raylangivins · 2 months
you should make that poll i want to assign people to treachery :)
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fkajohnlennon · 2 months
azure ^.^
You’re right actually
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big-barn-bed · 2 years
What are your top 3 paul looks?
Oh🥺 I could never possibly be normal about anything, so here’s a stupid amount of pictures:
1.) Whenever he wears red! It’s the sluttiest color! Makes sense!
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2.) The classic “sweater over collared shirt/every man on earth has worn this look” look. I mean my standards are on the floor here but something about it just makes me go: yeah🥹 that’s Paul🥹🥹
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3.) And saving the best for last.. Paul wearing a big ass coat! Swallow him up!!! Makes my knees quiver every time.
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Snug as a bug in a rug. 🪲
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pennielane · 2 years
we would be warm below the storm in our little hideaway beneath the waves
yeah 🥺
Ohhhh my sweet little beloved overlooked octopus’s garden 🥹
Second time on side A that they’ve used nature to parallel Human Emotion and it’s quite endearing
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bilbao-song · 2 years
what’s your favorite Jeffrey era?
WHEW god they all have their merits but i will narrow it down to like……four? choices
1975/1976. he was just exceptionally cute-looking in this era lmao plus it was near the peak of ELO popularity, so there’s a decent amount of content available in the first place :)
very late 80s-1990ish jeffrey. i don’t even know why specifically, but he looked lovely and there’s just something about that lil window of time that’s kind of interesting to me
1978 jeffrey!!! he looked very sleek and refined in that era; lots of very classy lil outfits
current-ish jeffrey 💕 he’s just so cute and i’m glad that things seem to have gone well for him in recent years bc he’s a sweetie pie and he deserves it
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mydaroga · 2 years
ask game: blooming tea & chamomile
blooming tea: favourite flower? Oh man. If we're talking cut, anything unusual but I don't mean exotic? I mean like, getting daisies or sunflowers in a bouquet, I love that. But I also LOVE how lilies smell. And I love how day lilies look outside. chamomile:comfort movie? I used to rewatch movies way more than I do now! These days I'm way too conscious of how much there is I haven't seen. Maybe Josie and the Pussycats.
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chut-je-dors · 2 years
🎢 🍦 💔
Note: i have like 39C fever right now and my muscles and joints are hurting SO i’m sorry i might not be coherent
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride? 
that would have to be the hot series altogether... i’m never quite sure what’s gonna happen next, until i’ve written it and just go “well, that’ll do”. the hot mechanic especially shines in that department. no thought went into the plot until it had already happened, i love the utter madness that lies in that fic. and cringe. but hey, it’s been ten years since i started writing it! drinks are on me
🍦 What's the sweetest fic you've created so far? 
that prize will probably have to go to 5 thomas lane. anyone disagreeing? good.
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart? 
oh... well i actually cried while writing this is not them, so that fic.... i mean, i’ve sworn to never write a fic like that again, and that says something. it was just way too heavy to me as a writer to be inside the characters’ heads, and then describe what they were feeling (or what they WEREN’T). especially since AFTER writing that fic i’ve dealt with a burnout and depression myself, not to mention a severe trauma, that now i can barely bring myself to read the story from start to beginning. fun fact: what breaks me especially is george. dude is getting married, he’s so happy about it and everything seems to be going fine for him, and at the same time watches paul from the side without knowing how to help his best friend, and then he has to face paul nearly dying. and all that while having to acknowledge you’re not the most important person in paul’s life anymore, despite all the things you’ve done for him. and you can see how the person that’s taking paul away from you is (superficially) just making things worse. DEVASTATING, I WILL STOP TALKING ABOUT THIS
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wernerherzogs · 30 days
omg happy birthday ❣️❣️❣️ hope it’s been lovely 🌻
thank you, mk!!! 💖 it really has been nice! ☺️☺️☺️
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uhoh-but-yeah-alright · 2 months
noooo that happened to me recently I ate shit right in front of a crowded bus stop it was SOOOO embarrassing. people were concerned and I was just trying to pick the contents of my bag off the sidewalk and scurry away so I could lick my wounds in peace. I hope your injuries are all better soon and love island fixes all of your troubles <3
Oh lord I've been exactly there so many times I feel you! Also I'm in love with all my fellow shit-eaters coming out of the woodwork to check in kisses to all of us and our bruised and scarred knees! 😂😂
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Liam come be concerned for all of us too!!
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javelinbk · 2 years
What are your top 5 mclennon moments?
Wow, I like the way you just throw that out there like it’s such an easy question, anon. Why don’t you ask me why they broke up while you’re here 😉
It’s impossible to pick specific moments so I’m going to cheat and go for general types of moments. I’m sure I’ll hit post and immediately think of loads of other too
1. Whenever they did their beetle crawl
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2. Whenever they do the equivalent of pulling each other’s hair
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3. Whenever they share a microphone and can’t stop smiling at each other or being cute
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4. Whenever Paul thinks John is just the funniest/cutest person in the world and just can’t help smiling/laughing/beaming like a lovesick puppy
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5. Whenever they are concerned/protective of each other (see: Paul being ill, John’s Jesus controversy, Paul’s LSD controversy etc)
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GIFs by dumbcloud
I think that will do for now! Thanks for the ask!
(fyi: not all gifs made by me)
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theoldmixer · 2 years
ask game: 💖 🛠 ⛔️ 🤲
💖 What made you start writing?
I've always loved coming up with my own stories even if I wasn't good at it. I think I started writing fanfiction because I wanted to come up with my own stories for my ships. I hand-wrote my first fanfic in high school for Harry Potter and passed it as a note to my friend. It's very very cringe. I know I still have it somewhere. In college I decided to write my first fic, which was a Charlie/Claire fanfic for the show LOST. It was on LJ and is still on ff.net 🙈
🛠What tools/programs/apps do you use to write?
I use google docs so that I can easily pull up my fanfic on my phone as well. You never know when the inspiration may strike! I also made a fanfic only google account because let's just say I've had some close embarrassing calls on my personal google account.
⛔️Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
Ohhh I have so many. The one I think about most often is one for Hamilton which was like 10k.
I have started a ton of mclennon ones that will probably be scrapped? I just went through and looked and there's one random one I started in January. Not sure where this was even going but:
  Paul gave himself one final look in the mirror—not a single hair of his quiff out of place, he didn’t spend nearly 20 minutes on it for nothing. Giving himself a shrug he lifted his guitar case and opened the door to his bedroom slowly. Last he had seen his dad, he was sleeping quietly and contently in the worn armchair in the living room. Paul trusted his luck and stepped into the hallway, stepping carefully in the spots he knew to be less likely to squeak, revealing his escape. The stairs had ratted him on many a late night adventure, so he continued taking his time to soften each creak of the stairwell. 
🤲Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
I'll post a couple more! This is a fic I was going to scrap but you convinced me not to! It's a random modern au animal shelter fic!
He followed John into a separate room with multiple rows of deep cages. He stopped at one. 
Paul eyed the tag. “Pyramus and Thisbe? Those are weird names.” 
“Guess the foster parents were Shakespeare fans. Or maybe Greek mythology.” 
John opened the cage and clicked his tongue to call them to the front. 
It was a mistake. 
How could anyone resist puppies and kittens?
Paul’s eyes widened. They were the cutest things he had ever seen. Both a mix of greyish colors, he reached forward to pull the slightly darker one towards him. 
It mewed at him with the most high pitched meow he had ever heard. He now greatly understood cute aggression. This kitty was so cute he just wanted to squeeze it. 
And here's part of the next chapter of the modern au:
His mind felt numb. He could hear everything happening but it was like his body couldn’t process it. 
Brian had come in and woken them up to show them the news and he hadn’t said a word. Brian asked him questions, but Paul heard none of this. His mind was a fog of panic, his hands shaking. 
His therapist's face floated into his mind’s eye. 
“Paul. You have to let yourself feel things. You can’t push down every single emotion. It’s not healthy. Eventually those emotions will have to be felt. Let yourself feel them.” 
He didn’t want to feel this. This felt awful. How could this happen?
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theeliampayne · 2 months
follow forever list?
there are so many, so if I miss anyone, I'm sorry! But here:
@enchantedlandcoffee @hl-obsessed @imprintmoonstone @itsnotreal @keeganisabluegreener
@zaynmaliksmiddlefinger @cantchangemypast @savebylou @bloodonthedrums @larry-hiatus
@orangerainforest @alloutime @forwhatiam @srldesigns6277 @cc-horan28
@theydopissmeoffavocados @dumbcloud @freyaforestafay @zqua1d @beardyboyzx
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charleslelurk · 1 day
I was tagged by @toppamplemousse, thank you!!
Last song: changing of the season by two door cinema club
Favorite color: green
Currently watching: i… literally haven’t turned on a streaming show in so long between f1 and the YouTube shows I watch… so I guess like H3 and The Try Guys?
Sweet/spicy/savory: sweet, I have a terrible fruit flavored candy addiction. Also love sour candy
Relationship status: like so single
Current obsession: F1, writing F1 rpf, watching F1 races. I am living and breathing it
Last thing you googled: a store in Chicago, nothing exciting
I’m going to tag @dumbcloud, @aruccchin, @svncourt, and @luella-01 :)
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fkajohnlennon · 2 months
I was tagged by @faulmccartney! 😌🫶 thank you so much!!
I think mostly everyone has been tagged, but five people I want to get to know better: @goldslick @dumbcloud @adriennefrombrooklyn @gangstersgish and @forthlin 💞
Three ships: oh Mclennon, of course! My other top two ships on my AO3 are Hannigram and Spiderman and…well, most men
First ship: omg, dating myself here but my first real fandom ship I got into was L/Light from Death Note in 2007
Last song: Goodbye Yellow Brick Road by Elton :3
Last TV show: I’m currently watching the 1960s Batman show! It’s actually wonderful, I love it so much. It’s silly but so entertaining.
Currently watching: as above!
Currently reading: I have @javelinbk‘s fic Heart of Glass pulled up and ready to read tonight!
Currently eating: I just finished having some tomato soup 🥫
Currently craving: mmmmm more soup 🥣
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tenderlady · 2 months
Thanks to @goldslick @pauls1967moustache and @dumbcloud for tagging <3 the challenge is to make yourself looking as accurate as possible using this picrew i always feel like such a boomer on picrew but this was super fun and i hate actual photos of myself on the internet lol
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gonna tag @deadtypewriter @backbenttulips @fkajohnlennon @crowthis @pawn-into-a-queen and @raylangivins i haven't been keeping up with who's gotten tagged in this so feel free to disregard lol
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bilbao-song · 2 years
end of year asks 9 & 15! :)
thank youuuu
9. Best month for you this year? i'm tempted to say october because it was a pretty exciting month, although it technically didn't end very well lmao :') but aside from that maybe february? my birthday is in february and i had a really fun birthday this year! otherwise, it was kind of a monotonous year for me so it's hard to choose!
15. What’s a bad habit you picked up this year? clenching my teeth too much :( i have always done that, but it's been a frustrating year in some ways, sooooooo it's gotten worse
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