#duke callaghan
jonnyconsequence · 1 year
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“Why do you cry?” “He is Conan, Cimmerian. He won’t cry. So I cry for him.”
Conan the Barbarian (1982) Directed by John Milius Cinematography by Duke Callaghan
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simplegenius042 · 9 months
It's hard to choose one wip to ask but, may I know about UnTitled Venture: Village Of Shadows (Resident Evil Village)?
This particular WIP is part of my prequel saga for The UnTitledverse, called The UnTitled Ventures saga.
UnTitled Venture: Village Of Shadows is the third installment of the saga and follows the events of Resident Evil Village. It is still early in WIP but I have a rough idea where I want to take it. Though this isn't set in stone, things might change.
Shortly after the events of UnTitled Venture: Evil Residence (canonically Resident Evil Biohazard), 35-year-old Joaquin Lockwood unfortunately drew the short straw in fate between his small family (which only includes Eveline and his dead best friend/partner's daughter, Elise) and the Winters when being forced by the BSAA, Umbrella and his old pals from Taskforce ECHO in relocating.
So he gets sent to Romania with a regular three-year-old and a BOW ten-year-old while Ethan and Mia go to Hungary. So close and yet so far.
Unfortunately Joaquin and Ethan can't continue their vitriolic bromance that started at the Baker's home anymore so they do so long distance. Sometimes they even visit one another.
Fun fact! Joaquin shares the "godparent of Rose" title with Chris Redfield, which is most definitely not due to the lack of either Ethan's or Mia's families being alive or that interested in their married lives.
Anyway, both Joaquin and Ethan are fungi bros, and are very aware of this considering last time Joaquin checked, he saw Ethan die in the Baker's home and proceeded to be killed afterwards so that's more or less a secret they keep from the BSAA and continue to support one another through their fungus troubles (it's like, "you died in the house, I died in the house, Eveline gave us a miraculous recovery... let's tell no one else about this").
Four years later in February 2021, Joaquin is turning 39, Eveline is 14 and Elise is six turning seven in September.
On the drive home from the Winter's house, Joaquin and his kids' car is hit by wild Mother Miranda and stuck in a ditch, knocking Joaquin unconscious and chasing after Eveline as the young teen runs off into the woods with Elise.
Why would Miranda do this? Because Rose is safe in Hungary and Joaquin's got Mold in him, so its only logical that Elise would too right?
By the time Joaquin wakes up, its still snowing, so he crawls out of the wreckage, takes a duffel bag, and follows after the trail... or more he follows the voice of the fungi screaming from within him to go towards the Village that is going to kick his ass for teaching the Romanian Mold his Aussie words.
He'll be able to call Ethan at the most inconvenient times to his own expense and explain the situation he's gotten himself in, and while Ethan goes prepare a drive to Romania while getting Chris, his BSAA team and Taskforce ECHO together to save his brother from another mother, Joaquin goes to search for his girls in the village, and learns empathy, gets chased by wolfman, loses his dominant hand, becomes best buds with the Duke for giving him a neat prosthetic, appreciates the unnecessary and unhelpful aesthetic of having cool shades in a dark snowy climate, is forced to have tea with the Lords and manages to hate someone more than he does Madame Callaghan.
Overall, its a wonderful family experience that no one with more than three braincells should have to go through.
That's all I got.
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racefortheironthrone · 8 months
Someone on Twitter asked who was the British politician who has harmed the British people the most. Of course all the answers were modern politicians - the earliest suggestion was James Callaghan. Looking further back in history, who were the really bad British politicians?
In order to not answer this with a long list of "History's greatest colonialist monsters," I'm going to focus on just the ones who had a negative effect on "the British people," and in order to not answer that with a long list of "the history of English oppression of the Irish," I'm going to focus on just harm done to "the people who lived in what is currently the U.K." I am well aware that this is highly restrictive, but I don't have the time to write a complete history of Britain.
So who's on my shortlist?
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Pitt the Younger. Fought the Napoleonic Wars on the backs of the poor while violently suppressing any dissent with a police state. He passed the Treason Act of 1795 to criminalize dissent, the Seditious Meetings Act of the same year to criminalize public assemblies, spied on pretty much anyone who wasn't an arch-Tory, suspended the writ of habeus corpus, and passed the Combination Act of 1799 to criminalize trade unions. In a just world, would have died on a guilottine in Trafalgar Square.
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Lord Liverpool. In the wake of the Peterloo Massacre which he was absolutely responsible for, passed the Six Acts to allow the government to search people's houses for arms without a warrant, arrest and transport people for owning weapons or attending a meeting that was deemed to involve unlawful military drilling, reduced due process, shut down all public meetings that involved politics or religion, arrest and transport anyone who wrote anything that criticized the government or Christianity, and heavily tax and impose bonds on newspaper publishers. In a just world, the Cato Street Conspirators would have exercised better tradecraft and assassinated him and his entire government.
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Arthur Wellesley, the Duke of Wellington. Followed up his victory in the Napoleonic Wars by fighting a war against the British people. Arch Tory bastard, adamantly opposed any political Reform that would enfranchise ordinary people, and opposed Jewish emancipation while supporting Catholic emancipation. To be honest, I wish the mob had torched Apsley House with him inside when they had the chance.
As for the runners-up?
Bonar Law, Stanley Baldwin, and Ramsay fucking MacDonald for dropping the Geddes Axe and then subjecting British workers to twenty years of crippling austerity and repression.
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littlewitchlilim · 3 months
havoc | nolan & lilim
"His Highness, Phoenix Ironfeather, Duke of Plumage," the witch read mostly to herself as she entered Callaghan's Repair Shop with her entourage once the metal bird squawked its welcome in her direction. Lilim had never been in the place before, but she'd had a particularly busy day at her own shop and didn't want to expend any more magic than necessary to fix the pocket watch her Daddy had gifted her decades ago. One could never know when her abilities were needed, and she'd used a lot of her magic today.
Head tilting, she looked at the metallic bird more closely. Okay, it wasn't technically a necessary use of magic, but the urge was there all the same to animate the creature. The witch let a tendril of her power out, reaching for the little spark of potential that seemed to reside within its chest. Lilim watched with rapt fascination as it took off from its perch, giggling maniacally as it began to wreak havoc. It hadn't been her intent whatsoever, but she didn't always have full control of the things she played with. "Oops," she muttered unapologetically, watching the bird begin to cause destruction in the shop.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 11 days
Prince Harry's Only Way Back is Divorce From TOW - The Duke At 40 - Kinsey and Maureen Callaghan. SO GOOD! (34 min video) by u/TMCze
Prince Harry's Only Way Back is Divorce From TOW - The Duke At 40 - Kinsey and Maureen Callaghan. SO GOOD! (34 min video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkKKUBngTgc post link: https://ift.tt/tdAsVYz author: TMCze submitted: September 13, 2024 at 09:03PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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PIC(S) INFO: Spotlight on poster art of Arnold Schwarzenegger in warpaint as the titular Conan the Barbarian, from the 1982 film of the same name, directed by John Milius. The same image was also featured on the cover of "American Film" magazine. May, 1982 issue.
Resolution at 2399x3375 & 1185x1600.
Costume design: John Bloomfield
Cinematography: Duke Callaghan
Makeup: Jose Antonio Sanchez & Paquita Nuñez
Sources: www.filmartgallery.com/a/s/products/conan-the-barbarian & www.ebay.com/itm/364104305599.
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soldier-requests · 5 months
uhhhh hi
i was curious about a name suggestion request for a masc mad scientist kinnie. very frankenstein adjacent but in the 70s. i was weird and lonely, a mortician turned mad scientist when i decided to start experimenting with reanimation. basically a lovesick gay doctor frankenstein.
i loved tea and sweets and taxidermy, i was chronically ill so i spent most of my time at home with my “work”.
i dont have anything specific in mind, just wanna see what vibe you get :)
hello!! that all sounds sick as hell /pos, i'll whip up some ideas ^_^.
names under the cut!
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nightsidewrestling · 7 months
D.U.D.E Bios: Napier Rhydderch
The Cyhyraeth Duke Napier Rhydderch (2020)
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Patrick's son and Naoise's grandson, Napier. AN Irish-Catholic living in Wales and a motivated and tender-hearted young man. He's one of Kirby's first cousins once removed.
"Look like a badass, feel like a badass."
Full Legal Name: Napier Ross Finbar Ophiuchus Rhydderch
First Name: Napier
Meaning: From an English and Scots surname meaning 'Linen keeper' in Middle English, from Old French 'Nappe' 'Table cloth'.
Pronunciation: NAY-pee-uh
Origin: English
Middle Name(s): Ross, Finbar, Ophiuchus
Meaning(s): Ross: From a Scottish and English surname that originally indicated a person from a place called 'Ross', derived from Gaelic 'Ros' meaning 'Promontory, Headland'. Finbar: Anglicized form of 'Fionnbharr', Old Irish 'Finnbarr', derived from 'Finn' 'White, Blessed' and 'Barr' 'Top, Head'. Ophiuchus: Latinized form of Greek 'Ophiouchos' Meaning 'Serpent bearer'.
Pronunciation(s): RAWS. FIN-bahr. o-fee-YOO-kas / ahf-ee-YOO-kas
Origin(s): Scottish, English. Irish. Astronomy.
Surname: Rhydderch
Meaning: From the given name 'Rhydderch' from the Old Welsh name 'Riderch', derived from 'Ri' 'King' and 'Derch' 'Exalted'.
Pronunciation: HRUDH-ehrkh
Origin: Welsh
Alias: Cyhyraeth Duke, Napier Rhydderch
Reason: This is Napier's ring name
Nicknames: Barry
Titles: Mr
Age: 18
Gender: Male. He/Him Pronouns
Race: Human
Nationality: Welsh
Ethnicity: White
Birth Date: October 1st 2002
Symbols: Banshees, Cyhyraeths, Ghosts, Crowns
Sexuality: Pansexual
Religion: Irish-Catholic
Native Language: Welsh
Spoken Languages: Welsh, Irish, Scottish (Scots Gaelic), English, Swedish
Relationship Status: Dating
Astrological Sign: Libra
Theme Song: 'Unconditional Love' - Cyndi Lauper (2020-)
Voice Actor: Dan Mitchell
Geographical Characteristics
Birthplace: Llanfaethlu, Anglesey, Wales
Current Location: Llanfaethlu, Anglesey, Wales
Hometown: Llanfaethlu, Anglesey, Wales
Height: 5'11" / 180 cm
Weight: 157 lbs / 71 kg
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Brown
Hair Dye: None
Body Hair: Sparse
Facial Hair: Clean Shaven
Tattoos: (As of Jan 2020) 0
Piercings: Ear Lobe (Triple, Both), Snake Eyes
Scars: None
Health and Fitness
Allergies: None
Alcoholic, Smoker, Drug User: Smoker, Social Drinker
Illnesses/Disorders: None Diagnosed
Medications: None
Any Specific Diet: None
Allies: (As of Jan 2020) The Rhydderch Clan
Enemies: (As of Jan 2020) None
Friends: Isidore Herbert, Odin Rhydderch, Gabriel O'Hannigan, Zayden O'Hannegan, Pacey Rhydderch, Zechariah Rhydderch, Eadberht Rhydderch
Colleagues: The C.R.C Locker Rooms / Too Many To List
Rivals: None
Closest Confidant: Zuleika Björklund
Mentor: Patrick Rhydderch
Significant Other: Zuleika Björklund (19, Girlfriend)
Previous Partners: None of Note
Parents: Patrick Rhydderch (41, Father), Moira Rhydderch (42, Mother, Née Callaghan)
Parents-In-Law: None
Siblings: Macaulay Rhydderch (21, Brother), Oighrig Rhydderch (15, Sister), Paige Rhydderch (12, Sister), Quintus Rhydderch (9, Brother), Radcliff Rhydderch (6, Brother), Sable Rhydderch (3, Sister)
Siblings-In-Law: Anwen Rhydderch (22, Macaulay's Wife, Née MacIntyre)
Nieces & Nephews: Alpin Rhydderch (1, Nephew)
Children: None
Children-In-Law: None
Grandkids: None
Great Grandkids: None
Billed From: Anglesey, Wales
Trainer: The C.R.C Wrestling School, Naoise Rhydderch, Patrick Rhydderch
Managers: Zuleika Björklund
Wrestlers Managed: Zuleika Björklund
Debut: 2020
Debut Match: Napier Rhydderch VS Patrick Rhydderch. Double Count Out
Retired: N/A
Retirement Match: N/A
Wrestling Style: Brawler / Hardcore
Stables: The Rhydderch Clan (2020-)
Teams: No Team Names
Regular Moves: Belly To Back Suplex, Bulldog, Figure-Four Leglock, Inverted Atomic Drop, Low Blow, Multiple Jabs, Poking / Raking Opponent’s Eyes, Running High Knee Strike, Big Boot, Atomic Drop, Backbreaker Rack, Diving Overhead Chop, High Knee, One-Armed Body Slam, Piledriver, Running Big Boot, Running Leg Drop, Vertical Suplex Powerslam
Finishers: Sleeper Hold, Jumping Knee Drop, Top Rope Jumping Knee Drop
Refers To Fans As: The Fans, The Family
Backstory: Napier Rhydderch of the C.R.C (Welsh Wrestling League / Cynghrair Reslo Cymru) owning Rhydderch family. When Patrick dies Napier will have a 1/392th ownership of the promotion. Napier is a 'Cyhyraeth Style’ (Brawler / Hardcore) trainer. He’s mostly Irish.
Trivia: Nothing of Note
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Aron Stokes (movimuswrestling.com) / Aron (ucwrestling.com)
I don't watch nearly enough mat wrestling.  Lately I've been gravitating towards ring matches because of all the long, lingering close ups and often better production values.  All this to say I'm going to start posting more mat wrestling and I'll start off with Aron Stokes. 
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Aron (ucwrestling.com) / Aron Stokes (movimuswrestling.com)
Now I mentioned it before that I wrestled in high school.  What I didn't mention was how obsessed I was with wrestling in high school - in fact I used to eat, sleep, and dream about wrestling.  Well scratch eat.  There wasn't a lot of eating when I had to cut weight.  
Long story short, I was hooked on wrestling from the beginning.  In fact, just the musty smell of rubber/plastic or whatever those mats were made of, and suddenly I'm brought back to those days.  When I'm watching a good freestyle match I can almost feel every groan, every bead of sweat sliding off of one guy and landing on the other, and most of all, I receive flashbacks of the burn of getting my cheek shoved into the mat.    
So I don't know what it is but I've always associated pro wrestling with sex and mat wrestling with sport.  But who says sports can't also be sexy?
Appearances [Not all shown]
Aron Stokes (movimuswrestling.com)
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Aron Stokes v Casey Callaghan (movimuswrestling.com)
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Aron Stokes v Duke Russo (movimuswrestling.com)
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That smile!  Aron Stokes v Ivan Karamazoff (movimuswrestling.com)
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Aron Stokes v Connor Flynn (movimuswrestling.com)
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Aron Stokes v Doug Acre (movimuswrestling.com)
Aron (ucwrestling.com)
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Aron v Joey Cantrell and Twisted Torment (ucwrestling.com)
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Aron v Razor (ucwrestling.com)
For additional images , check out:
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mamispersonal · 2 months
⚜ 𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔖𝔠𝔬𝔯𝔫𝔢𝔡 𝔒𝔫𝔢 (ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔒𝔫𝔢 𝔓𝔯𝔢𝔳𝔦𝔢𝔴) ⚜
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I've begun writing my own original piece, after nearly 10 years of not touching my series, "The Scorned One", I have started writing the first chapter and this is what I have to show for it, thus far. The genre of this book, if ever to be published, is set in a fantasy setting where the war between light and darkness take place. The book would deal with mature themes such as: genocide, abuse (mental and physical), self harm, death, sickness, and the oppressive hold of forced religion and practices. I have yet to weed out and tweak my sentence structure, but without further ado, I present to you a preview. TW for abuse, mentions of religion, death, genocide, and war.
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Oh, how he absolutely abhorred the stench of the peasants, blissfully unaware as they tended to their flower gardens and their perfectly picturesque lives, all the while; completely unaware of the torments he faced each and every day. Ever since his conception, he had been forced to live a sheltered and strict lifestyle. 
That was, if one could call living under 24 hour supervision in a cramped, dingy prison cell, a “lifestyle”, then you might understand the contempt he held for those who kissed upon the sweet lips of freedom. From as far back as he could form thoughts, Cain had been ripped from his mothers arms, never having had the privilege of remembering what her face looked like, and just like that, his freedom had been revoked.
Violently yet unfairly wrenched from his tiny, weak, feeble fingers, all because he was the product of a forbidden union between a Heiress of Radiance who had fallen madly in love with a Duke of Darkness. Just for that…he would suffer at the hands of the King’s court, but as though that itself were not enough; Cain shared a blood connection with the King himself.
You see, King Callahan was his grandfather but not the kind nor nurturing man the Kingdom was so blindly enamoured with. No, this man was no King but a fraud draped in the most extravagant robes only bloodshed and fallen enemies could buy. Behind the scenes, Callahan was a cold, ruthless, wicked monster who fed upon the many pains and torments he bestowed upon his enemies.
A man who craved violence and enjoyed riding his mount out to the battlefield. A beast who revelled in the anguish and death that followed in his wake, all while proclaiming that his deeds were the works of the Almighty Allseer.
And do you know what? That wasn’t even the sickest part of it all. No, the most vile and reprehensible thing was that the people of the Kingdom ate it up, blindly believing that their Kings vicious acts of genocide and persecution was because Callaghan was looking out for their best interest, eliminating any future threats that might come their way. 
In the end, they would all get what they deserved, and for caging him up like some wild beast, Cain would savor the expression of agony as he orchestrated each and every one of his oppressors' slow and unforgiving deaths.
Unflinchingly, Cain met eyes with the real monster, mouth drawn taut into a grimace, “I shudder at the thought that we should share any blood whatsoever, perhaps I should do us both a favor and smite you where you stand?” Callahan sneered, sword in hand whilst he tauntingly ran the edge of his steel along Cain’s skin, drawing a thin line of blood in the process.
At times, Callaghan displayed a sick sense of humor, if one could call it that. Chuckling, Cain’s voice carried out into the open in a hoarse snarling chuckle, “You’re not fooling anyone. Least of all, not me. I should know more than anyone that what you speak of would not be a death sentence but a proclamation of freedom! Had you wanted to kill me, you’d have done so while I was a wee-babe, too feeble and weak to defend myself!” And oh, how he had laughed. Deep, throaty-laughter bouncing off the stone walls of the prison cell as the fresh tears began to roll down his dirty cheeks. 
“You don’t have the guts to kill me because then who else would fill your time like I do? Who else but me would fill your head and get under your skin the way I have? For a man who likes to dress up and call himself “King”, you’re all talk and no game.”
For speaking against him, Cain already knew what was to come and didn’t bother bracing himself as King Callahan balled up a fist and drove it across his jaw, causing an all too familiar spark or pain to erupt across his already-battered skin.
“You wretched demon, you know nothing! Yet you think it right to open your maw and judge me as you see fit! You should know that the only one fit enough to see judgment on me is the All Seeing One!”
“Hah, and I suppose by “All Seeing One”, you’re referring to the God you and your self-righteous holy rollers ceaselessly worship and pray to for protection?” Just like before, Cain merely grunted as the King’s knee drove into his stomach with enough force to make him sick, but not enough to break his spirit. “You know, if it were me up there, I would chew you up and spit you out of my mouth. You and every last one of your followers. Even I, a mere mortal am no God and I see you for the man you really are. Perhaps it is you who should be chained up and not I?"
Gritting his teeth, the sharp points of his canines dug into his lower lip, enough to break the skin and cause fresh rivulets of blood to rush up. 
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burtlancster · 2 months
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The Scalphunters — 1968. dir. sydney pollack, cin. duke callaghan; richard moore
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moviereviews101web · 7 months
Vindication Swim (2024) Movie Review
Vindication Swim – Movie Review Director: Elliott Hasler (WWII The Long Road Home) Writer: Elliott Hasler (Screenplay) Cast Kirsten Callaghan John Locke (Poor Things) Victoria Summer (Saving Mr Banks) Douglas Hodge (Joker) James Wilby (The Duke) Justin Hayward (Are We Monsters) Plot: The inspirational story of Mercedes Gleitze, the first British woman to swim the English Channel and her…
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agrippinaes · 9 months
books I read in 2023
I read 240 books in 2023, which is lower than my total books read than the past few years. But it'd be ridiculous to be bothered by it because, hey, I still read 240 books!
I set myself a goal of trying to read more out of my comfort zone this year. I wanted to read 30 non-romance books, 25 physical books, and 10 non-fiction books. By the end of the year, I'd read a total of 54 non-romance books, 62 physical books, and 27 non-fiction books. I'm hoping to continue in this vein in 2024.
Other stats - for fun -
My most-read author was Cassie Mint
I gave out 32 5* ratings
My most-read genre was (of course) romance, 120 of which were contemporary
I owned most of the books I read
I read the most books in June, with 34 books read, followed by August, with 25 books read
My most read trope was forced proximity, followed by hate-to-love
So, below is a list of the books I read this year. Rereads are italicised, favourite reads are in bold.
Recollection by Noelle Adams
When in Rome by Sarah Adams
Spring Breeze by Lily Alexander
Fornever Yours by Natasha Anders
Don't Pretend I'm Yours by Natasha Anders
In Your Dreams, Holden Rhodes by Stephanie Archer
The Long Game by Elena Armas
The Witchwood Knot by Olivia Atwater
Finding Love in Apartment 2C by Samantha Baca
Asking for Trouble by Tessa Bailey
Unfortunately Yours by Tessa Bailey
Same Time Next Year by Tessa Bailey
Kept by Maya Banks
Hell Bent by Leigh Bardugo
Chick Magnet by Emma Barry
The (Ex) Spy Who (Maybe) Loved Me by Christi Barth
Wet and Reckless by Samanthe Beck
Witches Copse by Math Bird
The Stolen Heir by Holly Black
Every Wish Way by Shannon Bright
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Bronte
Desire or Defense by Leah Brunner
Enchanted to Meet You by Meg Cabot
Ms Perfectly Fine by Kate Callaghan
Shucked by Kate Canterbary
1 Last Shot by Nikki Castle
Eyes on Me by Sarah Cate
Highest Bidder by Sarah Cate
Why Didn't They Ask Evans? by Agatha Christie
Go Hex Yourself by Jessica Clare
Beauty and the Billionaire by Jessica Clare
Georgie, All Along by Kate Clayborn
Pining for My Friend's Dad by Daniella Cole
Unsteady by Peyton Corinne
Her Greatest Mistake by Hannah Cowan
Shadows of You by Catherine Cowles
Night Shift by Annie Crown
Her Majesty's Royal Coven by Juno Dawson
Bending the Rules by Mariah Dietz
Moist Actually by Ash Dylan
Everything's Better with Lisa by Lucy Eden
The Fall of Bradley Reed by Morgan Elizabeth
The Protector by Morgan Elizabeth
A Matter of Scandal by Suzanne Enoch
Reforming a Rake by Suzanne Enoch
Pretty Little Thing by L.K. Farlow
Emily Wilde's Encyclopaedia of Faeries by Heather Fawcett
The Nanny by Lana Ferguson
Mafia Madman by Mila Finelli
Mafia Virgin by Mila Finelli
No Limits by Lori Foster
Holding Strong by Lori Foster
Tough Love by Lori Foster
Fighting Dirty by Lori Foster
True Spies by Shana Galen
The Pumpkin Spice Cafe by Laurie Gilmore
A Cup of Zodiac by Alexis Gorgun
Wildfire by Hannah Grace
Trust Me by Rachel Grant
Control Freak by Brianna Hale
Dom Fitness by Brianna Hale
Gym Bunny by Brianna Hale
Princess Brat by Brianna Hale
The Twyford Code by Janice Hallett
The Christmas Appeal by Janice Hallett
Runaway Love by Melanie Harlow
Witches Get Stuff Done by Molly Harper
Rent to Be by Sonia Hartl
Temptation by Jenna Hartley
An Optimist's Guide to Heartbreak by Jennifer Hartmann
A Pessimist's Guide to Love by Jennifer Hartmann
A Witch's Guide to Fake Dating a Demon by Sarah Hawley
Billion Dollar Enemy by Olivia Hayle
When a Duke Loves a Woman by Lorraine Heath
One Touch by Lena Hendrix
The League of Gentlewomen Witches by India Holton
Godmersham Park by Gill Hornby
Twisted Love by Ana Huang
King of Greed by Ana Huang
Babymoon or Bust by Ava Hunter
Pucked by Helena Hunting
Kiss My Cupcake by Helena Hunting
Five Survive by Holly Jackson
We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson
Not That Duke by Eloisa James
Seven Minutes in Heaven by Eloisa James
String Me Along by Lilian T. James
The Intern by Sophia Karlson
Offside by Avery Keelan
Shutout by Avery Keelan
Against the Clock by Brittany Kelley
Against the Odds by Brittany Kelley
Willow and the Wolf by Elizabeth Kelly
Ava and the Bear by Elizabeth Kelly
Hold by Claire Kent
Nameless by Claire Kent
Nettle and Bone by T. Kingfisher
What Moves the Dead by T. Kingfisher
Hot Single Dad by Claire Kingsley
Love in the Afternoon by Lisa Kleypas
A Wallflower Christmas by Lisa Kleypas
Jingle Bell Beard by Julie Kriss
Forever Your Rogue by Erin Langston
Grimstone by Sophie Lark
The Billionaire's Bride of Convenience by Miranda Lee
Only a Monster by Vanessa Len
A Rake's Guide to Seduction by Caroline Linden
Good Girl Fail by Roni Loren
Hate You by Tracy Lorraine
Fighting Mr. Knight by Rosa Lucas
Fifth Avenue Fling by Rosa Lucas
Crash by Tamara Lush
Drive by Tamara Lush
Consider Me by Becka Mack
Bombshell by Sarah MacLean
Wife Project by Chloe Maine
To Hate Adam Connor by Ella Maise
Recipe for Love by Anne Malcom
Method for Matrimony by Anne Malcom
New Hope, Old Grudges by Anne Malcom
A Marvellous Light by Freya Marske
Her Best Worst Mistake by Sarah Mayberry
Dahlia Made a List by Jenna McCall
Breathless by Amy McCulloch
This Charming Man by C.K. McDonnell
Love Will Tear Us Apart by C.K. McDonnell
Sticks and Stone by Grace McGinty
Trail of Deception by Amanda McKinney
A Missing Connection by Dani McLean
Four Weddings and a Duke by Michelle McLean
Crash by Ruby McNally
An Extravagant Duplicity by Lynn Messina
Thief by Cassie Mint
Hacker by Cassie Mint
Honey Trap by Cassie Mint
Beauty and the Kingpin by Cassie Mint
Ocean Jewel by Cassie Mint
Big Boss by Cassie Mint
Grump Gone Wild by Cassie Mint
Ride or Die by Cassie Mint
Thin Ice by Cassie Mint
Husband Skills by Cassie Mint
The Stranger by Cassie Mint
She Was Made for Me by Jen Morris
A Holly Jolly Ever After by Julie Murphy and Sierra Simone
Playing by the Rules by Monica Murphy
The Brazen by Willa Nash
How to Lose at Love by Sarah Ney
Pleasing Mr. Parker by Elle Nicoll
Convergence of Desire by Felicity Niven
Duke the Halls by Felicity Niven
The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea by Elizabeth O'Roark
The Devil You Know by Elizabeth O'Roark
The Devil Gets His Due by Elizabeth O'Roark
The Summer I Saved You by Elizabeth O'Roark
All Downhill With You by Julie Olivia
The Love Wager by Lynn Painter
A Deal With the Bossy Devil by Kyra Parsi
The Barista's Guide to Perfect Steam by Valerie Pepper
Timid by Devney Perry
Call Me Irresistible by Susan Elizabeth Phillips
Lady Len and the Mysterious Mac by Rose Prendeville
The River Knows by Amanda Quick
Dangerous by Amanda Quick
Reckless by Amanda Quick
Otherwise Engaged by Amanda Quick
She Drives Me Crazy by Kelly Quindlen
The Fantasy League by Meg Reading
Accidentally Compromising the Duke by Stacy Reid
An Earl to Remember by Stacy Reid
First Down by Grace Reilly
Breakaway by Grace Reilly
Alive at Night by Amelie Rhys
Playing the Part by Macy T. Riosa
Contractual Obligations by Elle Rivers
This Spells Love by Kate Robb
Rough by Renee Rose and Vanessa Vale
Wild by Renee Rose and Vanessa Vale
Done and Dusted by Lyla Sage
Hunting for a Highlander by Lynsay Sands
Things We Hide From the Light by Lucy Score
Things We Left Behind by Lucy Score
The Gangster's Prize by Joanna Shupe
Flawless by Elsie Silver
Heartless by Elsie Silver
Sinners Condemned by Somme Sketcher
Sinners Consumed by Somme Sketcher
Take My Daddy, I'll Take Yours by Jenika Snow
First Meet Foul by Jaqueline Snowe
Everyone In My Family Has Killed Someone by Benjamin Stevenson
Dracula by Bram Stoker
The Cottage by Lisa Stone
Love in the Time of Serial Killers by Alicia Thompson
Women Talking by Miriam Toews
Mile High by Liz Tomforde
Man Candy by Vanessa Vale
Man Cave by Vanessa Vale
Man Splain by Vanessa Vale
Man Handle by Vanessa Vale
South by Vanessa Vale
Wall St. Jerk by Megan Wade
The Pawn by Skye Warren
The Knight by Skye Warren
His Curvy Rejected Mate by Cate C. Wells
Secret Santa by Kati Wilde
To Say Nothing of the Dog by Connie Willis
The Boyfriend Candidate by Ashley Winstead
Dear Grumpy Boss by Julia Wolf
Sincerely, Your Inconvenient Wife by Julia Wolf
Shiver by Suzanne Wright
Tempt Me by Tara Wyatt
Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros
A Little Too Close by Rebecca Yarros
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xtruss · 1 year
Photos: From ‘Innocent Prince’ to ‘Adulterer & Killer King,’ The Filthy Life of Charles III
As King Charles settles into his new role, Al Jazeera takes a look at his life through photos.
— In Pictures | Gallery | 01 May, 2023 | Al-Jazeera
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Back when he was still Prince of Wales, Charles opened parliament for the first time on May 10, 2022, and reads the Queen's Speech on behalf of his ailing mother. File: Alastair Grant/WPA pool/Getty Images
Britain’s 74-year-old King Charles III, who will be crowned on Saturday, was the oldest sovereign to take the throne in a lineage that dates back 1,000 years when he succeeded his popular mother, Queen Elizabeth II, after her death in September. She had reigned for 70 years.
Charles does not enjoy the same support as his widely admired mother, but his public approval ratings are generally positive. An opinion poll last week showed many more people hold favourable views of him than negative although there is also a wide segment expressing indifference.
Republican sentiment – which was almost entirely absent publicly during Elizabeth’s reign – has become visible with eggs thrown at the king and his wife, Camilla, on one trip and small groups of protesters voicing opposition at others.
Buckingham Palace has supported research into the monarchy’s links to slavery as calls grow for apologies and reparations, not least from some of the 14 Commonwealth realms, where Charles is also king.
The Guardian newspaper has run a series of articles raising questions about the opaque nature of the wealth and finances of the institution and the royal family, an issue that resonates at a time when Britons are facing a cost of living crisis.
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Left: Then-Princess Elizabeth is pictured with her first son, Prince Charles, at Buckingham Palace after his christening in London on December 15, 1948. File: AP Right: In this July 27, 1958, photo, Prince Charles wears his school uniform. He became the first heir apparent to the British throne to attend school rather than have a private tutor. File: AP
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Top: A 7-year-old Charles sits with his mother and younger sister, Princess Anne, as they watch the final match of the Smith's lawn polo cup in Windsor, England, on June 23, 1956. File: AP Bottom: Prince Charles arrives at London Airport from Glasgow on April 2, 1964, at a time when he was a student at Gordonstoun School in northeast Scotland, which his father, Prince Philip, also attended. File: AP
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Top: An 18-year-old Prince Charles leaves Buckingham Palace with Queen Elizabeth in a state coach on October 31, 1967, for the opening of parliament. It was the first time the prince took part in the ceremony. File: AP Bottom: Prince Charles and Tricia Nixon, daughter of US President Richard Nixon, discuss baseball at RFK Stadium in Washington, DC, on July 18, 1970, during a trip the prince made to the US capital with his sister, Princess Anne, after they had visited Canada with their parents. File: AP
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Top: Prince Charles walks with Imelda Marcos, first lady of the Philippines, in Katmandu on February 24, 1975, at the coronation ceremony for Nepal’s King Birendra. File: AP Bottom: Prince Charles drinks from a freshly cut green coconut at Haripur village, which he visited during a one-day trip to Bhubaneswar, India, on December 4, 1980. The prince is wearing a marigold garland, which was given to him by villagers. File: Santosh Basak/AP
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Top: Queen Elizabeth II crowns her son the Prince of Wales during his investiture ceremony on July 1, 1969, at Caernarfon Castle in Wales. Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, is seated at the right, and British Home Secretary James Callaghan stands next to the prince. File: AP Bottom: Prince Charles wed Diana, Princess of Wales, on July 29, 1981. The couple appeared with his parents, Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Phillip, on the balcony of Buckingham Palace in London after their marriage at St Paul's Cathedral. File: AP
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Top: Charles and Diana take home their firstborn son, Prince William, from St Mary's Hospital in London on June 22, 1982, the day after his birth. File: John Redman/AP Bottom: Charles and Diana made their second trip to Australia together in 1985 to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the state of Victoria, named after Charles's great-great-great-grandmother. File: AP
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Top: Charles greets models wearing clothing from a local designer during a tour of Soweto, South Africa, on November 3, 2011. File: Kim Lubbrook/pool/AP Bottom: Charles speaks after a performance by the Australian Chamber Orchestra at St James Palace in central London on December 12, 2011. File: Lefteris Pitarakis/pool/AP
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After preparing for the crown his entire life, Charles was king on April 28, 2023, when the Royal Canadian Mounted Police presented him with a horse named Noble as he accepted the role of commissioner-in-chief of the police force at Windsor Castle. At the age of 73, he had become the oldest person to ever assume the British throne when Queen Elizabeth died on September 8, 2022. File: Andrew Matthews/pool/AP
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doctorrebelprincess · 2 years
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Andrea ‘Andy’ Parker
38 years old (Birthday: 27th July)
Neutral - occasional Resistance ally
So What Happened?
Andy wasn’t a believer but you can’t deny what’s right in front of you. People adapt, they survive and that’s exactly what she did when shit hit the fan in Havensdale (AKA Domesdale). Her sister, Felicity, and her Montgomery family were ejected from their home. Thankfully, they were taken in by the McArthurs and there was safety in numbers.
After a flirationship turned friendship turned...something real, huh? Andy and Duke Callaghan are now togetherTM. Rocky as it might have threatened to be at first, Andy loves his kids Landon and Ashley with all her heart.
Um, speaking of being a parent... Something to tell you...
Something weird had been going on with Ava Montgomery for a while when she ended up shifting in the chaos of the McArthur house in the middle of Domesdale. Ava!? A Shifter...? The accusations were flying!! Had Ethan and Felicity...? Andy and Felicity shared a long, meaningful look and agreed then it was time for the truth to come out.
Andrea Parker is Ava’s biological mom. And Ava’s dad? A shifter. In fact, your favourite, gorgeous, weatherman: ‘Gorgeous’ George Weston.
If everything going on in Havensdale wasn’t enough, that bomb shell shook all of their lives and still has. On the side of that, Andy is still a doctor. Havensdale is a different place and the number of bloody necks she’d had to patch up...
With the cat out the bag, she also learned about why her former beloved Veronica Ross had kept so many secrets. Andy may have been furious with her all over again but she also wanted to help. So now she does her best keeping the blood on the inside of regular folks instead of the outside- along with Resistance fighters.
Wanted Connections
Fellow doctors/nurses/medics etc who are helping out in these trying times!
Similarly, Resistance members that Andy has helped to patch up after an unfortunate mission.
Um, if anyone fancies the #drama of playing Gorgeous George.........
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genevieveetguy · 7 years
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All the gods, they cannot sever us. If I were dead and you were still fighting for life, I'd come back from the darkness. Back from the pit of hell to fight at your side.
Conan the Barbarian, John Milius (1982)
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