyes. the most romantic thing that they could have done here would have been to have will put his hand on mike's for comfort (just like how mike did to will in season 2), but even then it wouldn't be a confession and mike's oblivious ass wouldn't get it.
will definitely couldn't make a confession when el was around - he wouldn't be able to bring himself to do it, and that makes sense - so that just removes half the season.
so possibly the last time that they would have been able to confess to each other would have been in one of their heart-to-hearts in will's bedroom? still, i think that would have been a bit too early in the season with not enough build-up since mike had arrived at california. and again, here the most romantic thing to do would have been to make will put his hand on mike's (this wouldn't work for the reasons stated above)
now the reasons i'm glad that they didn't slip a byler moment (not hand holding, more like kissing or a love confession - a small comforting hand hold would have been great) are: 1) they can have an entire episode dedicated to just them two. i have seen posts all over the internet about will being in the upside down again to parallel season 1, except this time mike follows him willingly. then it's just those two in the upside down for half an episode or so. 2) when they are in the middle of defeating vecna (i assume this would be right before the big main fight where will or someone kills him), will and mike would be bonded even more over their hardships in the last few days. this would make up for how they possibly separated over the 10 months that will had been at california, but also provide new opportunities for a confession from either of them. 3) there will be even more build-up (4 seasons and maybe half of season 5?) to the inevitable confession from either of them, rather than just the 3 seasons and a bit that we originally thought. how immensely satisfying will the confession be for us viewers after 4 and a half seasons? after almost eight years?? i am getting excited just thinking about the possibilities.
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Hey, I’m in a mood to ramble about Steve today. This gets pretty long though, so pull up a chair.
I could go on for hours about how the Duffers could not write a character arc if you put a gun to their heads, but they actually came pretty close with Steve. I also really like to look at what’s actually happening in the story versus how the narrative frames it, so we’re gonna talk about Steve.
So at the beginning, Steve is meant to be perceived as “Nancy’s jerk boyfriend” and that’s it. Honestly, I’m surprised he ever made it past that, given how the Duffers handled every other male character aside from Jonathan and now Argyle. Anyway, we’re meant to see him as an arrogant rich boy who’s a jerk to Jonathan in s1, and nothing else.
But let’s set the narrative lens aside for a second. He caught Jonathan trespassing on his family’s property, taking inappropriate photos of his girlfriend. Now I know this all gets addressed later, but in the moment, it’s really not a good look for Jonathan. I think breaking Jonathan’s camera was too far, but Steve’s anger is justified. The incident with the spray paint and him calling Jonathan a slur are absolutely not being excused here, I’m merely pointing out that his actions before that point were not exactly as the narrative frames them.
Then we have his famous match with the demogorgon, where Steve actually had come to apologize to Jonathan and instead got pulled into the Upside Down mess. He jumps right into his role as the protector, and he’s a much better person because of this.
Then in s2, Steve and Nancy have been dating for almost a year. He is an extremely devoted boyfriend, and he clearly adores Nancy, but it’s obvious that Nancy is still thinking about Jonathan. Even when she helps him out with academic stuff, she continues to fling his own poor grades and his shortcomings in his face. Then she dumps him, and he is absolutely devastated by it.
At this point, it’s worth mentioning that Steve’s parents are virtually never present. Granted, some of the parents in the show are fairly uninvolved, but Steve’s parents are just never there. Let’s re-evaluate Steve’s relationships in light of this. He’s popular but Tommy and Carol have dropped him by s2, so he doesn’t have many (if any) real friends. Take this with how attached he was to Nancy, and it paints a picture of simply a very lonely teenaged boy. She’s the first person who’s chosen to stick around him in a while for something other than his status. He was so deeply in love with her, and her decision to dump him is like a knife to the heart for him.
After his breakup with Nancy, he gets dragged into the Upside Down mess again by Dustin, who at this point he probably just knows as “Nancy’s little brother’s friend.” And he throws himself into helping and protecting because he feels useful and wanted here, with Dustin, who’s like a little brother to him. He gives Dustin relationship advice and while it’s not good, it does show us how deeply his breakup with Nancy hurt him. We see him talk to Nancy briefly, and we see how deeply her words about him being a “shitty boyfriend” hurt him. He’s convinced he was the problem, as if she wasn’t the one constantly brushing him off and casting longing looks at Jonathan.
In s3, things are better. He’s much happier, and he’s overjoyed to see Dustin. However, he failed to get accepted into any colleges, presumably because of his low grades and his flopped admission letters. He’s developed some feelings for Robin and he’s still very absorbed with trying to get a date, but given the ease with which he takes her rejection and her coming out to him, he’s in a much more stable place emotionally by the end of the season. He states that he is no longer in love with Nancy and considers her a friend.
It seemed like we were through with Steve being second fiddle and hung up on romance, because he had friends now. He had his little found family.
Then everything changed with the arrival of s4. It butchered Steve’s dynamic with Dustin by having Dustin constantly belittle his intelligence. When Steve says that Nancy nearly shot him, she says he nearly deserved it, when he was coming to apologize to Jonathan. Nancy continues to insinuate that he’s stupid, and he never acknowledges this. We hear about how much this lonesome only child wants a big family, only to have to listen to him admit that it always included her. As if she isn’t still in a relationship with Jonathan at this time, as if she hasn’t constantly insulted him and made him feel undeserving of her love. The season concludes their relationship with Nancy being back with Jonathan but not communicating their problems, while Steve looks on longingly from the sidelines.
We can have Steve being clueless and out of the loop without being treated like he’s stupid. We can have Steve find belonging in his close friendship with Robin, and the older brother role he plays in Dustin’s life. We can have Steve be happy without him needing to get back with his ex who do obviously damaged his self esteem. Steve’s arc and his worth as a character do not begin and end with romance, and I’m sick of seeing another character’s story be a way to say that romance is the only thing that matters.
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New Journey (S.H) Prologue Season 4
Pairing: Steve Harrington x henderson!reader
Summary: Back to Hawkins for spring break. Y/n believed it would just be a quiet time to cherish with her loved ones, but one day in and another mess had already began.
Warnings: cursing
Notes: Here it is! The long awaited season 4! I couldn't wait any longer. I will be writing simultaneously the backstory and season 4. I have devided the first episode into two chapters since the prologue was becoming too big (it's nearly 4.5k) and felt too tiring to put the basketball match in this one as well. So, I hope you enjoy this new season and thank you for waiting! 💕
P.S.: If at times I make Dustin a bit more "rude", or distant or anything, and you notice how I'm focusing on the fact that he's a teen now, is because I know first hand how boys this age act, since my brother is at that age. Sometimes I hate how uncaring he seems or how he hides his real emotions, so I just wanted to put that into Dustin's character. I noticed Dustin's sarcasm peak in the fourth season so I feel like that's what the Duffer Brothers were also trying to do.
Gif not mine
Epilogue Season 3 << New Journey Masterlist >> Chapter 1
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You can’t believe you’re going back to Hawkins. It has been almost seven months since you left to go to college at Michigan. Sure, the states were next to each other, but it’s a five-hour drive. It wasn’t very enjoyable. But now it was spring break, and you were both excited and anxious to leave. You really wanted to see your family and friends but going back to Hawkins almost brought chills down your spine.
You still had nightmares about all the creatures you had encountered and all the deaths you had to deal with. Being alone didn’t really help that much. So, despite Hawkins being the reason for your nightmares, your cure was there as well, waiting with open arms to welcome you. You knew once you hugged everyone, you would have not a worry in your mind.
Due to lessons and your studies, you hadn’t been able to visit sooner, but your family had more opportunities to come see you in your new place. Well, in your new dorm to be precise. The thing was that you didn’t have a roommate. The college had assigned you one, a girl named Harriet, but she decided to rent a house with her boyfriend, leaving you by yourself.
Dustin loved Michigan during the wintertime. Him and your mom came to visit you during Christmas, spending some quality family time. You had loved every second of it, but you had to say goodbye after the holiday since they had other things to focus on, your mom with her job and Dustin with his assigned homework (he couldn’t stop whining about it).
He had changed quite a lot. It still shocked you that he is a teenager now. You still pictured him as this little boy running around the house chasing Mews. But those days were far gone and he proved that to you with every chance he could get. His temper was worse, he got annoyed easier than ever and his sarcasm was over the roof. He truly was growing up to a typical teenager.
Over the next few months you had seen the two a few more times when they drove to see you on some weekends (Dustin sometimes drove here with Steve), but both your schedules made it impossible to visit more. You did talk a lot, exchanging news and gossip a couple times a week through the Cerebro, but that was it (you’d never admit it to him, but you were glad Dustin persuaded you into taking it with you). One more thing that made you even more excited to visit now was to spend two weeks with them, unbothered of anything else in the world.
Despite seeing your family only a few times this school year, you couldn’t say the same about your boyfriend. After the fiasco at the mall, you could proudly say that you and Steve were better than you have ever been before. Yeah, the long distance was tiring at times, frustrating even, but staying a couple was the best decision you could have made.
Steve acted on impulses, so a lot of times you would wake up in the middle of the night on someone knocking at your door, only to see Steve, who had driven the five hours so he could spend the weekend with you. You kept telling him he didn’t need to come so often, spend so much money and time driving, when you already had planned dates on when you would meet, but he’d just say he had nothing better to do at Hawkins, so he’d visit. He clearly lied since every time he’d come your friends would talk to you through the Cerebro complaining about where he was and why wasn’t he back home doing the things they had planned to do. He had stood up Dustin so many times, he kinda hated you for it, but he also secretly liked seeing you both in love, like him and Suzie (his words, not yours).
You never complained, though. You loved being with him. Every time he would come unexpectedly, you were able to feel your whole body relax, your smile became ten times bigger and you couldn’t stop laughing. You never had nightmares when he was around, finally getting some good nights of sleep. He got along perfectly with the friends you had made here and you could see he liked being somewhere knew. He still hadn’t come to an agreement with his father, who made him work to ‘fix his mistakes’, but you had faith that someday he would come stay with you… Maybe sooner than you thought. He needed an escape from this scary town for more reasons that you could think of.
So here you were, sitting at the longest bus ride ever to go surprise them. You had lied when your mother had called saying that you had this annoyingly long essay to write and you wouldn’t be able to come on the first week of your break. Not only were you coming early, but you also skipped last day of your lessons so you could arrive at their last day before the break.
After six painful hours you finally arrived at Hawkins. It was now seven am. Still plenty of time to say hello to your family before they had to leave for school and work. You had your key, so you just entered the house. You couldn’t hear anything, so you guessed they were still sleeping. This brought an idea in your mind. You search the kitchen and saw all the ingredients you needed to make pancakes. By the time you had set the table, you heard a door open.
“Dusty? Did you make breakfast?” your moms voice echoed through the halls as she came closer and closer to the kitchen.
“Yeah, as if Dustin can cook anything other than toast.” you joked and a second after your words, you were able to see your mothers shocked face.
“Y/n?!” she smiled and ran to hug you. You couldn’t stop giggling as she swayed you back and forth, her hug becoming tighter “How- When- When did you come? Why?”
“Do you not want me here?” you laughed.
“No, no, Of course not. You know I love having you here, but you said…”
“I lied about the essay. I wanted to surprise you by coming early. You have two whole weeks of me.” you had a cheeky smile on your face.
“Oh, sweetie.” your mother hugged you again and you were pretty sure she had tears in her eyes. After the rush of excitement passed, you both sat down and enjoyed the breakfast you had made. You just sat and listened to all the news she had from the small town. You didn’t realise how fast time had pasted until you glanced at the clock.
“Is Dustin going to wake up anytime soon? He has school in like twenty minutes…”
“Oh, he’s awake. He just spends an absurd amount of time talking to that radio he's built before he has to leave every day.” she casually answered as she gathered her plates putting them on the sink.
“Any idea who he’s talking to?” you asked while you drank your cup of coffee.
“No, he hasn’t told me a thing. Do you know?” she glanced at you while she washed the dishes.
“I have something in mind… I’ll go check.” it had to be Suzie, but you wanted to go annoy him a little bit. You honestly couldn’t believe they were still ‘seeing’ each other. With the distance and their were still going strong.
You knocked at his door waiting for his answer “Yeah, mom, I’ll be out in a second!” he yelled so you could here him through the wooden door.
“Is Suzie doing alright?” you smiled as you heard noise from his bedroom. You could picture his confused face and how quickly he would stand up to open the door. Not five seconds later the door swung open and you saw your brother’s face scrunched up.
“Y/n? Why are you here?”
“Wow, such a warm welcome.” you stood at his door waiting for him to hug you, but he just turned your back at you getting his backpack and the notebook from his desk, before he spoke into the Cerebro.
“Suziepoo, thanks for the help, but I need to head to school now. I’ll talk to you later, I love you.” the nicknames still didn’t sit right with you.
“I love you too, Dustybun.” the girl answered and then the line was dead.
You watched Dustin gather some more stuff and put it into his backpack, before he walked out of the room, giving you only a smile on his way out.
“Aren’t you gonna welcome me?” you questioned, feeling a little sad towards the lack of excitement from your brother.
“Didn’t you say you had this project you had to work on? How come you’re here?” he was heading towards the living room looking for something as you followed behind.
“I lied so I could come here to surprise you, guys!” you explained your plan with a smile on your face, still waiting for a hug.
“Yeah, but we already knew you were gonna come for some time here, so it’s not really a surprise.” he simply said, finally finding some dice he had accidentally dropped on the couch.
“Yes, but I came early.” you explained once more following him to the kitchen.
“Still not much of a surprise. Those pancakes are though, thanks.” he finally said something nice towards you and you left it at that, sitting at the table to eat.
“You’re welcome, I guess.” you had to remind yourself that he was now a teenager. Not only that, but a boy teenager. You could understand how he was feeling. He wanted his space, most things annoyed him and he was… exploring himself. You knew he wasn’t the same boy that hugged you every morning anymore, but you were still his sister. You made a mental note to talk to Steve about how to approach this situation.
Dustin ate quickly, hurrying to head to school. He shot up from his chair and walked at the front door.
“Want me to drive you?” you asked, sounding way too excited. Your car was still parked outside, waiting until Dustin got his driver’s license.
“No, I’m fine. Bye!” and just like that he was out the door.
“God… Was I this distant as a teenager?” he sat back down on your chair toying with the leftover pancakes on your plate.
“Come on, you need to bear with him. Everything’s changing around him, but he’s still the same person. I’m sure he’s really glad to see you.” your mom answered with a smile.
“Doesn’t look like it.”
“He’s a teenager, what do you expect him to do?” you knew she was right, but you thought your connection was different. You weren’t like that to him when you were that age. Then again, you’re not the same people. You’ve always known that Dustin had a bad way of expressing his emotions. Or maybe you were making a big deal out of nothing. You did see each other throughout those months and you did talk a lot over the walkie. It’s not like you hadn’t seen each other for years.
Still, is a hug too much to ask for?
After half an hour you decided to go see Steve. You hoped the surprise would still excite some more people.
You got into your old car, waved goodbye to your mother, who was also heading to work, and started driving towards Steve’s work. Even though you were not here for these seven months, you knew his schedule by heart. Today he worked till noon and after Keith would come to replace him. Robin couldn’t work today due to school and band practice before she had to attend the basketball game.
You arrived at ‘Family Video’ and the only other car in the parking lot was your boyfriend’s. He had to come in and open the store which opened in twenty minutes, so he would have no customers. Giving you some time to yourselves.
You entered the store looking around for any sign of your boyfriend, when a voice announced from the backroom “We open in twenty, please wait outside until then.” he sounded annoyed. Steve can’t understand why some people couldn’t just read the sign outside. It was too early for him to deal with stupid customers.
“Oh, then I’ll just come back later.” that voice. He knew that voice. He would recognize it anywhere. He instantly let the VHS tapes he was holding fall on top of the table and opened the door to the front of the store. You were there. Standing in front of him with a huge smile on your face as you saw him.
“Y/n!” you saw him as he sprinted towards you, taking your whole body into a hug. You laughed as you threw your arms around him, grabbing onto him as he spun you around. His face was buried on the crook of your neck while he spoke “What the hell? I thought you were coming next week.”
“I decided to come early. Surprise!” you faced him again, his grin widening as he took in your face. You were just a breath away from each other, your noses almost touching, your arms still tangled.
“Oh, I missed you so much.” he started kissing you all over your face, his lips as soft as always, finally ending his journey on your own, kissing you sweetly.
“You saw me three weeks ago, how much could you have missed me?” you giggled between the kisses. Your words were just for teasing. You knew how much he missed you, cause you were feeling the same thing.
“A lot. Now shut up, Henderson.” he groaned against your lips, his arms tightening around you. He backed you slowly towards the counter, your back leaning against it while he deepened the kiss. You missed him so much. Being apart for long periods of time didn’t kill a single spark between you, just made you realize how well you fit together. How much you know and love one another. Every time you separated you were counting the days, hours, minutes you’d meet up again. You couldn’t stop thinking about him, always wanting to make sure he was safe and sound.
Right now wasn’t any different. Your only thought was Steve Harrington, but in a very different way.
The way he was holding and touching you made you forget about everything else around you. Only focusing on his hands and his smell, his soft skin and rich hair as your fingers ran through them. The way his lips left your own, but immediately attacking the sweet spot on your neck he loved so much. You were focusing on the way his breath hitched everytime your nails would scratch his scalp or back, completely forgetting the fact you were in a public place, in Steve’s work place and if the ringing of the phone hadn’t pulled you both from the state of this trance you had lost each other to, a lot more things would have happened.
“My God… It’s probably stupid Keith checking in on me. He does it every time I have the morning shift, thinks I’m incapable of managing on my own.” he let his head fall on your left shoulder, groaning out his words.
“Answer it. We have a lot of time to enjoy each other’s company. Don’t worry, sailor.” you whispered the last three words next to his ear and you knew you were making it worse for him to go pick up the phone, but you didn’t care. You wanted to rail him up as much as you could all day and then repay him at night.
You saw his jaw clench at the sound of the nickname. He looked down at you one more time, taking you face on his hands giving you one last rough kiss, before he mumbled under his breath and left to answer the phone from inside the counter “That goddamn nickname.”
He loved it deep down. You always said it in a tone that made everything inside of him burn and yearn for you. You started saying it when he had got the job at Scoops Ahoy, making fun of him for the costume him and Robin had to wear but it kinda grown on both of you. You always said you ‘loved a man in a suit’, even if that suit was to serve the people’s need for ice cream.
Your smile grew watching him argue with Keith about the deliveries that were supposed to come in today. You guessed the call would last some time, so you decided to take a look around the store. Still the same layout, but many new films on the shelves. You read the description of the ones that caught your eye to maybe find anything for the two of you to watch. Maybe even a film to pick on Dustin’s interest.
By the time Steve hang up the phone he had to open the store and get to his actual work, helping customers and rearranging the misplaced or returned movies. Every moment he would steal some time to himself he’d come and show you how much he loved having you around again. You talked about every new thing that has happened from the last time you had talk. You sharing new stories you had with your friends at college and him telling you all about the gossip around town. You also learned about this new girl that Robin likes. She hadn’t told you anything, which made you confused since you pretty much shared anything with each other, but Steve said she didn’t like to talk much about her.
Her name is Vickie and Robin was certain she was not into girls, but Steve demanded she was since she had paused Fast Times at 53 minutes and 5 seconds (whatever that meant, he never explained it). In his mind she made it obvious. You just laughed along to his words telling you all about what everyone was up to.
He was currently talking about today’s game and how excited he was to see the school win and Lucas playing. You had learned that your school made it to the finals of the Championship and you made the decision to go see him play. Every time he talked about one of the kids he looked so proud and loving, even when he was cursing them for doing something dump or dangerous you could tell he was glad to be around them. You looked around the store and saw no one. You were alone so it was the perfect time to have that serious talk you wanted to have with him about Dustin
“Hey… Can talk to you for something serious real quick?” you cleared your throat. You were sitting on top of the counter, playing with your fingers. He turned to look at you and the way you looked anxious made him stop in his tracks, worrying.
“Uh-oh. Last time that happened, we broke up.” He tried to play it off as a joke.
“No, no, not that serious, just…” you laughed a bit, trying to get your thoughts in order “It’s about Dustin.” You said, eyes locking with his.
“Oh, what about him?” he was relieved he hadn’t done anything.
“This morning I went to surprise him, and it seemed like he didn’t even care I was back. Like I know I wasn’t gone for years or anything, but I didn’t even get a ‘Welcome home’ or ‘I missed you’. I didn’t even get a hug. Mom says he’s not that affectionate anymore since he’s a teenager now, but is this how things will be with us from now on? He’ll just not care? Am I crazy for thinking that? I just wanted to talk to you about it since you’ve been a teen boy before, and if you had any similar feelings or something? I feel like I’m being a bit too much… Am I being too much?” you rambled on and on, not noticing how Steve had moved his body in front of your own, settling between your legs. He cupped your face, stroking your cheeks with his thumbs.
“Wow, wow, slow down, babe. Relax. Look, I understand where you’re coming from, but your mom is also right. You can’t expect from a teenage boy to want to cuddle with his big sister anymore. He’s not a child.” He didn’t want to hurt your feelings, but he knew you never wanted to be lied to, even when it was out of pity, so he expressed his thoughts as they were.
“Has he changed around you too?” your hands had now circled around his waist, not letting him escape from your touch.
“I mean, we never had a lovey-dovey relationship like you guys, but now that I’m thinking about it our conversations have changed. They’re more… mature, if you know what I mean.” He winked and you immediately frowned.
“That’s disgusting. You’re talking to my brother about these things?” you only hoped he excluded memories of the two of you together.
“He has to talk to someone about it, who’s he gonna talk to? His mom? You? Guys need guys for these things and I’m pretty experienced so he’s getting the real deal.” He had this stupid grin on his face that you loved so much. Still, your mind wandered off to your original problem. Steve noticed and he took your hands in his one more time, reassuring you.
“Hey, it’s gonna be okay. But you can’t expect him to stay the same forever when none of us have. I mean, look at me. I used to be worshipped in high school and now I’m a full-time babysitter to six kids.” You laughed at his words. You smiled looking up at him, before taking a deep breath.
“I guess I’m just worried…” you started saying but stopped. You weren’t sure how to express what you were feeling. You always had this problem. Wanting to say a specific thing you thought but coming out wrong. However, Steve’s smile was so genuine, waiting for you to get ready while stroking your hands with his thumbs, that after a sigh you continued “Ever since I could remember Dustin and I have been a team. I was always there for him as he was for me. We did everything together and now… Now I’m miles away and he’s here and I feel like this distance will ruin that. He’ll grow out of the childish need to look for me everywhere for comfort and he will grow into the brave man that I know he is. He’ll find more unique and interesting people, like you, and he’ll forget about me…”
You finally admitted it. You didn’t like college. Well, you did like the new experience and your lessons (most of the time), but you hated your time there. All because you were alone. The first night you spend at your dorm went horribly. When they informed you that you wouldn’t have a roommate, fear creeped upon you. Back then, the incidents of the Starcourt Mall were still fresh in your memory, making your nights dreadful. You had hoped that having a roommate would be a distraction, but now you were alone in a dark room surrounded by nothing other than your thoughts.
You had talked to Steve about this a few times, but not enough to get him too worried. Maybe that’s why he visited you more times than your usual dates. You didn’t know and frankly you didn’t want to know. You were just happy to have someone else there with you.
“You get pretty lonely up there, huh?” he hated seeing you sad. He had hoped leaving this town will only do you good. A break from the madness, but this wasn’t about what had happened. This was about leaving your home. Your family and your friends. The only people who knew how fucked up all of you were.
“A little.” He looked sympathetically down at you, taking you in his arms.
“None of these things will happen. Dustin will always need you. You’re his sister. He’ll just need you for different stuff, more important to him and you.” He rubbed your back and you hid your face on his neck. You heard him sigh “I wish I could stay there with you all the time…” he whispered. This made you remember another thing you wanted to ask him.
“Um, actually…” you began saying but the door opening interrupted you. Steve took a few steps away from you to greet the costumers. Your body felt cold without his hugging you. You opened your mouth to speak again, but a costumer requested Steve’s assistance.
“I’m sorry, babe, I’ll be right back.” He pecked your cheek and walked towards the costumer.
You didn’t mind. You had two whole weeks to talk to him. To cherish your time together. And to ask a question that you have been preparing for a month now. Something that you hadn’t stopped thinking about ever since your mother had jokingly suggested it. You were preparing yourself to ask him about moving in together…
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thestobingirlie · 1 year
Hey!! So I was scrolling through your blog and I completely agree with your opinion of Nancy. I can not tolerate Nancy in the show at all and I acknowledge some of that is due to the fact that the show writers and the some of the fandom paint her as perfect. (The other part is that she reminds of people who didn’t treat me well in school.)  She's not. She has flaws. She's selfish. I don't know if that's the right word, but it's the one I have. And that’s fine to start out with but the second they started making it seem Nancy was in the right all the time, they doomed her character. Like when Steve apologizes for being a bad boyfriend, there just isn’t any evidence for that? He goes to dinner with Barb’s parents with Nancy, and it’s clear that he adores her. And also, do people really think Nancy didn’t cheat? She makes it quite clear to Murray that she’s in a relationship with Steve and then later that day she sleeps with Jonathan. She strings along Steve for a year only because she was waiting for Jonathan to be ready. And Nancy never apologizes! For any of her mistakes. She makes them! But no one treats them like problems! I just can’t like her character, the Duffers intend on writing her as this perfect character and everyone treats her as such in the media, which feels unnatural and just makes me so mad. And that has trailed over into the way I perceive material about her. And maybe her character is still redeemable, but with the way the Duffer Brothers are taking this, I don’t it will be. I think Nancy could have been a compelling character, like the way Steve is, but the Duffers messed it up.  ~@thestrangerthingsmeadow
the sad thing about nancy is that i think i totally would’ve liked her if she’d been written better. as it stands, she’s never even actually had a character arc (because no, giving a girl guns doesn’t count).
and yes, though the show doesn’t want you to think it, nancy does have flaws. she’s very single minded, once she’s gotten her mind set on something, nothing can dissuade her, which means that she isn’t particularly empathetic, and she hurts people without thinking. and she’s been this way since the very beginning.
now, like you said, this wouldn’t actually be an issue, if she’d ever learnt from it. as it stands, she’s never had to apologise when she makes mistakes, in fact, the show doesn’t even present them as mistakes!
it is very clear that nancy cheats on steve, she literally says she loves him like an hour before she sleeps with jonathan. but because nancy can do no wrong, the show pretends it doesn’t happen. steve has to take the cheating graciously to show how much he’s grown (he’s not even allowed to be mad he got cheated on!) and no consequences for nancy. and yes, we have to believe steve is a bad boyfriend, because otherwise what nancy did was out of line, and fucked up. steve deserved better than to be someone’s back up. to be used so nancy didn’t have to wait alone until jonathan finally asked her out.
but one example that really annoys me is nancy and jonathan’s argument in s3.
so, first, this argument happens because nancy put the blinkers on, and refused to consider anyone else’s opinion. they’re both in the wrong in the fight, both say things they shouldn’t. but we see nancy talk it out with her mum, who totally supports her. and yet we never see anything similar for jonathan. he gets no opportunity to have someone on his side, to back him up. and this is a key example where the show so obviously wants us to side with nancy. to ignore her faults, and support her wholeheartedly. we aren’t supposed to think she’s done anything wrong.
and that’s why i can’t like canon nancy. a character making mistake and having flaws isn’t a bad thing, but it is when those mistakes are never acknowledged. when the show actively pretends they don’t exist, that makes a character intolerable.
obviously nancy has her good sides, and there are parts to her character that i like. but i’d like her a hell of a lot more if the show acknowledged her faults, and gave her the space to grow and change as a person, rather than stagnating.
i don’t think the duffers will be able to totally save nancy’s character by the end of the show (especially after s4. i had hoped them bringing up barb would mean we’d get something, but no. it seems her dead body was just used to scare nancy) but i do hope we get at least a little development.
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kaypeace21 · 2 years
Who do you predict will die?
So hard to say. I don't have super confident guesses tbh ...
New characters seem the most obvious to die.
I mean I thought eddie would die before a single trailer was released - and it was because of a single promotional image that appeared to foreshadow his death - link Here. But who knows maybe they'll surprise us.but other scenario... he's stuck in prison. Either way , not great.
They could k*ll hopper' s russian friend- dmitri . Plus yuri. Maybe a bit too obvious. Given alexi. But I could see it . Yuri is a douche so he's probably for sure done-zo. He Even made up a fake story about "yuri dying".
I kind of could maybe see Jason quickly getting vecna-ed and dying similar to fred. He definitely has enough tra*ma- because of his gf and friend dying. And that could be how the secondary antagonist's story closes.but I could see lther alternative possibilities for him. ...
argyle may be another bob newby. Another pure soul who just wanted the best for the byers fam- and got dragged into the crazy supernatural business ,only to die (and he deserved better- camp) . I'm still not over bob... so poor argyle if that's the case.  I hope he makes it. 
As far as older established characters
Idk maybe murray ...no offense but we as a fanbase could survive his passing. XD. Also am anon told this- risotta is called "death dish" (which murray made).
Maybe Karen (that part 1 trailer showed she was in danger)... and now she and the rest of the parents are getting more involved in the plot. 
Brenner ? (the lab is exploding and the army is shooting guns everywhere . I could see him die then. But I could also see sullivan just take him prisoner for info- as a later s5 plot thread). I could see owens maybe dying too- he already almost died at a lab in the past.
People who prob won't die ... but like the 1% chance is making me paranoid ...
I don't think she'd die tbh. But elmstreet dreamwarriors was said to inspire s4. Freddy k (inspo for vecna) kills nancy thompson (inspo for nancy) in a dream,in said movie. So it makes me a tiny bit worried. Even if it's fairly fairly unlikely. I just feel like the duffers love her too much. So I think she'll make it - even if a close few calls. My gut thinks... she'll probably be fine.
I'm not sure why... something in my gut is worried for steve (i feel like as an actual main he's the most likely candidate to die). But the fanbase is so obsessed- that I think he'll probbe fine . Levy said Steve is safe becuse he loves him too much. But, it's not the first time the crew lied though? Steve is prob ok. It may mean completely nothing but I did not like dustin telling Steve "if you die . I die". Or in s4 "fight to the de*th". Or robin saying to steve she's worried it won't work out for them . But idk ... I just can't see any of the main kids dying. Same goes for robin as she's literally the only confirmed out character at the moment. But Steve- idk.. he may do something risky to save others. He's already had close calls in s1,2,3, and 4 jumping into danger to save others.
I still think the season ends with a pretty bleak ending (regardles of how many or few deaths there are). where the Hawkins crew didn't really fully win. Hawkins is probably in shambles (caused by vecna/sullivan's troops/ the delirious hawkins mob). And I think maybe El overuses her powers and maybe ends up in a coma after "saving the day" . I know sounds odd ...but it has foreshadowing and would be bleek . Later, in s5 she would be fine though. Post about that theory here. I could also see at the end of s4: joyce and co stranded in the soviet union with no way back (for a while). And then who knows lonnie may get custody of Will because of that- and so the byers brothers are separated , and Will's stuck with a human monster. Or instead poor Will is stuck in the ud with vecna- a literal monster. And bam that's the s4 cliffhanger. Like there's alot of ways to have a messed up ending without k*lling a bunch of people off.
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What? Jonathan has always felt a bit threatened by Steve. That is why he puts Steve down in S1 the woods scene. S2 the whiny "Steve" that escapes his mouth while they are at Murray's sex dungeon so much that Murray has to manipulate Nancy by saying "we like Steve, we don't love Steve". Don't forget how both Nancy and Jonathan were surprised (in a negative way) that Steve showed up with the kids in S2 and they both said in unison "Steve??" but were not actually happy he was there and Nancy showed no feelings or concern for him (it was ok to Jancies when Nancy's feelings for Steve went away quickly or were never there in the first place).
Yet Jonathan has been stoned this past year so I have no idea what he's so high and mighty about.
Steve was never a jerk in S1, he did a jerky thing in a vulnerable moment (and so did Jonathan) there is a difference. But the Duffers told you to treat it like his whole personality (but not Jonathan) Its like saying El was a jerk because she maimed that girl with her roller skate, We know El is a multi dimensional person who did a shitty thing in a vulnerable moment but that doesn't define her entire character. No one thinks El needs a redemption arc.
The whole premise is they give Steve a redemption arc for things he did in s1 like slut shaming Nancy and calling Jonathan a slur in the fight and trashing his family, etc. like Steve has changed enough, he says so. We all knew that in the end of s2 and honestly in part in the end of s1. I don’t get rehashing that or why they keep having him mention how much he changed—Nancy literally already knew that at the end of s2.
But yeah Steve and Jonathan didn’t get along in s1 mutually, until they fight the demogorgon together, which def opened up the idea of them interacting in a more positive way.
But when Jonathan is in a relationship with Nancy, he doesn’t mention Steve and doesn’t seem threatened by him. They didn’t seem unhappy to see him in s2, they were confused lol. People are getting so overly sensitive about Jonathan saying one comment about Steve at the end of s4. Like it was a dumb joke to put there bc Jonathan is trying to give Nancy a compliment (she is literally great about being in charge of and coming up with all the plans which is what he meant), but the writers instead wanted to make it about the love triangle. They also know it will make everyone hate Jonathan to say even the most mildly critical joke about Steve and he’s already hated lol. It was v unnecessary, but there also seems to be a big overreaction to it.
But the whole response of what has Jonathan ever done: like a lot? Try to protect his younger brother from his father’s abuse? Be a co-parent? Have jobs to support his family? Be in charge of everyone in Cali when Joyce leaves even though he’s a mess at the time and going through his own problems? Try to keep them all safe and come up with a plan to get them back to Hawkins?
They should have made Jonathan and Steve friends or talk long ago, but everyone instead keeps going for the love triangle and you guys still have this odd obsession with hating Jonathan for what exactly? It’s all just so stupid and could be written and responded to in a much better way.
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corgiplays · 2 years
As to not flood @ronance4everbrainrot comment section I'll be posting some of my rambles here
Time line wise the duffer brother absolutely make no sense since it's supposed to be 6 months after the battle of Starcourt which would be December or January depending if you're counting the rest of July or not but it's spring break? So I'm fixing that and my mess of a comment from last night.
• July: Robin spends her time with Steve mostly since she doesn't know if the kids like her enough (Erica and Dustin hang out with her though since they know her, and Max likes her but won't admit), this month is mainly Robin and Steve bonding some more and starting the healing process of their trauma, Dustin starts to speculate that Robin and Steve might like each other more than friends but both Steve and Robin are very against the accusation, Robin also starts to bond with the rest of the kids
• August: This is where Robin and Murray officially meet without the danger of being killed, the two bond over their conspiracy theories and love for languages, weekly movie nights turn into Murray and Robin hanging out and debating if Elvis is alive or if the recent Bigfoot sighting is real, we also have Nancy and Jonathan having a rockier relationship in the background (if Jonathan is going to movie night Nancy won't be there and vice versa), Erica brings (aka forces) Max to her and Robin's hang outs so Max and Robin start to bond
• September: Before the Byers leave Jonathan and Nancy break up (it was mutual between the two of them), Nancy leaves halfway through a movie that week and Robin decides to find out what happened *emotional talks in Nancy's bedroom*, Nancy would definitely say "I don't know why I'm even sad our relationship was already dead even before we officially called it off", Robin would 100% run her fingers through Nancy's hair to calm her down argue with the wall, Lucas joins Erica and Max when they go to Robin and he gets life advice from Robin "I spent so much of my time in school trying to fit in and being invisible that it took a flesh monster and Russians for me to realize that theirs nothing wrong with doing what you want to do" after that Lucas joins the basketball team, Robin and Nancy also hang out a little more (like 2 more times after the breakup), Robin talks to Murray over the phone since he's not around as much
• October: Max and Robin have a matching Halloween costume (they go as Jack and Wendy from The Shining, Nancy may or may not find Robin hot in her outfit but she thinks she's jealous that their costumes look so good), more Murray and Robin hanging out, Nancy and Robin have a cute moment when the party plays a horror movie and Nancy grabs Robins hand 👀, more bonding between Robin and the rest of the party
• November: THANKSGIVING WITH MURRAY (Robin's mom doesn't do Thanksgiving or really any holiday and just works if she can), Murray teaches Robin how to cook when she stays over for Thanksgiving, Steve finds out that Nancy thinks that's him and Robin are dating (angst time), Erica talks to Robin about her nightmares so Robin plans a sleepover between the two of them at the Sinclair house (Lucas joins since his nightmares haven't been better either), the Sinclair's absolutely love Robin and she gains another family
• December: Big angst, Steve constantly makes excuses to not hang out with Robin or drive her, Robin is hurt (both emotionally and physically because it's not smart to bike on snow and ice), Nancy finds Robin in the girls bathroom before school starts sniffing and running her bloody and shaking hands in warm water (homoerotic hand bandaging, because Robin ate shit on ice going to school), Robin tells Nancy about how distant Steve's been which Nancy things she caused saying she didn't know they were dating, Nancy also offers Robin a ride to her house and asks if she wants her to be her new ride, Max talks to Robin about if it's okay to like guys and girls (Robin cry's when Max comes out to her and teases her about her crush), Christmas is at the Wheelers + Murray is there, Robin's mom is shown more (gaslight and gate keep)
• January: Even more angst, the big fight between Steve and Robin (Steve either calls Robin a slur which he later regrets or says the typical guy when finding out a girl is a lesbian by saying if she tried a guy she's wouldn't be like this, he's an asshole but he gets a sort of redemption), Robin then gets kicked out by her mother a few days after the fight (her mother makes losing her friendship with Steve her fault and definitely brings up her dad, even more angst??) Robin calls out her mom which is how she got kicked out (metaphorically and physically?), she going to Murray's since he's the only one who's been a good parental figure (he definitely knows Robin is a lesbian, she probably came out to him during Thanksgiving), Max, Erica and Lucas search for Robin after she missed their hang out day (she's never missed one before), Max is tempted to beat the shit out of both Robin's mom and Steve until Dustin probably mentions how Robin and Murray are friends, the three go to Murray's and stay with Robin for the rest of the week (Robin tells them what happened and mentions her dad but doesn't elaborate)
• February: Robin comes back with Murray who bought an apartment for Robin to live in while he goes back and forth between his home and the apartment, Robin and Steve relationship is non existant and very strained, Max, Lucas and Erica are the Robin protection trio, Robin finds out that Steve has been following Nancy like a lost puppy so Nancy and Robin's relationship is also strained
• March: This is where Steve and Robin's friendship comes back, it's not what it was before but their on better terms, Nancy and Robin aren't talking though since Nancy thinks that whatever has happened between the two means that their back together and it hurts her thinking about it (she thinks she's jealous of Robin but it's actually Steve), Max and Erica tear into Steve (they threaten him) while Lucas does his best disappointed dad face
• April: Season 4 starts, mostly everything is canon here idk if we wanna change some things so I'll just leave it as it is normally
Oh boy that took forever, little thought I though of was that Robin's dad is dead (Rip man 😞) I'm thinking car accident while Robin was at the wheel (idk if they had permits back then but something like that) which is why she doesn't have a license along with being poor
Comment and ideas are welcomed and have a nice day/night 🫡
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strangerfigs · 2 years
no because it would have been so much better if will confesses to mike, mike letting him down gently but assuring him that they are still best friends <3, and then leaving out that actual bull shit of “I feel like my life didn’t start until I met you in the woods” and it would have been more realistic to mikes character, if they did want to keep him straight, even though it still would explain nothing in regard to why he treated will that way, but nooooooo, it’s all fucked up, there are obvious crumbs (just for queer bait purposes though, clearly) that indicate that mike could maybe feel the same way? because it’s fucking weird that will was one that needed to push him to tell his girlfriend he loved her, and also like mike was still DOUBTING THE RELATIONSHIP RIGHT BEFORE THEY RESCUED HER?? like honestly just so many terrible terrible things but I would have taken the cliche im-not-gay-but-i-still-love-you-you’ll-always-be-my-best-friend any day over this shit. it’s seriously not only horrible in regard to queerness but also just platonic fucking friendships, like ? does their friendship just mean nothing? it’s so gross and sad the ambiguity left is just beyond words like … idk. It’s dumb. Like, does Mike really believe Will?about the painting? How did he not see him crying? Will he find out that El never commissioned it? Like, it just pisses me off. Like I hate that I see a way of it still leading to Byler because I know it WON’T and that wont even make up for this shit, tbh, like sorry, but literally every thing about Mike and El’s relationship is so polluted with Will that it drives me insane. And just the fact that Mike is using words like Superheroes and Lois Lane and shit, like, and saying his life didn’t begin til he met El, like it all just feels like he enjoys this shit, saving the world and what not, and that’s messed up. Idk I’m just upset. And I hate the duffer brothers for completely fucking over Will to almost the worst degree possible (I’m surprised they didn’t kill him, or that he didn’t like sacrifice himself tbh, but there is still time) and also just totally ruining Mike’s character.
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snsbyler · 2 years
all my thoughts about byler, will, mike AND eleven on volume 2
mike not giving a shit about will’s feelings IS so ooc. you can’t tell me otherwise. even in st3 when he was all about eleven he still cared about will’s well being and was desperate to make amends the moment he hurt him. mike was the one who worried most about will (except for the byers ofc) when him disappearead. he stood by will’s side for DAYS when he was possessed. no. nope. THIS DOESN’T ADD UP!!!! you seriously want me to believe that mike didn’t notice will crying in that van? and even worse: did he noticed and decided to ignore it? nope. NOT BUYING IT AS BEING PART OF MIKE’S CHARACTER!!! and what about mike saying that the day his best friend disappeared was the day his life begun IN FRONT OF HIM? THAT’S NOT MY MIKE WHEELER!!!!! it saddens me SO much to see that mike was reduced to being el’s boyfriend. that love confession felt SO forced (and it honestly was because that boy wasn’t going to say shit if will didn’t pushed him to) and it angered me so much: what do you mean he can’t live without her? he’s a teenager, who has a family and friends who love him. that’s SO toxic lmao i can’t believe the duffers thought that was a hot take honestly
moving on to will, all i can say is that i am DISGUSTED by what the suffer brothers made with him. they used HIS sexuality, his FEELINGS, as a plot device to the straight couple. that’s SO disrespectful, not only with him, but with all the queer st audience (which i KNOW is a large percentage of it). they LIED to us about addressing will’s sexuality, NOTHING THERE WAS ADDRESSED!!!!!! if johnatan had said something like “i love you even though you like boys” or whatever, i’d have taken, but NO, nothing was explicitly said!!!!!! noah is on some bullshit on tiktok saying they building up will’s sexuality slowly, BUT THEY’VE BEEN HINTING IT SINCE ST1, HOW CAN IT GET MORE SLOWER?  anyways, i hope will become next season’s main villain lol, i can’t see him suffer and being a side character anymore
about eleven: i am so disappointed??? at least in my perspective, the whole point of her plot this season was about her becoming her own person, going after what she wants and feels like she needed to do. then WHY she needed mike’s lame ass bad written monologue to get free from vecna? isn’t seeing her best friend DYING in front of her enough of a driving force? seriously wtf was that??? when she was alone at the nina shit, she ALONE stood up to her abuser, she ALONE blown up a helicopter and was surely up to going to hawkins alone if needed to. then, all of sudden, only mike’s love for her can get her strength to fight vecna back? nooooooo that’s so bad oh my gooooood 
the duffers are so messed up that they even paired up byler on that final shot at that hill along with two other couples. MOTHERFUCKERSSSSSSSSSSSSS they are queerbaiting us without a single drop of remorse HOW CAN THEY?
with all that said, in my mind, byler IS requited and el deserves and will have better. fuck u suffers
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kazs-inej · 2 years
Stranger things spoilers:
Hi so here are some things I hope you don't mind me telling you my opinion because I kind of feel the need to tell someone.
Firstly why did they have to kill Eddie? No offence but I feel like a) it would have probably been better to either kill off someone who has already been in a few seasons like I love Nancy, Hopper and Steve but I feel like there would have been more emotional weight if they had killed them or even Max. I don't want them to die it's just that I feel like killing off an already established character or not killing a character at all would have been better.
Secondly, I didn't really see byler or Will being gay or anything, but I feel like what was that whole thing where Jonathan was looking at Will through the mirror in the car and that scene when they were putting salt in the pizza dough freezer was hinting at Will being gay??? However they didn't go through, unless next season Will comes out?
hey! i love hearing people’s thoughts and opinions, so its never an issue for me!
as for your first point, i completely agree with you! the way they did eddie was so dirty. it was basically like he was killed just for the sake of killing ‘a major character’. like it was so very easily avoidable and like it just doesn’t make sense?? he died so steve, robin and nancy could throw molotov bombs on vecna which in the end did not even accomplish anything?? so like what was even the point of killing him?? also it really pissed me off that none of them other than dustin talked about eddie being dead? like there was literally zero indication by steve, nancy or robin that they cared about eddie or the fact that he was dead while eddie literally sacrificed himself for those three. this is literally so messed up. as for your second point, i guess it’s very subjective and depends on person to person and how they choose to perceive those scenes. for me the possibility of byler was big and although watching volume 1 just strengthened this fact, volume 2 on the other hand turned out to be a disappointment when it came to their relationship. as for will being gay, i am like 101% sure its gonna happen in s5 and if it doesn’t then f*ck duffer brothers. but like will’s 101% gay. no questions asked. mike on the other hand is just dumb. that’s it.
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hellshee · 2 years
I've seen your recent anons and replies. Mistakes can happen, I agree. However, some of them could have been easily avoided if the Duffers kept track or notes. I don't want to beat the dead horse, but them mixing up Billy/William on the gravestone and forgetting Will's birthday is a pretty lazy and serious error. Billy & Will are not my favourites, but I like them in the narrative and I care about the whole puzzle. So I expect good writing on all characters, even the ones I don't care much about. They are still important pieces and messing up such details however tiny they might seem makes me lose faith in them as writers. I like so many other made the biggest assumptions and theories based on these 2 details. Billy/William is in a short trailer for God's sake! And Will's birthday was mentioned by Joyce in a pivotal scene to try and save Will. During El's bullying scene they chose to show that date exactly on the camera recorder screen. It's normal everyone made theories. So when it turns out those were just mistakes oh oopsie, it feels like a slap in the face. I was so worried, too, because I couldn't believe Joyce or Jonathan would ever forget Will's birthday.
Sorry for prolonging but this is careless for me. I may have closed and eye or two on other things, but this is too much. I lost faith on the writers and am scared for season 5.
Also certain writing choices annoy me, and I haven't even talked about Mike's senseless monologue yet.
don't get me wrong, i think everyone is entitled or allowed to be critical of the writing the duffer brothers put out. and i do understand why messing up / forgetting details can be frustrating to fans, myself included at times. and furthermore, i understand why that creates anxiety for s5. people care about this show very much, that is pretty obvious, so i get why it's an issue. and the duffer brothers should also realize that just because the show got so big doesn't mean they shouldn't still try their best.
but i guess at the end of the day it's a question of whether or not as an individual you can still enjoy the show while knowing all of this.
i'll be honest, because of some of the mistakes + choices made this season that i do not particularly agree with, i also have my fears for s5, and my expectations are a bit lower, but there are still a lot of things i love about it and i'm curious to see where it goes.
i'm gonna be honest about one thing regarding mike wheeler's storyline with eleven this season (tho i do wanna say to anyone reading this that while i'll reblog a post or two which kind of makes fun of mike, this is not anti mike blog so do not come in my inbox with negativity like that because i will not reply to you): i do not think they should have waited till s4 to deal with a "mike can't tell el he loves her due to not being able to express himself because he didn't really have the best of models in his life"
i feel like by season 4, this should have been dealt with. like i think it's sweet that mike was there for her and encouraged her to fight when she needed the confidence, but i also feel like eleven seeing max like that should have been enough.
idk i'm also trying not to nitpick. clearly i wasn't a fan of the way they handled both mileven and byler this season and i thought we'd find mike in a better place than the "it's not my fault you don't like girls" thing he had with will last season because i'm still clueless as to why he made that hug weird in episode 1 but who knows, maybe they're foreshadowing something in s5. or maybe their intention with that scene didn't translate well enough to people in the audience like me.
from what we gather later, they didn't talk that much the past year with mike mostly talking to eleven, but i still don't see that as a reason for mike to make that hug awkward.
anyway bottom line is i get those things can be frustrating, but at the same time there's not really much to do when you're in the audience
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piaoza · 2 years
stranger things (spoiler free)
a show that keeps you on the edge of your seat throughout; a show with the most legendary soundtracks and the most enticing plot, revolving around the best of characters. the action, the adventure, the adrenaline. all of it, epic and empowering. 
from the beginning, it was about the Upside Down. it was about a time when darkness seeks to creep into a world of light, a world of joy and comfort, and to ruin it. but more than that, it was about how the light persists and tries its best to survive, even when the odds are really, really not in its favor. 
the light started with four little kids who grew into such a big family, with new characters to love, getting better every season. every season, a new plot to keep you excited and awaiting the next one. 
this is a show that feels like it is more about the plot than about its characters, but it still finds a way to make the characters’ storylines so, so interesting, just as fascinating as the plot, and often, relatable, too. i mean, here is a bunch of social outcasts obsessed with a board game. here is a girl whom no one understands, a girl running away and still figuring herself and her strengths out. here is a mother and a father trying to decipher their extremely confusing teenager kids. here is a popular guy who undergoes the best character development television has ever seen. here is a nerdy goody-two-shoes who reveals her badass, unafraid self in the face of her worst fears. here is a bold redhead trying her best to persevere as the unafraid girl that she is, fighting the world with her confident self. 
and here is a family. a messed-up, complicated, but very, very brave family. that’s one thing they all are - brave. 
they get themselves into trouble every season, and that makes for a perfect plot every time - we love to see it. i mean, the geeky kids being their smart selves and figuring shit out, and inevitably landing themselves in danger, and Steve being a tired mom, more than Joyce, too. literally. 
as i said, the show is so much about darkness and danger and monsters, but there is so much light to look out for. the duffer brothers know exactly how to make us laugh even after staining our cheeks with tears, how to make us pump our fists in joy right after grabbing a tissue or two. they know exactly how to hit us where we feel the most.
they’re genius - they can make your heartbeat go fast, with their background music and their scary VFX, but they can also make you love the characters so much that you can never get enough of them - their adventures, their loves, their town.
that brings me to the point, that this show is so much about home. be it a town, or a person, it shows you what it means to love someplace, or someone, as fiercely as you love your home. to fight for it, or them, endlessly and selflessly. to find a rare gemstone of a family in the most difficult of times, and to risk everything to protect your home alongside that same family that you love so much. 
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spider-cider8 · 2 years
these episodes really let me down and i just wanted to break down everything that disappointed me:
1. the nina project and el in general (+brenner)
brenner coming back was so not needed and completely useless. like yes i understand no one knows el’s powers like he does but he caused so much of el’s trauma that she was finally getting over and then they just bring him back? also how the hell did he survive and why didn’t they mention it at all? i also was annoyed about owen allowing this? he knows how much el has already suffered being in brenners care and still let brenner have a huge part in the nina project and with el. the whole project was also absolute shit. the plot was just filler basically and el loosing her powers was bad writing and wasn’t needed. also when brenner died did the duffer brothers actually think we would feel sad or?? one part i did love about it was el not giving him the satisfaction of telling him she understood why he did was he did. (very badass you go el). another part about el that annoyed me was when mike (literally using wills words) gave el enough strength to finally defeat (not really in the long run) vecna. like why cant they make el a more independent young women like she is and not always needing her to be with mike or be able to be happy without mike (like they showed when mike and el broke up and el was actually enjoying herself for once) there’s also another plot hole in the whole nina project thing. yes i understand el not dealing with her past holding her back but why would her powers come back stronger then before? they used the example of a stroke patient and i saw someone else say that “it’s not like when stroke patients get better they all the sudden know a second language.” that’s so true! how did she become even more powerful? are they gonna mention that in season five?
2. will byers and mike wheeler
i could rant about them for days but i’m gonna try and condense it and only mentions the parts from season 4
we finally got the long awaited reveal of wills painting which was really sweet and i loved all the work will put into it BUT THEN HE SAID EL COMMISSIONED IT?? like i get if that’s will covering up how much he cares for mike but that was so messed up. will needs to stop always putting mikes feelings before his own. everything about wills rant about “el” with mike was compete bullshit. another crystal clear example of the duffers using a well written queer character to push together a toxic straight ship?? literally what? also pisses me off they couldn’t even let will say he was gay but allowed all the slurs and bulling about his homosexuality in multiple seasons?
3. vickie and robin and ronance
i was so so excited to hear originally amybeth was going to be in stranger things (anne with an e is still one of my favorite shows) and hearing she was going to be robins love interest. in volume one i was extremely disappointed in how little screen time vickie got and how she was only reduced to robins crush. she had so much potential as a character and the shoved it aside (i’m hoping for more development in season five??) and then when we got to the last episode they showed vickie having somewhat of a personality but completely mirrored robins? why make such a big deal about a new queer character/ relationship if you are just going to make them the same person? that made completely no sense to me whatsoever. (i know even though it’s bad representation it still is representation and they tried somewhat but they could have tried harder?) ok now i wanna talk about ronance. the moment people mentioned ronance i could see it being a wonderful ship. i loved robin and nancy’s relationship throughout the series and they had so much chemistry together. i also loved that the were so different and seemed to even each other out (opposite to robin and vickie) there’s no denying we were queerbaited once again when they showed the scene of robin squeezing nancy’s hand and nancy saying it’s ok. i know it a reach but i think that totally nancy finally understanding robin and her sexuality and telling her “it’s ok”. the amount of reasons the should have gotten them together instead of vickie and robin is countless and yet they still never mentioned it.
4. stancy (the worst ship to ever exist)
stancy is terrible and i hate it. in season three i feel like they were finally showing steve moving past nancy and nancy moving past steve (and getting with jonathan. i personally love jancy (other than the whole season four plot about them, i’ll talk about that later on) jonathan and nancy have perfect chemistry, they are a healthy couple, and just all around are adorable. stancy on the other hand is toxic, manipulative, and really makes me uncomfortable. nancy doesn’t deserve steve and steve needs someone who matches him more (like eddie, i’ll talk about that later as well) in my opinion steve needs someone new and now just have nancy AGAIN. we’ve already see how toxic stancy is and yet the duffers continued to force it. nancy and jonathan have such a good relationship and it would be such a waste to just throw it away for stancy AGAIN. the season four plot of jancy is just awful and to be honest they must have just been bored and wanted some unnecessary teen drama. the lying about college and then even when jonathan and nancy reunited the lies continued? they are just setting it up for them to break up in season five and i will be so pissed. i finally thought steve would be at the point where he would realize he is perfectly fine with just friends but no they had to push another ship that wasn’t needed.
5. eddie’s death and steddie (the duffers love queerbaiting)
eddie’s death was completely pointless. i an absolutely heartbroken he died and i’m pretty sure every st fan is. he was such a bright unique character that didn’t need to die. the whole thing of him not being a hero and them trying to make it seem like he died one even though he didn’t? his death served no purpose and he didn’t really save anyone. it seems like the duffers didn’t have any idea of how he would come back from all the murder stuff so the just killed him off which is such lazy writing. steddie as a ship meant a lot to me as im a queer person myself and am starved for representation. how much tension and chemistry they gave steve and eddie was completely ridiculous and could not just be a coincidence. i think they enjoy mocking us at this point? steddie had so much potential and they just threw it all away. also the whole handkerchief thing? eddie’s sexuality was never brought up and neither was the handkerchief and that’s complete bullshit.
6. wasted character potential
the moment they introduced chrissy and fred i fell in love with them and was really excited about new characters and then they up and killed them immediately. i really liked nancy getting a best friend since it’s been so long since barb died. she’s only really had jonathan and that just reminds me of el only having mike which is stupid they are both strong, independent young women and don’t need to rely on men. chrissy was just a ball of sunshine and i loved the opposites attract thing with chrissy and eddie. (platonic ofc that would be pedophilia and eddie is a obviously queer coded character) very disappointed in their deaths.
7. robin and will
the scene of mike and el being reunited and will just standing in the back breaks my heart. and then they do a parallel scene with robin and vickie? ugh. ultimate queerbaiting once again. and robin being focused on while vickie and her (ex) bf is blurry while el and mike are focused and will is blurry is yet another example of the duffers excluding/ ignoring will. these are the scenes i’m talking about in case you forgot:
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8. kali
i completely thought kali was going to show up in season four and was yet again let down by the duffers. really good brown rep and then she just disappeared? duffers, do better.
this is all i can think of for now but i bet i’ll be able to think of more disappointments later
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devondespresso · 8 months
Why would they bring back love triangle just to make jancy endgame it doesn't make sense to me
basically just to bring that will-they-wont-they tension back. to me, a lot of things happen in this show because they want it, and season 4 is they're big darkest hour right before the big final season so they want the audience to be unsure of the outcome. a red herring subplot if you will.
for the characters and in-world logic, it doesn't make sense, but we've seen that what makes sense doesn't matter nearly as much as what they want to happen. for example: eddies death, by all internal world logic, makes no fucking sense. We watch steve survive the same attack without any medical attention aside from some shirt fabric around his waist while Eddie had like 3 layers of clothes that for some fucking reason nobody thought to zip up. Eddie died not because its the only possible outcome for him but because they wanted to give dustin a gut punch but steves character is more difficult to kill because of how much hes survived and how deeply interwoven he is in the story now. not enough time in the writers room kinda problem
another more broad one: season 3, specifically scoops troop stuff. teenagers are literally tortured, and steve realistically probably would've died from second impact syndrome because he decided to t-bone somebody while probably concussed. but season 3 is supposed to be the silly season, and they like the other plotlines and want their tones to be serious most of the time, so the comic relief duo Dustin and Steve are sentenced to shenanigans with their new funny friends, despite those shenanigans including kidnapping drugging and torture. you're supposed to laugh at steves uss butterscotch speech. why? because someone had to be comic relief to get the tone they wanted, even if it makes more sense for that entire plot to be the heaviest based on material and internal logic
plus they seem to just. like Jonathan more in general. its a common thing in extra source material and even in the show for characters to be hung up on how awful steve used to be, but in season 2 and onward some characters just straight up forget Jonathan took those pictures of nancy. Tommy for example, calls him 'the freaks brother' when talking to steve in the shower, as if he hadn't already talked to Jonathan and only sees him as the creep that took photos of them. but instead he's Will's brother, because Jonathan's the 'correct' answer. hes not like other girls, he's weird and doesn't like people and listens to different music. his 'i don't like most people, he's in the vast majority' line in season 1 isn't framed as something thats hurting him or that he needs to work through. its just his cool and different perspective, even if a bit cynical. Steve is the 'other girls', hes pretty and sporty and was the symbol of highschool hierarchy, even if he's had the most dynamic arc out of any character. hell the reason his character is so dynamic is from joes influence and his headcanons about how this meanie jock thinks and why he does stuff
also the fact that they didn't think to make stancy explicitly break up before jancy boned in s2, and they didn't hold back making jancys kiss the most romantic/payoffy moment they could
but hey, i could be totally wrong here. im new to predicting what happens in shows and mostly i just see where the authors hand comes down to mess around in the universes they create. i think the duffers like jancy better, so they'll make them endgame, and i feel like they definitely have moments where they want a certain tension and have to fuck with the internal logic to make it happen.
if stancy does become endgame, well ill be mostly annoyed because that means i lost a bet with my coworker lol, but id be surprised because it'd mean they're changed their opinions about the characters and kinda left Jonathan without a subplot. maybe they just kill him idk
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miramimar · 2 years
genuinely asking, do you think the whole byler thing is queerbaiting and what do you think about the robin/will parallel where they watch their crush kiss someone of the opposite gender while they just stay here. also thoughts on the show and these seasons in general?
hi! this is kinda long so sorry but here we go
hmmm. no i dont think it’s queerbaiting because will IS gay, like…no question, but also the duffer brothers did say his sexuality was going to be acknowledged, and…i mean, it kinda was? i would argue it was more hinted at than acknowledged, and it was obvious mike wasn’t going to be gay or bi so no, i dont think it was queerbaiting, it’s very clear they’re building something up with will’s storyline for s5. BUT cmon…let’s be serious, you’ve been hinting at will’s sexuality since s1, you’ve had your time…obviously no one is expecting him to come out to the whole town, but that scene with jonathan was a perfect opportunity to have will say something (especially because it was very obvious that jonathan knows, like be serious 😭) like…will isnt going to be out immediately OBVIOUSLY, why would he? he has been called slurs since he was a kid. BUT CMON, just have him say something to jonathan and that would be enough! you dont even have to say the g word 😭 hiding the fact he’s gay in subtext is just stupid because like i said, people are dumb! im still seeing people say will is not gay and people are pushing it, not everyone is smart enough to understand subtext! 😭 but like i said…theyre clearly setting up a storyline for him in s5 (his final speech about vecna and that last scene is giving me hopes) so yeah! i really dont think it’s queerbaiting.
about those parallel scenes…my god…robin’s was unnecessary because if vickie was going to break up with that guy anyways why add it there lol? it’s just dumb, and will’s…why 😭 that was so awkward…i have no genuine thoughts about his scene…i’m just…woah LMAO it was stupid.
thoughts about the show. hmmm. i very much have a love hate relationship with this show because the writing so far has been a let down. i liked v1 better than v2, but i still don’t see a reason for the season to be split in two? ALSO the russia plot was dumb and useless, a waste of time! anyways, s2 and s1 are still the best seasons, i don’t think s3 is bad at all, but idk, i feel like the reason people say s3 was bad is because it feels like they’re dragging it…but i don’t think they are? like yes, some scenes are unnecessary, but plot wise? hm no i don’t think they’re dragging it. there’s still many questions left unanswered and i fear if they were just answered quickly or earlier, it wouldn’t be as impactful so…i get it, but my god, it’s very obvious they didn’t know what to do in the middle! like idk, the show’s a mess but also…not a bad mess. it’s complicated. like i can’t have serious thoughts about the show until i see it COMPLETE. because thats what it feels like, incomplete, especially s4, and i get why it feels like that, they said it themselves, it’s the beginning of the end! as a set up…i think it’s good, but i don’t know what they’re setting up in the first place so like. 😭 and also, it’s no wonder why everyone feels tired watching this show because it feels so damn incomplete every season, it’s exhausting! but hopefully it comes to an end soon. Those are my overall thoughts on the show. All of s4 and all of its plots just feel like a set up! which yes, it’s annoying. but it gives me hope for s5.
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bippot · 2 years
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Summary: Eddie Munson needs some encouragement to want to graduate and his best friend is more than willing to give it to him. Or, not give it to him. That's a more accurate description.
Tags: Friends to Lovers, Idiots in Love, Competition, Fluff and Smut, Non-Penetrative Sex, Trauma, Eddie Munson Lives, fuck the duffer brothers
Music Recommendation: Eddie My Love by The Chordettes
Stranger Things, Eddie Munson Masterlist - here
Being held back two years is not something Eddie is particularly proud of. Okay? Sure, it's kind of his fault. Sleeping through tests is a great way to fail them. So is scribbling pentagrams on the back of the piece of paper. Yeah, it also didn't help that he may have skipped a few too.
Still, he wanted to graduate. He was going to graduate. He was certain of it, despite what others may have said to him.
When something is said to you once, you can brush it off. Twice? Maybe you'll think about it for a day. But, when something is said constantly, you start to internalise it.
Oh fuck. He's never going to graduate. That's what everyone else says. Some days the words get to him. Other days they break him. Today was a bad day.
And that's why he walked into the mall and straight to Merry-Go-Round because that's where Y/N worked, and Y/N would make him feel better.
The mall was busy. Crowded. So many voices chattering, and people jostling. It was overwhelming. It was loud. It was a humongous mess of people and food and capitalism.
He scanned the floor for Y/N. She was easy to spot in the bright uniform they forced her to wear. If he didn't know better, he would have said she looked bored as she sung a little song to herself. But, that couldn't be right because Y/N was never bored. Or, maybe she was never bored when he was around.
She was standing with her back to him, mindlessly folding clothes that annoying customers had messed up. It was perfect. She'd never see his attack coming. Tip-toeing silently until he was close enough to wrap his arms around her waist from behind, he lifted her up off the ground and cheered, "I've caught her. The one stealing, I've caught her."
"Eddie, put me down," she chastised, playfully slapping his arm. She let out a squeal when he spun her around so he was in front of her. "You're such a dork, Edward."
No shit. Everyone knew that.
"Yeah, proud to be," he said, shrugging. He let her go, but kept his hands on her waist, just in case. Not because he liked touching her. No. Definitely not. But, he felt a need to feel connected to her at this moment. He needed it today. "When does your shift end?"
"In, like, half an hour," she said, looking down at the clothes to avoid eye contact. He was agitated. She could feel it in his fingertips, in the way they curled and curled tighter and tighter around her waist. "Are you okay?"
"Just peachy," he replied in a sing-song voice, exaggerating his smile and running a hand through his hair. That was his thing. Making strange noises to make her think he was okay when he was, in fact, far from it. "I've been thinking."
"Oh, that's never a good thing," she joked. She smiled, hoping to take his mind off whatever was making him act so weird. Well, weirder. "What's got you thinking?"
"You," he replied quickly, as if he were trying to reassure her. "And, you know how you used to be like really good at school without even trying much and maybe, if you want to and have time, just maybe, you might teach me how to do that."
Y/N laughed. It was sweet. Nothing like what she thought he was going to say. She was flattered that he wanted her to teach him, but she didn't have a clue whether she could teach him or not. Despite everything, he was really smart. He just never gave a shit before. How do you teach someone to give a shit?
It was moments like this that she wished he wasn't so cute. Immediately giving in, she walked to the back office, grabbed her stuff and yelled to her colleague, "James, stop hot boxing the supply room. I've got a family emergency, so get out onto the floor."
Technically, she was his superior so he had to do what she said. Whether he would or not was another thing. Not that she really cared.
On her way back to Eddie, she noticed the bowl of fabric patches by the cash register and held up an ABBA one. "Want it to add to your collection?"
"Never in a million years." He rolled his eyes and shook his head dramatically, waiting for her to reach him before he opened the door for her, playfully bowing as she passed. "Come on, we need to get to yours before I turn to stone."
"Shut up. You're such a drama queen."
"Did you walk to work?"
"You know I don't have a car."
Soon they were at Y/N's house. She grabbed some food whilst he made himself comfortable in her room. When she walked in, he had taken his jacket and shoes off, and had flopped face first onto her bed. With a chuckle, she sat against the headboard and waited for him to look up, to meet her eyes with his. As soon as he did, he noticed the necco wafers in her hand and opened his mouth for her to feed him one, which she did with a smile.
"Are you going to tell me what's wrong or am I going to have to keep feeding you?"
"I'm not sure what you mean."
"You know what I mean," she said, narrowing her eyes. She placed another necco wafer in his mouth. Maybe bribing him with food would work. It usually did.
Instead of answering, he manoeuvred so he was sitting in front of her, in the space between her legs, leaning back on her chest. His face went serious and, although he tried to hide it, she could tell by the set of his jaw that he was agitated. And by the way he took the packet from her hand and set it on the duvet next to them so he could fiddle with the rings on her hand, she could tell he was nervous.
Most people see the metalhead exterior and think Eddie's a big, tough guy. That is not true. Everyone who knows him is fully aware of how much of a softie he is. But, only Y/N gets to see how clingy he is. Especially when something is bothering him. He'd always been like this. For as long as she'd known him. For as long as she'd been his friend. In public, it's all dumb jokes and wild gestures, but as soon as he's alone and feeling shitty, he turns into a complete mess. A bundle of nerves and self doubt.
Another thing about Eddie that only Y/N knew was that he's like a cat. He pretends to hate all the touchy feely shit, but as soon as her hand finds that one spot just left of the nape of his neck and softly scratches it, he turns to mush. His brain goes blank and his worries float away for a moment. And now, that's what he needed. So, that's exactly what she did.
She found the spot and gently grazed the area with her nails, moving in circular motions. He quickly turned into a puddle in her lap, his eyes fluttered shut and his breathing deepened. She continued to run her fingers through his hair and over his scalp as she did her best to keep him calm, whispering softly into his ear, "Tell me what's on your brain, Eds."
Due to his new sense of relaxation, his mouth moved faster than his brain even had a chance to stop himself from saying, "You, Y/N. Always you."
It was quiet for a moment until he sighed. Why the fuck had he admitted that? Yeah. There was no way she could misinterpret that. There was nothing platonic about that statement. Sure. Why not? He was in love with his best friend. Big whoop. Call the cliche police and arrest him on sight. The feelings were there, plain and simple. And, no amount of thinking or rationalising was going to change that. No matter how hard he tried.
Mentally, she had no idea how to comprehend that. Emotionally, though? Man, she felt it. Deeply. Completely. He opened one eye to sneakily look up at her, needing to know what expression was on her face. His breath caught when he saw her smiling, her cheeks flushed and her eyes sparkling. And then, his lips curved into a grin of his own.
Still, she knew there was something else going on and that's why she playfully teased, "So, you're saying that I'm the reason why you've had a shitty day?"
"Who says I've had a shitty day?" Gesturing to the way he was still fiddling with the rings on her fingers, she raised an eyebrow. It was obvious that he had. "Fine. I've had a shitty day."
Y/N scrunched her eyes and laughed. She rolled her eyes and softly quizzed, "What's up, big boy?"
"Don't call me that," he argued, his cheeks becoming redder. Her fingers sped up a little, adding a little more pressure to her scratches, causing him to let out a low groan. "I hate it when you do that."
Total fucking lie, and they both knew that. The sound he made was a clear indication of how much he liked what she was doing. "No, you don't. Now spill. What's going on?"
He cleared his throat. Okay. He basically admitted being into her. He could tell her what was up. "Do you think I'm going to graduate?"
"That all depends."
"Do you want to graduate? You have a habit, Eds: it's impossible to get you to do something you don't want to do."
For some reason, that made him question it. Did he really want to graduate? She was right, like usual, and he only tended to try at things if he wanted to do them. That's when he came to the conclusion, "I want to want to graduate. I want to be able to stop going to fucking high school, but honestly, as soon as test is in front of me, I couldn't give a shit whether I pass it or not."
An idea formed in her head. All she needed to do was to give him the promise of positive reinforcement when it came to tests and he'd succeed at them. She'd change his association, give it some pavlovian pzazz. All he needed was a little encouragement and he'd be good to go.
Stopping her hand, which resulted in a disappointed whine, she pressed a kiss on his cheek and waited for him to swivel his head around to face her. When he did, she brushed her thumb across his bottom lip and flirted, "I have an idea that I think will motivate you to pass."
All his focus was on her lips as she spoke. He was ready for her next sentence, but she didn't speak. Her hand came to cradle his cheek to move his mouth closer to hers. He closed the small gap, softly pressing their lips together in a searing, hungry kiss. 
Turning to hover over her, his tongue slid into her mouth and his hand grabbed her butt to pull her against him as the kiss deepened. He moaned into her as he tasted her, and that's when she knew that her idea was going to work.
 With a soft nip on his lip, she broke the kiss to seductively explain, "If you graduate, I'll let you do whatever you want to me."
He let out a rough groan, a sound of desperation that only turned her on more, and she could practically feel his arousal pressing on her stomach. He grabbed the back of her head and tried to get back in to deepen the kiss, but she stopped him, laughing as she confirmed, "I'm being serious, Eddie."
There was a short pause, and then he spoke with a voice filled with uncertainty, "You'll only be with me if I graduate?"
"Oh my God, no. No. That's not what I meant," she apologised, comfortingly brushing her thumb across his cheek. "I want nothing more than to be with you, Eds." She brought her lips closer to his ear as she whispered, "But, I won't fuck you until you graduate. And judging by the boner in your pants, you better get that done as quickly as you can."
At that moment, his mood completely shifted from shitty day to glorious day. He squeezed his eyes shut tightly, his grip on her tightening. His breathing was heavy. Aroused. He was on board. That was clear.
"Fuck. Looks like I've got to study now." As he spoke, his hand found its way to her thigh and began slowly shifting upwards but she slapped it away. "You'll have to help me."
"I will," she agreed with a smile, and he let out a relieved breath. With that, she eased back and shifted to lie down. His hands cupped her waist as he followed her down, bringing his head to the crook of her neck and resting against her. She didn't have to look at him to know that he was smiling.
Honestly, after the day he'd had, he was absolutely shattered. He managed to stay awake for a bit, happily chatting to her, occasionally lifting his head to place gentle pecks against her neck and cheek, but it was no use. As soon as his eye started to droop, her fingers began to caress the spot on his head again, and he quickly fell asleep.
The first test he did and got the results back was shoved in her face the moment he saw her next. It was a Tuesday, so it was time for his gig. She arrived at The Hideout early to pep up his confidence before he started playing.
"Hey, hot stuff," she called out as noticed the back of his denim vest, stepping up on the stage as he started setting up.
Eddie smiled and turned around to face her. "Hey, gorgeous." He rifled through his pockets and proudly brought out the test, flicking it as he showed it to her. "No big deal, but I totally got a C+. 78 per-cent."
Even though they were in front of his band mates, she brought her hand to his cheek and lightly patted it before kissing him on the other side of his face, whispering so only he could hear, "I'm so proud of you." His face lit up as she moved across to place a soft kiss on his lips. "Now go out there and kick ass."
He beamed at her and gave a mock salute. "Will do, Captain." 
The rest of the night went off without a hitch. A fair few people showed up. Maybe around twenty. That was more than usual. He didn't really notice though, he was too busy focusing on if Y/N was enjoying herself, which she was.
Watching him perform was always a thrill, and tonight was no different. He was at his best when he was relaxed and performing for a small crowd. Before every song started, he'd make sure to find Y/N's eye and wink at her. He'd always done that, even when they were 'just friends'. After all this time, it still made her blush like crazy.
A song or two before the end of Corroded Coffin's set, Y/N felt a tap on her shoulder and when she turned around it took her a while to recognise the guy. "Chase? Didn't think that this was your scene," she said loud enough that he wouldn't have to lean in.
Chase was one of her older brother's friends. Technically, he was in the year Eddie was supposed to graduate in. Hawkin's High Seniors of 1984. He was one of the jocks, just like her brother.
"Could say the same to you, little L/N." He grinned, a wide, toothy grin. She forced a laugh and rolled her eyes. "What brings you here? I mean, other than the cheap booze and the fact that they don't check ID's."
"I'm an amateur groupie," she joked, raising an eyebrow.
Taking a swig of his beer and pointing to Eddie, Chase teased, "Don't let Munson hear that. He always had a thing for you."
"Oh, that's good. Real nice to hear," she replied. When he looked confused, she added, "Eddie is my boyfriend."
"Really? Shit. Didn't know that. I mean, I didn't expect you to go for the, you know, freak types." Y/N was about to say something snappy back at him, but he cut her off. "I don't believe you. Are you fucking with me right now?"
At that moment, Eddie got to his guitar solo and decided to slide onto his knees as he shredded. He managed to land right in front of where she was standing, facing away from her as he slowly lowered himself until his back was against the floor and his head hung over the edge of the stage. He looked up at her as he plucked at the strings of his guitar and made it very clear that he was staring at her lips. 
Giving him exactly what she knew he wanted, she lowered his lips to his and gave him a small kiss in front of everyone. Everyone and Chase. There were a few whoops and wolf whistles from the audience as she pulled away. 
"Guess you weren't fucking with me."
"Nope, not one bit," she replied.
As soon as the gig ended, Corroded Coffin took their bows and made it off the stage. Eddie practically pounced on Y/N. He was still high off the adrenaline (and the teeny tiny bit of jealousy that he felt after seeing her talk to Chase Icklesham). She had been trying to end the conversation with Chase for a while now. Luckily, as soon as Eddie arrived and protectively placed an arm around his girlfriend's waist, Chase decided to leave.
"Later, Chase," Eddie said, giving the jock a quick wink and smugly waving his hand.
"Whatever. Hey, Y/N, don't let him stay out too long, he's got school in the morning," Chase replied and sauntered away.
 Ignoring that insult, Y/N wrapped her arms around Eddie's shoulders and cooed, "Hey, rockstar." He grinned up at her, his face soft and his eyes full of affection. "You know," she purred, getting closer to his ear, "You look incredibly sexy right now. All this sweat and this 'hot n bothered' look is really doing something to me."
He couldn't help himself and brought his hand to her ass, squeezing roughly as he pulled her closer to him. "And you look incredibly hot like usual," he said seductively.
"Hmm. Then why aren't you making a move on me right this second?"
"Oh, so my hand on your ass isn't enough?" He teased, leaning in and kissing her cheek, which wasn't enough for her since she placed her hand on his chin and tilted it so she could kiss his lips. His response was instant. His tongue immediately entered her mouth and he reciprocated, a fervent kiss that was just as heated and passionate as all the others they'd shared.
When he finally stepped back, he held her gaze as he took in a deep breath. "Does my princess want a drink?"
Y/N took Eddie's hand and taunted, "I was just about to ask you the exact same question." He grinned triumphantly and happily let her pull him to the bar, where a bartender noticed them and immediately made their drinks. They were regulars after all. Despite neither of them being 21.
"How was I?" he asked as he slipped his hand into the back pocket of her jeans, staring into her eyes to make sure she understood just how much he loved her.
"Sensational," she replied, closing the distance between them so she could kiss him again. And again. And again. And again. And again.
It was after midnight when they finally got out of the bar. His bandmates insisted that they all went to a diner because they were starving. So, they were all huddled in a booth. All smelling of booze and sweat. The other members of Corroded Coffin were used to Y/N. Gareth had actually been tutored by Y/N in middle school so they knew each other fairly well.
And they could all vouch for how in love Y/N and Eddie were. Honestly, the pair used to get teased for it. And, still did. Finally getting together didn't stop with the comments.
"Loverboy, what do you want to eat? The nice waitress just asked," Jeff pointed out, nudging Eddie so he'd stop staring at Y/N and notice someone other than her for once.
"I'll have a cheeseburger with bacon and fries," Eddie said in a bored tone.
"Make that two of those," Y/N added and smiled at the waitress as she walked away, heading back to the kitchen.
Since they were all so close, the banter flowed easily. They all knew each other so well that they were able to talk about random nonsense without really thinking about it. It was like a game they played. They never knew what would come up in conversation or when someone would say something that would make the rest of them break out into hysterical laughter.
When their food finally arrived, they dug in. Y/N watched as Eddie ate like an absolute pig. He made a big mess of his food and took his time with it. But she didn't care. Not one bit. He got sauce all over his mouth so when he was done, she got a napkin and wiped it away for him. 
And every time he looked at her with a goofy, googly-eyed look, she gave him a little smile.
Eventually, when he had dropped everyone else off, they decided to go to his place. Sure, her room was bigger and had less stains, but his was comfier despite everything. Plus, she was sure her parents would be upset if she woke them up at 2 am.
Humming as she watched as he drove, his hands drumming against the wheel, she leant her head against his shoulder, a little confused that he hadn't turned the radio on. She expected him to put a cassette in, but he didn't. He was too focused on figuring out what song she was humming. She hummed it often. It must be her favourite song, he concluded. Still, he had no idea what it was.
When they got to his place, she wasn't surprised to see his uncle wasn't home. Wayne always worked nights. Eddie opened the door and gestured for her to go in.
"What a gentleman," she complimented, turning to face him so she could grab his hands to pull him inside the trailer with her, giving him a kiss as she pressed her body to his. In an instant, he picked her up and started walking to his room. 
Wrapping her legs around his waist, she pointed out, "You didn't close the door."
"Oh shit." 
With her still firmly attached to him, he turned around and let her lean away from him to find the door handle, pulling it shut as soon as she made contact. He didn't put her down though until they reached his room. He paused, turning to face her. "You honestly want to stay here tonight? With my dirty sheets and the hard mattress?"
"The dirty sheets are part of the experience," she joked as she ran her hands up his chest. He laughed at her response and sat her down on the corner of his bed, kneeling before her. "Why are you on the ground?"
"Because you look so beautiful from this angle," he said, looking into her eyes as he undid the button on her jeans. She stopped him by placing her hand over his. "What? Me eating you out is not us fucking. Technically."
He had a point. She gave in and wiggled them down, letting him pull them off and throw them somewhere in his room, mixing with the clothes that he'd previously discarded. She smiled as he ran his hands up her legs, his rings leaving trails of coldness as they came in contact with her warm skin. His head dipped down and he gave her an intense, lustful look as he pressed his lips to her, eliciting a moan of pleasure to fall from her lips. He moved up to her knees and started kissing his way up her legs, making gentle, lingering contact with each spot along the way.
And her soft moans only encouraged him to keep going, to keep making her feel so good. He made his way to her inner thighs and she arched her back, pushing her pelvis into his face as a plea for more. He obliged, teasingly licking her through her underwear.
"Just checking, are you sure about this?" he checked. She nodded back, pushing her legs further apart for him. He chuckled and hooked his finger under the hem of her underwear. "Okay then, take these off."
She did as she was told and he removed her panties, tossing them carelessly to the side. He looked up at her, eyes locked with her own as he removed the rings on his right hand, placing them carefully on the ground next to him.
"Don't want to lose them, you know, when, uh, I finger you."
"Don't get all shy on me now, Romeo," she teased, caressing his cheek before it went back between her thighs. He chuckled and leaned forward, pressing his mouth to hers. She opened for him, her hands running through his long (and at this point, knotty) hair. 
The kiss was slow and hungry, and she let him take control, his fingers making their way to her pussy, his mouth feasting on hers as his digit moved over her clit, her body ready to receive his touch.
Breaking the kiss, he whispered, "You're so fucking beautiful." Then, he pushed his finger into her.
A moan escaped her mouth as he pushed a little deeper, and she was unable to form any coherent words as he started to move his hand in a sensual, teasing rhythm. He kept up this pace for a little while, before pausing. "You want more?" he asked, his eyes intense.
Finally doing what he intended to, he looked up at her, eyes locked with her own, before he slowly lowered his mouth to her pussy. She gasped and dug her fingers into his hair, holding him to her as he licked and kissed his way up her slit, making her wetter and wetter with every passing moment. He smiled against her, moving his tongue in a very slow, precise manner around her clit and making her entire body shake and quake as a litany of praises poured past her lips.
Chuckling, she taunted, "Fuck, who knew the freak was so...uh, so good with his mouth."
"You're just lucky," he noted, adding another finger, making sure to hit all the right spots along the way as she bucked against him. "You're lucky I like it when you call me a freak."
She couldn't help but laugh as he continued. Neither of their social standings were particularly favourable. 
Admittedly, she had been a little more popular than him. There was a small chance that she could've been more popular if she had wanted to. She didn't. Out of everyone, all of the cliques, she hung out with Eddie and the rest of the freaks.
And for that, he was eternally grateful.
"You taste so good, princess," he murmured against her, his tongue making a lazy pattern that sent shivers through her core. She arched her back, digging her heels into his back, moaning out his name as her entire body started to tighten in response. 
It wasn't long before she climaxed, her orgasm sending a tidal wave of pleasure through her entire body and making her cry out his name.
Licking the last remainder of herself off his lips, Eddie lifted his face, grinning at her. "Was that good?" He asked, then placed a final kiss to her thigh, anxiously waiting for her response.
Did he even need to ask that?
"Oh my god, yes," she complimented, closing her eyes and enjoying the feeling of his stubble against her skin. She placed her thumb and pointer finger on his cheeks, squishing them together as she leant down and pressed their lips together. "It's your turn now, rockstar."
At her words, he leaped up, pulling her into his arms and kissing her with a wild, passionate ferocity, his hands searching for every part of her that he could find. Her whole body was alive and full of energy, wanting him and needing him in equal measure. It took only a moment for them to get involved in the heated, intimate making out session that they couldn't seem to get enough of.
As soon as she was sure he was distracted, she slid her hand down into his trousers, grabbing his hard cock through the material of his tight jeans. He let out a groan at the contact, his hips moving in an excited manner in an effort to get closer to her. She unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down, freeing his cock from its prison as his mouth moved to her neck.
"Mouth or hand?"
"What...whatever you want," he whined out as she began running her fingers up and down his length, making him jump and twitch in delight.
Truthfully, it's best to give back exactly what you got, right? That is the golden rule. Treat others as you'd want to be treated. And, Y/N had already been treated well. So why shouldn't she return the favour?
She released his cock from its confines and wrapped her fingers around it, pumping it slowly but steadily. He let out a pained, desperate sound that was adorable, so she increased the pace, smiling when he let out another little yelp.
Holding her hand out, she ordered, "Spit." And lo and behold, he did without hesitation.
Then, she started to stroke, keeping up the faster pace until she was sure he was about to cum. His breathing quickened and his hips started to thrust, growing more and more impatient with every passing second.
"Come on! Please, I need it," he begged. "Please, baby."
That was all the inspiration she needed to stop her hand and replace it with her mouth, starting by licking a long strip of his cock along the underside, all the while keeping her eyes locked with his. She moved her mouth up to the head, taking him deep into her throat as she started to bob her head up and down rapidly. His hips were getting wilder and wilder, going from a slow, steady beat to a frenzied pace in a split second, his breathing growing ragged and erratic. 
Bucking up, it was about three seconds before he was spent, his hips jolting up in a final burst that filled her mouth. It really turned her on to know that her oral abilities had such an effect on him.
Moving before she could argue, Eddie took his trousers off but pulled his underwear up, and hurried to the kitchen to get her a drink so she didn't have to continually taste him. She could taste him anyway, of course. He was in her mouth, her throat, her whole body. Just as every pore in her skin and every hair on her body was saturated with him.
Obviously, she didn't mind. Not one bit.
Once he returned with the drinks, he immediately sat down next to her on the bed and handed her a can.
"Drink up, loser."
Taking a sip, she complimented, "You, dear Eddie, are too sweet for your own good," before taking another big gulp of the cold, refreshing liquid.
With a devilish gleam in his eye, he asked, "So Y/N, my very hot, very sexy girlfriend, what do you give that out of ten? How do I rank?"
Bumping their shoulders together, she gave him a coy smile and admitted, "I think I'd give you a perfect ten, stud." He grinned widely from ear to ear, nodding his head in approval. "You'd definitely get an A from me."
"Just an A? Not an A+."
"Oooh, it's slipping to an A- due to all of the backchat I'm getting."
Leaning forward to press a slow and sleepy kiss to her lips, Eddie whined, "You're so mean," before dramatically flopping back on his bed. "Come here, I'm tired."
Flipping him off, Y/N stretched out next to him, her eyes heavy after such a long night. 
With a groan, he wrapped her arms around him and snuggled up so the tip of her nose would brush against his collarbone as they slept. "God, I could sleep for days. Days and days and days..."
"Don't you want to say a prayer before going to bed. I know how religious you are."
"Shut the fuck up, princess."
Giving him one final kiss on the side of his neck, Y/N curled further into his chest and hooked her leg over his thigh. She was asleep within seconds. And, she slept soundly against him, knowing full well he was sleeping peacefully too.
More and more tests were completed. Each one had a result that was higher than a fail. He'd managed to get an A twice and Y/N spoilt him as a gift. She'd taken him to a Twisted Sister concert and gave him a blow job on the way back, so he was thrilled. 
Who knew that actually putting effort into things reaped rewards?
Still, every day, he was becoming more restless. He couldn't get enough of her, and he spent every waking moment thinking about her. It was fatal. He was sure of it. She was the same, the same as she always had been, and he was hooked on her.
As hooked as the day he met her. She was perfect in every way, and he was desperate to have her. He craved her. Needed her. Felt like he would die if he didn't get her. It was that kind of desperation that had him questioning every little thing, obsessing over every little thing.
"Hey, Dustin. Mike," Y/N greeted the boys as she walked into the Hellfire Club. The session was yet to begin so the rest of the boys hadn't arrived yet. "Do either of you know where Edward is?"
Dustin snickered before blurting out, "He's in the bathroom. He's been in there for like, ever."
Oh. He's getting high. Good for him.
Whereas, Mike noticed what was in Y/N's hands and exclaimed, "Is that Eddie's DM notes?"
"Yeah, he was working on it at my place yesterday and accidentally left it there," she explained, slapping Dustin's hand away when he tried to touch the book. Mike looked like he was going to say something, but changed his mind, shaking his head. She knew what he was going to say. "Wanna sneak peak?"
"Always," Mike answered.
She knew for a fact what page would be best to show them. It was near the back. She'd watched as Eddie did it. She showed the two of them the page of his notes, with his messy, scrawling handwriting at the bottom that simply said 'Excelsior!' that was adorned with a bunch of little penis drawings above it. 
Dramatically, Y/N found the page and ushered the boys to her side so they could look.
"Aw fuck you, Y/N!" Dustin let out. They got got.
That was the moment that Eddie walked in and playfully declared, "Henderson, how dare you use such vulgar language in front of the finest maiden in all the land," as he grabbed her from behind and tugged her close to him. He looked down at the open page and joked, "Y/N, now they know they're going to fight a cock monster."
"They're actually pretty good. Size accurate and everything," she teased, lowering the book closer to his groin area. 
The two boys laughed, but not too hard. Eddie could seriously kill their PC's if they annoyed him too much.
"And weirdly, strangely, he's also got seve-"
A hand was put over her mouth before she could carry on making jokes about his dick and the other took the book from her hands and slammed it shut.
"This is classified shit." His voice was low and falsely serious. "If you had seen anything of importance, you know I'd have to kill you, right?"
"Right," the boys answered in unison, moving to sit in their seats and prepare for the session.
Turning his attention to Y/N, he let her mouth go and spun her to look at him. Instantly, she peered over his shoulder and locked eyes with the boys as she continued, "As I was saying, he's got seven penises. Seven. It's why people call him a freak." She held up a hand and poked out two fingers from the other just below the pinky. "It's sort of like this, actually. Like a really freaky looking peacock. A peacock of penises."
Both boys let out a little giggle.
"You're weird, you know that?" Eddie teased, though Y/N could hear the smile in his voice. He moved closer to her ear and explained, "I thought you were going to admit something that two freshmen don't need to know."
"Oh, ye of so little faith." She gave him a cheeky grin, enjoying the moment. 
By the way his eyes were, he was either high or in love with her. It was 66.6% both. The other 33.3% is adrenaline from the excitement of DMing.
When the boys looked up again, Eddie was too busy to notice the other PC's walking in. He was too busy making out with Y/N, full on making out. His hand was cupped over the back of her head, holding her still as he deepened the kiss.
The PC's ignored the make out session and continued to discuss their plan for the battles.
"It still feels weird playing AD&D: we're so used to playing the expert set with our friend Will. He's great," Mike explained to the other members.
"You'll get used to it. It took me four, maybe five sessions to get accustomed to the new system," Gareth reassured, patting Wheeler on the shoulder.
Eddie pulled away and looked at the table behind him. "Oh shit, when did you guys get here?" Y/N stepped back from his lips, her face bright red. "Sorry, intrepid heroes."
Lucas decided to speak, "Y/N's hot. We understand."
"Thank you, Ser Lucas," Y/N replied, curtsying at his compliment.
"Don't hit on my girl right in front of my eyes, Sinclair." Eddie's eyes shifted from the boys to Y/N before settling on the boys once more. "I think we're ready to start."
Saying goodbye by kissing Eddie on the cheek and waving to the others, Y/N left the boys to get on with their game of Dungeons and Dragons, warning them, "Watch out, he's high as shit and has a detailed plan on how to kill all of your characters. I know, I've seen it."
It wasn't true. She just wanted to freak them out.
Later on that evening, as Y/N was mindlessly humming to herself as she flitted about her room, clearing up and putting her laundry away, a strange voice behind her asked, "Are your mummy and daddy home?"
Jumping, she instantly swivelled around to find Eddie climbing through her window with a shit-eating grin on his face. 
"Fuck you, asshole." She swatted at his chest, which he easily batted away. He grabbed her wrist and pressed a kiss to the back of her hand. "You can use the front door. You know, like a normal person?"
"We both know that I'm not normal. That's why you like me so much," he flirted, keeping eye contact as he pressed his mouth further and further up her arms. "And I know that you love it when I do this."
Pretending to push him out of the window, she answered, "To answer your very creepily phrased question, my parents are on holiday." She stopped to poke him in the chest. "And if you listened to me, you know that."
He held his hands up in surrender. "Did you tell me when a) you'd just gone down on me, or b) I was high?"
Looking into her memories, she realised that they'd just shared a spliff and had some fun times. So, both. Yeah, there was no way he was focused on her words at that point.
Laughing, she let him pull her into a hug. "You're too smart for your own good, Munson," she complimented, stepping away from him and going back to finish her chores, the same melody from before falling from her lips.
Kicking off his shoes, he practically jumped on her bed and posed provocatively as he watched her bend in that short skirt of hers to close the window. One hand behind his head and the other resting on his hip. 
For the life of him, he still had no clue what fucking song that was.
"Hey, hot stuff, what song is that?"
"The one you're humming. The one you always hum."
Honestly, Y/N had no idea that she did that. It was one of those unconscious things that she just did. So, she got him to replay it back to her.
She knew that song. Her mother gave her the vinyl of that song, so instead of telling him, she rifled through her collection and played it on her record player. Already blushing, she dropped the needle and waited for him to realise.
🎵 Eddie, my love, I love you so
How I wanted for you, you'll never know
Please, Eddie, don't make me wait to long 🎵
Listening to the lyrics, his eyes widened. This was the song. As clear as day. As he listened, he grew more and more giddy. This was about him. He'd known her to hum this song since they'd met and it was about him.
"Y/N?" He said her name quietly, teasingly. She made a noise in acknowledgement. "Look at me."
🎵 Eddie, please write me one line
Tell me your love is still only mine
Please, Eddie, don't make me wait too long 🎵
Oh no. She did as he requested, reluctantly. He looked so happy that her heart skipped a beat as he spoke, moving so his face only a few inches from hers. He looked so sincere, he looked so, so in love.
What he did next, she'd never had expected. He placed her arms on his shoulders and clamped his hands on her waist, slowly swaying side to side.
🎵 You left me last September
To return to me before long
But all I do is cry myself to sleep
Eddie, since you've been gone 🎵
Metalhead Eddie Munson was slow dancing to The Chordettes. Nobody would've believed her if she told them. Nobody.
If she'd placed bets on what would've happened when he climbed through her window, she would've lost a lot of money. Still, he looked to be enjoying himself.
🎵 Eddie, my love, I'm sinking fast
The very next day might be my last
Please, Eddie, don't make me wait too long 🎵
"What are you doing?" she asked, still not quite believing it. All he did was shake his head slightly in response, not breaking his gaze. "Edward?"
Shushing her, he softly responded, "Just go with it, baby." She couldn't help herself. She giggled like a tween girl interacting with her first crush.
🎵 You left me last September
To return to me before long
But all I do is cry myself to sleep
Eddie, since you've been gone 🎵
It was the most ridiculous, sweetest thing she'd ever seen. She loved it. "You are just the most adorable thing," she complimented, smiling.
"I know," he said. "I'm kinda cute, right?"
🎵 Eddie, my love, I'm sinking fast
The very next day might be my last
Please, Eddie, don't make me wait too long 🎵
After a few more seconds of them staring at each other, he gave her a tender peck on the forehead and muttered, "I want you to know that I'm not good at -"
She placed her index finger against his lips. He froze mid sentence. A serious, no smiling at all, look. She took his hand, pressed it against her lips and turned it so their fingers were entwined.
🎵 Please, Eddie, don't make me wait too long 🎵
With that the song ended.
"You don't have to say it."
"I know." He cleared his throat and just let it out. "I'm not good at... you know, being romantic. But, I do, uh, I, Edward Munson... I do love you."
"I, Y/N L/N, love you too," she said, smiling widely at him, unable to stop. "I mean it. I really, really, really mean it."
Jokingly, he took her head in his hands and teased, "Would've been really awkward if you didn't say it back," and leaned in to kiss her before she had a chance to respond.
Replying by placing her hands in his hair, leaning in and pressing their foreheads together, Y/N was able to deepen the kiss, to feel his lips against hers, to be in control of the movements of their bodies as she backed them to her bed. She pulled back slightly after the kiss to look him in the eyes. He had slightly flushed cheeks and his hair was a mess. His clothes were rumpled, he looked adorable and he was, well, he was her boyfriend. And he loved her. That was enough.
Yet, it was nights like this that she almost gave in. It would've made sense, right? Fucking after professing their love for each other. But, what if he went back to his old ways of flunking every test? He would never graduate.
"Since my parents aren't here, you can always stop the night. And tomorrow. And the day after. But, not the day after that. They get home then."
Frankly, it hurt his feelings a bit that her parents didn't let him stay over. (Not that he obliged by that rule as he often snuck into her room.) Despite this, he still jeered, "Aw fuck, I was really looking forward to the day after that."
"Shut up, you little bitch," she taunted, playfully slapping his cheeks, tilting his head back and forth between her hands as she straddled his lap.
"Ow! Kiss it better. Now." He lightly pinched her side and she squealed in delight, giggling as she placed pecks all over his face and neck, each accompanied by an annoying 'Mwah' sound. Unconvincingly, he whined, "Stop. Stop it."
"You're just a big softie, aren't you, baby?" She finally placed a kiss on his lips and whispered into his ear, "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone."
"You better not. I've got a reputation to uphold." He reached up and pulled her down to kiss her again, dragging her hips against his growing erection as he mumbled, "Please," into the side of her neck. He started to pull at her shirt and she helped, by unbuttoning it and pulling it off. His hands began going through her hair as he passionately kissed her neck. She moaned into his ear, enjoying his touch.
"Remember. You still haven't graduated."
"I know." He bit her ear, hard, a small growl escaping his mouth. His hands travelled up to the clasp of her bra and ripped it open, freeing her breasts. He began fondling them, his large hands covering her entire bust, his thumbs brushing against her nipple.
Y/N arched her back in pleasure and squirmed against him. His kisses and touch had been driving her crazy with anticipation, but her arousal was instantaneous and she was desperate for more. She quickly undid his belt buckle, unzipped his pants, and pulled down his zipper. His cock was clear to see through his underwear, full and hard. 
"Holy shit, you've got to take this skirt off or I will fuck you in it," he whispered into her ear, before kissing his way down her neck and over her breast. "Oh yeah, I need to let you up so you can do that."
"Yeah, you fucking idiot," she teased, getting off his lap and pulling his trousers fully off him. When she turned around to ensure that her door was fully closed, he slapped her ass cheek in response to her insult, his rings surely leaving marks where they made contact. "Wow, freak and woman beater. Munson, you've got it all."
More derogatory names is not what he needed. Yet, it was Y/N, so he knew she was being facetious. "That's not even funny."
"I think it's funny." She dropped her skirt to the ground and hovered over him once more. He leaned in to kiss her again, but she put her hand on his chest and pushed him back, ordering, "Shirt off."
He chuckled, "You're so bossy sometimes," and did as she said, tossing his shirt aside. She loved his body, loved that he was hers. Her fingers travelled up and down his chest, pausing to kiss the tattoo above his peck. He slid his hands up her bare legs, stopping at her hips to grind them against him. 
"You feel good, baby," he rasped, his eyes fixated on her face as she let out a moan.
"Mmm, you too." She rubbed her breasts against him, relishing in the feeling of his hard-on against her wet, swollen sex. They started off slow, gentle, but quickly picked up the pace. She rode his lap wildly, loving the feel of his hands holding her hips as he kept up the pace. 
His mouth was on hers, hot and demanding. She opened for him, her tongue dancing with his, her hands clutching at his back and shoulders as his hands gripped her ass.
"Fuck, yeah," he groaned into her ear as a loud, long moan escaped her lips. He squeezed her ass tight, hard enough to bruise her, and she liked it. She could feel his orgasm build and he pulled her hard against him as he came in his underwear. 
As the last shudder of his orgasm passed through him, he manoeuvred her so she was just moving against his thigh, rubbing her clothed clit against bare skin. "Holy shit," he let out, watching her in awe then attaching his mouth to her breasts, sucking and nipping at the skin there, causing her eyes to roll back in her head. 
"Riding a thigh is kind of slutty, don't you think?" He baited as she started to run her hands through his hair. "Are you my little slut, Y/N?"
"You bet, big boy."
Slapping her ass once more, he chuckled and said, "That's my girl," and ogled her as she came apart. He kept her pinned to his body, his mouth finding hers as she shook against him. His breath was hot on her neck as his hands found her breasts once more, squeezing them gently so she'd look at him as he softly asked, "You good?"
"Mm-hmm." She smiled, her entire face, all the way from her eyes to her cheeks, turned up in a huge, goofy grin. Reaching down to the ground, she picked up the first shirt she found and, of course, it was his. Slipping it over her head before he could refuse (not that he would've), she tried to get up but he wouldn't let her.
"I'm cold and I need a pee, let me go."
"Nope, you're not leaving." He buried his face in her neck as his hips stayed her attempt to move. She couldn't help but laugh as he kissed the side of her throat. "Stop laughing."
"I'm not laughing!" she lied, then whispered in his ear, "Let me go, you Brian May looking fuck."
"That's not even an insult. He's an amazing guitarist." She squirmed and giggled and he stayed pressed up against her, his hands not budging. 
Time to change tactics. Being bratty hadn't worked. She found the spot on his head and got to work, itching his skin and sucking on the pulse point on his neck. He let out a groan and his hold on her loosened. "You little fucker," he yelled as she hurried out of her room.
Returning, she found him with a lighter and spliff in hand. "I was planning on asking this before, but, wanna smoke?" She answered by re-opening her window and sliding beside him on her bed. 
Soon, she sat there puffing on the spliff, watching the rain run off the window and down the street while he watched her. She felt his eyes on her and turned to look at him. "You're staring at me." 
 "You are very distracting and I like looking at pretty things." He snatched the joint from her lips, took a drag, blew the smoke out of his nose, and continued, "And, I think you're the prettiest girl I've ever seen."
After a beat, he nervously chuckled, took another hit, and told her, "It's a tough toss up between you and Carrie Fisher, but I do think you beat her by, like, a smidge."
"A smidge? I'll take it." His eyes gleamed as he took another hit and she placed a hand on his bare thigh, comfortingly squeezing it. He looked at her, inhaling deeply as he handed the spliff over. "You know what, I think you're way hotter than Brian May."
Graduation was quickly approaching, but Eddie had been through a lot. Especially after all that went down at spring break. Y/N vividly remembered getting a call from Dustin.
"Hey, you being Eddie's girlfriend and that, you'd know where he is, right?"
"What has he done now?" she asked, feigning annoyance. "Henderson, how did you even get my number?"
From the other line, she heard, "Oh, I have ways, you know me. Listen, I really need to talk to him, like, now. Something's come up."
Y/N knew exactly what had 'come up'. Eddie had hurried away from his trailer and driven himself to Y/N's house, climbing into her window as soon as he got there. She watched as he flopped inside and instantly wrapped his arms around her, his grip tight, almost as if he was afraid that she'd lift off the floor or something.
Leaning away, she took his head in her hands and noticed that not only was as pale as a sheet, but he was shaking too. "What's wrong, baby?" she asked, her voice soothing as she brought her hand to the back of his head and pulled it to her chest.
"She's dead," he cried, his voice muffled by her shirt.
"Wha—who's dead?" she asked, her heartbeat starting to spike. "Who's dead, Eddie?" 
He sobbed into her chest. "Chrissy." It took a few seconds before Y/N truly comprehended what he'd said. "She wanted ket and when I went to look for it... fuck, this is going to sound crazy, but I think she was, uh... possessed."
"Chrissy? Chrissy, what's her face...Cunningham?" He nodded. "How did—you found her?"
"I found her in my trailer. I was looking for the special K and I saw her. I saw her. Her body all contorted, her head thrown back. It was... was horrible, Y/N. S-so, so fucking horrible." 
Oh boy, that was a lot to take in.
"Okay, baby. Take a breath," she tried her best to comfort him, caressing his hair as he sobbed. She needed him to slow down and focus. "Slow, deep breaths."
"I'm sorry, I—I'm sorry," he stammered, pulling away from her. He took several deep breaths, calming himself down before he continued, "I don't know what came over me. I just ran."
She sat him down on her bed and kneeled in front of him, talking his hands as she declared, "I'm trying to understand, I really am, baby. You have to tell me what exactly happened. Step by step, okay?"
So, he did. He told her to the best of his memory everything that happened on that day. And, he was so shaken up, it had to be true. Despite how outlandish it seemed, she believed him.
Hawkins is a weird place, you know. It's got weirdness going on all the time.
However, having a dead girl in your trailer is not a good look. Not good at all. She racked her brain for things he could do. Calling it in would be a sure fire way of getting arrested. And Eddie looking the way he does and acting like the so-called 'freak' that they call him, yeah, there was no way the police would believe him.
A levitating cheerleader who was mangled by an invisible force? No way. None.
Then again, the body could be removed. But based on all the crime shows she'd seen with her parents, tampering with a crime scene was not a good idea. Plus, he was so shaken up that going back to his trailer would not be a good thing.
"When does your uncle get back from work?" She asked, rubbing circles into his jeans with her thumb.
"I...I don't know. Sometime before 7."
There was enough time to come up with a flimsy plan. It wasn't perfect, but it was the best she could manage. "Is there somewhere you could hide out?" Y/N asked, her tone as soft and caring as she could make it. "I would say here, but my parents will ring the pigs as soon as they notice you."
They paused. He looked at her, his eyes red and puffy. He sniffled and came up with an idea. "Rick went to jail months back. His house has got to be free. Right?"
Great idea. Y/N's ears pricked up. It was better than any of her ideas. "Right." She crawled into his lap and hugged him tightly. She started blurting out what she was thinking, "You're going to be okay. We're going to be okay. I promise. Stay here till the morning then drive out to Rick's. That's a plan. A good plan? A plan. It's a plan."
"I left her, Y/N." He buried his face into her neck and continued crying. "I left her there to die."
So much was going on in her head. She was trying her best to come up with the perfect solution, but she was failing. Long term? How would he survive?
"Honestly, sweetheart, I don't think there was much that you could've done." His sobs grew worse as he pulled her closer, soaking her shirt with his tears. "I'm so sorry, baby. I'm sor—I'm so sorry."
The rest of the night was hellish for the both of them. More tears. More sadness. Neither of them slept, nor could have if they tried. Eddie was quieter than he'd ever been before, while Y/N's head was swimming with so many ideas she'd been tossing around since she'd started thinking about the situation at hand.
"It's going to be okay," she whispered, her fingers playing with his hair, assuring herself more than him.
In the early hours of the morning, Eddie decided to leave. Reefer Rick's boathouse was the destination. But beforehand, he needed to say goodbye to Y/N. For all he knew, he could be dead soon.
"I'll be back. I swear," he whispered into her hair, leaning in for a kiss. She smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes. He wanted to believe it was genuine, but he couldn't be sure.
"I'll be waiting." She waited a few seconds to joke, "Yeah, we still haven't fucked yet, so.."
Laughing, his heart felt as heavy as a bag of bricks as she cradled his face, bringing him in for what could be their last kiss. It was slow and gentle. Neither wanted it to end. He stroked her hair and whispered "I love you," as she pressed her lips to his.
"I love you too." She let out a sad chuckle, nodding as she ordered, "Go. Now." He kissed her one last time, giving her a small grin and wiped the tears around her eyes. "Goodbye, rockstar."
"Bye, princess."
Then, he went. Just like that. He snuck out of her bedroom window, leaving her in peace. But there was no peace for him. He knew that much.
Unsurprisingly, the police knocked on the L/N household not long after Chrissy had been found. They were told, as a family, that the girl had gone to visit Eddie and had been found in his trailer. Dead. 
Y/N was questioned extensively. She told them everything she could. Speaking candidly about how sweet Eddie was. Telling the truth until they got to the subject of last night. Then she stopped being honest. She'd do anything to protect Eddie and that included lying to the cops like it was nothing.
Chapter 2
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